Telstar-1/2 type (Type-A) Telstar-1/2 type (Type-B)


Telstar-5/6/7 type
Telstar-1/2 type
Telstar-1/2 type
Telstar-5/6/7 type

This page contains philatelic information on the Telstar-series satellites. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

The Telstar satellites were roughly spherical in shape with a diameter of 88 cm and were powered by 3600 solar cells. Telstar-1 had a mass of 77 kg and Telstar-2 was 79 kg. The Telstar design probably inspired that of the Chinese DFH-1 and SJ-1 (which in turn probably served as the basis for the design of the North Korean KMS-1). This intercomparison image includes the four satellites and demonstrates their family resemblance. Furthermore, this brief discussion presents some of their characteristics and differences.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Telstar Telstar Telstar
Telstar (on other than Telstar launch covers)

Below is a list of Telstar-series satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Andorra (French Admin.)154 (Mi178)
1962"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Andorra (French Admin.)154 dsImperforate deluxe sheet (154)
Andorra (French Admin.)154 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
Andorra (French Admin.)154 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDC
Andorra (French Admin.)154 fdc3Stamp and (?) cachet on FDC
Andorra (French Admin.)154 fdc4Stamp and (?) cachet (different) on FDC
Andorra (French Admin.)154 fdc5Stamp and (?) cachet (different colors) on FDC
Andorra (French Admin.)154 fdc6Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
Andorra (French Admin.)154 fdc7Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Andorra (French Admin.)154 maxi1Maxicard
Andorra (French Admin.)154 maxi2Maxicard (different)
Andorra (French Admin.)154 maxi3Maxicard (different)
Andorra (French Admin.)154 maxi4Maxicard (different)
ArgentinaNone(Black printed) cachet on cover1964Type-A1
ArgentinaC97 fdc1 (Mi861 fdc1)(Black printed) cachet on FDC1965"Telstar" (Type-B1)
ArgentinaC97 fdc2 (Mi861 fdc2)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
AustriaNoneCachet (design like CDT#2 stamps) on cover1963"Telstar" (Type-B1)
AustriaNone(?) cachet on postal card1965"Telstar" (in text only)
Belgium630 fdc (Mi1390 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC1965Type-B1
Belize686 (Mi716)1983"Telstar-2" (Type-A1 variant: no antennas)
Bhutan53 (Mi69)1966Type-B1
Bhutan54 (Mi70)Type-A1
Bhutan55a (BL4)
On one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of MS2 (54-55)
On one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of imperforate MS2 (i54-i55)
Type-A1 (on stamp and in lower-left margin) and Type-B1 (in lower-center margin)
British Guiana293-294 fdc (Mi232-233 fdc)(Black printed) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
Burundi127 (Mi168A)
i127 (Mi168B)

Burundi130 (Mi171A)
i130 (Mi171B)

Burundii126-i127+i131+i133 fdcOne of four imperforate stamps on FDC (blank/no cachet)Type-A1
Burundi127+130-132 fdcTwo of four stamps on FDC (blank/no cachet)Type-A1 and Type-B1
Burundii128-i130+i132 fdcOne of four imperforate stamps on FDC (blank/no cachet)Type-B1
Burundi133a (BL7A)
i133a (BL7B)
In (right) margin of MS2 (131+133)
In (right) margin of imperforate MS2 (i131+i133)
Burundi140 (Mi199A)
i140 (Mi199B)

Burundi140a (BL9A)
i140a (BL9B)
On one of MS3 (138-140)
On one of imperforate MS3 (i138-i140)
Cambodia327 (Mi391)
From MS15 (327a (15x 327))
From imperforate MS15 (i327a (15x i327))
1974"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Cambodia327 proof1Proof (purple)
Cambodia327 proof2Proof (black-brown)
Cambodia327 ds (BL43, Mi391B)Deluxe sheet (327)
CambodiaC51 (Mi405A)
iC51 (Mi405B)
Gold foil
Imperforate gold foil
CambodiaC51a (BL59A)
iC51a (BL59B)
On stamp of SS1 (C51), gold foil
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (iC51), gold foil
Cambodia367 (Mi441)1975Type-A1
Cambodia367a (BL106A)
i367a (BL106B)
On stamp and in (lower-right) margin of SS1 (367)
On stamp and in (lower-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (i367)
Cambodia367 ds1 (BL115)
Cambodia367 ds2 (BL124)
Cameroun380 (Mi381)

Cameroun380 dsDeluxe sheet (380)
Cameroun381 (Mi382)

Cameroun381 dsDeluxe sheet (381)
Cameroun382 (Mi383)

Cameroun382 dsDeluxe sheet (382)
Cameroun383 (Mi384)

Cameroun383 dsDeluxe sheet (383)
Cameroun380-383 fdc1Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Cameroun380-383 fdc2Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Éditions U.Des.Co) cachet on FDC
CamerounC45 (Mi385)

CamerounC45 dsDeluxe sheet (C45)
CamerounC45 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Cape Kennedy FL (USA)LocalLocal post stamp1965"TV by Telstar" (Type-A1)
Cape Kennedy FL (USA)Local fdcLocal post stamp and (cyan rubber-stamp) cachet on FDC
Cape Kennedy and Satellite Beach FL (USA)Local fdc1One of two local post stamps and (black printed and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
Cape Kennedy and Satellite Beach FL (USA)Local fdc2One of two local post stamps and (red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover (the second cancel (26 June 1965) is for the 2nd anniv. Kennedy's "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech)
Central African Republic25-26 fdc (Mi37-38 fdc)(Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC1963Type-B1
Central African RepublicC88 (Mi239)1971Type-B1
Central African RepublicBL574A
In (right) margin of SS1, gold foil
In (right) margin of imperforate SS1, gold foil
1995"Telstar" (Type-C)
Central African Republic1106 (BL579A)
i1106 (BL579B)
In (lower-left) margin of SS1
In (lower-left) margin of imperforate SS1
1996"Telstar"-4/7 type
Chad676Ab (Mi1420A)
i676Ab (Mi1420B)
In (upper-right) margin of SS1 (676A)
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (i676A)
1996"Telstar-402" (Telstar-4)
Chad688a (Mi1413)
In (upper-right) margin of SS1 (688)
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (i688)
1996"Telstar-401" (Telstar-4)
Chad707d (Mi1502A)
i707d (Mi1502B)
One stamp and in selvedge of MS6 (707 (a-f)) (Mi1499A-1504A)
One stamp and in selvedge of imperforate MS6 (i707 (a-f)) (Mi1499B-1504B)
1997"Telstar" (Type-A1, in selvedge text)
ColombiaC467 fdc (Mi1061 fdc)(Colombia Post) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
ColombiaC470 (Mi1064)1965Type-B1
Comoro IslandsC7 (Mi51)CD1111962"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Comoro IslandsC7 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Comoro IslandsC7 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet (different) on FDC
Comoro Islands196a fdc (BL38A fdc)(Comoros Post) cachet on FDC (design similar to Comoro Islands 201, see below)1976Type-A1
Comoro Islands197a fdc (BL39A fdc)(Comoros Post) cachet on FDC (design similar to Comoro Islands 201, see below)
Comoro Islands199a fdc (BL41 fdc)(Comoros Post) cachet on FDC (design similar to Comoro Islands 201, see below)
Comoro Islands201 (Mi293A)
i201 (Mi293B)

Comoro Islands201a (BL43A)
i201a (BL43B)
On stamp of SS1 (201)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i201)
Congo (Democratic Republic)534 (Mi227)1965Type-A1
Congo (Democratic Republic)535 (Mi228)Type-C1 (variant: no radial antennas on bottom)
Congo (Democratic Republic)536 (Mi229)Type-A1
Congo (Democratic Republic)537 (Mi230)Type-C1 (variant: no radial antennas on bottom)
Congo (Democratic Republic)534-537 fdcFour stamps and (Congo Post?) cachet on FDCType-B1; (plus additional antennas in cachet depiction)
Congo (Democratic Republic)538 (Mi231)Type-A1
Congo (Democratic Republic)539 (Mi232)Type-C1 (variant: no radial antennas on bottom)
Congo (Democratic Republic)540 (Mi233)Type-A1
Congo (Democratic Republic)541 (Mi234)Type-C1 (variant: no radial antennas on bottom)
Congo (Democratic Republic)538-541 fdcFour stamps and (Congo Post?) cachet on FDCType-B1; (plus additional antennas in cachet depiction)
Congo (Democratic Republic)BL589In (upper-right) margin of SS1 (Mi2141)2014"Telstar-14R"
Congo RepublicC27 (Mi67)1965Type-B1
Congo RepublicC27 fdc1Stamp on FDC (Éditions So.Ge.Im. cachet)
Congo RepublicC27 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (lower-right) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2018"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Congo (People's Republic)C174 (Mi397)1973Type-C1 (variant: no radial antennas on bottom)
Congo (People's Republic)C174 fdcStamp and (blue and black printed) cachet on FDC
Cook Islands747 (Mi930)1983Type-A1
Cook Islands744-747 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Cuba870 (Mi929)One of block of 5 (872a (868-872 + label)) (Mi928-932), or four of MS20 (872b (4x (868-872))) (Mi928-932)1964Type-B1 (variant: no helix)
Cuba966 (Mi1028)1965Type-A1
Cuba967 (Mi1029)
Cuba964-968 fdcTwo of five stamps on FDC
CubaNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1965Type-B1 (variant: no helix)
Czechoslovakia1333 (Mi1559)1965Type-A1
Czechoslovakia1333 fdcStamp on FDC (green printed cachet)
Czechoslovakia1427 (Mi1656)1966Type-B1
Czechoslovakia1422+1427 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Czechoslovakia1456 (Mi1690)1967Type-C1 (variant: loop antenna on top) (in inset at lower left)
DjiboutiC233 (Mi498A)
iC233 (Mi498B)

198725th anniv. "Telstar" (Type-B1)
DjiboutiC233 fdcStamp and (?) cachet on FDC
DjiboutiC233 dsDeluxe sheet (C233)
DjiboutiC233a (BL141A)
iC233a (BL141B)
On stamp of SS1 (C233)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (iC233)
Djibouti826b (Mi781)One of MS6 (826 (a-f)) (Mi780-785)2000"Telstar" (Type-A1)
DubaiMi157Un-issued stamp overprinted1964Type-B1
Dubai126 (Mi370)1970Type-A1
Ecuador748 (Mi1190)1966(mis-spelled) "Telestar" (Type-B1)
Ecuador748+748B+749 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Ecuador748Df (BL14)
i748Df (BL15)
On one of MS3 (748+748B+748D) (Mi1990+1992+1994)
Imperforate MS3 (748+748B+748D), with changed background color
EgyptNoneEssay1977(poorly-depicted) Telstar-1/2 type (with extra antennas on bottom)
Equatorial GuineaMi3881974Type-C1
Falkland Islands154-155 fdc (Mi149-150 fdc)(Official) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
Fiji211-212 fdc (Mi183-184 fdc)(Black printed) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
France1047 cover1 (Mi1413 cover1)(Éditions J.F. and red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover1962-10-19First telecast, Europe-USA (Telstar implied, but not directly depicted or in text); Pleumeur-Bodou groundstation inauguration
France1047 cover2 (Mi1413 cover2)(Éditions J.F.) cachet (and signature) on cover1962-10-19First telecast, Europe-USA (Telstar implied, but not directly depicted or in text); Pleumeur-Bodou groundstation inauguration
France1047 cover3 (Mi1413 cover3)(Lollini) cachet on cover1962-11-03Pleumeur-Bodou groundstation (Telstar not depicted or in text)
France1047 cover4 (Mi1413 cover4)(Éditions P.J.) cachet on cover1962-11-19Pleumeur-Bodou groundstation (Telstar not depicted or in text)
France1047 cover5 (Mi1413 cover5)(Black printed) cachet on cover1962-11-20"Telstar" (in text only)
France1048 (Mi1414)
CDT#2, from MS25 (1048a (25x 1048))
1962"Telstar" (Type-B1); (see also Reunion 344)
France1048 maxi1Maxicard
France1048 maxi2Maxicard (different)
France1048 maxi3Maxicard (different, Lannion cancel)
France1048 maxi4Maxicard (same, Pleumeur-Bodou cancel)
France1048 maxi5Maxicard (different)
France1048 fdc1Stamp and (P.A.C.) cachet on FDC
France1048 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions P.J. no.438) cachet on FDC
France1048 fdc3Stamp and (Éditions P.J. no.438) cachet (no signatures) on FDC
France1048 fdc4Stamp and (Éditions Le Foyer des Orphelins des P.T.T. Cachan) cachet on FDC, also back
France1048 fdc5Stamp and (?) cachet on FDC
France1048 fdc6Stamp and (?) cachet (same) on FDC (different format)
France1047-1048 ms2MS2 (1047-1048)1962Type-B1
France1048 cover1 (Mi1414 cover1)Stamp and (?) cachet on cover1962-10-19First telecast, France-USA; Pleumeur-Bodou groundstation inauguration; Type-B1 (on stamp); cartoon design (on cachet)
France1048 cover2 (Mi1414 cover2)Stamp and (Lollini) cachet on cover1962-11-10First telecast via satellite; Type-B1 (on stamp); Type-A1 (variant: radial antennas on bottom)
France1048 cover3 (Mi1414 cover3)Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on cover1962-11-19First telecast via satellite; Type-B1 (on stamp and Éditions P.J. cachet)
France1048 cover4 (Mi1414 cover4)Stamp and (pictorial) cancel (with reproduction of France 1047) on cover1962-12-15/16First telecast via satellite; Type-B1 (on stamp)
France1047 cover (Mi1413 cover)(Lollini) cachet on cover1963-09-12Type-A1
France1048 cover (Mi1414 cover)Stamp and (Lollini) cachet on cover1963-09-12Type-B1 (on stamp); Type-A1 (in cachet)
France1067 fdc (Mi1443 fdc)Cachet (with reproduction of France 1048) on FDC1963Type-B1
FranceNone(Text-only) meter1963Telstar (instrumental) song by The Tornados
FranceNone(Exposition de Paris) cinderella (blue)196315th anniv. creation of US-Europe economic co-operation and Europa (stamps): Type-B1
FranceNone(Exposition de Paris) cinderella (green)
FranceNone(Exposition de Paris) cinderella (blue), overprinted196315th anniv. NATO (in 1964): Type-B1
FranceNone(Exposition de Paris) cinderella (green), overprinted
France1122 fdc (Mi1510 fdc)(Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC1965"Telstar" (Type-B1)
France1122 maxi (Mi1510 maxi)(Multi-color printed) cachet on maxicardType-A1
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on cover1982-07-11"20th anniv. first (transatlantic) transmission of (television) images by (Telstar) satellite (on) 11 July 1962" (in French text)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel1982"20th anniv. first (transatlantic) transmission of (television) images by (Telstar) satellite (on) 11 July 1962" (in French text)
Franklin Mint (USA)None(Silver) medallion, also reverse1970s"Telstar-1" (Type-A1)
French PolynesiaC29 (Mi23)CD1111962"Telstar" (Type-B1); cartoon design (on second cachet)
French PolynesiaC29 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
French PolynesiaC29 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
French PolynesiaC33 fdc (Mi44 fdc)(Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC1965"Telstar" (Type-B1)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC5 (Mi27)CD1111962"Telstar" (Type-B1); cartoon design (on second cachet)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC5 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC5 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC

FujeiraMi70A-77A fdcOne of eight stamps on FDC
On one of MS2 (Mi76A-77A)
On one of imperforate MS2 (Mi76B-77B)
FujeiraBL4A fdcMS2 on FDC
Mi76A overprinted new currency
Mi76B overprinted new currency
Mi76A overprinted "Apollo-8"
Mi76B overprinted "Apollo-8"
FujeiraMi343A inv o/p
Mi343B inv o/p
Mi76A inverted overprint "Apollo-8"
Mi76B inverted overprint "Apollo-8"
FujeiraMi341A-348A fdcOne of eight stamps on FDC
On one of MS2 (Mi155A-156A), BL4A overprinted new currency
On one of imperforate MS2 (Mi155B-156B), BL4B overprinted new currency
On one of MS2 (Mi343A-344A), BL4A overprinted "Apollo-8"
On one of imperforate MS2 (Mi343B-344B), BL4B overprinted "Apollo-8"
On one of MS2 (Mi343A-344A), BL4A inverted overprint "Apollo-8"
On one of imperforate MS2 (Mi343B-344B), BL4B inverted overprint "Apollo-8"
One of strip of 5 (Mi1457A-1461A)
One of imperforate strip of 5 (Mi1457B-1461B)
1970Stamp-on-stamp: France 1048 with Type-B1
FujeiraMi1457A selvedgeWith selvedge
FujeiraMi1457 dsDeluxe sheet (Mi1457)
Gabon167-168 fdc (Mi185-186 fdc)(Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC1963Type-B1
GabonUnknown b (Mi none)
Unknown ib
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2017"Telstar" (Type-A1)
GabonUnknown proofSigned-proof MS4(As above for stamp)
GabonUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
GabonUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Gambia2167 (Mi3269)

1999"Telstar-1" (Type-A1)
Germany (Berlin)None(Pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on cover1965Telstar (Type-A1, in cancel); "Telstar-1" (Type-B1, in cachet)
Germany (Berlin)9N238 card (Mi273 card)(Bausteinkarte Nr.39) cachet on stamped card1967"Telstar" (Type-C1)
Germany (West)None(Black printed) cachet (with black monochrome reproduction of Paraguay 813) on cover1964"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Germany (West)None(Pictorial) cancel on cover (Herman Oberth Gesellschaft cachet), also back1965Telstar (Type-A1)
Germany (West)NoneCinderella (poster stamp), one of MS30 cinderella~1966"Telstar-2"
Germany (West)None(Pictorial) cancel and (brown printed) cachet (and signature) on cover1969"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Germany (West)None(Pictorial) cancel and (brown printed) cachet (and sigantures, different) on cover1969"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Germany1763 cover (Mi1638 cover)(Blue and black printed) cachet on cover1992Type-B1 (variant: no helix)
Great BritainNoneCard~late-1960sType-A1
Grenada3938 (Mi6597-6600)In (right) margin of MS4 (3938 (a-d))2013"Telstar" (in text only)
Grenada Carriacou2126c (Mi2970)One of MS6 (2126 (a-f)) (Mi2968-2973)1999"Telstar-1" (Type-A1)
Guinea Republic607 (Mi625A)
i607 (Mi625B)

1972"Telstar" (Type-C1)
Guinea Republic722 (Mi757A)1976Type-A1
Guinea Republic722a (BL46A)On one of MS4 (719-722) (Mi754-757)
Guinea RepublicBL884A-885A fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC2005Telstar-14 (at right in cachet)
Guinea RepublicBL891A
In (upper) margin of MS2 (Mi4182A-4183A)
In (upper) margin of imperforate MS2 (Mi4182B-4183B)
2005Telstar-18 / APStar-5 (or the identical ChinaSat-8 / ZX-8 / Protostar-1 / Intelsat-25)
Guinea-Bissau368D (Mi401A)
i368D (Mi401B)

Guinea-Bissau368-368A-E fdcOne of six stamps on FDC
Guinea-Bissau368Dg (BL34)On stamp of SS1 (368D)
Guinea-Bissau375 (Mi433A)
i375 (Mi433B)

Guinea-Bissau375g (BL62)On stamp of SS1 (375)
HaitiC245a (BL31)In (left, bottom, and right) margins of simulated-perforation MS2 (like C242+C245)1965Type-A1
HaitiC245b (BL32)C245a overprinted in red
HaitiC466 (Mi1323)1978Type-B1
Hong Kong221-222 fdc1 (Mi214-215 fdc1)(Red and black printed) cachet on FDC (Kowloon-Hong Kong cancel)1965Type-B1
Hong Kong221-222 fdc2 (Mi214-215 fdc2)(Red and black printed) cachet on FDC (Hong Kong cancel)
Hong Kong221-222 fdc3 (Mi214-215 fdc3)(Black printed) cachet on FDC (Hong Kong cancel)
Hungary1567 (Mi1996A)
i1567 (Mi1996B)

1964"Telstar-I" (Telstar-1) and "Telstar-II" (Telstar-2 / Type-A1 variant: no antennas)
Hungary1567 maxiMaxicard
Hungary1562+1565+1567-1568 fdc1One of four stamps on FDC
Hungary1562+1565+1567-1568 fdc2One of four stamps on FDC (different)
HungaryKM690500 forint (silver coin)1992"Telstar-1" (Type-A1); (30th anniv.)
Hungary4370 (Mi5800-5807)In (upper) margin of MS8 (a-h), also UV-light image2015
Hungary4370 fdcMS8 on FDC
Isle of Man (Great Britain)984a (Mi1036)From strip of 2 (984 (a-b)) (Mi1036-1037)2003"Telstar-1" (Type-A1)
Isle of Man (Great Britain)984b (Mi1037)"Telstar-8"
Isle of Man (Great Britain)981-984 fdcOne of four strips of 2 on FDC(As above for stamps)
Israel294+label fdc (Mi343+label fdc)(Israel Post) cachet on FDC, also detail1 and detail21965Type-B1
Israel496+tab fdc (Mi563+tab fdc)Cinderella on (Israel Space Stamp Collectors Society) FDC1972"Telstar-1" (Type-A1 variant: no antennas)
ItalyNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard1963"Italy lives the space enterprise of Gordon Cooper with Telstar II and Relay I"; Type-A1 (cancel)
ItalyNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard (different)1963"Italy lives the space enterprise of Gordon Cooper with Telstar II and Relay I"; Type-A1 (cancel)
Ivory CoastBL153AOn stamp (Mi1450A) of SS1 silver, also detail2005Telstar-18 (see annotated reference image) / APStar-5 (or the identical ChinaSat-8 / ZX-8 / Protostar-1 / Intelsat-25)
Ivory CoastBL154AOn stamp (Mi1450A) of SS1 silver, also detail
Ivory CoastBL155AOn stamp (Mi1451A) of SS1 gold, also detail
Ivory CoastBL156AOn stamp (Mi1451A) of SS1 gold, also detail
Ivory CoastMi1450A_ms4MS4 (4x Mi1450A) silver
Ivory CoastMi1451A_ms4MS4 (4x Mi1451A) gold
Ivory CoastBL162AIn (right) margin of SS1 (Mi1456A) silver2005Telstar-18 / APStar-5 (or the identical ChinaSat-8 / ZX-8 / Protostar-1 / Intelsat-25)
Ivory CoastBL164AIn (right) margin of SS1 (Mi1457A) gold
Jamaica247 (Mi249)1965Type-B1
Jamaica564 (Mi572)Stamp-on-stamp: 2471983Type-B1
Jordan856 (Mi984)1975Type-B1 (variant: no radial antennas on bottom)
Jordan857 (Mi985)
Jordan1173 (Mi1245)1983Type-C1 (variant: no radial antennas on bottom)
Kathiri State of Seiyun (South Arabia)Mi84A

Imperforate with changed color
Kathiri State of Seiyun (South Arabia)Mi87A

Imperforate with changed color
Kathiri State of Seiyun (South Arabia)Mi90A

Imperforate with changed color
Kathiri State of Seiyun (South Arabia)BL1One of MS2 (Mi87-88)
Khor FakkanMi271965Type-A1
Khor FakkanMi30
Khor FakkanMi25-32 fdcTwo of eight stamps on FDC
Khor FakkanMi80Mi30 overprinted new currency1966Type-A1
Korea (North)1674 (Mi1697)One of MS8 (1675a (1670-1677))1978Type-A1
Korea (North)2380 (Mi2473A)
i2380 (Mi2473B)

Laos110 (Mi161)1965Type-B1
Laos109-111 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Laos111a (BL37)On one of MS3 (109-111)
LiberiaC151 (Mi604A)
iC151 (Mi604B)

Liberia408-409+C151 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Liberia408-409+C151-C152 fdcOne of three stamps and SS1 on FDC
LiberiaC152 (BL27A)
iC152 (BL27B)
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of imperforate SS1
LiberiaC152 fdcSS1 on FDC
Luxembourg431 fdc (Mi714 fdc)(Éditions Thill) cachet on FDC1965Type-A1
Malagasy Republic367 fdc (Mi534 fdc)(Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
Mali40 (Mi55)CDT#21962"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Mali41 (Mi56)
Mali40-41 fdc1Two stamps and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Mali40-41 fdc2Two stamps and (Éditions U.DES.CO) cachet on FDC
Mali40-41 fdc3Two stamps and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
Mali40-41 fdc4Two stamps and (Éditions J.F.) cachet (different) on FDC
Mali133 (Mi227)1970Type-C1 (variant: multiple radial antennas on top and bottom)
Mali133 fdcStamp and (red and brown printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Mali133 dsDeluxe sheet (133)
Mali1038 (Mi2271-2274)In (upper-left) margin of MS6 (1038 (a-d))1999Type-A1
MauritaniaC23 (Mi217)

1963"Telstar" (Type-B1)
MauritaniaC23 fdcStamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
MauritaniaC23-C24 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet)
MauritaniaC41 fdc (Mi251 fdc)(Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
Micronesia1006 (BL226)On stamp of SS12013"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Monaco542 (Mi731)

Monaco542 fdc1Stamp and (Lollini) cachet on FDC
Monaco542 fdc2Stamp and (?) cachet on FDC
Monaco542 fdc3Stamp on FDC (green and blue and black printed cachet)
Monaco542 fdc4Stamp and (Rank velvet) cachet on FDC
Monaco542 fdc5Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Monaco542 fdc6Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
Monaco609 (Mi802)1965"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Monaco609 maxiMaxicard
Monaco609 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J. no.129) cachet on FDC
Monaco609 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
Monaco609 fdc3Stamp and (?) cachet on FDC
Monaco605-610 fdcOne of six stamps and (B. Minne) cachet on FDC
Mongolia441 (Mi454)1966"Telstar-1" (Type-B1) (also launch date in text)
Mozambique1872 (BL259)On stamp of SS12009"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Mozambique1872 fdcSS1 on FDC
NetherlandsNoneMatchbox cover1960s"Telstar" (Type-A1)
New CaledoniaC33 (Mi386)CD1111962"Telstar" (Type-B1); cartoon design (on second cachet)
New CaledoniaC33 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J. no.438) cachet on FDC
New CaledoniaC33 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
NigerC36 (Mi59)1964"Telstar" (Type-B1)
NigerC36 fdcStamp and (?) cachet on FDC
NigerC36-C37 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet)
Niger911 (BL90)
In (right) margin of SS1
In (right) margin of imperforate SS1
Nigeria173 (Mi164)1965Type-B1 (variant: no radial antennas on bottom)
Nigeria173-174 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Nigeria173aMS12 (12x 173)
Panama457 (Mi778)1964"Telstar-1" (Type-A1)
Panama457Ef fdc (BL29 fdc)(Purple and blue and black printed) cachet on FDCType-A1
Panama460Ef (BL34)
i460Ef (BL35)
In (lower-left) margin of MS2 (460D-460E)
In (lower-left) margin of imperforate MS2 (i460D-i460E), changed colors
1965Type-A1 (variant: no antennas)
PanamaC351 (Mi902)
iC351 (Mi903)

Imperforate with changed colors
1966(mis-spelled) "Telestar" (Type-B1)
PanamaiC351 proofImperforate proof
PanamaC352 (BL54)On stamp of SS1
Panama489 (Mi1094a)457 overprinted in black1968"Telstar-1" (Type-A1)
Panama489_gold (Mi1094b)457 overprinted in gold
Panama489-489A fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Paraguay806-810 fdc(Centro Filatélico del Paraguay) cachet on FDC1964"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Paraguay811 (Mi1300)
i811 (Mi1308)

Imperforate with changed color
Paraguay812 (Mi1301)
i812 (Mi1309)

Imperforate with changed color
Paraguay813 (Mi1302)
i813 (Mi1310)

Imperforate with changed color
Paraguay813a (BL54)
i813a (BL55)
On stamp of SS1 (813)
Imperforate SS1 (i813), changed color
Paraguay831 (Mi1336)
i831 (Mi1344)

Imperforate with changed colors
1964"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Paraguay831-832 fdcOne of two stamps and (purple printed) cachet on FDC
Paraguay898 (Mi1474)1965"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Paraguay895-899 fdc1One of five stamps on FDC
Paraguay895-899 fdc2One of five stamps on FDC (different)
Paraguay900 (Mi1476)
Paraguay900-902 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Paraguay900a (BL73)
i900a (BL74)
On one of MS2 (899-900)
On one of imperforate MS2 (i899-i900), changed colors
Paraguay900a muestra
i900a muestra
On one of MS2 (899-900) overprinted "muestra"
On one of imperforate MS2 (i899-i900), changed colors, overprinted "muestra"
Paraguay995 (Mi1651)
i995 (Mi1659)

Imperforate with changed colors
1966"Telstar-1" and "Telstar-2" (Type-A1 and Type-B1, not necessarily in that order)
Paraguay995 muestra
i995 muestra

Imperforate with changed colors, overprinted "muestra"
Paraguay994-998 fdc
i994-i998 fdc
One of five stamps on FDC
One of five imperforate stamps on FDC, also back
Paraguay1000 (Mi1656)
i1000 (Mi1664)

Imperforate with changed colors
Paraguay1000 muestra
i1000 muestra
Overprinted "muestra"
Imperforate overprinted "muestra"
Paraguay999-1001 fdc
i999-i1001 fdc
One of three stamps on FDC, also back
One of three imperforate stamps on FDC, also back
Paraguay1134 (Mi1873)1968(variant: cross between Type-A1 and Type-B1)
Paraguay1134a (BL115)Imperforate MS3 (1126-1127+1134)
ParaguayC546 (BL392, Mi3678)On stamp of SS11983Type-A1
In (upper-right) margin of SS1
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1
PhilippinesBLIIA snvIn (upper-right) margin of SS1, BLII overprinted "SNV"
PhilippinesBLIIB airIn (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1, BLII inscribed "airmail"
Pitcairn Islands52-53 fdc (Mi52-53 fdc)(Black printed) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
PolandNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1972Type-B1
Poland2151 (Mi2436)1976Type-B1
Poland2151 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
Poland2248a (Mi2539)On (lower) selvedge of MS6 (2248a (6x 2248 + 2 labels)), also annotated1977Type-B1
Qatar61 (Mi64A)
i61 (Mi64B)

1965"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Qatar64 (Mi67A)
i64 (Mi67B)

Qatar65 (Mi68A)
i65 (Mi68B)

Qatar67 (Mi70A)
i67 (Mi70B)

Qatar68a (BL2A)
i68a (BL2B)
On one of MS2 (67-68)
On one of imperforate MS2 (i67-i68)
Qatar91 (Mi94a)61 overprinted in black1966"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Qatar94 (Mi97a)64 overprinted in black
Qatar95 (Mi98a)65 overprinted in black
Qatar97 (Mi100a)67 overprinted in black
Qatar91-98 fdcFour of eight stamps on FDC
Qatar98a (BL3Aa)
i98a (BL3Ba)
On one of MS2 (97-98), 68a overprinted in black
On one of imperforate MS2 (i97-i98), i68a overprinted in black
Qatar91_red (Mi94b)61 overprinted in red1966"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Qatar94_red (Mi97b)64 overprinted in red
Qatar95_red (Mi98b)65 overprinted in red
Qatar97_red (Mi100b)67 overprinted in red
Qatar97_blue (Mi100c)67 overprinted in blue1966"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Qatar98a_blue (BL3Ac)
i98a_blue (BL3Bc)
On one of MS2 (97-98), 68a overprinted in blue
On one of imperforate MS2 (i97-i98), i68a overprinted in blue
Qatar101D (Mi118Aa)
i101D (Mi118Ba)
(Black on red overprinted) stamp from 101i (101-101D + 4x (101E-101H) + 4 labels) created by black overprints plus 5 new stamps and 4 new labels overprinted on the 9 blank labels of the MS16 (4x (100-100C))
(Black on red overprinted) imperforate stamp from i101i (i101-i101D + 4x (i101E-i101H) + 4 labels) created by black overprints plus 5 new imperforate stamps and 4 new labels overprinted on the 9 blank labels of the imperforate MS16 (4x (i100-i100C))
Qatar101Dn (Mi118Ab)
i101Dn (Mi118Bb)
(Red on black overprinted) stamp from 101Hs (101j + 101Ak + 101Bl + 101Cm + 101Dn + 4x (101Eo + 101 Fp + 101Gq + 101Hr) + 4 labels) created by red overprints plus 5 new stamps and four new labels overprinted on the 9 blank labels of the MS16 (4x (100-100C))
(Red on black overprinted) imperforate stamp from i101Hs (i101j + i101Ak + i101Bl + i101Cm + i101Dn + 4x (i101Eo + i101 Fp + i101Gq + i101Hr) + 4 labels) created by red overprints plus 5 new imperforate stamps and four new labels overprinted on the 9 blank labels of the imperforate MS16 (4x (i100-i100C))
Qatar114 (Mi195Aa)61 surcharged new currency in black1966"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Qatar114_red (Mi195Ab)61 surcharged new currency in red
Qatar114C (Mi198Aa)64 surcharged new currency in black
Qatar114C_red (Mi198Ab)64 surcharged new currency in red
Qatar114D (Mi199Aa)65 surcharged new currency in black
Qatar114D_red (Mi199Ab)65 surcharged new currency in red
Qatar114F (Mi201Aa)67 surcharged new currency in black
Qatar117 (Mi225)91 surcharged new currency1966"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Qatar117C (Mi228)94 surcharged new currency
Qatar117D (Mi229)95 surcharged new currency
Qatar117F (Mi231)97 surcharged new currency
Qatar117Gm (BL10A)
i117Gm (BL10B)
On one of MS2 (97-98), 98a surcharged new currency
On one of imperforate MS2 (i97-i98), i98a surcharged new currency
Qatar118D (Mi239Aa)
i118D (Mi239Ba)
Black new value overprint on 101D (from 118Hi, the (MS21 + 4 labels) created by adding the black new value overprint to each stamp of 101i)
Black new value overprint on i101D (from i118Hi, the (iMS21 + 4 labels) created by adding the black new value overprint to each stamp of i101i)
Qatar118Dn (Mi239Ab)
i118Dn (Mi239Bb)
Black new value overprint on 101Dn (from 118Hs, the MS21 + 4 labels created by adding the overprint to each stamp of 101Hs)
Black new value overprint on i101Dn (from i118Hs, the iMS21 + 4 labels created by adding the overprint to each stamp of i101Hs)
Ras Al Khaima32 (Mi32A)
i32 (Mi32B)

Ras Al Khaima35 (Mi35A)
i35 (Mi35B)

Ras Al Khaima30-35 fdcTwo of six stamps on FDC
Ras Al Khaima96 (Mi108A)
i96 (Mi108B)
32 overprinted new currency
i32 overprinted new currency
Ras Al Khaima99 (Mi111A)
i99 (Mi111B)
35 overprinted new currency
i35 overprinted new currency
Ras Al Khaima36 (BL7)Imperforate SS1
Ras Al Khaima36 fdcImperforate SS1 on FDC
Ras Al Khaima100 (BL19)Imperforate SS1, 36 overprinted new currency
Reunion344 (Mi424)CDT#2, France 1048 overprinted1963"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Reunion344 dsDeluxe sheet (344)
Reunion344 fdcStamp and (P.A.C.) cachet on FDC
Reunion343-344 fdcOne of two stamps and (Éditions P.J. no.438) cachet on FDC
Reunion344 cover (Mi424 cover)(France 1048 overprinted) stamps on cover1963-06-12"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Rwanda109 (Mi114A)
i109 (Mi114B)

1965"Telstar" (Type-A1); (plus additional antennas in cachet depiction)
Rwanda111 (Mi116A)
i111 (Mi116B)

Rwanda109-112 fdcTwo of four stamps and (Rwanda Post?) cachet on FDC
Rwanda113 (BL4A)In (left) margin of SS1
Rwanda113 fdcSS1 and (Rwanda Post?) cachet on FDC
Rwanda809-812 fdc (Mi873-876 fdc)(Rwanda Post?) cachet on FDC1977Type-A1 (plus additional antennas)
Rwanda913-914 fdc (Mi982-983 fdc)(Rwanda Post?) cachet on FDC1979Type-A1 (plus additional antennas)
St. Pierre and MiquelonC26 (Mi397)CD1111962"Telstar" (Type-B1)
St. Pierre and MiquelonC26 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
St. Pierre and MiquelonC26 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince Islands383 fdc (Mi394 fdc)(Bardalo) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
St. Vincent1163 (Mi1217)

198925th anniv. "Telstar-II" (Telstar-2 / Type-A1)
St. Vincent1163 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
St. Vincent1164 (Mi1218)

St. Vincent1164 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
St. Vincent1166 (Mi1219)

St. Vincent1166 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
St. Vincent1169 (Mi1220)

St. Vincent1169 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
St. Vincent1163-1164+1166+1169 fdcFour stamps on FDC
St. Vincent1171 (BL73)
Imperforate SS1
25th anniv. "Telstar-II" (Telstar-2 / Type-B1)
Satellite Beach FL (USA)LocalSet-C2 (blue)1964"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Satellite Beach FL (USA)Local o/pSet-C2 (blue) overprinted in gold1965"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Satellite Beach FL (USA)Local fdc(Cyan rubber-stamp) cachet on local post FDC1965Type-A1
Satellite Beach FL (USA)LocalLocal post stamp1965"TV by Telstar" (Type-A1)
Satellite Beach and Cape Kennedy FL (USA)Local fdc1One of two local post stamps and (black printed and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
Satellite Beach and Cape Kennedy FL (USA)Local fdc2One of two local post stamps and (red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover (the second cancel (26 June 1965) is for the 2nd anniv. of Kennedy's "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech)
SerbiaMi1250 (Sc?)like Yugoslavia 8712024
Sharjah84 (Mi126)One of tęte-bęche (se-tenant) pair (84a (83-84))1965"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Sharjah119 (Mi187A)1965Type-A1
Sharjah122 (Mi190A)
Sharjah117-120 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Sharjah121-124 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Sharjah175 (Mi246)122 overprinted new currency1966Type-A1
Sharjah196 (Mi276)84 overprinted new currency1966"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Sierra Leone1069b (Mi1213)One of MS9 (1069 (a-i)) (Mi1212-1220)1989"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Sierra Leone1069b specimenOne of MS9 (1069 specimen (a-i))
Sierra LeoneMi13883-13886_ms4MS4 (Mi13883-13886)2022"Telstar-1"
Sierra LeoneBL2296SS1 (Mi13887)
Solomon Islands126-127 fdc (Mi128-129 fdc)(Black printed) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
Somali CoastC31 (Mi349)CD1111963"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Somali CoastC31 dsDeluxe sheet (C31)
Somali CoastC31 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Somali CoastC31 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions U.Des.Co) cachet on FDC
SpainNone(ALFIL) cachet on cover1963Type-B1; (see also Spain cover 1988 and Spain cover 1989)
SpainNone(ALFIL) cachet on cover1973Type-A1
SpainNone(ALFIL) cachet on cover1976Type-A1
SpainNone(Flash) cachet on cover1980Type-A1
SpainNone(ALFIL) cachet on cover1988Type-B1; (see also Spain cover 1963 and Spain cover 1989)
SpainNone(ALFIL) cachet on cover1989Type-B1; (see also Spain cover 1963 and Spain cover 1988)
Staffa (Scotland)LocalLocal post stamp1978Type-B1
Staffa (Scotland)Local fdcLocal post stamp on FDC (black printed cachet and signature)
SwedenNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1980Type-B1
SwedenNone(Pictorial) cancel on card1980Type-B1
Togo501 (Mi447A)
i501 (Mi447B)

Togo503 (Mi449A)
i503 (Mi449B)

Togo500-501+503 fdcTwo of three stamps on FDC
Togo500-505 fdcTwo of six stamps on FDC
Togo501-502+505 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Togo505a (BL17)Imperforate MS4 (502-505)
Togo505a fdcImperforate MS4 on FDC
Tristan da Cunha85-86 fdc (Mi88-89 fdc)(Black printed) cachet on FDC1965Type-B1
Tunisia548-549 fdc (Mi748-749 fdc)(Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC1971Type-B1
Tunisia606-607 fdc (Mi810-811 fdc)(Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC1973Type-B1
Turks and Caicos Islands330 (Mi372)1977"Telstar-1" (Type-A1)
Turks and Caicos Islands328-330 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC (green and tan printed cachet)
Turks and Caicos Islands325+329-330 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC (JJF cachet, different)
Uganda1485g (Mi1869)One stamp and in (lower) margin of MS8 (1485 (a-h)) (Mi1863-1870)1997"Telstar-1" (Type-A1)
Umm Al QiwainMi80A

Umm Al QiwainMi78A-82A+BL5B fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Umm Al QiwainMi91A
Mi80A overprinted new currency
Mi80B overprinted new currency
United Nations112 fdc (Mi122 fdc)(Fleetwood) cachet on FDC1962Type-A1
United Nations113 fdc (Mi123 fdc)
United Nations112-113 fdc1 (Mi122-123 fdc1)(Orbit Covers) cachet on FDC, also annotated cachet"Telstar" (Type-A1) (at upper-right of FDC), Telstar (Type-B1) (in small reproduction of France 1048)
United Nations112-113 fdc2 (Mi122-123 fdc2)(Fleetwood) cachet on FDC"Telstar" (Type-A1)
United StatesNone(Astro Covers) cachet on cover1962"Telstar" (in text only)
United StatesNone(Wepex) cachet on cover1963"Telstar" (Type-A1)
United States
United Nations
1193 cover
112 cover
(Orbit Covers) cachet on cover, also annotated cachet1963"Telstar" (Type-A1) (at upper-right of FDC), Telstar (Type-B1) (in small reproduction of France 1048)
United States1274 fdc (Mi890 fdc)(HF) cachet on FDC1965Type-A1
United StatesNonePostcard (back)196?Type-A1
United StatesNonePostcard (back)196?Telstar launch
United States1260 fdc (Mi875 fdc)(Sarzin metallic) cachet on FDC1966Type-B1 (variant: no helix)
United States1332b card1 (Mi930-931 card1)In (upper-right) margin of Interpex MS2 card (brown reproduction)1968"Telstar" (Type-A1)
United States1332b card2 (Mi930-931 card2)In (upper-right) margin of Interpex MS2 card (dark-green)
United States1332b card3 (Mi930-931 card3)In (upper-right) margin of Interpex MS2 card (black-brown)
United States1332b card3 fdcInterpex MS2 card (black-brown) on FDC
United StatesNone(Black printed) cachet on cover1983"20 years ago...Telstar satellites were tested"
United StatesNone(Rumex Station) cancel on cover1984"Project Telstar" (Type-A1)
UruguayC422 (BL29)In (lower-middle) margin of MS3 (C422 (a-c))1976"Telstar" (Type-B1)
UruguayC423 (BL30)In (lower-middle) margin of MS3 (C423 (a-c))
Vietnam (South)235-238 fdc1 (Mi312-315 fdc1)(Brown and green) cachet on FDC1964"Telstar" (Type-B1)
Vietnam (South)235-238 fdc2 (Mi312-315 fdc2)(Magenta and green) cachet on FDC
Vietnam (South)235-238 fdc3 (Mi312-315 fdc3)(Blue and orange) cachet on FDC
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC17 (Mi201)
1962"Telstar" (Type-B1); cartoon design (on second cachet)
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC17 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC17 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC17 fdc3Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet (slightly different) on FDC
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC153 (Mi528)198725th anniv. "Telstar" (Type-A1 variant)
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC153 proof1Signed proof (brown-black)
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC153 proof2Signed proof (green)
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC153 fdcStamp and (EDILA) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Yemen Arab RepublicC106 (Mi1729)1982Type-B1 (variant)
Yemen Arab RepublicC106 dsDeluxe sheet (C106)
Yemen Arab Republic425 (Mi1791)1983Type-B1 (variant)
Yemen Arab Republic426 (Mi1792)
Yemen Arab Republic426a (BL234)On stamp of SS1 (426)
Yemen (Kingdom)Mi1881965Type-B1
Yemen (Kingdom)Mi189
Yemen (Kingdom)Mi190
Yemen (Kingdom)Mi188-190 fdcThree stamps on FDC
Yemen (Kingdom)BL25On all three stamps and in (upper) margin of imperforate MS3 (Mi188-190)
Yemen (Kingdom)BL26On all three stamps and in (upper) margin of imperforate MS3 (Mi188-190), BL25 overprinted with Vatican stamps and text.
Yugoslavia871 (Mi1217)1967"Telstar" (Type-A1)
Yugoslavia870-875 fdcOne of six stamps on FDC (green and black printed cachet)
Yugoslavia870-871+875 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC (cyan and blue and tan printed cachet)

1Since Telstar-1 and 2 are basically identical, most images, unless specifically identified/named, are designated by Type, based on the antennas that are visible. Two different types of antenna arrangements are most common. Both types are found together on Paraguay 995, but the two types are depicted separately on numerous postal items. A third type is found on a smaller number of items. Besides those three types, other design variations are noted.

Finally, it is interesting to note that of the Telstar-1s that are specifically identified/named, 6 are depicted as Type-A, 2 are depicted as Type-B, and 1 is depicted with no antennas. Of the Telstar-2s that are specifically identified, 2 are depicted with no antennas, 1 is depicted as Type-A, and 1 is depicted as Type-B. And, on 1 item indicating that it shows both Telstar-1 and Telstar-2, either one could be Type-A or Type-B, as no distinction is made!

Below is a list of Telstar-series satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
1962-07-10: Telstar-1
Italy1962-07-10Rome(Red printed) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Rank velvet, pink and green) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Rank velvet, pink and grey) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet (and signatures) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Sarzin and stickers) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Andover ME(Bell System) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Andover ME(Bell System) cachet (and signatures) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Andover ME(Bell System) cachet (and signatures, different) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Andover ME(Bell System) cachet (and signatures, different) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Andover ME(Bell System) cachet (and signatures, different) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Sokalsky blue) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Sokalsky blue) cachet (and signature) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Sokalsky blue) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Sokalsky blue) cachet (and signature, different) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Patrick AFB, FL(Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet (and signatures) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Cocoa Beach FL(Harry A. Gordon? sticker and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Harry A. Gordon sticker and magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Bell Telephone Laboratories) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft) cachet on cover, also insertTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft) cachet (and signature) on cover, also insertTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft) cachet (and signatures) on cover, also insertTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Patrick AFB, FL(C. Swanson green and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Patrick AFB, FL(C. Swanson purple rubber-stamp and black typed and cropped KhorFakkan Mi30 stamp) cachet (and signature) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft Type-A general-purpose and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Holmdel NJ(Blue and red and black printed) cachet (and signature) on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10USS Enterprise(Red and cyan rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Boerger/AB Covers blue printed and black typed) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Black printed and stickers/labels) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers, no logo) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Patrick AFB, FL(C. Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10Port Canaveral FL(GoldCraft, no logo) cachet on coverTelstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10
Andover ME (machine cancel)
Andover ME (hand cancel)
(Bell System) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
Telstar-1 launch
10th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1962-07-10
Patrick AFB, FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(SpaceCraft) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
Telstar-1 launch
Telstar-3A launch
United States1962-07-10
Andover ME
Holmdel NJ
(Bell System) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
Telstar-1 launch
25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
Telstar-1 (events)
Austria1962-07-23Greis-Brenner(Red printed) cachet on coverTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
Italy1962-07-23Rome(Yellow-green printed) cachet on coverTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
Italy?1962-07-23Rome?(Brown printed) cachet and "cancels" on (un-stamped) coverTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
United States1962-07-23Washington DC(Sarzin) cachet on coverTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
United States1962-07-23Andover ME(Black sticker) cachet on coverTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
United States1962-07-23Woodville OH(Black printed) cachet on coverTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
Vatican City1962-07-23Vatican City(Brown printed) cachet on postcardTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
Vatican City1962-07-23Vatican City(Black printed) cachet on postcardTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
Vatican City1962-07-23Vatican City(Green printed) cachet on postcardTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
Vatican City1962-07-23Vatican City(Red and green printed) cachet on coverTelstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
United States1962-08-01Andover ME(Bell System and red typed) cachets on coverTelstar-1 200th orbit
United States1962-08-01Andover ME(Bell System) cachet on coverTelstar-1 200th orbit
United States1962-08-01Andover ME (hand cancel)(Sarzin) cachet on coverTelstar first outer space communications
United States1962-08-01Andover ME (machine cancel)(Sarzin) cachet on coverTelstar first outer space communications
United States1962-08-20Andover ME (hand cancel)(Sarzin) cachet on cover"first newspaper reports from one nation to another"
United States1962-10-23Andover ME(Bell System and red typed) cachets on coverTelstar transmission performance tests
United States1962-10-24Andover ME(Bell System) cachet on coverTelstar tests
Telstar-1 (anniversaries)
United States1963-07-10Andover ME(Rank velvet and magenta typed) cachets (and signature) on cover1st anniv. Telstar-1 launch (in magenta typed cachet)
Austria1963-07-23Vienna(Pictorial) cancel and (green printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Telstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
Austria1963-07-23Vienna(Pictorial) cancel and (blue-green printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Telstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
Austria1963-07-23Vienna(Pictorial) cancel on postcard1st anniv. Telstar first official exchange: USA-Europe
United States1967-07-10Andover ME(Bell System) cachet on cover5th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1972-07-10
Andover ME (hand cancel)
Andover ME (machine cancel)
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Bell System) cachet on cover
10th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
Telstar-1 launch
United States1973-07-10New York NYFrance 1048 and (Bell logo and red typed) cachet on cover11th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1973-07-10
New York NY
Holmdel NJ
(Black printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
11th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1982-07-10Holmdel NJFrance 1048 and (Bell Laboratories) cachet (return address) on cover20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1982-07-10Andover ME(Red printed and Comsat black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1982-07-10Holmdel NJ(Artopages) cachet on cover20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1982-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Artopages) cachet on cover20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1982-07-10Holmdel NJ(Black sticker and black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1982-07-10Gadspex Station AL(Red printed and black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1982-07-10Smithsonian Station, Washington DC(Red printed and black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1982-07-10
Cape Canaveral FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Red printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
20th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
United States1982-07-10
Holmdel NJ
Cape Canaveral FL
(Red and cyan printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
20th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
United States1982-07-10
Andover ME
Andover ME
(Comsat black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
20th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
United States1982-07-10
Holmdel NJ
Andover ME
(Bell logo) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
20th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
United States1982-07-10
Holmdel NJ (magenta cancel)
Holmdel NJ (black cancel)
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Blue and red printed) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
Telstar-3A launch
United States1982-07-10
Holmdel NJ (meter)
Holmdel NJ (hand cancel)
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
Telstar-3A launch
France1982-08-19Pleumeur-BodouFrance 1047 and two cancels on cover20th anniv. first Telstar-1 transmission
France1987-07-10Pleumeur-Bodou(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10Holmdel NJ(Bell) cachet on cover25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10Andover MEFrance 1048 and (red printed and Comsat black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10Holmdel NJ(AT&T printed and black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10Holmdel NJ(AT&T printed and black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover (different)25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Artopages and black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10Holmdel NJ(Two stickers and black rubber-stamp) cachets on cover25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10
Holmdel NJ
Andover ME
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Bell) cachet on cover
25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
Telstar-1 launch
United States
Holmdel NJ
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on France 1048 FDC
(Éditions P.J. no.438) cachet on France 1048 FDC
25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States
Holmdel NJ
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on France 1047 FDC
(Éditions P.J. no.437) cachet on France 1047 FDC
25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10
Holmdel NJ
New York NY
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Black printed) cachet on cover
25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
11th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1987-07-10
Andover ME
Andover ME
(Black printed) cachet (different) on cover25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
25th anniv. first Telstar-1 transmission
France1987-07-11Pleumeur-Bodou(Black printed) cachet on cover25th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
Romania1987-07-23Botosani(Pictorial) cancel and (magenta and grey printed) cachet on cover25th anniv. "20th anniv. first (transatlantic) transmission of (television) images by (Telstar) satellite (on) 23 July 1962" (in Romanian text)
United States1992-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Artopages and red rubber-stamp) cachets on cover30th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1992-07-10Holmdel NJ(Two rubber-stamp) cachets on cover30th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
France1992-07-11Pleumeur-Bodou(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover30th anniv. USA-France Telstar-1 TV transmission
United States2002-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Artopages) cachet on cover40th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States2002-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Multi-color printed) cachet (with reproduction of France 1048 in red) on cover40th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States2012-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Black printed) cachet on cover50th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States2012-07-10Andover ME(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover50th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States2012-07-10Holmdel NJ(Black printed) cachet on cover50th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States2012-07-10Holmdel NJ(Black and tan printed) cachet (different) on cover50th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States2012-07-10Sagamore Beach MA(Coverscape) cachet (different) on cover50th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States2012-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Mission 57) cachet on cover, also back50th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
1963-05-07: Telstar-2
France1963-05-07Pleumeur BodouFrance 1048 and (black printed) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
Italy1963-05-07Avezzano(Black printed and hand-printed) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United Nations1963-05-07New York NY(Blue and pink printed) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft) cachet (and signature) on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft) cachet (and signature, different) on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Andover ME(Black printed) cachet (and signatures) on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Andover ME(Black printed) cachet (and signatures, different) on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Centennial green and black) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch; also "Telstar-1"
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Centennial green and black) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch; also "Telstar-1"
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Centennial black) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch; also "Telstar-1"
United States1963-05-07Satellite Beach FL(Blue and black rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Holmdel NJ(Black printed) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Harry A. Gordon sticker and red-to-blue rubber-stamp) cachets on (airmail) coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch; also "first Telstar"
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet (and signatures) on coverTelstar-2 launch; also "first Telstar"
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Zaso black-and-white sticker) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Black printed) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch; also "Telstar-1"
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Black printed) cachet (and signatures) on coverTelstar-2 launch; also "Telstar-1"
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson black rubber-stamp and photo sticker) cachet on (airmail) coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Jim Fitzpatrick magenta and green rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Rank silkscreened) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Rank velvet) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Satellite Beach FL(Rank velvet) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers, no logo) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07Satellite Beach FL(C. Swanson red rubber-stamp and black hand-printed) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07
Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)
(Rank velvet) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07
Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)
(Rank silkscreened) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
United States1962-05-07
Cape Canaveral FL
Bronx NY (on back)
(Harry A. Gordon sticker and purple rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on (airmail) cover, also backTelstar-2 launch
United States1963-05-07
Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)
(SpaceCraft) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
Telstar-2 launch
Telstar-3A launch
Great Britain1963-05-08Helston, Cornwall(Black printed and black hand-printed and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-2 launch
Telstar-2 (events)
United States1963-07-02Andover ME(Rank velvet) cachet on cover"TV by Telstar[-2] - President Kennedy meets Pope Paul"
Belgium1963-07-10Brussels(Black printed) cachet on cover"Town meeting of the world": "Telstar-2" (on 1st anniv. Telstar-1 launch)
Germany (West)1963-07-10Frankfurt(Black printed) cachet on cover"Town meeting of the world": "Telstar-2" (on 1st anniv. Telstar-1 launch)
Great Britain1963-07-10London(Black printed) cachet on cover"Town meeting of the world": "Telstar-2" (on 1st anniv. Telstar-1 launch)
United States1963-07-10Denver CO(Black printed) cachet on cover"Town meeting of the world": "Telstar-2" (on 1st anniv. Telstar-1 launch)
United States1963-07-10Andover ME(Rank velvet) cachet on cover"First TV show by Telstar[-2] - Town meeting of the world" (on 1st anniv. Telstar-1 launch)
United States1963-07-10Andover ME(Rank velvet, dense-flocking) cachet on cover"First TV show by Telstar[-2] - Town meeting of the world" (on 1st anniv. Telstar-1 launch)
United States1963-07-10Andover ME(Rank velvet and magenta typed) cachets (and signature) on cover"First TV show by Telstar[-2] - Town meeting of the world" (on 1st anniv. Telstar-1 launch, as noted in magenta typed cachet)
United States1965-01-20Washington DC(Black sticker and black typed) cachet on cover"First US Presidential Inauguration beamed to Eruope via Telstar-2"
Telstar-2 (anniversaries)
United States1964-05-07Andover ME(Black printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Telstar-2 launch
United States1983-05-07
Cape Canaveral FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Red printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1983-05-07
Cape Canaveral FL
Holmdel NJ
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Blue and red printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1983-05-07
Andover ME
Andover ME
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1983-05-07
Andover ME
Holmdel NJ
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Bell logo) cachet on cover
20th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1988-05-07Kennedy Space Center FL(Artopages and red rubber-stamp) cachets on cover25th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
United States1988-05-07Andover ME(Comsat black rubber-stamp and hand-written) cachets on cover25th anniv. Telstar-2 launch
1983-07-28: Telstar-3A / Telstar-301
United States1983-07-28Cape Canaveral FL(Space Voyage) cachet on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Holmdel NJ(Bell Laboratories printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Cape Canaveral FL(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on share owners newsletterTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Holmdel NJ(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on pictureTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Holmdel NJ(Blue and red printed and black rubber-stamp) cachets on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Andover ME(Comsat and other black rubber-stamp) cachets on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Hawley PA(AT&T printed and black rubber-stamp) cachets on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Greenbelt MD(GSFC Stamp Club) cachet on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Cape Canaveral FL(Multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachets on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Haleiwa HI(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Kennedy Space Center FL(SCPS) cachet (and signature) on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Cape Canaveral FL(Whitney black and purple) cachet on coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28Cape Canaveral FL(Whitney black and purple) cachet on (airmail) coverTelstar-3A launch
United States1983-07-28
Cape Canaveral FL
Patrick AFB, FL
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(SpaceCraft) cachet on cover
Telstar-3A launch
Telstar-1 launch
United States1983-07-28
Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)
Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(SpaceCraft) cachet on cover
Telstar-3A launch
Telstar-2 launch
United States1983-07-28
Holmdel NJ (black cancel)
Holmdel NJ (magenta cancel)
(Red and cyan printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
Telstar-3A launch
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
United States1983-07-28
Holmdel NJ (hand cancel)
Holmdel NJ (meter)
(Red and blue and cyan printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover
Telstar-3A launch
20th anniv. Telstar-1 launch
Telstar-3C / Telstar-302 (and Leasat-F1 and SBS-4) (pre-launch events)
United States1984-08-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSTS-41D pre-launch: "second rollout"
1984-08-30: Telstar-3C / Telstar-302 (and Leasat-F1 and SBS-4 deployed by STS-16 (41D))
Ascension Island1984-08-30Ascension(Space Voyage purple and red) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
Chile1984-08-30Santiago(Space Voyage brown and red) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Cape Canaveral FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Titusville Moonport Stamp Club black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed ("SB-4" in text)
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(KSC Philatelic Society) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Cape Canaveral FL(Red and magenta and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Brown and magenta and black rubber-stamp) cachet (and signatures) on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Las Cruces NM(White Sands STDN Facility) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Greenbelt MD(GSFC Shuttle Tracking Team blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Signature only) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial-like) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial-like) cachet (different) on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Omaha NE(Blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Cape Canaveral FL(Whitney purple and black) cachet on (airmail) coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Zaso silk/IASP no.78) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
United States1984-08-30
Kennedy Space Center FL
Kennedy Space Center FL
(First Rank/Space Voyage) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
USA 1917 FDC
United States1984-08-30
Kennedy Space Center FL
Houston TX
(Hughes mission patch) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
Leasat-F1 (Syncom-4-2) deployed
United States1984-08-30
Kennedy Space Center FL
Houston TX
(Mission patch/AT&T) cachet on coverSTS-41D launch; SBS-4 deployed
Telstar-3C deployed
United States1984-08-31Houston TX(Zaso silk/IASP no.79) cachet on coverLeasat-F1 (Syncom-4-2, not "Syncom-4-1", as in text) deployed
United States1984-08-31Kennedy Space Center FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverLeasat-F1 (Syncom-4-2) deployed
United States1984-08-31Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverLeasat-F1 (Syncom-4-2) deployed
United States1984-08-31Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet on coverLeasat-F1 (Syncom-4-2) deployed
United States1984-09-01Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue and red printed and magenta rubber-stamp) cachets on coverTelstar-3C deployed
United States1984-09-01Cape Canaveral FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverTelstar-3C deployed
United States1984-09-01Cape Canaveral FL(Colorano silk) cachet (and signatures) on coverTelstar-3C deployed
United States1984-09-01Kennedy Space Center FL(Hughes black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-3C deployed
United States1984-09-01Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverTelstar-3C deployed
United States1984-09-01Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on cover"OAST-1 solar array unfolded"
United States1984-09-01Houston TX(Zaso silk/IASP no.80) cachet on cover"the 1st extension test of the Advanced Solar Array Technology Panel (OAST-1)" and "AT&T's Telstar-3B/Skynet satellite was deployed today" (should be Telstar-3C, not "Telstar-3B")
United States1984-09-01Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet on coverOAST-1 solar array unfolded
United States1984-09-01Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet (different) on coverOAST-1 solar array unfolded
Chile1984-09-05Santiago(Blue and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-41D landing
Japan1984-09-05Kadena, Okinawa(Space Voyage black and red and tan) cachet on coverSTS-41D landing
Japan1984-09-05Kadena, Okinawa(Space Voyage black and red and pink) cachet on coverSTS-41D landing
United States1984-09-05WSMR Branch, NM(Space Voyage blue and red and pale-green) cachet on coverSTS-41D landing
United States1984-09-05Edwards AFB, CA(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-41D landing
United States1984-09-05Edwards AFB, CA(RSDSC) cachet on cover, also insert and insert backSTS-41D landing
United States1984-09-05Edwards AFB, CA(Black and magenta rubber-stamp) cachet (and signatures) on (airmail) coverSTS-41D landing
United States1984-09-05Greenbelt MD(GSFC Shuttle Tracking Team blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-41D landing
United States1984-09-05Edwards AFB, CA(Red and blue printed) cachet on coverSTS-41D landing
United States1984-09-05Edwards AFB, CA(Zaso silk/IASP no.81) cachet on coverSTS-41D landing
1985-06-17: Telstar-3D / Telstar-303 (and Morelos-1 and Arabsat-1B and SPARTAN-101 deployed by STS-25 (51G))
United States1985-06-17Kennedy Space Center FL(Green and yellow and black printed) cachet on coverSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1985-06-17Kennedy Space Center FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1985-06-17Kennedy Space Center FL(RSDSC) cachet on cover, also insert and insert backSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1985-06-17Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1985-06-17Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet (different) on coverSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1985-06-17Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1985-06-17Kennedy Space Center FL(Zaso silk/IASP no.101) cachet on coverSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1985-06-17
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
(Purple and brown rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) cover, also backSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
STS-41C launch
United States1985-06-17
Houston TX
Houston TX
(SCCS) cachet on coverSTS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
Aussat-A2 deployed; Morelos-2 deployed
United States1985-06-18Cape Canaveral FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverArabsat-1B deployed
United States1985-06-18Houston TX(Space Voyage) cachet on coverArabsat-1B deployed
United States1985-06-18Houston TX(Space Voyage) cachet (and signature) on coverArabsat-1B deployed
United States1985-06-18Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverArabsat-1B deployed
United States1985-06-18Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet on coverArabsat-1B deployed
United States1985-06-19Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on coverTelstar-3D3 deployed
United States1985-06-19Houston TX(Cyan and black printed) cachet on coverTelstar-3D3 deployed
United States1985-06-19Houston TX(SCCS) cachet on coverTelstar-3D3 deployed
United States1985-06-19Houston TX, Nassau Bay Branch(AT&T) cachet on coverTelstar-3D3 deployed
United States1985-06-19Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverTelstar-3D3 deployed
United States1985-06-19Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverTelstar-3D3 deployed
United States1985-06-20Houston TX(SCCS) cachet on coverSPARTAN-101 deployed
United States1985-06-20Kennedy Space Center FL(Zaso silk/IASP no.102) cachet on coverSPARTAN-101 deployed
United States1985-06-20
Houston TX
Houston TX
(SCCS) cachet on coverSPARTAN-101 deployed
SPARTAN-101 recovered
United States1985-06-20
Cape Canaveral FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSPARTAN-101 deployed
SPARTAN-101 recovered
United States1985-06-21Kennedy Space Center FL(Zaso silk/IASP no.103) cachet on cover"SPARTAN-1 astronomy platform"
United States1985-06-24Edwards CA(Space Voyage) cachet on coverSTS-51G landing
United States1985-06-24Edwards CA(Centennial) cachet on coverSTS-51G landing
United States1985-06-24Edwards AFB, CA(Ranski) cachet on coverSTS-51G landing
United States1985-06-24Edwards AFB, CA(Zaso silk/IASP no.104) cachet on coverSTS-51G landing
1994-09-09: Telstar-402
French Guiana1994-09-08Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverTelstar-402 launch
1995-09-23: Telstar-402R / Telstar-45
French Guiana1995-09-23Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverTelstar-4 (Telstar-402R) launch
French Guiana1995-09-23Kourou(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverTelstar-4 (Telstar-402R) launch
French Guiana1995-09-23Kourou(KPS) cachet on coverTelstar-4 (Telstar-402R) launch
French Guiana1995-09-23Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverTelstar-4 (Telstar-402R) launch (but Eutelsat-2 depicted)
France1995-09-24Paris(Lollini) cachet on coverTelstar-4 (Telstar-402R) launch
Gabon1995-09-24Libreville(Lollini) cachet on coverTelstar-4 (Telstar-402R) launch
1999-02-15: Telstar-6 (now Galaxy-26)
Russia1999-02-15Baikonur(Red-brown printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverTelstar-6 (Galaxy-26) launch
1999-09-25: Telstar-7 (now Galaxy-27)
Gabon1999-09-25Libreville(Lollini) cachet on coverTelstar-7 (Galaxy-27) launch
French Guiana1999-09-25Kourou(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverTelstar-7 (Galaxy-27) launch
French Guiana1999-09-25Kourou(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverTelstar-7 (Galaxy-27) launch
French Guiana1999-09-25Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverTelstar-7 (Galaxy-27) launch
1994-11-29: Telstar-11 / Orion-1
United States1994-11-29Kennedy Space Center FL(Edwin J. Isler sticker) cachet on coverTelstar-11 (launched as Orion-1)
1999-10-19: Telstar-12 / Orion-2
French Guiana1999-10-19Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverTelstar-12 (launched as Orion-2)
French Guiana1999-10-19Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverTelstar-12 (launched as Orion-2)
Gabon1999-10-19Libreville(Lollini) cachet on coverTelstar-12 (launched as Orion-2)
Telstar-18V / APStar-5C (pre-launch events)
United States2018-09-05Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverTelstar-18V (APStar-5C) "static fire test"; also "Telstar-19V" (in text)
2018-09-10: Telstar-18V / APStar-5C
Finland2018-09-09Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverTelstar-18V (APStar-5C) launch
Finland2018-09-09Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverTelstar-18V (APStar-5C) launch
United States2018-09-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverTelstar-18V (APStar-5C) launch
United States2018-09-10Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverTelstar-18V (APStar-5C) launch
United States2018-09-10Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverTelstar-18V (APStar-5C) launch
2018-07-22: Telstar-19V
United States2018-07-22Cape Canaveral FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverTelstar-19V launch
Telstar (on other than Telstar launch covers)
United States1960-08-09Patrick AFB, FL(Sokalsky blue) cachet on Atlas-D (sub-orbital) rocket launch coverType-B1
United States1960-09-15Patrick AFB, FL(Sokalsky black) cachet on Polaris (sub-orbital) rocket launch coverType-B1
United States1960-11-17Patrick AFB, FL(Sokalsky blue) cachet on Polaris (sub-orbital) rocket launch coverType-B1
United States1962-04-27Port Canaveral FL(Sokalsky blue) cachet on Ariel-1 launch coverType-B1
United States1962-05-09Port Canaveral FL(Sokalsky blue) cachet on Pershing-1 (sub-orbital) rocket launch coverType-B1
United States1962-09-19Patrick AFB, FL(Sokalsky blue) cachet on Atlas-F (sub-orbital) rocket launch coverType-B1
United States1962-10-03Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft) insert or insert variation (minor differences), also Explorer-14 launch front"Telstar measured new belt"
United States1962-10-03Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft) insert or insert variation (minor differences), also Explorer-14 launch front
United States1962-10-03Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft) insert or insert variation (minor differences), also Explorer-14 launch front (with signature)
United States1962-12-14Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Sarzin) cachet on Relay-1 launch cover"Telstar"
United States1962-12-14Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Sarzin) cachet on Relay-1 launch cover"Telstar"
United States1962-12-14Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft) cachet on Relay-1 launch cover"Telstar"
United States1962-12-14Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft) cachet on Relay-1 launch cover
United States1963-05-15
Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)
(Sokalsky black) cachet on Mercury-MA-9 launch and landing coverType-B1
United States1964-01-21Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert or insert variation1 (minor differences) or insert variation2 (minor differences) from Relay-2 launch cover, also front"Telstar-1,2"
United States1964-01-21Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert or insert variation1 (minor differences) or insert variation2 (minor differences) from Relay-2 launch cover, also front
United States1964-07-27Houston TX(TD Productions/HJM-like) cachet on Gemini-4 pre-launch cover, also annotated(poorly-depicted) "Telstar"-1/2 (Type-A1)
United States1964-09-05Cape Canaveral FL(Sokalsky blue) cachet on OGO-1 launch coverType-B1
United States1965-07-20Cape Canaveral FL(Sokalsky red/Celestial red) cachet (but spelled "Celistial") on US-ERS-17 and Vela-5/6 launch coverType-B1
United States1965-07-24Cape Canaveral FL(Brown printed) cachet on Bumper-WAC-8 (sub-orbital) rocket launch cover, also annotatedTelstar
United States1965-02-16Cape Canaveral FL(Sokalsky black) cachet on Pegasus-1 launch coverType-B1
United States1971-01-26Cape Canaveral FL(Riser/Andromeda Cover no.23) insert from Intelsat-4-2 launch (airmail) cover, also front and insert2 (partial)"Telstar"
United States2018-11-15Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on OSCAR-100 (Es'hail-2) launch cover"Telstar-19V", incorrectly in text)
United States2018-11-15Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on OSCAR-100 (Es'hail-2) launch cover

1Since Telstar-1 and 2 are basically identical, most images, unless specifically identified/named, are designated by Type, based on the antennas that are visible. Two different types of antenna arrangements are most common. Both types are found together on Paraguay 995, but the two types are depicted separately on numerous postal items. A third type is found on a smaller number of items. Besides those three types, other design variations are noted.

3There is disagreement among various sources on whether this should be called Telstar-3D or Telstar-3B! See Boeing's Telstar-3 - AT&T's Advanced New Communications Satellite.
4The 1962-05-07 cancel, one year prior to the launch of Telstar-2 is most likely an error and meant to be 1963-05-07, as there is no significant Telstar event on that date.
5Telstar-402R was renamed Telstar-4.

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-02-02