Ken Pryor (NESDIS)
The VISIT lesson “Forecasting Convective Downburst Potential Using GOES Sounder Derived Products” presents current applications of a suite of GOES sounder-derived products. The lesson has been recently revised to include updated imagery examples, and new case studies of downburst events that occurred over the United States Great Plains during June and August 2009. The cases demonstrated the effectiveness of coordinated use of the GOES Microburst products in evolving convective storm environments. The objective of the lesson is to provide better understanding of techniques for predicting the risk of convective downbursts utilizing GOES sounder derived data. The guide for the lesson is available at the following web address: . Also revised is the audio playback version of the lesson, also available on the student guide page. An example of one of the case studies of a significant downburst event is summarized below.
During the afternoon of
The images above are a Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) imager microburst product at 2200 UTC 26 August 2009(top) and a corresponding GOES sounder Microburst Windspeed Potential Index (MWPI) product (bottom), with the location of Oklahoma mesonet observations (i.e BESS, WEAT, etc.) of downburst wind gusts plotted on the MWPI image. Both product images displayed convective storms developing along the cold front over western
The following are significant downbursts recorded by the Oklahoma Mesonet during this event:
Station – Time (UTC) – Wind Gust (knots)
Bessie – 0005- 50
Kingfisher – 0020 – 43
Weatherford – 0030 – 41
Also important to note the general increase in MWPI values from southwest (BESS) to northeast (MEDF) associated with a progression from hybrid to stronger wet type downbursts. Downbursts over western