

This page contains philatelic information on the Vega series spacecraft. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Vega (VEnera GAllei) was a combined mission to Venus, where the flyby bus released a lander, then the probes made a flyby at comet 1P/Halley.

Many of the items in the list below were issued for Halley's Comet. Although a list of Halley's Comet items is not provided, a number of those items include images of Edmund Halley (1656 - 1742).

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Vega (on other than Vega launch covers)

Below is a list of Vega-series satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Vega (Russia/USSR)
AbkhaziaMi124AFrom MS12 (12x Mi124A + 4 labels)1996
AbkhaziaMi124A fdcStamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
AbkhaziaMi124B dsDeluxe sheet (Mi124B)
AbkhaziaMi124B_ds fdcDeluxe sheet and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
AbkhaziaMi344One of MS8 (Mi338-345 + label)1999
AustriaNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1984Vega (in Halley flyby configuration)
Austria1219 cover (Mi1715 cover)(Pictorial) cancel on cover1984Vega (in Halley flyby configuration)
Great Britain
1219 cover
1133-1136 fdc
(Pictorial) cancel on cover/FDC1986"Vega" instrument
Bolivia690 (BL146)In (lower-left) margin of imperforate SS11985"Vega"
Bulgaria3153 (BL162)In (upper-right) margin of MS4 (3153 (a-d))1986
Bulgaria3153 fdcMS4 on FDC
Bulgaria3295a purple (Mi3613a)One of MS2 (3295 purple (a-b)) with purple margins (BL174_IA)1987"Vega"
Bulgaria3295 purple fdcMS2 with purple margins on FDC
Bulgaria3295a (Mi3613b)One of MS2 (3295 (a-b)) with purple-black margins and corrected text (BL174_IIA)
Cambodia710 (Mi788)1986"Vega"
Cambodia711 (Mi789)"Vega 1" (in Cyrillic text); also images of Halley's Comet obtained by Vega-1; (see also Germany (East) cinderella i 1988)
Cambodia712 (BL148)On stamp of SS1
Central African RepublicC279_stamp (Mi867A)
iC279_stamp (Mi867B)

Central African RepublicC279 (BL201A, Mi867A)
iC279 (BL201B, Mi867B)
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of imperforate SS1
Central African Republic660 (Mi1039A)1984
Central African Republic660a (BL287A)On stamp of SS1 (660)
Central African Republic783 (Mi1191A)
i783 (Mi1191B)

Central African Republic783a (BL362A)
i783a (BL362B)
On stamp of SS1 (783)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i783)
Central African Republic784b (Mi1187A-1192A)
i784b (Mi1187B-1192B)
On one of MS6 (779-784)
On one of imperforate MS6 (i779-i784)
Central African RepublicC321 (Mi1206)1986
Central African RepublicBL400A
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of imperforate SS1
Comoro IslandsB4h (Mi861A)
iB4h (Mi861B)
One of MS8 (B4 (a-h)) (Mi854A-861A)
One of imperforate MS8 (iB4 (a-h)) (Mi854B-861B)
1988"Sonde Vega"
Comoro IslandsB4h ds (BL270A)
iB4h_ds (BL270B)
Deluxe sheet (B4h)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (iB4h)
Comoro IslandsC193 (BL262A, Mi862A)
iC193 (BL262B, Mi862B)
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of imperforate SS1
Comoro Islands816Saa (Mi1132)One of pair (816S (z-aa)) (Mi1128+1132), B4h overprinted with a silver bar to remove the surtax1996"Sonde Vega"
Congo (People's Republic)C353 (Mi1028)1986"sonde Vega"
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (lower-right) margin of SS1: stamp-on stamp Russia 5433 [known illegal issue]2016"Venera-Halley" (in Cyrillic text, another name for Vega)
Congo RepublicUnknown ms (Mi none)MS2 (a-b + 2 labels) (with reproductions of CongoPR C353) [known illegal issue]"Vega" (on stamp 'b' and on both labels)
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)On stamp of SS1 [known illegal issue]"Vega"
Cuba2934 (Mi3089)1987
Cuba2929+2931+2934 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Cuba2935 (BL98)On stamp of SS1
Cuba3022 (Mi3178)1988"Vega"
Cuba3019-3022 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC (grey printed cachet)
Czechoslovakia2554 (BL64, Mi2809)On stamp(s) and in (upper-left) margin of MS2 (2x 2554a)1985"Project Vega" camera/spectrometer platform (on stamp); also Vega is depicted in Halley's Comet observation configuration (in the upper-left margin of the MS2)
Czechoslovakia2554a fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Czechoslovakia2554a cardStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC card
Czechoslovakia2653 (BL69)In (lower-right) margin of MS2 (2x 2653a)1987
DjiboutiC208a (BL105A)
iC208a (BL105B)
In (upper-right) margin of MS2 (C207-C208)
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate MS2 (iC207-iC208)
Djibouti610a (BL120A)
i610a (BL120B)
In (lower-left) margin of SS1 (610), also annotated
In (lower-left) margin of imperforate SS1 (i610)
1986Two views of Vega-1/2 type: after release of the Venus probe, and in Halley's Comet flyby configuration
Djibouti611 (Mi460)"Vega-1"
Djibouti611a (BL121A)
i611a (BL121B)
On stamp of SS1 (611)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i611)
Djibouti610-611 fdcOne of two stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like both stamps) on FDC
Germany (East)None n(Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft) cinderella, one of cinderella MS20 (a-t + 5 labels)1986Vega (in Halley flyby configuration)
Germany (East)None i(Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft) cinderella, one of cinderella MS20 (a-t + 5 labels)1988Image of Halley's Comet from "Vega"; (see also Cambodia 711)
Germany (West)1456 fdc (Mi1273 fdc)Insert from FDC, also front1986"Wega" (Vega)
Grenada Carriacou2205c (Mi3193)One of MS6 (2205 (a-f)) (Mi3191-3196)2000Vega (not "NEAR", as in text)
Grenada Carriacou2205c essayOne of MS6 (2205 essay (a-f))"Vega" (correctly labeled)
Guinea Republic989 (Mi1111A)
i989 (Mi1111B)

Guinea Republic989a (BL218A)
i989a (BL218B)
On stamp of SS1 (989)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i989)
Guinea Republic989b (Mi1106A-1111A)On one of MS6 (984-989)
Guinea Republic1086 (Mi1206A)
i1086 (Mi1206B)

1988Vega spacecraft and Vega balloon above Aphrodite Terra (in stamp); "Venus-Vega" (in upper margin); Vega balloons ("ballon-sonde[s] pour atmosphère vénusienne") and a Vega lander, including its descent by parachute (in left-center margin; the lander is erroneously referred to as "Venera-15")
Guinea Republic1086a (BL304A)
i1086a (BL304B)
SS1 (1086)
Imperforate SS1 (i1086)
Guinea Republic1086a proofSS1 proof (no text in upper and left margins)
Guinea RepublicB38a (BL327A, Mi1249A)In (lower-left) margin of SS1 (B38)1989
Guinea-Bissau689 (BL268)In (upper-left) margin of SS11986
Guyana2106x (Mi2650 gold)One of MS25 (2106 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in gold1989"Vega-1" (in overprinted text)
Guyana2106x_specimenOne of MS25 (2106_specimen (a-y)), 280 with both gold and specimen overprints
Guyana2107x (Mi2650)One of MS25 (2107 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in silver (Mi2627-2651)
Guyana2107x specimenOne of MS25 (2107 specimen (a-y)), 280 with both silver and specimen overprints
Hungary2973 (Mi3806A)
i2973 (Mi3806B)

Hungary2973 maxiMaxicard
Hungary2973 fdcStamp on FDC
Korea (North)2506 (Mi2677)1985
Korea (North)2506 proofDeluxe proof (2506)
Korea (North)2507 (BL203)In (lower-right) margin of SS1
Korea (North)2536 (Mi2707)1985
Korea (North)2536 specimen2536 overprinted "specimen"
Korea (North)4172d maxi (Mi4504 maxi)(Multi-color printed) cachet on maxicard2001
Korea (North)4350c (Mi4729-4730)In (upper-right) margin of booklet pane of 2 (4350 (a-b)), also booklet front and booklet front (4350d), 4350c booklet front overprinted for Hong Kong 2004 Exposition2004
Korea (South)1456 (Mi1447)One of pair (1457a (1456-1457)) (Mi1447-1448), or ten of MS20 (1457b (10x (1456-1457)))1986
Korea (South)1457a fdc1One of pair and (black pictorial) cancel on FDC (KPC cachet)
Korea (South)1457a fdc2One of pair and (black pictorial) cancel on FDC (KPC cachet, same except with an extra text-only cancel); also back
Korea (South)1457a fdc3One of pair and (blue pictorial) cancel on FDC (KPC cachet, same except with an extra text-only cancel (different))
Korea (South)1457a folderFolder outside
Laos731a (Mi939)One of pair (731 (a-b))1986
Malagasy (DR)746 (BL32)SS11985Vega (in stamp); Vega instrumented balloon and lander (in right margin)
Malagasy (DR)793 (Mi1059A)
i793 (BL1059B)

Malagasy (DR)793a (BL44A)
i793a (BL44B)
On stamp of SS1 (793)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i793)
Malagasy (DR)794 (Mi1060A)
i794 (BL1060B)

Malagasy (DR)794a (BL45A)
i794a (BL45B)
On stamp of SS1 (794)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i794)
Maldive Islands1155 (Mi1168)

Maldive Islands1214 (Mi1227)
1155 overprinted with silver symbol
i1155 overprinted with silver symbol
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)
Unknown ims
In (lower-left) margin of MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]
In (lower-left) margin of imperforate MS3 (a-c)
MaliUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS3 on FDC
Imperforate MS3 on FDC
Marshall Islands89+label (Mi65+label)One of strip of 5 (90a (86-90) + 5 labels) (Mi62-66), or three of MS15 (90b (3x (86-90)) + 5 labels)1985"Vega"
Marshall Islands89 fdcStamp and (Colorano silk) cachet on FDC
Marshall Islands90a fdcStrip of 5 on FDC
Mauritania621 (Mi891A)
i621 (Mi891B)

Mauritania621a (BL none)
SS1 (i621)
Imperforate SS1 (i621)
Mauritania622b (Mi889-892)
One of MS4 (619-622)
One of imperforate MS4 (i619-i622)
Micronesia334r (Mi718)Two stamps and in (upper-right) margin of MS20 (334 (a-t)) (Mi701-720)1999Vega-1 lander for Venus
Micronesia334s (Mi719)Vega-1 at Halley's Comet
Mongolia1563 (BL117)On stamp of SS11986
Mongolia1563 fdcSS1 on FDC
Mozambique977 (Mi1048)1986
MozambiqueUnknown ms (Mi none)
Unknown ims
In (upper-left) margin of MS6 (a-f)
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate MS6 (a-f)
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL none)
Unknown iss
In (upper-left) margin of SS1
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-left) margin of SS1 (different)
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-left) margin of SS1 (different)
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-left) margin of SS1 (different)
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-left) margin of SS1 (different)
Nicaragua1486 (Mi2823)1986"Vega" (in Spanish text)
NigerC364 (Mi980A)
iC364 (Mi980B)

1985"Vega" (but unknown/fantasy depicted)
NigerC364 dsDeluxe sheet (C364)
Niuafo'ou (Tonga)366 (BL75)On stamp of SS12017Vega (in Halley flyby configuration)
Niue506 (Mi651)
Also detail
Niue509b (Mi655)
One of MS4 (509 (a-d)) (BL99, Mi654-657), also detail
One of imperforate MS4 (i509 (a-d))
ParaguayC642 label (Mi3974 label)One label and in (upper-right) margin of MS9 (C642a (5x C642 + 4 labels))1986
Poland2715 (Mi3015)One of pair (2715a (2714-2715))1986
RomaniaC270 (Mi4229)1986(two) Vega(s) (on stamp)
RomaniaC269-C270 fdcOne of two stamps and (Romania Post) cachet on FDC
RomaniaC270a (BL222)Imperforate SS1
RomaniaC269 cover (Mi4228 cover)(Pictorial) cancel on cover (AFR cachet), also back1986Vega
RomaniaC302 (BL665)Imperforate SS1, C270a overprinted2016(two) Vega(s)
Russia (USSR)5324 (Mi5466)From MS8 (5324a (8x 5324))1984
Russia (USSR)5324 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)5372 (Mi5513)From MS8 (5372a (8x 5372))1985Vega, lander, and balloon (also in surrounding margins of MS8)
Russia (USSR)5372 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Soviet Ministry of Postal Services and Telecommunications) cachet on FDC, also back
Russia (USSR)5433 (Mi5582)From MS8 (5433a (8x 5433))1986"Venera-Halley" (in Cyrillic text, another name for Vega); (see also Congo Unknown ss 2016)
Russia (USSR)5433 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)5434 (BL187)On stamp and in (right) margin of SS1"Vega-1" (on stamp), "Vega-2" (in right margin)
Russia (USSR)5434 fdcSS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-olor printed) cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)5444 (Mi5593)From MS7 (5444a (7x 5444 + label))1986
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1986
Russia (USSR)None(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on postal card1986
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also annotated detail1991
St. Thomas and Prince Islands789b (Mi951)One of MS4 (789 (a-d + 5 labels)) (Mi950-953)1986"Vega", in Halley's Comet observation configuration
St. Thomas and Prince Islands790 (BL164)In (lower) margin of SS1
Togo1362 (Mi1945)1986"Vega-1"
Togo1406 (Mi1991)1362 overprinted in silver1986"Vega-1"
United StatesNoneInsert back from cover, also insert front and cover front1986"Vega-1 and Vega-2"
United States2634a fdc (Mi2235-2238 fdc)(Collins) cachet on FDC1992Vega-1/2 (in Halley flyby configuration)
Vietnam1601 (Mi1659)

1986"Vega-1" and "Vega-2" launch
XhakasiaLocal fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on local post FDC (2 strips of 5 overprinted on 4x Russia 4520 and 5733)1996

Below is a list of Vega-series satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Vega (Russia/USSR)
1984-12-15: Vega-1
Russia (USSR)1984-12-15
Barstow CA
Moscow International1 PO
(Space Voyage grey and tan and red) cachet on coverVega-1 launch; also "Vega-2"
Kosmos-782 launch
Vega-1 (events)
Australia1985-06-10Canberra ACT(Space Voyage blue and pink and red) cachet on coverrelease of Vega-1 Venus "descent craft"; also "Vega-2"
Australia1985-06-10Canberra ACT(Space Voyage blue and tan and red) cachet on coverrelease of Vega-1 Venus "descent craft"; also "Vega-2"
Spain1985-06-11Madrid(Space Voyage green and pink and red) cachet on cover"Vega-1" balloon enters Venus' atmosphere; also "Vega-2"
Spain1985-06-11Madrid(Space Voyage green and tan and red) cachet on cover"Vega-1" balloon enters Venus' atmosphere; also "Vega-2"
Australia1986-03-06Canberra ACT(Space Voyage black and grey and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
Austria1986-03-06Graz(Purple printed) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet; also "Vega-2"
Spain1986-03-06Madrid(Space Voyage blue and grey and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
United States1986-03-06Pasadena CA(Space Voyage brown and grey and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
United States1986-03-06Barstow CA(Space Voyage green and grey and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
1984-12-21: Vega-2
Germany (East)1984-12-21Berlin(Philatelistenverband im Kulturbund der DDR) cachet on coverVega-2 launch; also "Vega-1"; also Kosmos-782 launch
Russia (USSR)1984-12-21Magadan(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover; cachet also available in blue, brown, green, and redVega-2 launch
Russia (USSR)1984-12-21Baikonur Cosmosdrome(Zaso silk) cachet on coverVega-2 launch
Russia (USSR)1984-12-21
Barstow CA
Moscow International1 PO
(Space Voyage blue and pink and red) cachet on coverVega-2 launch; also "Vega-1"
Kosmos-782 launch
Russia (USSR)1984-12-21
Barstow CA
Moscow International1 PO
(Space Voyage blue and tan and red) cachet on coverVega-2 launch; also "Vega-1"
Kosmos-782 launch
Vega-2 (events)
Australia1985-06-14Canberra ACT(Space Voyage brown and pink and red) cachet on coverrelease of Vega-2 Venus "descent craft"; also "Vega-1"
United States1985-06-14Barstow CA(Space Voyage brown and tan and red) cachet on coverrelease of Vega-2 Venus "descent craft"; also "Vega-1"
Spain1985-06-15Madrid(Space Voyage blue and pink and red) cachet on cover"Vega-2" balloon enters Venus' atmosphere; also "Vega-1"
Russia (USSR)1985-06-18
Barstow CA
Moscow International1 PO
(Space Voyage grey and pink and red) cachet on coverVega-2 closest approach to Venus; also "Vega-1"
Kosmos-782 launch
Russia (USSR)1985-06-18
Barstow CA
Moscow International1 PO
(Space Voyage grey and tan and red) cachet on coverVega-2 closest approach to Venus; also "Vega-1"
Kosmos-782 launch
Russia (USSR)1985-06-18
Barstow CA
Moscow International1 PO
(Space Voyage grey and pink and red) cachet on coverVega-2 closest approach to Venus; also "Vega-1"
Kosmos-782 launch
United States1985-06-18Barstow CA(Space Voyage green and tan and red) cachet on cover"Vega-2 nearest approach to Venus"; also "Vega-1"
Spain1986-03-08Madrid(Space Voyage green and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
United States1986-03-08Pasadena CA(Space Voyage purple and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
United States1986-03-09Pasadena CA(Space Voyage green and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
United States1986-03-09Barstow CA(Space Voyage blue and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
Australia1986-03-10Canberra ACT(Space Voyage brown and red) cachet on coverencounter with Halley's Comet
Vega (on other than Vega launch covers)
Romania1987-10-04Botosani(Multi-color printed) cachet on Sputnik-1 anniversary cover"Vega-2"

1"Moscow International (Moskva Mezhdunarodnaya) Post Office" is the cancellation often used on the Soviet "Kniga International" ("International Book") philatelic covers; see Jim Reichman's Commemorative Space Covers from Collector Clubs of the Soviet Union, 2008 (e-mail: jgreichman (at)

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-11-18