

Sputnik-2 Laika
Sputnik-2 and boosterSputnik-2Laika
(Sputnik-2 dog)

This page contains (selected) philatelic information on the Sputnik-2 satellite. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Sputnik-2 was launched by the USSR on 3 November 1957. It carried the dog Laika. It also carried two spectrophotometers to measure solar radiation (in UV and X-ray wavelengths) and cosmic rays as well as a Geiger counter to measure charged particles. Its telemetry system and radio transmitters allowed at least some engineering, biological and scientific data to be sent back to Earth.

Items showing a combination of Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 depictions are highlighted in yellow on all three pages.

Items with designs based on or similar to this photo of Laika from Sputnik-2 are highlighted in green.
Items with designs based on or similar to this photo of Laika in her Sputnik-2 dog compartment are highlighted in blue.
Items with designs based on or similar to this photo of Laika in her Sputnik-2 dog compartment (different) are highlighted in pink.
Items with designs based on or similar to this photo of a Mockup of the Sputnik-2 dog compartment with a model of a spacedog are highlighted in orange.

Unlike most of our web pages, no attempt is made to be complete in this page!

Dogs were carried on board the following Russian orbital flights: Sputnik-2, Sputnik-5, Sputnik-6, Sputnik-9, Sputnik-10, and Kosmos-110.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below or elsewhere)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below or elsewhere)
Sputnik-2 (on other than Sputnik-2 launch covers)
Sputnik-4 and beyond
Sputnik-4 and beyond

Below is a list of Sputnik-2 satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
(Selected) philatelic items depicting or referring to Sputnik-2. No attempt is made to be complete.
Sputnik-2 (Russia/USSR)
AbkhaziaMi338One of MS8 (Mi338-345 + label)1999Laika (Sputnik-2 dog)
Albania622 (Mi664)
i622 (Mi669)

Imperforate with changed color
1962Sputnik-2 launch date1 (but drawing is similar to Sputnik-3); also "Laika"
Albania621-624 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Albania624a (BL9)
624b (BL10)
In (far-right) margin of SS1
In (far-right) margin of imperforate SS1 with changed colors
Ascension Island148 (Mi148)1971"Sputnik II" (Sputnik-2), and "Laika; stamp design based on this photo
Ascension Island190 (Mi?)148 overprinted in black1975"Sputnik II" (Sputnik-2), and "Laika; stamp design based on this photo
BeninC278 (Mi119)

197720th anniv. Sputnik-2 launch, also "Laika"
BeninC276+C278 fdcOne of two stamps and (EDILA) cachet on FDC
BeninUnknown a (Mi none)
Unknown ia
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2012"Sputnik"-2, also "Laika"
BeninUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
BeninUnknown proofsigned-proof MS4 (a-d)(As above for stamp)
BeninUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
BeninUnknown b (Mi none)One of MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2017"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2), also "Laika"
BeninUnknown ss (BL none)
Unknown iss
SS1 [known illegal issue]
Imperforate SS1
"60th anniv. launch of Sputnik[-1], 1957 - 2017" (in French text); Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination (in upper-left margin)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Muslim)606 (Mi504)From MS10 (606a (10x 606))2007Laika (Sptnik-2 dog)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Muslim)606 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (BH Posta) cachet on FDC
Bulgaria4581a (Mi?)One of MS4 (4581 (a-d))2011"Laika" (in Cyrillic, Sputnik-2 dog)
Bulgaria4581e (BL?)SS1 (4581a)"Laika" (in Cyrillic); (stylized) Sputnik-2 (in lower-left margin of SS1)
Bulgaria4581 black4581 in black(As above for stamps)
Bulgaria4581 blue4581 in blue
Bulgaria4581 red-brown4581 in red-brown
Bulgaria4581e black4581e in black
Bulgaria4581e red-brown4581e in red-brown
Bulgaria4581 fdcMS4 and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Bulgaria4581e fdcSS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Bulgaria4581a maxi14581a maxicard, also back
Bulgaria4581a maxi24581a maxicard (different)
Bulgaria4581a envelope (Mi? envelope)Printed stamp (4581a) and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope2011"Laika" (in Cyrillic, on printed stamp); (stylized) Sputnik-2 (in cachet)
Bulgaria4761 (BL416)In (lower-left) margin of SS12016"Sputnik-2" (in Cyrillic text), also launch date (in text); (but Sputnik-3 depicted)
Bulgariai4761 (BL417)In (lower-left) margin of imperforate SS1, overprinted
Burkina FasoUnknown b (Mi?)One of MS4 (a-d)2019"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"
Burkina FasoUnknown fdcMS4 on FDC (multi-color printed cachet)
Burundi1079 (BL218)In (upper-left) margin of SS12012"Laika" (Sputnik-2 dog)
BurundiUnknown ms (Mi?)In (upper-center) and (lower-center) margins of MS6 (a-f)2017"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"
Central African Republic1176b (Mi1888A)
i1176b (Mi1888B)
One of MS4 (1176 (a-d)) (Mi1887A-1890A)
One of imperforate MS4 (i1176 (a-d)) (Mi1887B-1890B)
1997Sputnik-2 and Laika
Central African Republic1367 (Mi2591-2593)
In (upper-right) margin of MS3 (1367 (a-c))
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate MS3 (i1367 (a-c))
2000Sputnik-2 and "Laika"
Central African RepublicMi5137One of MS4 (Mi5135-5138)2014"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2, in text, but Unknown/fantasy depicted)
Central African RepublicMi7415A-7418A_ms4
MS4 (Mi7415A-7418A)
Imperforate MS4 (Mi7415B-7418B)
2017"60th anniv. first animal in orbit" (in French text): "Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"; also Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-3
Central African RepublicBL1684SS1"60th anniv. first animal in orbit" (in French text): "Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"
Chad710c (Mi1519A)
i710c (Mi1519B)
One stamp and in selvedge of MS6 (710 (a-f)) (Mi1517A-1522A)
One stamp and in selvedge of imperforate MS6 (i710 (a-f)) (Mi1517B-1522B)
1997"Laika" (Sputnik-2 dog)
Chad855a (Mi1981)
One of MS6 (855 (a-f)) (Mi1981-1986)
One of imperforate MS6 (i855 (a-f))
2000Sputnik-2 and Laika
ChadBL403In (left) margin of SS1, silver foil2003Laika in her Sputnik-2 dog compartment (design similar to this photo)
ChadUnknown c (Mi none)
Unknown ic
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2007Laika (Sputnik-2 dog)
ChadUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
ChadUnknown proof1Imperforate MS4 proof (black)
ChadUnknown proof2Imperforate MS4 proof (cyan)
ChadUnknown proof3Imperforate MS4 proof (magenta)
ChadUnknown dsImperforate deluxe sheet (stamp 'c')
ChadUnknown_ds fdcOne of two imperforate deluxe sheets (stamps 'c' and 'd') on FDC
ChadUnknown ms (Mi none)
Unknown ims
On label2 of MS3 (a-c + 3 labels)
On label2 of imperforate MS3 (a-c + 3 labels)
2010Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
ChadUnknown ms (Mi none)In (upper) margin and (upper-right) margin of MS9 (a-i) [known illegal issue]2018Sputnik-2 was launched "3 Nov 1957" with "Laika, the first space dog"; also "Module Spoutnik-2 (Laika)" (text incorrectly associated with a depiction of Sputnik-1)
China (People's Republic)381 (Mi409)1958(Symbolic) Sputnik-1 (round), Sputnik-2 (smaller pointed cylinder), and Sputnik-3 (larger pointed cylinder) in orbit
China (People's Republic)379-381 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC (blue and red printed cachet)
Comoro Islands788 (Mi994)

1992"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2), also "Laika"
Comoro Islands788b (BL371A)
i788b (BL371B)
On stamp and in (upper-left) margin of SS1 (788)
On stamp and in (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1 (i788)
Comoro Islands788a (Mi989+991+994)
On one of MS3 (783+785-788)
On one of imperforate MS3 (i783+i785-i788)
Comoro Islands945b (Mi1750)
One of MS3 (945 (a-c))
One of imperforate MS3 (i945 (a-c))
1999"Laika in her Sputnik-2 compartment" (in French text, design similar to this photo)
Comoro IslandsUnknown a (Mi?)From MS5 (a-e)2005In the upper half of the stamp, Laika in her Sputnik-2 dog compartment (based on this photo)
Comoro IslandsUnknown c (Mi?)Laika (same design as Russia postcard 1958 and Russia postcard 1959)
Comoro IslandsUnknown e (Mi?)Upper half (based on a horizontal flip of this photo): mockup of the Sputnik-2 dog compartment with a model of a space dog; lower half (based on this photo): mockup of part of Sputnik-2 (at center left) with a dog spacesuit (at lower left) and a model of a spacedog (at lower right)
Comoro IslandsUnknown_a-c fdcTwo of three stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps); also Laika and Sputnik-2 (in the cachet)
Comoro IslandsUnknown_d-e fdcOne of two stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Comoro IslandsUnknown_ms5 fdcMS5 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC(As above for the MS5); also Sputnik-2 dog Laika (in the cachet)
Congo (Republic)959 (Mi1307)

1992"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"
Congo (Republic)959b (BL?)
On stamp of SS1 (959)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i959)
Congo (Republic)962a (Mi1307+1309+1311)
MS3 (959+961-962)
Imperforate MS3 (i959+i961-i962)
Congo RepublicUnknown d (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2010Laika in her Sputnik-2 compartment (design similar to this photo)
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-right) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2017
Congo RepublicUnknown ss fdcSS1 on FDC (multi-color printed and purple rubber-stamp cachet)
Cuba867 (Mi927)One of block of 5 (867a (863-867 + label)) (Mi923-927), or four of MS20 (867b (4x (863-867))) (Mi923-927)1964
Cuba963 (Mi1025)1965Sputnik-1, Sputnik-2, and Luna-3
Cuba961-963 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Cuba963a (BL26)Imperforate SS1 (963)
Cuba963a fdcSS1 on FDC
Cuba963b (BL27)Imperforate SS1, 963a with changed colors and text
Cuba963b fdcImperforate SS1 on FDC
Czechoslovakia838 (Mi1057)1957Sputnik-2 (with fairing)
Czechoslovakia836-838 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
DjiboutiUnknown ms (Mi none)In (lower-right) margin of MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2016
DjiboutiMi5792-5794_ms3MS3 (Mi5792-5794)2022"65th anniv. first animal in orbit"; "Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"
DjiboutiBL1934SS1 (Mi5795) + label
DjiboutiBL1935SS1 (Mi5796) + label
FranceNone(Lettre-prioritaire) personalized postage2011Sputnik-2 and Laika
Gabon937c (Mi1436)
One of MS12 (937 (a-l)) (Mi1434-1445)
One of imperforate MS12 (i937 (a-l))
1999"Spoutnik-II" (Sputnik-2)
Gabon937 fdcMS12 on FDC
GabonUnknown c (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2018"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2 and launch date) and "Laika"
GabonUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
GabonUnknown ss (BL?)On stamp and in (right) margin of SS12019"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"
GabonUnknown_ss fdcSS1 on FDC(As above for stamps); also Sputnik-2 (in the cachet of the third FDC); also "Laika" (in the cachets of the first two FDCs)
GabonUnknown_a-c+stamp fdcStamp from SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
GabonUnknown_ms fdcMS3 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
GabonUnknown b (Mi?)One of MS3 (a-c)2020Sputnik-2 and "Laika"
GabonUnknown_ms fdcMS3 on FDC
Germany (East)NonePostcard back, also front1961Sputnik-2 launch date, also "Laika"
Germany (East)634c (Mi928)One of MS8 (634 (a-h)) (Mi926-933)1962Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Germany (East)694 (Mi1021)1964Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination (around the Earth)
Germany (East)None b(Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft) cinderella, one of cinderella MS20 (a-t + 5 labels)1975Sputnik-2 and Laika
Germany (West)None(Purple printed) cachet (including reproduction of Mongolia 318) on cover1963Sputnik-2 launch (by date on the stamp), and "Laïka"
Germany (West)NoneCinderella (poster stamp), one of MS30 cinderella~1966"Sputnik-2"
Germany (West)919 cover (Mi468 cover)(Black printed and black typed) cachet on cover1968Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Great Britain1375a+1377a fdc (Mi1337-1340 fdc)Insert from FDC, also front (Benham cachet, and second cancel for 30th anniv. Gagarin's flight)1991"The second Sputnik carried a live dog, Laika"
Guernsey (Great Britain)449-452 fdc (Mi518-521 fdc)Insert back of FDC, also insert front and cover front1991"Sputnik-2"
Guinea RepublicBL1111A
In (upper-left) margin of SS1
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1
2006Design based on this photo: mockup of the Sputnik-2 dog compartment with a model of a space dog
Guinea RepublicBL1111A fdcSS1 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi12635-12638_ms4MS4 (Mi12635-12638)2017"60th anniv. first animal in orbit" (in French text): "Laika" (Sputnik-2 dog)
Guinea RepublicMi12635-12638_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Guinea RepublicBL2823SS1
Guinea RepublicBL2823 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi16084One of MS4 (Mi16081-16084 + 4 labels)2022"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2)
Guinea RepublicMi16578-16581_ms4MS4 (Mi16578-16581)2022"65th anniv. first animal in orbit"; "Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2), also "Laika" based on this photo (on stamp 'b' of MS4)
Guinea RepublicBL3673SS1 (Mi16582)
MS4 (Mi3683A-3686A)
Imperforate MS4 (Mi3683B-3686B)
200750th anniv. "Sputnik-2" launch, also "Laika"
Guinea-BissauMi3683A-3686A_ms4 fdc
Mi3683B-3686B_ms4 fdc
MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate SS1
Guinea-BissauBL624A fdc
BL624B fdc
SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Guyana2106c (Mi2628 gold)One of MS25 (2106 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in gold1989"Sputnik-II" (Sputnik-2), also "Laika spacedog" (in overprinted text)
Guyana2106c_specimenOne of MS25 (2106_specimen (a-y)), 280 with both gold and specimen overprints ("specimen" overprint on MS25 does not touch this stamp)
Guyana2107c (Mi2628)One of MS25 (2107 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in silver (Mi2627-2651)
Guyana2107c specimenOne of MS25 (2107 specimen (a-y)), 280 with both silver and specimen overprints
Guyana2873a (Mi4911)
One of MS9 (2873 (a-i)) (Mi4911-4919)
One of imperforate MS9 (i2873 (a-i))
1994Sputnik-2 launch; also "Laika"
Hungary2747 (Mi3561)1982"Lajka - Szputnyik-2" (Sputnik-2)
Hungary2746-2748 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Hungary4009 (Mi5137)200750th anniv. "Szputnyik-2" (Sputnik-2) launch, and Laika
Hungary4009 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Humgary Post) cachet on FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown b (Mi none)
Umknown ib
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2011"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"
Ivory CoastUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown d (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2012"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2), also "Laika" (in text only)
Ivory CoastUnknown ss (BL none)
Unknown iss
SS1 [known illegal issue]2017"60th anniv. launch Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) launch
Ivory CoastUnknown ms (Mi none)
Unknown ims
MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
Imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2017Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination (Sputnik-3 is mis-identified as "Spoutnik-2")
Ivory CoastUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-right) margin of SS1 (different) [known illegal issue]2017Laika (Sputnik-2 dog)
Ivory CoastUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-left) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2018Sputnik-2 (and Sputnik-1)
Korea (North)2658 (Mi2844)One of pair (2858a (2857-3858)) or five of MS10 (2858b (5x (2857-3858))) (Mi2843-2844)1987"30th anniversary of the first inhabited flight"; Laika in her Sputnik-2 dog compartment (design similar to this photo)
Korea (North)4793a (BL697)On both stamps of MS2 (2x 4793) (Mi5372)2008"Sputnik-2", also "Laika"
Korea (North)4793 fdcStamp on FDC
Laos782 (Mi989)

1987"Sputnik-2" (but Sputnik-3 depicted)
Liberia3636c (Mi?)One of MS4 (3636 (a-d))2021"Sputnik-2"
LiberiaUnknown ms (Mi?)MS6 (a-f)2022"65th anniv. first animal in orbit": "Laika" ("Sputnik-2" dog)
LiberiaUnknown ms fdcMS6 and (Liberia Post) cachet on FDC
LiberiaUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
LiberiaUnknown ss fdcSS1 and (Liberia Post) cachet on FDC
LiberiaUnknown ss (BL?)SS1 (different)
LiberiaUnknown ss fdcSS1 (different) and (Liberia Post) cachet on FDC
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia 733 overprinted in red, one of strip of 2 (2x 733)200?Sputnik-2
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia 791 overprinted in red, one of strip of 2 (2x 791)
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia 792 overprinted in red, one of strip of 2 (2x 792)
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia 793 overprinted in red, one of strip of 2 (2x 793)
Madagascar1463a (Mi2388)One of MS3 (1463 (a-c)) (Mi2388-2390)1999Sputnik-2 capsule and "Laika"
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL?)In (upper-left) margin of SS12015Laika (Sputnik-2 dog)
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL none)In (right) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2016Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Maldive Islands2894 (Mi4534-4539)
MS6 (2894 (a-f))
Imperforate MS6 (i2894 (a-f))
2006Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Maldive Islands3980 (Mi7183-7186)MS4 (3980 (a-d))2017"60th anniv. first animal in orbit": "Laika" ("Sputnik-2" dog); "Sputnik-2" (depicted in Mi7185), but Sputnik-3 (depicted in Mi7184)
Maldive Islands3980 fdc1MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Maldive Islands3980 fdc2MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Maldive Islands3989 (BL1102)SS1
Maldive Islands3989 fdc1SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Maldive Islands3989 fdc2SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Mali1038a (Mi2271)In (upper-left) margin of MS6 (1038 (a-d)) (Mi2271-2274)1999Sputnik-2 and Laika
MaliUnknown c (Mi?)
Unknown ic
One of MS4 (a-d)
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2011"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2), also "Laika" (in text only)
MaliUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)In (right) margin of MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]2013"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2)
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)In (left) margin of MS3 (a-c) (different) [known illegal issue]"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2), also "Laika" (on center stamp)
MaliUnknown c (Mi?)
Unknown ic
One stamp and in (upper-left) margin of MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]
One stamp and in (upper-left) margin of imperforate MS3 (a-c)
2015"Laika" (on stamp), Sputnik-2 (in upper-left margin)
MaliUnknown ss (BL?)In (right) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)On one of three stamps of MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]2017"Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2)
Micronesia334b (Mi702)One of MS20 (334 (a-t)) (Mi701-720)1999"Laika"
MoldovaUnknown (Mi?)2017"60th anniv. launch Sputnik-2" (in Romanian text), and "Laika"
Mongolia318 (Mi323)1963Sputnik-2 launch (by date on the stamp), and "Laïka"
Mongolia318-322 fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Mongolia1035 (Mi1178)1978Sputnik-2 launch, also Laika
MongoliaC156 (Mi1514)1982"Sputnik-2" launch date, also "Laika"
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
In (lower-right) margin of SS1
In (lower-right) margin of imperforate SS1
2007"Laika" (Sputnik-2 dog)
MozambiqueUnknown ss proof1SS1 progressive proof (blue)
MozambiqueUnknown ss proof2SS1 progressive proof (grey)
MozambiqueUnknown ss proof3SS1 progressive proof (magenta)
MozambiqueUnknown ss proof4SS1 progressive proof (yellow)
Niger967c (Mi1327A)
i967c (Mi1327B)
One of MS8 (967 (a-h + label)) (Mi1325-1332)
One of imperforate MS8 (i967)
1997Sputnik-2 and Laika
NigerUnknown e (Mi none)
Unknown ie
One of MS9 (a-i) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS9 (a-i)
1998"Spoutnik-II" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika" (Laika is depicted in her Sputnik-2 dog compartment in a design based on a horizontal flip of this photo)
NigerUnknown ss (BL none)On stamp of SS1 (same as stamp 'e' above) [known illegal issue]
Niger1035b (Mi1726)One of MS4 (1035 (a-d)) (Mi1725-1728)1999"Laika"; the background design is taken from this photo and shows a mockup of the Sputnik-2 dog compartment with a model of a space dog
Poland2248a (Mi2539)On (lower-right) selvedge of MS6 (2248a (6x 2248 + 2 labels)), also annotated1977
RomaniaC51a (Mi1678+1680)Pair (C49+C51 + label)1957Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-2 with launch dates for those satellites on the label (like-Vanguard-2 image)
RomaniaC51a fdcPair on FDC
RomaniaC52a (Mi1677+1679)Pair (C50+C52 + label)
RomaniaC52a fdcPair on FDC
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp (like C49) on stamped envelope1957Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-2 with launch dates for those satellites on the label (like-Vanguard-2 image)
Romania1200 (Mi1685)1957Also "Laika"
Romania1201 (Mi1684)
RomaniaC51a o/p1 (Mi1718+1720)Pair (C49+C51 + label), overprinted1958Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-2 with launch dates for those satellites on the label (like-Vanguard-2 image)
RomaniaC51a inverted o/p1Pair (C49+C51 + label), inverted overprint
RomaniaC52a o/p1 (Mi1717+1719)Pair (C50+C52 + label), overprinted
RomaniaC52a inverted o/p1Pair (C50+C52 + label), inverted overprint
RomaniaC51a o/p2Pair (C49+C51 + label), overprinted (different)1958Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-2 with launch dates for those satellites on the label (like-Vanguard-2 image)
RomaniaC51a inverted o/p2Pair (C49+C51 + label), inverted overprint (different)
RomaniaC52a o/p2Pair (C50+C52 + label), overprinted (different)
RomaniaC52a inverted o/p2Pair (C50+C52 + label), inverted overprint (different)
RomaniaC51a o/p3Pair (C49+C51 + label), overprinted (different)1958Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-2 with launch dates for those satellites on the label (like-Vanguard-2 image)
RomaniaC51a inverted o/p3Pair (C49+C51 + label), inverted overprint (different)
RomaniaC52a o/p3Pair (C50+C52 + label), overprinted (different)
RomaniaC52a inverted o/p3Pair (C50+C52 + label), inverted overprint (different)
RomaniaC119 (Mi2086)Stamp-on-stamp: C49, C51, C561962Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-2 (like-Vanguard-2 image (on Romania C49))
RomaniaC121 (Mi2088)Stamp-on-stamp: 1200 or 1201, C58, C88Sputnik-2 (on Romania 1200 or 1201)
RomaniaC119-C122 fdcTwo of four stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
RomaniaC122a (BL53)Imperforate MS4 (C119-C121)), stamp-on-stamp: C49, C51, C56, C73, C74, C75, 1200 or 1201, C58, C88, C104, C109, C110
RomaniaC122a fdcMS4 on FDC
RomaniaC147 (Mi2190)Stamp-on-stamp: 12001963Also "Laika"
RomaniaNoneStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on postcard200750th anniv. "Sputnik-2" launch, also "Laika"
Russia (USSR)1959 cover (Mi1992 cover)(Multi-color printed) back of cover, also back without stamp and pictorial cancel, also front1958Sputnik-2 (artistic drawing of the Sputnik-2 launch rocket; also the launch date "3 November 1957" and "second Sputnik" (in Cyrillic text))
Russia (USSR)2032 (Mi2042)1957Sputnik-2 launch date
Russia (USSR)2033 (Mi2043)
Russia (USSR)2034 (Mi2044)
Russia (USSR)2035 (Mi2045)
Russia (USSR)2077 (Mi2096)1958Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1958Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination; (see also Russia postcard 1959 and Comoro Islands Unknown c 2005)
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back, also front1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination; (see also Russia postcard 1958 and Comoro Islands Unknown c 2005)
Russia (USSR)2160 (Mi2192)1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)NonePostal card back, also front1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)None(New Year) greeting card back1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)None(Pictorial) cancel on stamped envelope1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)2160 cover1 (Mi2192 cover1)Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)2160 cover2 (Mi2192 cover2)Stamp and (pictorial) cancel (different) and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover, also back1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)None(Black pictorial) cancel on cover1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)None(Red pictorial) cancel on cover (different)1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)NoneMatchbox cover1959Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)NoneMatchbox cover~1960sLaika and Sputnik-2 (also launch date in text)
Russia (USSR)NoneCigarette packearly-1960s?"Laika" and Sputnik-2
Russia (USSR)None(New Year) greeting card backearly-1960sSputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)None(New Year) greeting card back1960Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)2519 (Mi2520)Stamp-on-stamp: 21601961Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)2586 maxi (Mi2595 maxi)(Multi-color printed) cachet on maxicard1962Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)None(New Year) greeting card back, also front1962Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)2732a (Mi2747)From block of 6 (2732 (2732 (a-f)), or from MS30 (2732g (5x 2732))1963Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)2732d (Mi2750)2732a changed color ("10k" value in blue rather than white)
Russia (USSR)2830-2831 fdc (Mi2852-2853 fdc)(Blue and red printed) cachet on FDC1963Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)2883 (Mi2895A)
i2883 (Mi2895B)

1964Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)None(Orange and blue and black printed) cachet on stamped envelope1964Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)2628 cover (Mi2635 cover)(Kniga International red and blue printed) cachet on cover1964Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope1982?25th anniv. Sputnik- 2 launch
RussiaNoneMedallion200750th anniv. Sputnik-2 (but Sputnik-3 depicted), also "Laika"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands704a (BL133A, Mi835A)
i704a (BL133B, Mi835B)
In (left and bottom) margins of SS1 (704)
In (left and bottom) margins of imperforate SS1 (i704)
1983"Sputnik-2" and "Laika"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1432 (Mi1952)One of MS3 (1434a (1432-1434)) (BL420, Mi1952-1954)2003Sputnik-2 and Laika
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown b (Mi?)
Unknown ib
One of MS9 (a-i)
One of imperforate MS9 (a-i)
2004Sputnik-2 and Laika
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
On stamp and in (upper-right) margin of SS1
On stamp and in (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1
2004Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ss fdc1
Unknown iss fdc1
SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown iss fdc2Imperforate SS1 on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown f (Mi?)
Unknown if
One of MS3 (e-d-f)
One of imperforate MS3 (ie-id-if), or one of imperforate MS6 (ia-if)
2006Sputnik-2 and Laika
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS3 and (Lollini) cachet on FDC
Imperforate MS3 on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown if dsImperforate deluxe sheet (if)
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ia+ib+if dsOne of three imperforate deluxe sheets (ia+ib+if) and (Lollini) cachet (design like stamps)
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1684c (Mi2998)From MS4 (1684 (a-d)) (Mi2996-2999)2007"Sputnik-2" and Laika
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1684d (Mi2999)"Sputnik-2" (but Sputnik-3 depicted)
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1684 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDCSputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1867 (BL649)In (upper-left) margin of SS12008Laika (Sputnik-2 dog)
St. Vincent2701d (Mi4632)One of MS9 (2701 (a-i)) (Mi4629-4637)1999"Laika" (Sputnik-2 dog)
St. Vincent4230a (Mi8207)Two of MS4 (4230 (2x (a-b))) (Mi8207-8208)2021Sputnik-2 dog Laika (stamp design based on this photo)

1972Sputnik-2 and Laika
SharjahMi996B_dsImperforate deluxe sheet (Mi996B)
SharjahMi996B_ss1Imperforate SS1 (Mi996B)
Sierra Leone3851b (Mi7459)One stamp and in (lower-left) margin of MS4 (3851 (a-d)) (Mi7458-7461)2016"Sputnik-2" and "Laika" (on stamp and also in the lower-left margin of the MS4)
Sierra Leone4146 (Mi8200-8203)MS4 (4146 (a-d))2017"60th anniv. first animal in orbit": "Laika" (Sputnik-2 dog); (Sputnik-3 in lower-left margin of SS1, "Sputnik-2" in text near the satellite is incorrect)
Sierra Leone4165 (BL1169, Mi8204)SS1
Sierra LeoneMi15225-15229_ms5MS5 (Mi15225-15229)2022"65th anniv. first animal in orbit": "Laika, c. 1954-1957"; stamp 'e' design based on this photo; "Spacesuit worn by Laika" (in stamp 'b')
Sierra LeoneBL2608SS1 (Mi15230): stamp-on-stamp: Romania 1200 (in upper margin)"65th anniv. first animal in orbit": Laika in her Sputnik-2 dog compartment (in stamp of SS1, based on this photo)
Solomon Islands2324 (Mi4532-4535)MS4 (2324 (a-d))2017"60th anniv. first animal in orbit": "Laika" ("Sputnik-2" dog)
Solomon Islands2349 (BL657, Mi4536)SS1
Spain4154c (Mi5111)One of MS4 (4154 (a-d)) (BL1287, Mi5109-5112))2016Laika (Sputnik-2 dog)
Tanzania2538 (Mi4612-4615)MS4 (2538 (a-d))2009Also "Laika"
TogoMi6462One of MS4 (Mi6461-6464)2014Sputnik-2, also "Belka" and "Strelka"
TogoMi6461-6464_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet (same design as stamp) on FDC
TogoMi8254-8257_ms4MS4 (Mi8254-8257)2017"60th anniv. first animal in orbit" (in French text): "Spoutnik-2" (Sputnik-2) and "Laika"; (also Sputnik-3 on SS1 and in cachet of both FDCs)
TogoMi8254-8257_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like SS1) on FDC
TogoBL1462SS1 (Mi8258)
TogoBL1462 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like SS1) on FDC
United StatesNone(Colorano silk/ASDA) cachet (with reproduction of Russia 2160) on cover, also annotated cachet1983Sputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
United States3187d fdc (Mi326 fdc)(Mystic Stamp Company) back of FDC, also front1999"Sputnik-2"

1Sputnik-3 is depicted, whereas this item likely intended to show Sputnik-2 along with the space dog Laika.

Below is a list of Sputnik-2 satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
1957-11-03: Sputnik-2 (with dog Laika)
Russia (USSR)1957-11-03Moscow PO(Pictorial) cancel on cover, also backSputnik-2 launch
Sputnik-2 (events)
Russia (USSR)1958-04-14?Moscow(Russia 2032, 2033, 2034, and 2035) stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverSputnik-2 orbital decay and atmospheric re-entry after approximately 2000 Earth orbits
Sputnik-2 (anniversaries)
Russia (USSR)1960-11-03Moscow(Russia 2032) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover3rd anniv. Sputnik-2 launch
Russia (USSR)1961-11-03Minsk(Multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover4th anniv. Sputnik-2 launch
Russia (USSR)1962-11-03Penza Oblast(Red rubber-stamp) cachet (same design as Russia 2032, 2033, 2034, and 2035) on cover5th anniv. Sputnik-2 launch
Russia (USSR)1962-11-03Archangelsk(Black and red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover5th anniv. Sputnik-2 launch, also Laika
Sputnik-2 (on other than Sputnik-2 launch covers)
Russia (USSR)1960-04-04Leningrad(Multi-color printed) cachet on Sputnik-3 event coverSputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
Austria1967-10-04Gmünd(Cyan printed) cachet on Sputnik-1 anniversary cover"Sputnik II (USSR) [was] launched 3.11.1957" with the dog "Laika" (in German text)
United States1983-01-31Pasadena CA(JPL Stamp Club) insert from Explorer-1 anniversary cover, also front"Sputnik-I and II"
United States2002-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Multi-color printed) cachet (with reproduction of Russia 2160) on Telstar-1 anniversary coverSputnik-1, 2, and 3 combination
French Guiana2011-12-16Kourou(Historiaphil) cachet on Pleiades-1A launch cover, also detail"Sputnik-2" and Laika

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Updated: 2024-12-18