
(and Lunokhod rovers)


This page contains philatelic information on the Luna-series spacecraft. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Luna was occasionally called Lunik or Lunnik by western media. Luna-1 was also called Mechta.

Lunokhod-1 and 2 lunar rovers were carried by Luna-17 and 21, respectively.

Six of the Luna missions were designed to return lunar samples to Earth. Only three were successful:

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Reference images
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Luna (on other than Luna launch covers)

Below is a list of Luna-series spacecraft postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Luna (Russia/USSR)
AbkhaziaMi340One of MS8 (Mi338-345 + label)1999Lunokhod-1/2, Luna-9/13 type lander
One of MS9 (Mi884A-892A) with Cyrillic text
One of imperforate MS9 (Mi884B-892B) with Cyrillic text
One of MS9 (Mi893A-901A) with Latin text
One of imperforate MS9 (Mi893B-901B) with Latin text
Afghanistan1068 (Mi1334)1984"Luna-1"
Afghanistan1069 (Mi1335)"Luna-2"
Afghanistan1070 (Mi1336)"Luna-3"


"Lunik 3" (Luna-3)

(smoothed) "Luna-10"
AjmanMi260A+Mi263A-266A fdcTwo of five stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)

1971(artistic) "Luna-16" lander; (see also Ajman BL328A and Bulgaria 1912 and Cuba 1687+1691 fdc and Hungary C310)
AjmanMi1216 ssSS1 (Mi1216)

"Luna-17" / "Lunokhod-1"
AjmanMi1217 ssSS1 (Mi1217)

"Luna-17" / Lunokhod-1
AjmanMi1218 ssSS1 (Mi1218)

"Luna-17" / "Lunokhod-1"
AjmanMi1219 ssSS1 (Mi1219)
AjmanMi1217_ss+Mi1219-1220_ss fdcTwo of three SS1 on FDC(As above for stamps)
In (lower-right) margin of SS1 (Mi1221A)
In (lower-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (Mi1221B)
(artistic) "Luna-16" lander; (see also Ajman Mi1216A and Bulgaria 1912 and Cuba 1687+1691 fdc and Hungary C310)
Albania623 (Mi665)
i623 (Mi670)

Imperforate with changed color
1962Luna-1 (also launch date in text, fantasy image of launch rocket); (see also Hungary C236)
Albania624 (Mi666)
i624 (Mi671)

Imperforate with changed color
Luna-3 viewing the far side of the Moon on 7 October 1959 (date printed in text)
Albania621-624 fdcTwo of four stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Albania624a (BL9)
624b (BL10)
In (upper and center-right) margins of SS1
In (upper and center-right) margin of imperforate SS1 with changed colors
Luna-1 (fantasy image of launch rocket, in upper margin), Luna-3 (in center-right margin)
AlbaniaC68 (Mi779)1963Luna-1 (also launch date in text)
AlbaniaC69 (Mi780)Luna-2 (also launch date in text, fantasy image of launch rocket)
AlbaniaC70 (Mi781)Luna-3 photographing far side of Moon (also launch date should be 4.X.1959, not "4.XI.1959" as in text)
AlbaniaC68-C72 fdcThree of five stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
AlbaniaC73 (Mi857)C68 overprinted1964Luna-1 (also launch date in text)
Albania941 (Mi1067)1966Luna-10 (landing date in text)
Albania942 (Mi1068)
Albania943 (Mi1069)
Albania944 (Mi1070)
Altai RepublicLocal1Overprint on 4x Russia 57231 (Mi5894), from strip of 51996?"Luna-1"
Altai RepublicLocal2"Luna-12"
Altai RepublicLocal1Overprint on 4x Russia 6069 (Mi253), from strip of 5"Luna-1"
Altai RepublicLocal2"Luna-12"
Antigua and Barbuda1313t (Mi1387)One of MS20 (1313 (a-t)) (Mi1368-1387)1990"Lunokhod"-1/2
Antigua and Barbuda2243a (Mi2922)
One of MS6 (2243 (a-f)) (Mi2922-2927)
One of imperforate MS6 (i2243 (a-f))
Antigua and Barbuda2244b (Mi2929)
One of MS6 (2244 (a-f)) (Mi2928-2933)
One of imperforate MS6 (i2244 (a-f))
"Luna-9" (cruise configuration)
Antigua and Barbuda2360d (Mi3184)One of MS6 (2360 (a-f)) (Mi3181-3186)2000"Luna-1"
Antigua and Barbuda2923 (Mi4390-4393)MS4 (2923 (a-d))2000"Luna-9"
Antigua and Barbuda3339b (Mi5405)One of MS4 (3339 (a-d)) (Mi5404-5407)2016"Luna-3"
Armenia1286 (Mi1232)From MS10 (1286a (10x 1286))2021Lunokhod-2
AustriaNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover, also detail1964Luna-1 (with antennas retracted)
Barbuda1140t (Mi1256)One of MS20 (1140 (a-t)) (Mi1237-1256), Antigua and Barbuda 1313t overprinted in silver1990"Lunokhod"-1/2
Barbuda1790a (Mi2382)One of MS6 (1790 (a-f)) (Mi2382-2387), Antigua and Barbuda 2243a overprinted2000"Luna-2"
Barbuda1791b (Mi2389)One of MS6 (1791 (a-f)) (Mi2388-2393), Antigua and Barbuda 2244b overprinted"Luna-9" (cruise configuration)
Belarus454 (BL30)In (upper-right) margin of SS12002Lunokhod
Benin468 (Mi223)1980Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
Benin468 dsDeluxe sheet (468)
Benin468 proofSigned proof (black)
BeninC290 (Mi224)
BeninC290 dsDeluxe sheet (C290)
BeninC290 proofSigned proof (black)
BeninC290 proofsProgressive proofs
BeninC305 (Mi312)C290 overprinted and surcharged1983Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
BeninUnknown a (Mi none)
Unknown ia
One of MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS3 (a-c)
BeninUnknown fdcMS3 and cachet on FDC
BeninUnknown ms (Mi none)In (lower-left) margin of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2017"Luna-9" (also launch date)
BeninUnknown fdcMS4 on FDC
Bequia395 (Mi511-516)MS6 (395 (a-f))200640th anniv. "Luna-9" (various configurations, also lunar landing date in text)
Bhutan127 (Mi436)1971Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
Bhutan127B (Mi438)
Bhutan127Cd (BL46)MS4 (127-127C) (Mi436-439)
Bhutan127-127A fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Bhutan1290 (Mi2119-2124)One stamp and in (lower-left) margin of MS6 (1290 (a-f)) (Mi2119-2124)2000"Lunix-3" (Luna-3, on stamp 'a'), "Luna-9" (in lower-left margin)
BulgariaC77 (Mi1100)
iC77 (Mi_A1100)

1959Luna-1 (also launch date in text, fantasy image of launch rocket); (see also Hungary C237)
BulgariaC77 fdc1Stamp and (cyan printed) cachet (design similar to stamp) on FDC
BulgariaC77 fdc2Stamp on FDC
Bulgaria1093 (Mi1152A)
i1093 (Mi1152B)

1960Luna-3 trajectory (also launch date in text)
Bulgaria1093 fdcStamp and (multi-color printed) cachet (design similar to stamp) on FDC
Bulgaria1093+i1093 fdcPerforated and imperforate stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet (design similar to stamp) on FDC
BulgariaC79 (Mi1163)1960Luna-2 (also launch date in text, fantasy image of launch rocket), also pennant segment2 (in FDC cachet)
BulgariaC79 fdcStamp and cachet on FDC
Bulgaria1278 (Mi1388)1963"Luna-4" (and by launch dates in text); also Luna-1 (ball), Luna-2, Luna-3, and propaganda satellite (on last stamp)
Bulgaria1279 (Mi1389)
Bulgaria1280 (Mi1390)
Bulgaria1278-1280 fdcThree stamps on FDC
Bulgaria1501 (BL17)Imperforate SS11966"Luna-9" (soft landing on Moon)
Bulgaria1634 (Mi1762)1967"Luna-13" (also landing date in text)
Bulgaria1632-1634 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Bulgaria1911 (BL29)Imperforate SS11970Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1" (also landing date in text)
Bulgaria1911 fdcImperforate SS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (blue printed) cachet on FDC
Bulgaria1912 (BL28)Imperforate SS1(artistic) "Luna-16" lander (also launch and landing dates in text); (see also Ajman Mi1216A and Ajman BL328A and Cuba 1687+1691 fdc and Hungary C310)
Bulgaria1912 fdcImperforate SS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (red and blue printed) cachet on FDC
BulgariaB38 (BL32)Imperforate SS11971Luna-3, Luna-10 (cruise configuration), Luna-16 ascender
Bulgaria1782_op green (BL40 (Mi2240))Imperforate SS1 1782 (BL25 (Mi1912) from 1969) overprinted in green1973Luna-1/2 type
Bulgaria1782_op grey (BL41 (Mi2241))Imperforate SS1 1782 (BL25 (Mi1912) from 1969) overprinted in grey
BulgariaC159 (BL147)On stamp and in (upper-right) margin of SS11984"Luna-1", "Luna-2" pennant sphere2, "Luna-3", Lunokhod (in upper-right margin)
BulgariaC159 fdcSS1 and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (red printed cachet)
Bulgaria3295 purple (BL174_IA)In (right) margin of MS2 (3295 (a-b)) with purple margins1987"1970 Luna-16" lander; (see also Buriata Republic local set 1995)
Bulgaria3295 purple fdcMS2 with purple margins on FDC
Bulgaria3295 (BL174_IIA)In (right) margin of MS2 (3295 (a-b)) with purple-black margins and corrected text
Bulgaria4761 (BL416)In (lower-right) margin of SS12016"Luna-2" (in Cyrillic text and depicted, also launch date in text)
Bulgariai4761 (BL417)In (lower-right) margin of imperforate SS1, overprinted
Buriatia RepublicLocal fdcCachet (same design as Czechoslovakia 1876) on local post FDC1995Lunokhod-1/2
Buriatia RepublicLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 45191 (Mi4496), from strip of 5, also overprint template1995Luna-16 lander (design taken from Bulgaria 3295)
Buriatia RepublicLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 5984 (Mi6177), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Buriatia RepublicLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 6066A (Mi262), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Buriatia RepublicLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 6067A (Mi252), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Buriatia RepublicLocal fdc1Overprint on 4x Russia 4519 and 4x Russia 5984 on local post FDC1995(As above for stamps)
Buriatia RepublicLocal fdc2Overprint on 4x Russia 6066A and 4x Russia 6067A on local post FDC(As above for stamps)
Burkina FasoUnknown ms (Mi?)In (right) margin of MS4 (a-d)2019Lunokhod-1/2
Burkina FasoUnknown fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp margin) on FDC
Burundi128 (Mi169A)
i128 (Mi169B)

Burundi126+128-129+133 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Burundii128-i130+i132 fdcOne of four imperforate stamps on FDC
Burundi133a (BL7A)
i133a (BL7B)
In (left) margin of MS2 (131+133)
In (left) margin of imperforate MS2 (i131+i133)
Burundi381 (Mi834A)
i381 (Mi834B)

Burundi384ae (Mi_C857A)
i384ae (Mi_C857B)
One of MS6 (384a (c-h)) overprinted (BL_A60A)
One of imperforate MS6 (i384a (c-h)) overprinted (BL_A60B)
BurundiC156c (Mi840A)
iC156c (Mi840B)
One of MS6 (C156 (a-f)) (BL58A)
One of imperforate MS6 (iC156 (a-f)) (BL58B)
Burundi1078d (Mi2429)One of MS4 (1078 (a-d)) (Mi2426-2429)2012Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
Cambodia480 (Mi560)1984"Luna-1"
Cambodia481 (Mi561)"Luna-2"
Cambodia480-481+484 fdcTwo of three stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Cambodia482 (Mi562)"Luna-3"
Cambodia482-483+485-486 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Cambodia487 (BL136)In (upper-right) margin of SS1Luna-10 (cruise configuration)
Cambodia487 fdcSS1 on FDC
Cambodia580 (Mi660)1985Lunokhod-1/2
Cambodia670 (Mi748)1986Luna-16/20/24 type ascender
Cambodia671 (Mi749)Luna-3
Cambodia671+676 fdc (Mi749+754 fdc)One of two stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Cambodia783 (Mi861)1987Luna-1/2 type
Cambodia1102 (Mi1180)1990"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
Cambodia1148 (Mi1226)1102 overprinted1991"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
CamerounC86 (Mi504)

CamerounC86 proofSigned proof (blue-black)
CamerounC87 (Mi505)

"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
CamerounC87 proofSigned proof (black)
Central African RepublicC37 (Mi116)

Central African RepublicC37 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
Central African RepublicC38a (BL5, Mi116-118)On one of MS3 (C36-C38)
Central African RepublicC58 (Mi163)C37 overprinted1968"Luna-9"
Central African RepublicC58+C61 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Central African Republic152 (Mi253)1971"Lunokhod-1"
Central African RepublicMi3853One of MS4 (Mi3852-3855)2012"Luna-1"
Central African RepublicMi3852-3155_ms4 fdcMS4 on FDC
Central African RepublicBL985On stamp (Mi3856) of SS1"Luna-3"
Central African RepublicBL985 fdcSS1 on FDC
Central African RepublicMi8697-8700_ms4MS4 (Mi8697-8700)2019 "60th anniv. launch Luna-1"; also reproductions of Cambodia 481 on stamp 'c' (where the text "Luna-2" found in the original stamp is hidden) and in the upper margin of the SS1 (where that same text "Luna-2" is visible)
Central African RepublicBL1932SS1
ChadC140 (Mi598)1972"Luna-XVI" (Luna-16) ascender launching from its lander base (in stamp and FDC cachet); also "Luna XVII" (Luna-17) / Lunokhod-1 (in FDC cachet)
ChadC140 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (brown and blue and purple and green printed) cachet on FDC
ChadC141 (Mi599)"Luna-XVII" (Luna-17) / Lunokhod-1 (in stamp and FDC cachet); also "Luna XVI" (Luna-16) ascender launching from its lander base (in FDC cachet)
ChadC141 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (brown and blue and purple and green printed) cachet on FDC
ChadC221 (Mi801)1977"Luna-XXI" (Luna-21) / Lunokhod-2
ChadC221 fdcStamp and (EDILA) cachet on FDC
Chad709c (Mi1513A)
i709c (Mi1513B)
One stamp and in selvedge of MS6 (709 (a-f)) (Mi1511A-1516A)
One stamp and in selvedge of imperforate MS6 (i709 (a-f)) (Mi1511B-1516B)
1997"Luna-20" (in selvedge text)
Chad855d (Mi1984)
One of MS6 (855 (a-f)) (Mi1981-1986)
One of imperforate MS6 (i855 (a-f))
ChadMi3950-3953_ms4MS4 (Mi3950-3953)202050th anniv. "Lunokhod-1"
China (People's Republic)425 (Mi453)1959Luna-1 (but no indication from text on stamp, fantasy image of launch rocket)
China (People's Republic)502 (Mi530)1960Luna-1/2 pennant segment2 and trajectory
China (People's Republic)503 (Mi531)Luna-3
China (People's Republic)502-503 fdcTwo stamps and (magenta pictorial) cancel and (blue and red) cachet on FDC, also back(As above for stamps)
Congo RepublicC54 (Mi135)1967"Luna-2" (and "Ranger-6")
Congo RepublicC54 fdcStamp and (Congo Post) cachet on FDC
Congo RepublicC54-C55 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet)
Congo (People's Republic)580 (Mi805A)
i580 (Mi805B)

1981"Luna-17" / Lunokhod-1
Congo (People's Republic)580 dsImperforate deluxe sheet (580)
Congo RepublicUnknown b (Mi?)
Unknown ib
One of MS4 (a-d)
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2007Luna-16/20/24 type lander
Congo RepublicUnknown fdcMS4 on FDC
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
Imperforate SS1
2011"Luna-17" / "Lunokhod-1"
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (lower-left) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2016"Lunokhod-1"
Congo RepublicUnknown ms (Mi none)MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]201960th anniv. Luna-1 launch; reproduction of Russia 2187 (in upper-right margin of SS1)
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 [known illegal issue]
Congo (Democratic Republic, Kinshasa)Unknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
In (lower-center) margin of SS1
In (lower-center) margin of imperforate SS1
2006"Lunar Rover" (Lunokhod-1/2)
Congo (Democratic Republic, Kinshasa)Unknown ss fdc
Unknown iss fdc
SS1 on FDC
Imperforate SS1 on FDC
Cook Islands748 (BL136)On stamp of SS11976Luna-1/2 type
CubaC214 (Mi678)1960Luna-1/2 type
Cuba866 (Mi926)One of block of 5 (867a (863-867 + label)) (Mi923-927), or four of MS20 (867b (4x (863-867))) (Mi923-927)1964Luna-1/2 type; (see also Cuba 2137)
Cuba868 (Mi930)One of block of 5 (872a (868-872 + label)) (Mi928-932), or four of MS20 (872b (4x (868-872))) (Mi928-932)Luna-3
Cuba963 (Mi1025)1965Luna-3, Sputnik-1, and Sputnik-2
Cuba961-963 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Cuba963a (BL26)Imperforate SS1 (963)
Cuba963a fdcSS1 on FDC
Cuba963b (BL27, Mi1073)Imperforate SS1, 963a with changed colors and text
Cuba963b fdcImperforate SS1 on FDC
Cuba963b cover (BL27, Mi1073 cover)SS1 and (red pictorial) cancel on cover1965Luna-3 (on stamp), Luna-1/2 type (in cancel)
Cuba965 (Mi1027)1965Luna-1/2 type
Cuba964-968 fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Cuba1178 (Mi1248)1966Luna-1/2 type
Cuba1178a (BL29)On one of imperforate MS3 (1176-1178)
Cuba1221 (Mi1291)1967Luna-10 (at upper-right)
Cuba1283 (Mi1352)1967"Lunik-III" (Luna-3)
Cuba1288 (Mi1357)"Luna-9"
Cuba1282-1283+1287-1288 fdcTwo of four stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Cuba1289 (Mi1358)"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
Cuba1284-1286+1289 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Cuba1289a (BL30)One of simulated-perforation MS8 (1282-1289)
Cuba1289a fdcMS8 on FDC
Cuba1514 (Mi1586)1970Luna-10 (cruise configuration)
Cuba1690 (Mi1764)1972"Lunojod vehiculo automotor lunar" (Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1, by landing date in text)
Cuba1687+1691 fdc(Blue printed) cachet on FDCLuna-16/20 type ascender launching from the lander base; (see also Ajman Mi1216A and Ajman BL328A and Bulgaria 1912 and Hungary C310)
Cuba1790 (Mi1865)1973"Luna-1"
Cuba1791 (Mi1866)"Luna-16" ascender launching from the lander base (with Earth in the background)
Cuba2133 (Mi2209)Stamp-on-stamp: Hungary 1216 (Mi1575)1977Luna-1 (also launch date in text on stamp-on-stamp); Mars-1 (on stamp)
Cuba2137 (Mi2213)Stamp-on-stamp: Cuba 866 (Mi926)Luna-1/2 type (on stamp-on-stamp)
Cuba2184 (Mi2287)1978"Luna-24" lander
CubaC279 (Mi2291)"Lunajod-2" (Luna-21 / Lunokhod-2)
Cuba2183-2184+C279 fdcTwo of three stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Cuba2325 (Mi2474)1980Luna-1/2 type, Luna-10
Cuba2504 (Mi2653)1982Lunokhod-1/2
Cuba2699 (BL81)On stamp of SS11984"Luna-1" (also launch date in text)
Cuba2785 (Mi2939)1985"Lunajod-1" (Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1)
Czechoslovakia938 (Mi1152)1959Luna-2 (lunar impact date in text on stamp and cachet)
Czechoslovakia938 fdcStamp and cachet on FDC
Czechoslovakia1034 (Mi1255)1961Luna-1 (also launch date in text)
Czechoslovakia1035 (Mi1256)Luna-3 (also launch date in text)
Czechoslovakia1035 maxiMaxicard
Czechoslovakia1423 (Mi1652)1966Fantasy drawing of a Soviet satellite. The stamp text, "far side of the Moon (1959-1965)", likely refers to Luna-3 (which photographed the far side of the Moon in 1959) and Zond-3 (which took photos of the far side of the Moon in 1965)
Czechoslovakia1425 (Mi1654)Luna-9/13 type
Czechoslovakia1423+1426 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC(As above for stamp)
Czechoslovakia1424-1425 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Czechoslovakia1458 (Mi1692)1967Luna-10 (cruise configuration, in lower left) (also Lunar Orbiter, in upper middle)
Czechoslovakia1876 (Mi2134)1973Lunokhod-1/2 (on stamp); Luna-16/20 type (on cancel)
Czechoslovakia1874-1876 cardFDC card (1874-1876)
DjiboutiC155 (Mi327)

198215th anniv. "Luna-9" (cruise configuration, on stamp); Lunokhod-1/2 (in lower-left margin of SS1); Luna-16/20/24 type ascender (in upper-right margin of SS1)
DjiboutiC155-C157 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
DjiboutiC155a (BL56A)
iC155a (BL56B)
On stamp and in (upper-right and lower-left) margins of SS1 (C155)
On stamp and in (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate SS1 (iC155)
DjiboutiUnknown a (Mi none)
Unknown ia
From MS8 (a-h + label) [known illegal issue]
From imperforate MS8 (a-h + label)
DjiboutiUnknown c (Mi?)
Unknown ic
DjiboutiUnknown c (Mi none)
Unknown ic
One of MS9 (a-i) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS9 (a-i)
2010"Lunik-II" (Luna-2)
DjiboutiUnknown c proof
Unknown ic proof
One of MS9 proof (a-i)
One of imperforate MS9 proof (a-i)
DjiboutiUnknown ms proof fdc
Unknown ims proof fdc
MS9 proof on FDC
Imperforate MS9 proof on FDC
DjiboutiUnknown b (Mi none)On one of MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2013Lunokhod-1/2
Djibouti2179a (Mi3589)MS8 (8x 2179 + label)2020"50th anniv. launch of the Soviet lunar mission Lunokhod-1/Luna-17" (in French text); (the launch took place on 10 November 1970)
Djibouti2180a (Mi3589-3590)MS2 (2179-2180)
Djibouti2180b (Mi3590)MS8 (8x 2180 + label)
Djibouti2181 (BL1438, Mi3593)SS1
Djibouti2182 (Mi3591-3592)MS2 (2182 (a-b))
Djibouti1242a (Mi1821)
One of MS4 (1242 (a-d)) (Mi1821-1824)
One of imperforate MS4 (i1242 (a-d))
Dominica2237b (Mi2903)From MS6 (2237 (a-f)) (Mi2902-2907)2000"Luna-16" ascender
Dominica2237e (Mi2906)"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
Dominica2237 fdcMS6 on FDC(As above for stamps)
Dominica2579 (Mi3738-3741)MS4 (2579 (a-d))2006"Luna-9" (cruise configuration and lander)
Ecuador748C (Mi1193)From tête-bêche pair (2x 748C + label)1966"Lunik-III" (Luna-3)
Ecuador748Eg (BL16)
i748Eg (BL17)
On one of MS3 (748A+748C+748E) (Mi1991+1993+1995)
On one of imperforate MS3 (i748A+i748C+i748E), with changed background color
Ecuador758A (Mi1302)1966"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
Ecuador758B (Mi1303)"Luna-9" (also launch and landing dates in text)
Ecuador758Ef (BL33)
i758Ef (BL34)
On one of MS3 (758-758A+758E)
Imperforate On one of imperforate MS3 (i758-i758A+i758E) with changed background color
"Luna-10" (cruise configuration); "April 4 1966, in lunar orbit"
Equatorial GuineaMi256One of MS2 (BL70 (Mi255-256)1973Lunokhod-1/2
Equatorial GuineaBL70_varBL70, no control number and no right margin perforations
Equatorial GuineaMiA256One of MS2 (BL_A70 (Mi_A255-A256), on pink paper, with control number1973Lunokhod-1/2
Equatorial GuineaBL_A70_varBL_A70, on pink paper, no control number
Equatorial GuineaBL279In (upper-left and upper-right) margins of imperforate SS11978Luna-9/13 type (in upper-left margin), Luna-3 (in upper-right margin)
Equatorial GuineaMi1274A

Estonia786 (Mi823)Stamp and selvedge from MS10 (786a (10x 786))2015Lunokhod toy (on selvedge)
FranceNoneMatchbox cover1960s"Luna-9"
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1971Luna-1/2 type
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1972Luna-1/2 type
FranceNone(Blue printed) cachet on cover1973Luna-10 (cruise configuration) (left-center); Luna-3 (right-center)

FujeiraMi70A-77A fdcOne of eight stamps on FDC
Mi73A overprinted new currency
Mi73B overprinted new currency
Mi73A overprinted "Apollo-8"
Mi73B overprinted "Apollo-8"
FujeiraMi345A inv o/p
Mi345B inv o/p
Mi73A inverted overprint "Apollo-8"
Mi73B inverted overprint "Apollo-8"
FujeiraMi341A-348A fdcOne of eight stamps on FDC

1971(smoothed) "Luna-10"
Mi623A overprinted in red
Mi623B overprinted in red
1971(smoothed) "Luna-10"
FujeiraMi742A-744A fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
One of MS20 (Mi957A-976A)
Gabon937g (Mi1440)
One of MS12 (937 (a-l)) (Mi1434-1445)
One of imperforate MS12 (i937 (a-l))
1999"Luna-16" ascender
Gabon937 fdcMS12 on FDC
GabonUnknown ms (Mi?)
Unknown ims
In (lower-left) margin of MS2 (a-b)
In (lower-left) margin of imperforate MS2 (a-b)
GabonUnknown ss (BL none)
Unknown iss
In (lower) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]
In (lower) margin of imperforate SS1
GabonUnknown ss fdc
Unknown iss fdc
SS1 on FDC
Imperforate SS1 on FDC
GabonUnknown ss o/p (BL none o/p)
Unknown iss o/p
In (lower) margin of SS1 overprinted in gold [known illegal issue]
In (lower) margin of imperforate SS1 overprinted in gold
GabonUnknown ss o/p fdc
Unknown iss o/p fdc
SS1 overprinted in gold on FDC
Imperforate SS1 overprinted in gold on FDC
GabonUnknown (BL?)Stamp from SS12021"Lunokhod-2"
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 45171 (Mi4494), from strip of 5, also overprint template1996?Luna-10 (cruise configuration)
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201 (Mi4497), from strip of 5, also overprint template
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 57261 (Mi5897), from strip of 5, also overprint template
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 57271 (Mi5898), from strip of 5, also overprint template
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 57321 (Mi5903), from strip of 5, also overprint template
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331 (Mi5904), from strip of 5, also overprint template
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 5984 (Mi6177), from strip of 5, also overprint template
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 6061 (Mi225), from strip of 5, also overprint template
GagouziaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 6068A (Mi268), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Gambia2174d (Mi3284)
One of MS6 (2174 (a-f)) (Mi3281-3286)
One of imperforate MS6 (i2174 (a-f))
Gambia3051 (BL705)On stamp and in (right) margin of SS12006"Luna-9" (also landing date in right margin text)
Gambia3718 (Mi7315-7318)MS4 (3718 (a-d))2016Luna-10 (on stamp 'a'); Luna-1/2 type (on stamp 'b'; not "Luna-10", as in text, and the date "Sep 12, 1966" is also an error - no Luna satellite was launched on that date); Luna-9 orbiter (on stamp 'c'); Luna-3 (on stamp 'd'); Luna-9 lander (in left margin)
Gambia3718 proofSigned-proof MS4As above except for stamp 'b' in which Luna-2 / Lunik II" is correctly identified; also, "Sep 1959" is the correct month and year of launch of Luna-2)
Gambia3718 fdcMS4 and cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
Gambia3719 (BL959)SS1"Luna-9"
Gambia3718a-d+3719 fdcFour stamps and SS1 and cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
Germany (East)454 (Mi721)1959Luna-2 (lunar impact date/time (Germany time) in text)
Germany (East)454 fdcStamp on FDC
Germany (East)634e (Mi930)From MS8 (634 (a-h)) (Mi926-933)1962"Lunik-I" (Luna-1, also launch date in text), "Lunik-II" (Luna-2, also launch date and lunar impact date/time (German time) in text)
Germany (East)634h (Mi933)"Lunik-III" (Luna-3, also launch date in text)
Germany (East)694 (Mi1021)1964Luna-1, Luna-2 (around/near the Moon)
Germany (East)819 (Mi1168)1966"Luna-9" (also Moon landing date in text)
Germany (East)819 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel on FDC
Germany (East)819 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC
Germany (East)1264 (Mi1638)One of MS8 (1269a (1262-1269)) (Mi1636-1643)1971"Luna-10" (cruise configuration), "Luna-16" (also the date its re-entry capsule with a lunar soil sample touched down back on Earth)
Germany (East)1269a fdcMS8 on FDC
Germany (East)1285 (Mi1659)1971Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
Germany (East)1285 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC
Germany (East)None h(Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft) cinderella, one of cinderella MS20 (a-t + 5 labels)1975Luna-1/2 type
Germany (East)None kLuna-9/13 type
Germany (East)None nLuna-9/13 type
Germany (East)None qLuna-3
Germany (East)None rLunokhod-1/2
Germany (East)None sLuna-16/20 type ascender launching from the lander base
Germany (East)None e(Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft) cinderella, one of cinderella MS20 (a-t + 5 labels)1981"Lunokhod-2"
Germany (West)None(Purple printed) cachet (including reproduction of Russia 2728) on cover1963Luna-4 (also launch date in text, fantasy image of launch rocket); also pennant segment2
Germany (West)None(Black printed and black typed) cachet on cover1964Luna-3
Germany (West)None(Black printed) cachet on cover1964(probable) Luna-1/2 type, Luna-3
Germany (West)None(Black printed) cachet on cover1965(probable) Luna-1/2 type, Luna-3
Germany (West)NoneCinderella (poster stamp), one of MS30 cinderella~1966"Lunik-1" (Luna-1)
Germany (West)None"Lunik-3" (Luna-3)
Germany (West)None(Red pictorial) meter on cover1973"Lunohod-1" and its Moon landing date "1970-XI-17"
Germany (West)NoneIn (upper) margin of imperforate cinderella1977Luna-16/20/24 type ascender
GermanyNone(Black pictorial) meter2003"Luna-16" ascender
GermanyNone(BiberPost) private post2023"Moon - Mission" (in German text, for Luna-25)
Ghana305 (Mi310)
From MS12 (305b (12x 305))
1967"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
Ghana305-307 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Ghana307a (BL26)On one stamp and in (upper-right) margin of imperforate MS3 (305-307)
Ghana2568 (Mi3910-3913)MS4 (2568 (a-d))2007"Luna-9" (also landing date in left margin)
Great Britain2317_ms10 folder (Mi2341_ms10 folder)Folder front with MS10 (2317_ms10 (10x 2317 + 10 labels)), also back2009"Luna-9"
Great BritainNone(The Lazy Panda Card Company) postcard back, also front~2010s"moon walker" (Lunokhod)
Grenada2956a (Mi4192)
i2956a proof
From MS6 (2956 (a-f)) (Mi4192-4197)
From imperforate MS6 (i2956 proof (a-f))
2000"Lunik-IV" (Luna-4)
Grenada2956c (Mi4194)
i2956c proof
Grenada2956d (Mi4195)
i2956d proof
"Luna-16" ascender
Grenada Carriacou2634 (BL609)SS12006"Luna-9" (cruise configuration, also landing date in lower margin)
Guinea Republic393a o/p English (BL16A English)
i393a o/p English (BL16B English)
MS15, 393a o/p English text at top
Imperforate MS15, i393a o/p English text at top
1965"Luna-9" and soft landing date (overprinted on each stamp and also in the upper margin, in either English or French, and in the lower margin, in Cyrillic text)
Guinea Republic393a o/p French (BL16A French)
i393a o/p French (BL16B French)
MS15, 393a o/p French text at top
Imperforate MS15, i393a o/p French text at top
Guinea Republic401 (Mi324)1965Luna-2 (lunar impact date (Moscow time) in text); Luna-3 (also date of "first photographs of the far side of the Moon" which were taken by Luna-3)
Guinea Republic401-404+C78-C79 fdcOne of six stamps on FDC
Guinea Republic926 (Mi1027A)
i926 (Mi1027B)

1985"Lunik-1" (Luna-1)
Guinea Republic926a (BL137A)
i926a (BL137B)
SS1 (926)
Imperforate SS1 (i926)
"Lunik-1" (Luna-1) (on stamp); "Lunik 9 - first manmade object to make a controlled landing on the Moon, 1966" (in French text in lower margin)
Guinea Republic927 (Mi1028A)
i927 (Mi1028B)

"Lunik-2" (Luna-2)
Guinea Republic927a (BL138A)
i927a (BL138B)
SS1 (927)
Imperforate SS1 (i927)
"Lunik-2" (Luna-2) (on stamp); "Remotely-controlled lunar vehicle Lunokhod 2 (Lunik 21), 1973" (in French text in lower margin)
Guinea Republic928 (Mi1029A)
i928 (Mi1029B)

"Lunik-3" (Luna-3)
Guinea Republic928a (BL139A)
i928a (BL139B)
SS1 (928)
Imperforate SS1 (i928)
"Lunik-3" (Luna-3) (on stamp); "Lunik 16 [lander] (USSR) - first un-manned spacecraft to return lunar soil samples to Earth (1970)" (in French text in lower margin)
Guinea Republic1085a (BL303)In (left and upper) margins of SS1 (1085)1988(fantasy) Luna-16/20/24 in cruise configuration from Earth; also Luna-16/20/24 ascender; also Luna-16/20/24 lander (but depicted on Mars rather than on the Moon)
Guinea Republic1257Bd (Mi1442A)
i1257Bd (Mi1442B)
From MS16 (1257B (d-s)) (Mi1442A-1457A)
From imperforate MS16 (i1257B (d-s)) (Mi1442B-1457B)
1993"Luna-3" (also launch date in text)
Guinea Republic1257Bf (Mi1444A)
i1257Bf (Mi1444B)
"Luna-9" (date in text, "31.4.66", is incorrect for the "soft landing on the Moon" (took place 3 Feb 1966) and for the launch (31 Jan 1966))
Guinea Republic1257Bn (Mi1452A)
i1257Bn (Mi1452B)
"Luna-16" lander (also launch date in text)
Guinea Republic1257Bo (Mi1453A)
i1257Bo (Mi1453B)
"Luna-17" / "Lunokhod"-1 (also launch date in text)
Guinea Republic1863k (Mi3570)One of MS12 (1863 (a-l)) (Mi3560-3571)2000Lunokhod-1 (by the 1970 year in the text)
Guinea RepublicBL1111A
In (upper-right) margin of SS1
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1
Guinea RepublicBL1111A fdcSS1 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi7637One of MS6 (Mi7634-7639)2010"Luna-3"
Guinea RepublicMi7634-7639_ms6 fdcMS6 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi13736-13739_ms4MS4 (Mi13736-13739)201960th anniv. "Luna-1"
Guinea RepublicBL3108SS1
Guinea RepublicMi14502-14505_ms4MS4 (Mi14502-14505)202050th anniv. launch "Lunokhod-1"
Guinea RepublicBL3254SS1
Guinea RepublicMi17788One of MS6 (Mi17787-17792)2023"Luna-21"
Guinea-BissauBL683In (upper) margin of SS12009"Luna-1", "Luna-3"
Guinea-BissauMi10855-10859_ms5MS5 (Mi10855-10859) + label201960th anniv. launch "Luna-1"
Guinea-BissauBL1861SS1 + label
Guyana2106i (Mi2635 gold)From MS25 (2106 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in gold1989"Luna-3" (and launch date in overprinted text)
Guyana2106t (Mi2646 gold)"Lunokhod-1" (also the date on which Lunokhod-1 began its second lunar day experimental programme on the Moon)
Guyana2106i_specimenFrom MS25 (2106_specimen (a-y)), 280 with both gold and specimen overprints ("specimen" overprint on MS25 does not touch 2106i)"Luna-3" (and launch date in overprinted text)
Guyana2106t_specimen"Lunokhod-1" (also the date on which Lunokhod-1 began its second lunar day experimental programme on the Moon)
Guyana2107i (Mi2635)From MS25 (2107 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in silver (Mi2627-2651)"Luna-3" (and launch date in overprinted text)
Guyana2107t (Mi2646)"Lunokhod-1" (also the date on which Lunokhod-1 began its second lunar day experimental programme on the Moon)
Guyana2107i specimenFrom MS25 (2107 specimen (a-y)), 280 with both silver and specimen overprints"Luna-3" (and launch date in overprinted text)
Guyana2107t specimen"Lunokhod-1" (also the date on which Lunokhod-1 began its second lunar day experimental programme on the Moon)
Guyana2873f (Mi4916)
From MS9 (2873 (a-i)) (Mi4911-4919)
From imperforate MS9 (i2873 (a-i))
1994"Luna-16" ascender launching from the lander base
Guyana2873g (Mi4917)
"Lunar Module 1" (Lunokhod-1)
Guyana3925 (Mi7839-7844)MS6 (3925 (a-f))2006"Luna-9"
Haitim1316 (Mi none)

1973Luna-9/13 type
Haitim1316 proofProof
Haitim1317 (Mi none)

Luna-10 (cruise configuration)
Haitim1317 proofProof
Haitim1312+m1316-m1317 proofTwo of three proofs(As above for stamps)
Haitim1320 (Mi none)

Haitim1318-m1320 proofOne of three proofs
Haitim1375 (Mi none)
m1316 overprinted
im1316 overprinted
1974Luna-9/13 type
Haitim1376 (Mi none)
m1317 overprinted
im1317 overprinted
Luna-10 (cruise configuration)
Haitim1379 (Mi none)
m1320 overprinted
im1320 overprinted
Haitim1368-m1379 fdcTwo of 12 stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Hungary1216 (Mi1575A)1959Luna-1 (also launch date in text); (see also Cuba 2133)
Hungary1212+1216-1217 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Hungary1262 (Mi1626A)
i1262 (Mi1626B)
like 1216, overprinted in red
1959Luna-2 (lunar impact date and time (Hungary time) in text)
Hungary1262 fdc1Stamp on FDC (Budapest cancel)
Hungary1262 fdc2Stamp on FDC (Budapest cancel, different)
Hungary1262 fdc3Stamp on FDC (orange and purple and blue printed cachet)
Hungary1262 fdc4Stamp on FDC (grey printed cachet)
Hungary1262 fdc5Stamp on FDC (brown printed cachet)
Hungary1262 fdc6Stamp on FDC (orange and blue and purple cachet)
Hungary1262 fdc7Stamp on FDC (orange and blue and purple and grey printed cachet)
Hungary1262a (Mi?)1262 without red overprint
HungaryC236 (Mi1907A)
iC236 (Mi1907B)
Stamp-on-stamp: Albania 623
1963Luna-1 (also launch date in text, fantasy image of launch rocket)
HungaryC237 (Mi1908A)
iC237 (Mi1908B)
Stamp-on-stamp: Bulgaria C77
Luna-1 (also launch date in text, fantasy image of launch rocket)
HungaryC243 (Mi1914A)
iC243 (Mi1914B)
Stamp-on-stamp: Mongolia 189
"Lunik 1959" (could be any of Luna-1, Luna-2, or Luna-3; fantasy image of launch rocket)
Hungary1562 (Mi1991A)
i1562 (Mi1991B)

Hungary1562+1565+1567-1568 fdc1One of four stamps on FDC
Hungary1562+1565+1567-1568 fdc2One of four stamps on FDC (different)
HungaryC258 (Mi2199A)
iC258 (Mi2199B)

1965Luna-3 (but "Zond-3" and launch date in text)
HungaryC253-C254+C257-C258 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC (Hungary Post cachet)
HungaryC260 (BL52A)
iC260 (BL52B)
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of imperforate SS1
19655 probes are similar to Luna-1 (but without antennas), but Kosmos-71/75 or Strela-1-15/19, based on launch date)
HungaryC260 fdc
iC260 fdc
SS1 on FDC (Hungary Post cachet)
Imperforate SS1 on FDC (Hungary Post cachet)
Hungary1738 (Mi2218A)
i1738 (Mi2218B)

1966"Luna-9" descent capsule6; also landing date in text; (see also Sharjah Mi994A and related items)
Hungary1739 (Mi2219A)
i1739 (Mi2219B)

Luna-9 (also landing date in text)
Hungary1738-1739 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (red-brown and black printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
HungaryCB30 (Mi2354IA)
iCB30 (Mi2354IB)
One of strip of 4 (CB30a (CB27-CB30))
One of imperforate strip of 4 (iCB30a (iCB27-iCB30))
HungaryCB30b (BL59A, Mi2351IIA-2354IIA)
iCB30b (BL59B, Mi2351IIB-2354IIB)
One of MS4 (CB27-CB30)
One of imperforate MS4 (iCB27-iCB30)
HungaryC289 (Mi2549A)
iC289 (Mi2549B)

HungaryC291 (Mi2551A)
iC291 (Mi2551B)

HungaryC310 (Mi2642A-2645A)
iC310 (Mi2642B-2645B)
MS4 (310 (a-d))
Imperforate MS4 (a-d)
1971(artistic) "Luna-16" lander (in stamps 'a' and 'b' and in FDC cachet); (also mission dates in text (from launch through the capsule return to Earth in stamps 'c' and 'd')); (see also Ajman Mi1216A and Ajman BL328A and Bulgaria 1912 and Cuba 1687+1691 fdc)
HungaryC310 fdcMS4 and (Hungary Post) cachet on FDC
HungaryC311 (Mi2654A-2657A)
iC311 (Mi2654B-2657B)
MS4 (311 (a-d))
Imperforate MS4 (i311 (a-d))
"Luna-17" / "Lunokhod-1" (also launch and landing dates in text)
HungaryC356 (Mi3048A)1975Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
HungaryC361 (BL111A)
iC361 (BL111B)
In (upper-left) margin of SS1
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1
HungaryC373 (BL121A)
iC373 (BL121B)
In (left) margin of SS1
In (left) margin of imperforate SS1
1976"Lunohod" (Lunokhod-1/2)
HungaryC373 fdcSS1 on FDC (multi-color printed cachet)
Hungary2501 (Mi3217A)
i2501 (Mi3217B)

Hungary2499+2501-2502 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Israel294+label fdc (Mi343+label fdc)(Israel Post) cachet on FDC1965Luna-1
Ivory CoastUnknown a (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2018"Lunokhod-2"
Kazakhstan442 (Mi451)2004"Luna-3"
Kiribati973 (Mi1098)2009"Luna-16" lander
Kiribati973 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Kiribati969-973 fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Korea (North)160 (Mi171A)
i160 (Mi171B)

Korea (North)161 (Mi172A)
i161 (Mi172B)

Korea (North)161 green
i161 green
Green paper
Imperforate on green paper
Korea (North)225 (Mi230)1960Luna-1/2 type (but Luna-3 launch date in text)
Korea (North)226 (Mi231)Luna-2 (date of lunar impact (Moscow time) in text)
Korea (North)704 (Mi709A)
i704 (Mi709B)

1966Luna-9 lander
Korea (North)705 (Mi710A)
i705 (Mi710B)

Korea (North)1305 (Mi1354)1975Lunokhod-1 (based on year [19]"71" in Korean text)
Korea (North)1451 (Mi1497A)
i1451 (Mi1497B)

Korea (North)1452 (BL24A)On stamp of imperforate SS1Lunokhod-1/2
Korea (North)2432 (BL190)On stamp of SS11984Lunokhod-1/2
Kyrgyzstan517 (BL76A, Mi857A-858A)In (lower-right) margin of MS2 (517 (a-b))2016Luna-1
Laos577 (Mi766)1984Luna-1
Laos578 (Mi767)Luna-2
Laos579 (Mi768)Luna-3
Laos580 (Mi769)Luna-10
Laos581 (Mi770)Lunokhod-1/2
Laos582 (Mi771)Luna-9/13 type
Laos583 (Mi772)Luna-15/16/18/20/23/24 type lander
Laos577-579 fdcThree stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Laos580-583 fdcFour stamps on FDC
Laos703 (Mi908)1986Luna-3 (or Elektron-2/4 type ?)
Laos705 (Mi910)

Luna-16/20/24 type ascender (same design as on Laos 787)
Laos786 (Mi993)

Laos787 (Mi994)

Luna-16/20/24 type ascender (but "Luna-3" in text); (same design as on Laos 705)
Liberia2631 (Mi5604-5609)MS6 (2631 (a-f))2009"Luna-9"
Liberia3553 (Mi?)MS4 (3553 (a-d)), stamp-on-stamp: Russia 3834202050th anniv. launch "Lunokhod-1"
Liberia3566 (BL?)SS1, stamp-on-stamp: Russia 3837
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia C215 overprinted in gold2000"Luna-9" (cruise configuration)
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia C215 overprinted in silver
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia C215 overprinted in gold"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia C215 overprinted in silver
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia 733 overprinted in red, one of strip of 2 (2x 733)200?Luna-1
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia 791 overprinted in red, one of strip of 2 (2x 791)
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia 792 overprinted in red, one of strip of 2 (2x 792)
Liberia-LURDLocalLiberia 793 overprinted in red, one of strip of 2 (2x 793)
Macau471 (Mi499)Also annotated1983Luna-3 (but missing the four antennas at the top of the satellite)
MadagascarUnknown ms (Mi none)In (left) margin of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2015Luna-1
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL none)In (left) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]
MadagascarUnknown ms (Mi none)In (left) margin of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2015Luna-1
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-left) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-right) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2017"Luna-9"
MadagascarUnknown ms (Mi none)MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]201960th anniv. "Luna-1" and "Luna-2"
MadagascarUnknown ms fdcMS4 and cachet on FDC
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL none)SS1, also stamp [known illegal issue]
MadagascarUnknown ss fdcSS1 and cachet on FDC
Maldive Islands189 (Mi189A)
i189 (Mi189B)

1966"Luna-9" (on Moon)
Maldive Islands191 (Mi191A)
i191 (Mi191B)

Maldive Islands248 (Mi253)1968"Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
Maldive Islands251 (Mi256)
Maldive IslandsBL680In (upper) margin of SS12014"Luna-1"
Maldive IslandsMi8894-8897_ms4MS4 (Mi8894-8897)2019"60th anniv. launch of Luna-1"
Maldive IslandsMi8898Stamp from SS1 (BL1437)
MaliC108 (Mi245)C97 overprinted1970"Luna-16 - First automated sampling of lunar soil - September 1970" (in French text overprint)
MaliC109 (Mi246)C98 overprinted
MaliC391 (Mi772)198010th anniv. Luna-17, "Lunokhod-1"
MaliC391 proofSigned proof (red)
Mali1036c (Mi2265)
One of MS6 (1036 (a-d)) (Mi2263-2266)
One of imperforate MS6 (i1036 (a-d))
1999"Luna-16" lander (partly in stamp 'c' and partly in the lower-left margin); also Luna-21 / "Lunokhod-2"
MaliUnknown iss (BL none)In (lower) margin of imperforate SS1 [known illegal issue]2010"Lunokhod-1"
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)In (right) margin of MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]2013"Luna-2"
MaliUnknown ms (Mi?)In (lower-left) margin of MS3 (a-c) (different) [known illegal issue]"Luna-24" lander
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)In (right) margin of MS3 (a-c) (different) [known illegal issue]"Luna-9" (cruise configuration)
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)In (left and lower-right) margins of MS3 (a-c) (different) [known illegal issue]"Luna-3", "Luna-Glob"
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)In (upper-left) margin of MS3 (a-c) (different) [known illegal issue]"Luna-1"
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)In (lower-left) margin of MS3 (a-c) (different) [known illegal issue]"Lunokhod-1"
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)
Unknown ims
In (lower-right) margin of MS3 (a-c) (different) [known illegal issue]
In (lower-right) margin of imperforate MS3 (a-c)
MaliUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS3 on FDC
Imperforate MS3 on FDC
MaliUnknown b (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d)2018"Lunik-2" (Luna-2)
MaliUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
MaliUnknown ms (Mi none)MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]2019"60e anniversaire du lancement de Luna-1"
MaliUnknown ms fdcMS3 and cachet on FDC
MaliUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 [known illegal issue]
MaliUnknown ss fdcSS1 and cachet on FDC

ManamaMi87A-89A+Mi91A-92A fdc
Mi87B-89B+Mi91B-92B fdc
One of five stamps on FDC
One of five imperforate stamps on FDC


(smoothed) "Luna-10"
ManamaMi90A+Mi93A-96A fdc
Mi90B+Mi93B-96B fdc
Two of five stamps on FDC
Two of five imperforate stamps on FDC
(As above for stamps)
Mari ElLocal (800 value)Overprint on Russia 45171 (Mi4494)1994Luna-1
Mari ElLocal (1000 value)Luna-3
Marshall Islands345j (Mi259)One of MS25 (345 (a-y)) (Mi250-274)1989Luna-9 ("first soft landing on the Moon")
Marshall IslandsKM29$50. (silver coin)1989Luna-9 ("first soft landing on the Moon")
MauritaniaC124 (Mi443)1972"Luna-16" ascender launching from the lander base; (see also Yemen PDR 170)
MauritaniaC124 proofSigned-proof (dark brown)
MauritaniaC125 (Mi444)"Luna-17" / Lunokhod-1
MauritaniaC125 proofSigned-proof (dark brown)
Micronesia334c (Mi703)From MS20 (334 (a-t)) (Mi701-720)1999"Luna-1"
Micronesia334d (Mi704)"Luna-3"
Micronesia334k (Mi711)Luna-10 (cruise configuration) (but "Venera-3" in text)
Micronesia334l (Mi712)"Luna-10" (but Venera-2/3 type depicted)
Micronesia334m (Mi713)"Luna-9"
Micronesia334n (Mi714)Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1 (but "Luna-16" in text)
Micronesia334o (Mi715)Luna-16 lander (but "Luna-17" in text)
MoldovaUnknown ms (Mi?)MS8 (2x (a-b) + 4 labels)2015"45th anniv. lunar landing of Lunokhod-1"
MoldovaUnknown ms (Mi?)MS12 (12x single)Luna-9 or Luna-13
Monaco608 (Mi801)1965"Lunik-III" (Luna-3)
Monaco608 fdcStamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
Mongolia189 (Mi178)1959"Lunik 1959" (could be any of Luna-1, Luna-2, or Luna-3; fantasy image of launch rocket); (see also Hungary C243)
Mongolia190 (Mi179)"Lunik 1959" (but Luna-3 depicted)
Mongolia320 (Mi325)1963"Lunik-II" (Luna-2, also lunar impact date (UTC) in text)
Mongolia318-322 fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Mongolia361 (Mi365)1964"Lunik" (Luna-3)
Mongolia366 (Mi370)"Luna-4" (but propaganda-design spacecraft)
MongoliaC12 (BL12)Imperforate SS11966"Luna-10" (also date of entry into lunar orbit)
Mongolia444 (Mi457)1966"Luna-9" (also launch date in text)
Mongolia445 (Mi458)"Luna-12" (also launch date in text)
MongoliaC13 (BL19)SS11969"Lunik-2" (Luna-2)
Mongolia609 (Mi625)1971"Luna-16" lander (also launch and lunar landing dates in text)
Mongolia615a (Mi631)One of MS2 (615 (a-b)) (BL25)1971Lunokhod-1/2
Mongolia615 fdcMS2 on FDC
MongoliaC53 (Mi812)1973Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
MongoliaC91 (BL49)In (right) margin of SS11977"Lunokhod"-1/2
MongoliaC125 (Mi1267)1979"Luna-1", "Luna-2", "Luna-3" (also launch dates in text)
MongoliaC126 (Mi1268)Luna-21 / "Lunokhod-2" (also launch date in text)
Mongolia1478 (Mi1734)1985"Luna-9" (depicted with 5 protective petals, but the real Luna-9 had only 4 petals)
MordoviaLocal (150 value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also overprint template1994Luna-1/2 type (on stamp-on-stamp)
MordoviaLocal (650 value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (950value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (150 value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (650 value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (950 value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (150 value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (650 value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (950 value)Cuba 2137 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (450 value)Cuba 2133 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also overprint template1994Luna-1 (also launch date in text on stamp-on-stamp)
MordoviaLocal (850 value)Cuba 2133 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (450 value)Cuba 2133 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (850 value)Cuba 2133 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (450 value)Cuba 2133 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (850 value)Cuba 2133 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
MordoviaLocal (450 value)Nicaragua 1348 overprinted on 4x Russia 45171, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template1995Luna-2
MordoviaLocal (450 value)Nicaragua 1348 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
MordoviaLocal (450 value)Nicaragua 1348 overprinted on 4x Russia 57321, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
MordoviaLocal (450 value)Nicaragua 1348 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
MordoviaLocal (450 value)Nicaragua 1348 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
MordoviaLocal (850 value)Nicaragua 1347 overprinted on 4x Russia 45171, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template1995Luna-1
MordoviaLocal (850 value)Nicaragua 1347 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
MordoviaLocal (850 value)Nicaragua 1347 overprinted on 4x Russia 57321, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
MordoviaLocal (850 value)Nicaragua 1347 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
MordoviaLocal (850 value)Nicaragua 1347 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
MozambiqueMi7013One of MS4 (Mi7012-7015)2013"Lunokhod-1"
MozambiqueMi10092-10095_ms4MS4 (Mi10092-10095)201960th anniv. launch "Luna-1"
MozambiqueMi10092-10095_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MozambiqueBL1454 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Nevis661 (Mi593)1991"Luna-3"
Nicaragua1107G (Mi2174)Overprinted stamp (not issued without the overprint)1981"Lunojod-1"
Nicaragua1347 (Mi2500)198425th anniv. "Luna-1"
Nicaragua1348 (Mi2501)25th anniv. "Luna-2"; also Luna-2 pennant segment2
Nicaragua1349 (Mi2502)25th anniv. "Luna-3"
Nicaragua1658 (Mi2820)1987"Luna"-10
Nicaragua1655-1656+1658-1659 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
NigerC141 (Mi267)C124 overprinted1970"Luna-16 - Sept. 1970 - First automated sampling of lunar soil" (in French text overprint)
NigerC142 (Mi268)C126 overprinted
NigerC221 (Mi409)1992Luna-1/2 type
Niger967g (Mi1331A)
i967g (Mi1331B)
One of MS8 (967 (a-h + label)) (Mi1325-1332)
One of imperforate MS8 (i967)
NigerMi6676-6679_ms4MS4 (Mi6676-6679)2019"60th anniv. launch Luna-1 (in French text)
NigerBL1032SS1, stamp-on-stamp: Russia 2187
NiueKM70$10. (silver coin)1992"Luna-9" (Moon landing)
Oman StateUnlisted c (Mi none)
Unlisted ic
From MS8 (a-h)
From imperforate MS8 (a-h)
1974"Lunik-1" (Luna-1, launch configuration?)
Oman StateUnlisted g (Mi none)
Unlisted ig
Oman StateUnlisted fdcMS8 on FDC(As above for stamps)
Oman StateUnlisted c o/p1 (Mi none)From MS8 overprinted in silver (a-h)1998"Lunik-1" (Luna-1, launch configuration?)
Oman StateUnlisted g o/p1 (Mi none)"Luna-1"
Oman StateUnlisted c o/p1 inv (Mi none)From MS8 overprinted in silver inverted (a-h)"Lunik-1" (Luna-1, launch configuration?)
Oman StateUnlisted g o/p1 inv (Mi none)"Luna-1"
Oman StateUnlisted c o/p2 (Mi none)From MS8 overprinted in gold (a-h)"Lunik-1" (Luna-1, launch configuration?)
Oman StateUnlisted g o/p2 (Mi none)"Luna-1"
Osetia RepublicLocal (150 value)Cuba 2325 overprinted on 4x Russia 45171 (Mi4494), from strip of 5, also overprint template1994Luna-1/2 type, Luna-10
Osetia RepublicLocal (550 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (1000 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (150 value)Cuba 2325 overprinted on 4x Russia 45191 (Mi4496), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia RepublicLocal (550 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (1000 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (150 value)Cuba 2325 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201 (Mi4497), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia RepublicLocal (550 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (1000 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (150 value)Cuba 2325 overprinted on 4x Russia 45211 (Mi4498), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia RepublicLocal (550 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (1000 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (150 value)Cuba 2325 overprinted on 4x Russia 57241 (Mi5895), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia RepublicLocal (550 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (1000 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (150 value)Cuba 2325 overprinted on 4x Russia 57321 (Mi5903), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia RepublicLocal (550 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (1000 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (150 value)Cuba 2325 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331 (Mi5904), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia RepublicLocal (550 value)
Osetia RepublicLocal (1000 value)
Ossetia RepublicLocal (400 value)Unknown design overprinted on Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template1994Lunokhod-1/2
Ossetia RepublicLocal (400 value)Unknown design overprinted on Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
Ossetia RepublicLocal (400 value)Unknown design overprinted on Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also partial overprint template
Osetia (North)Local (600 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also overprint template1996Lunokhod-2
Osetia (North)Local (600 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia (North)Local (600 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 6066A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia (North)Local (600 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 6067A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia (North)Local (600 value)Unknown design overprinted on 4x Russia 45201, from strip of 5, also overprint template1996Lunokhod-1/2
Osetia (North)Local (600 value)Unknown design overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia (North)Local (600 value)Unknown design overprinted on 4x Russia 6066A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Osetia (North)Local (600 value)Unknown design overprinted on 4x Russia 6067A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Paraguay916 (Mi1508)
i916 (Mi1516)

1966"Lunar photographs [from Luna-9] received by Jodrell Bank, England" (in Spanish text)
Poland876 (Mi1128A)1959"Mechta" (Luna-1)
Poland877 (Mi1129A)"Lunnik-II" (Luna-2)
Poland875-877 fdc
i875-i877 fdc
Two of three stamps on FDC
Two of three imperforate stamps on FDC
(As above for stamps)
Poland1181 (Mi1440)1963"Lunnik-2 Emblemat" (Luna-2 pennant2)
Poland1178+1181+1185 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Poland1182 (Mi1441)"Lunnik-3" (Luna-3)
Poland1182-1184 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Poland1294 (Mi1556)1964"Lunnik-III" (Luna-3)
Poland1473 (Mi1737)1966"Luna-9"
Poland1534 (Mi1795)1967"Luna-10" (cruise configuration, for smaller satellite in background)
Poland1729 (Mi1997)1970"Luna-13"
Poland1729 fdcStamp on FDC
Poland1729a (BL42)MS4 (4x 1729)
Poland1771 (Mi2040)From MS8 (1771a (8x 1771 + 2 labels))1970"Luna-16" ascender
Poland1851 (Mi2122)From MS6 (1851a (6x 1851 + 2 labels)) (BL47)1971"Luna-17" / "Lunokhod-1", also Luna-17 lander (on one label)
Poland2248a (Mi2539)On (right and lower-right) selvedge of MS6 (2248a (6x 2248 + 2 labels)), also annotated1977Luna-16/20/24 type ascender, also Luna-9/13 lander, Luna-3, Luna-1
Poland2367 (Mi2661)1979"Lunnik-2" (Luna-2, and "Ranger-7")
Poland2367 fdcStamp on FDC
Poland2369a (BL80)On one of MS5 (2365-2369 + label)
Poland2829 fdc (BL105 fdc)(Purple and orange printed, and annotated) cachet on FDC1987Luna-1 and Luna-9/13 type
Qu'aiti State (South Arabia)Mi80A

Imperforate with changed colors
Qu'aiti State (South Arabia)Mi83A

Imperforate with changed colors
Qu'aiti State (South Arabia)Mi85A

Imperforate with changed colors
Qu'aiti State (South Arabia)Mi87A

Imperforate with changed colors
Qu'aiti State (South Arabia)BL3A
MS2 (Mi80A+88A)
Imperforate MS2 (Mi88B+96B) with changed colors
RomaniaC58 (Mi1764)1959Luna-1 launch
RomaniaC70 (Mi1794)C58 overprinted in red1959(possible) Luna-2 launch (lunar impact date in overprinted text)
RomaniaC74 (Mi1825)1959Luna-3 photo of far side of Moon (date of photo in text)
RomaniaC75 (Mi1826)"Luna-3 trajectory" (in text, also launch date in text)
RomaniaC88 fdc (Mi1899 fdc)(Romania Post) cachet on FDC1960Luna-3
RomaniaC120 (Mi2087)Stamp-on-stamp: C73, C74, C751962(As above for Romania C74 and C75)
RomaniaC121 (Mi2088)Stamp-on-stamp: 1200 or 1201, C58, C88Luna-1 launch (on Romania C58)
RomaniaC119-C122 fdcTwo of four stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
RomaniaC122a (BL53)Imperforate MS4 (C119-C122)), stamp-on-stamp: C49, C51, C56, C73, C74, C75, 1200 or 1201, C58, C88, C104, C109, C110
RomaniaC122a fdcMS4 on FDC
RomaniaC135 (Mi2143)1963"Luna-4" (but propaganda-design spacecraft, launch date in text)
RomaniaC136 (Mi2144)Imperforate
RomaniaC135-C136 fdc (Mi2133-2134 fdc)Two stamps (perforated and imperforate) and (red and yellow printed) cachet on FDC
Romania1847 (Mi2511)1966"Luna-9" lander (with arms open as if landed, but not yet on Moon)
Romania1845+1847 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
RomaniaC181 (Mi2914)From pair (C182a (C181-C182)) (Mi2914-2915)1971"Luna-16" ascender launching from the lander base
RomaniaC182 (Mi2915)"Luna-17" / "Lunokhod-1"
RomaniaC182b (BL82)MS4 (2x (C181-C812) + 4 labels) (Mi2914-2915)(As above for stamps); also "Luna-16" and "Luna-17" mission details (in the labels)
RomaniaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover1983Luna-3
RomaniaC282 (Mi4579)1989Luna-10 (cruise configuration)
RomaniaC278+C281-C282 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Romania5111 maxi (Mi6365 maxi)Annotated cachet on maxicard2009Landing sites for "Luna-16", "Luna-18", and "Luna-21 (Lunokhod-2)"
Russia (USSR)2187 (Mi2219)1959Luna-1 (also launch date in text); (see also Congo Republic Unknown ss 2019)
Russia (USSR)2188 (Mi2220)Luna-1 (also launch date and other mission dates in text)
Russia (USSR)2187-2188 fdcTwo stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Russia (USSR)2259 (Mi2273)1959Luna-3 (also launch date in text)
Russia (USSR)2259 fdcStamp(s) on FDC (multi-color printed cachet)
Russia (USSR)2266 (Mi2284)1959Luna-2 (date (Moscow time) of lunar impact)
Russia (USSR)2267 (Mi2285)
Russia (USSR)NoneCinderella1959(January launch of) Luna-1 (fantasy image of launch rocket)
Russia (USSR)NonePropaganda postcard back1959Luna-2 lunar impact (by design of card and printed month and year); also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)NonePropaganda postcard (with Russia 2266-2267 stamps) and text cancel1959Luna-2 lunar impact; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1959Luna-2 (launched and impacted Moon in "September 1959") and Luna-3 (launched and flew around Moon in "October 1959")
Russia (USSR)NoneMedallion1959Luna-1; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)NoneMatchbox cover~1960sLuna-1 rocket (also launch date in text)
Russia (USSR)2309 (Mi2336)1960Luna-3 (date of far-side photos in text)
Russia (USSR)2310 (Mi2337)
Russia (USSR)NonePropaganda postcard back~1960Luna-3
Russia (USSR)NonePropaganda postcard back (different)~1960Luna-3; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)NonePropaganda postcard (with Russia 2266)~19601st anniv. Luna-2 Moon impact; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)NonePropaganda postcard (different, with Russia 2266)~19601st anniv. Luna-2 Moon impact; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1960Luna-1 upper-stage
Russia (USSR)NoneQSL card back, also front1961Luna-2 launch and lunar impact in "September 1959"
Russia (USSR)NoneQSL card back (same as below), also front1961Luna-3 (and a photo of the far side of the Moon taken by Luna-3 on 7 October 1959)
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back (same as above), also front1961Luna-3 (and a photo of the far side of the Moon taken by Luna-3 on 7 October 1959)
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back (slightly different), also front1961Luna-3 (and a photo of the far side of the Moon taken by Luna-3 on 7 October 1959)
Russia (USSR)NoneCard (with Russia 2309-2310 stamps)1962Luna-3 (and a photo of the far side of the Moon taken by Luna-3 on 7 October 1959)
Russia (USSR)2728 (Mi2743A)
i2728 (Mi2743B)

1963Luna-4 (also launch date in text, fantasy image of launch rocket); also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)2732b (Mi2748)From block of 6 (2732 (a-f)), or from MS30 (2732g (5x 2732))1963(small) Luna-3 (on path around Moon)
Russia (USSR)2732e (Mi2751)2732b changed colors ("10k" value in pink rather than white)
Russia (USSR)2831 (Mi2853)From strip of 6 (2835a (2830-2835)) (Mi2852-2857)1963Luna-2 trajectory; also pennant segment2 (in background), "1st pennant on the Moon"
Russia (USSR)2832 (Mi2854)Luna-3; "1st picture of the back side of the Moon"
Russia (USSR)2830-2831 fdcOne of two stamps and (blue and red printed) cachet on FDC(As above for one stamp); Luna-1 and Luna-2 (satellites and trajectories, in cachet); pennant segment2 (in cachet)
Russia (USSR)2832-2833 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC(As above for stamp)
Russia (USSR)2930Ad (Mi2943x)From MS6 (2930A (c-h)) (BL34x, Mi2942x-2947x)1964Luna-2 pennant segment2 (also lunar impact date (Moscow time) in text)
Russia (USSR)2930Ae (Mi2944x)Luna-3 (date of entry into lunar orbit, but text indicates date of first picture of far side of Moon)
Russia (USSR)2930Abd (Mi2943y)From MS6 (2930Ab (c-h)), glossy paper (BL34y, Mi2942y-2947y)Luna-2 pennant segment2 (also lunar impact date (Moscow time) in text)
Russia (USSR)2930Abe (Mi2944y)Luna-3 (date of entry into lunar orbit, but text indicates date of first picture of far side of Moon)
Russia (USSR)2628 cover (Mi2635 cover)(Kniga International red and blue printed) cachet on cover1964Luna-1/2 type, pennant segment2 (on Moon)
Russia (USSR)3053 (Mi3076)1965Luna-1/2 type (and Echo-2)
Russia (USSR)3160 type1 (Mi3180 type1)2728 overprinted in silver, type 141966Luna-4 (fantasy image of launch rocket), and pennant segment2, "Luna-9" (and lunar landing date in overprinted text); (stamp details same as noted several lines above); a schematic pennant segment2 and the lunar landing date (in the FDC cancel)
Russia (USSR)3160 type2 (Mi3180 type2)2728 overprinted in silver, type 24
Russia (USSR)3160 type3 (Mi3180 type3)2728 overprinted in silver, type 34
Russia (USSR)3160 type4 (Mi3180 type4)2728 overprinted in silver, type 44
Russia (USSR)3160 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
Russia (USSR)3160 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)3192 (Mi3204)Imperforate1966"Luna-10"
Russia (USSR)3192 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on stamped envelope
Russia (USSR)3193 (Mi3205)1966(probable) Luna-10 (due to design very similar to Russia 3192)
Russia (USSR)3194 (Mi3206)
Russia (USSR)3225 (Mi3240)1966"Luna-10" (cruise configuration, and date of entry into lunar orbit)
Russia (USSR)3225 fdcStamp on FDC
Russia (USSR)3258 (Mi3280)like 3471, but lithographed11966Luna-9 lander
Russia (USSR)3274 (Mi3296)From strip of 3 (3276a (3274-3276)) (Mi3296-3298)1966Luna-9 (also launch date and lunar landing date in text)
Russia (USSR)3275 (Mi3297)"Luna-9" pennant segment2 (also Moon landing date in text)
Russia (USSR)3276 (Mi3298)"Luna-9" lander (also date of the first Luna-9 image transmission back to Earth)
Russia (USSR)3274 fdcStamp on FDC(As above for stamps)
Russia (USSR)3275-3276 fdcTwo stamps on FDC
Russia (USSR)3289 (Mi3311)1966"Luna-11" (on stamp, also date of entry into lunar orbit); Luna-10 and Luna-13 (in cachet)
Russia (USSR)3289 fdcStamp and (grey and red printed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on FDC (green rubber-stamp cachet is like those found on known fake5 covers)
Russia (USSR)3288-3289 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Russia (USSR)NonePostal card back, also front1966Luna-9 lander (with arms open as if landed, but not yet on Moon)
Russia (USSR)NonePostal card back (same), with two extra (Russia 3258) stamps and pictorial cancel in 19731966Luna-9 lander (with arms open as if landed, but not yet on Moon)
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1966Luna-10 (cruise configuration)
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (airmail) stamped envelope1966Luna-9 lander
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on stamped envelope (different)1966Luna-9 lander
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on stamped envelope (different)1966Luna-9 lander
Russia (USSR)NoneExtra (Russia 3258) stamp(s) and (orange and blue printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope (different)1966"Luna-9" lander
Russia (USSR)NoneExtra (Russia 3276) stamp and (orange and blue printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope, also (airmail) stamped envelope1966"Luna-9" lander
Russia (USSR)NoneExtra (Russia 3276) stamp and (orange and blue printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope, also (airmail) stamped envelope1966"Luna-9" lander
Russia (USSR)NoneExtra (Russia 3276) stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope (different), also stamped envelope1966Luna-9 lander
Russia (USSR)None(Sevastopol club) cachet on cover1966Luna-9 lander
Russia (USSR)3318 (Mi3338)1967Luna-10
Russia (USSR)3382 (Mi3403)1967Luna-10
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1967Luna-9 lander
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1967Luna-9 lander (fantasy image with a cosmonaut on the Moon)
Russia (USSR)2830 cover (Mi2852 cover)(Pictorial) cancel and cachet on cover1968Space exhibition "To the Stars": Luna-9 landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)2832 cover (Mi2854 cover)(Pictorial) cancel and cachet (slightly different) on cover1968Space exhibition "To the Stars": Luna-9 landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)3456+label (Mi3480+label)One of block of 3 (3458a (3456-3458 + 3 labels)) (Mi3480-3482), or four of MS12 (3458b (4x (3456-3458 + 3 labels)))1968Luna-9 pennant segment2, and "3 II 66" date of Luna-9 soft landing on Moon (in text on label)
Russia (USSR)3471 (Mi3496)like 3258, but engraved11968Luna-9 lander
Russia (USSR)None1967 postcard with extra canceled Russia 32581968Luna-9 lander (fantasy image with a cosmonaut on the Moon)
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1969"Luna-10"
Russia (USSR)3798 (Mi3838)1970"Luna-16" lander; also in text mission dates "12-24 IX" (launch 12 Sep through capsule return 24 Sep)
Russia (USSR)3799 (Mi3839)"Luna-16" ascender launching from the lander base; also in text mission dates "12-24 IX" (launch 12 Sep through capsule return 24 Sep)
Russia (USSR)3800 (Mi3840)"Luna-16" capsule return to Earth; also in text mission dates "12-24 IX" (launch 12 Sep through capsule return 24 Sep)
Russia (USSR)3801 (BL66)MS3 (3801 (a-c))"Luna-16" lander in 3801a and 3801b; also "Luna-16" ascender launching from the lander base (in grey inset in 3801b); also "Luna-16" pennant segment2 and capsule return to Earth (in 3801c); also mission dates in the lower margin: "12 Sep 1970" (launch), "20 Sep 1970" (lunar landing) and "24 Sep 1970" (capsule return to Earth)
Russia (USSR)NoneExtra (Russia 3258 or 3471) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (blue-green and magenta printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope1970"Luna-16 12-24 - IX - 70" and a depiction of the capsule re-entry with a parachute (in both the cancel and the cachet - the 12th is the launch date and the 24th is the capsule re-entry date); the extra stamp depicts the Luna-9 lander; a Vostok capsule is also depicted in the cachet but it has nothing to do with the Luna missions
Russia (USSR)NoneExtra (Russia 3800) stamp and (blue-green and magenta printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope1971"Luna-16 12-24 - IX - 70" (in the cachet and very similar in the extra stamp - the 12th is the launch date and the 24th is the capsule re-entry date); also a depiction of the Luna-16 capsule re-entry with a parachute (in both the cachet and the extra stamp); a Vostok is also depicted in the cachet but it has nothing to do with this Luna mission
Russia (USSR)3834 (Mi3857)1971"Luna-17" / Lunokhod-1
Russia (USSR)3834 maxiMaxicard
Russia (USSR)3834 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC, also back
Russia (USSR)3835 (Mi3858)Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
Russia (USSR)3835 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC, also back
Russia (USSR)3836 (Mi3859)
Russia (USSR)3836 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC, also back
Russia (USSR)3837 (Mi3860)Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)3837 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC, also back
Russia (USSR)3837 maxiMaxicard
Russia (USSR)3837a (BL68)MS4 (like 3834-3837, but smaller) (Mi3861-3864)"Luna-17" / "Lunokhod-1" (also landing date in surrounding margin text)
Russia (USSR)3837a fdcMS4 and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC, also back
Russia (USSR)3844 (BL69)In (lower-middle) margin of MS4 (3844 (a-d))1971Luna-16 lander
Russia (USSR)3844 fdcMS4 on FDC
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1971"Luna-9"
Russia (USSR)None(New Year) greeting card back1971Luna-16 ascender launching from the lander base
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1971Luna-9 (descending to Moon)
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1971Lunokhod-1 on Moon
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1971Luna-16 ascender launching from the lander base
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1971Luna-16 lander replica at Kosmos Pavilion in Moscow
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet from (un-stamped and un-canceled) envelope1971"Luna-16" sample return capsule; also date of Luna-16 ascender launching from Moon before returning to Earth ("21.IX.70")
Russia (USSR)None(Cyan and black printed) cachet from (un-stamped and un-canceled) envelope1971"Luna-3"
Russia (USSR)4010 (Mi4046)From MS6 (4010a (6x 4010))1972Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1 (based on maxicard illustration); also pennant segment2 (in maxicard cachet)
Russia (USSR)4010 maxiMaxicard
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope1972"Luna-16" mission; also return capsule and mission dates "12-24.IX.70" (launch Sep 12 and capsule return Sep 24)
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope1972"Luna-20" lander; also pennant segment2; (same as on Upper Volta C249)
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1972Luna-17 and Lunokhod-1 landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)None1967 postcard with extra canceled Russia 32751972Luna-9 lander (fantasy image with a cosmonaut on the Moon)
Russia (USSR)4071 (Mi4107)1973Luna-21 / "Lunokhod-2" (lander and descent configuration)
Russia (USSR)4071 fdc1Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)4071 fdc2Stamp on FDC (multi-color printed cachet), also back
Russia (USSR)4071 maxiMaxicard
Russia (USSR)4072 (BL86)MS3 (4072 (a-c))"Luna-21" / "Lunokhod-2" (lander and descent configuration, also month of launch and lunar landing in text)
Russia (USSR)4072 fdc1MS3 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)4072 fdc2MS3 on FDC (multi-color printed cachet)
Russia (USSR)4073 (BL85)MS3 (4073 (a-c))
Russia (USSR)4073 fdcMS3 and cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)None(Brown and blue printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope1973"Luna-21" / "Lunokhod-2" (lander and descent configuration, also the month and year of launch and lunar landing)
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1975Lunokhod-2 on Moon
Russia (USSR)4531 (Mi4557)1976"Luna-24" lander; also pennant segment2 with the month and year of the mission ("August, 1976")
Russia (USSR)4593 (Mi4652)From MS30 (4593a (30x 4593))1977Luna-15/16/18/20/23/24 type lander (and Mars-2/7 type and Venera-9/14 type); also "Luna-16" (in text on fdc2 back)
Russia (USSR)4593 maxiMaxicard
Russia (USSR)4593 fdc1Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC, also (airmail) stamped envelope
Russia (USSR)4593 fdc2Stamp and (Fleetwood) cachet on FDC, also back
Russia (USSR)4593 fdc3Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Russia (USSR)4594 fdc3(Franklin Philatelic Society) cachet on FDC, also backLuna-16/20/24 type lander on Moon
Russia (USSR)4594 fdc4(Franklin Philatelic Society, embossed) cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)4594 fdc5(Franklin Philatelic Society, embossed, slightly different text) cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope1977Luna-16/20/24 type ascender (and Mars-2/7 type and Venera-4/8 type)
Russia (USSR)NonePostcard back1982Luna-24 replica at Kosmos Pavilion in Moscow
Russia (USSR)NonePostal card1982Lunokhod; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)5296 (Mi5438)198425th anniv. "space TV" (implicitly: 25th anniv. "Luna-3")
Russia (USSR)5296 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp); Luna-3 (in cancel and cachet), Lunokhod-1/2 (and Mars-2/7 type and Venera-9/14 type, in cachet)
Russia (USSR)5296 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (different)(As above for stamp); (possible) Luna (cruise configuration, in cachet)
Russia (USSR)5355a (Mi5496_ms8)In (upper) margin of MS8 (8x 5355)1985Luna-15/16/18/20/23/24 type lander; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)None(multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1987Luna-3 and Lunokhod-1/2 (and Mars-2/7 type and Venera-9/14 type)
Russia (USSR)4071 card (Mi4107 card)Card1987Luna-21 / "Lunokhod-2"
Russia (USSR)5547a (Mi5700)In (right) margin of MS8 (8x 5547)1987Luna-3
Russia (USSR)5744 (Mi5918)198930th anniv. Luna-1 launch; (see also Russia 1989-01-02 (Luna-1 cover, with the same cancel date)
Russia (USSR)5744 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Russia (USSR)5833 (Mi6020A)One of block of 4 (5836a (5833-5836)) (Mi6020A-6023A), or six of MS24 (5836b (6x (5833-5836)))1989Luna-16/20/24 type lander (on Moon), (small) Lunokhod-1/2; also pennant segment2
Russia (USSR)5837 (BL210, Mi6020B-6023B)On one of imperforate MS4 (5837 (a-d))
RussiaNoneMedallion199020th anniv. Luna-17 / "Lunokhod"-1
Russia6597j (Mi834)One of MS12 (6597 (a-l)) (Mi825-836)2000(three) "Luna-3"(s)
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope200950th anniv. "Luna-2"
RussiaY11533 rouble (silver coin) reverse, also obverse2005Luna-3 (50th anniv.)
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope2010Luna-1/2 type
RussiaNone(Kniga International) cachet (with reproduction of Luna-1 anniversary cover) on cover201330th anniv. Luna-1 launch (in one of the covers reproduced in the cachet)
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on postal card201455th anniv. "Luna-2"
Russia7582 (Mi2108)From MS15 (7582a (15x 7582))2014Luna-17 and Lunokhod-1, descending to lunar surface
Russia7582 fdcStamp and (blue and black printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp); also "Luna-16" ascender (in cachet)
Russia7582a folderMS15 folder with FDC(As above for stamps and FDC); also "Luna-9", "Luna-10", "Luna-16", "Luna-17", and "Lunokhod-1"
Russia7582 cardCard, also back2016"50th anniv. Luna-9 Moon landing" (in cancel); "Luna-9" lander (in cachet); "Luna-9" in cruise configuration and Moon landing date "3 February 1966" (in card back)
RussiaUnknown cardCard (different)"50th anniv. Luna-9 Moon landing" (in cancel); "Luna-9" in cruise configuration and Moon landing date "3 February 1966" (in card back)
RussiaNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on postal card; also un-canceled postal card2016"50th anniv. Luna-9 Moon landing" (in Russian text)
RussiaNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on postal card; also un-canceled postal card2016"50th anniv. Luna-9 Moon landing" (in Russian text); also "Luna-10" (in red rubber-stamp cachet)
RussiaNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on postal card; also un-canceled postal card2016"50th anniv. Luna-10 Moon landing" (in Russian text)
RussiaNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (with reproduction of 3225) on cover2016"50th anniv. Luna-10" (in Russian text)
Russia8170c (Mi2877)One of MS3 (8170 (a-c)) (BL302, Mi2875-2877)2020"Lunokhod-1"
RwandaUnknown h (Mi none)One of MS10 (a-j) [known illegal issue]2010"Luna-2"
St. Kitts667 (Mi941-944)MS4 (667 (a-d))2007"Luna-9"
St. Kitts667 fdcMS4 on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2138c (Mi4137)One of MS4 (2138 (a-d)) (Mi4135-4138)2009Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2138 fdcMS4 on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsMi8651-8654_ms4MS4 (Mi8651-8654)2019"60th anniv. launch Luna-1"
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsBL1576SS1 (Mi8655)
St. Vincent2700a (Mi4638)One of MS9 (2700 (a-i)) (Mi4638-4646)1999Luna-3 (but "Luna-9" in text)
St. Vincent2702b (Mi4648)One of MS9 (2702 (a-i)) (Mi4647-4655)"1970 Lunokhod Explorer" (Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1)
St. Vincent3526d (Mi6341)One of MS4 (3526 (a-d)) (Mi6338-6341)2006"Luna-9" (cruise configuration)
St. Vincent3644 (Mi6589-6592)
MS4 (3644 (a-d))
Imperforate MS4 (i3644 (a-d))
2008Luna-2 and pennant sphere2
St. Vincent3828a (Mi7077)
On three of four stamps and in (lower-left) margin of MS4 (3828 (a-d)) (Mi7077-7080)
On three of four stamps and in (lower-left) margin of imperforate MS4 (i3828 (a-d))
2012"Lunik-3" (Luna-3); "Luna-9" lander (in lower-left margin)
St. Vincent3828b (Mi7078)
"Luna-10"; "Luna-9" lander (in lower-left margin)
St. Vincent3828c (Mi7079)
"Lunik-2" (Luna-2); "Luna-9" lander (in lower-left margin)
St. Vincent3828 fdc
i3828 fdc
MS4 and cachet on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
(As above for stamps); Luna-9 lander (in cachet)
St. Vincent3828a-d fdcFour stamps and cachet on FDC(As above for stamps); Luna-3 (in cachet)
St. Vincent3829a (Mi7081)
On one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of MS4 (3829 (a-d)) (Mi7081-7084)
On one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of imperforate MS4 (i3829 (a-d))
"Lunik-9" (Luna-9); "Luna-9" lander (in lower-left margin)
St. Vincent3829 signedOn one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of signed designer-proof MS4
St. Vincent3829a designerOn one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of MS4 (3829 designer-proof (a-d))Luna-9 (but "Lunik-3" in text of stamp); Luna-9 lander (in lower-left margin)
SakhalineLocal (20 value)Cuba 1791 overprinted on 4x Russia 57231, from strip of 5, also overprint template1996"Luna-16" ascender launching from the lander base (with Earth in the background)
SakhalineLocal (70 value)
SakhalineLocal (20 value)Cuba 1791 overprinted on 4x Russia 6066A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
SakhalineLocal (70 value)
SakhalineLocal (20 value)Cuba 1791 overprinted on 4x Russia 60671, from strip of 5, also overprint template
SakhalineLocal (70 value)
SakhalineLocal (20 value)Cuba 1791 overprinted on 4x Russia 60681, from strip of 5, also overprint template
SakhalineLocal (70 value)
SakhalineLocal (20 value)Cuba 1791 overprinted on 4x Russia 6068A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
SakhalineLocal (70 value)
SerbiaMi1247 (Sc?)like Yugoslavia 8722024Luna-9/13 type
In (right) margin of SS1 (Mi993)
In (right) margin of imperforate SS1
1972Luna-1/2 type

1972"Luna-9" (descent capsule6); (see also Hungary 1738)

"Luna-9" (in text only)



Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1; "Luna-9"
SharjahMi994B_dsImperforate deluxe sheet (Mi994B)"Luna-9" (descent configuration); (see also Hungary 1738)
SharjahMi995B_dsImperforate deluxe sheet (Mi995B)"Luna-9" (in text only)
SharjahMi996B_dsImperforate deluxe sheet (Mi996B)
SharjahMi997B_dsImperforate deluxe sheet (Mi997B)
SharjahMi998B_dsImperforate deluxe sheet (Mi998B)Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1; "Luna-9"
SharjahMi994B_ss1Imperforate SS1 (Mi994B)"Luna-9" (descent configuration, on stamp); Luna-9 (various configurations, in surrounding margins); (see also Hungary 1738)
SharjahMi995B_ss1Imperforate SS1 (Mi995B)"Luna-9" (various configurations, in surrounding margins)
SharjahMi996B_ss1Imperforate SS1 (Mi996B)
SharjahMi997B_ss1Imperforate SS1 (Mi997B)
SharjahMi998B_ss1Imperforate SS1 (Mi998B)Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1 (on stamp); "Luna-9" (in text on stamp); Luna-9 (various configurations, in surrounding margins)
Stamp from SS1 (BL114A)
Stamp from imperforate SS1 (BL114B)
Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1 (on stamp); "Luna-9" (in text on stamp)
Sierra Leone1073h (Mi1246)One of MS9 (1073 (a-i)) (Mi1239-1247)1989"Luna-17" / Lunokhod-1
Sierra Leone1073h specimenOne of MS9 (1073 specimen (a-i)) overprinted "specimen"
Sierra Leone2870d (Mi4962)One of MS6 (2870 (a-f)) (Mi4959-4964)2006"Luna-9" (cruise configuration)
Sierra Leone3851d (Mi7461)One of MS4 (3851 (a-d)) (Mi7458-7461)2016"Luna-2"
Sierra Leone4018 (Mi7843-7846)MS4 (4018 (a-d))2016"50th anniversary" of "Luna-10"
Sierra Leone4038 (BL1101)SS1"50th anniversary" of "Luna-10" (cruise configuration)
Sierra Leone4555d (Mi9083)One of MS4 (4555 (a-d)) (Mi9080-9083)2017"Luna-3"
Sierra LeoneMi11731-11734_ms4MS4 (Mi11731-11734)2019"60th anniv. launch Luna-1"
Sierra LeoneBL1846SS1
Sierra LeoneMi14303From MS6 (Mi14303-14308)2022"Lunokhod-1"
Sierra LeoneMi14305"Luna-2"
SomaliaUnknown e (Mi?)One of MS6 (a-f)1999Luna-1/2 type
SomaliaUnknown ms (Mi?)MS7 (MS6 and SS1 combination)
Somalia-PuntlandLocal_msLocal post MS2 (a-b)2010"Luna-3" (in stamp), and Luna-1 (in background surrounding margins)
Somalia-PuntlandLocal_msLocal post MS2 (a-b)"Luna-2" (in stamp); also a pennant segment2 and "14.09.1959" (the date of the Luna-2 lunar impact)
Somalia-PuntlandLocal_msLocal post MS2 (a-b)"Luna-10" (in one stamp), and Luna-16/20/24 type lander (in surrounding margin)
Somalia-PuntlandLocal_msLocal post MS2 (a-b)"Luna-13" (in one stamp), "Lunokhod-1" (in the other stamp), and Luna-16/20/24 type ascender (in surrounding margin)
SpainNone(Red printed) cachet on cover1962Luna-1/2 type
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)2013(future mission) "Luna-25"
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)(future mission) "Luna-26"
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)(future mission) "Luna-27"
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)(future mission) "Luna-28"
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)(future missions) "Luna-25", "Luna-26", "Luna-27", "Luna-28", "Luna-29"
Tanzania498 (Mi584)

1989Luna-1/2 type (but "Luna-3" in text)
Tanzania499-500+502+505 fdc(Red and black printed) cachet on FDC
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 45191 (Mi4496), from strip of 5, also overprint template1996Luna-3
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 2x Russia 45191 (Mi4496) and 2x Russia 4519_var2, from strip of 5, also overprint template
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 5984 (Mi6177), from strip of 5, also overprint template
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 6066A (Mi262), from strip of 5, also overprint template
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 6067A (Mi252), from strip of 5, also overprint template
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 45191 (Mi4496), from strip of 5, also overprint template1996Luna-9
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 2x Russia 45191 (Mi4496) and 2x Russia 4519_var2, from strip of 5, also overprint template
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 5984 (Mi6177), from strip of 5, also overprint template
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 6066A (Mi262), from strip of 5, also overprint template
TatarstanLocalOverprint on 4x Russia 6067A (Mi252), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Togo565_1st3 (Mi515Aa)
i565_1st3 (Mi515Ba)
One of strip of 2 (566a_1st (565-566)) (Mi515Aa-516Aa), or six of MS12 (566b_1st (6x (565-566))); each is 543 overprinted in red
One of imperforate strip of 2 (i566a_1st (i565-i566)) (Mi515Ba-516Ba), or six of imperforate MS12 (i566b_1st (6x (i565-i566))); each is i543 overprinted in red
1966"Luna-9" (in overprinted text)
Togo565_2nd3 (Mi515Ab)
i565_2nd3 (Mi515Bb)
One of strip of 2 (566a_2nd (565-566)) (Mi515Ab-516Ab), or six of MS12 (566b_2nd (6x (565-566))); each is 543 overprinted (differently) in red
One of imperforate strip of 2 (i566a_2nd (i565-i566)) (Mi515Bb-516Bb), or six of imperforate MS12 (i566b_2nd (6x (i565-i566))); each is i543 overprinted (differently) in red
Togo2031 (Mi3312)

2006"La sonde Luna-9"
TogoMi9881-9884_ms4MS4 (Mi9881-9884)2019"60th anniv. launch Luna-1" (in French text)
TogoBL1758SS1 (Mi9885)
TogoUnknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d)2020"50th anniv. launch Lunokhod-1" (in French text)
TogoUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
TogoUnknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d)2023"65th anniv. launch "Luna-1" (in French text)
TogoUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
Transnistria/PMR (Moldova)Unknown (Mi?)201545th anniv. Lunokhod-1
Transnistria/PMR (Moldova)Unknown fdcLocal post stamp and (pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC
Transnistria/PMR (Moldova)BL83MS2 (Mi642-643)201645th anniv. "Luna-17" and "Lunokhod-1"
UdmurtiaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 45205 (Mi4497), from strip of 5, also overprint template1997Luna-10 (cruise configuration)
UdmurtiaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 57335 (Mi5904), from strip of 5, also overprint template
UdmurtiaLocalCambodia 1102 overprinted on 4x Russia 5984 (Mi6177), from strip of 5, also overprint template
UdmurtiaLocal fdc1On strip of 5 on local post FDC
UdmurtiaLocal fdc2On two strips of 5 on local post FDC
Umm Al QiwainMi1071A
One of MS16 (Mi1066A-1081A)
One of imperforate MS16 (Mi1066B-1081B)
Umm Al QiwainMi1071A ds1Deluxe sheet (Mi1071A) blue
Umm Al QiwainMi1071A ds2Deluxe sheet (Mi1071A) white
Umm Al QiwainMi1071B ds1Imperforate deluxe sheet (Mi1071B) pink
Umm Al QiwainMi1071B ds2Imperforate deluxe sheet (Mi1071B) white
Umm Al QiwainMi1087A
One of MS16 (Mi1082A-1097A)
One of imperforate MS16 (Mi1082B-1097B)
Union Island (St. Vincent)309 (BL16)SS12006"Luna-9" (also lunar landing date in text)
United Nations112-113 fdc (Mi122-123 fdc)(Orbit Covers) cachet on FDC, also annotated cachet1962Luna-1 / "Mechta" (in lower-right of FDC), also Luna-1 (in small reproduction of Russia 2309)
United Nations256 fdc (Mi279 fdc)(Colorano silk) cachet on FDC1975Luna-3 (date of far-side photos in text) and Luna-10 (in reproductions of Russia 2309 and 3318, respectively)
United Nations (Geneva)751 (BL72)SS1 (Mi1243)2024"Luna-2"
United States
United Nations
1193 cover
112 cover
(Orbit Covers) cachet on cover, also annotated cachet1963Luna-1 / "Mechta" (in lower-right of FDC), also Luna-1 (in small reproduction of Russia 2309)
United States1912 fdc (Mi1481 fdc)(PCS golden-replica) insert from FDC, also front1981"The first man-made object ever to reach the Moon was launched in 1959" (refers either to Luna-1, launched 2 January 1959 and passed within 5995 km of the Moon's surface on 4 January; or to Luna-2, launched 12 September 1959 and crashed into the Moon on 14 September)
United States2419 fdc (Mi2046 fdc)(RMH) cachet on FDC1989Luna-3
United States5058 fdc (Mi5232 fdc)(Bullfrog) cachet on FDC, also back2016"The Soviet Union's Luna program was the first to reach the Moon with unmanned spacecraft in 1959" (this refers to Luna-1, which was meant to hit the Moon but instead flew by on 4 January 1959 at a distance of 5995 km, and Luna-2, which became the first man-made object to touch another celestial body when it hit the Moon on 13 September 1959)
United StatesNone(Coverscape) cachet on cover201960th anniv. "first photo of the far side of the Moon" taken by "Luna-3"; (also a newer far side image from LRO)
Upper VoltaC136 (Mi428)From MS12 (C136a (12x C136))1973"Lunokhod"-1/2
Upper VoltaC249 (Mi723)1978"Luna-20" lander; also pennant segment2; (same as on cachet of Russia stamped envelope 1972)
Ural RepublicLocal (200 value)Cuba 2184 overprinted on 4x Russia 45171, from strip of 5, also overprint template1996Luna-24 lander
Ural RepublicLocal (200 value)Cuba 2184 overprinted on 4x Russia 45181, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (200 value)Cuba 2184 overprinted on 4x Russia 45211, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (200 value)Cuba 2184 overprinted on 4x Russia 57271, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (200 value)Cuba 2184 overprinted on 4x Russia 57321, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (200 value)Cuba 2184 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (200 value)Cuba 2184 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (200 value)Cuba 2184 overprinted on 4x Russia 6068A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (450 value)Cuba 2504 overprinted on 4x Russia 45171, from strip of 5, also overprint template1996Lunokhod-1/2
Ural RepublicLocal (450 value)Cuba 2504 overprinted on 4x Russia 45181, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (450 value)Cuba 2504 overprinted on 4x Russia 45211, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (450 value)Cuba 2504 overprinted on 4x Russia 57271, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (450 value)Cuba 2504 overprinted on 4x Russia 57321, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (450 value)Cuba 2504 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (450 value)Cuba 2504 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (450 value)Cuba 2504 overprinted on 4x Russia 6068A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (700 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 45171, from strip of 5, also overprint template1996Lunokhod-2
Ural RepublicLocal (700 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 45181, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (700 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 45211, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (700 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 57271, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (700 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 57321, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (700 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 57331, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (700 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 59841, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal (700 value)Cuba C279 overprinted on 4x Russia 6068A1, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal fdcStrip of 5 (as above) and cachet (reproduction of Mongolia C126) on FDC1996Lunokhod-2
Ural RepublicLocal stripUnknown design overprinted on strip of 5 Russia 45171, also overprint template1996Lunokhod-1/2
Ural RepublicLocal stripUnknown design overprinted on strip of 5 Russia 45201, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal stripUnknown design overprinted on strip of 5 Russia 46041, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal stripUnknown design overprinted on strip of 5 Russia 59841, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal stripUnknown design overprinted on strip of 5 Russia 6067A1, also overprint template
Ural RepublicLocal fdcUnknown design 2 strips of 5 overprinted on Russia 45171 and 45201 and (purple pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC
Ural RepublicLocal fdcUnknown design 2 strips of 5 overprinted on Russia 59841 and 6067A1 and (purple pictorial) cancel and cachet (different) on FDC
Ural RepublicLocal fdcUnknown design strip of 5 overprinted on Russia 46041 and (purple pictorial) cancel on FDC
Uruguay1364d (Mi1897)One of block of 4 (1364 (a-d)) (Mi1894-1897)1991Luna-3
Vietnam (North)429 (Mi448A)
i429 (Mi448B)

1966"Luna-9" (in Vietnamese text) cruise configuration
Vietnam (North)430 (Mi449A)
i430 (Mi449B)

"Luna-9" (in Vietnamese text) lander
Vietnam (North)i429-i430 fdcTwo imperforate stamps on FDC (green printed cachet)(As above for stamps)
Vietnam (North)639 (Mi669A-670A)
i639 (Mi669B-670B)
Se-tenant pair (639 (a-b))
Imperforate se-tenant pair (i639 (a-b))
1971"Luna-16" (in Vietnamese text), also Luna-16 capsule returning to Earth (on 639a)
Vietnam (North)640 (Mi671A)
i640 (Mi671B)

Vietnam (North)641 (Mi672A)
i641 (Mi672B)

Vietnam (North)642 (Mi673A)
i642 (Mi673B)

Vietnam (North)643 (Mi674A)
i643 (Mi673B)

Luna-17 / "Lunokhod-1"
XhakasiaLocal fdc1(Green pictorial) cancel on local post FDC (strip of 5 overprinted on 4x Russia 5984), also annotated1996Luna-9 (on Moon)
XhakasiaLocal fdc2(Green pictorial) cancel on local post FDC (2 strips of 5 overprinted on 4x Russia 4520 and 5733), also annotated
XhakasiaLocal fdc3(Purple pictorial) cancel on local post FDC (2 strips of 5 overprinted on 4x Russia 5984 and 6066A)
XhakasiaLocal fdc4(Purple pictorial) cancel on local post FDC (2 strips of 5 overprinted on 4x Russia 6068A and 4521 olive-color variation)
Yemen Arab Republic225 (Mi494A)
i225 (Mi494B)
217 overprinted in black and red, also overprint template1966"Luna-9" (on Moon)
Yemen Arab Republic225A (Mi495A)
i225A (Mi495B)
217A overprinted in black and red, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic225B (Mi496A)
i225B (Mi496B)
217B overprinted in black and red, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic225C (Mi497A)
i225C (Mi497B)
217C overprinted in black and red, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic225D (Mi498A)
i225D (Mi498B)
217D overprinted in black and red, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic225E (Mi499A)
i225E (Mi499B)
217E overprinted in black and red, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic225F (Mi500A)
i225F (Mi500B)
217F overprinted in black and red, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic225G (Mi501A)
i225G (Mi501B)
217G overprinted in black and red, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic225-225G fdcEight stamps on FDC
Yemen Arab Republic225H (BL49)Imperforate SS1 (Mi502), 217H overprinted in black and red, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic260B (Mi905A)
i260B (Mi905B)
260j (Mi912)
From MS12 (12x 260B)
From imperforate MS12 (12x i260B)
From imperforate MS12 (12x 260j) with changed colors
1969Luna-1/2 type
Yemen Arab Republic260D (Mi907A)
i260D (Mi907B)
260l (Mi914)
From MS12 (12x 260D)
From imperforate MS12 (12x i260D)
From imperforate MS12 (12x 260l) with changed colors
"Lunik-III" (Luna-3, also launch date for Luna-2 (not Luna-3) in text)
Yemen Arab Republic260E (Mi908A)
i260E (Mi908B)
260m (Mi915)
From MS12 (12x 260E)
From imperforate MS12 (12x i260E)
From imperforate MS12 (12x 260m) with changed colors
"Lunik-II" (Luna-2) pennant sphere2 (also launch date for Luna-2 in text)
Yemen Arab Republic261E (Mi926)
261l (Mi933)

Imperforate with changed colors
1969"Luna-10" (cruise configuration, also launch date in text); (however, Venera-3 and Luna-10 depictions are swapped)
Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)170 (Mi184)1976Luna-16 ascender launching from the lander base; (see also Mauritania C124)
Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)172 (Mi186)Lunokhod-1/2
Yugoslavia872 (Mi1218)1967"Luna-9"
Yugoslavia870-875 fdcOne of six stamps on FDC (green and black printed cachet)

1See here for a list of engraved/lithographed Russian definitive pairs known to exist with satellite overprints.
2The word "pennant" usually refers to a tapering flag on a ship or, in North America, a flag identifying a sports championship or team. The word has, however, a particular meaning in the context of early Soviet lunar and planetary spacecraft, which carried small embossed and/or engraved highly-durable titanium "plaques" with artwork (done in thermoresistant polysiloxane enamels) and information related to the Soviet Union (USSR) and to the mission. Those small plaques are referred to as "pennants". A few dozen of each type were minted, some of which were installed in the spacecraft, while others were given to VIPs and top scientists. The Luna-1 and Luna-2 pennants were unusual in that they were small spheres constructed of pentagonal pennant segments. Filled with liquid and an explosive charge, they were designed to explode on impact and scatter the pennant segments. Most of the Soviet Venera and Mars spacecraft also carried pennants. More information on Soviet spacecraft pennants can be found here.
3These stamps exist in two different printings. The second printing has brighter colors than the first. Also, in the second printing the red overprint text is shifted a little to the right compared with that of the first printing (a vertical shift may occur as well).
4There exist four versions of the overprint on this stamp, in which the position of the upper line varies slightly with respect to the lower line. The four versions are described here.
5Known fake cover, with a made-up Baikonur postmark, suspected to have been created by Boris Khoroshev from Moscow, and sold by a stamp dealer in Western Europe. There were no Baikonur Cosmodrome official postmarks until 1975 for the Apollo-Soyuz events. Reference the article written by Russian collector Oleg Vaisberg published as an Appendix called "Russian (Soviet) Space Covers" to Bruce Cranford's book Space Covers: Dictionary and Identifier. See also, an analysis of the situation in a book published in 2008 called Commemorative Space Covers from Collector Clubs of the Soviet Union, 1957 to 1980. Another indicator on these fakes is the use of a "first day" cachet that appears on most, but not all, of these fakes.
6The Luna-9 descent capsule had no retro-rocket of its own; rather, it was ejected from the mother vessel a few metres from the lunar surface and simply dropped to the ground

Below is a list of Luna-series spacecraft launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Luna (Russia/USSR)
1959-01-02: Luna-1 / Mechta
Russia (USSR)1959-01-02/04/08Moscow(Russia 2160) stamp and (three-date) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverLuna-1 launch / closest approach to Moon / en route to heliocentric orbit
Russia (USSR)1959-01-02/04/08Moscow(Three-date) cancel on cover, also backLuna-1 launch / closest approach to Moon / en route to heliocentric orbit
Russia (USSR)1959-01-02/04/08Moscow(Three-date) cancel (slightly different) on coverLuna-1 launch / closest approach to Moon / en route to heliocentric orbit
Luna-1 (anniversaries)
Russia (USSR)1960-01-02Kalinin(Russia 2188) stamp and (black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-1 launch
Russia (USSR)1960-01-02Moscow(Russia 2187-2188) stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-1 launch; also pennant sphere3
Russia (USSR)1960-01-02Moscow(Russia 2188) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-1 launch; also pennant sphere3
Russia (USSR)1960-01-02Moscow(Russia 2187) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on cover1st anniv. Luna-1 launch
Russia (USSR)1960-01-02Moscow(Pictorial) cancel and (blue printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-1 launch
Russia (USSR)1961-01-02Vilnius(Brown printed and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on cover2nd anniv. Luna-1 launch
Russia (USSR)1961-01-02Taganrog(Herberts Apse black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover, also back2nd anniv. Luna-1 launch
Russia (USSR)1962-01-02Baku(Blue and red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover3rd anniv. Luna-1 launch
Romania1989-01-02Ploiesti(Pictorial) cancel on postal card30th anniv. Luna-1 launch
Romania1989-01-02Ploiesti(Pictorial) cancel on cover30th anniv. Luna-1 launch
Russia (USSR)1989-01-02Moscow(Russia 5744) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover30th anniv. Luna-1 launch; (see also Russia 5744 fdc, which has the same cancel date)
Austria2009-01-02Vienna(Pictorial) cancel50th anniv. Luna-1 launch
Germany2009-01-02Munich(Black pictorial) meter50th anniv. Luna-1 launch
1959-09-12: Luna-2
No launch cover images available yet
Luna-2 (events)
Russia (USSR)1959-09-14Baku(Red and blue printed) cachet on coverLuna-2 lunar impact
Russia (USSR)1959-09-16Moscow(Red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-2 lunar impact (1959-09-14)
Russia (USSR)1959-09-16?Moscow(Red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover (different)Luna-2 lunar impact (1959-09-14)
Russia (USSR)1959-09-16?Moscow(Black pictorial) cancel (design like red cachets above) and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverLuna-2 lunar impact (1959-09-14)
Russia (USSR)1959-09-16Moscow(Red and orange printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-2 lunar impact (1959-09-14)
Russia (USSR)1959-09-16Moscow(Red and orange printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on (different color) coverLuna-2 lunar impact (1959-09-14)
Russia (USSR)1959-09-16no cancel(Red and orange printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-2 lunar impact (1959-09-14)
Russia (USSR)1960-04-30Moscow(Russia 2310) stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverseveral months after Luna-2 lunar impact (1959-09-14)
Luna-2 (anniversaries)
Russia (USSR)1960-09-14Leningrad Post Office(Pictorial) cancel and (grey and red printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-2 lunar impact; also Luna-2 pennant segment3 (in pictorial cancel and cachet)
Russia (USSR)1960-09-14Minsk(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-2 lunar impact; also Luna-2 pennant segment3 (in pictorial cancel)
1959-10-04: Luna-3
Russia (USSR)1959-10-04Moscow(Blue printed (with reproduction of Russia 1992 or 1993) and red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover, also backLuna-3 launch
Russia (USSR)1959-10-04Moscow(Blue printed (with reproduction of Russia 1992 or 1993) and red rubber-stamp) cachet (different) on coverLuna-3 launch
Luna-3 (events)
Russia (USSR)1959-10-18Kiev(Red rubber-stamp) cachet on stamped envelopeLuna-3 return to Earth orbit
Russia (USSR)1959-10-18Kiev(Red and black rubber-stamp) cachet on stamped envelopeLuna-3 return to Earth orbit
Russia (USSR)1959-10-18Kiev(Blue printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on stamped envelopeLuna-3 return to Earth orbit
Luna-3 (anniversaries)
Russia (USSR)1960-10-04Leningrad?(Brown and red printed and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-3 launch
Russia (USSR)1960-10-07Moscow(Russia 2309) stamp and (black pictorial) cancel (same design as stamp) and (blue printed) cachet (same design as stamp) on cover1st anniv. Luna-3 view far side of Moon
Russia (USSR)1960-10-07Moscow(Russia 2310) stamp and (black pictorial) cancel (same design as stamp) and (black and red printed) cachet (same design as stamp) on cover1st anniv. Luna-3 view far side of Moon
Russia (USSR)1960-10-07Moscow(Russia 2309) stamp and (red pictorial) cancel (same design as stamp) on cover1st anniv. Luna-3 view far side of Moon
Russia (USSR)1960-10-07Leningrad Post Office(Russia 2309) stamp and (black pictorial) cancel (same design as stamp) and (black and red printed) cachet (same design as stamp) on cover1st anniv. Luna-3 view far side of Moon
Russia (USSR)1960-10-07Leningrad Post Office(Russia 2310) stamp and (black pictorial) cancel and (black and red printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-3 view far side of Moon
Russia (USSR)1960-10-07Leningrad Post Office(Black pictorial) cancel and (black and red printed) cachet on cover (different stamp)1st anniv. Luna-3 view far side of Moon
Russia (USSR)1960-10-07Kaliningrad(Russia 2309) stamp and (black pictorial) cancel (same design as stamp) on cover1st anniv. Luna-3 view far side of Moon
Russia (USSR)1962-10-04Liepaya?(Blue and red printed) cachet on cover3rd anniv. Luna-3 launch
Romania1989-10-07Botosani(Pictorial) cancel and (black and magenta printed) cachet on postal card30th anniv. Luna-3 view far side of Moon
Austria2009-10-04Vienna(Pictorial) cancel50th anniv. Luna-3 launch
1963-04-02: Luna-4 [planned lunar landing failed]4
Russia (USSR)1963-04-02Chelyabinsk Perevodi(Red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-4 launch (fantasy image of launch rocket); also pennant segment3
Russia (USSR)1963-04-02Perm(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-4 launch (fantasy image of launch rocket)
Russia (USSR)1963-04-02Perm(Black rubber-stamp) cachet (different) on coverLuna-4 launch (fantasy image of launch rocket)
Russia (USSR)1963-04-02Perm(Red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-4 launch (fantasy image of launch rocket)
Russia (USSR)1963-04-02Simferopol(Red rubber-stamp) cachet (different) on coverLuna-4 launch (but propaganda depicted)
Russia (USSR)1963-04-02Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on (known fake2) coverLuna-4 launch
Russia (USSR)1963-04-02Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet (changed colors and changed Earth and Moon) on (known fake2) coverLuna-4 launch
Russia (USSR)1963-04-02Baku(Red printed) cachet on coverLuna-4 launch
Russia (USSR)1963-04-025Moscow International5(Kniga International blue printed) cachet on coverLuna-4 launch
Luna-4 (events)
Russia (USSR)1963-04-06Vinnitsa(Russia 2728) stamp and (dark-blue and yellow printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverEnd of mission (communication lost)
1965-05-09: Luna-5
Russia (USSR)1965-05-09 (from cachet)Tartu club(TKK/AA1 no.62 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on (un-stamped and un-canceled) coverLuna-5 launch
Russia (USSR)1965-05-09Archangelsk(Green and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-5 launch
Russia (USSR)1965-05-09Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Blue and magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on (known fake2) coverLuna-5 launch
Russia (USSR)1965-05-12 (from cachet)Tartu club(TKK/AA1 no.62 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet (different) on (un-stamped and un-canceled) coverLuna-5 lunar impact
1965-06-08: Luna-6
Russia (USSR)1965-06-08Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.64 multi-color printed and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-6 launch
Russia (USSR)1965-06-08Archangelsk(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-6 launch
Russia (USSR)1965-06-08Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Red and black rubber-stamp) cachet on (known fake2) coverLuna-6 launch
Russia (USSR)1965-06-08Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Red and black rubber-stamp) cachet (slightly different) on (known fake2) coverLuna-6 launch
1965-10-04: Luna-7
Russia (USSR)1965-10-04Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Blue and black rubber-stamp) cachet on (known fake2) coverLuna-7 launch
Russia (USSR)1965-10-05Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.79 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-7 launch
Luna-7 (events)
Russia (USSR)1965-10-08Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.79 multi-color printed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-7 crash landing on the Moon
1965-12-03: Luna-8
Russia (USSR)1965-12-03Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Red and blue printed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on (known fake2) coverLuna-8 launch
Russia (USSR)1965-12-04Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.90 multi-color printed and red-orange rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-8 launch
Luna-8 (events)
Russia (USSR)1965-12-07Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.90 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-8 crash landing on the Moon
1966-01-31: Luna-9
Russia (USSR)1966-01-31Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.99 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-9 launch
Luna-9 (events)
Russia1966-02-03Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.99 multi-color printed and Tartu club brown rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-9 landing on Moon
Russia1966-02-03Silute(Blue and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-9 landing on Moon
Russia1966-02-15Minsk(Minsk club) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover12 days after Luna-9 landing on Moon (1966-02-03)
Russia1966-02-15MinskStamp (Russia 3160 type2) and (Minsk club) cancel on cover12 days after Luna-9 landing on Moon (1966-02-03)
Luna-9 (anniversaries)
Russia1966-05-03Kaliningrad(Kaliningrad club) cachet on cover3-month anniv. Luna-9 landing on Moon
Romania1991-02-03Botosani(Pictorial) cancel and (blue printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on postal card25th anniv. Luna-9 landing on Moon
1966-03-31: Luna-10
Russia (USSR)1966-04-01Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.107 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-10 launch
Luna-10 (events)
Russia (USSR)1966-04-03Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.107 multi-color printed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-10 lunar orbit insertion
Russia (USSR)1966-04-08Moscow(Red pictorial) cancel and (blue and black printed) cachet on cover5 days after Luna-10 entering into lunar orbit (1966-04-03)
Russia (USSR)1966-04-08Moscow(Red pictorial) cancel and (red and grey printed) cachet on stamped envelope, with extra (Russia 3192) stamp5 days after Luna-10 entering into lunar orbit (1966-04-03)
Russia (USSR)1966-04-09Kiev(Pictorial) cancel and (red and grey printed) cachet on stamped envelope, with extra (Russia 3192) stamp6 days after Luna-10 entering into lunar orbit (1966-04-03)
Luna-10 (anniversaries)
Austria1967-04-03Gmünd(Pictorial) cancel and (LK) cachet on cover1st anniv. Luna-10 entering into lunar orbit
Romania2001-04-03Ploiesti(Pictorial) cancel and (Clubul Filatelic Ploiesti) cachet on postal card35th anniv. Luna-10 entering into lunar orbit
1966-08-24: Luna-11
Russia (USSR)1966-08-24Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.123 multi-color printed and brown rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-11 launch
Luna-11 (events)
Russia (USSR)1966-08-28Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.123 multi-color printed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-11 lunar orbit insertion
1966-10-22: Luna-12
Russia (USSR)1966-10-23Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.127 multi-color printed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on cover, also backLuna-12 launch
Luna-12 (events)
Russia (USSR)1966-10-25Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.127 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-12 lunar orbit insertion
1966-12-21: Luna-13
Russia (USSR)1966-12-21Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.134 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-13 launch
Luna-13 (events)
Russia (USSR)1966-12-24Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.134 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-13 landing on Moon
1968-04-07: Luna-14
Russia (USSR)1968-04-08Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Red and black and tan printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on (known fake2) coverLuna-14 launch
Russia (USSR)1968-04-08Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.204 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-14 launch
Luna-14 (events)
Russia (USSR)1968-04-10Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.204 multi-color printed and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-14 lunar orbit insertion
1969-07-13: Luna-15
United States1969-07-13Colorado Springs CO(R.E. Nichol) cachet on cover, also backLuna-15 launch
Russia (USSR)1969-07-14Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.218 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-15 launch
1970-09-12: Luna-16
Russia (USSR)1970-09-13Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.227 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-16 launch
Luna-16 (events)
Russia (USSR)1970-09-20Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.227 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-16 landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)1970-09-20Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.227 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-16 landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)1970-09-22Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.227 multi-color printed and brown rubber-stamp) cachet on coversoil-sample capsule takes off from Moon (on 21 September)
Russia (USSR)1970-09-24Moscow(Black pictorial) cancel on coversoil-sample capsule landing back on Earth
Russia (USSR)1970-09-24Moscow(Red pictorial) cancel (otherwise same) on stamped envelopesoil-sample capsule landing back on Earth
Russia (USSR)1970-09-24Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.227 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coversoil-sample capsule landing back on Earth
1970-11-10: Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1
Russia (USSR)1970-11-11Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.229 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-17 launch; also pennant segment3
Russia (USSR)1970-11-11Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.229 multi-color printed and brown rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-17 launch; also pennant segment3
Luna-17 / Lunokhod-1 (events)
Russia (USSR)1970-11-17Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.229 multi-color printed and brown rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-17 landing and first pictures transmitted from the Moon; also pennant segment3
Switzerland1970-11-21Bern(Red and black printed) cachet on cover"Lunohod-1" on the Moon at the "beginning of its first lunar night on 21 November 1970" (in German text); also its Moon landing date "1970-XI-17"
Russia (USSR)1971-10-04Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.229 multi-color printed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on cover"Lunokhod"-1 "end of operations"; (distance traveled on Moon) "10,540 m" (in Estonian text); also pennant segment3
1971-09-02: Luna-18
Russia (USSR)1971-09-03Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.239 multi-color printed and red-orange rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-18 launch
Luna-18 (events)
Russia (USSR)1971-09-12Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.239 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-18 landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)1971-09-12Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.239 multi-color printed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-18 landing on Moon
1971-09-28: Luna-19
Russia (USSR)1971-09-29Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.240 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-19 launch
1972-02-14: Luna-20
Germany (West)1972-02-14Bochum(InterCover) cachet on coverLuna-20 launch
Russia (USSR)1972-02-14Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on (known fake2) coverLuna-20 launch
Russia (USSR)1972-02-14Moscow International6 Post Office(Anklam) cachet on coverLuna-20 launch
Luna-20 (events)
Russia (USSR)1972-02-21Moscow International6 Post Office(Swanson) cachet on coverLuna-20 soft landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)1972-02-22Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.243 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-20 soft landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)1972-02-26Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.243 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coversoil-sample capsule landing back on Earth
1973-01-08: Luna-21 / Lunokhod-2
Russia (USSR)1973-01-08Moscow International6 Post Office(Anklam) cachet on coverLuna-21 launch
Russia (USSR)1973-01-09Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.251 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-21 launch; also pennant segment3
Russia (USSR)1973-01-09Baikonur Karaganda Oblast(Blue and red rubber-stamp) cachet on (known fake2) coverLuna-21 launch
Luna-21 / Lunokhod-2 (events)
Russia (USSR)1973-01-16Moscow International6 Post Office(Anklam) cachet on coverLuna-21 landing on Moon
Russia (USSR)1973-01-16Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.255 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-21/"Lunokhod-2" landing on Moon and "Lunokhod-2" begin operations; also pennant segment3
Russia (USSR)1973-05-23Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.255 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover"Lunokhod-2 end of operations"; (distance traveled on Moon) "37,000 m" (in Estonian text); also pennant segment3
1974-05-29: Luna-22
Russia (USSR)1974-05-29Moscow International6 Post Office(Anklam) cachet on coverLuna-22 launch
Luna-22 (events)
Russia (USSR)1974-06-02Moscow International6 Post Office(Anklam) cachet on coverLuna-22 enter orbit Moon
1974-10-28: Luna-23
Russia (USSR)1974-10-28Moscow International6 Post Office(Anklam) cachet on coverLuna-23 launch
Russia (USSR)1974-10-29Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.269 multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-23 launch
Luna-23 (events)
Russia (USSR)1974-11-06Moscow International6 Post Office(Anklam) cachet on coverLuna-23 landing on Moon
1976-08-09: Luna-24
Russia (USSR)1976-08-09Magadan(Multi-color printed and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-24 launch
Luna-24 (events)
Russia (USSR)1976-08-18Tartu(TKK/AA1 no.283 multi-color printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverLuna-24 landing on Moon; also pennant segment3
Russia (USSR)1976-08-22Magadan(Multi-color printed and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverrecovery of soil-return capsule back on Earth
2023-08-10: Luna-25
Russia2023-08-10?(BiberPost) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverLuna-25 launch
United States2023-08-10Ft. Irwin CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverLuna-25 launch
Luna-25 (events)
United States2023-08-16Ft. Irwin CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverLuna-25 in lunar orbit
United States2023-08-21Ft. Irwin CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverLuna-25 crash landing
Luna (on other than Luna launch covers)
United States1962-07-22Port Canaveral FL(Goldcraft) cachet on Mariner-1 launch [failed] coverLuna-1/2 type
Norway1968-09-20Andenes(Black printed) cachet on Nike-Tomahawk (sub-orbital) rocket launch cover(probable) Luna-1/2 type, Luna-3
Austria1970-08-20WienCinderella on Apollo-11 anniversary of launch cardLuna-3
Russia (USSR)1983-09-29Baikonur Cosmodrome(Multi-color printed) cachet on Ekran-11 launch coverLunokhod-1
United States1985-03-12Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(Magenta and black printed) cachet on Geosat-1 launch coverLunokhod-1/2
French Guiana1997-08-08Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on Panamsat-6 launch cover"First photos of the far side of the Moon" (refers to Luna-3) and "First soft landing of a spacecraft on the Moon" (refers to Luna-9) (in French text)
United States2002-07-10Cape Canaveral FL(Multi-color printed) cachet (with reproductions of Albania 623 and Bulgaria C77 and China (People's Republic) 425) on Telstar-1 anniversary coverLuna-1 (by launch date in text on some stamps)
United States2007-08-17Cleveland OH(Multi-color printed) cachet on Voyager-2 anniversary cover"Lunik-II" (Luna-2)
China (People's Republic)2007-10-24?(Lollini) cachet on Chang'e-1 launch cover(proposed) Chinese lunar lander (smaller/left satellite) with design similar to Luna-15/16/18/20/23/24 type
China (People's Republic)2007-10-24?(Lollini) cachet on Chang'e-1 launch cover(proposed) Chinese lunar lander (larger/central satellite) with design similar to Luna-15/16/18/20/23/24
United States2019-12-17GSFC, Greenbelt MD(Red Eagle) cachet on Chang'e-4 event coverYutu-2 breaks the "record for the longest distance traveled on the Moon [by a rover] which was previously held by the Soviet Lunokhod-1 rover"

1AA no.: Tartuski Klub Kollektsionerov (TKK) [Tartu Collector Club] "Astronautika Annaalid" number. See Jim Reichman's Philatelic Study Report on Tartu Space Club Covers, 1962-1978, 2011. (e-mail: jgreichman (at) Also, no.62 is the correct number, even though it appears to be no.92!
2Known fake cover, with a made-up Baikonur postmark, suspected to have been created by Boris Khoroshev from Moscow, and sold by a stamp dealer in Western Europe. There were no Baikonur Cosmodrome official postmarks until 1975 for the Apollo-Soyuz events. Reference the article written by Russian collector Oleg Vaisberg published as an Appendix called "Russian (Soviet) Space Covers" to Bruce Cranford's book Space Covers: Dictionary and Identifier. See also, an analysis of the situation in a book published in 2008 called Commemorative Space Covers from Collector Clubs of the Soviet Union, 1957 to 1980. Another indicator on these fakes is the use of a "first day" cachet that appears on most, but not all, of these fakes.
3The word "pennant" usually refers to a tapering flag on a ship or, in North America, a flag identifying a sports championship or team. The word has, however, a particular meaning in the context of early Soviet lunar and planetary spacecraft, which carried small embossed and/or engraved highly-durable titanium "plaques" with artwork (done in thermoresistant polysiloxane enamels) and information related to the Soviet Union (USSR) and to the mission. Those small plaques are referred to as "pennants". A few dozen of each type were minted, some of which were installed in the spacecraft, while others were given to VIPs and top scientists. The Luna-1 and Luna-2 pennants were unusual in that they were small spheres constructed of pentagonal pennant segments. Filled with liquid and an explosive charge, they were designed to explode on impact and scatter the pennant segments. Most of the Soviet Venera and Mars spacecraft also carried pennants. More information on Soviet spacecraft pennants can be found here.
4Because a midcourse correction failed, Luna-4 flew by the Moon rather than making the planned lunar landing. As a result, official announcements were canceled, as was a lecture program entitled Hitting the Moon, which had originally been scheduled for Radio Moscow on 5 April at 7:45 PM.
5This Luna-4 launch cover is also a FDC for Russia 2728. Because the planned lunar landing did not take place, the vast majority of these Kniga international covers, which had been prepared for the international market with a red "Moscow International PO" cancellation, were destroyed.
6"Moscow International (Moskva Mezhdunarodnaya) Post Office" is the cancellation often used on the Soviet "Kniga International" ("International Book") philatelic covers; see Jim Reichman's Commemorative Space Covers from Collector Clubs of the Soviet Union, 2008 (e-mail: jgreichman (at)

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Updated: 2025-01-07