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RAMMB: Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch logo CIRA: Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere logo NESDIS: NOAA Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service logo

Satellite Foundational Course for JPSS (SatFC-J) Training Modules

Individual training modules are listed by "Title" and grouped under common topic categories. To sort by column, click the column heading at the top to reorder them. Expected completion time is given in minutes.

Topic Title Expected Completion Time Contributor Developed
Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing 25 CIRA 2018
Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing Oxygen and Water Vapor Absorption Bands 30 CIRA 2018
Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing Microwave Surface Emissivity 25 CIRA 2018
Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing Influence of Clouds and Precipitation 25 CIRA 2018
Introducing Suomi NPP, JPSS, GCOM and GPM Orbits and Data Availability 20 Dills (COMET) 2018
Introducing Suomi NPP, JPSS, GCOM and GPM The VIIRS Imager 35 Lee and Dills (COMET) 2018
Introducing Suomi NPP, JPSS, GCOM and GPM The CrIS and ATMS Sounders 45 Dills (COMET) 2018
Introducing Suomi NPP, JPSS, GCOM and GPM The AMSR2 Microwave Imager 30 Lee and Dills (COMET) 2018
Introducing Suomi NPP, JPSS, GCOM and GPM NASA GPM Overview 25 SPoRT 2018
Beneficial Products and their Applications Uses of VIIRS Imagery 25 Lindstrom (CIMSS) 2018
Beneficial Products and their Applications The VIIRS Day / Night Band 25 Lee and Dills (COMET) 2018
Beneficial Products and their Applications NUCAPS Soundings 20 Lindstrom (CIMSS) 2018
Beneficial Products and their Applications Impact of Satellite Observations on NWP 30 COMET 2017
Topic Title Expected Completion Time Contributor Developed