New Horizons

New Horizons

New Horizons (patch)
New HorizonsNew Horizons (patch)

This page contains philatelic information on the New Horizons spacecraft. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

New Horizons is also known as New Frontiers-1, one of the NASA New Frontiers-series spacecraft, and is a replacement for the canceled Kuiper Express.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
New Horizons New Horizons New Horizons

Below is a list of New Horizons spacecraft postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
New Horizons
Antigua and Barbuda3314 (Mi5306-5309)MS4 (3314 (a-d))2015"New Horizons"
Antigua and Barbuda3315 (BL749)
Imperforate SS1
Antigua and Barbuda3315 fdc
i3315 fdc
SS1 on FDC
Imperforate SS1 and (Lollini) cachet on FDC
AustriaNonePersonalized postage and selvedge2015"New Horizons" (in mission patch as well as in selvedge)
BeninUnknown ms (Mi none)MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2015
In (upper-left and upper-right) margins of MS2 (Mi3478A-3479A)
In (upper-left and upper-right) margins of imperforate MS2 (Mi3478B-3479B)
In (lower-right) margin of SS1 (Mi3478A)
In (lower-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (Mi3478B)
"New Horizons"
Central African RepublicMi7362One of MS4 (Mi7360-7363)2017"New Horizons"
ChadUnknown a (Mi none)
Unknown ia
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2011"New Horizon" (no "s"); design like Madagascar unknown a 2011
Congo RepublicUnknown ms (Mi none)MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2015"New Horizons"
Congo RepublicUnknown ms fdcMS2 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 [known illegal issue]
Congo RepublicUnknown ss fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 (different) [known illegal issue]
Congo RepublicUnknown ss fdcSS1 (different) and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Ghana2878 (Mi4654-4657)MS4 (2878 (a-d))2015"New Horizons"
Ghana2879 (BL577)SS1
Grenada4187 (Mi7340-7343)MS4 (4187 (a-d))201610th anniv. "New Horizons" launch
Grenada4187 fdcMS4 and (Lollini) cachet on FDC
Grenada4187a-d+4188 fdcFour stamps and SS1 and (Lollini) cachet on FDC
Grenada4188 (BL925)SS1
Guinea Republic1262a (Mi1482A)
i1262a (Mi1482B)
One of strip of 3 (1262 (a-c)) (Mi1482-1484)
One of imperforate strip of 3 (i1262 (a-c))
1994"Sonde Pluto Fast 'Flyby'"1
Guinea RepublicBL968A
In (right) margin of MS2 (Mi4251A-4252A)
In (right) margin of imperforate MS2 (Mi4251B-4252B)
2006"Pluto Horizons"
Guinea RepublicBL968A fdcMS2 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi5852A-5857A_ms6
MS6 (Mi5852A-5857A)
Imperforate MS6 (Mi5852B-5857B)
2008"New Horizons"
Guinea RepublicMi5852A-5857A_ms fdcMS6 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Guinea RepublicBL1582SS1
Guinea RepublicBL1837In (right) margin of SS12010"New Horizons"
Guinea RepublicMi14292-14295_ms4MS4 (Mi14292-14295)2020"New Horizons"
Guinea RepublicBL3219On stamp of SS1
Hungary4370b (Mi5601)One of MS9 (4370 (a-h)) (Mi5800-5807), also UV-light image2015"New Horizons" (in UV-light image of MS8)
Hungary4370 fdcMS8 on FDC
Iran2946 (Mi3088)2008(possible) New Horizons
Ivory CoastBL90A_var fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on (possible Puvilland-design) SS1 FDC2005
Ivory CoastBL91A fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on SS1 FDC
Ivory CoastBL95A_var fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on (possible Puvilland-design) SS1 FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown ms (Mi?)
Unknown ims
MS2 (a-b)
Imperforate MS2 (a-b)
2016"New Horizons"
Ivory CoastUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS2 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate MS2 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
Imperforate SS1
Ivory CoastUnknown ss fdc
Unknown iss fdc
SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MadagascarUnknown a (Mi none)
Unknown ia
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2011Design like Chad unknown a 2011
MadagascarUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MadagascarUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
Maldive Islands3425 (Mi5845-5848)MS4 (3425 (a-d))2015"New Horizons"
Maldive Islands3425 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Maldive Islands3435 (BL831)SS1
Maldive Islands3435 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Maldive Islands3813 (BL1008)On stamp of SS12016"First spacecraft to explore Pluto" (New Horizons)
Maldive IslandsMi8294-8297_ms4MS4 (Mi8294-8297)2019"New Horizons"
Maldive IslandsBL1324SS1 (Mi8298)
Mali688 (Mi1338A)
i688 (Mi1338B)

1995"sonde 'Pluto'"
Mali688a (BL_B68A)
i688a (BL_B68B)
On stamp of SS1 (688)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i688)
Mali690b (Mi1337A-1338A+1340A)
i690b (Mi1337B-1338B+1340B)
On one of MS3 (687-688+690)
On one of imperforate MS3 (i687-i688+i690)
MaliUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 [known illegal issue]2019"New Horizons"
MaliUnknown ss fdcSS1 and (Lollini) cachet on FDC
Micronesia1181 (Mi2886-2889)
MS4 (1181 (a-d))
Imperforate MS4 (1181 (a-d))
2015"New Horizons"
Micronesia1181 fdc
i1181 fdc
MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Micronesia1181 proofMS4 proof; see 1181a proof, 1181b proof, 1181c proof, and 1181d proof
Micronesia1181 proof fdcMS4 proof and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Micronesia1181a-d proof fdcFour proof stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Micronesia1182 (BL297, Mi2890)
Imperforate SS1
Micronesia1182 fdc
i1182 fdc
SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MozambiqueMi8084-8087_ms4MS4 (Mi8084-8087)2015"New Horizons"
NigerMi3937-3940_ms4MS4 (Mi3937-3940)2015"New Horizons"
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsMi8110-8113_ms4MS4 (Mi8110-8113)2019"New Horizons"
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsMi8110-8113_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsBL1471SS1
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsBL1471 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Vincent2792b (Mi4941)
From MS6 (2792 (a-f)) (Mi4940-4945)
From imperforate MS6 (i2792 (a-f))
2000"Pluto Project"1
St. Vincent2792e (Mi4944)
"Pluto Kuiper Express"1
St. Vincenti2792b proofFrom imperforate proof MS6 (i2792 proof (a-f))"Pluto Project"1
St. Vincenti2792e proof"Pluto Kuiper Express"1
St. Vincenti2792 proof fdcImperforate proof MS6 on FDC(As above for stamps)
St. Vincent2795 (BL513, Mi4946)
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of Imperforate SS1
"Pluto Project"1
St. Vincenti2795 proofImperforate proof SS1
St. Vincenti2795 proof fdcImperforate proof SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet (same design as SS1) on FDC
Sierra Leone3357 (Mi6279-6282)MS4 (a-d)2015"New Horizons"
Sierra Leone3357 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Sierra Leone3377 (BL790)SS1
Sierra Leone3377 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Sierra LeoneUnknown ss (BL?)In (right) margin of SS12023"New Horizons"
TogoMi6967-6970_ms4MS4 (Mi6967-6970)2015"New Horizons"
United States2577 (Mi2192)One of booklet pane of 10 (2577a (2568-2577)) (Mi2183-2192)1991"Not yet explored": No spacecraft had been dispatched to Pluto at the time this stamp was issued. The New Horizons design was unknown so the Colorano silk cachet includes an artist's design. The New Horizons spacecraft was launched in 2006; one of the 2577 stamps is aboard - see; (see also sets of 2568-2577 FDCs / maxicards and 2577a items)
United States2577 fdc1Stamp and (PCS golden-replica) cachet on FDC, also insert
United States2577 fdc2Stamp and (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on FDC
United States2577 fdc3Stamp and (J Scott) cachet on FDC
United States2577 fdc4Stamp and (Colorano silk) cachet on FDC
United States2577 fdc1+Stamp on cover (Wild Horse Cachets cachet), also back (also STS-31R and HST launch cover)
United States2577 maxi(Unicover) maxicard, also back
United States2568+2572+2577 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC (P.A. Roman cachet)
United States2570-2571+2575-2577 fdcOne of five stamps on FDC (Paslay Classic Cachets cachet)
United States2571-2572+2576-2577 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC (Tom Dunne cachet)
United States2572+2576-2577 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC (F.M. Geerlings cachet)
United States2576 fdc
2577 cover
(see Voyager)
Stamp on cover
"Not yet explored" (as explained with 2577 set)
United States2577 fdc
2576 cover
Stamp on FDC
(see Voyager)
"Not yet explored" (as explained with 2577 set)
United StatesNoneConcept art for proposed stamp, (design similar to USA 4528)suggested for 2015"New Horizons"; (see
United StatesNoneConcept art for proposed stamp (different)suggested for 2015"New Horizons"; (see (scroll down from top of page))
United StatesNone( personalized postage2015
United StatesNonePostcard (with reproduction of USA 2577)2015
United StatesNone(Intel ISEF Station) cancel and (Mission patch) cachet on cover2015"New Horizons" (mis-spelled "New Horizens" in cancel text)
United States5078 (Mi5252)Two of MS4 (5078a (2x (5077-5078)) (BL67, Mi5251-5252)2016"New Horizons"
United States5076 fdc(?) cachet on FDC
United States5077 fdc1(Thrifty) cachet on FDC
United States5077 fdc2(?) cachet on FDC
United States5077 fdc3(Digital color) cancel and (HL) cachet on FDC, also back
United States5077 fdc4(?) cachet on FDC
United States5077 fdc5(JVC) cachet on FDC
United States5077-5078 fdc1One of two stamps on FDC
United States5077-5078 fdc2One of two stamps and (Panda Cachets) cachet on FDC (pictorial)
United States5077-5078 fdc3One of two stamps and (Panda Cachets) cachet on FDC (text cancel)
United States5077-5078 fdc4One of two stamps and (Bullfrog) cachet on FDC
United States5077-5078 fdc5One of two stamps on FDC
United States5077-5078 fdc6One of two stamps and (Webcraft) cachet on FDC
United States5077-5078 cardTop card for pack of 100 panes
United States5078 fdc1Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
United States5078 fdc2Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
United States5078 fdc3Stamp on FDC (DCP cancel)
United States5078 fdc4Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC (DCP cancel)
United States5078 fdc5Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
United States5078 fdc6Stamp and (HL) cancel on FDC (DCP cancel), also back
United States5078 fdc7Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on FDC
United States5078 fdc8Stamp and (Aquila Associates Cachets) cachet on FDC
United States5078a fdc1MS4 and (Panda Cachets) cachet on FDC
United States5078a fdc2MS4 and (Aquila Associates Covers) cachet on FDC (reproduction on "certificate of authenticity")
United States5078a pack(USPS) MS4 presentation pack
United StatesSP2016(USPS) souvenir page (5077-5078)
United StatesCP967 p1(USPS no.967) commemorative panel (5077-5078), also p2
United States5077 cover (Mi5251 cover)Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on cover2016"New Horizons"
Uruguay2593 (BL135)In (lower-right) margin of MS3 (2593 (a-c))2017"New Horizons" (in text only)
Uruguay2593 fdcMS3 on FDC

1The indicated missions (including Kuiper Express) were planning precursors to New Horizons.

Below is a list of New Horizons spacecraft launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
2006-01-19: New Horizons
United States2006-01-19Kennedy Space Center FL(James Lee Roth) cachet on coverNew Horizons launch
United States2006-01-19Kennedy Space Center FL(James Lee Roth) cachet (different) on coverNew Horizons launch
United States2006-01-19Kennedy Space Center FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverNew Horizons launch
United States2006-01-19Pasadena CA(Blue printed) cachet on coverNew Horizons launch
United States2006-01-19
Cape Canaveral FL
Laurel MD
(Vukovitch) cachet on coverNew Horizons launch
Pluto nearest approach and flyby
New Horizons (events)
United States2007-02-27Pasadena CA(Green rubber-stamp) cachet on coverJupiter closest approach
United States2007-02-28Laurel MD(Red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverJupiter closest approach
United States2007-02-28Laurel MD(Mission 57) cachet on coverJupiter closest approach
United States2015-06-23Pasadena CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverBegin "final approach Phase 3"
United States2015-06-30GSFC, Greenbelt MD(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover"final course-correction maneuvre"
United States2015-06-30Pasadena CA(Multi-color printed) cachet (same) on cover"final course-correction maneuvre"
Spain2015-07-14Robledo de Chavela(Black printed) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Sagamore Beach MA(Coverscape) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Corsicana TX(Danny Lee) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Flagstaff AZ(Jim Reichman) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Flagstaff AZ(Jim Reichman) cachet (and signature) on cover, also backPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Laurel MD(Jim Reichman) cachet (different, and signature) on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Pasadena CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Baltimore MD(Multi-color printed) cachet (same) on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Redstone Arsenal AL(Multi-color printed) cachet (same) on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Huntsville AL(Multi-color printed) cachet (same) on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14GSFC, Greenbelt MD(Multi-color printed) cachet (same) on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Laurel MD(Sarmiento) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Pasadena CA(Lollini) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Pasadena CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Thrifty) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
United States2015-07-14
Laurel MD
Cape Canaveral FL
(Vukovitch) cachet on coverPluto nearest approach and flyby
New Horizons launch
United States2015-07-15GSFC, Greenbelt MD(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover"first close-up images of Pluto" received
United States2015-07-15Pasadena CA(Multi-color printed) cachet (same) on cover"first close-up images of Pluto" received
United States2018-06-04GSFC, Greenbelt MD(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover"Mission to 2014 MU69" ("Ultima Thule")
United States2018-11-25Pasadena CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover"Begins hazard search" (near Ultima Thule)
United States2019-01-01Huntsville AL(Red Eagle) cachet on cover"Ultima Thule flyby"
United States2019-01-01Pasadena CA(Red Eagle) cachet on cover"Ultima Thule flyby"
United States2019-01-01GSFC, Greenbelt MD(Red Eagle) cachet on cover"Ultima Thule flyby"
United States2020-11-05Pasadena CA(Red Eagle) cachet on cover"New Horizons continues to return data"
United States2021-04-17Pasadena CA(Red Eagle) cachet on cover"reached 50 AU"
New Horizons (anniversaries)
United States2016-07-14Boulder CO(Multi-color printed) cachet on cover1st anniv. Pluto flyby

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-12-03