Bjerknes, Vilhelm

Meteorologists, Climatologists, Atmospheric
Scientists, and other Contributors to
Meteorology and Climatology

Below are indexes (both chronological and alphabetical) to Meteorologists, climatologists, atmospheric scientists, and other contributors to meteorology and climatology on postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.) and numismatic items (banknotes and coins). Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the items featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

The chronological index is divided into three historical periods: Ancient and pre-Renaissance, Precursor, and Modern (Contributors to Meteorology). The choice of WWI as the dividing line between Precursor and Modern Eras is somewhat arbitrary. An individual is classified as a "Modern" if we consider that the bulk of his work related to meteorology was done after WWI. On the other hand, a "Precursor" is considered to be an individual who did the majority of his work related to meteorology before WWI.

Contributors to MeteorologyTime Period CoveredNumber
Ancient and pre-RenaissanceThrough 1300s AD34
Precursor EraRenaissance [~1400 AD] through World War I231
Modern EraPost World War I144
Chronological and Alphabetical Indexes (this page)409

Chronological Index to
Contributors to Meteorology
(in Three Historical Periods)
Alphabetical Index to
Contributors to Meteorology
Ancient and pre-Renaissance (through 1300s AD)
Precursor Era (Renaissance [~1400 AD] through World War I)
Modern (post World War I)
Other Modern Era Contributors (with limited information)

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This Website created and maintained by Garry Toth and Don Hillger.
Updated: 2024-12-09