
(first USA satellite)


This page contains philatelic information on the Explorer-1 satellite. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

The remainder of the Explorer-series satellites are covered separately.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Reference images
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below or elsewhere)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below or elsewhere)
Explorer Explorer Explorer-1 Explorer-1
Explorer-1 (on other than Explorer-1 launch covers)
Explorer (except Explorer-1) Explorer (except Explorer-1)

Below is a list of Explorer-1 satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content

AjmanMi257A-259A+Mi261A-262A fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Antigua and Barbuda2360b (Mi3182)One of MS6 (2360 (a-f)) (Mi3181-3186)2000"Explorer-1"
One of local post MS6 (a-f)
One of imperforate local post MS6 (a-f)
BatumiLocal_e o/p1One of local post MS6 (a-f) overprinted in gold1998"Explorer-1"
BatumiLocal_e o/p2One of local post MS6 (a-f) overprinted in silver
BeninUnknown a (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2012"Explorer-1"
BeninUnknown ms (Mi none)In (lower-left) margin of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2017"Explorer-1" (also launch date)
BeninUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
BeninUnknown fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Bolivia651 (BL130)In (lower) margin of imperforate SS11982"Explorer-1"
Burkina Faso1168f (Mi1734)One of MS6 (1168 (a-f)) (Mi1729-1734)2000"Explorer-1"
Central African RepublicMi13916-13921_ms6MS6 (Mi13916-13921)202365th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
Central African RepublicBL2870SS1 (Mi13922)
ChadUnknown c (Mi none)
Unknown ic
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
ChadUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
ChadUnknown c (Mi none)
Unknown ic
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2017"Explorer-1" [overprints of Chad 2011 set]
ChadUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-left) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2014"Explorer-1"
Congo RepublicUnknown ms (Mi none)In (upper-center) margin of MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2016"Explorer-1"
Cuba2136 (Mi2212)Stamp-on-stamp: Yugoslavia 870 (Mi1216)1977"Explorer-1"
DjiboutiC189 (Mi379A)
iC189 (Mi379B)

198325th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
DjiboutiC189 dsDeluxe sheet (C189)
DjiboutiC188-C189 fdcOne of two stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
DjiboutiC189a (BL89A)
iC189a (BL89B)
On stamp of SS1 (C189)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (iC189)
DjiboutiUnknown a (Mi none)
Unknown ia
On one stamp and in (upper-left) margin of MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]
On one stamp and in (upper-left) margin of imperforate MS2 (a-b)
DjiboutiUnknown a (Mi none)
Unknown ia
One of MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS3 (a-c)
DjiboutiUnknown ia proofOne of imperforate MS3 proof? (or imperforate MS3 with perforated MS3 colors?)
DjiboutiUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS3 and (brown printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate MS3 and (brown printed) cachet on FDC
DjiboutiUnknown ms fdc (Mi none fdc)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC [known illegal issue]2014
DjiboutiUnknown ss fdc
Unknown iss fdc
(Square and round) cachets on FDC
(Square and round) cachets on imperforate-stamped FDC
DjiboutiMi6412-6415_ms4MS4 (Mi6412-6415)2023"66th anniv. launch Explorer-1" (in French text)
DjiboutiMi6412_ms4MS4 (4x Mi6412)
DjiboutiMi6413_ms6MS6 (6x Mi6413)
DjiboutiMi6414_ms4MS4 (4x Mi6414)
DjiboutiMi6415_ms3MS3 (3x Mi6415)
DjiboutiBL2090SS1 (Mi6416)
DjiboutiBL2091SS1 (Mi6417)
Franklin Mint (USA)None(Silver) medallion, also reverse1970s"Explorer-1"
Germany (West)None(Herman Oberth Gesellschaft) cachet on cover, also back1965"Explorer-I" (Explorer-1)
Germany (West)NoneCinderella (poster stamp), one of MS30 cinderella~1966"Explorer-1"
GermanyNone(Black pictorial) meter on cover1997"Jupiter[-C] 1958"; in 1958 the Jupiter-C rocket was used to launch Explorers-1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; three launches were successful, and two (Explorer-2 and 5) were failures
Great Britain1375a+1377a fdc (Mi1337-1340 fdc)Insert from FDC, also front (Benham cachet, and second cancel for 30th anniv. Gagarin's flight)1991"Explorer-1 enabled Dr. Van Allen of the USA to discover" the Van Allen radiation belts
Great Britain3938-3945 booklet (Mi4532-4539 booklet)Pane3 from Prestige Booklet (3938-3945)2020"The launch of Explorer-1, the first US satellite, took place from Cape Canaveral. The satellite carried a Geiger counter to detect radiation in space".
Grenada Carriacou2126b (Mi2969)One of MS6 (2126 (a-f)) (Mi2968-2973)1999"Explorer-1"
Guernsey (Great Britain)449-452 fdc (Mi518-521 fdc)Insert back from FDC, also insert front and FDC front1991"Explorer-1"
Guinea RepublicMi5271-5276_ms6In (left) margin of MS6 (Mi5271-5276)2007Explorer-1 launch by Jupiter-C1 rocket
Guinea RepublicMi5271-5276_ms6 fdcMS6 on FDC
Guinea RepublicBL1471A
In (upper) margin of SS1
In (upper) margin of imperforate SS1
launch of the first American artificial satellite (in French text, referring to Explorer-1)
Guinea RepublicBL1471A fdcSS1 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi17804One of MS6 (Mi17801-17806)2023"Explorer-1"
Guinea-BissauMi4139One of MS4 (Mi4139-4142)2009"Explorer-1"
Guinea-BissauMi4139-4142 fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea-BissauUnknown ms (Mi?)MS3 (a-c)2023"65th anniv. launch Explorer-1" (in Portuguese text)
Guinea-BissauUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
Guinea-BissauUnknown ss (BL?)SS1 (different)
Guyana2106b (Mi2628 gold)One of MS25 (2106 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in gold1989"Explorer-1" (in overprinted text)
Guyana2106b_specimenOne of MS25 (2106_specimen (a-y)), 280 with both gold and specimen overprints
Guyana2107b (Mi2628)One of MS25 (2107 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in silver (Mi2627-2651)
Guyana2107b specimenOne of MS25 (2107 specimen (a-y)), 280 with both silver and specimen overprints
HungaryCB30b (BL59A, Mi2351IIA-2354IIA)
iCB30b (BL59B, Mi2351IIB-2354IIB)
In (upper-left) margin of MS4 (CB27-CB30)
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate MS4 (iCB27-iCB30)
1967(poorly-depicted) Explorer-1
Ivory CoastUnknown d (Mi none)
Unknown id
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
Ivory CoastUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown d (Mi none)
Umknown id
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One stamp of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
Ivory CoastUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet (same design as stamp 'd') on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown a (Mi none)
Unknown ia
Two of MS4 (2x (a-b)) [known illegal issue]
Two of imperforate MS4 (2x (a-b))
Ivory CoastUnknown fdcMS4 on FDC
Macedonia430 (Mi451)From MS9 (430a (9x 430))200850th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
Macedonia430 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Macedonia430 maxiMaxicard
MalawiUnknown ms fdc (Mi? fdc)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC2007
Maldive Islands2959 (Mi4687-4690)On three of four stamps and in (right) margin of MS4 (2959 (a-d))200850th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
Maldive Islands2959 fdcMS4 on FDC
Maldive Islands2959a-d fdcFour stamps on FDC
MaliUnknown b (Mi?)
Unknown ib
One of MS4 (a-d)
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
MaliUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
MaliUnknown c (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2018"Explorer-1" (and launch date)
MaliUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
From MS20 (20x Mi88A)
ManamaMi87A-89A+Mi91A-92A fdc
Mi87B-89B+Mi91B-92B fdc
One of five stamps on FDC
One of five imperforate stamps on FDC
Marshall Islands345c (Mi252)One of MS25 (345 (a-y)) (Mi250-274)1989Explorer-1 launch
Marshall IslandsKM51$50. (silver coin)1989"first American satellite" (Explorer-1)
Micronesia81b (Mi133)One of MS9 (81 (a-i)) (Mi132-140)1989Explorer-1 launch
Micronesia344a (Mi721)One stamp and on selvedge of MS20 (344 (a-t)) (Mi721-740)1999"Explorer-1"
Montserrat849 pair (Mi906 pair)On label/gutter of gutter-pair (2x 849), 728 overprinted in red1994"Launch of Explorer-1 - January 31, 1958 - (first U.S. satelllite)"
Montserrat1200 (Mi1408-1411)MS4 (1200 (a-d))200850th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch; stamp 1200d contains a mirror image of the design in the cachet of USA 3187d fdc; a similar photograph is found in USA 3187 (USPS) "1950s" book page 17
Montserrat1200 fdc1MS4 and (blue printed) cachet on FDC (Plymouth cancel)
Montserrat1200 fdc2MS4 and (blue printed) cachet on FDC (Brades cancel)
Montserrat1201 (BL123)On stamp of SS1
Montserrat1201 fdcSS1 on FDC
Mozambique1845c (Mi3260)
On one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of MS6 (1845 (a-f)) (Mi3258-3263)
On one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of imperforate MS6 (i1845 (a-f))
Mozambique1845c_ss1SS1 (1845c)
Mozambique1845 fdc
i1845 fdc
MS6 on FDC
Imperforate MS6 on FDC
Nevis1545 (Mi2308-2311)On two of four stamps and in (lower) margin of MS4 (1545 (a-d))200850th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
Nevis1545 fdcMS4 on FDC
ParaguayC405 (BL241)On stamp and in (text in lower) margin of SS11975"Explorer-1"
ParaguayC405 fdcSS1 on FDC
ParaguayC721 (BL451)In (lower-left) margin of SS11988Model of Jupiter-C1 rocket with Explorer-1 mounted on top
Poland1180 (Mi1439)1963"Explorer-1"
Poland1180+1186 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Poland2248a label (Mi2539 label)On one label of MS6 (2248a (6x 2248 + 2 labels))1977"Explorer-1"
Poland2248 cancel(Pictorial) cancel from FDC, also front1977
RomaniaNone(Cyan typed) cachet on cover1992"the first American satellite, Explorer-1"
Romania5023 (Mi6273)Stamp and label from MS8 (5023a (8x 5023 + label))200850th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
Romania5023 maxiMaxicard
Romania5023-5025 fdcOne of three stamps and (black printed) cachet on FDC
Romania5024a label (Mi6274 label)Label from MS8 (5024a (8x 5024 + label))
Romania5025a label (Mi6275 label)Label from MS8 (5025a (8x 5025 + label))
RomaniaNoneStamped envelope200850th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
RomaniaNoneStamped envelope and illustrated address label200850th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
RomaniaNoneIllustrated address label on stamped envelope200850th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch
RwandaUnknown i (Mi none)One of MS10 (a-j) [known illegal issue]2010"Explorer-1"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1820 (BL637)
Imperforate SS1
200850th anniv. NASA; (50th anniv. "Explorer-1" launch)
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1820 fdc
i1820 fdc
SS1 on FDC
Imperforate SS1 on FDC
St. Vincent2080f (Mi2966)One of MS9 (2080 (a-i)) (Mi2961-2969)1994"Explorer-1"
St. Vincent2080 fdcMS9 on FDC
St. Vincent2080f specimenOne of MS9 (2080 specimen (a-i)) overprinted "specimen"
St. Vincent2081f (Mi2975)One of MS9 (2081 (a-i)) (Mi2970-2978)
St. Vincent2081f specimenOne of MS9 (2081 specimen (a-i)) overprinted "specimen"
St. Vincent2081 fdcMS9 on FDC
St. Vincent2702a (Mi4647)One of MS9 (2702 (a-i)) (Mi4647-4655)1999"1958 - Explorer" (Explorer-1)
SerbiaMi1249 (Sc?)like Yugoslavia 8702024
Tanzania2540 (Mi4620-4623)MS4 (2540 (a-d))2009"Explorer-1"
TogoMi3795One of MS4 (Mi3794-3797)2011"Explorer-1"
TogoMi3795_ss1On stamp of SS1 (Mi3795)
TogoBL569 fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
TogoMi9194One of MS4 (Mi9194-9197)2018"Explorer-1"
TogoBL1637MS2 (Mi9194-9195)
TogoUnknown ms (Mi?)MS3 (a-c)2023"65th anniv. launch Explorer-1" (in French text)
TogoUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
United StatesNone
One of cinderella strip of 2
One of imperforate cinderella strip of 2
1958Explorer-1 launch by Jupiter-C1 rocket
United StatesNone
One of cinderella strip of 2 on cover, also back
One of imperforate cinderella strip of 2 on cover, also back
1958Explorer-1 launch by Jupiter-C1 rocket
United States1107 fdc (Mi727 fdc)(Imperial) cachet on FDC1958
United States1107 cover (Mi727 cover)(Compex) cachet on cover1958
United StatesNone a
None ia
Two of (RRI) cinderella MS4 (2x (a-b))
Two of (RRI) cinderella imperforate MS4 (2x (a-b))
1958Explorer-1 launch
United StatesNonePostcard back~1958Jupiter-C1 launch of Explorer-1
United States1237 fdc1 (Mi850 fdc1)(Centennial green earth) cachet on FDC (3-line cancel)1963
United States1237 fdc2 (Mi850 fdc1)(Centennial green earth) cachet on FDC (4-line cancel)
United States1213 cover (Mi817 cover)(Sarzin) cachet on cover1964"the first tiny 50 pound payload into space" (refers to Explorer-1, though it actually had a mass of 13.97 kg (30.8 pounds) rather than 50 pounds)
United StatesC76 fdc (Mi990 fdc)(Centennial yellow earth) cachet on FDC1969
United States1759 fdc
1710 cover
(Aeropex'77) cachet on FDC, also annotated1978
Explorer-1 [#1 in annotated cachet]
United StatesNone(Huntspex'78/Huntsville Philatelic Society) cachet on cover, also detail1978(20th anniv.) Explorer-1 launch (implied)
United StatesNone(Space Voyage) cachet on cover198325th anniv. Explorer-1 launch (25th anniv. NASA cancel)
United StatesNone(Wisconsin Rapids WI Exhibit Station) cancel on cover198325th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United StatesNone(Wisconsin Rapids WI Exhibit Station) cancel and (Astro Covers) cachet on cover198325th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United StatesNoneCinderella1983"Explorer-1"
United States2145 fdc
2219g fdc
(Space Voyage orange and purple) cachet on dual-cancel FDC1985
United States2145 fdc
2219i fdc
(Space Voyage red and green) cachet on dual-cancel FDC
United StatesNoneHuntspex Station) cancel and (blue and black printed) cachet on cover198830th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United StatesNone(Huntspex Station) cancel on cover (different)198830th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United StatesNone(Huntspex Station) cancel and (Huntspex'88/Huntsville Philatelic Club) cachet on cover198830th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2745 fdc (Mi2341 fdc)(Mystic Stamp Company) back of FDC, also front1993"Large-scale space exploration began at the Cape [Cape Canaveral] when the first US satellite was launched" (Explorer-1, on 31 January 1958)
United StatesNone(Lancopex Station) cancel on cover199335th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States3178a fdc (Mi2903 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC1997
United StatesLocalLocal post stamp~1998"Explorer-1" and the Van Allen radiation belts
United States1918-1919 cover (Mi1487-1488 cover)(Huntspex'98/Huntsville Philatelic Society) cachet on cover199840th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States3187d (Mi3126)
3187d back
One of pane of 15 (3187 (a-o)) (BL47, Mi3123-2137), also back1999Explorer-1 launch; "The first successful US Earth satellite, Explorer-1, was launched January 31, 1958" (in text on stamp back); "the US launched its first artificial satellite in 1958" (in text in CP537F_page2); (3187d fdc17 contains a mirror image of the design in Montserrat 1200d; a similar photograph is found in USA 3187 (USPS) "1950s" book page 17
United States3187d fdc1Stamp on FDC (BGC cachet)
United States3187d fdc2Stamp and (BGC) cachet (different) on FDC
United States3187d fdc3Stamp and (BGC) cachet (different) on FDC
United States3187d fdc4Stamp on FDC (black and gold printed cachet)
United States3187d fdc5Stamp on FDC (Colorano silk cachet)
United States3187d fdc6Stamp on FDC (Paul Calle/Chris Calle cachet)
United States3187d fdc7Stamp on FDC (Collins cachet)
United States3187d fdc8Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc9Stamp and (Hobby Link) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc10Stamp and (NF) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc11Stamp and (Cover Craft Cachets) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc12Stamp and (D-?) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc13Stamp and (black and magenta and blue printed) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc14Stamp and (Pugh Cachets) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc15Stamp and (Bevil) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc16Stamp and (black printed) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc17Stamp and (Mystic Stamp Company) cachet on FDC, also back
United States3187d fdc18Stamp and (PCS golden-replica) cachet on FDC, also back
United States3187d fdc19Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Space Voyage red and pink and black) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc20Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Space Voyage red and tan and green) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc21Stamp and (ArtCraft) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc22Stamp and (Dome) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc23Stamp and (S&T color laser) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc24Stamp and (Ranto/USPS bulletin) cachet on FDC, also back
United States3187d fdc25Stamp and (Pyrrhus hand-painted acrylic) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc26Stamp on FDC (SpaceCraft/Swanson cachet)
United States3187d fdc27Stamp and (PCS) cachet on FDC
United States3187d fdc28Stamp and (Artmaster) cachet on FDC, also back
United States3187 fdc1MS15 as FDC (blank/no cachet)
United States3187 fdc2MS15 on FDC (Artmaster cachet)
United States3187a-o fdcOne of 15 stamps and (ArtCraft) cachet on FDC
United StatesSP1259F(USPS) souvenir page (3187), also back
United StatesCP537F page1(USPS no.571) commemorative panel (3187), also page2
United States3187 book page 16Page 16 from (USPS) "1950s" bookJupiter-C1 launch of Explorer-1
United States3187 book page 17Page 17 from (USPS) "1950s" book (with reproduction of USA 3187d)Explorer-1 launch; also photograph of Pickering, Van Allen and von Braun holding the Explorer-1 satellite (similar photographs are found in USA 3187 fdc17 and in Montserrat 1200d)
United States3188c fdc1 (Mi3173 fdc1)(Space Voyage red and tan and green) cachet on FDC1999"Explorer-1"
United States3188c fdc2 (Mi3173 fdc2)(Space Voyage red and tan and black) cachet on FDC
United States3188c fdc3 (Mi3173 fdc3)(Space Voyage red and tan and blue) cachet on FDC
United States3189i fdc1 (Mi3233 fdc1)(Space Voyage red and tan and black) cachet on FDC
United States3189i fdc2 (Mi3233 fdc2)(Space Voyage red and tan and green) cachet on FDC
United States3188e fdc (Mi3175 fdc)(Space Voyage red and tan and brown) cachet on FDC1999"Explorer-One"
United States3189i fdc (Mi3233 fdc)(Space Voyage red and tan and black) cachet on FDC1999
United States3190a fdc1 (Mi3243 fdc1)(Space Voyage red and peach and purple) cachet on FDC (Mission Control Station pictorial cancel)2000
United States3190a fdc2 (Mi3243 fdc2)(Space Voyage red and peach and purple) cachet on FDC (STS-103 Station pictorial cancel)
United States3190a fdc3 (Mi3243 fdc3)(Space Voyage red and peach and black) cachet on FDC (Nassau Bay Branch, Houston TX cancel)
United States3190a fdc4 (Mi3243 fdc4)(Space Voyage red and pink and purple) cachet on FDC (STS-103 Station pictorial cancel)
United States3191h fdc (Mi3295 fdc)(Space Voyage red and peach and black) cachet on FDC2000
United StatesNone(Mission 57) cachet on IGY cover back, also front2007"the US finally launched Explorer-1 on the first day of February in 1958"
United StatesNone(Coverscape) cachet on cover2018"Explorer-1"
Yugoslavia870 (Mi1216)1967"Explorer-1"
Yugoslavia870-875 fdcOne of six stamps on FDC (green and black printed cachet)
Yugoslavia870-871+875 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC (cyan and blue and tan printed cachet)
Yugoslavia870 cover1 (Mi1216 cover1)Stamp on cover (blue and red and black printed cachet)1967"Explorer-1"
Yugoslavia870 cover2 (Mi1216 cover2)Stamp on cover (green and black printed cachet)

1From Wikipedia: "a Jupiter-C rocket was modified by the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) to accommodate a satellite payload; the resulting rocket [was] known as the Juno-1."

Below is a list of Explorer-1 satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
1958-01-31: Explorer-1
United States1958-01-31Port Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverExplorer-1 launch
United States1958-01-31Patrick AFB, FL(Goldcraft) cachet on coverExplorer-1 launch
United States1958-01-31Patrick AFB, FL(Jim Fitzpatrick purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverExplorer-1 launch
United States1958-01-31Patrick AFB, FL(Swanson red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverExplorer-1 launch
United States1958-01-31Patrick AFB, FL(H. Flick) cachet on coverExplorer-1 launch
United States1958-01-31Patrick AFB, FL(H. Flick) cachet (and signature) on coverExplorer-1 launch
Explorer-1 (events)
United States1970-03-31Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertExplorer-1 re-entry
United States1970-03-31Houston TX(MSCS) cachet on coverExplorer-1 re-entry
United States1970-03-31Colorado Springs CO(R.E. Nichol) cachet on coverExplorer-1 re-entry (mis-named "Explore-1" in text)
Explorer-1 (anniversaries)
United States1968-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson blue and red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover10th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1968-01-31Patrick AFB, FL(Swanson blue and red rubber-stamp) cachet on cover10th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1968-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on cover10th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1973-01-31Redstone Arsenal AL(MoF no.3) cachet on cover, also insert and insert back15th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1973-01-31Patrick AFB, FL(Whitney purple) cachet on cover15th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1973-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Whitney purple) cachet on cover15th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1973-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Whitney purple) cachet on (airmail) cover15th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Kennedy Space Center FL(Hand-drawn and black typed) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(MoF no.59) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Pasadena CA(Gold printed) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Blue printed) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31WSMR, NM(Two-part black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch (also rocket launch cover)
United States1978-01-31Marshall Space Flight Center AL(E&T) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Redstone Arsenal, AL(E&T) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Kennedy Space Center FL(blank/no) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Orlando FL, Kennedy Space Center Branch(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Whitney blue) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Whitney blue) cachet on (airmail) cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Whitney blue) cachet (and signature) on (airmail) cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Pasadena CA(JPL Stamp Club) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Moffett Field CA(JPL Stamp Club and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on cover, also back20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1978-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(International Stamp Collectors Society) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
Yugoslavia1978-01-31Zagreb(Pictorial) cancel and (blue printed) cachet on cover, also back20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
Yugoslavia1978-01-31Zagreb(Pictorial) cancel and (purple printed) cachet on cover20th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Pasadena CA(Text) cancel and (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on cover, also insert25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Pasadena CA(Space Voyage green and red) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Kennedy Space Center FL(Space Voyage blue and red) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (Space Voyage purple and red) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (blue and black printed) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (KSC Philatelic Society) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and cinderella on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (FMF Local Post) cachet (different) on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (Titusville-Moonport Stamp Club) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and cinderella and (black printed) cachet on card25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Pictorial) cancel and (Whitney magenta) cachet on (airmail) cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Whitney magenta) cachet on (airmail) cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Redstone Arsenal GA(FMF Local Post) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Redstone Arsenal GA(FMF Local Post) cachet (slightly different) on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Houston TX(SCCS) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (blue printed) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (red typed) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States
Russia (USSR)
Cape Canaveral FL
Kosmodrome Baikonur
(Pictorial) cancel and (blue rubber-stamp) cachet on cover25th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
25th anniv. Sputnik-1 launch
United States
Russia (USSR)
Cape Canaveral FL
Kosmodrome Baikonur
(Green rubber-stamp) cachet on cover30th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
30th anniv. Sputnik-1 launch
United States1988-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Space Medal Cover) cachet (and medallion) on cover, also back and (Briefmarkenhaus Göde) insert and information card30th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1998-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel on postal card40th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1998-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (B&D) cachet on cover40th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States1998-01-31Cape Canaveral FLLocal post stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (blue and black printed) cachet on cover40th anniv. Explorer-1 launch; also IGY
United States1998-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (Ranski) cachet on cover40th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
Austria2008-01-31Vienna(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch; photo is the same as that on Montserrat 1200d, (horizontally-flipped) on the cachet of USA 3187d fdc; a similar photograph is found in USA 3187 (USPS) "1950s" book page 17
Spain2008-01-31Madrid(Pictorial) cancel and (black printed) cachet on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (black printed) cachet on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (black printed) cachet (same) and second (multi-color printed) cachet on cover, also (sticker) cachet on back50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Washington DC(Mission 57) cachet on cover, also back50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Mission 57) cachet on cover, also back50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Marshall Space Flight Center AL(Pictorial) cancel and (Mission 57) cachet (different) on cover, also back50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (Mission 57) cachet on cover, also back50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (Mission 57) cachet (different) on cover, also back50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (Mission 57) cachet (different) on cover, also back50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Pasadena CA(Personalized) stamp (design similar to USA 3187d and (pictorial) cancel and (Therome Cachets) cachet on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Pasadena CA(Personalized) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Therome Cachets) cachet (different) on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel and (black printed) cachet on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Pictorial) cancel on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel and (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2008-01-31Pasadena CA(Personalized) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (black and red and orange printed) cachet on cover50th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
United States2013-01-31Bourne Station MA(Coverscape) cachet on cover55th anniv. Explorer-1 launch
Explorer-1 (on other than Explorer-1 launch covers)
There exist a large number of covers with a Sokalsky cachet depicting 19 rockets, one of which is the Jupiter-C1 launch rocket with Explorer-1 mounted on top (compare with USA postcard 1958). Details about the cachet, as well as images of the covers, are found in the Sokalsky page.
There exist a large number of Centennial Covers with generic cachets with multiple satellites depicted. One of those cachets includes Explorer-1. Details about the cachets, as well as images of the covers, are found in the Centennial Covers page.
Austria1967-10-04Gmünd(Cyan printed) cachet on Sputnik-1 anniversary cover"Explorer I (USA) [was] launched 1.2.1958 [and] discovered the van Allen radiation belt" (in German text)
United States1975-02-14Kennedy Space Center FL(MoF no.24) insert from Pegasus-1 anniversary cover, also cover front"Explorer-1"
United States1998-03-10
Pasadena CA
Kennedy Space Center FL
(Pictorial) cancel on Mars Pathfinder coverExplorer-1
United States1998-04-26Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on Cassini-Huygens event coverExplorer-1
United States1999-06-19Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on QuikScat launch coverExplorer-1
United States1999-06-24Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on Cassini-Huygens event coverExplorer-1
United States1999-08-17Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on Cassini-Huygens event coverExplorer-1
United States1999-09-23Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on MCO event cover (JPL Stamp Club cachet)Explorer-1
United States1999-09-23Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on MCO event cover (black and purple rubber-stamp cachet)
United States1999-12-18Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on EOS-Terra launch coverExplorer-1
United States1999-12-20Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on ACRIMSAT launch coverExplorer-1
United States2000-10-06Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on Ulysses anniversary coverExplorer-1
United States2000-12-30Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on Cassini-Huygens event coverExplorer-1
United States2001-08-08Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on Genesis launch coverExplorer-1
United States2001-11-26
Pasadena CA (pictorial cancel)
Pasadena CA (text cancel)
(Pictorial) cancel on Cassini-Huygens event coverExplorer-1
United States2001-12-07Pasadena CA(Pictorial) cancel on Jason-1 and TIMED launch coverExplorer-1
United States2011-03-04Vandenberg AFB, CA(Mission 57) back of Glory launch cover, also front"The flight commemorates the 50th anniversary of Explorer-1"
United States2012-08-30Cape Canaveral FL(Mission 57) back of RBSP launch cover, also front"Van Allen radiation belts, discovered by the very first American satellite in 1958" (Explorer-1)

1From Wikipedia: "a Jupiter-C rocket was modified by the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) to accommodate a satellite payload; the resulting rocket [was] known as the Juno-1."

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-02-02