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Simulated thunderstorms from 8 May 2003. The image on the left (click for animation) is the simulated GOES-R ABI 6.185 mm band; the middle image (click for animation) is the simulated GOES-R ABI 10.35 mm band (note the Enhanced-V evident in northwestern Missouri); the right image (click for animation) is the simulated difference between these 2 channels, where the red pixels have negative 10.35 - 6.185 mm differences. These positive differences tend to be associated with thunderstorm overshooting tops.
Project Summary
The next generation GOES satellites (beginning with GOES-R) will include an Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) with vastly improved spectral, spatial and temporal resolution relative to the current GOES I-M series satellites (click here for bandwidth comparisons). The GOES-R era will begin early in the next decade, and will be part of a global observing system that includes polar orbiting satellites with instruments with comparable spatial and spectral resolution. This science study will use numerical simulations and existing in situ and satellite data to better understand the capabilities of these advanced instruments. This science study will help to reduce the time needed to fully utilize GOES-R as soon as possible after launch. A similar approach is being used for NPOESS, with initial emphasis on the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) instruments. Case studies of tropical cyclones, lake effect snow events, severe weather outbreaks, fog events, and polar lows will be analyzed using numerical simulations and currently available data.
Click here for a listing of the ABI proposed bands.
Click here for a comparison of ABI and MODIS bands.