metric sign

Metric Measurements
(as seen on postal items)

metric sign

Below is a checklist of Metric measurements (consisting of numbers and their associated metric units) on postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.). Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the items featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the author using the e-mail address at the bottom of this page.

This list does not include postal items specifically about the metric system (SI), many of which show specific metric units.

This list does not include cachets on (non-FDC) covers, as there are way too many of these types of items with metric measurement units on them.

Metric Measurements (as seen on postal items)See also these links for additional items not in the table below
Lengthnanometer (nm), millimeter (mm), centimeter (cm), meter (m), and kilometer (km)
millimeter (mm), centimeter (cm) and decimeter (dm)
(All items are found on other pages)
Water-depth gauges section of Precipitation (Rain and Snow) Gauges
Massgram (g), kilogram (kg), and metric ton or tonne (t)
Temperaturedegree Celsius (°C) and kelvin (K)
(All items are found on other pages)
Temperature values and/or units section of Thermometers, Temperatures, and Temperature Units
Also Weather Maps
Pressurehectopascal (hPa) and millimeter of mercury (mm Hg)
(Atmospheric-related items are found on other pages)
Atmospheric pressure and pressure units section of Barometers, Atmospheric Pressure, and Pressure Units
Also Weather Maps
Powerwatt (W), kilowatt (kW), and megawatt (MW)
Energykilowatt-hour (kWh)
Timesecond (s)
Frequencykilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz), and gigahertz (GHz)
Areahectare (ha), square meter (m2), and square kilometer (km2)
Volumeliter (L or l)
Velocity/Speedkilometer per hour (km/h)Wind measurements section of Anemometers, Windsocks, Wind Vanes, Wind Measurements, and Wind Towers
Other SI/metric unitsohms, volts, and others

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Metric measurements
Length: nanometer (nm), millimeter (mm), centimeter (cm), meter (m) and kilometer (km)
Algeria1590 (Mi1725)2013"110 m", on automobile dash-mounted GPS receiver/display
Algeria1590 fdc1Stamp and (Algérie Poste) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Algeria1590 fdc2Stamp on FDC (multi-color printed cachet, different)
Andorra (French)747 (Mi790)2015"2942.6 m" elevation: Pic del Comapedrosa
Argentina2447 (Mi3144-3154)In (upper and lower) margins of MS11 (a-k); (the MS11 is found in this booklet and this folder)2007various "mm" (rainfall), "m" and "km" (elevations and distances): Route 40 tourism
Argentina2447a+e fdcIn (upper and lower) margins of partial MS11 and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2447b+i-k fdcIn (upper and lower) margins of partial MS11 and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2447c-d fdcIn (upper and lower) margins of partial MS11 and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2447f-h fdcIn (upper and lower) margins of partial MS11 and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2520b (Mi3253)One of MS2 (2520 (a-b)) (BL105, Mi3252-3253)2009"0-10 km" map scale: Landsat image
Argentina2520 fdcMS2 on FDC
Argentina2627 (BL127, Mi3425-3428), also folder outside (front and back), and outside and insideIn (surrounding) margins of MS4 (2627 (a-d))2011numerous meter measurements (in "m" or "metros"); "1187" and "4220" (m above sea level) elevations: train route map, bridge, and elevation signs
Argentina2627a-b fdcLeft half of MS4 (2627a-b) on FDC
Argentina2627c-d fdcRight half of MS4 (2627c-d) on FDC
Austria739 (Mi1174)1964"m" band, shortwave radio
Austria739 fdcStamp on FDC
Austria1359 (Mi1857)1986"3106 m" elevation: Sonnblick
Austria1359 blackBlackprint
Austria1359 cardBlackprint card
Austria1359 maxi1Maxicard
Austria1359 maxi2Maxicard, also back
Austria1359 fdc1Stamp and (Austria) cachet on FDC
Austria1359 fdc2Stamp on FDC (Austria Post cachet)
Austria1359 fdc3Stamp on FDC (Styria cachet)
Austria1359 fdc4Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
Austria1359 fdc5Stamp on FDC (? cachet, design like stamp)
Austria1359 fdc6Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
Austria1359 fdc7Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
AustriaB407 (BL119)Stamp and label2020various meter distances (black and red printed on toilet paper)
AustraliaNonePrinted stamp on aerogramme (A70)31985"150 km" distance: traffic sign, kangaroo
AustraliaNonePrinted stamp (same) on aerogramme (A71)3
AustraliaNonePrinted stamp (same) on aerogramme (A72)3
AustraliaNonePrinted stamp (same) on aerogramme (A73)3
Bhutan1591a (Mi3085)From MS8 (1591 (a-h)) (Mi3085-3092)2017"6714 m" elevation: Jichudrake
Bhutan1591b (Mi3086)"7094 m" elevation: Gangchen Singye
Bhutan1591c (Mi3087)"6784 m" elevation: Gangchen Taag
Bhutan1591d (Mi3088)"5330 m" elevation: Chundugang
Bhutan1591e (Mi3089)"7326 m" elevation: Jumolhari
Bhutan1591f (Mi3090)"7194 m" elevation: Masagang
Bhutan1591g (Mi3091)"4250 m" elevation: Tsherimgang
Bhutan1591h (Mi3092)"7207 m" elevation: Tarigang
Bhutan1592 (BL586, Mi3093)SS1"7570 m" elevation: Gangkhar Puenseum; "7000 m" and 7570 m" elevations (in lower margin)
Bhutan1592 fdcSS1 on FDC
Brazil3397d (Mi4594)One of MS4 (3397 (a-d)) (BL193, Mi4591-4594)2018"metros" (meters): various AM and shortwave radio wavelengths
Bulgaria301 (Mi304)1936"2925 m" elevation: Mt. Musala
Bulgaria1622 (Mi1750)1967"1604 m" elevation: Mt. Bogdan
Bulgaria1623 (Mi1751)"2290 m" elevation: Mt. Cherni Vrah
Bulgaria1624 (Mi1752)"2251 m" elevation: Mt. Ruen
Bulgaria1625 (Mi1753)"2091 m" elevation: Mt. Persenk
Bulgaria1626 (Mi1754)"2376 m" elevation: Mt. Botev
Bulgaria1627 (Mi1755)"2925 m" elevation: Mt. Musala
Bulgaria1628 (Mi1756)"2914 m" elevation: Mt. Vihren
Bulgaria1622-1623+1625+1628 fdcFour stamps on FDC(As above for stamsps)
Bulgaria1624+1626-1627 fdcThree stamps on FDC
Cambodia711 (Mi789)1986"km" distances: for cometary images obtained by Vega-1
Canada1063 (Mi972)From block of 4 (1066a (1063-1066))1985"21.3 m" height: lighthouse, Sisters Islets
Canada1064 (Mi973)"22.6 m" height: lighthouse, Pelee Passage
Canada1065 (Mi974)"25.3 m" height: lighthouse, Haut-fond Prince
Canada1066 (Mi975)"15.2 m" height: lighthouse, Rose Blanche
Canada1066a fdc1Block of 4 stamps on FDC (Canada Post cachet), also back(As above for stamps)
Canada1066a fdc2Block of 4 stamps on FDC (Fleetwood cachet), also back
Canada1066b (BL4)MS4 (1063-1066)
Canada1831b (Mi1821)One of MS4 (1831 (a-d)) (BL49, Mi1820-1823)2000"100 m" map scale: dam
Canada1831 fdcMS4 on FDC, also back
Canada1960a (Mi2074)From MS8 (1960 (a-h)) (Mi2074-2081)2002"5959 m" elevation: Mt. Logan, Canada
Canada1960b (Mi2075)"5633 m" elevation: Mt. Elbrus, Russia
Canada1960c (Mi2076)"4884 m" elevation: Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Canada1960d (Mi2077)"8850 m" elevation: Mt. Everest, Nepal/China
Canada1960e (Mi2078)"5984 m" elevation: Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Canada1960f (Mi2079)"4897 m" elevation: Vinson Massif, Antarctica
Canada1960g (Mi2080)"6962 m" elevation: Mt. Aconcagua, Argentina
Canada1960h (Mi2081)"6194 m" elevation: Mt. McKinley, Alaska
Chad312 (Mi732)Blue overprint1976"90 metres", ski jump distance
Chad312 goldGold overprint
Chad312 dsDeluxe sheet (312)
Chad312 fdcStamp on FDC
ChadC179 (Mi734)Blue overprint"1,500 metres", skating distance
ChadC179 goldGold overprint
ChadC179 dsDeluxe sheet (C179)
Chile572 (Mi933)1980"8035 m" elevation: Mt. Gasherbrum-II
Congo (Democratic Republic)Unknown ss (BL none)SS12006various "km" and "kilometre" altitudes
Congo (Democratic Republic)Unknown ss fdcSS1 on FDC
Congo (Democratic Republic)Unknown ss (BL none)SS1 (different)
China (People's Republic)4276 (Mi4678)2015"cm": ruler (with mm divisions): World Metrology Day
China (People's Republic)4276 fdc1Stamp on FDC (brown printed cachet)
China (People's Republic)4276 fdc2Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Comoro Islands737a (BL326A)
i737a (BL326B)
In (upper-right) margin of SS1 (737)
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (i737)
1990"10 MS" (should be "m": telescope mirror diameter
Congo (People's Republic, Brazzaville)899 (Mi1240)1991"7371 km" distance: Trans-Siberian Railroad
Congo (People's Republic, Brazzaville)900 (Mi1241)
Costa Rica719a (BL116, Mi1897)In (upper) margin of MS2 (2x 719)2020"24 kilómetros" distance from city of Turrialba: El Parque Nacional Volcán Turrialba
Czechoslovakia837 (Mi1056)1957"2638 m" elevation: High Tatra
Czechoslovakia837 maxiMaxicard
Czechoslovakia836-838 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Denmark559 (Mi574)1974"mm" markings on ruler: 2 sides of plastic compass housing
Denmark875 (Mi955)1989numerous m (meter) depths (implied units): water soundings
Denmark1022 (Mi1096)1995"1 km" map scales: Danish islands
Denmark1023 (Mi1097)
Denmark1024 (Mi1098)
Denmark1025 (Mi1099)
Denmark1284 (Mi1377)2004numerous m (meter) depths (implied units): water soundings
DjiboutiUnknown ss (BL?)SS12024"3794 mètres" elevation, "Le mont Erebus"
Dominica2387 (Mi3355-3360)In (left) margin of MS6 (2387 (a-f))2002various "m" heights: 6 lighthouses
Ecuador748A (Mi1191)1966"35,900 km" altitude: geostationary orbit
Faroe Islands161 (Mi154)1987"2 km" map scale: island
Finland1197 (BL31, Mi1670-1674)In (upper) margin of MS5 (a-e)2003various "m" heights: 5 lighthouses
FranceNone(Text) meter on cover1951"300 mètres" height: Eiffel Tower
France3786 (Mi4826_I)From booklet pane of 12 (3793a (3782-3793)) (Mi4824_I-4835_I)2010"5 m" level: "inondation" (flood)
France3786 maxiMaxicard
FranceUnknown scSouvenir card2022"48 m", "54 m", and "kilomètres"
French Polynesia783 (Mi824)2000"2000 m", "2066 m", and "2241 m" elevations: Mt. Aroai and Mt. Orohena
French Polynesia784 (Mi825)
French Polynesia784 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC122 (Mi292)

1992"10 cm" altitude precision
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC122 fdcStamp on FDC
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC122 maxi1Maxicard(Alfred Faure, Crozet cancel)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC122 maxi2Maxicard (Martin de Vivies, St. Paul cancel)
French Southern and Antarctic Territories335 (Mi541)2004"1100 km", "1200 km", and "2700 km" distances: flight tracks
French Southern and Antarctic Territories340 (BL12, Mi554)In (left and upper) margins of SS12004numerous m (meter) depths (implied units): water soundings
French Southern and Antarctic Territories468c (Mi784)One of strip of 5 (468 (a-e + 5 labels)) (Mi782-786), or five of MS25 (468f (5x 468 (a-e + 5 labels)))2012"23,222 km altitude" (in French text)
French Southern and Antarctic Territories627b (Mi1065)One of strip of 2 (627 (a-b)) (Mi1064-1065)2020"16,515 km" distance: to Paris
Gambia2659 (Mi4793-4798)In (left) margin of MS6 (2659 (a-f))2002various "m" heights: 6 lighthouses
Germany3226 fdc (Mi3616 fdc)(Berlin blue pictorial) cancel and on FDC2016"17202.1" km (implied units): automobile odometer reading
Germany3226 card (Mi3616 card)(Berlin blue pictorial) cancel and (Bonn blue pictorial) cancel and (Deutsch Post) cachet on FDC card
Ghana2909b (Mi4746)From MS4 (2909 (a-d)) (Mi4745-4748)2016"325,000 km" flyby
Ghana2909d (Mi4748)"127,000 km" flyby
Ghana2909b proofFrom MS4 (2909 signed-proof (a-d))"325,000 km" flyby
Ghana2909d proof"127,000 km" flyby
Ghana2909a-d+2910 fdcTwo of four stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Ghana2909 fdcMS4 on FDC
Gibraltar841a (Mi914)One of MS16 (841 (a-p))2000"3000 metre" waterfall: 5 million BC
Great Britain1968 (Mi1929)2001"depth in metres"
Great Britain1968 card(Royal Mail) PHQ card back, also front
Great Britain2754a (Mi2889-2890+2x 2895)In (lower-left) margin of booklet pane of 4 (2748-2749+2x 2754), BK192 (MH193), from 2756a presentation pack2010"27 km" distance/length: "100 m" depth/underground: Large Hadron Collider at CERN
Great Britain3115 (Mi3368)From presentation pack (3113-3118) (Mi3366-3371)2012"35 km" wide: impact crater photographed by Mars Express
Great Britain3113-3118 fdc1One of six stamps on FDC (Tallents House, Edinburgh cancel, Royal Mail cachet)
Great Britain3113-3118 fdc2One of six stamps on FDC (Star Gaerwen, Gwynedd cancel, Royal Mail cachet)
Great Britain3113-3118 fdc3One of six stamps on FDC (Sunbeam Way, Birmingham cancel, Royal Mail cachet)
Great Britain3113-3118 fdc4One of six stamps on FDC (Picadilly, London cancel, Royal Mail cachet)
Great Britain3113-3118 fdc5One of six stamps on FDC (Macclesfield, Cheshire cancel, Cotswold Covers/BPCPA cachet)
Greenland613 (Mi608)2012"meter" elevations (on map of Denmark covered with ice): "km" distance (on SS1)
Greenland613a (BL58)SS1 (613)
Greenland613a fdcSS1 and (green and gold printed) cachet on FDC
Grenada2550-2553 (Mi3185-3188)Set of 4 stamps1996185 - 500 "meters": bottom half of circular AM radio dial
Grenada2550-2553 fdcFour stamps on FDC (Grenada Post cachet)
Grenada2554 (BL425)In (lower) margin of SS1
Grenada2554 fdcSS1 on FDC (Grenada Post cachet)
Grenada3275 (Mi5007-5012)In (left) margin of MS6 (3275 (a-f))2002various "m" heights: 6 lighthouses
Grenada Carriacou2419 (Mi3831-3836)In (left) margin of MS6 (2419 (a-f))2002various "m" heights: 6 lighthouses
Guinea RepublicBL1472In (upper) margin of SS12007"84 kilomètres" and "192 kilomètres" distances
Guinea RepublicBL1713In (upper-left) margin of SS12009"250 km" altitude and "750 km" distance
Isle of Man (Great Britain)2078 (Mi2556)From MS11 (2080b (2073-2080+1312b+1315a+1317a) (Mi2551-2558+Mi1527II+Mi1530II+Mi1532II)2020"438.2 km" altitude: SkyLab
Isle of Man (Great Britain)2079 (Mi2557)"246.8 km" altitude: SkyLab
Isle of Man (Great Britain)2080 (Mi2558)"390.0 km" altitude: SkyLab
Italy1942 (Mi2289)1993"4559 m" elevation: observatory
ItalyNonePhonecard?"cm 76" height: mercury barometer
Korea (North)4855 (BL724)On stamp of SS12009"490 km x 1426 km" perigee and apogee heights: intended orbit for [failed] KMS-2 satellite
Korea (North)4855 proofImperforate MS2 proof of 4855 stamp
Korea (North)5147 (BL857)
Imperforate SS1
2012"495.7 km" and 584.1 km" perigee and apogee heights: orbit for KMS-3-2
Korea (North)Unknown ss (BL908)In (right) margin of SS12016"494.6 km" and "500 km" perigee and apogee heights: orbit for KMS-4
Kyrgyzstan153 (Mi219)2000"7010 m" elevation: Khan-Tengri
Kyrgyzstan154 (Mi220)"7439 m" elevation: Victory Peak
Kyrgyzstan155 (Mi221)"7134 m" elevation: Lenin Peak
Kyrgyzstan155a (BL23)MS3 (153-154 + label)various "m" elevations: mountains (as above for stamps)
Kyrgyz Express Post133 (Mi148)From MS4 (133b (4x 133 + 2 lab))2020"7439 m" elevation: Jengish Chokusu
Kyrgyz Express Post134 (Mi149)From MS4 (134b (4x 134 + 2 lab))"7134 m" elevation: Lenin Peak
Kyrgyz Express Post135 (Mi150)From MS4 (135b (4x 135 + 2 lab))"7010 m" elevation: Khan Tengri
Kyrgyz Express Post135a (BL41)MS3 (133-135)various "m" elevations: mountains (as above for stamps)
Laos89 (Mi136)1964"1100 km" and "1650 km" distances
Laos89 dsDeluxe sheet (89)
Laos90 (Mi137)
Laos90 dsDeluxe sheet (90)
Laos91 (Mi138)
Laos91 dsDeluxe sheet (91)
Laos89-91 fdcThree stamps on FDC
Laos91a (BL33, Mi136-138)MS3 (89-91)
Malagasy (DR)566 (Mi814A)
i566 (Mi814B)

1976"m" heights and "km" distances: Viking orbiter elevation data
Malagasy (DR)566 ds1Imperforate deluxe sheet (566)
Malagasy (DR)566 ds2Imperforate deluxe sheet (566) on white cardboard
Malagasy (DR)1045b (BL176A)
i1045b (BL176B)
In (upper-left) margin of SS1 (1045)
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1 (i1045)
1992"Futur télescope de 25 mètres soviétique" (future Soviet telescope)
Maldive IslandsMi8897One of MS4 (Mi8894-8897)2019"5,995 kilometers" distance from Moon's surface
Two of MS32 (2x (Mi306A-321A))
Two of imperforate MS32 (2x (Mi306B-321B))
1970"45 km" altitude: Lunar Orbiter
ManamaMi320_ss1SS1 (Mi320)
Mexico1721 (Mi2272)1992centimeter (implied units) height scale
Monaco672 (Mi873)1967numerous m (meter) depths (implied units): water soundings
Mongolia2885 (BL435, Mi4034)SS12018"8848 m" and other elevations: Mr. Everest and other mountains
Montserrat1357c-d (Mi1754-1755)Two stamps from MS4 (1357 (a-d)) (Mi1752-1755)2015"nanometers": wavelengths
NetherlandsB616 (Mi1282)1975"10 km", "25 km", "50 km", "75 km" numbers on target
NetherlandsB616 maxi1Maxicard
NetherlandsB616 maxi2Maxicard (different)
NetherlandsB615-B618 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
NetherlandsB615-B618 scSouvenir card (B615-B618)
Nepal450 (Mi472)1986"7161 m" elevation: Mt. Pumori
Nepal462 (Mi486)1987"6883 m" elevation: Mt. Kanjiroba
Nepal477 (Mi501)1989"6812 m" elevation: Mt. Amadablam
Nepal495 (Mi520)1991"7710 m" elevation: Mt. Kumbhakarna
New Zealand1680a (BL124)In (upper-right) margin of MS4 (1677-1680)2001"km" distances: signpost
New Zealand2176 (Mi2488)2008"km" distances: traffic sign
Nicaragua2300 (Mi4087)In (upper-right) margin of SS11999"48.3 kilómetros" (km) distance: balloon flight
Pakistan550a (Mi550-551)Pair (549-550)1981"7452 m" elevation: Malubiting West (peak)
Pakistan552a (Mi552-553)Pair (551-552)"7406 m" elevation: Mt.Maramosh
Pakistan554a (Mi554-555)Pair (553-554)"7281 m" elevation: K6 (peak)
Pakistan556a (Mi556-557)Pair (555-556)"8611 m" and other elevations: K2 (peak) and others
Pakistan550a-556a fdcFour pairs of stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Pakistan647 (Mi653)1985"7790 m" elevation: Mt. Rakaposhi
Pakistan648 (Mi654)"8125 m" elevation: Mt. Nangaparbat
Pakistan647-648 fdcTwo stamps on FDC, also back(As above for stamps)
Pakistan647-648 folderFolder
PalauKM211$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse2009"2916 m" elevation: Zugspitze
PalauKM212$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"3798 m" elevation: Grossglockner
PalauKM213$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"4478 m" elevation: Matterhorn
PalauKM214$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"2995 m" elevation: Dachstein
PalauKM215$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"4808 m" elevation: Mont Blanc
PalauKM216$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"2713 m" elevation: Watzmann
PalauKM217$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"1893 m" elevation: Otscher
PalauKM218$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"3312 m" elevation: Pizbuin
PalauKM293$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse2010"8848 m" elevation: Mt. Everest
PalauKM294$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"5895 m" elevation: Kilimanjaro
PalauKM295$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"5642 m" elevation: Elbrus
PalauKM296$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"4884 m" elevation: Carstensz Pyramid
PalauKM297$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"6195 m" elevation: Mt. McKinley
PalauKM298$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"6962 m" elevation: Aconcagua
PalauKM299$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"4892 m" elevation: Mt. Vinson
PalauKM300$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"3970 m" elevation: Mt. Eiger
PalauKM301$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"863 m" elevation: Ayers Rock
PalauKM302$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"2628 m" elevation: Alpspitze
PalauKM397$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse2011"8611 m" elevation: K2 (peak)
PalauKM398$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"5199 m" elevation: Mt. Kenya
PalauKM399$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"5959 m" elevation: Mt. Logan
PalauKM400$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"4852 m" elevation: Mt. Tyree
PalauKM401$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"5204 m" elevation: Dykh Tau
PalauKM402$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"6893 m" elevation: Ojos del Salado
PalauKM403$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"4750 m" elevation: Puncak Trikora
PalauKM-unknown$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"3775 m" elevation: Mt. Fuji
PalauKM477$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse2014"4392 m" elevation: Mount Rainier
PalauKM481$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"8126 m" elevation: Nanga Parbat
PalauKM482$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"4274 m" elevation: Finsteraarhorn
PalauKM483$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"8167 m" elevation: Dhaulagiri
PalauKM484$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"4107 m" elevation: Mönch
PalauKM485$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse"8091 m" elevation: Annapurna
These 'Mountains and Flora' coins from Palau continue thru 2016; newer items will be added when their KM-numbers are known
Panama459G (Mi803)
i459G (Mi811)

Imperforate with changed colors
1965"4827" m, elevation of photo from Ranger-7
Panama459Gh (BL32)
i459Gh (BL33)
Imperforate SS1, changed colors
Panama491A (Mi1103a)
i491A (Mi1104a)
459G overprinted in black
i459G overprinted in black, changed colors
1968"4827" m, elevation of photo from Ranger-7
Panama491A_var (Mi1103b)
i491A_var (Mi1104b)
459G overprinted in gold
i459G overprinted in gold, changed colors
Panama491Ab (BL97a)
i491Ab (BL98a)
On stamp of SS1, 459Gh overprinted in black
On stamp of imperforate SS1, i459Gh overprinted in black, changed colors
Panamai491Ab fdcImperforate SS1 on FDC (Panama Dirección General Correos y Telecomunicaciones cachet)
Panamai491Ab_var (BL98b)On stamp of imperforate SS1, i459Gh overprinted in gold, changed colors
Paraguay911 (Mi1503)
i911 (Mi1511)

Imperforate, different color
1966"165 kms" (should be "km") altitude: Gemini
Paraguay912 (Mi1504)
i912 (Mi1512)

Imperforate, different color
"3 mtrs" (should be "m") distance; "296 kms" (should be "km") altitude; 9,120,000 kms (should be "km") distance: Gemini
Paraguay917 (Mi1509)
i917 (Mi1517)

Imperforate, different color
Paraguay918 (Mi1510)
i918 (Mi1518)

Imperforate, different color
"165 kms" (should be "km") altitude: Gemini
Paraguay918a (BL77)
i918a (BL78)
On stamp of SS1 (918)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i918), different color
Paraguay981 (Mi1621)
i981 (Mi1629)

Imperforate, different color
1966"760 kms" (should be "km") altitude: Gemini-10
Paraguay982 (Mi1622)
i982 (Mi1630)

Imperforate, different color
Paraguay978-982 fdcTwo of five stamps on FDC
ParaguayC411 (BL247)In (lower-left) margin of SS11975"40,000 km" distance: Pioneer-11 to reach Jupiter
Poland1010 (Mi1258)1961"700,000 km" distance: traveled by Vostok-2
Poland1009-1010 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Poland1093 (BL28)In (upper) margin of SS11962"2,600,000 km" and "2,000,000 km" distances: traveled by Vostok-1 and Vostok-2
Poland2355 (Mi2647)1979"646 m" height: broadcasting tower
Poland4291 (BL263, Mi4916)In (left) margin of SS12017numerous "m" elevations, mountain summits
Portugal3006 (Mi3305)From MS10 (3006a (10x 3006))2008various "m" heights: lighthouses
Portugal3007 (Mi3307)From MS10 (3007a (10x 3007))
Portugal3008 (Mi3304)From MS10 (3008a (10x 3008))
Portugal3009 (Mi3306)From MS10 (3009a (10x 3009))
Portugal3010 (Mi3301)From MS10 (3010a (10x 3010))
Portugal3011 (Mi3302)From MS10 (3011a (10x 3011))
Portugal3012 (Mi3303)From MS10 (3012a (10x 3012))
Portugal3013 (Mi3300)From MS10 (3013a (10x 3013))
Portugal3014 (Mi3298)From MS10 (3014a (10x 3014))
Portugal3015 (Mi3299)From MS10 (3015a (10x 3015))
RomaniaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1963"30 m", distance between moving cars on road
Romania5157 (Mi6418)From MS8 (5157a (8x 5157 + label))2010"15 m" height: lighthouse
Romania5158 (Mi6419)"17.5 m" height: lighthouse
Romania5159 (Mi6420)"10 m" height: lighthouse
Romania5160 (Mi6421)"43.9 m" height: lighthouse
Romania5161 (Mi6422)"18 m" height: lighthouse
Romania5157+5161 fdcTwo stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Russia (USSR)None(Soviet Ministry of Communications blue and orange and black) cachet on stamped envelope1964106 million km (in Cyrillic text)
Russia (USSR)None(Soviet Ministry of Communications blue and orange and black) cachet on stamped envelope (canceled), and back
Russia (USSR)None(Soviet Ministry of Communications blue and orange and black) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1980kilometers (implied units) automobile odometer
Russia5106 (BL160)SS11982"8848 m" elevation: Mt. Everest
St. Pierre and Miquelon549 (Mi596)Also gutter-pair1990"25 km" foot race
Samoa654 (BL36, Mi570)SS11985"metres" sea depth map with legend
Samoa654 fdcSS1 on FDC
Sierra Leone3722a (Mi7173)One of MS4 (3722 (a-d)) (Mi7173-7176)2016"8848 m": Mt. Everest
Sierra Leone3722 fdcMS4 on FDC
Sierra Leone3742 ss (BL967, Mi7177)In (lower-left) margin of SS1
Sierra Leone3742 fdcSS1 on FDC
Slovenia199 (Mi88)1994"2350 m" elevation: Mt. Ojstrica
Slovenia1133 (BL81, Mi1152)In (left) margin of SS12015various "cm" lengths: tape measure
South Africa815 (Mi830)1991"4260 km" distance: Cape Town to Sanae (Base)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands348 (Mi433-434)Strip of 2 (348 (a-b))2007numerous "m" elevations: topographic maps
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands349 (Mi435-436)Strip of 2 (349 (a-b))
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands465-467 (Mi580-585)On first stamp of each of 3 strips of 2 (465-467 (a-b))2012three "m" elevations: mountains/peaks
Surinam385 (Mi601)1971"80 km" distance: Washington to Baltimore
Surinam386 (Mi602)"2500 km" distance: England to Sweden
Surinam387 (Mi603)"384,400 km" distance: interplanetary TV
Sweden2885a (Mi3414)One of booklet pane of 5 (2885 (a-e)) (Mi3414-3418), also back2022"mm": pallet dimensions
Switzerland697 (Mi1194)1981centimeter markings (implied units): surveyors rod
Switzerland946 (Mi1525)1994"-10,916 m" depth: bathyscaphe Trieste dive in 1960
Switzerland947 (Mi1526)"+16,940 m" altitude: stratospheric balloon FNRS flight in 1932
Switzerland946-947 fdcTwo stamps and (blue and green and black printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
Switzerland946-947 folder(Swiss PTT) FDOI folder outside (front and back), also inside
Switzerland1606 (Mi2443-2444)Strip of 2 stamps with label between2016"57,104 meter" length: Gotthard Base Tunnel
TogoBL1184SS1 (Mi6843)2015"600 kilomètres" altitude: Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
Tristan Da Cunha285 (Mi295)1980"5 km" map scale: Tristan Island
Tristan Da Cunha286 (Mi296)"10 km" map scale: Gough Island
Tristan da Cunha371 (BL17, Mi384)On stamp of SS119850-12 "km" map scale
Tristan da Cunha371 fdcSS1 on FDC
Tristan da Cunha415 (BL20, Mi424)On stamp of SS119870-6 "km" map scale
Tristan da Cunha415 fdc1SS1 on FDC
Tristan da Cunha415 fdc2SS1 on FDC (different)
Tuvalu810 (BL70)In (lower) margin of MS6 (810 (a-f))1999"300 mm" average annual rainfall
United States3409a (Mi3361)From MS6 (3409 (a-f)) (BL55, Mi3361-3366)2000"2.4 m" diameter: optical telescope, Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
United States3409c (Mi3363)"10 m" diameter: twin (optical and infrared) telescopes, Keck Observatory
United States3409f (Mi3366)"305 m" diameter: radio telescope, Aricebo Observatory
United States3409a fdc1Stamp on FDC (Heritage cachet)(As above for stamps)
United States3409a fdc2Stamp on FDC (Heritage cachet, different cancel)
United States3409a fdc3Stamp on FDC (Artopages cachet)
United States3409a fdc4Stamp on FDC (Artmaster cachet)
United States3409a fdc5Stamp on FDC (Colorano silk cachet)
United States3409a fdc6Stamp on FDC (Space Voyage/First Rank cachet)
United States3409a fdc7Stamp on FDC (PCS cachet), and information card
United States3409a fdc8Stamp on FDC (GAMM cachet)
United States3409a fdc9Stamp on FDC (Webcraft add-on cachet)
United States3409a fdc10Stamp on FDC (RRAGS cachet), also back
United States3409a fdc11Stamp on FDC (black printed cachet)
United States3409c+f fdcTwo stamps on FDC (HF cachet)
United States3409 postcard(WSE2000) postcard based on 34092000(As above for stamp)
United StatesNone( personalized postage2016"m" height: storm surge; "km" (but "kt" meant for wind velocities)
Yemen Arab RepublicMi14261971"16.5 m" class, sailboat
Yemen Arab RepublicMi1427"5.5 m" class, sailboat
Yemen Arab RepublicMi1428"16.5 m" class, sailboat
Mass: gram (g) and kilogram (kg)
Albania1360 (Mi1486)1971"173 kg": DFH-1 satellite
Albania1362 (Mi1488)"221 kg": SJ-1 satellite
Australia2893c (Mi3030-3033)In (left) margin of double-sided booklet pane of 8 (2x (2890-2893)) (MH364)2008"20 tonnes": greenhouse gas (1 tonne = 1 metric ton = 1000 kg)
Central African RepublicMi15604Stamp from SS1 (BL3119)2023"26 kg": Chandrayaan-3 Pragyan rover
China (People's Republic)4276 (Mi4678)2015"kg": artifact: World Metrology Day
China (People's Republic)4276 fdc1Stamp on FDC (brown printed cachet)
China (People's Republic)4276 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Denmark466 fdc (Mi492 fdc)(Foghs) cachet on FDC1970"3 tons": red-border circular speed-limit sign
Denmark833 (Mi890)1987"20 g" @ "14/kg": price sticker (error!)4
DjiboutiBL2166SS1 (Mi6706)2023"2.2 tonnes": Galileo spacecraft
GermanyNone(BiberPost, digital-printing) private post2009"3 kg"
GermanyNone(BiberPost, digital-printing) private post"10 kg"
GermanyNone(BiberPost, digital-printing) private post"31.5 kg"
GermanyNone(BiberPost, offset lithography) private post2010"3 kg"
GermanyNone(BiberPost, offset lithography) private post"10 kg"
GermanyNone(BiberPost, offset lithography) private post"31.5 kg"
Great Britain2754a (Mi2889-2890+2x 2895)In (lower-left) margin of booklet pane of 4 (2748-2749+2x 2754), BK192 (MH193), from 2756a presentation pack2010"38,000 tonnes": Large Hadron Collider at CERN (1 tonne = 1 metric ton = 1000 kg)
NicaraguaCB1 (Mi1736)Also back1973"kilogramos" (kg): infant weights
RomaniaC56 (Mi1733)1958"1327 kg": Sputnik-3
RomaniaC56 fdcStamp on FDC
Russia (USSR)2083 (Mi2101)Stamp and label1958"1327 kg": Sputnik-3 (on label)
Sweden2885a (Mi3414)One of booklet pane of 5 (2885 (a-e)) (Mi3414-3418), also back2022"KGS" (incorrect symbol), and "kg": on shipping container and boxes
Pressure: hectopascal (hPa) and millimeter of mercury (mm Hg)
BelgiumB964 (Mi1934)1978"110-250 mm Hg" blood pressures: sphygmomanometer
BelgiumB964 fdcStamp on FDC
Libya730 (Mi643)1978"60-300 mm Hg" blood pressures: sphygmomanometer
Libya731 (Mi644)
Uganda207 (Mi187)1978"0-240 mm Hg" blood pressures: sphygmomanometer
Uganda210a (BL12)On one of MS4 (207-210)
Power: watt (W), kilowatt (kW), and megawatt (MW)
Australia2893c (Mi3030-3033)In (left) margin of double-sided booklet pane of 8 (2x (2890-2893)) (MH364)2008"92 watts": saved
FranceUnknown scSouvenir card2022"1000 kW"
Poland2355 (Mi2647)1979"2 MW": broadcasting station
United StatesNone(Red pictorial) meter1938"1000 watts": radio station power
Energy: kilowatt-hour (kWh)
Australia2893c (Mi3030-3033)In (left) margin of double-sided booklet pane of 8 (2x (2890-2893)) (MH364)2008"807 kWh": saved
Time: second (s)
Canada1063 (Mi972)From block of 4 (1066a (1063-1066))1985"15 s" flash timing, lighthouse, Sisters Islets
Canada1064 (Mi973)"4 s" flash timing, lighthouse, Pelee Passage
Canada1065 (Mi974)"2 1/2 s" flash timing, lighthouse, Haut-fond Prince
Canada1066 (Mi975)"10 s" flash timing, lighthouse, Rose Blanche
Canada1066a fdc1Block of 4 stamps on FDC (Canada Post cachet), also back(As above for stamps)
Canada1066a fdc2Block of 4 stamps on FDC (Fleetwood cachet), also back
Canada1066b (BL4)MS4 (1063-1066)
Estonia541 (Mi552)20063.19 "s": isophase timing, lighthouse
Estonia542 (Mi553)6.23 "s": isophase timing, lighthouse
Estonia541-542 maxiTwo stamps on maxicard(As above for stamps)
Sierra LeoneMi16631-16634_ms4In (lower-right) margin of MS4 (a-d)2023"s" (among units on graph)
Sierra LeoneBL2867In (lower-left) margin of SS1 (Mi16635)
Frequency: kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz), and gigahertz (GHz)
Austria739 (Mi1174)1964"MHz" radio frequencies
Austria739 fdcStamp on FDC
Brazil3397d (Mi4594)One of MS4 (3397 (a-d)) (BL193, Mi4591-4594)2018various AM and shortwave radio frequencies ("KC"1 (kilohertz) and "MC"1 (megahertz), respectively)
British Virgin Islands557 (BL32, Mi572-573)In (lower) margin of MS2 (557 (a-b), like 551-552)1986"GHZ" (should be "GHz"): Eastern Caribbean microwave system
British Virgin Islands558 (BL33, Mi574-575)In (lower) margin of MS2 (558 (a-b), like 553-554)
Canada3244-3245 fdc (Mi3819-3820 fdc)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC2020"54" to "160 kHz x10", AM radio dial frequencies
Comoro Islands47 (Mi41)1960"3331-7260 kcs"1 (kilohertz), shortwave radio frequencies
Gambia3477b (Mi6506)From MS4 (3477 (a-d)) (Mi6505-6508)2013"101" MHz (implied units): FM radio frequency
Gambia3477c (Mi6507)"508" kHz (implied units): AM radio frequency
Germany (West)1295 (Mi1015)1979(likely) "[xx.]70" and [xx.]80" MHz, amateur radio frequencies
Grenada2550-2553 (Mi3185-3188)Set of 4 stamps199653 -165 "kilocycles" (actually kHz/10): top half of circular AM radio dial
Grenada2550-2553 fdcFour stamps on FDC (Grenada Post cachet)
Grenada2554 (BL425)In (lower) margin of SS1
Grenada2554 fdcSS1 on FDC (Grenada Post cachet)
Ireland974 (Mi904)One of pair (974a (973-974)) (Mi903-904), or ten of MS20 (974b (10x (973-974)))1995"102.7 MHz": FM radio frequency
Ireland974a fdcOne of pair of stamps and (orange and grey printed) cachet on FDC
JapanNonePostal card1982"76.4 MHz, 80.4 MHz": broadcasting frequencies
Korea (North)4855 (BL724)In (lower) margin of SS12009"470 MHz": related to KMS-2 satellite
Pabay Island (Scotland)Local2003"5 MHz": amateur radio
Paraguay2917+label (Mi5109+label)Personalized postage and label2011"680" kHz (implied units): broadcasting frequency
Poland2355 (Mi2647)1979"227 kHz": broadcasting frequency
PolandNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on postal card1996"225 kHz": broadcasting frequency
PolandNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on postal card2002"225 kHz": broadcasting frequency
PolandNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on postal card2003"225 kHz": broadcasting frequency
RomaniaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1999"558 kHz": broadcasting frequency
United StatesNone(Red pictorial) meter1938"680 kc"1 (kilohertz): AM radio frequency
United StatesNone(Pictorial) cancel1977"100.1 mhz" (should be "MHz") and "6012 khz" (should be "kHz"): radio frequencies
Area: hectare (ha), square meter (m2), and square kilometer (km2)
Argentina2274 (Mi2879-2880)Pair (2274 (a-b)), from MS20 (2274a (10x (2274 (a-b))))2004"millions of hectares": native forest area
Argentina2274 fdcPair of stamps on FDC
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card2002"Ozone hole has been as large as 24 million sq km" area (translated from the Chinese2)
Hungary2450 (Mi3170)1976"millionth hectare": reforestation area
Netherlands1171 (Mi2205-2214)In (surrounding) margin of MS10 (1171 (a-j)), for example2004"km2" areas: new European Union countries
Norway1570 (BL37)MS2 (1570 (a-b))2009"6 million square kilometers" and "2 million square kilometers": sea ice coverage area
Sierra LeoneMi16631-16634_ms4In (lower-right) margin of MS4 (a-d)2023"m2", "m-2", and "km-2" (among units on graph)
Sierra LeoneBL2867In (lower-left) margin of SS1 (Mi16635)
Volume: liter (L) or (l)
Argentina2533 (BL108)In (central) margin of MS2 (2533 (a-b))2009seven (7) occurrences of "litros" (liters): water usage
Australia2893c (Mi3030-3033)In (left) margin of double-sided booklet pane of 8 (2x (2890-2893)) (MH364)2008"4.5/3 litre" dual-flush, and "35,000 litres": saved
China (People's Republic)4278 (Mi4678)2015"mL": flask: World Metrology Day
China (People's Republic)4276 fdc1Stamp on FDC (brown printed cachet)
China (People's Republic)4276 fdc2Stamp on FDC (multi-color printed cachet)
FinlandMi2856 (Sc?)One of MS10 (Mi2854-2863)2023"50 ltr" (liters) and "20 ltr" (liters): ration stamps
Velocity/Speed: kilometer per hour (km/h)
Argentina1331 (Mi1544)1981"80" km/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign
Argentina1331 fdc1Stamp on FDC (Círculo Filatélico de Liniers black cachet)
Argentina1331 fdc2Stamp on FDC (Círculo Filatélico de Liniers multi-color cachet)
Argentina2627 (BL127, Mi3425-3428), also folder outside (front and back), and outside and insideIn (lower-right) margin of MS4 (2627 (a-d))2011"35 km/h": train velocity
Argentina2627a-b fdcLeft half of MS4 (2627a-b) on FDC
Argentina2627c-d fdcRight half of MS4 (2627c-d) on FDC
ChadMi5185One of MS4 (Mi5184-5187)2021"50" km/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2005"40" km/h (implied units) speed-limit sign
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back, also front2009"30" (km/h, in Chinese?) speed-limit sign at exit
China (People's Republic)4276 (Mi4678)2015"km/h": speedometer: World Metrology Day
China (People's Republic)4276 fdc1Stamp and (brown printed) cachet on FDC
China (People's Republic)4276 fdc2Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Congo (Democratic Republic)Unknown ss (BL?)SS12006"6615 km/h": orbiting velocity
Cuba5330 (Mi5620)2012"40 km/h" red-border circular speed-limit sign
Cuba5329-5330 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
CzechoslovakiaNoneMatchbox cover~1970s"30 km"/h (implied units) red-border circular speed-limit sign
Denmark466 fdc (Mi492 fdc)(Foghs) cachet on FDC1970"40 km"/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign
FinlandMi2856 (Sc?)One of MS10 (Mi2854-2863)2023"80" km/h (implied units) speed limit
Germany (East)1682 (Mi2082)1975"60" km/h (implied units): speed-limit sign
Germany (East)1678-1682 fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Germany3226 fdc (Mi3616 fdc)(Berlin blue pictorial) cancel and on FDC2016"0-110" km/h (implied units): automobile speedometer
Germany3226 card (Mi3616 card)(Deutsch Post) cachet on FDC card
Greece1567 (Mi1629)1986"50, 80, 100" km/h (implied units): speed-limit signs
Greece1565-1567 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Guinea-BissauUnknown ss (BL?)SS12023"48 km/s" descent velocity of Galileo probe towards Jupiter
Japan2917c (Mi3781)One of strip of 2 (2917 (a-e)), or two of MS10 (2917f (2917 (a-e)) (Mi3779-3783)2005"256 km/h" record speed: bullet train (Shinkansen)
Japan2918One of MS10 (2917b-e + 2x (2918a-c))
Kenya122 (Mi120)1978"50" km/h (implied units): speed-limit sign
Korea (North)2638 (Mi2821)1987"10, 20, 60" km/h (implied units): speed-limit signs
Korea (North)2638 specimen2638 overprinted "specimen"
Korea (North)2638 proofDeluxe sheet (2638), proof
Malaysia1263 (Mi1674C)From strip of 5 (1264b (1260-1264)), or from booklet pane of 10 (1264a (2x (1260-1264))) (Mi1671C-1675C), with booklet front2009"km/J" on analog dial (actually km/h, since J stands for "jam", the Malaysian word for hour)
Malaysia1264b fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Maldive Islands3803c (Mi6713)One of MS4 (3803 (a-d)) (Mi6711-6714)2016"265,000 km/h", "fastest man-made object relative to Earth"
Mexico2657 (Mi3537)2009"60 km"/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign
Mozambique2141 (BL391, Mi4199)On stamp of SS12010"320" km/h (but given as "kmh") record speed: Shinkansen (bullet train)
New Caledonia456 (Mi651)1980"30" km/h (implied units): speed-limit sign
New Zealand2737e (Mi3476)One of MS14 (2737 (a-n)) (Mi3472-3485)2017"100" km/h (implied units) red-border circular speed-limit sign
Niger731 (Mi984)1986"80" km/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign
Niger732 (Mi985)"60" km/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign; also "km/h": automobile speedometer (within triangular sign)
Paraguay911 (Mi1503)
i911 (Mi1511)

Imperforate, different color
1966"28,000 km/h" velocity
Paraguay912 (Mi1504)
i912 (Mi1512)

Imperforate, different color
"28,000 kms/hora" (should be "km/h") velocity
Paraguay917 (Mi1509)
i917 (Mi1517)

Imperforate, different color
Paraguay918 (Mi1510)
i918 (Mi1518)

Imperforate, different color
"28,000 km/h" velocity
Paraguay918a (BL77)
i918a (BL78)
On stamp of SS1 (918)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i918), different color
Portugal1113 (Mi1146)See detail1971"km/h" velocity, anemometer wind trace (It is not clear whether the "150" is the wind velocity, or if it is an unrelated number associated with the upper graph)
Portugal1113 fdcStamp on FDC
Romania3499 (Mi4415)1987"0-100" km/h (implied units): automobile speedometer
RomaniaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope2000"50" km/h (implied units): speed-limit sign
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1980"20" to "120" km/h automobile speedometer
Spain3827 (Mi4669)2012various km/h (implied units): automobile speedometer (on stamp and pictorial cancel and 3827_fdc cachet); "80" km/h (implied units); speed-limit sign (in cachet)
Spain3826 fdc(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (Spanish Post/S.F.C.- 2012 cachet)
Spain3827 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Spanish Post/S.F.C.- 2012) cachet on FDC
Spain3828 fdc(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (Spanish Post/S.F.C.- 2012 cachet)
Tunisia1555 (Mi1811)2013"90" km/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign
Tunisia1555 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (La Poste Tunisienne) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Turkey2370 (Mi2768)1987"70" km/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus285 (Mi287)1990"30" km/h (implied units): red-border circular speed-limit sign
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus284-286 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
United StatesNone( personalized postage2016"km/h": wind velocity table
Uruguay2397 (Mi3262)From strip of 5 (2397b (5x 2397))1989"45 km/h": speed-limit sign
Uruguay2397aMS25 (3x2397b + 2x2396b)
Other SI/metric units: ohms, volts, and others
AntarcticaP6$100. (banknote), also back1996"molecules/cm3" (on the ordinate in the graph at the upper right)
AntarcticaP13$100. (banknote), also back2001"molecules/cm3" (on the ordinate in the graph at the upper right)
AntarcticaP13s$100. (banknote) overprinted "specimen", also back2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serb Admin.)283 (BL16)SS12006T = Wb/m2 [Tesla = Weber per meter squared]
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serb Admin.)283 fdc, also backSS1 on FDC (Poste Srpske cachet)
Brazil3397c (Mi4593)One of MS4 (3397 (a-d)) (BL193, Mi4591-4594)2018various labels on circuit components ("K" (kilohms), "M" (megohms), "V" (volts), other labels are likely nonsense)
Sierra LeoneMi16631-16634_ms4In (lower-right) margin of MS4 (a-d)2023"sr" [steradian] (among units on graph)
Sierra LeoneBL2867In (lower-left) margin of SS1 (Mi16635)

1"kc" and "kcs" (kilocycles (per second)) as well as "MC" (megacycles) are old metric terms for SI (modern metric system) "kHz" (kilohertz) and "MHz" (megahertz).
2Instead of the international symbol "km" (kilometer), the Chinese use the following characters .
3Australian Stamp Catalog (ASC) number
4On Denmark 833, if the price for 20 g is 2.80 kroner, then the price per kilogram should be 140.00 kroner. The error is likely that the 2.80 kroner price should be for 200 g!

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-02-11