type of item

Type of Item Acronyms
(and Cachet Manufacturers)

Below is an explanation of Standard acronyms, initialisms, or abbreviations related to stamps, sheets, covers, and cards, as well as Cachet and cinderella manufacturers, as used in the Type of Item column of many tables on this Website.

Type of Item Acronyms (and Cachet Manufacturers)
Standard/common acronyms: Stamps, sheets, covers, and cards
Cachet and cinderella manufacturer names or logos and acronyms
Philatelic exposition names or logos and acronyms
Definitions of 'front/back' and 'label/tab/selvedge'
Determination of illegal status of postal items

Acronym, Initialism, or AbbreviationType of Item
Standard/common acronyms: Stamps, sheets, covers, and cards
AFB(US) Air Force Base (changed to SFB in 2021)
ATMAutomated Teller Machine (for stamps)
BEP(USA) Bureau of Engraving and Printing
CDTCommon Design Type
CTOCanceled To Order
DCPDigital Color Printing
FDCFirst Day Cover
FDOIFirst Day Of Issue; see also FDOS
FDOSFirst Day Of Sale; see also FDOI
IRCInternational Reply Coupon
LDOILast Day Of Issue
MS#*Miniature Sheet*, where # (≥2) = number of stamps in the strip or sheet (less any labels); and the numbers in parentheses are the catalog numbers of the stamps in the sheet
PHQ(British) Postal HeadQuarters
PPOPrinted to Private Order
PTTPostal Telegraph and Telephone
QSLA written confirmation, meaning, either "do you confirm receipt of my transmission", or "I confirm receipt of your transmission". QSL is not an acronym but is one of the many three-letter Q-codes used in radio-communication.
SDCSecond Day Cover
SDOISecond Day Of Issue
SFB(US) Space Force Base (changed from AFB in 2021)
SNVSample No Value
SS1*Souvenir Sheet* of 1 (one) stamp

*The use of "souvenir sheet" and "miniature sheet" are arbitrary, with "sheet" being the key word.

Name or Logo1Acronym2
Cachet and cinderella manufacturer names or logos and acronyms
3 Muscateers / 3 Muscateers
A-? A-? L-? L-?) Stamps & Collectibles (Milltown NJ)AALL
A-? A-? 6AA6 (?)
A-? C-? E-?ACE
A-? V-? P-?AVP / AVP / AVP / AVP
Administration des Postes Belges / Administration des Postes Belges
Aèro Club de Bourgogne
Aero philatelic Federation of the AmericasAFA
Agenzia Spaziale ItalianaASI
Air Force Research LaboratoryAFRL
"AK"-Commemorative Cover
Ala ("wing" in Italian) [numbered]
Alaskan Collectors' Club
Alfred Lonky (Flushing NY)
Algérie Poste / Algérie Poste
All Star Cachets
(radio) AMateur SATellite corporationAMSAT
America [numbered]
American First Day Cover SocietyAFDCS
???/?? American First Day Cover SocietyCEC/FM AFDCS
American Legion Post 799 Stamp Society
American Philatelic SocietyAPS
American Radio Relay LeagueARRL
American Space Cover SocietyASCS / A.S.C.S.
(The) American Stamp Dealers Association, Inc.ASDA
American Topical AssociationATA
American Topical Association (ATA) Space Unit / American Topical Association (ATA) Space Satellite UnitATA SU
Amicale philatélique tunisienne
Andrews Cachet / Andrews Cachet / Andrews Cachet (Asheboro NC)AC
Andromeda Cover no. [numbered] / Andromeda Space Covers [see also Cygnus and Riser]A
Anklam / W Anklam / Wolfgang Anklam [orientation may vary]
Alton Weigel (Boerger artist)AW
Aquila Associates Cachets
Archangelsk City Collectors Society (in Cyrillic)
Archiv der Astronomie und Raumfahrt-Philatelie e.V. / Archiv der Astronomie und Raumfahrt-Philatelie III / Archiv der Astronomie und Raumfahrt-Philatelie XIV [numbered?]
Ardee Covers
ArianeSpace / ArianeSpace
Aristocrat Cachets / (The) Aristocrats
ArtCraft (The Washington Press, Florham Park NJ; or Washington Stamp Exchange)
Artmaster / Artmaster
Artopages (Clay Center OH)
Asociación ? de FilateliaALFIL
Asociación Filatélica de Costa Rica (red) / Asociación Filatélica de Costa Rica (blue)
Asociación Filatélica Ecuatoriana
Asociación Filatélica Ferroviaria, Montevideo, Uruguay
Asociacion Filatelica Olivics
Asociación Nacional de Filatelia y Numismática de EspañaANFIL
Asociatia Filatelistilor Romani (Romanian Philatelic Association)AFR
Associació Filatèlica AndorranaA.F.A.
Association of Essex Philatelic Societies (http://www.stampessex.org.uk/)AEPS
Association européenne de la Philatélie spatiale / European Space Philatelic Association / ESPA coverAEPS / AEPS / ESPA
Association Pégase
Association Philatélique du C.E. ArianeGroup LHA
Association philatélique du CNES / Association philatélique du CNES
Association Philatélique du C.E. Safran (Société de l'Aéronautique de la France?, formed in 2005 by a merger of SNECMA and SAGEM (Société d'Applications Générales de l'Électricité et de la Mécanique)) - Safran
Association Philatélique du C.E. Safran Héraklès
Association Philatélique du C.E. SPS (SNECMA Propulsion Solide)SPS
(Association Philatélique du) C.E. SNECMA (Société Nationale d'Étude et de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation)SNECMA
Associazione Italiana di Astrofilatelia / Associazione Italiana di AstrofilateliaAS.IT.AF.
Astro Covers
Astro Documenta [numbered]
Astrophil 40 [numbered]
Astronautika Annaalid / TKK (Tartuski Klub Kollektsionerov)AA / TKK / KTK
Austria Post
Baku Collectors Club (in Cyrillic)
Bagalkot Philatelic Club (India)
Baustein [numbered]
Bausteinkarte [numbered]
Bazaar / Bazaar / Bazaar [numbered]
(Morris) Beck [numbered] (Whitewater WI)B699 (example)
Beckman Employees Philatelic Society (Fullerton CA)
Beijing Aerospace Control CenterBACC
Beijing Stamp Company / Beijing Stamp Company / Beijing Stamp Company / Beijing Stamp Company / Beijing Stamp Company
Bell Aerosystems (A Textron Company)
Bell-Romp (See Romp Cachets)
Bell Telephone Stamp Club of New England
Bella Cachets, Carolyn Marks / Bella Cachets, Carolyn Marks / Bella Cachets, Carolyn Marks
(Ron) Beller / (Ron) Beller
Belpochta (Belarus)
Benham / Benham / Benham (High Street, Hythe, Kent / Folkestone, Kent BLCS267b) / Benham Official Cover SeriesB.O.C.S.
Beverly Hills Philatelic Society (APS chapter no.104, Chicago IL)
Barry and Gerry CoversBGC
BH Posta / BH Posta / BH Posta (Bosnia - Muslim Admin.)
Bi-Color Craft American history series
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie (German Ministry of Research and Technology)BMFT
Black Heritage Series
Bobby G (FD Covers, Plainfield NJ)
Bochum Observatory Institute for Space Research (Germany)
(Alfred) Boerger / Boerger / AB Covers / AB Covers / Boerger / Boerger / ABC / ABC Cachets / AB Cachet (Toledo OH)AB / ABC
Bonnevalle? (artist)
Brad and Dave (Silcox) (Shillington PA)B&D
Brasil Cover
(M) Brazier (identified by "©Pub Official" or "©Official")
Briefmarkenhaus Göde
British Interplanetary Society (London)
Brookman Limited Edition
Bundestag Deutscher PHilatelistentagBDPh
Buckingham Covers / (A) Buckingham Cover
Bunkyu Stamp Bureau (Japan)
Butler Publications
C-? and C-?C&C
C-? K-? M-?CKM
C-Cubed Cachets / C-Cubed Cachets
Calhoun's Collectors Society, Inc.
Calumet Stamp Club (Hammond, Indiana) / Calumet Stamp Club (Hammond, Indiana)
Capitol Cachets
Capitolium / Capitolium / Capitolium / Capitolium / Capitolium [numbered]
Capt. Phil Iden / Capt. Phil Iden
Carl M. Becken (Minneapolis MN)
Carlos Altgelt
Carol Gordon CachetsCG
Carole Murry
Carrollton [numbered with Roman Numerals]
Cartier Cachet
Communications Authority of Thailand_Telecom / CAT_TelecomCAT
Centennial Covers (Edward Hacker, Huntsville AL) [no logo on most covers] / Centennial Covers
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (France)CNES
Central Florida Distributors (Winter Park FL)K
Centre Spatial Guyanais / Centre Spatial Guyanais / Centre Spatial Guyanais KourouCSG
Centro Filatélico del Paraguay / Centro Filatélico del Paraguay
Chambre syndicale française des Négociants et Experts en Philatélie (French Stamp Dealers Association)CNEP
Cercul Filatelic Turda (Society or Club) - Polar Section
Ceská posta / Ceská posta / PostFila (Ceská posta) / PostFila (Ceská posta)
Charles S. Laubly
Chicago (IL) Philatelic Society
Chickering/Cachet Craft
China National Philatelic Corporation / China National Philatelic Corporation / China National Philatelic Corporation
China Philatelic Company
Chuck VukotichCV
Circolo Filatelico G. Marconi
Círculo Filatélico de Montevideo (Montevideo Philatelic Club, Uruguay)CFM / CFM
Círculo Filatélico de Liniers (Liniers Philatelic Club, Buenos Aires, Argentina)CFL / CFL / CFL / CFL / CFL
CISCO / Fydo "Eyewitness to Space" Cover no. [numbered]
Ciskei Post and TelepgrahCPT
CL Cachets
Club Ala / Club Ala / Edizione Club Ala / FDC Ala (Milano) [numbered]
Club de Philatélie Polaire de France
Club Philatélique de Kourou (also known as the Club Philatélique du CSG (Centre spatial guyanais))CPK
(Exclusivite) COBPTT Maroc
Cole Cover (Robert Cole, Ottawa, Canada)
Collectors Club of Seattle
Colonial Cachet / Colonial Cachet / Colonial Cachet
Color Copy Cachets
Colorano "Silk" Cachet (Paul Schmid, Huntington NY) / R&R Colorano "Silk" Cachet
Comité des Oeuvres Sociales du Centre National d'Études des Télécommunications, Section PhilatélieCNET
Confoederatio Helvetica AgCH Ag
Congress of Racial Equality (New York NY)
Consortium Industrial Franco-Allemande pour le satellite SymphonieCIFAS
Correios de Portugal / Correios de PortugalCTT
Correo Argentino / Correo Argentino / Correo Argentino
Correos de Bolivia
Correos de Chile / Correos de Chile
Correos de México
Correos y Telecomunicaciones (Panama)
Correos y Telégrafos / Correos y Telégrafos / Correos y Telégrafos (Spanish Post)
Cotswold Covers / Cotswold Covers / Cotswold Covers
Cotswold Philatelics Ltd. with Stuart logo (Marshfield, Chippenham, Wilts)
Cotswold & Stuart, Cotswold & Stuart, Cotswold & Stuart / BPCPA (British? Philately? Cotswold Philatelic Association?)
Council of Philatelic Organizations and United States Postal ServiceCPO and USPS
Cover Craft Cachets (USA) / Cover Craft Cachets (Paterson NJ) / Cover Craft Cachets (Paterson NJ) / Cover Craft Cachets Limited Edition (Louisville KY)
CoverCraft / CoverCraft (PO Box 713 London SE19 2HH England)
CW Ray
Cygnus Cover no. [numbered, orientation may vary] [see also Andromeda and Riser]
D-? C-? and A-? K-?DC AK
D-? E-?DE
D-? L-? F-? (Rockledge FL)DLF / DLF
D-? P-? P-?D.P.P.
D-? S-?D.S.
D-? Wc-?DWc
Dave Curtis
D.W. Knapp (Dorothy Knapp, Rhinebeck NY) / D.W. Knapp/Fleetwood
Danny Lee
David C Cachets
(G.) Davis
Dawn Cover Productions (Davenport, Stockport)
Day Lowry
(The) Dayton Stamp Club
DeRosset / (Richard W.) DeRosset (La Mesa CA)
Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (German Research and Development Institute for Air and Space Travel)DFVLR
Deutsche Post
Deutscher Philatelic Service
Dexter Press, Inc. (West Nyack NY)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.DLR
Difusiones M. Sisó / Difusiones M. Sisó
Dirección de Correos y Radiotelegrafia del Perú
Dirección General de Correos del Paraguay
Dirección General de Correos del Perú
Dirección General de Correos, Montevideo
Document artistique philatélique / Document artistique philatéliqueDAP
Doc's Philatelic Covers
Don DavisDD
Don Kauer (Honolulu HI)
Doris Gold / Doris Gold Cachets
? Rich Chase (Waterloo IA) / various artists / DRC CachetsDRC
Dragon (pictorial) / Dragon Cards
(R.) DuBeau (Ray DuBeau, Elmhurst IL)
Duke / Duke
Duke DuffiéDD
DSTA - Dutch Space Travel Archives / Dutch Space Travel Archives (Amsterdam) [numbered]DSTA
Dwight D. Eisenhower Philatelic and Historical Society
(R[alph]) Dyer / R[alph] Dyer
E-? - B-?E-B
E-? S-? P-? A-?ESPA
E-? and T-?E&T
EADS Astrium
(The) Eagle's Eye / (The) Eagle's Eye / GS Moore - The Eagle's Eye
East African Posts and Telecommunications / East African Posts and Telecommunications / East African Posts and Telecommunications
Ediciones C.F.U. / Ediciones C.F.U. (Club Filatélico del Uruguay)
Edicions PUJOL / Edicions PUJOL / Ed. PUJOL / Ed. PUJOL (and Filatèlia Les Valls)
ÉDItions de L'Aubetin (rue de Sainte-Aubièrge, Saint-Augustin, France; also Geneva, Switzerland)EDILA / EDILA / EDILA / EDILA
Edipost (Romania)
Édition des Nations Unies,Genève
Édition Ovaphil SA, Lausanne Switzerland
Éditions Bourgogne / Éditions Bourgogne (Les Laumes, France) / Éditions Bourgogne (Dijon, France)
Éditions AAG (Édition (et) impression (de l') Association astrophilatélique de Guyane)
Éditions J.F. / Éditions J.F. / Éditions J.F. / Éditions J.F. / Éditions philatéliques Jean Farcigny (France) / Éditions philatéliques_Jean Farcigny fdc black with J.F.'FDC' / 'FDC'
Éditions Le Foyer des Orphelins des P.T.T. Cachan
Éditions philatéliques CEF (Nice, France) / La Philatélie Artistique CEF / La Philatélie Artistique CEF / Éditions CEFCEF / CEF
Éditions Philatéliques Européennes / Éditions Philatéliques Européennes
Éditions So.Ge.Im. (Société de Gestion et d'Impression, ville de Clamart, France)
Éditions Thill / Éditions Thill
Éditions U.Des.Co (Éditions Union des Collectionneurs)
Editora FENIX
Edsel / Edsel / Edsel / Edsel Masonic / Edsel Masonic
Edwin J. Isler (multi-color sticker cachets)
Egypt Post
Emirates Post / Emirates Post
Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (Brasil Post)
(La) Empresa Nacional de Correos y Telégrafos (Argentina)ENCoTel / ENCoTel
EntwicklungsRing NOrd (German aerospace company)ERNO
Ernie Crager
Ernst Jünger
ESA Space Operations Centre / European Space Operations CenterESOC
ESTEC (European Space research and TEchnology Centre) Philatelic Club / ESTEC (European Space research and TEchnology Centre) Philatelic Club
ETABO / ETABO (ErstTAgsbriefBOnn (First Day Covers Bonn))ETABO
Europa FDC Service
European Space AgencyESA
European Space Research Organization (now merged into ESA)ESRO
European Space Research Organization / Conseil européen de recherches spatiales (ESRO / CERS)ESRO/CERS
Excelsior / ExcelsiorE
F-? F-? [numbered]F.F.
F-? M-? [numbered]FM
F-? M-? F-?FMF / FMF
Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, Real Casa de la Moneda (The Mint, Spain)F.N.M.T. / RCM-FNMT
(P.) Falkenberg (Copenhagen)
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and IndustryFICCI
F.R. Ferryman
Fidelity ?F. S. / F.S.
Fidelity ? ?FSC
FIrst DAy COverS (red) / FIrst DAy COverS (blue) / FIrst DAy COverS (brown) (started by Paul-Heinz Mädler in 1952, continued by his partner Oscar Anhut in 1981, West Germany)FIDACOS
FILatelie PRESS (Czech)
Filagrano / Filagrano / Filagrano / Filagrano / Filagrano / Filagrano Gold / Filagrano Gold / Filagrano Gold / Filagrano and A. Frailich
Filagrano Sintoni / Filagrano SintoniS (in center)
Filatelia Brazil [numbered]FIL 20 / FIL. 179
Filatelia Lux
Folio-print / Folio-print (German)
Fédération des Organisations Sociales des P.T.T. (unclear what the "06" means)FOS06
Filapot (sociedad FILAtélica POTosina)
Filitalia / Filitalia [numbered]
First Day Covers From Around The World (see PCS)
First Rank (Robert G. Rank, Union NJ)
(Geo[rge]) Fisher
Flavia / Flavia (Milano)
Fleetwood / Fleetwood / Fleetwood / Fleetwood (Cheyenne WY)
(H.) Flick Stamps & Covers / (H.) Flick Stamps & Covers (Portland OR)
Fluegel Cover / Fluegel Covers / Fluegel Covers
Foghs kuvert / Foghs kuvert
Fort Myers Florida (local post)FMF
Fourpenny Post Series / Fourpenny Post Series / Fourpenny Post Series / Fourpenny Post Official Cover Series / 4d Post (Anne Yvonne Gilbert))4d
Frank Ellis Cachets / Frank Ellis CachetsFCE / FCE
Franklin Philatelic Society / Franklin Philatelic Society
Frimaerke Nyt / Frimaerke Nyt
(C.) Fuchs / Carsten Fuchs
G-? G-?G&G
G-? H-? (Berlin?)GH / GH / GH
Gabriel Electronics
Galactic Space Covers / Galactic Space Covers / Galactic Space Covers (Tom Reynolds)
(F.M.) Geerlings
(Ms) Gerry Adlman + MMGAMM / GAMM
Genesis Graphics
(C.) George
George Washington Masonic Stamp Club
Gesellschaft für Weltraumforschung (now DLR)GFW
Gill Craft
Ginza Watanabe Print Co. / Ginza Watanabe Print Co. / Ginza Watanabe Print Co.
Glen Cachet / Glen Cachet / Glen Cachet
Global Cachets
Gmünder Weltraumfreunde / Gmünder Weltraumfreunde
Goddard Space Flight Center Stamp Club / GSFC Stamp Club (John Webster, NASA, Greenbelt MD)GSFC
Gold International Cover
Goldberg / Bernard Goldberg
Goldcraft Cachets / Goldcraft Cachets / Goldcraft Cachet / Official Goldey Cachet (George Goldey, Canton TX)
(The) Golden Series / (The) Golden Series
GPO Hong Kong
Great Aviators Covers
Great Pictures Covers no. [numbered]
Greenland Post Office
German Space Operations CenterGSOC
H-? and E-? Stamp Co. (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) (designed by Hearl Grasiadei)H&E / H&E / H&E
H-? and M-?H&M
H-? M-? (hand-printed)HM
Hideaki Nagano (Detroit MI)
Hideaki Nagano L-? P-? Supercachet
H-? O-? C-?HOC
Ham / Ham / Ham (Lois Hamilton)
Hammond [no logo]
Hans J. MuellerHJM
Harford (for Fred Harford of Ottawa by Robert Cole)
Harris Cachet
(H.E.) Harris and Co. / (H.E.) Harris and Co. Inc.
Harry A. Gordon
Hellenic Post
Henry Cachet
Henry McGrew Printing (Kansas City)HM
Herberts Apse (Latvia)
Herman Maul hand-drawn / H.R. Maul hand-drawn and dated
Hermann E. Sieger / Hermann E. Sieger / Hermann E. Sieger / Hermann E. Sieger GmbH (Lorch/Württemberg, Germany)
Hermann Oberth Gesellschaft / Hermann Oberth GesellschaftHOG
Highway Stamp Club (Revere MA)
(D&H) Hilton / (D&H) Hilton
Historicaphil.com (Strasbourg, Germany)
Historic Philatelic Documents of the Vatican City
Historical Space Cover
Historiaphil (HISTORIcAl PHILatelic)
Hobby Link / Hobby Link Limited EditionHL
Hobo Art Cachet
Hogg Cachet
(Ted R.) Holden (Oakhurst CA)
Horace D. Westbrooks / American Air Mail Society [numbered]HDW/AAMS
House of FarnumHF / HF
Howard FarleyH F
HP Mostar (Bosnia - Croat Admin.)
(Wm B) Hudson (postmaster at Wallops Island VA from 1959 into the early/mid-1970s)
I-? B-?IB
I-? P-? M-? (T. Palmer)IPM
Official IASP series (International Association of Space Philatelists [numbered], Yonkers NY) [see also Zaso]IASP / IASP
Icelandic Post / Icelandic Post
India Department of Posts
Indian Posts and Telegraphs
Indonesia Post / Sampul Hari Pertama [numbered]SHP
Inner & Outer Space
Interessengemeinschaft für ??? Raumfahrt (Berlin)IIR
International Society of Postmasters / International Society of Postmasters
International Stamp Collectors Society / International Stamp Collectors Society
InterSpace Cover [see also Space Voyage] (Robert G. Rank, Union NJ)
(Harry) Ioor
Iraqi Philatelic Society
Isle of Man Post Office
Isle of Man Stamps & Coins
Islington Archaeology & History Society
Israel Post / Israel Post / Israel Post / Israel Post / Israel Post
Israel Space Stamp Collectors Society / Israel Space Stamp Collectors Society / Space Stamp Collectors Society Israel / Israel Space Stamp Collectors Society Jerusalem-Israel
J-? G-?J.G. / JG
J-? H-? C-? (crown as part of logo)JHC
J-? La-?JLa
J-? M-?JM
Jack Ginsburg
Jackson Covers / C. Chickering
Jackson / Goldblum
Jackson / Sweeney
Jacques Hiver
James Lee Roth
Janet Hobbs
Japan Post / Japan Post / Japan Post
Japan Stamp Publicity Association / Japan Stamp Publicity Association / Japan Stamp Publicity Association / Japan Stamp Publicity Association / Japan Stamp Publicity AssociationJSPA
JapanCover [numbered]
(Charles C.) Jarrett / (C.) Jarrett (Granite Quarry NC)
(Cachet by) Jerryscovers
Jersey Post OfficeJPO
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Stamp Club (NASA) (Jim Rose, La Canada CA)JPL
Japan Philatelic SocietyJ.P.S. / J.P.S. / JPS / JPS / J.P.S.
Japan Philatelic Society (identified as NCC - Natural Color Cachet)NCC / NCC / NCC / NCC
Japan Philatelic Society (JPS) Space Stamp Club (Japan Philatelic Society)JPS
Jill (German)
Jim Butcher (artist associated with Fleetwood cachets)
John V. ColasantiJVC
Johnson Space Center Stamp Club / (Lyndon B.) Johnson Space Center Stamp Club
Jonal Covers / Jonal Covers
(Jordan) Ministry of Post & Communications (Amman, Jordan)
Joseph J. FrasketiJJF / JJF
Joseph L. Bianchini
Johnson Space Center (NASA, Houston TX)JSC
(C.G.) Junior II
Junkers Flugzeug u. Motorenwerk GmbH / JFM-JunkersJFM
K-? S-?KS
K Print (red) / K Print (cyan)
Karen Sabinsky
Ken Boll/Cachet Craft / Ken Boll/Cachet Craft
(Ken Boll) Cachet Craft Cover Service / (Ken Boll) Cachet Craft Cover Service (Milburn NJ) / Cachet Craft Cover Service (Framingham MA)
Kenick Covers [numbered]
Kennedy Space Center Philatelic Society / Kennedy Space Center Philatelic Society / Kennedy Space Center Philatelic SocietyKSCPS
NASA Estación de Rastreo de Satélites No.5 (NASA Satellite Tracking Station no.5)
(NASA) Kennedy Space Center, Western Launch Operations DivisionNASA KSC-WLOD / KSC-WLOD
(NASA) Kennedy Space Center, Western Operations Support OfficeNASA KSC-WOSO
Kenosha (WI) Stamp and Cover Club / Kenosha (WI) Stamp and Cover Club / Kenosha (WI) Stamp and Cover Club / Kenosha (WI) Stamp and Cover Club
KimCover [some are numbered]
Kniga International (black printed) / Kniga International (magenta printed) / Kniga International (black rubber-stamp) / Kniga International ("Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga")MK / MK
KSC Philatelic Society / KSC Philatelic Society
K.M.C. Venture / K.M.C. Venture
Kolor Kover / Kolor Kover
Korea Post CorporationKPC / KPC
Koslow (artist associated with Fleetwood cachets)MC
Kover King (Delray Beach FL)
(Ken) Kribbs Kard / Kribbs Kover / Kribbs Kover (Jekyll Island GA)
Kurt Schoen (New Hyde Park NK 11040)K.S.
L-? B-?L.B.
L-? B-? S-?LBS / LBS
L-? K-?LK
L-? P-? D-?LPD
L-? P-? M-?LPM
L-? R-? C-?LRC / LRC / LRC
Langelands Frimaerkeklub
(E.) Langer
Latvian Post
(G.) Lavedrine (artist)
(The) Lazy Panda Card Company
Liechtenstein Post
Lightyears / Lightyears
Linn County (OH) Philatelic Society
(Espace) Lollini / (Espace) Lollini (red) / (Espace) Lollini (black) (Nice, France)
(The) London Planetarium
Lou Jac
Lunar Voyage Cachets (Robert G. Rank, Union NJ)
L.W. Staehle (designer) / L.W. Staehle/Cachet Craft
M-? (Japan)M. / M.
m-? a-? s-?mas.
m-? 'star' a-?m*a
M-? BullerMB
M-? D-?MD
M-? I-? (Helmet of Mercury theme)MI (black) / MI
M-? N-?MN / MN / MN / MN / MN
M-? P-? G-? CachetsMPG
M-? P-? S-? S-? G-?MPSSG ?
Magasin (Copenhagen)
Magyar Posta (Hungary)
Malta Post
Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) Stamp ClubMSC / MSC
(The) Manned Spaceflight Cover Society / (The) Manned Spaceflight Cover Society (Houston TX)MSCS
Manned Spaceflight Covers
Manned Space Flight Network
Marconi Space and Defence SystemsMSDS
Rusmarka (Marka Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing Centre)
Mary Anne Annable
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (Montgomery and Prince George's Counties)
Masonic Stamp Club of N.Y. / Masonic Stamp Club of New York
Mauritius Post / Mauritius Post FDC
Max Planck Gesellschaft (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)MPE
Memphis Collectibles ?MC
Mercury / Mercury / Mercury / Mercury / Mercury / Mercury (PO Box 5, Watford; or PO Box 5, Rickmansworth, Herts)M
Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm-EntwicklungsRing NOrd (ERNO) PhilatelieMBB-ERNO
(The) Meter Digest (Waukegan IL)
Metropolitan Air Post Society (New York?)MAPS
Metropolitan Airmail Cover Club (New York?)MACC / M.A.C.C.
Metropolitan (New York?) First Day Cover Society
Ministry of Postal Services (Japan)
(B.) Minne
Missile Stamp Club / (A) Missile Stamp Club CachetMSC
Mission 57 / Mission fiftyseven (James Lee Roth, Colorado Springs CO)M57
Milestones of Flight Commemorative Series (Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum) [numbered] (Washington DC)MoF
Minoru Hisano (early) / Minoru Hisano (early) / Minoru Hisano (later, vertical M) / Minoru Hisano (later, vertical M) / Minoru Hisano (later, vertical M) / Minoru Hisano (later, vertical M) / Minoru Hisano (later, details)vertical M
Mobile Philatelic Society
Mongolia Post
Morris Katz
Moscow City Collectors Society (in Cyrillic)
Motor City Stamp and Cover Club (Detroit MI)MCSCC
(Official) Motorola Stamp Club Cachet / (Official) Motorola Stamp Club Cachet
Mound City Annual Philatelic Exhibition and Open House (St. Louis MO)
Mystic Stamp Company Camden NY; (associated with Fleetwood and became the owner of Fleetwood in 2007)
N-? F-?NF / NF
Nathan Marcus
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (meatball) / National Aeronautics and Space Administration (worm)NASA
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center Stamp Club / NASA Manned Spacecraft Center Stamp Club
NASA Philatelic Documentation
NASa COMmunications NetworkNASCOM
Nat EttinghoffNE
(The) National Cash Register Company (Dayton OH)NCR
National Postal Forum XII
National SPace Organization (Taiwan)NSPO
Naval Research LaboratoryNRL
(R.E.) Nichol Handcrafted Covers
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Department of Commerce (patch)NOAA
Netherlands Antilles Nieuwe Post
Netherlands Antilles palm tree [numbered]
Neve (N with dotted circle)N / N
Nippon F-? C-?NFC
(Herbert) Nikirk / (Herbert) Nikirk
Nigerian Philatelic Service (Lagos, Nigeria)
NOAA Space Philatelic Society (Jesse Rodriquez, Suitland MD)
Norsk Filatelistisk Tidsskrift
Norway Post posten / Norway Post posten
Norwood CoversNC
Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Postzegelhandelaren (Dutch Union of Stamp Traders) [may be numbered]NVPH (blue) / NVPH (black) / NVPH (black, numbered)
New York Postmaster's Office ?NYPO
(La) Numismatique française / (La) Numismatique française / (La) Numismatique française
O-? I-?OI.
(J.) O'Connell
Officine GalileoOG
Officiel FDC
Orbit Covers (William Ronson, Bronx NY)
(Éditions) P.A.C. (Soissons, Aisne, France)PAC
Pakistan Post / Pakistan Post Office
Panda Cachets
(Éditions) G. Parison & B. Regnier
Paslay Classic Cachets / Paslay Classic Cachets / Paslay Classic Cachets / Paslay Classic Cachets / Paslay Classic Cachets
Paul Calle
Paul Calle and Chris Calle
Paulus P.P. VI
Pent Arts
Perdasdefogu rocket range (Sardinia, Italy)
Pete Sarmiento (Ft. Washington MD)
Petoskey artist cachet / Lou Holowasko
(David) Peterman
Philart / Philart / Philart
(The) Philatelic Foundation of Southern Africa
Philatélie Aérospatiale
Philatélie maghrébine
(Kourou) philatélie spatialeKPS
PhilaGent (Belgium)
Philatelistenverband im Kulturbund der DDR / Philatelistenverband im Kulturbund der DDR / Philatelistenverband im Kulturbund e.V.
PhilSwiss / PhilSwiss / PhilSwiss / PhilSwiss / PhilSwss (typo?)
Philgraf / Philgraf / Philgraf / Philagraf Cachet
Piétri Mare
Pittsburgh (PA) Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
Ploiesti Philatelic Club (Romania)
Polar Covers
Pontificate of H.H. Paul VI
Populaer Filateli (black) / Populaer Filateli (black) / Populaer Filateli (blue) / Populaer Filateli (red and blue) (DK-8000 AARHUS C) [some are numbered]
Post-Marked History
Posta Crne Gore (Montenegro)
Posta Kenya
Posta Romana
Postal Commemorative Society / Postal Commemorative Society / Postal Commemorative Society / PCS golden-replicaPCS
Postal Progress Series
Poste Italiane
Poste Maroc
Poste Srpske / Poste Srpske (Bosnia - Serb Admin.)
Posterijen Suriname
Postimerkkikeskus (Finnish Post Stamp Center)
Postmasters of America / Postmasters of America / Postmasters of America / Official Postmasters of America commemorative issue
Pretty Girl cachets [numbered]PG
Premier Jour / Premier Jour d'Emission Historique FDC no. [numbered] / Éditions P.J.P.J.
Principauté de Monaco Office des émissions de timbres-poste
Productos Gutenberg
Promontory Stamp and Coin Club (Brigham City UT)
Publications of the Soviet Ministry of Communications (in Cyrillic) / Publications of the Soviet Ministry of Communications (possibly)
Pugh Cachets, Inc. / Pugh Cachets, Inc. (and signature) / Pugh Cachets, Inc. (skunk, and signature) / Pugh Cachets, Inc. (Julian and Sharon Pugh, The Woodlands TX)
QC GraphicsQC
Quadracolor [no logo]
R-? E-? S-? and C-?RES&C
R-? L-? G-?RLG
R-? M-? H-?RMH
R-? R-? A-? G-? S-?RRAGS / RRAGS
R-? W-? I-?R.W.I.
Rank velvet (flocked, silkscreened, and related) [no logo] (Robert G. Rank, Union NJ)
Rank II (see Rank velvet) [no logo] (Robert G. Rank, Union NJ)
(J [John]) Ranto (Hamilton Township NJ)
Radio Corporation of AmericaRCA
Reader's Digest (flying horse) / Reader's Digest (flying horse)
Red Eagle
Repubblica di San Marino Azienda Autonoma di Stato Filatelica e Numismatica (Republic of San Marino Independent State Agency for Philately and Numismatics)
République du Mali Postes et Télécommunications
(Rhodesia) Posts and Telecommunications Corporation
Riser / Riser [see also Andromeda and Cygnus]
Rittenhouse Astronomical Society (Media PA)
Robert C. Graebner Chapter #17, AFDCS / Robert C. Graebner Chapter #17, AFDCS / Graebner Chapter
Robert Dean & Company
Rochester (NY) Philatelic Association -- JKD CachetRPA
Rocket Research Institute, Inc. (Glendale CA)RRI
Rockwell International (Space Transportation Systems Division)
Rockwell Space Division Stamp ClubRSDSC
RODIA / RODIA / RODIA Taranto Ferrovia
Roma / Roma / Roma / Roma / Roma (L. Fraschetti)
Roma-Luxor [numbered]
(P.A.) Roman / (P.A.) Roman
Romania Filatelie?RF
Romp / Romp Cachets (John ROMPpainen, New Berlin WI)
Ron Myers Cachets
Ron Miller
Rosglavkniga Philately
Ross silver foil
Roy Gjertson
Royal / Royal / Royal
Royal Air ForceRAF
RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) Official Series Cover [numbered]RNLI
Ruimtevaart filatelie club nederland
Russia Post
S-?S. / S
S-? A-? C-? (Eddie Mendlowitz, with Swanson artwork)SAC
S-? A-? Campo-Rodan N.V. (Brussels-Antwerp)
S-? A-? S-?SAS
S-? E-? S-? A-? M-? [numbered]SESAM / SESAM
S-? P-? C-?SPC
S-? S-? C-?SSC
S&T Cachets (Tom O'Hagan)S&T
S-? V-?SV
S-? V-? P-?SVP
Saburo WatanabeW. / W.
(D.) Saffer
San Clemente CA - Western White House
Sandra's Cachets / Sandra's Cachets [some are numbered] / Sandra_Haimerl
(A) Santa Maria Spacemen's Cover
(Pete) Sarmiento
(C.) Sarzin / Sarzin metallic (Clyde J. Sarzin, Port Washington, Long Island NY)
Schering / Schering / Schering Corporation Limited / Schering Corporation Limited (Pointe Claire, Quebec)
(G) Scolieri / ACE-579 / (G) Scolieri / ACE-579
(G&A) Scolieri / ACE-579&581
(J) Scott
Standard Elektrik Lorenz (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Elektrik_Lorenz)SEL
Serbian Post
Sérigraphie de ADI (silkscreen printing by ADI)
Sérigraphie de Zaster (silkscreen printing by Zaster)
Servicio Filatélico de Correos (Philatelic Postal Service or Postal Philatelic Service, Spain)S.F.C. / S.F.C. / S.F.C.
Servicio Postal Mexicano
Seven Seas (Davisville RI)
(A) Sheridan Official Cover [numbered] / (A) Sheridan Official Cover [numbered]
(John) Shue / John Shue
Sigma (Melbourne, Australia)
Siligato / Siligato / Silig.
Slovakia Post
(E.) Slyter
Smartcraft / Smartcraft
Comité d'Entreprise de la Société Européenne de Propulsion, Section Philatélique / C.E. SEP Section Philatélie / C.E. SEP Section Philatélique / C.E. SEP Association Philatélique (SEP was bought by SNECMA in 1997)SEP
(A) Smith Cover
Smithsonian National Museum of History and Technology
SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) Post
Société philatélique de Clermont-Ferrand et environs
Society of Applied Rocketry / Society of Applied Rocketry (Holyoke MA)SOAR
Society of Israel Philatelists
(Barbara) Sokalsky [orientation may vary]
Soil Conservation Society of AmericaSCSA
Solar Covers [numbered] (Roger Jarrell, Huntington WV)
SonyStamp / SonyStamp (Belgium)
South Africa Post
South Seas Philatelic
Soviet Ministry of Postal Services and Telecommunications / Soviet Ministry of Postal Services and Telecommunications
Space City Cover Society / Space City Cover Society (Jack McMahan, Houston TX)SCCS
Space Coast Philately (Inc., Angelo Taiani, Cape Canaveral FL)SCP
Space Coast Philatelic Society (Florida; and/or Eberhard Colle, Stuttgart, Germany)SCPS
Space Master / Space-Master / Space-Master Cover / Space-Master Covers / Space-Master Covers [numbered] (Robert G. Rank, Union City NJ)
Space Medal Cover / Space Medal Cover
Space Port Philatelic Society (Eberhard Colle, Stuttgart, Germany)SPPS
Space Voyage / Space Voyage 2000 / Space Voyage 2000[see also InterSpace Cover] (Robert G. Rank, Union NJ)
SpaceCoast Cover Service (Ken Havekotte, Merritt Island FL)SCCS
SpaceCraft / SpaceCraft - Swanson / C. Swanson / C. Swanson (Carl Swanson and Joe Fitzpatrick, Huntington WV)
Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (GSFC)STDN
SpaceStamps1 (@aol.com, Dennis T. Ranski) / SpaceStamps1DTR
Spartan / Spartan / Spartan / Spartan
Spectrum Covers / Spectrum CoversS
Spurgeon [numbered]
(J. Luc) Staedel (France)
Stan Henderson (3 Muscateers)
STAR (European consortium of companies under contract to the European Space Agency)
Stellar Quest Cover [numbered]
(C.) Stephen Anderson
Steve Wilson Design (signature) and Steve Wilson Design (logo) / Steve Wilson Design (signature and logo)
Sultanate of Oman
Sun Craft
Surinam Post
Swiss PTT
Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumfahrt (Swiss working group for space travel)
(James) Szostek / Szostek / Szostek (El Paso TX) [see also White Sands Missile Range (WSMR)]
T-? H-? S-?THS
T-? M-? C-?TMC
T-? N-? T-? CachetsT.N.T.
T-? R-? W-? (possibly Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc.)TRW
Texas Manned Space Flight Tracking Station (Corpus Christi TX)
Texture Craft (Robert G. Rank, Union NJ)
Tidbinbilla Deep Space Communication ComplexTDSCC
Therome Cachet / Therome CachetsTC / TC
TD (Tom Dixon) Productions (Brooklyn NY)
(C.) Thompson
Tianjin Space Post Office / Tianjin Space Post Office
Titusville Moonport Stamp Club (circular logo) / Titusville-Moonport Stamp Club / official commemorative cover / Titusville Moonport Stamp Club (rubber-stamp)
Tom Dunne
Tre Stelle / Tre Stelle / Tre Stelle (three stars)
Tri-Cities Stamp Club [numbered]
TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc.) Defense and Space Systems Group / TRW Defense and Space Systems Group / TRW Defense and Space Systems Group (Redondo Beach CA)TRW
TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge) Inc.TRW
TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge)/SEA Stamp ClubTRW-SEA
TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge) Space & Technology GroupTRW
TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge) Systems GroupTRW
TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge) Philatelic SocietyTRW
TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge) and Hughes Stamp Clubs
Tucson Stamp Club
Tudor House
Turkey PTT / Turkey PTT / Turkey PTT
Unicover Corporation (Cheyenne WY)
United NationsUN
Union philatélique St. Quentinoise
United Nations Postal Administration / United Nations Postal Administration (New York NY)UNPA
United States Air ForceUSAF
United States Postal ServiceUSPS
United States SteelUSS
Universal Ship Cancellation Society [numbered, and dated]USCS
Unknown with FDC text (German)
Unknown1 (Japan)
Unknown2 (Hitoshi?) / Unknown2 (Hitoshi?, different)
Unknown3 (Japan)
Unknown4 (Japan)
Unknown5 (Japan)
Unknown (USA)
Van / Van
Vandy Covers (rubber-stamp; Chi-Mei (Jim) Peng, Gene Schlimmer, Edward Colburn; Vandenberg AFB, CA)
Vatican Post Jean-Paul II / Vatican Post Jean-Paul II
Velvatone (A.W. Dargis)
Venetia / Venetia (Venetia FD covers information / Venetia FD covers information / Venetia FD covers information)
Venetia Club (Venezia) / Venetia Club (Modena)
Vietnam Post
Virgil Crow
Virginia Philatelic Federation
W-? D-? G-? / F-? M-? / AFDCSWDG-FM / AFDCS
Wakefield CompanyW. Co. / W. Co.
Washington Press (see also ArtCraft)WP
(Mae) Weigand
Weapons Research Establishment (Woomera SA)WRE
Weco Indianapolis Stamp and Coin ClubW
Wenchang Space Post Office / Wenchang Space Post Office / Wenchang Space Post Office
WCS Wesley First Day Cover / Wesley Cover ServicesWCS
Western Heritage Association (Hacienda Heights CA)
Western Silk Cachet (Torrance CA) [numbered]W / W
(Robert B. "Bob") Whitney [no logo] (Florida)
Wild Horse Cachets (Arizona)
Wildy (Warren P. Wildermuth)
William Smith IIWII
Winfred M. GrandyWMG
W N Wright
WSMR Cover (when on front) / WSMR Cover (when on back) [numbered] (US Army, White Sands Missile Range, NM) [see also Szostek]WSMR
World Federation of United Nations Associations Cachet / WFUNA CachetWFUNA
(John) Zaso (Yonkers NY) [see also IASP]Z
Zippy Collectors Club International
Summary: more than 1200 images of cachet logos

1A logo is text, an acronym, a drawing, or a symbol (or some combination of them) that identifies the manufacturer.
2A manufacturer may be referred to by an acronym based on its name. The acronym may or may not form all or a part of the manufacturer's logo. This column lists the manufacturers' acronyms known to the authors.

Show NameShow Acronym
Philatelic exposition names or logos and acronyms
AERO? Philatelic EXposition (Redondo Beach CA)Aeropex
AIR? Philatelic EXposition (Dayton OH)Airpex
AIR? Philatelic EXposition (Farciennes, Belgium)Airpex'67 / Airpex'67
A-? P-? Philatelic EXposition (India)Appex
ARIzona Philatelic EXposition (Mesa AZ)Aripex / Official Aripex Cachet / Official Aripex Cover
Australian National? Philatelic EXposition (Brisbane NSW)Anpex
BECKman employees Philatelic (Society) EXposition (Fullerton CA)Beckpex
CALhoun COunty (SC, Stamp Club) Philatelic EXpositionCalcopex
CALUmet (Hammond IN) Philatelic EXpositionCalupex'86
CAnadian international Philatelic EXhibitionCapex'87
CENtral? CO-? Philatelic EXposition (Santa Maria CA)Cencopex
CHAMplain valley (VT) Philatelic EXpositionChampex
CLINTon (CT) Stamp Club Philatelic EXpositionClintpex
COntra costa - ALameda Philatelic EXhibition (Walnut Creek CA) Philatelic EXpositionCoalpex
COMbined (Chicagoland) Philatelic EXpositionCompex
COSMOs Philatelic EXposition (Japan)Cosmopex
Exposición Filatélica Internacional de MéxicoEfimex
FARM Philatelic EXposition (Dearborn Heights MI)Farmpex
FLORida philatelic EXpositionFlorex
FORest park (IL) Philatelic EXpositionForpex
GULF coast stamp club (Biloxi MS) Philatelic EXpositionGulfpex
HUNTSville (AL) Philatelic EXpositionHuntspex
INTERnational Philatelic EXposition (New York NY?)Interpex
INTERnational PHILatelic exposition (New York NY?)Interphil
KEnosha (WI) stamp and COver Philatelic EXpositionKecopex 1987
LINN COunty (NY) Philatelic society EXpositionLinncopex
LINcoln (NE) Philatelic society EXpositionLinpex
LUdhiana (city, India) Philatelic (club) EXpositionLupex
MANchester (CT) Philatelic EXpositionManpex
MANchester (CT) PHILatelic expositionManPhil
MICHIgan Philatelic EXposition (Dearborn Heights MI)Michipex
MILwaukee (Philatelic Society) COunty (WI) Philatelic EXpositionMilcopex
Monaco Philatelic expositionMonacophil
MOTOr city (Stamp and Cover Club) Philatelic EXposition (Detroit MI)Motopex
NAtional Philatelic EXposition (McLean VA)Napex
NEw Britain (CT) Philatelic EXpositionNebpex
NOrth Jersey philatelic EXposition (Secaucus NJ)Nojex
ORCO EXPOsition (Anaheim CA)Orcoexpo
PArk FORest (IL) philatelic EXpositionParforex
PASadena (CA) COin and stamp Philatelic EXpositionPascopex
space philatelic exposition, 1985Philespace
ROchester (NY) Philatelic EXpositionRopex
ROCK? Philatelic EXposition (West Nyack NY)Rockpex
RUMford (ME) philatelic EXpositionRumex
SAN DIego (CA) Philatelic EXpositionSandipex
SPACE Philatelic EXposition (Houston TX)Spacepex'80
STAMP EXposition (Salem OR)Stampex
STAR Philatelic EXposition (Canton OH)Starpex
STaten Island (NY) Philatelic EXpositionStipex
SUNneyvale (CA) Philatelic EXpositionSunpex
SUburban (collectors club of Chicago IL) Philatelic EXpositionSupex
TAmilNAdu Philatelic EXposition (Madras, India)Tanapex
THAMES (Stamp Club) Philatelic EXposition (New London CT)Thamespex
TWIN cities (MN) Philatelic EXposition (Minneapolis MN)Twinpex
WALworth COunty (Stamp Club) Philatelic EXposition (Lake Geneva WI)Walcopex
WATerloo (IA, Cedar Valley Stamp Club) philatelic EXpositionWatex
WEltRAum Briefmarken Ausstellung (space stamp exhibition)WERABA
Western Electric (Stamp and Coin Club) Philatelic EXposition (Kearny NJ)Wepex
W-? E-? S-? P-? N-? EXposition (White Plains NY)Wespnex
WESTern Philatelic EXposition (San Francisco CA)Westpex
World Stamp Expo 2000 (Anaheim CA)WSE2000

For two-sided postal materials, the following definitions of front and back apply:

For un-denominated stamp-like items that accompany postage stamps, the following definitions of label, tab, and selvedge apply:

Determination of illegal status of postal items:

According to the UPU, "an illegal stamp is one that carries the name of a legitimate country or territory but was not produced or printed by the postal administration of that country and is not valid for postage anywhere in the world".

That definition opens the discussion of illegal stamps at the Illegal Stamps website, a valuable resource to which the authors often refer. That website includes lists of known illegal stamps by country name and with images. Basically, for a stamp to be legal, it must be included in a major stamp catalogue or in the WNS stamp system. If not, it is illegal. As part of his work, the Illegal Stamps website author has also referred to UPU IB (International Bureau) Circulars, major stamp selling venues and other web-based sources to determine the status of stamps.

In the websites associated with this page, some illegal stamp images likely have been included without the authors' realizing that they are illegal. Now that we are aware of and sensitive to the problem, we are gradually flagging the illegal stamps entries with the disclaimer "Known illegal issue". To determine when to add the disclaimer, we use the country lists found in the Illegal Stamps website. We will continue the flagging process until we are satisfied that all the illegal stamps in our websites have all been identified. This is a project that may require some years to complete, since it is being done only as we come across those entries while doing our usual website development.

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Copyright © 2011-2025, Colorado State University. All rights reserved.
This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-02-01