Brasilsat-A1 Brasilsat-B

(and other Brazilian
communications satellites)

SCD-1 StarOne-C1

This page contains philatelic information on Brasilsat (and other Brazilian communications satellites) series. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

SCD: Satelites de Coleta de Dados.
StarOne is more commonly spelled Star One, with a space between the two words.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Brasilsat (on other than Brasilsat launch covers)

Below is a list of Brasilsat-series postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Brasilsat (Brazil)
Brazil1971 (Mi2092)1985"Brasilsat"
Brazil1971 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Brazil2099 (Mi2210)1987
Brazil2099 fdcStamp and (grey printed) cachet on FDC
Brazil2281 (Mi2376)1990
Brazil2591 (Mi2708)1996
Brazil2706a (Mi2925)One of block of 6 (2706 (a-f))1999
Burkina Faso1029a (BL_C153A)
i1029a (BL_C153B)
In (right) margin of SS1 (1029, Mi1365A)
In (right) margin of imperforate SS1 (i1029, Mi1365B)
Central African Republic1104a (BL_A579A)
i1104a (BL_A579B)
In (?) margin of SS1
In (?) margin of imperforate SS1
Comoro Islands647a (BL251)
In (upper-left) margin of SS1 (647)
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1 (i647)
Comoro Islands696 (Mi88A)
i696 (Mi88B)

Comoro Islands696a (BL297A)
i696a (BL297B)
On stamp of SS1 (696)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i696)
France2483 (Mi3082)1995"Ariane - 100th satellite" and date (1995-03-28) celebrate the launch of Brasilsat-B2 and HotBird-1 (depicted in the (pictorial) cancel)
France2483 fdc1(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (Éditions philatéliques CEF cachet)
France2483 fdc2(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet)
France2483 fdc3(Pictorial) cancel on FDC (? cachet)
France2483 maxi(Pictorial) cancel on maxicard
FranceNonePostcard back, also front2001"Brasilsat"
Guinea Republic2257 (BL834A)
i2257 (BL834B)
In (upper-left) margin of SS1
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1
Mali747a (BL?)
In (upper-left) margin of SS1 (747)
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1 (i747)
Mali747a artwork747a artwork
Mali1082 (Mi2506-2509)
In (upper-right) margin of MS4 (1082 (a-d))
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate MS4 (i1082 (a-d))
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL?)SS1 (in upper margin and also in stamp)2010"Brasilsat"
MozambiqueUnknown ss fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ms (Mi?)
Unknown ims
In (upper-left) margin of MS4 (a-d)
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
In (left) margin of SS1
In (left) margin of imperforate SS1
Satelites de Coleta de Dados (SCD) (Brazil)
Guyana3504e (Mi6968)
One of MS6 (3504 (a-f)) (Mi6964-6969)
One of imperforate MS6 (i3504 (a-f))
Guyana3504 fdcMS6 on FDC
StarOne (Brazil)
In (upper) margin of SS1
In (upper) margin of imperforate SS1
Congo (Democratic Republic)Mi2241-2244_ms4In (upper-right) margin of MS4 (Mi2241-2244)2014"StarOne-C3"
Congo (Democratic Republic)Mi2245-2248_ms4In (upper-right) margin of MS4 (Mi2245-2248)"StarOne-C1"
FranceNone1+label1On label with (Historiaphil) private post stamp2012"StarOne-C3" launch (also launch date)
FranceNone2+label2On label (different) with (Historiaphil) private post stamp (different)
FranceNone3+label3On label (different) with (Historiaphil) private post stamp (different)
FranceNone4+label4On label (different) with (Historiaphil) private post stamp (different)
France6100 fdc1 (Mi8049 fdc1)(Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC2021Ariane-5 on the launch pad (this was Ariane flight 254, with StarOne-D2 and Eutelsat-Quantum)
France6100 fdc2 (Mi8049 fdc2)(Éditions J.F.) cachet (different) on FDCStarOne-D2 and Eutelsat-Quantum launch by Ariane-5 rocket (Ariane flight 254) on 30 July 2021

Below is a list of Brasilsat-series launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Brasilsat (Brazil)
1985-02-08: Brasilsat-A1 (and Arabsat-1A)
French Guiana1985-02-08Kourou(Club philatélique ESA-Lollini) cachet on coverBrasilsat-A1 launch
French Guiana1985-02-08Kourou(Club philatélique ESA-Lollini) cachet (different) on coverBrasilsat-A1 launch
French Guiana1985-02-08Kourou(Club philatélique ESA-Lollini) cachet (different) on coverBrasilsat-A1 launch
French Guiana1985-02-08Kourou(CPK) cachet on coverBrasilsat-A1 launch
French Guiana1985-02-08Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverBrasilsat-A1 launch
France1985-02-09Paris(Club philatélique ESA-Lollini) cachet on coverBrasilsat-A1 launch
1986-03-28: Brasilsat-A2 (and GStar-2)
French Guiana1986-03-28Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverBrasilsat-A2 launch
French Guiana1986-03-28Kourou(KPS?) cachet on cardBrasilsat-A2 launch
French Guiana1986-03-28Kourou(Conseil de l'Europe) cachet on cardBrasilsat-A2 launch
French Guiana1986-03-28Kourou(Association philatélique du CNES) cachet on coverBrasilsat-A2 launch
1994-08-10: Brasilsat-B1 (and Turksat-1B)
French Guiana1994-08-10Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélique) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B1 launch
French Guiana1994-08-10Kourou(ArianeSpace/Lollini) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B1 launch
France1994-08-11Nice(ArianceSpace/Lollini) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B1 launch
France1994-08-11Paris(Lollini) cachet (and signature) on coverBrasilsat-B1 launch
1995-03-28: Brasilsat-B2 (and HotBird-1)
French Guiana1995-03-28Kourou(Red and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B2 launch
French Guiana1995-03-28Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B2 launch
French Guiana1995-03-28Kourou(Association Pégase) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B2 launch
French Guiana1995-03-28Kourou(Pictorial) cancel1 on FDC (Éditions philatéliques CEF cachet)Brasilsat-B2 launch
French Guiana1995-03-28Kourou(Pictorial) cancel1 on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet)Brasilsat-B2 launch
French Guiana1995-03-28Kourou(Pictorial) cancel1 on FDC (? cachet)Brasilsat-B2 launch
French Guiana1995-03-28Kourou(Pictorial) cancel1 on maxicardBrasilsat-B2 launch
1998-02-04: Brasilsat-B3 (and Inmarsat-3-F5)
French Guiana1998-02-04Kourou(Philatélie Arianespace) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B3 launch
French Guiana1998-02-04Kourou (black cancel)(Lollini) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B3 launch
French Guiana1998-02-04Kourou (red cancel)(Lollini) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B3 launch
French Guiana1998-02-04Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B3 launch
French Guiana1998-02-04Kourou(Lollini blue printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B3 launch
France1998-02-05Paris(Lollini blue printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B3 launch
Gabon1998-02-05Libreville(ESA Philatélie) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B3 launch
2000-08-17: Brasilsat-B4 (and Nilesat-102)
French Guiana2000-08-17Kourou(C.E. SNECMA Section Philatélie) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B4 launch
French Guiana2000-08-17Kourou(Conseil de l'Europe) cachet on coverBrasilsat-B4 launch
Brasilsat (on other than Brasilsat launch covers)
French Guiana1999-04-02Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on Insat-2E launch coverReproduction of HotBird-1_and_Brasilsat-B2_cover2
Satelites de Coleta de Dados (SCD) (Brazil)
1993-02-09: SCD-1
United States1993-02-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Brown and blue printed) cachet on coverSCD-1 launch
StarOne (Brazil)
2007-11-14: StarOne-C1 (and Skynet-5B)
French Guiana2007-11-14Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverStarOne-C1 launch
French Guiana2007-11-14Kourou (pictorial cancel)(Conseil de l'Europe?) cachet on coverStarOne-C1 launch
French Guiana2007-11-14Kourou (text cancel)(Conseil de l'Europe?) cachet on coverStarOne-C1 launch
French Guiana2007-11-14Kourou(Association Philatélique du C.E. SPS) cachet on coverStarOne-C1 launch
2008-04-18: StarOne-C2 (and Vinasat-1)
French Guiana2008-04-18Kourou(Association Philatélique du C.E. SPS) cachet on coverStarOne-C2 launch
2012-11-10: StarOne-C3 (and Eutelsat-21B)
French Guiana2012-11-10Kourou(Association Philatélique du C.E. SPS) cachet on coverStarOne-C3 launch
French Guiana2012-11-10Kourou(Historiaphil) cachet on coverStarOne-C3 launch
2015-07-15: StarOne-C4 (and MSG-4 / Meteosat-11)
French Guiana2015-07-15Kourou(Association Philatélique du C.E. Safran Héraklès) cachet on coverStarOne-C4 launch
2016-12-21: StarOne-D1 (and JCSat-15)
French Guiana2016-12-21Kourou (black cancel)(Lollini) cachet on coverStarOne-D1 launch
French Guiana2016-12-21Kourou (red cancel)(Lollini) cachet (different, and signature) on coverStarOne-D1 launch
French Guiana2016-12-21Kourou(Association Philatélique du C.E. Safran Héraklès) cachet on coverStarOne-D1 launch
Gabon2016-12-22Libreville(Lollini) cachet on coverStarOne-D1 launch
2021-07-30: StarOne-D2 (and Eutelsat-Quantum)
French Guiana2021-07-30Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverStarOne-D2 launch

1"Ariane - 100th satellite" and date (1995-03-28) celebrate the launch of Brasilsat-B2 and HotBird-1 (depicted in the (pictorial) cancel)

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-01-05