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RAMMB: Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch logo CIRA: Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere logo NESDIS: NOAA Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service logo

Stream 1 Regional Hurricane Model Diagnostics Planning Meeting

9.30 AM to 4 PM Monday, November 8, 2010
1st Floor Conference Room, AOML, Virginia Key, Miami, FL
Action Items

Three primary action items resulted from the discussion during the meeting as follows.

  1. EMC will create a list of tasks related to the operational HWRF testing and implementation that the HFIP teams can contribute to. This list will be used to help set priorities for the ADD team milestones for FY11. A preliminary version is available from "Draft FY11 HWRF Task List"
  2. A small group will be established to assist with transitioning HFIP stream 2 diagnostic developments to stream 1. The ADD team co-leads (M. DeMaria and E. Rappaport) will provide oversight for this group. A preliminary list of representatives include the following.
    • EMC - Vijay Tallapragada
    • NHC - Richard Pasch and Wallace Hogsett
    • NESDIS - Mark DeMaria
    • HRD - Tomi Vukicevic, Thiago Quirino, Sim Aberson
    • NRL - Jim Doyle
    • GFDL - Morris Bender and Tim Marchok
    • ESRL - Shaowu Bao
    • SUNYA - Ryan Torn
    • DTC - TBD
  3. A method to help monitor the operational hurricane models during the season will be established for 2011. One possibility is to appoint a small group to keep track of the model behavior in near real time and to perform routine diagnostic calculations. Unusual cases should be documented for more careful study and evaluation. This effort will also be coordinated through the ADD team.