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RAMMB: Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch logo CIRA: Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere logo NESDIS: NOAA Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service logo

Synthetic Forecast Imagery Real-time Products

Synthetic GOES-R Imagery from Real-Time NSSL 4 km WRF-ARW

Synthetic 10.35 µm minus 3.9 µm Fog Product

Synthetic 10.35 µm minus 3.9 µm Fog Product

Synthetic 10.35 µm minus 12.30 µm

Synthetic 10.35 µm minus 12.30 µm

Synthetic 8.50 µm minus 10.35 µm

Synthetic 8.50 µm minus 10.35 µm

Synthetic 8.50 µm minus 12.30 µm

Synthetic 8.50 µm minus 12.30 µm