July 24-25, 2000 Long-Lived Supercell Over Nebraska
This data set covers a supercell storm that occured on July 24, 2000. The storm initiated in southern South Dakota at approximately 20:30 UTC and appeared to split taking a due south course. As it moved across central Nebraska numerous tornadoes, large hail and damaging winds were reported. The thunderstorm maintained supercell characteristics for over 6 hours.
This is a SRSO (1 minute interval imaging) data set covering 3 1/2 hours from 21:30 thru 00:59 UTC.
These digital, McIDAS format data files are available by anonymous FTP to: canopus.cira.colostate.edu. They are in directory /00206_supercell. The 5-channel, one-minute sector files are named with the conventional McIDAS "AREAnnnn" format (Approx 1.1 GB).
- nnnn=1000's for GOES Imager channel 1 (1 km)
- nnnn=2000's for channel 2 (4 km)
- nnnn=3000's for channel 3 (8 km)
- nnnn=4000's for channel 4 (4 km)
- nnnn=5000's for channel 5 (4 km)
Also available are a collection of ZIP files for faster download (Approx 500MB).
Channel 1 is visible, channel 2 is at 3.7 micrometers, channel 3 is at 6.7 micrometers (water vapor), channel 4 is at 10.2 micrometers (conventional IR window), and channel 5 is at 11.5 micrometers.
For more information on this data set look here.