Watt James Watt

James Watt was a Scottish instrument maker and inventor. During his work which led to the invention of the steam engine, he learned much about the properties of water vapour and steam, and independently discovered that a latent heat of vaporization is associated with the change of phase of water from liquid to gas. He also tabulated the vapour pressure of water as a function of temperature before the work of Clapeyron. Both these concepts are important in meteorology.

In the late 1700s, Erasmus Darwin, Matthew Boulton, Josiah Wedgwood, Joseph Priestley and Watt formed the Lunar Society. It was an informal group of friends that met to discuss the latest topics in chemistry, mineralogy, meteorology, astronomy and physics.

To honour his scientific work, Watt's name was given to the SI (International System of Units) unit of power. One watt is equal to one joule per second.

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Albania2205c (Mi2294)One of strip of 4 (2205 (a-d)) (Mi2292-2295)1986(250th anniv. birth)
Albania2205a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Albania2206 (BL87)On (center) label of SS1
Antigua and Barbuda1605B (Mi1671)1992"James Watt"
Barbuda1367 (Mi1476)Antigua and Barbuda 1605B overprinted "Barbuda Mail"1993"James Watt"
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serb Admin.)126e (Mi189)One of booklet pane of 7 (126 (a-g + 2 labels)) (Mi185-191)2000(180th anniv. death, in 1999)
Burundi1245b (Mi2869)
One of MS4 (1245 (a-d)) (Mi2868-2871)
One of imperforate MS4 (i1245 (a-d))
2012"James Watt"
ChadUnknown c (Mi?)
Unknown ic
One of MS4 (a-d)
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2015"James Watt"; (280th anniv. birth, in 2016)
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1, also front2009(190th anniv. death)
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1 (different), also front (same)2009(190th anniv. death)
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1 (different), also front (same)2009(190th anniv. death)
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1 (different), also front (same)2009(190th anniv. death)
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1 (different), also front (same)2009(190th anniv. death)
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1 (different), also front (same)2009(190th anniv. death)
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1 (different), also front (same)2009(190th anniv. death)
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1, also front2012?
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back1 (different), also front (different)2012?
Cuba3718 (Mi3896)1996(260th anniv. birth) "James Watt"
GermanyNoneCinderella (poster stamp)early-1900s"James Watt"
GermanyNoneCinderella (poster stamp) (different)early-1900s"James Watt"
Great Britain2646 (Mi2736)One of pair (2646a (2645-2646)) (Mi2735-2736)2009"James Watt"
Great Britain2645-2652 packPresentation pack
Great BritainP39350 pounds (banknote)2011"James Watt" (at right)
Great Britain4139 (Mi4820)2021"James Watt" rotative steam engine
Great Britain4139 cardPHQ card
Grenada1538 (Mi1690)1987James Watt (mis-identified as "Rudolf Diesel" in text); (250th anniv. birth, in 1986)
Grenada Grenadines912 (Mi917)1987Rudolf Diesel (incorrectly inscribed "James Watt"); (250th anniv. birth, in 1986)
Guinea-BissauMi4221One of MS6 (Mi4217-4222)2009"James Watt"
Lesotho1213a (Mi1579)On one stamp and in (lower-left) margin of MS6 (1213 (a-f)) (Mi1579-1584)1999James Watt (ship, in text)
LiberiaUnknown ms (Mi?)MS3 (a-c)2024"205th anniv. death James Watt"
LiberiaUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
Macedonia561 (Mi590)From MS9 (561a (9x 561))2011275th anniv. birth
Macedonia561 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Macedonia Post) cachet on FDC
Maldive Islands2421d (Mi3374)One stamp and in (left) margin of MS17 (2421 (a-q + label)) (Mi3371-3387)2000"1769, James Watt, Scottish engineer an inventor, perfects steam engine"; (180th anniv. death, in 1999)
Maldive Islands2421d maxiMaxicard
Mali538 (Mi1071)

1986(250th anniv. birth) "James Watt"
Mali538 dsDeluxe sheet (538)
Mali581 (Mi1147)538 overprinted in black1992(250th anniv. birth) "James Watt"
Marshall Islands1032i (Mi2932)One of MS20 (1032 (a-t)) (Mi2924-2943)2012"James Watt"
MozambiqueMi10676-10679_ms4MS4 (Mi10676-10679)2019"200th anniv. death James Watt" (in Portuguese text)
MozambiqueMi10676-10679_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MozambiqueBL1571SS1 (Mi10680)
Northern Territories Local Post (Japan)Local_cOne of local post MS6 (a-f)2011"James Watt"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1851e (Mi3498)One of MS6 (1851 (a-f)) (Mi3494-3499)2008"James Watt"
Sierra Leone2296b (Mi3554)On one stamp and in (right) margin of MS2 (2296 (a-b)) (Mi3553-3554)2000(180th anniv. death, in 1999) "James Watt"
Sierra Leone2517e (Mi4155)One of MS6 (2517 (a-f)) (Mi4151-4156)2002"James Watt"
TogoMi10071-10074_ms4MS4 (Mi10071-10074)2019"200th anniv. death James Watt" (in French text)
TogoBL1813SS1 (Mi10075)
Uganda566 fdc (Mi556 fdc)(Fleetwood) cachet on FDC, also back1987(250th anniv. birth, in 1986) "James Watt"
Wallis and Futuna Islands341 (Mi511)

1986(250th anniv. birth) "James Watt"
Wallis and Futuna Islands341 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (Edila) cachet on FDC

1These postal cards are only some of a large number of similar cards issued by China for various scientists. No effort is made to list all such cards.

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-12-21