banknotes and coins

Metric and Related-Standards Themes
(and SI/Metric Unit Names)
on Banknotes and Coins

Below is a checklist of Metric and related-standards themes (and SI/metric unit names) on numismatic items (banknotes and coins). Catalog numbers, denominations, years of issue, and notes on the items featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail address at the bottom of this page.

CountryCatalog NumberDenominationYear of IssueNotes on Content
Metric and Related-Standards Themes on Banknotes and Coins
Isle of Man (Great Britain)KM10511 crown (silver coin)2000Old Royal Observatory clock face with embedded brass strip from original Prime Meridian
LiberiaKM443$10. (silver coin)2000"Greenwich Meridian"
SI (Metric System) Unit Names on Banknotes and Coins
Alderney (Great Britain)KM127a5 pound (silver coin), also obverse2006"Isaac Newton"
Cook IslandsKM1664$5. (silver coin) reverse, also obverse and case2014270th anniv. death "Anders Celsius"; also thermometer
De La Rue (PLC)None"1" (test banknote), also back?Newton
FranceP156500 francs (banknote)1987-1989Pascal
Germany (East)KM235 marks (silver coin)1969(75th anniv. death) "Heinrich Hertz"
GermanyKM33210 euro (silver coin)2014300th anniv. (degree) Fahrenheit scale; also degree Celsius (°C) temperature scale; also kelvin (K) temperature scale; also degree Newton (°N) temperature scale; also thermometer
Great BritainP377a1 pound (banknote)1978—1980Newton
Great BritainP377b1 pound (banknote), also back1981—1984Newton
Great BritainP384a20 pounds (banknote)1990—1991"Michael Faraday"
Great BritainP384b20 pounds (banknote)1991"Michael Faraday"
Great BritainP387 (like P384)20 pounds (banknote)1993"Michael Faraday"
Great BritainP39350 pounds (banknote)2011"James Watt" (at right)
ItalyP11210,000 lire (banknote)1984"Volta"
MongoliaKM182500 tugrik (silver coin)1999"Sir Isaac Newton"
SerbiaKM4220 dinara (copper-nickel-zinc coin)2006(150th anniv. birth) Tesla
SerbiaKM431000 dinara (silver coin)2006(150th anniv. birth) Tesla
SerbiaKM445000 dinara (gold coin)2006(150th anniv. birth) Tesla
SerbiaKM4510,000 dinara (gold coin)2006(150th anniv. birth) Tesla
SerbiaP57a100 dinara (banknote), also back2012Tesla
SerbiaP57b100 dinara (banknote), also back2013Tesla
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P20820 pounds (banknote), also back1972—1981"Lord Kelvin"
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P208s20 pounds (banknote) overprinted "specimen", also back
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P210100 pounds (banknote), also back1972, 1975-1976"Lord Kelvin"
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P210s100 pounds (banknote) overprinted "specimen"
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P21520 pounds (banknote), also back1982—1990"Lord Kelvin"
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P217100 pounds (banknote), also back1985, 1991"Lord Kelvin"
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P223100 pounds (banknote), also back1996"Lord Kelvin"
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P229D (like P223)100 pounds (banknote), also back2001"Lord Kelvin"
Scotland (Clydesdale Bank)P229Ds100 pounds (banknote) overprinted "specimen", also back
TuvaluKM1720 dollars (silver coin), also obverse1993"Isaac Newton"
YugoslaviaP84a (no security thread)500 dinara (banknote)1970Tesla
YugoslaviaP84b (security thread)500 dinara (banknote)1970Tesla
YugoslaviaP91a (like P84)500 dinara (banknote), also back1978Tesla
YugoslaviaP91b (like P84)500 dinara (banknote)1981Tesla
YugoslaviaP91c (like P84)500 dinara (banknote)1986Tesla
YugoslaviaP1071000 dinara (banknote), also back1990Tesla
YugoslaviaP110 (like P107)1000 dinara (banknote)1991Tesla
YugoslaviaP114 (like P107)1000 dinara (banknote)1992Tesla
YugoslaviaP121 (face like P114)5,000,000 dinara (banknote)1993Tesla
YugoslaviaP127 (face like P121, back like P114)10,000,000,000 dinara (banknote)1993Tesla
YugoslaviaP128 (face like P110)5000 dinara (banknote)1993Tesla
YugoslaviaP139100 dinara (banknote)1994Tesla
YugoslaviaP146 (like P139)5 novih din (banknote)1994Tesla
YugoslaviaP148 (back like P146)5 novih din (banknote)1994Tesla
YugoslaviaKM16920 novi dinara (copper-zinc-nickel coin)1996Tesla
YugoslaviaP156100 dinara (banknote)2000Tesla

Back to Metric and Related-Standards Philately.
See also Un-manned Satellites (and Earth Imagery) on Banknotes and Coins.
See also Weather and Climate Themes on Banknotes and Coins.

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-12-08