Chandra X-ray Observatory
(CXO or CXRO) satellite

CXO (patch)
CXOCXO (patch)

This page contains philatelic information on the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO or CXRO) satellite. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

CXO, initially named the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF), was renamed in honor of the Nobel Prize winning physicist S. Chandrasekhar (1910–1995).

CXO is one of four NASA "Great Observatories", along with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO), and the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST).

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Chandra / CXO Chandra / CXO Chandra / CXO
Chandra (on other than Chandra launch covers)

Below is a list of Chandra / CXO satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Chandra / CXO
Antigua and Barbuda2244c (Mi2930)
One of MS6 (2244 (a-f)) (Mi2928-2933)
One of imperforate MS6 (i2244 (a-f))
1999Chandra/CXO/"AXAF" in text, but Hubble/HST depicted)
Barbuda1791c (Mi2390)One of MS6 (1791 (a-f)) (Mi2388-2393), Antigua and Barbuda 2244c overprinted2000Chandra/CXO/"AXAF" in text, but Hubble/HST depicted)
Chad435 (Mi954A)
i435 (Mi954B)

1983(possible, early-design) Chandra/CXO1 (depicted with Space Shuttle)
Chad435a (BL145A)
i435a (BL145B)
On stamp of SS1 (435)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i435)
Chad439b (Mi953A-958A)
i439b (Mi953B-958B)
On one of MS6 (434-439)
On one of imperforate MS6 (i434-i439)
Congo (People's Republic)582 (Mi807A)
i582 (Mi807B)

1981(possible, early-design) Chandra/CXO1 (depicted with Space Shuttle Columbia)
Congo (People's Republic)582 dsImperforate deluxe sheet (582)
Congo (Democratic Republic)Mi2191A-2193A_ms3_vert
In (right) margin of MS3 (Mi2191A-2193A) vertical
In (right) margin of imperforate MS3 (Mi2191B-2193B) vertical
2013"Chandra" (X-ray Obervatory)
Congo (Democratic Republic)Mi2191A-2193A_ms3_horiz
In (right) margin of MS3 (Mi2191A-2193A) horizontal
In (right) margin of imperforate MS3 (Mi2191B-2193B) horizontal
GabonUnknown a (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2018"STS-93" (CXO implied)
GabonUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Gambia2268f (Mi3703)One of MS6 (2268 (a-f)) (Mi3698-3703)2000"Chandra" (X-ray Obervatory)
Gambia2268f essayOne of MS6 (2268 imperforate essay (a-f))
Gambia2268 essay fdcMS6 (2268 imperforate essay) on FDC
Guinea RepublicB43a (BL332A, Mi1254A)In (lower-left) margin of SS1 (B43)1989(early-design) Chandra/CXO (but "Télescope Lyman" (Spitzer) (in text)
Guinea Republic1936ab (BL_A655)
In (upper-left) margin of SS1 (1936a) (Mi3172)
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1 (i1936a)
Guinea Republic2224b (BL none)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of MS4 (4x 2224)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate MS4 (4x i2224)
Guinea Republic2224b fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea Republic2225b (BL none)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of MS4 (4x 2225)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate MS4 (4x i2225)
Guinea Republic2225b fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea Republic2226b (BL none)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of MS4 (4x 2226)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate MS4 (4x i2226)
Guinea Republic2226b fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea Republic2227b (BL none)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of MS4 (4x 2227)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate MS4 (4x i2227)
Guinea Republic2227b fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea Republic2228a (BL815A)
i2228a (BL815B)
In (upper-right) margin of SS1 (2228)
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (i2228)
"Chandra X-ray" (Observatory)
Guinea Republic2228a fdcSS1 on FDC
Guinea Republic2228b (BL none)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of MS4 (4x 2228)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate MS4 (4x i2228)
Guinea Republic2228b fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea Republic2229b (BL none)
i2229b (Mi4052B)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of MS4 (4x 2229)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate MS4 (4x i2229)
Guinea Republic2229b fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea Republic2230b (BL none)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of MS4 (4x 2230)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate MS4 (4x i2230)
Guinea Republic2230b fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea Republic2231b (BL none)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of MS4 (4x 2231)
In (upper-right and lower-left) margins of imperforate MS4 (4x i2231)
Guinea Republic2231b fdcMS4 on FDC
Guinea RepublicBL967A
In (upper) margin of SS1
In (upper) margin of imperforate SS1
2006"Chandra X-ray" (Observatory)
Guinea RepublicBL967A fdcStamp on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi5841A
One of MS6 (Mi5838A-5843A)
One of imperforate MS6 (Mi5838B-5843B)
2008"satellite Chandra"
Guinea RepublicMi5838A-5843A_ms6 fdcMS6 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi5845A-5850A_ms6 fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC2008
Guinea RepublicBL1581A
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of imperforate SS1
2008"satellite Chandra"
Guinea RepublicBL1581A fdcSS1 on FDC
Liberia2514d (Mi5363-5365)
MS6 (2x (2514 (a-c)))
2008"Chandra X-ray Observatory"
Liberia2517 (BL560)
Imperforate SS1
LiberiaUnknown ms (Mi?)MS6 (a-f)2022"Chandra X-ray Observatory" (CXO); (also JWST)
LiberiaUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
MadagascarUnknown d (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2019"Chandra" (X-ray Obervatory)
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 [known illegal issue]
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL none)SS1, with perforation variation [known illegal issue]
Maldive Islands3505 (BL864)In (lower) margin of SS12015"Chandra X-ray Observatory"
Maldive Islands3505 fdc1SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Maldive Islands3505 fdc2SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Maldive Islands3951 (BL1082)In (upper-right) margin of SS12017"Chandra X-ray Observatory" (but unknown/fantasy depicted)
Maldive Islands4027 (BL1135)In (left) margin of SS1 (Mi7352)2018CXO (but "China's first X-ray astronomical satellite" (HXMT) in text)
Maldive IslandsMi8498-8501_ms4MS4 (Mi8498-8501)2019"20th anniv. Chandra X-ray Observatory"; also "STS-93" (on 2 stamps of MS4)
Maldive IslandsBL1366SS1
MozambiqueMi10705-10708_ms4MS4 (Mi10705-10708)201920th anniv. launch "Observatório de raios-X Chandra"; depicted with Space Shuttle "Columbia" (on SS1)
MozambiqueBL1576SS1 (Mi10709)
Salvador, El1543 (Mi2234)2000(possible, early-design) Chandra/CXO1
Sierra LeoneMi10964-10967_ms4MS4 (a-d)2019"20th anniv. Chandra X-ray Observatory"
Sierra LeoneBL1715SS1
St. Thomas and Prince Islands3020 (BL1149)In (upper-right) margin of SS12015"Chandra" (X-ray Obervatory)
TogoUnknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d) and 4 tabs2022"Télescope spatial Chandra" (X-ray Obervatory)
TogoUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
TogoUnknown ss (BL?)SS1 (different)
Tuvalu1073 (Mi1472-1475)On all stamps and in (upper) margin of MS4 (1073 (a-d))2008"Chandra X-ray Observatory"
Tuvalu1073 fdcMS4 on FDC
Tuvalu1546d (Mi2779)One of MS4 (1546 (a-d)) (Mi2776-2779)2021
United States1912 fdc (Mi1481 fdc)(ArtCraft) cachet on FDC (KSC, FL cancel)1981(possible, early-design) Chandra/CXO1; (see also sets of 1912-1919 FDCs and 1919a items)
United States1912+1915-1916+1919 fdc (Mi1481+1484-1485+1488 fdc)(ArtCraft) cachet on FDC (KSC, FL cancel, different)
United States1915+1919 fdc1 (Mi1484+1488 fdc1)(First Rank/Space Voyage blue and red) cachet on FDC (KSC, FL cancel)
United States1915+1919 fdc2 (Mi1484+1488 fdc2)(First Rank/Space Voyage brown and orange) cachet on FDC (Houston TX cancel)
United States1915+1919 fdc3 (Mi1484+1488 fdc3)(First Rank/Space Voyage green and orange) cachet on FDC (MSFC, AL cancel)
United States1916 fdc (Mi1485 fdc)(ArtCraft) cachet on FDC
United StatesNone(Pictorial) cancel1999Depicted with Space Shuttle Columbia ("STS-93")
United States3188e fdc (Mi3175 fdc)(Space Voyage red and tan and brown) cachet on FDC1999Chandra / "STS-93"
United States3189i fdc (Mi3233 fdc)(Space Voyage red and tan and black) cachet on FDC
United States3190a fdc1 (Mi3243 fdc1)(Space Voyage red and peach and purple) cachet on FDC (Mission Control Station pictorial cancel)2000
United States3190a fdc2 (Mi3243 fdc2)(Space Voyage red and peach and purple) cachet on FDC (STS-103 Station pictorial cancel)
United States3190a fdc3 (Mi3243 fdc3)(Space Voyage red and peach and black) cachet on FDC (Nassau Bay Branch, Houston TX cancel)
United States3190a fdc4 (Mi3243 fdc4)(Space Voyage red and pink and purple) cachet on FDC (STS-103 Station pictorial cancel)
United States3190a fdc5 (Mi3243 fdc5)(STS-93 Station) cancel on FDC (multi-color printed cachet and signature); (see also USA STS-93 launch cover)
United States3191h fdc (Mi3295 fdc)(Space Voyage red and peach and black) cachet on FDC
United States5075 fdc (Mi5249 fdc)(?) cachet on FDC2016"Chandra X-ray Observatory"
United States5720 fdc (Mi5971 fdc)(Coverscape) back of FDC, also front2022"Chandra X-Ray Observatory"
Vanuatu1123e (Mi1603)One of MS6 (1123 (a-f)) (BL81, Mi1599-1604)2021

1An astronomical/telescope satellite somewhat similar to Chandra/CXO is depicted in an early-design stage, most likely due to the pre-launch date of these items, when the design was not finalized. This design is similar to HST but has solar panels that are perpendicular, rather than parallel, to the spacecraft body.

Below is a list of Chandra / CXO satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Chandra / CXO (pre-launch events)
United States1999-06-07Kennedy Space Center FL(Black rubber-stamp and hand-printed) cachet (and signatures) on coverSTS-93 pre-launch: "rollout"
1999-07-23: Chandra / CXO (deployed by STS-93)
United States1999-07-22Houston TX(Green printed) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch
United States1999-07-22Houston TX(STS-93 Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover, also insert; (see also USA 3190a fdc)STS-93 launch
United States1999-07-22Houston TX(STS-93 Station) cancel and (gold printed) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch
United States1999-07-22Houston TX(STS-93 Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on (airmail) coverSTS-93 launch
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)(Mission patch) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)(Mission patch) cachet (and signatures) on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)(Mission patch and black text) cachet on cover, and insertSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)(Mission patch and black text) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)(Mission patch and black text) cachet (and signatures) on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Houston TX(STS-93 Station) cancel and (Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL(Magenta rubber-stamp and black typed) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Las Cruces NM(White Sands TDRS Complex) cachet (and signatures) on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Houston TX(Green rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Nassau Bay Branch, Houston TX(Blue and magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL(Magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL(Cyan mission patch) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL(Red-brown printed) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Houston TX(STS-93 Station) cancel and (Colorano silk) cachet (different) on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL (text cancel)(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL (pictorial cancel)(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverSTS-93/ColumbiaSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Kennedy Space Center FL(Tiitusville Moonport Stamp Club) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23Nassau Bay Branch, Houston TX(NASA photo/sticker) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
United States1999-07-23
Kennedy Space Center FL
Kennedy Space Center FL
(Cyan mission patch) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
STS-93 landing
United States1999-07-23
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
(Black mission patch) cachet on coverSTS-93 launch; Chandra/CXO deployed
STS-93 landing
United States1999-07-25Nassau Bay Branch, Houston TX(NASA photo of Shuttle Astronauts and CXO model) cachet on coverUnknown event (but possibly for the firing of the Shuttle's engines to allow the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) satellite to collect ultraviolet, infrared and visible light data on the firing)
United States1999-07-26Nassau Bay Branch, Houston TX(Purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverUnknown event (but probably for Astronaut Michel Tognini's scientific work with one or more of the payloads for which he was the prime operator)
United States1999-07-27Kennedy Space Center FL(Mission patch) cachet on cover, and insertSTS-93 landing
United States1999-07-27Kennedy Space Center FL(Titusville Moonport Stamp Club) cachet on cover, and insertSTS-93 landing
United States1999-07-27Houston TX(STS-93 Station) cancel and (Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-93 landing
United States1999-07-27Houston TX(STS-93 Station) cancel and (Colorano silk) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-93 landing
United States1999-07-27Houston TX(Magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-93 landing; also "STARSHINE[-1] overpass" mission patch
United States1999-07-27Kennedy Space Center FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-93 landing
United States1999-07-27Kennedy Space Center FL(Colorano silk) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-93 landing
Chandra / CXO (anniversaries)
United States2019-07-23Sagamore Beach MA(Coverscape) cachet on cover20th anniv. STS-93 launch; 20th anniv. Chandra/CXO deployed
Chandra (on other than Chandra launch covers)
United States1983-01-31Cape Canaveral FL(Purple rubber-stamp) cachet on Explorer-1 anniversary cover(possible, early-design) Chandra/CXO1 (depicted with Space Shuttle)
United States1986-01-12
Cape Canaveral FL
Edwards AFB, CA
(Black printed) cachet on STS-32 (61C) launch and Satcom-Ku1 deployed
STS-32 (61C) landing cover
(possible, early-design) Chandra/CXO1 (depicted with Space Shuttle)

1An astronomical/telescope satellite somewhat similar to Chandra/CXO is depicted in an early-design stage, most likely due to the pre-launch date of these items, when the design was not finalized. This design is similar to HST but has solar panels that are perpendicular, rather than parallel, to the spacecraft body.

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Copyright © 2008-2024, Colorado State University. All rights reserved.
This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-12-21