100 km/h speed-limit sign

Traffic Signs
(and Traffic Lights)

traffic light
traffic signtraffic light

Below is a checklist of Traffic Signs (and Traffic Lights) postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.). Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the items featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the author using the e-mail address at the bottom of this page.

Traffic signs with metric units, mainly speed limits, can be found on the Metric Measurements page, and additional traffic signs related to right-hand and left-hand driving can be found on the Driving Customs page.

By the way, traffic signs are sometimes referred to as highway signs or road signs, but the authors prefer to use "traffic sign" terminology.

This page is about Traffic Signs, not the more general theme of Traffic Safety. A good website with a Traffic Safety theme can be found here. On this page, traffic sign items with the following traffic themes are noted using highlighting (there are other items with these traffic themes that do not contain traffic signs and therefore are not shown here):

CategorySub-category(Color and) Shape
General categories of traffic signs
regulatorypriority (stop or yield)(red) octagonal or (red-border or black-on-yellow) downward-pointing triangular
mandatory (must do)(red-border) circular
prohibitory (must not do)(red-border) circular with (red) slash
warning (danger)(red-border) upward-pointing triangular, or (black-on-yellow) diamond-shaped
guide (informational)rectangular

Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Traffic signs Traffic Signs (and Traffic Lights)

Below is a list of Traffic signs (and traffic lights) on postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Traffic Signs (and Traffic Lights)
Albania2213 (Mi2301)1986Traffic safety: traffic light
Albania2876a (Mi3304)From pair (2876 (a-b)) (Mi3304-3305), or from MS8 (2876c (4x (2876 (a-b)))2009Traffic safety: traffic signs
Albania2876b (Mi3305)Traffic safety: traffic sign, traffic light
Albania2876 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps); traffic light (in cachet)
Algeria612 (Mi722)1978Road safety and protection of children: red-border triangular warning signs, white-on-blue circular (one-way) sign, and globes with traffic-light colors or a pedestrian in a crosswalk (all hand-held, mounted on poles)
Algeria612 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Algérie Poste) cachet on FDC
Algeria1465 (Mi1595)2009Protecting children from cyberspace dangers: pedestrian-crossing and "@" sign
Algeria1465 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Algérie Poste) cachet on FDC
Algeria1723 (Mi1868)2017Road Safety: (artistic) traffic light (on stamp); red-border triangular warning sign shape
Algeria1723-1724 fdcOne of two stamps and (Algeria Post) cachet on FDC
Andorra (French)555 (Mi586)2002Traffic safety education: triangular pedestrian-crossing sign
Argentina578 (Mi551)1948Traffic Safety Day: manual/raised-palm 'stop' signal
Argentina578 fdcStamp and (Argentina Post?) cachet on FDC
Argentina1330 (Mi1543)1981Traffic safety: traffic light colors
Argentina1330 fdcStamp and (Círculo Filatélico de Liniers) cachet on FDC
Argentina1331 (Mi1544)Traffic safety: red-border circular (80 km/h speed-limit) sign
Argentina1331 fdc1Stamp and (Círculo Filatélico de Liniers black) cachet on FDC
Argentina1331 fdc2Stamp and (Círculo Filatélico de Liniers multi-color) cachet on FDC
Argentina1332 fdc(Círculo Filatélico de Liniers) cachet on FDCTraffic light
Argentina1333 fdc(Círculo Filatélico de Liniers) cachet on FDC
Argentina1397 (Mi1594)198250th anniv. national roads administration, since 1932: red-border circular, triangular, and diamond-shaped warning signs
Argentina1397 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (ENCoTel) cachet on FDC
Argentina1669 (Mi2000)From MS16 (1671a (4x (1668-1671)))1989Federal Police Week: (artistic) traffic light
Argentina1670 (Mi2003)Federal Police Week: (artistic) traffic light
Argentina1671 (Mi2002)Federal Police Week: (artistic) traffic sign
Argentina1668-1671 fdcThree of four stamps on FDC (ENCoTel cachet)(As above for stamps)
Argentina2440 (Mi3133)2007Road Safety Year: "PAREMOS" (STOP) sign (in stamp); red-border circular sign shape (in cachet)
Argentina2440 fdcStamp and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2440 folderFDC folder
Argentina2447 (Mi3144-3154)MS11 (a-k), also booklet front and folder front2007"Ruta 40" signs; also a road elevation sign (in 2247b), and a road distances and directions sign (in 2247k)
Argentina2447a+e fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2447b+i-k fdcFour stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2447c-d fdcTwo stamps and (left) margin and (pictorial) cancel and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2447f-h fdcThree stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Correo Argentino) cachet on FDC
Argentina2627 (BL127, Mi3425-3428), also folder outside (front and back), and outside and insideIn (left and right) margins of MS4 (2627 (a-d))2011red-border triangular warning (train-crossing) sign and elevation signs
Argentina2627a-b fdcLeft half of MS4 (2627a-b) on FDC
Argentina2627c-d fdcRight half of MS4 (2627c-d) on FDC
AustraliaNonePrinted stamp on aerogramme (A70)31985black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning (150 km distance) sign, kangaroo
AustraliaNonePrinted stamp (same) on aerogramme (A71)3
AustraliaNonePrinted stamp (same) on aerogramme (A72)3
AustraliaNonePrinted stamp (same) on aerogramme (A73)3
Australia1329a fdc (Mi1348-1353 fdc)(Australia Post) cachet on FDC, also back1993red-border triangular warning sign and railroad-crossing sign; also railroad-specific signs
Australia1329a pack (Mi1348-1353 pack)(Australia Post) presentation pack, also inside
Australia1324-1329 gutter (Mi1348-1353ZS gutter)Gutter-pairs
Australia1330-1335 fdc (Mi1354-1359 fdc)(Australia Post) cachet on FDC
Australia1335b booklet1 (Mi1354-1359, Mi_MH77 booklet1)Booklet, also inside
Australia1335b booklet2 (Mi1354-1359 booklet2)Indopex'93 booklet
Austria889 (Mi1354)1971single green-only from traffic light; full traffic light and pedestrian-crossing light (in FDC2 cachet)
Austria889 fdc1Stamp and (Austria Post) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Austria889 fdc2Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Austria1738 (Mi2232)1997100th anniv. blind self-help: pedestrian-crossing light
Austria1738 fdcStamp and (Austria Post) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Bahrain204 (Mi212)1974International Traffic Day, 4 May 1974: traffic light colors
Bahrain205 (Mi213)
Bahrain204-205 fdcTwo stamps on FDC
Bahrain302 (Mi343)1984(1st) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Traffic Week: traffic light
Bahrain303 (Mi344)
Bahrain304 (Mi345)
Bahrain302-304 fdcThree stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Belgium820 (Mi1671)197225th anniv. road safety, since 1947: red-border triangular warning signs, traffic light
Belgium820 fdcStamp on FDC (PhilaGent cachet)
BelgiumB913 (Mi1758)1974Red Cross: (partial) traffic light
BelgiumB912-B913 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Belgium2621a (Mi4353)From MS5 (2621 (a-e)) (Mi4353-4357, BL171)2013Road safety: (artistic) round traffic sign
Belgium2621b (Mi4354)Road safety: (artistic) traffic light
Belgium2621e (Mi4357)Road safety: (artistic) traffic light
Belgium2621 fdcMS4 and (pictorial) cancel on FDC(As above for stamps)
Bophuthatswana (South Africa)25 (Mi25)1978Road safety: traffic light colors
Bophuthatswana (South Africa)28 (Mi28)Road safety: red octagonal "STOP" sign
Bophuthatswana (South Africa)25-28 fdcTwo of four stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC(As above for stamps); also various traffic signs (in cancel and on folder front)
Bophuthatswana (South Africa)25-28 folderFDC folder inside, and front
Brazil2545 (Mi2654)1995Traffic safety program: "PARE" (STOP) sign
Brazil2546 (Mi2655)
Brazil2545-2546 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos) cachet on FDC
Brazil2893 (Mi3320)2003Respect and citizenship on the roads: red-border traffic sign shapes
Brazil2894 (Mi3321)
Brazil3342b (Mi4443)One of pair (3342 (a-b)) (Mi4442-4443)2016Pedestrian-crossing and pedestrian-crossing sign
Bulgaria3507 (Mi3805)1989Traffic safety: pedestrian crossing, pedestrian-crossing light
Bulgaria3564 (Mi3865)19901st UNECE RSW2: red-border triangular warning sign shape (as part of UN logo); "Road safety saves lives" (in Bulgarian, Russian, French, and English text)
Bulgaria3564 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
Bulgaria4438 (Mi4806)2007European Conference of Transportation Ministers, Sofia: red-border triangular warning sign
Canada447 (Mi391)1966"Highway safety": black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning signs
Canada447 fdc1Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
Canada447 fdc2Stamp and (RoseCraft) cachet on FDC
Canada447 fdc3Stamp on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Canada447 fdc4Stamp and (Brooks) cachet on FDC
Canada447 fdc5Stamp on FDC (ArtCraft cachet)
Canada447 fdc6Stamp and (?) cachet on FDC
Canada447 fdc7Stamp and (Chickering/Jackson) cachet on FDC
Canada447 fdc8Stamp and (Grover) cachet on FDC
Central African Republic79 (Mi129)1967Safari Hotel, Bangui: traffic light
Central African Republic79 fdcStamp and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
Central African Republic231 (Mi376)1975Traffic signs: red-border circular do-not-enter sign
Central African Republic231 dsDeluxe sheet (231)
Central African Republic232 (Mi377)Traffic signs: red octagonal "STOP" sign
Central African Republic232 dsDeluxe sheet (232)
Central African Republic233 (Mi378)Traffic signs: red-border circular no-parking sign
Central African Republic233 dsDeluxe sheet (233)
Central African Republic234 (Mi379)Traffic signs: red-border triangular warning (school zone) sign
Central African Republic234 dsDeluxe sheet (234)
Central African Republic235 (Mi380)Traffic signs: red-border triangular warning (intersection) sign
Central African Republic235 dsDeluxe sheet (235)
Central African Republic261 (Mi431)232 overprinted in violet1977Traffic signs: red octagonal "STOP" sign
Central African Republic277 (Mi497)235 overprinted in violetTraffic signs: red-border triangular warning (intersection) sign
Central African RepublicMi15642One of MS4 (Mi15641-15644)2023Black-on-yellow triangular (Covid-19) warning sign
Central African RepublicBL3132In (lower-right) margin of SS1 (Mi15645)
ChadMi5185From MS4 (Mi5184-5187)2021red-border circular signs, including ("50" km/h speed-limit) sign
ChadMi5187"Road closed" sign
Chile1163c (Mi1716)One of MS10 (1163 (a-j))1996Traffic safety: traffic light
China (People's Republic)2842 (Mi2889)1998People's Police: (horizontal, red at left)1 traffic light
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2003(horizontal, red at left)1 traffic light
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2003(horizontal, red at left)1 traffic light
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2005(horizontal, red at left)1 traffic light
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2005traffic light, (40 km/h speed-limit) sign
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2005traffic signs
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2005red-border traffic signs
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2007(horizontal, red at right!)1 traffic light and pedestrian-crossing light
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2007traffic signs
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back, also front2009traffic sign, with (30 km/h speed-limit) sign at exit
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card (back and front)2009traffic light colors
China (Taiwan)1464 (Mi584)1965Traffic safety: traffic light
China (Taiwan)1465 (Mi585)
China (Taiwan)1618 (Mi729)1969Traffic rules: traffic light
China (Taiwan)2548 (Mi1709)1986Pedestrian-crossing signal (on other side of street)
China (Taiwan)2798-2799 fdc (Mi1982-1983 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC1991(artistic) railroad-crossing sign
China (Taiwan)2798-2799 folder (Mi1982-1983 folder)Folder outside, also insiderailroad-crossing sign and gate
China (Taiwan)Unknown (Mi?)From MS18 (18x single)2022(Unknown-type) traffic signs on both sides of the road; also traffic lights and other traffic signs in the distance
China (Taiwan)4499 (Mi4344)From MS4 (4502a (4499-4502)) (BL226, Mi4344-4347)2019pedestrian-crossing signal
China (Taiwan)4500 (Mi4345)overhead traffic signs
China (Taiwan)4502 (Mi4347)traffic information displays
China (Taiwan)4502a fdcMS4 and (pictorial) cancel and (Taiwan Post) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps); pedestrian-crossing signal (in cachet)
Christmas Island304 (Mi330)1991Island police force: red-border circular (? km/h speed-limit) sign
Christmas Island306a (BL6)One of MS4 (303-306) (Mi329-332)
Congo (People's Republic)810 (Mi1136)1988non-octagonal "STOP" sign
Congo (People's Republic)809-810 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Croatia972 (Mi1204)2015Traffic safety: (artistic) traffic signs, traffic light
Croatia972 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Croatia Post) cachet on FDC
Cuba1568 (Mi1640)1970Road Safety Week: traffic signs
Cuba1569 (Mi1641)
Cuba1568-1569 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Cuba5329 (Mi5619)201250th National Road Safety Day, since 1962: (artistic) traffic light
Cuba5330 (Mi5620)50th National Road Safety Day, since 1962: red-border triangular warning sign, red-border circular (40 km/h speed-limit) sign
Cuba5329-5330 fdcTwo stamps and (orange-brown printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps); diamond-shaped warning sign (in cachet)
Cuba5562 (Mi5879)2014trains: traffic light
Cuba5581 (Mi5886)201452nd National Road Safety Day, since 1962: (artistic) traffic signs and traffic lights
Cuba5582 (Mi5887)
Cuba5583 (Mi5888)
Cuba5584 (Mi5889)
Cuba5585 (Mi5890)
Cuba5586 (Mi5891)
Cuba5581+5584-5585 fdcThree stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (black rubber-stamp) cachet on FDC
Cuba5582-5583+5586 fdcThree stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (black rubber-stamp) cachet on FDC
Cuba5587 (BL317)SS1
Cuba5587 fdcSS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (black rubber-stamp) cachet on FDC
CzechoslovakiaNoneMatchbox cover~1970sred-border circular (30 km/h speed-limit) sign
Czechoslovakia2108 (Mi2369)1977red-border triangular warning sign; hand-held red-dot street-crossing sign
Czechoslovakia2108 fdc1Stamp on FDC
Czechoslovakia2108 fdc2Stamp on FDC card
Czechoslovakia2166 fdc (Mi2432 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC1978Triangular warning sign, drive on right
Czechoslovakia2854 (Mi3113)1992Traffic light (in stamp); octagonal "STOP" sign (in cancel)
Czechoslovakia2854 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
Czech Republic3367 (Mi537)2007Czech Republic joining the Schengen border-free zone: traffic light (3 green lights)
Czech Republic3367 fdcStamp on FDC
DenmarkNoneCinderella1961red-border triangular warning (railroad) sign
Denmark466 fdc1 (Mi492 fdc1)(N-circle) cachet on FDC1970pedestrian-crossing sign
Denmark466 fdc2 (Mi492 fdc2)(Foghs) cachet on FDCvarious red-border traffic signs, including "40 km" and "3 tons"
Denmark466 fdc3 (Mi492 fdc3)(Frimaerk Nyt) cachet on FDCtraffic lights (red on bottom!)1
Denmark466 fdc4 (Mi492 fdc4)(MN) cachet on FDC(2 small blue) traffic signs
Denmark466 fdc5 (Mi492 fdc5)(Magasin) cachet on FDChand-held pedestrian-crossing sign
Denmark599 fdc (Mi637 fdc)(MN) cachet on FDC1977Red/black-border triangular yield (train crossing) signs
Egypt (UAR)692 (Mi823)1966Traffic Day: traffic light (at night); (see also Kuwait 325-326 and Saudi Arabia 610-611 and YAR 227-228)
Egypt (UAR)692 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (red and yellow and green and black printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp); traffic signs (in cancel), traffic light (in cachet)
Egypt1406 (Mi1659)198920th anniv. Egyptian Society for Road Safety, since 1969: pedestrian-crossing lights, (3-light) traffic lights (side view); red-border triangular yield sign (in logo)
Egypt1406 fdcStamp on FDC
Egypt1417 (Mi1675)1990International Conference for Road Safety: Red-border triangular warning (pedestrian-crossing) sign
Egypt1417 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Egypt Post) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Egypt1825 (Mi2099)200218th International Conference for Road Safety: traffic light
Egypt1825 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Ethiopia657 (Mi743)197324th Boy Scout World Conference: red-border triangular warning (road construction) sign
Ethiopia656-660 fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Finland335 fdc (Mi453 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC1956Lift gate traffic barrier
FinlandMi2856 (Sc?)One of MS10 (Mi2854-2863)2023("80" km/h speed limit) sign
France964 (Mi1307)1960150th anniv. first secondary school, 1810: red-border triangular warning (school-crossing) sign
France964 maxi1Maxicard
France964 maxi2Maxicard (different)
France964 fdc1Stamp on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet)
France964 fdc2Stamp on FDC (Éditions P.A.C. cachet)
France964 fdc3Stamp on FDC (Éditions P.J. cachet)
France1203 (Mi1615)

1968Road safety: non-octagonal "STOP" sign, red-border triangular yield sign, triangular warning signs; red-border circular (30 and 60 km/h speed-limit) signs (in fdc1 cachet)
France1203 dsDeluxe sheet (1203)
France1203 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
France1203 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
France1203 maxiMaxicard
France3011 fdc1 (Mi3803 fdc1)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (Éditions CEF cachet)2004Road safety: Symbolic traffic sign (a drawing of people in the form of arrows within a circle beside a winding road)
France3011 fdc2 (Mi3803 fdc2)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet)
France3011 sc (Mi3803 sc)(Pictorial) cancel and (blue printed) cachet on souvenir card
French Southern and Antarctic Territories232a fdc (Mi368-370 fdc)(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on FDC, also cachet detail1997Triangular warning (penguin-crossing) sign
French Southern and Antarctic Territories438 cover (Mi736 cover)(Blue rubber-stamp) cachet on cover2011hospital ("H") sign
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesUnknown set3 (Mi?)Set of 3 stamps2025Red-border triangular warning (animal crossing) signs
Germany (Berlin)9NB22 (Mi194)1960Traffic light
Germany (East)821 (Mi1169)1966Traffic safety: red-border triangular yield sign (in stamp), traffic light (in cachet)
Germany (East)821-824 fdcStamp and (green and red printed) cachet on FDC
Germany (East)1081 (Mi1444)1969Traffic safety campaign: traffic signs, traffic light
Germany (East)1082 (Mi1445)
Germany (East)1083 (Mi1446)
Germany (East)1081-1083 fdcThree stamps and (blue and orange and red and black printed) cachet on FDC
Germany (East)1678 (Mi2078)1975Traffic police: traffic signs, traffic light, (60 km/h speed-limit) sign
Germany (East)1680 (Mi2080)
Germany (East)1682 (Mi2082)
Germany (East)1678-1682 fdcThree of five stamps and (two-tone green printed) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)694 (Mi162)1953"Prevent traffic accidents": red-border triangular warning sign
Germany (West)694 fdc1Stamp and (red and black printed) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)694 fdc2Stamp and (red and black printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Germany (West)700 (Mi169)1953Exhibition of Transport and Communications: traffic signal (raised-palm and light)
Germany (West)698-701 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Germany (West)919 (Mi468)1965International Transport and Communications Exhibition: red-border circular and red-border triangular warning signs, traffic light
Germany (West)919 fdc1Stamp and (FIDACOS) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)919 fdc2Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)10551971New traffic rules: hand-held (possibly red-dot) street-crossing sign
Germany (West)1055 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1055 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (FIDACOS) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1055 fdc3Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1056 (Mi666)New traffic rules: red-border triangular warning sign
Germany (West)1056 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1056 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (FIDACOS) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1056-1057 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Folio-print) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1057 (Mi667)New traffic rules: red octagonal "STOP" sign
Germany (West)1057 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1057 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (FIDACOS) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1058New traffic rules: pedestrian-crossig sign
Germany (West)1058 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
Germany (West)1058 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (FIDACOS cachet)
Germany (West)1055+1058 fdc(Pictorial) cancel and (Folio-print) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
Germany (West)1055-1058 fdc1Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1055-1058 fdc2Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Folio-print) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1055-1058 fdc3Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Germany (West)1055-1058 fdc4Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1055-1058 fdc5Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1055-1058 fdc6Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1055-1058 fdc7Four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1057-1058 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Keller) cachet (design like 1055) on FDC
Germany (West)1056 cover (Mi666 cover)Stamp and (Hermann E. Sieger) cachet on FDC, also back1971red-border triangular warning sign
Germany (West)1059 fdc (Mi670 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (FIDACOS cachet)1971New traffic rules: traffic signs, red octagonal "STOP" sign
Germany (West)1059-1062 fdc1 (Mi670-674 fdc1)One of four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1059-1062 fdc2 (Mi670-674 fdc2)One of four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1060 (Mi671)New traffic rules: red-border triangular warning sign
Germany (West)1060 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (FIDACOS) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1060 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1060-1061 fdc1 (Mi671-672 fdc1)One of two stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Folio-print) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1060-1061 fdc2 (Mi671-672 fdc2)One of two stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (E-B) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1060-1061 fdc3 (Mi671-672 fdc3)One of two stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
Germany (West)1055-1062 cover (Mi? cover)Three of eight stamps on cover1971New traffic rules: red-border triangular warning signs, red octagonal "STOP" sign
Germany (West)1081 fdc (Mi701 fdc)(FIDACOS) cachet on FDC1971-1974Traffic light
Germany (West)1085 (Mi703)Traffic barricades
Germany (West)1085 fdc1Stamp and (red and purple printed) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1085 fdc2Stamp and (orange and grey printed) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1290 (Mi1004)1979Road rescue services: white-on-blue circular traffic sign
Germany (West)1290 fdcStamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Germany (West)1398 (Mi1181)1983Children and road safety: traffic sign (in background)
Germany (West)1398 maxiMaxicard
Germany (West)1398 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (Hermann E. Sieger cachet), also back
Germany1678 (Mi1554)1991Traffic safety: traffic light, traffic sign (in cancel)
Germany1678 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Germany1954 fdc (Mi1897 fdc)(FIDACOS) cachet on FDC1997More safety for children: pedestrian crossing, pedestrian-crossing lights
Germany2091 (Mi2125)From MS10 (2091a (10x 2091))200050th anniv. Technisches Hilfwerk (50th anniv. Federal Disaster Relief Organization), since 1950: red-border triangular warning ("einsatz" (at work)) sign
Germany2091 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
Germany2091 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
Germany2091 fdc3Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (FIDACOS cachet)
Germany2091 fdc4Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (black printed cachet)
Germany2091 folder(Deutsche Post) FDC folder inside, also front
Germany2091 card1(Deutsche Post) FDC card
Germany2091 card2(Deutsche Post) FDC art card, also back
GermanyNone(Hessischer-Postvertrieb) private post2000red-border triangular warning sign
GermanyNone(Express-Schatztruhe) private post2006"Steinsdorf" guide/information sign
GermanyNone(BWPost) private post2020"Stuttgart" (state capital) guide/information sign
GermanyNone(BWPost) private post2022"Stuttgart" (state capital) guide/information sign
Gibraltar1580-1587 (Mi1756-1763)Set of 8 stamps2016Historic streets: street-name signs
Great Britain2157a (BL16)In (lower-left) margin of MS5 (2153-2157)2003Transports of delight: pedestrian crossing, pedestrian-crossing light (the globe lights up at night)
Great Britain2157a fdc1MS5 on FDC (Royal Mail cachet)
Great Britain2157a fdc2MS5 on FDC (Covercraft cachet)
Great Britain2157a fdc3MS5 on FDC (A Sheridan Official Cover no.60 cachet)
Great Britain2157a fdc4MS5 on FDC (M. Brazier/©OFFICIAL no.61 cachet)
Greece1567 (Mi1629)1986European Traffic Safety Year: red-border circular (50, 80, 100 km/h speed-limit) signs
Greece1565-1567 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Greece2971 (Mi3142)2022Children and traffic safety: traffic light (red, orange, green; also depicted separately)
Greece2972 (Mi3143)
Greece2973 (Mi3144)
Greece2974 (Mi3145)
Greece2971+2973 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Hellenic Post) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
Greece2972+2974 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Hellenic Post) cachet on FDC
Hungary1369 (Mi1750)

1961Health information service: traffic light
Hungary1366+1369-1370 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Hungary2776 (Mi3594)1982New Year, 1983: pedestrian crossing, red octagonal "STOP" sign (in stamp); walk/don't walk lights (in cancel), hand-held "STOP" sign (in cachet)
Hungary2776 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (red printed) cachet on FDC
IndiaNone(Pictorial) cancel1976Triangular warning sign
India741 cover (Mi698 cover)(Youth Philatelics) cachet on cover1977(?th) Traffic Week: traffic signal
India1344 (Mi1286)1991International conference on traffic safety: red-filled triangular warning sign; traffic light (in cancels and FDC cachets)
India1344 fdc1Stamp and (Bombay pictorial) cancel and (India Department of Posts) cachet on FDC, also back
India1344 fdc2Stamp and (New Delhi pictorial) cancel and (India Department of Posts) cachet on FDC
India1344 fdc3Stamp and (Indore pictorial) cancel and (India Department of Posts) cachet on FDC
India1344 fdc4Stamp and (ICBPO pictorial) cancel and (India Department of Posts) cachet on FDC
India1344 folderFDC folder
IndiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on (Meghdoot) postal card2016traffic light
IndiaNone(Pictorial) cancel2021Hexagonal (not octagonal) "stop" sign
Indonesia2245-2246 fdc (Mi2844-2847 fdc)(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover2010Bandung (BDG) zero-km location marker, with road distances to Padalarang (PDL, 18 km) and Cileunyi (CLN, 18 km)
Iraq625A (Mi698)19712nd Traffic Week: traffic light
Iraq625B (Mi699)
Iraq625A-625B fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Iraqi Philatelic Society) cachet on FDC, also back
Iraq668 (Mi747)625B overprinted19723rd Traffic Week: traffic light
Iraq669 (Mi748)625A overprinted
Israel313+tab (Mi360+tab)Stamp and tab1966Traffic safety: (publicity) traffic signs; person composed of traffic signs (on tabs)
Israel314+tab (Mi361+tab)Stamp and tab
Israel315+tab (Mi362+tab)Stamp and tab
Israel316+tab (Mi363+tab)Stamp and tab
Israel317+tab (Mi364+tab)Stamp and tab
Israel313-317+tabs fdcFive stamps and five tabs on FDC (Israel Post cachet)
IsraelNoneCinderella1980s"National Institute For Preventing Accidents" (in Hebrew): person composed of traffic signs
IsraelNoneCinderella (different)
IsraelNoneCinderella (different)
Israel801+tab fdc (Mi878+tab fdc)(Israel Post) cachet on FDC, also detail1982Road safety: person composed of traffic signs
Israel801a fdc (BL21 fdc)(Israel Post) cachet on FDC, also detail
Israel801+tab+801a folderOutside of FDC folder (front and back), also inside
Israel1167+tab (Mi1266+tab)Stamp and tab1993Road safety: (artistic) traffic lights and traffic signs
Israel1168+tab (Mi1267+tab)Stamp (with tab)
Israel1169+tab (Mi1268+tab)Stamp and tab
Israel1167-1169+tabs fdcThree stamps and two of three tabs on FDC (Israel Post cachet)
Israel1308+tab (Mi1433+tab)Tab (with stamp)1997Road safety: (publicity) traffic signs: raised-palm octagonal 'stop' sign (in FDC cachet)
Israel1309+tab (Mi1432+tab)Tab (with stamp)
Israel1310+tab (Mi1434+tab)Tab (with stamp)
Israel1308-1310+tabs fdcThree tabs and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (Israel Post cachet)
Israel1308 bkBooklet inside (5x (1308+tab)), also front and back
Israel1309 bkBooklet inside (5x (1309+tab)), also front and back
Israel1310 bkBooklet inside (5x (1310+tab)), also front and back
IsraelMiAuto117_001Six ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 001)2017Road safety: traffic light; plus various traffic and pedestrian signs in the FDC cachets and leaflet
IsraelMiAuto117_001 fdcSix ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 001) and (pictorial) cancel and (Israel Post) cachet on FDC
IsraelMiAuto117_101Six ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 101)
IsraelMiAuto117_220Six ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 220)
IsraelMiAuto117_300Six ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 300)
IsraelMiAuto117_450Six ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 450)
IsraelMiAuto117_636Six ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 636)
IsraelMiAuto117_714Six ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 714)
IsraelMiAuto117 leafletATM stamp (2.40 value, machine 001) and (pictorial) cancel on (Israel Post) leaflet
IsraelMiAuto117 fdc1ATM stamp (2.40 value, machine 001) and (pictorial) cancel and (Israel Post) cachet on FDC
IsraelMiAuto117 fdc2Eleven ATM stamps (2.40 values, from 11 machines) and (one pictorial) cancel and (Israel Post) cachet on FDC
IsraelMiAuto117 maxi1Five ATM stamp maxicards (2.40 value and various machines)
IsraelMiAuto117 maxi2Six ATM stamp maxicards (various values and machines)
IsraelMiAuto117 error1ATM stamp (error: 2.30 value, machine 714)
IsraelMiAuto117 error2ATM stamp (error: missing value, missing machine number)
IsraelMiAuto120 fdc(Israel Post) cachet on FDC (MiAuto120: 2.40 value, machine 001)
IsraelMiAuto121 001Six ATM stamps (6 different values, machine 001)Road safety: hand-held raised-palm 'stop' sign; plus various traffic and pedestrian signs in the FDC cachet
IsraelMiAuto121 900ATM stamp (2.40 value, machine 900)
IsraelMiAuto121 fdcATM stamp (2.40 value, machine 001) and (pictorial) cancel and (Israel Post) cachet on FDC
IsraelMiAuto121 maxicardATM stamp (2.40 value, machine 001) maxicard
Italy725 (Mi991)1957Campaign for careful driving: traffic light (red on bottom!)1; traffic signs (in cachet)
Italy725 fdcStamp and (Club Ala no.33) cachet on FDC
Italy1576 (Mi1867)1984Road safety: (damaged) red-border triangular warning sign
Italy1577 (Mi1868)Road safety: hand-held red-dot sign
Italy1576-1577 fdc1Two stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Venetia) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps); related themes (in the cancel and two cachets)
Italy1576-1577 fdc2Two stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (Poste Italiane cachet)
Italy1576-1577 fdc3Two stamps and (Roma) cachet on FDC
Italy2596 (Mi2961)2004Road safety: multiple traffic signs on both stamps; also, most of the FDCs have a pictorial cancel with a symbolic traffic sign: a drawing of people in the form of arrows within a circle beside a winding road
Italy2596 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Italy Post) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Italy2596 cardCard (2596)
Italy2597 (Mi2962)
Italy2597 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Italy Post) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Italy2597 cardCard (2597)
Italy2596-2597 fdc1Two stamps on FDC
Italy2596-2597 fdc2Two stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Filagrano) cachet (design like one stamp) on FDC
Italy2596-2597 fdc3Two stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC bulletin
United Nations (Geneva)
2597 fdc
3011 fdc
424 fdc
(Three pictorial) cancels on FDC (blank/no cachet)2004Road safety: Symbolic traffic signs (three drawings of people in the form of arrows within a circle beside a winding road)
Japan910 (Mi966)1967Traffic safety: (horizontal, red at right)1 traffic light, traffic signs (on cancel and FDC cachets)
Japan910 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Japan910 fdc1Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel on FDC (Ministry of Postal Services cachet)
Japan910 fdc2Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC card
Japan910 fdc3Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel and (NFC) cachet on FDC
Japan910 fdc4Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel and (JPS) cachet on FDC
Japan910 fdc5Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Japan910 fdc6Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel and (Japan Stamp Publicity Association) cachet on FDC
Japan910 fdc7Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel and (Japan Stamp Publicity Association) cachet on FDC, also back
Japan910 fdc8Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel on FDC card
Japan910 fdc9Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Japan910 fdc10Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
Japan910 fdc11Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
Japan910 fdc12Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
Japan910 fdc13Stamp and (red pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Japan910 maxiMaxicard
Japan989 fdc1 (Mi1038 fdc1)(Pictorial) cancel and (Ministry of Postal Services) cachet on FDC (and text cancel), and back1969National traffic safety campaign: traffic signs, traffic light
Japan989 fdc2 (Mi1038 fdc2)(Pictorial) cancel and (Ministry of Postal Services) cachet on FDC
Japan989 fdc3 (Mi1038 fdc3)(Pictorial) cancel and (Ministry of Postal Services and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on FDC
Japan989 fdc4 (Mi1038 fdc4)(Pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Japan989 fdc5 (Mi1038 fdc5)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
Japan989 fdc6 (Mi1038 fdc6)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
Japan989 fdc7 (Mi1038 fdc7)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
Japan989 fdc8 (Mi1038 fdc8)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (Hitoshi? cachet)
Jordan1001 (Mi1069)1977International Traffic Day: pedestrian crossing, traffic light
Jordan1002 (Mi1070)International Traffic Day: traffic circle (for right-hand driving), traffic light
Jordan1003 (Mi1071)International Traffic Day: traffic light, traffic signs
Kenya122 (Mi120)1978Road safety: observe (50 km/h speed-limit) sign
Kenya123 (Mi121)Road safety: observe traffic light
Kenya124 (Mi122)Road safety: children-crossing sign
Kenya125 (Mi123)Road safety: passing sign
Kenya126 (Mi124)Road safety: railroad-crossing sign
Kiribati842 (Mi913-916)Block of 4 (842 (a-d))2004Road safety: symbolic red-border circular traffic signs
Kiribati842e (BL52)MS4 (842 (a-d))
Kiribati842e specimen (BL52)MS4 (842 (a-d)) overprinted "specimen"
Korea (North)Mi_xxvi_A (un-issued)

19713-light vertical train signal (yellow on top)
Korea (North)2638 (Mi2821)1987Road safety: red-border triangular warning signs, (10, 20, 60 km/h speed-limit) signs
Korea (North)2638 specimen2638 overprinted "specimen"
Korea (North)2638 proofDeluxe sheet (2638), proof
Korea (North)2639 (Mi2822)
Korea (North)2639 specimen2639 overprinted "specimen"
Korea (North)2639 proofDeluxe sheet (2639), proof
Korea (North)2640 (Mi2823)
Korea (North)2640 specimen2640 overprinted "specimen"
Korea (North)2641 (Mi2824)
Korea (North)2641 specimen2641 overprinted "specimen"
Korea (North)Unknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d + 2 labels)2020Traffic rules: traffic signs, (horizontal, red at left)1 traffic light (in upper-left margin)
Korea (South)1584 fdc (Mi1630 fdc)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC1990(artistic) red-border triangular warning signs
Korea (South)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on postal card, also back2014Traffic signs
Korea (South)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on postal card2017Pedestrian-crossing lights
Kuwait325 (Mi319)1966Traffic Day, 4 May: traffic light (at night); (see also Egypt/UAR 692 and Saudi Arabia 610-611 and YAR 227-228)
Kuwait326 (Mi320)
Kuwait325-326 fdcBoth stamps on FDC
Kuwait364 (Mi360)1967Traffic Day, 4 May: pedestrian-crossing light (the globe lights up at night)
Kuwait365 (Mi361)
Kuwait364-365 fdcTwo stamps on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Kuwait395 (Mi389)1968Traffic Day, 4 May: pedestrian-crossing light (the globes light up at night)
Kuwait396 (Mi390)
Kuwait397 (Mi391)
Kuwait395-397 fdcThree stamps on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Kuwait504 (Mi498)1970Traffic Day, 4 May: red-border traffic signs, traffic light
Kuwait505 (Mi499)
Kuwait504-505 fdcTwo stamps on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Kyrgyzstan65 (Mi53)19952nd UNECE RSW2: red-border triangular warning sign shape (as part of UN logo), traffic light; "International Road Safety Week 27.03 - 2.04" (in Kyrgyz text)
Kyrgyzstan65 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
Kyrgyzstan65 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (black printed) cachet on FDC
Latvia392 (Mi393)19952nd UNECE RSW2: red-border triangular warning sign shape (as part of UN logo); traffic light (in cachet)
Latvia392 fdcStamp on FDC
Libya547 (Mi460)1974Automobile and Touring Club of Libya: traffic signs, traffic light
Libya548 (Mi461)
Libya549 (Mi462)
Libya547-549 fdc1Three stamps on FDC (Libya Post? cachet)
Libya547-549 fdc2Three stamps on FDC (Automobile and Touring Club of Libya cachet)
LuxembourgNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1958triangular warning sign
Luxembourg488 (Mi809)1970Traffic safety: red-border triangular warning sign
Luxembourg488 fdcStamp and (?) cachet on FDC
Luxembourg633 (Mi996)1979road safety for children: hand-held red-circle-with-white-dot traffic sign, traffic signs (on balloons)
Luxembourg633 fdcStamp on FDC (Luxembourg Post? cachet)
Luxembourg633 cover (Mi996 cover)Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on cover1981road safety for children: traffic signs (in stamp and pictorial cancel)
Luxembourg758 (Mi1162)1986European Road Safety Year: red-border triangular warning sign shape
Luxembourg758 fdcStamp on FDC
LuxembourgNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1994triangular warning sign
MacauNonePostcard back2011black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning sign: penguin "ahead"
Mexico2393 (Mi3104)2004Traffic accident prevention: black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning sign
Mexico2393 fdcStamp and (Correos de México) cachet on FDC, also back
Mexico2657 (Mi3537)2009Road safety: traffic signs, red-border circular (60 km/h speed-limit) sign, octagonal "ALTO" (STOP) sign
Morocco448 (Mi919)1980traffic signs
Morocco449 (Mi920)children, pedestrian-crossing sign
Morocco448-449 fdc1Two stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (COBPTT Maroc) cachet (design like one stamp) on FDC (Agadir cancel)(As above for stamps)
Morocco448-449 fdc2Two stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (COBPTT Maroc) cachet (design like one stamp) on FDC (Tanger cancel)
Morocco1012 (Mi1619)2006Traffic Safety Day: traffic light
Morocco1012 fdcStamp and (Poste Maroc) cachet on FDC
MozambiqueMi9632One of MS4 (Mi9629-9632)2018octagonal stop sign shape: "climate change"
NetherlandsB339 (Mi742)1959hand-held red-dot street-crossing sign
NetherlandsB502 (Mi1027)1974ballet dancers: traffic light
NetherlandsB501-504 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Netherlands649 (Mi1227)1983100th anniv. Royal Dutch Touring Club, 1883: (partial) traffic signs
Netherlands649 fdcStamp on FDC
NetherlandsB617 (Mi1283)1985Traffic safety: (mostly) red-border triangular warning signs
NetherlandsB617 maxi1Maxicard
NetherlandsB617 maxi2Maxicard (different)
NetherlandsB618 (Mi1284)
NetherlandsB618 maxi1Maxicard
NetherlandsB618 maxi2Maxicard (different)
NetherlandsB615-B618 fdcTwo of four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Netherlands Post) cachet on FDC
NetherlandsB615-B618 scSouvenir card (B615-B618)
NetherlandsB618a (BL28)MS6 (4x B615 + 2x B818)
NetherlandsB618a fdcMS6 and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
Netherlands864 (Mi1518)1994100th anniv. first traffic signs by Dutch motoring assoc. (ANWB), 1894: Route "A100" marker sign (in stamp and NVPH cachet); directional sign (in cancel)
Netherlands864-865 fdcOne of two stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (NVPH) cachet on FDC
Netherlands AntillesB122 (Mi263)1973Traffic signs, traffic light colors
Netherlands AntillesB123 (Mi264)
Netherlands AntillesB124 (Mi265)
Netherlands AntillesB122-B124 fdcThree stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (palm tree no.E75) cachet on FDC
Netherlands New Guinea43 (Mi73)1962Road safety: red-border triangular warning sign
Netherlands New Guinea44 (Mi74)
Netherlands New Guinea43-44 fdcTwo stamps and (red and purple and green printed) cachet on FDC
New CaledoniaC137 (Mi591)1977Road safety training: traffic sign
New CaledoniaC137 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (New Caledonia Post?) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
New Caledonia456 (Mi651)1980Prevention of traffic accidents: traffic signs, (30 km/h speed-limit) sign
New Caledonia1101 (Mi1546)2010Road safety: traffic signs
New Caledonia1101 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (New Caledonia Post? cachet, design similar to stamp)
New Caledonia1102 (Mi1545)
New Caledonia1102 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (New Caledonia Post? cachet, design similar to stamp)
New Zealand365 fdc (Mi432 fdc)(Red and blue and black printed) cachet on FDC1964National Accident Free Day, 1 May: hand-held "STOP: sign, pedestrian-crossing light (the globe lights up at night)
New Zealand2176 (Mi2488)2008(distances) guide/information sign
New Zealand2737j (Mi3481)One of MS14 (2737 (a-n)) (Mi3472-3485)2017red-border circular (one-way) sign
New ZealandNone(KiwiStamp) private post2009Route "1" marker sign
New ZealandNone fdcOne of ten (KiwiStamp) private post stamps on FDC
Niger490 (Mi678)1979Road and traffic safety: red-border circular traffic sign
Niger731 (Mi984)1986Traffic safety: red-border circular (80 km/h speed-limit) sign
Niger732 (Mi985)Traffic safety: red-border circular (60 km/h speed-limit) sign
Nigeria811A (Mi818)200820th anniv. Federal Road Safety Commission, 1988: triangular warning sign (on top of bus)
Norway531-532 fdc1 (Mi581-582 fdc1)(Pictorial) cancel and (green and red printed) cachet on FDC1969Traffic safety: Triangular warning sign (in cancel); red-border triangular warning signs, and red-border circular yield sign (in cachet)
Norway531-532 fdc2 (Mi581-582 fdc2)(Pictorial) cancel On FDCTraffic safety: Triangular warning sign (in cancel)
Oman402 (Mi435)1998(15th) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Traffic Week: traffic light; octagonal "STOP" sign (in cancel)
Oman402 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
Oman512 (BL51, Mi670)SS12010Traffic Safety Day, 18 October: traffic sign
Oman513 (Mi669)From MS4 (513a (4x 513))
Oman542 (Mi741)2013Traffic Safety Day, 18 October: red-border triangular warning sign
Palestinian Authority202b (Mi246)One of MS5 (202 (a-e)) (BL29, Mi245-249)2012Capacity enhancement project: red-border triangular warning (construction) sign
Palestinian Authority240 (Mi299)2013Ant-Corruption Day: red octagonal "STOP" sign
Peru1657 (Mi2340)2008Campaign for obeying traffic signs: black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning signs
Poland1693-1694 fdc (Mi1959-1960 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel and (red and blue and grey and black printed) cachet on FDC1969Traffic signs
Poland1695 fdc (Mi1961 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel and (red and blue and yellow and black printed) cachet on FDC
Poland4483 (Mi5209)2020striped railroad-crossing sign
Portugal942 (Mi974)19651st national traffic congress: traffic light colors; triangular warning sign (in cancel and Correio de Portugal cachet)
Portugal943 (Mi975)
Portugal944 (Mi976)
Portugal942-944 fdcThree stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Correio de Portugal) cachet on FDC
Portugal1548 (Mi1575)1982Campaign against drinking and driving: symbolic triangular warning sign, merging into "STOP" sign
Portugal1548 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (red and black printed) cachet on FDC
Portugal4260 (Mi4659)202040th Anniversary Motor Guarantee Fund, since 1980: black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning sign, back of STOP sign
Portugal4260 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Qatar124 (Mi312)1967Traffic Day: traffic light
Qatar124A (Mi313)
Qatar124B (Mi314)
Qatar124C (Mi315)
Qatar438 (Mi642)1975(?th) Traffic Week: traffic signs
Qatar439 (Mi643)(?th) Traffic Week: traffic light
Qatar440 (Mi644)(?th) Traffic Week: traffic signs
Qatar441 (Mi645)(?th) Traffic Week: traffic light
Qatar438-441 fdcFour stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Qatar672 (Mi877)1985(2nd) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Traffic Week: pedestrian crossing, pedestrian-crossing lights, traffic lights
Qatar673 (Mi878)
RomaniaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1963pedestrian-crossing sign
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (green and red printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1969Parking ("P") sign (in stamp); red-border triangular warning sign (in cachet)
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp on stamped envelope, also back1969Triangular warning sign
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp on stamped envelope1970Yield sign
RomaniaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1970red-border triangular warning sign
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1970red-border yield sign (in stamp); red-border triangular warning sign (in cachet)
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1970red-border triangular warning sign (in stamp); hand-held red-border yield/pedestrian-crossing sign
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1975Traffic light (in stamp); red-border circular traffic sign (in cachet)
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1975Traffic light (in stamp); pedestrian-crossing sign (in cachet)
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also back1975Traffic light (in stamp); hand-held red octagonal "STOP" sign (in cachet)
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1976Traffic light (in stamp); hand-held red octagonal "STOP" sign (in cachet)
RomaniaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1979Traffic light
RomaniaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope (canceled)1979Traffic light
RomaniaNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1979Hand-held "STOP" sign (in cancel); traffic light (in cachet)
RomaniaNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover1980Traffic light
RomaniaNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard, also back1980Traffic light
Romania3496 (Mi4412)1987Traffic safety: pedestrian crossing, hand-held red octagonal "STOP" sign
Romania3498 (Mi4414)Traffic safety: pedestrian crossing, white-on-blue (pedestrian-crossing) sign
Romania3495+3500 fdc(Pictorial) cancel on FDCTraffic safety: traffic light
Romania3498 maxi (Mi4414 maxi)Maxicard?1988Traffic safety: pedestrian crossing, white-on-blue (pedestrian-crossing) sign
RomaniaNone(Pictorial) cancel and (black printed) cachet on cover, also back1994Triangular warning signs (on front and back); also "Respect the Rules of the Road" (in cancel on front and back)
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp on stamped envelope19952nd UNECE RSW2: red-border triangular warning sign shape (as part of UN logo); "Road Safety Week 27 March - 2 April 1995" (in Romanian text)
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp on stamped envelope (canceled), also back
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope20003rd UNECE RSW2: red-border triangular warning sign shape (as part of UN logo, on stamp); pedestrian-crossing sign (in cachet); "May 1-7 2000. The third International Road Safety Week" (in Romanian text)
RomaniaNonePrinted stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope3rd UNECE RSW2: red-border triangular warning sign shape (as part of UN logo, on stamp); red-border circular (50 km/h speed-limit) sign (in cachet); "May 1-7 2000. The third International Road Safety Week" (in Romanian text)
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1958Road Safety Week: traffic light
RussiaNonePostcard back, also front1958traffic light (red on bottom!)1
RussiaNonePostcard back~1959traffic light
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1970s"stop" (in Russian); pedestrian traffic light colors (red, yellow, and white?)
Russia (USSR)4035 (Mi4077)1972Traffic safety campaign: traffic light
Russia (USSR)4035 error4035 printed on gummed side
Russia (USSR)None(Red and green and grey printed) cachet on cover1976Traffic lights; also pedestrian-crossing lights (indicating "Go" to pedestrians)
Russia4796 (Mi4903)1979Traffic safety: hand-held stick/sign
Russia4796 fdcStamp on FDC
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope1980Red-border triangular warning sign and traffic light
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also detail and detail (in color)1980sRed-border triangular warning sign
Russia (USSR)5928 fdc (Mi6124 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC1990Traffic light
Russia6333 (BL13, Mi511-513)
MS3 (6333 (a-c))
Imperforate MS3 (i6333 (a-c))
1996Traffic safety: red-border triangular warning signs; symbolic traffic signs (in cachet)
Russia6333a-c fdcThree stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (red and black printed) cachet on FDC
Russia6586 (Mi814)20003rd UNECE RSW2: red-border triangular warning sign shape (as part of UN logo); "Road Safety Week 1-7 May 2000. Road partnership improves safety" (in Russian text)
RussiaNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on (un-stamped) envelope, also back20003rd UNECE RSW2: red-border triangular warning sign shape (as part of UN logo); "Road Safety Week 1-7 May 2000. Road partnership improves safety" (in Russian text)
Russia7184 (Mi1606)From MS36 (7184a (36x 7174))2009Traffic safety: (broken) white-on-blue (pedestrian-crossing) sign; (see also Turkish Cyprus 739)
Russia7184 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
Russia7739a (Mi2323)On selvedges of MS9 (9x 7739), also detail 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6201680th anniv. State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, since 1936: Respect, Professionalism and Safety: various traffic signs
Russia7739 fdc(Pictorial) cancel on FDC
Russia7739+selvedge3 fdcSelvedge3 and (pictorial) cancel and (Marka Publishing Centre) cachet on FDC
Russia7739+slevedge4 fdcSelvedge4 and (pictorial) cancel on FDC, and back
Russia8178 (Mi2886)From MS8 (8178a (8x 8178))2020Traffic signs, pedestrian-crossing lights
Russia8178 fdcStamp on FDC
St. Vincent2249b (Mi3418)From MS9 (2249 (a-i)) (Mi3417-3425)1996Mickey's law and order: red octagonal "STOP" sign
St. Vincent2249d (Mi3420)Mickey's law and order: (55 mph speed-limit) sign
St. Vincent2249b_var (Mi3798)From MS8 (2249_var (a-d+f-i) + label) (Mi3797-3804)1996Mickey's law and order: red octagonal "STOP" sign
St. Vincent2249d_var (Mi3800)Mickey's law and order: (55 mph speed-limit) sign
Salvador, El1254 (Mi1818)1990Traffic safety: black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning signs
Salvador, El1255 (Mi1819)Traffic safety: octagonal "ALTO" (STOP) sign
Saudi Arabia610 (Mi469)1969Traffic Day: traffic light (at night); (see also Egypt/UAR 692 and Kuwait 325-326 and YAR 227-228)
Saudi Arabia611 (Mi470)
Saudi Arabia612 (Mi471)
Saudi Arabia1288 (Mi1314)199915th (in 1998) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Traffic Week: traffic light
Sierra LeoneNone fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope FDC2022Black-on-yellow triangular (radiation hazard) warning sign
Sierra LeoneUnknown c (Mi?)One of MS6 (a-f)2023Black-on-orange diamond-shaped (guide dog) warning sign
Singapore1843 (Mi2461)From MS10 (1843a (10x 1843))2017Morning in Singagpore: various traffic and pedestrian signs
Singapore1844 (Mi2462)
Singapore1845 (Mi2463)
Singapore1846 (Mi2464)From MS10 (1846a (10x 1846))
Singapore1848 (Mi2466)
Singapore1843-1849 fdcFive of six stamps on FDC
Singapore1849 (BL235)SS1
Singapore1849 fdcSS1 on FDC
Slovakia780 (Mi832)2017Traffic safety: pedestrian-crossing sign, pedestrian-crossing lights: walk and don't walk; symbolic warning sign (in cachet)
Slovakia780 fdcStamp and (?) cachet on FDC
South Africa1333 (Mi1548-1552)Strip of 5 (1333 (a-e)) from MS10 (1333f (2x (1333 (a-e))))2004Road safety: red-border triangular warning signs
South Africa1333a-e fdcFour stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (South Africa Post) cachet on FDC
Spain2693 (Mi3107)1993Road safety: red-border triangular warning sign
Spain2693+E28 fdcOne of two stamps and (S.F.C. A.840/F.N.M.T.) cachet on FDC
Spain3827 fdc (Mi? fdc)(Spanish Post/S.F.C.- 2012) cachet on FDC2012red-border circular ("80" km/h speed-limit) sign
SpainUnknown (Mi?)2021Sign similar to a streetname signpost
Surinam1210 (Mi1721)2000main traffic sign (only): white-on-blue circular (turn right) sign; red-border triangular warning (men-at-work) sign (in FDC cachet)
Surinam1210 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Surinam Post) cachet on FDC
Surinam1211 (Mi1739)main traffic sign (only): red-border circular (no passing) sign; red-border triangular warning (men-at-work) sign (in FDC cachet)
Surinam1211 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Surinam Post) cachet on FDC
Surinam1212 (Mi1736)main traffic sign (only): red-border triangular warning (sharp turn) sign; red-border triangular warning (men-at-work) sign (in FDC cachet)
Surinam1212 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Surinam Post) cachet on FDC
Surinam1213 (Mi1749)main traffic sign (only): white-on-blue circular (traffic circle, for right-hand driving) sign
Surinam1246 (Mi1776)2001main traffic sign (only): red-border circular (no parking) sign; red-border triangular warning (men-at-work) sign (in FDC cachet)
Surinam1246 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Surinam Post) cachet on FDC
Surinam1247 (Mi1781)main traffic sign (only): red-border triangular warning (drawbridge) sign; red-border triangular warning (men-at-work) sign (in FDC cachet)
Surinam1247 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Surinam Post) cachet on FDC
Surinam1248 (Mi1797)main traffic sign (only): red-border circular (tractor) sign, and red-border triangular warning (intersection) sign; red-border triangular warning (men-at-work) sign (in FDC cachet)
Surinam1248 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Surinam Post) cachet on FDC
Surinam1267 (Mi1804)2001main traffic sign (only): white-on-blue (pedestrian crossing) sign
Surinam1268 (Mi1817)2002main traffic sign (only): red-border triangular yield sign
Surinam1275 (Mi1818)2002main traffic sign (only): red-border circular (U-turn) sign
Surinam1276 (Mi1833)main traffic sign (only): white-on-blue (pedestrian path) sign; red-border triangular warning (men-at-work) sign (in FDC cachet)
Surinam1276 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Surinam Post) cachet on FDC
Surinam1277 (Mi1844)main traffic sign (only): red-border triangular warning (train-crossing without barriers) sign
Surinam1278 (Mi1865)From MS4 (1278a (4x 1278))2003main traffic sign (only): red-border circular (motorcycle) sign
Surinam1301 (Mi1883)From MS4 (1301a (4x 1301))2003main traffic sign (only): red-border triangular 10% grade warning sign
Surinam1311 (Mi1920)From MS4 (1311a (4x 1311))2004main traffic sign (only): white-on-blue (horse-and-rider crossing) sign
Surinam1312 (Mi1921)From MS4 (1312b (4x 1312))main traffic sign (only): red-border circular (large vehicles prohibited) sign
Surinam1312a (BL96)MS4 (1278+1301+1311-1312)(As above for stamps)
Swaziland737 (Mi749)2005Road Safety Council: (slogan) guide/information sign
Swaziland738 (Mi750)Road Safety Council: back of stop sign
Swaziland739 (Mi751)Road Safety Council: back of stop sign
Swaziland736-739 fdcThree of four stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps); triangular warning sign (in cancel); red octagonal "STOP" sign (in cachet)
Sweden896+897+898b fdc (Mi721A+722A+722Dl-722Dr fdc)(Pictorial) cancel and (N-circle) cachet on FDC1971Traffic safety: triangular warning sign (in cancel), traffic light (in cachet)
Sweden898a bk (Mi722MH)Booklet outside (front and back), with booklet pane of 10 (898a (10x 898))1971Traffic safety: symbolic traffic light (with text "Ansvar" (responsibility), "Omdöme" (judgement, discretion), and "Hänsyn" (consideration, deference)
Sweden2885a (Mi3414)One of booklet pane of 5 (2885 (a-e)) (Mi3414-3418), also back2022black-on-yellow triangular (exclamation mark) warning sign
Switzerland357 (Mi625)1956Accident prevention: red-border triangular warning sign (in stamp only); red-border triangular warning (pedestrian-crossing) sign (in stamp and both cachets)
Switzerland357 fdcStamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC (Berna cancel)
Switzerland355-358 fdc1One of four stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC (Bern cancel)
Switzerland355-358 fdc2One of four stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC (Bern cancel)
Switzerland485 (Mi860)1967Opening of San Bernardino road tunnel: red-border triangular warning (tunnel) sign
Switzerland485 fdcStamp and (red and black printed) cachet on FDC
Switzerland540 (Mi964)197275th anniv. touring and auto clubs of Switzerland, 1897: foldable/emergency triangular warning sign
Switzerland540 fdcStamp on FDC (Swiss PPT cachet)
Switzerland632 cover (Mi1100 cover)(Pictorial) cancel on cover1980Opening of St. Goddard Tunnel for year-round traffic: (horizontal) traffic light
Switzerland693 (Mi1186)1980Opening of St. Goddard Tunnel for year-round traffic: (horizontal, red at left) traffic light
Switzerland693 fdcStamp on FDC (Swiss PPT cachet)
Switzerland693 maxiMaxicard
Switzerland693 sc(Édition Ovaphil SA Lausanne Switzerland) souvenir card
Switzerland693 cover (Mi1186 cover)Stamp on cover (PhilSwiss cachet)1980Opening of St. Goddard Tunnel for year-round traffic: (horizontal, red at left) traffic light
Switzerland1660 (Mi2523)2017Christmas: traffic light
Switzerland1657-1660 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC (Post CH Ag cachet)
Switzerland1775 (Mi2668)From MS10 (1775a (10x 1775))2020(artistic) white-on-blue circular (traffic circle, for right-hand driving) sign
SyriaC366 (Mi947)1966Traffic Day: traffic light
Syria587 (Mi1162)1971World Traffic Day: traffic light, traffic signs
Syria588 (Mi1163)
Syria589 (Mi1164)
Syria958 (Mi1535)1982World Traffic Day: traffic light
Syria1049 (Mi1643)1986World Traffic Day: symbolic traffic light
Syria1271 (Mi1856)1992Traffic Safety Day: pedestrian crossing, pedestrian-crossing light
Syria1271 fdcStamp on FDC
Thailand1272 (Mi1273)From booklet of 5 (1272a (5x 1272)), also outside (front and back)1988Traffic safety: traffic signs, traffic light
Thailand1272 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Tunisia612 (Mi816)1973Highway safety campaign: traffic light
Tunisia613 (Mi817)Highway safety campaign: traffic light colors, pedestrian-crossing lights
Tunisia612-613 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC(As above for stamps); traffic light (in cancel)
Tunisia657 (Mi864)1975Highway safety campaign: pedestrian crossing, traffic light
Tunisia746 (Mi959)1979International Year of the Child: red-border circular sign, traffic light
Tunisia746-747 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Tunisia1084 (Mi1320)

1995Pedestrian security: pedestrian crossing, traffic light
Tunisia1406 (Mi1658)

2006Vacation safety program: traffic signs, traffic light ahead
Tunisia1406 dsDeluxe sheet (1406)
Tunisia1555 (Mi1811)2013Traffic accident prevention: red-border circular traffic signs: red-border circular (90 km/h speed-limit) sign, traffic light
Tunisia1555 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (La Poste Tunisienne) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Turkey1811 (Mi2128)1969Highway construction: traffic sign
Turkey2088 (Mi2438a)Also back with yellowish gum1977Traffic safety: red-border pedestrian-crossing sign
Turkey2088_var (Mi2438b)Also back with whitish gum1979
Turkey2089 (Mi2439)1978Traffic safety: red-border circular (no-passing) sign
Turkey2182 (Mi2566)2089 overprinted new value1981Traffic safety: red-border circular (no-passing) sign
Turkey2369 (Mi2767)1987Road safety: "DUR" (STOP) sign
Turkey2370 (Mi2768)Road safety: red-border circular (70 km/h speed-limit) sign
Turkey2368-2370 fdcTwo of three stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
Turkey2478 (Mi2895C)2369 overprinted in black1990Road safety: "DUR" (STOP) sign
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus284 (Mi286)1990Traffic safety: red-border triangular and red-border circular traffic signs, traffic light, red-border circular (30 km/h speed-limit) sign
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus285 (Mi287)
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus286 (Mi288)
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus284-286 fdcThree stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (blue and red printed) cachet on FDC
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus739 (Mi772)2013Traffic safety: (broken) white-on-blue (pedestrian-crossing) sign; (see also Russia 7184)
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus740 (Mi773)Traffic safety: traffic light
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus739-740 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC(As above for stamps); triangular warning sign (in cancel)
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus775 (Mi808)From strip of 4 (775a (4x 775)), or from MS8 (775b (8x 775))2015Road safety: red-border traffic sign shapes
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus776 (Mi809)From strip of 4 (776a (4x 776)), or from MS8 (776b (8x 776))
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus775-776 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
United Arab Emirates27 (Mi15)1973(?th) Traffic Week: red-border triangular warning (children-crossing) sign, traffic light
United Arab Emirates28 (Mi16)(?th) Traffic Week: pedestrian-crossing light (the globes light up at night)
United Arab Emirates62 (Mi51)1976(?th) Traffic Week: traffic light
United Arab Emirates63 (Mi52)(?th) Traffic Week: traffic light
United Arab Emirates64 (Mi53)(?th) Traffic Week: pedestrian crossing, pedestrian-crossing light
United Arab Emirates131 (Mi122)1981(?th) Traffic Week: traffic light
United Arab Emirates132 (Mi123)(?th) Traffic Week: traffic light, traffic signs
United Arab Emirates133 (Mi124)(?th) Traffic Week: traffic light
United Arab Emirates134 (Mi125)(?th) Traffic Week: traffic light, traffic signs
United Nations863 (Mi956)2004Road safety: traffic signs
United Nations863 fdcStamp on FDC (UNPA cachet)
United Nations (Geneva)423-424 fdc (Mi492-493 fdc1)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (Éditions CEF cachet)2004Road safety: Symbolic traffic sign (a drawing of people in the form of arrows within a circle beside a winding road)
United Nations (Vienna)300 (Mi349)One of strip of 4 (300a (297-300)) (Mi346-349), or six of MS24 (300b (6x (297-300)))2001Climate change: symbolic traffic signs: red-border circular signs (banning automobiles and allowing buses)
United Nations (Vienna)300a fdcStrip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC
United Nations (Vienna)348 (Mi418)2004Road safety: traffic light colors; symbolic triangular warning sign (in cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)347-348 fdcOne of two stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (UNPA cachet)
UN (New York)
UN (Geneva)
UN (Vienna)
863-864 fdc
423-424 fdc
347-348 fdc
Two of six stamps and two of three (pictorial) cancels on FDC (UNPA cachet)2004(As above for United Nations 863 and UN-Vienna 348); also the UN-Vienna cancel (in the form of a triangular warning sign) and the UN-Geneva cancel (with a symbolic traffic sign: a drawing of people in the form of arrows within a circle beside a winding road)
United StatesNone(Red and black printed advertising) cachet on cover1920"The 1918 'Silent Policeman' from the Traffic Sign and Signal Co., Gloucester, Mass., Universal Standard Traffic Signs and Signals"
United StatesNoneCinderella1927railroad-crossing sign
United StatesNoneCinderella MS6 (white), also back1930sTraffic safety cinderellas; (don't) "cross the street against the red lights"; "wait for the lights!"; "watch the lights before I cross"
United StatesNoneCinderella MS6 (yellow), also back
United StatesNoneCinderella MS6 (orange), also back
United StatesNoneCinderella MS6 (pink), also back
United StatesNoneCinderella MS6 (multi-color), also back
United StatesUX27 card(Blue printed) cachet on advertising postal card, also front~1930sstreet name signs
United StatesNone(Text) meter on cover1938"traffic signals" and "traffic sign"
United StatesNone(Red pictorial) meter1939(2-color "stop" and "go") traffic light
United StatesNoneCinderella1940s?National Safety Council: traffic light
United StatesNonePostcard back1944(2-color) traffic light
United StatesNone(Red pictorial) meterearly 1950s"safe driving saves lives": diamond-shaped warning sign
United StatesUY13(Red and black printed advertising) on paid reply postal card1951Rectangular "No parking" signs (Gopher Stamp & Die Co.)
United States1025 fdc (Mi? fdc)(Kolor Kover) cachet on cover1953(pseudo) guide/information sign
United StatesNone(Red pictorial) meter1955"slow down and live": diamond-shaped warning sign
United StatesNone(Red pictorial) meter1957"slow down and live": diamond-shaped warning sign
United StatesNone(Red pictorial) meter (different)1957"slow down and live": diamond-shaped warning sign
United StatesNone(Blue pictorial) meter1958(2-color) traffic light
United States997+1031 cover (Mi615+651A cover)(Jay Art) cachet on cover1958(artistic) traffic signs "for a safe trip"
United States1072 cover (Mi693 cover)(Jay Art) cachet on cover1958"Traffic signs are 'signs of life'"
United States1272 (Mi888)From MS50 (1272a (50x 1272))1965Traffic safety: (top/red portion of) traffic light; also traffic lights and traffic signs (in several of the FDC cachets)
United States1272 essayPhoto essay
United States1272 maxiMaxicard (1272)
United States1272 fdc1Stamp on FDC (blank/no cachet)
United States1272 fdc2Stamp and (ArtCraft) cachet on FDC (small-font cancel)
United States1272 fdc3Stamp and (ArtCraft) cachet on FDC (large-font cancel)
United States1272 fdc4Stamp and (ArtCraft) cachet (and signature) on FDC (large-font cancel)
United States1272 fdc5Stamp and (ArtCraft colored and other multi-color) cachet on FDC (large-font cancel)
United States1272 fdc6Stamp on FDC (C. Stephen Anderson black cachet)
United States1272 fdc7Stamp on FDC (C. Stephen Anderson blue cachet)
United States1272 fdc8Stamp on FDC (C. Stephen Anderson magenta cachet)
United States1272 fdc9Stamp on FDC (Fluegel Covers cachet)
United States1272 fdc10Stamp on FDC (Artmaster cachet, large-font cancel)
United States1272 fdc11Stamp on FDC (Artmaster cachet, small-font cancel)
United States1272 fdc12Stamp on FDC (black hand-printed cachet)
United States1272 fdc13Stamp on FDC (Fleetwood cachet)
United States1272 fdc14Stamp and (Chickering/Jackson) cachet on FDC (large-font cancel)
United States1272 fdc15Stamp and (Chickering/Jackson) cachet on FDC (large-font cancel, also blue rubber-stamp cachet)
United States1272 fdc16Stamp and (Chickering/Jackson) cachet (and signature) on FDC (small-font cancel)
United States1272 fdc17Stamp and (red and pink printed) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc18Stamp and (Marq) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc19Stamp and (The Aristocrats/Day Lowry) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc20Stamp and (Virgil Crow) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc21Stamp on FDC (Cachet Craft/Ken Boll cachet)
United States1272 fdc22Stamp and (Webcraft add-on cachet, applied in 2019) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc23Stamp on FDC (HF cachet)
United States1272 fdc24Stamp and (Cachet Craft Cachets) cachet on FDC, also insert
United States1272 fdc25Stamp and (?) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc26Stamp and (newspaper-clipping) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc27Stamp and (Sarzin metallic) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc28Stamp and (?) cachet on FDC card, also back and detail (with signature)
United States1272 fdc29Stamp on FDC (Hammond cachet)
United States1272 fdc30Stamp and (Artopages) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc31Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
United States1272 fdc32Stamp on FDC (H.R. Maul hand-drawn cachet), also back
United States1272 fdc33Stamp on postcard FDC (Bureau of Public Roads cachet), also back
United States1272 fdc34Stamp on FDC (State Medical Society of Wisconsin cachet)
United States1272 fdc35Stamp on FDC (Safety First Club of Maryland cachet), also insert1 and insert2
United States1272 fdc36Stamp on FDC (City of Baltimore cachet)
United States1272 fdc37Stamp on FDC (State of Maryland cachet)
United States1272 fdc38Stamp on FDC (purple on orange cachet)
United States1272 fdc39Stamp on FDC (purple on green cachet)
United States1272 fdc40Stamp and (black and red printed) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc41Stamp and (George Washington Masonic Stamp Club) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc42Stamp and (black printed) cachet on FDC
United States1272 fdc43Stamp and (black printed) cachet (and signatures) on FDC
United States1272 fdc44Stamp on FDC (black printed cachet)
United States1272 fdc45Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
United StatesSP136(USPS) stamp poster (1272)
United States1724a fdc (Mi1315-1316 fdc)(Virgil Crow) cachet on FDC1977"One Way" traffic sign
United States1865 fdc (Mi1490 fdc)Extra (1272) stamp and (Ranto/SP136) cachet on FDC, also back1981Traffic safety: (top/red portion of) traffic light
United States1915 sc (Mi1484 sc)(Reader's Digest) souvenir card back, also front (with 1915 fdc)1981"In Arizona a highway dust storm warning sign is lighted by electricity produced by photovoltaic cells"
United States1927 fdc (Mi1499 fdc)(Colorano silk) cachet on FDC1981"Alcoholism": red octagonal "STOP" sign
United States2210 (Mi1797)1986Public hospitals: hospital ("H") sign
United States2210 fdcStamp on FDC (Colorano silk cachet)
United StatesSP746(USPS) souvenir page (2210)
United StatesCP261(USPS no.261) commemorative panel (2210)
United States974 fdc (Mi587 fdc)
2251 fdc (Mi1871 fdc)
One of two stamps on dual-cancel FDC; also detail (similar to, but hanging traffic light on Girl Scout traffic safety merit badge)1948
Girl Scout traffic safety merit badge: traffic light
United States2251 (Mi1871)Also detail (similar to, but hanging traffic light on Girl Scout traffic safety merit badge)1987Girl Scout traffic safety merit badge: traffic light
United States2251aAll lithographed colors omitted
United States2251bRed and black omitted
United States2251cRed and black color shift
United States2251dWhite printing omitted
United States2251eMajor-shift error
United States2251 essayPhoto essay
United States2251 maxiMaxicard, also back
United States2251 fdc1Stamp on FDC (PCS cachet)
United States2251 fdc2Stamp on FDC (ArtCraft cachet)
United States2251 fdc3Stamp on FDC (HF cachet)
United States2251 fdc4Stamp and (PCS golden-replica) cachet on FDC, also insert
United States2251 fdc5Stamp on FDC (Fluegel Cover cachet)
United States2251 fdc6Stamp on FDC (Fleetwood cachet), also back
United States2251 fdc7Stamp on FDC (Goldberg cachet)
United States2251 fdc8Stamp on FDC (Carole Murry cachet)
United States2251 fdc9Stamp on FDC (Collins hand-painted cachet)
United States2251 fdc10Stamp on FDC (blank/no cachet)
United StatesSP765(USPS) souvenir page (2251)
United StatesCP279(USPS no.279) commemorative panel (2251)
United StatesNoneQSL card1987traffic light
United States3183 (BL41, Mi2922-2936)
3183 back
MS15 (a-o)1998"Traffic lights and white lane dividers became part of the American landscape" (in the 1910s)
United States3183i fdc(Colorano silk?) cachet (reproduction of 3183) on FDC
United States3183 fdc1MS15 on FDC (Cachet Craft Cachets cachet)
United States3183 fdc2MS15 on FDC (ArtCraft cachet)
United States3183 fdc3MS15 on FDC (HF cachet)
United States3183 fdc4MS15 on FDC (Artmaster cachet)
United StatesSP1259B(USPS) souvenir page (3183), also back
United StatesCP537B page1(USPS no.533B) commemorative panel (3183), also page2
United StatesNone(Stamps.com) personalized postage2023?universal restriction slash: "texting and driving, it can wait!"
United StatesNone(Stamps.com) personalized postageoctagonal stop sign shape: "no txting while driving"
UruguayC331 (Mi1107)196710th Pan-American Highway Congress: black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning (railroad-crossing) sign; various signs (in cachets)
UruguayC331 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Ediciones C.F.U.) cachet on FDC
UruguayC331 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Asociación Filatélica Ferroviaria de Montevideo) cachet on FDC
UruguayC331 fdc3Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (CFM) cachet on FDC
UruguayC331 fdc4Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (Dirección General de Correos, Montevideo cachet)
UruguayC331 fdc5FDC presentation sheet
UruguayC331 maxiMaxicard
Uruguay1348 (Mi1856-1859)Block of four (1348 (a-d))1990Traffic safety: traffic light (also in cancel), black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning signs
Uruguay1348 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (Club Filatélico del Uruguay cachet)
Uruguay1348 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Uruguay2393 (Mi3258)Self-adhesive stamp from strip of 5 (2393b (5x 2393))2012National Road Safety Union: "PARE" (STOP) sign
Uruguay2396 (Mi3261)Self-adhesive stamp from strip of 5 (2396b (5x 2396))National Road Safety Union: yellow triangular warning sign
Uruguay2397 (Mi3262)Self-adhesive stamp from strip of 5 (2397b (5x 2397))National Road Safety Union: red-border cicrular (45 km/h speed-limit) sign
Uruguay2400 (Mi3265)Self-adhesive stamp from strip of 5 (2400b (5x 2400))National Road Safety Union: black-on-yellow diamond-shaped warning sign
Uruguay2397aMS25 (3x2397b + 2x2396b)(As above for stamps)
Uruguay2398aMS25 (2x2398b + 2396b + 2395b + 2393b)
Uruguay2400aMS25 (2400b + 2399b + 2395b + 2394b + 2393b)
Viet NamUnknown1 (Mi3937)2022Red-border triangular warning sign
Viet NamUnknown1-4 fdcOne of four stamps and (COTEVINA) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp); (two) traffic light(s) with pedestrian crosswalk signals
Wallis and Futuna Islands807 (Mi1181)2019red-border triangular warning and red-border circular traffic signs, red octagonal "STOP" sign
Yemen Arab Republic227 (Mi512A)
i227 (Mi512B)

1966Traffic Day: traffic light (at night); (see also Egypt/UAR 692 and Kuwait 325-326 and Saudi Arabia 610-611)
Yemen Arab Republic228 (Mi513A)
i228 (Mi513B)

Yemen Arab Republic228a (BL51)Imperforate SS1 (i228)

1 The standard traffic light (or traffic signal) has the red light above the green, with yellow in between. When the traffic light with three aspects is arranged horizontally or sideways, the arrangement depends on the rule of the road (normally red is on the side closest to the center of the road: at left in right-hand driving countries, at right in left-hand driving countries).
2UNECE: the UN Economic Commission for Europe; RSW: Road Safety Week; with UNECE RSW logo; 1st in 1990, 2nd in 1995, 3rd in 2000, 4th in 1994.

Below is a list of Traffic signs on satellite launch covers.

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Traffic signs
United States2011-02-06Vandenberg AFB, CA(Lollini) cachet on NROL-66 launch cover"Route 66" marker sign
United States2011-03-05Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on X-37B_OTV-2 launch cover, also detailRoute "2" marker sign
United States2018-11-25Pasadena CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on New Horizons event coverRed-border triangular warning sign
United States2021-11-10Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on SpaceX Dragon Crew 3 cover, also back"Route 66" marker sign
United States2021-12-15Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on Dragon-CRS-24 pre-launch cover"Route 66" marker sign
United States2021-12-22Houston TX(Red Eagle) cachet on Dragon-CRS-24 docking cover"Route 66" marker sign

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-02-13