Cloud over snow example on 30 November 2011 from Buffalo WFO using MODIS imagery

Buffalo WFO SOO David Zaff collected this imagery from one of the forecasters, Robert Hamilton, who sent him the following message: “I found it very interesting to see snow cover on the basic IR imagery late this afternoon, so I have attached both the IR and VIS imagery from 19z.  ‘Sampling’ over the snow cover on the IR imagery, I was getting consistent temps of -2 to -3c, and when I moved off the snow cover to the dry land, I was getting readings of +2 to +3c.

After showing Paone (another forecaster), he went into the MODIS imagery and noted how well it was shown in both the Cloud/Snow Discriminator image and the Cloud Layer/Snow Discriminator image.”

Figure 1.  The images saved by the Buffalo WFO have been assembled here in a 4-panel for comparison, with the oval highlighting the snow cover discussed in the above quote. Shown is a visible (upper left) and IR image (upper right), both at 1900 UTC, CIRA MODIS Cloud/Snow Discrimination Image at 1625 UTC (lower left), and MODIS Cloud Layer/Snow Discrimination Image at 1803 UTC (lower right).

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