The agenda is also available as a Word document here.
- 09:30-09:35 Welcome, Bob Atlas
- 09:35-09:40 Opening remarks and Introduction, V. Tallapragada, EMC
- 09:40-10:00 Existing diagnostic capabilities and further Stream 1 Requirements, V. Tallapragada (PDF)
- 10:00-10:15 Stream 1 Initialization Diagnostics, W. Hogsett, NHC (PDF)
- 10:15-10:30 Summary of stream 2 diagnostic capabilities, M. DeMaria, NESDIS (PDF)
- 10:30-10:45 Morning Break
- 10:45-11:00 Diagnosing systematic errors in HWRF, T. Krishnamurti, FSU (presented by M.K. Biswas) (PDF)
- 11:00-11:15 Diagnostics for the ARW, R. Torn, SUNYA (PDF)
- 11:15-11:30 Summary of diagnostics for COAMPS-TC, J. Doyle, NRL (PDF)
- 11:30-11:35 Overview of discussion topics, V. Tallapragada
- 11:35-12:00 Discussion Topic 1: Rapid Response Team for real time support (Moderators: M. DeMaria and V. Tallapragada)
- 12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
- 13:30-14:25 Discussion Topic 2: Short term plan to assist 2011 HWRF implementation (Moderator: V.Tallapragada) a) Post processing vs. run time diagnostics, b) Expected test sample , c) Data formats, d) Comparison with observations (in situ, satellite) and d) timeline (PDF)
- 14:25-14:40 Model Diagnostics efforts at HRD, Frank Marks, AOML (PDF)
- 14:40-15:30 Discussion Topic 3: Long Term plans for operational model diagnostic support (Stream 1) and continued Stream 2 development (Moderators: M. DeMaria and V. Tallapragada) a) Models to be included, b) Scope and agencies involved, c) relationship to stream 2 diagnostics, d) Observational databases e) Software tools and languages, f) diagnostics tool box, and g) community outreach (PDF)
- 15:30-16:00 Wrap up and Next Steps