--- Site: KABQ --- Reference: ['amounts of smoke through sunset. the latest 18z hrrr smoke forecast '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405242033-KABQ-FXUS65-AFDABQ Reference: ['western us wildfires. initially, the hrrr smoke model paints haze '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409130928-KABQ-FXUS65-AFDABQ * In 2024, KABQ had 2 references out of 2326 total AFDs. --- Site: KABR --- Reference: ['concentration of smoke is currently overhead and hrrr smoke products '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405121937-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['northwest flow tonight through at least tuesday, hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407081526-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR-AAA Reference: ['least thursday. the 06z run of the hrrr-smoke indicates the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407100906-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['latest hrrr-smoke output, there should be a bit of a reprieve from '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407160755-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['today/tonight into wednesday. hrrr smoke output continues to show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407230912-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['using the hrrr smoke products for guidance.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407241742-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['counties thursday evening. the hrrr smoke products have been used to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407241922-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['hrrr smoke is forecasting lesser concentrations of smoke at 00z '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407250853-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['and with the trends in the hrrr smoke, it will be sticking around '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407280941-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['(per the hrrr-smoke model).'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408040132-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR-AAB Reference: ['hrrr smoke model indicates smoke aloft this morning continuing '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408110753-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['80s across the cwa. also, worth a mention, the latest hrrr-smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408111915-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke model looks to indicate another plume of smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408120747-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['hrrr smoke model advects some of this smoke down into the cwa ', 'smoke), which the hrrr smoke model has been doing okay modeling. the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409041945-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['system. hrrr smoke model suggests an increase in smoke aloft over '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409080821-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['air mass. latest runs of the hrrr smoke product show a higher '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409082052-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['back in mt is generally 2sm-5sm in areas where the hrrr smoke at 08z ', 'aloft, and potentially near/at the surface. hrrr smoke product ', 'later this afternoon, as the hrrr smoke product suggests. visibility ', 'overnight. closely followed the hrrr smoke concentration output for '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409100852-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['matches up with the hrrr smoke output, so have added some adjustment '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410021831-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['matches up with the hrrr smoke output, so have added some '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410030522-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR-AAC Reference: ['into tonight, pushing southeast monday. latest hrrr smoke shows '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410060825-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['hrrr smoke product does show decent concentrations of smoke aloft '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410061930-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['with the ongoing fires in wyoming, idaho, and montana, hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410070743-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model has an area of smoke aloft similarly positioned ', 'hrrr smoke model takes the smoke aloft and repositions it further '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410080913-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['remains to be seen is if the hrrr smoke's near surface component ', 'aloft over the region, while the hrrr smoke model continues to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410090849-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['southwest wind and a temperature of 66 degrees. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410100910-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['there continues to be some smoke aloft in hrrr smoke output for '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410110844-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR * In 2024, KABR had 26 references out of 2782 total AFDs. --- Site: KAKQ --- Reference: ['upper midwest. blended tpw sat imagery and mesoanalysis shows pw'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408141624-KAKQ-FXUS61-AFDAKQ * In 2024, KAKQ had 1 references out of 3495 total AFDs. --- Site: KALY --- * In 2024, KALY had 0 references out of 3646 total AFDs. --- Site: KAMA --- Reference: ['united states. latest from the hrrr smoke model suggests that this'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407250805-KAMA-FXUS64-AFDAMA Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke model runs do see it dissipating by the late '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407251106-KAMA-FXUS64-AFDAMA Reference: ['across the united states. latest from the hrrr smoke model runs do'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407260824-KAMA-FXUS64-AFDAMA Reference: ['meanwhile, latest runs from the hrrr smoke has projected smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409131128-KAMA-FXUS64-AFDAMA * In 2024, KAMA had 4 references out of 2245 total AFDs. --- Site: KAPX --- * In 2024, KAPX had 0 references out of 2899 total AFDs. --- Site: KARX --- Reference: ['and various poes imagery/derived products early this morning. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402191011-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['(gridded nucaps poes) into the upper mississippi river valley. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404021020-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['area today. the hrrr smoke forecast calls for the near surface '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405122000-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['monday. recent rap/hrrr smoke models show the plume of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409030821-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['pickle lake, ontario, canada align with nucaps <1c dewpoint ', 'associated low level raobs, satellite imagery, and polar satellite ', 'derived nucaps analyses exhibit this driest airmass of 11c '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411290935-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['(spc raob climatology) according to polar orbiting satellites, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412010959-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['noaa19, gps) was observed at 04z through oklahoma. as the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412131108-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['pwats (poes - metopb, noaa19, gps) was observed at 04z through '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412131152-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['night on poes derived imagery with a 5c/100mi west-southwest to'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412221002-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX * In 2024, KARX had 9 references out of 2283 total AFDs. --- Site: KBGM --- * In 2024, KBGM had 0 references out of 3994 total AFDs. --- Site: KBIS --- Reference: ['being observed mainly along and north of highway 2. hrrr smoke', 'evening. given current observations and hrrr smoke forecast placed'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405120921-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['window appears small. a few nucaps soundings over the mondak '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406032058-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['afternoon before the hrrr smoke model moves more smoke into the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407090855-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['restrictions at the surface. hrrr smoke modeling does show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407091400-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['smoke aloft will result in hazy skies. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407100957-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['our central and eastern counties, with the hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407101400-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['least). the hrrr-smoke model does not bring a ton of near'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407191920-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['could bring hazy skies. the hrrr smoke near surface has some ', 'morning have left it out for now. hrrr smoke continues to show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407200937-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['reductions at some point. otherwise, the latest hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407202209-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['fog begins mixing in. the latest hrrr smoke forecast has higher '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407211949-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['surface. hrrr smoke guidance today through tonight is higher'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407220906-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['previous update. rap and hrrrsmoke models suggest near-surface '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407250222-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['hrrrsmoke suggests very high concentrations, especially in the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407260008-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['finally, the hrrr-smoke model continues to be aggressive in brining '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407261935-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['finally, the hrrr-smoke model continues to be aggressive in'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407270026-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['recent hrrr smoke model runs are indicating smoke aloft will'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407310842-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['hrrr smoke model run indicates that there's a good chance the smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407311955-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['for an advisory on the nd side of the border. hrrr smoke does '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408151745-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['dakota early this morning. according to the hrrr-smoke model,'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408160816-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['hrrr smoke then has this smoke lingering across the west and', 'and according to the hrrr smoke will linger through the night.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408162022-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['interest is the hrrr smoke showing increasing amounts of smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408240943-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['southerly wind is expected. of interest is the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408241429-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['wind is expected. of interest is the hrrr smoke showing '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408241741-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['west filters into the region. the latest hrrr smoke model run is'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409020258-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['smoke from distant wildfires. the hrrr-smoke model suggests that'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409112003-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS * In 2024, KBIS had 25 references out of 3085 total AFDs. --- Site: KBMX --- * In 2024, KBMX had 0 references out of 2536 total AFDs. --- Site: KBOI --- Reference: ['producing the most smoke. according to hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407211517-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['southerly. hrrr smoke model shows near-surface smoke getting'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408010910-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['to westerly. hrrr smoke model continues smoky conditions today, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408040918-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke model sees the large paddock fire north'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408071523-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['storms should be east of the area by 10 am mdt. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408091521-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['looks dense on hrrr smoke model both near the surface and aloft.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408281522-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['.discussion...goes visible satellite imagery and hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408291558-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['southwestern idaho. the hrrr smoke model is correct in showing a'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408292028-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['however, the hrrr smoke model brings near-surface smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409030901-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['conditions will continue, although the hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409051615-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['mountains. hrrr smoke model shows some improvement this'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409052052-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI * In 2024, KBOI had 11 references out of 1499 total AFDs. --- Site: KBOU --- Reference: ['mexico (it is flaring up again this afternoon), the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406182110-KBOU-FXUS65-AFDBOU Reference: ['across the northern great plains, and hrrr smoke forecasts show'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407212041-KBOU-FXUS65-AFDBOU Reference: ['northern mountains. hrrr smoke forecasts show a couple of denser'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407281613-KBOU-FXUS65-AFDBOU Reference: ['obs/hrrr smoke forecasts.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409101735-KBOU-FXUS65-AFDBOU Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model has some oregon smoke moving in friday '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409120904-KBOU-FXUS65-AFDBOU Reference: ['normal. upstream fires and hrrr smoke output would suggest areas'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410050912-KBOU-FXUS65-AFDBOU * In 2024, KBOU had 6 references out of 2670 total AFDs. --- Site: KBOX --- Reference: ['aloft per today's 12z hrrr-smoke model run, which shows modest '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407251936-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX Reference: ['will fall as fog develops. hrrr smoke suggests near identical'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408170007-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX Reference: ['hrrr-smoke does show a slightly greater concentration of vertically-'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408241937-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX Reference: ['the hrrr-smoke continues to show a thicker plume of smoke aloft '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408250654-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX Reference: ['with a opaque/hazier look per 13/00z hrrr-smoke forecasts of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409130643-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX * In 2024, KBOX had 5 references out of 2904 total AFDs. --- Site: KBRO --- Reference: ['today but the current nucaps sounding shows a much higher, weaker'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404180548-KBRO-FXUS64-AFDBRO-AAB * In 2024, KBRO had 1 references out of 2270 total AFDs. --- Site: KBTV --- Reference: ['canadian firework and hrrr smoke models indicate that late this'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408131359-KBTV-FXUS61-AFDBTV Reference: ['points eastward early this morning. per hrrr-smoke product,'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411110746-KBTV-FXUS61-AFDBTV * In 2024, KBTV had 2 references out of 3381 total AFDs. --- Site: KBUF --- Reference: ['satellite trends and hrrr smoke model guidance. this will produce a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409122301-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF * In 2024, KBUF had 1 references out of 3286 total AFDs. --- Site: KBYZ --- Reference: ['sensitive groups. hrrr smoke forecast shows increasing smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407280814-KBYZ-FXUS65-AFDBYZ * In 2024, KBYZ had 1 references out of 1290 total AFDs. --- Site: KCAE --- * In 2024, KCAE had 0 references out of 2039 total AFDs. --- Site: KCAR --- Reference: ['light nw flow. hrrr smoke model appears to be slightly overdoing'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408071046-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR * In 2024, KCAR had 1 references out of 3032 total AFDs. --- Site: KCHS --- Reference: ['to kchs/ kjzi (observed on the alpw product). expect winds to be'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407070542-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['retrograding mid-level low near bermuda. the alpw product shows ', 'gradient is further supported by the cira alpw product which '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407070802-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS * In 2024, KCHS had 2 references out of 3153 total AFDs. --- Site: KCLE --- Reference: ['afternoon, although nucaps sounding indicate an abundance of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405011905-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE Reference: ['layer across the southwest conus, with the morning nucaps pass '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407111947-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE Reference: ['derived and alpw products indicate pwats in excess of 2.0 inches'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407280729-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE Reference: ['moisture depicted on the alpw. this pre-frontal trough is expected '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409060903-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE * In 2024, KCLE had 4 references out of 3021 total AFDs. --- Site: KCRP --- Reference: ['depicted by hrrr smoke guidance. ceilings will drop to mvfr/ifr'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405081808-KCRP-FXUS64-AFDCRP Reference: ['tomorrow as depicted by hrrr smoke guidance. ceilings will drop to'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405082332-KCRP-FXUS64-AFDCRP * In 2024, KCRP had 2 references out of 2266 total AFDs. --- Site: KCTP --- Reference: ['northern pa. the hrrr smoke model also shows an uptick in'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409111624-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['high/cirrus blow in from francine. the hrrr smoke model also '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409120856-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model also continues to show an increase in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409121937-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['hrrr smoke model indicates some high level smoke from canadian '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409122205-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['september. hrrr smoke model continues to indicate some high '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409130708-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['hrrr smoke model continues to indicate some high level smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409131543-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP * In 2024, KCTP had 6 references out of 3948 total AFDs. --- Site: KCYS --- Reference: ['wy. latest poes merged snowfall rates show liquid equivalents '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402162049-KCYS-FXUS65-AFDCYS Reference: ['reporting 5sm which coincides with the hrrr smoke showing higher'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407232349-KCYS-FXUS65-AFDCYS Reference: ['mention of smoke in the kaia and ksny tafs due to hrrr smoke fields '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407300456-KCYS-FXUS65-AFDCYS Reference: ['chance for reduced visibilities briefly due to smoke. hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410091744-KCYS-FXUS65-AFDCYS Reference: ['douglas to scottsbluff. the hrrr smoke model suggests that some'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410132033-KCYS-FXUS65-AFDCYS * In 2024, KCYS had 5 references out of 2266 total AFDs. --- Site: KDDC --- Reference: ['throughout today after looking over the hrrr smoke model i've', 'tonight the hrrr smoke models was showing another plume coming'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402290800-KDDC-FXUS63-AFDDDC Reference: ['milky white haze in the sky during the afternoon. hrrr smoke models '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410071908-KDDC-FXUS63-AFDDDC Reference: ['with the shortwave is hrrr smoke models showing another round of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410091910-KDDC-FXUS63-AFDDDC Reference: ['the temperatures will be for friday and saturday. hrrr smoke models '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410101904-KDDC-FXUS63-AFDDDC * In 2024, KDDC had 4 references out of 2381 total AFDs. --- Site: KDLH --- Reference: ['accumulation with either wave. the alpw products are not showing'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402102225-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['around 6kft agl according to the hrrr smoke model. so sunny but '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405130937-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['linger aloft according to the hrrr smoke model, but won't be '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405140758-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['morning and alpw supports the movement of this moisture up into the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406120849-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model keeps the majority of the smoke aloft with a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407082010-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['northern mn in a moderate risk (1 out of 5). the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407101954-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['has northern mn in a moderate risk (1 out of 5). the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407110540-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['northern saskatchewan. the hrrr smoke model's vertically integrated '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407192013-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['in northern saskatchewan. the hrrr smoke model's vertically '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407200000-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['up in canada. the hrrr smoke plume model advects this over the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407241954-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['as a result. the hrrr smoke model suggests that smoke that'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409102003-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['drawing in gulf moisture. looking at alpw highlights a deep '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411182129-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['are helping to draw in some moisture to the northland. alpw '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411242059-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['superior. looking at the alpw we can see a plume of moisture '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412072210-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH * In 2024, KDLH had 14 references out of 2389 total AFDs. --- Site: KDMX --- Reference: ['which the hrrr smoke model brings across northern/northeast '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407230743-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['additionally, the latest hrrr-smoke is showing a higher '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408191931-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['today ahead of the weak approaching shortwave. hrrrsmoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408200755-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['final hours of the extended rap and hrrr smoke vertically integrated '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409091942-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['looking at trends in the hrrr smoke model, the heaviest '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409101848-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['hrrr smoke guidance today, though may see another uptick in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409130855-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX * In 2024, KDMX had 6 references out of 2224 total AFDs. --- Site: KDTX --- * In 2024, KDTX had 0 references out of 2348 total AFDs. --- Site: KDVN --- Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model shows a smoke plume dissipating as it filters '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405131924-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN Reference: ['the potential for increasing smoke aloft per the 02.00z hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409020800-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN Reference: ['area. hrrr smoke forecast has the area seeing smoke tonight'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409090739-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN Reference: ['the 07.00z hrrr smoke model for areas along and south of highway'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410070744-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN * In 2024, KDVN had 4 references out of 2370 total AFDs. --- Site: KEAX --- * In 2024, KEAX had 0 references out of 2212 total AFDs. --- Site: KEKA --- Reference: ['over lake county overnight through wednesday morning. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406182227-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['the surrounding counties, mainly lake. hrrr smoke guidance expands '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406201150-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA * In 2024, KEKA had 2 references out of 770 total AFDs. --- Site: KEPZ --- * In 2024, KEPZ had 0 references out of 2185 total AFDs. --- Site: KEWX --- * In 2024, KEWX had 0 references out of 2364 total AFDs. --- Site: KFFC --- * In 2024, KFFC had 0 references out of 2625 total AFDs. --- Site: KFGF --- Reference: ['higher. rap/hrrr smoke models show the main periods of smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405121737-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['in s manitoba and from hrrr smoke grids idea is for a slow'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405130007-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['hrrr smoke forecast indicates this smoke will remain more aloft'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405131444-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['dakota, and hrrr smoke forecast is doing fairly well with the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407101444-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['at least from the hrrr smoke aloft looks quite thick today, but'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409100853-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['via viirs today confirms this widespread, small snow crystal ', 'dry snow since last week. satellite imagery such as snowmelt rgb'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412022215-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['visible satellite imagery (via viirs day night band) revealed '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412111027-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF * In 2024, KFGF had 7 references out of 3147 total AFDs. --- Site: KFGZ --- Reference: ['add the latest hrrr smoke guidance in the short term.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407081542-KFGZ-FXUS65-AFDFGZ Reference: ['across gila county and add latest hrrr smoke guidance.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407091634-KFGZ-FXUS65-AFDFGZ Reference: ['the area through the day. the latest hrrr smoke model runs '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409111618-KFGZ-FXUS65-AFDFGZ Reference: ['can easily transport smoke into arizona. the hrrr smoke is'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409112105-KFGZ-FXUS65-AFDFGZ Reference: ['arizona. the hrrr smoke is beginning to suggest this as well. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409120529-KFGZ-FXUS65-AFDFGZ * In 2024, KFGZ had 5 references out of 2909 total AFDs. --- Site: KFSD --- Reference: ['layer to move northeast. rap/hrrr smoke models indicate a fairly '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402290758-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD Reference: ['from rap/hrrr smoke guidance in the potential for some sky'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405120912-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD Reference: ['the northwest behind the departing storms. hrrr smoke model does '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407281956-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD Reference: ['has been reported upstream, and hrrr smoke model projections'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409050319-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD Reference: ['sky, latest hrrr smoke fields would suggest continuing improvement '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409051929-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD Reference: ['the surface. rap and hrrr smoke models indicate that tuesday '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410080836-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD Reference: ['aloft continuing to stream over the region. latest hrrr smoke fields '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410091943-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD * In 2024, KFSD had 7 references out of 2291 total AFDs. --- Site: KFWD --- * In 2024, KFWD had 0 references out of 2245 total AFDs. --- Site: KGGW --- Reference: ['the main deviation was to use hrrr smoke concentrations with '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405120925-KGGW-FXUS65-AFDGGW Reference: [' - hrrr smoke model is projecting a drop in visibility and brief', 'drops are pegged by the hrrr smoke model to around 14 to 18z '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407260834-KGGW-FXUS65-AFDGGW Reference: ['no deviations from nbm other than to add rap and hrrr smoke into'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409020857-KGGW-FXUS65-AFDGGW Reference: ['tonight, pushing smoke toward northeast mt. the rap and hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409080909-KGGW-FXUS65-AFDGGW * In 2024, KGGW had 4 references out of 887 total AFDs. --- Site: KGID --- Reference: ['recently. latest hrrr smoke forecast through monday night keeps'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407211859-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID Reference: ['rrfs and hrrr smoke models both show some smoke arriving from'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408311912-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID Reference: ['the forecast this evening. used the hrrr smoke model as a'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410100033-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID * In 2024, KGID had 3 references out of 2271 total AFDs. --- Site: KGJT --- Reference: ['push which is showing up fairly well on the alpw satellite '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202401210945-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['alpw and model ivt suggest we have had a decent push of moisture in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402262130-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['warm conveyor belt shown well in the alpw imagery with gulf '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404152122-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['as seen in the alpw plots. surface dew points indicate some low'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404240848-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['goes alpw images and this is where weak convection has been'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405302030-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['environment and again alpw is showing gulf-rich moisture pooling', 'the alpw goes imagery and will only increase over the next 24 '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408082046-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['goes alpw imagery has shown moisture infiltrating the upstream'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409012043-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['advects into the region. the hrrr smoke model suggests that smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409112105-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['basin and northwest colorado tonight according to hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410082103-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['goes cira alpw imagery with another tap of pacific moisture(more'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410172108-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['out from this system. the alpw goes imagery shows this tap well '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410270933-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['the cira alpw imagery is showing what was expected 24 hours ago'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410280953-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['places. water vapor and specifically the alpw imagery show this'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412262159-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT * In 2024, KGJT had 13 references out of 2316 total AFDs. --- Site: KGLD --- * In 2024, KGLD had 0 references out of 3032 total AFDs. --- Site: KGRB --- Reference: ['smoke trends...rap/hrrr smoke models continue to show a threat of'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407160849-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['smoke trends...rap/hrrr smoke models show less elevated smoke over'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407170857-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['instability recovery. latest hrrr smoke guidance suggests less '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407221820-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['smoke...hrrr smoke model shows a more substantial elevated smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407230959-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB * In 2024, KGRB had 4 references out of 2238 total AFDs. --- Site: KGRR --- Reference: ['surface lpw pressure is forming in southeast colorado as of late'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202403241613-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['hrrr-smoke is indicating smoke from western north american fires '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409101933-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR * In 2024, KGRR had 2 references out of 2789 total AFDs. --- Site: KGSP --- * In 2024, KGSP had 0 references out of 3140 total AFDs. --- Site: KGYX --- Reference: ['morning. hrrr-smoke does show some elevated wildfire smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405251044-KGYX-FXUS61-AFDGYX Reference: ['morning. hrrr-smoke does show some elevated wildfire smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405251426-KGYX-FXUS61-AFDGYX Reference: ['afternoon plays out to increase confidence. hrrr smoke/rap'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408142006-KGYX-FXUS61-AFDGYX Reference: ['several days. hrrr smoke model suggests the highest'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408161011-KGYX-FXUS61-AFDGYX-AAA * In 2024, KGYX had 4 references out of 2446 total AFDs. --- Site: KHGX --- Reference: ['from the gulf. latest blended tpw satellite imagery show values into '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408132118-KHGX-FXUS64-AFDHGX * In 2024, KHGX had 1 references out of 2189 total AFDs. --- Site: KHNX --- * In 2024, KHNX had 0 references out of 907 total AFDs. --- Site: KHUN --- * In 2024, KHUN had 0 references out of 2945 total AFDs. --- Site: KICT --- Reference: ['latest surface to 850mb polar orbiting satellite data products.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406020759-KICT-FXUS63-AFDICT * In 2024, KICT had 1 references out of 2223 total AFDs. --- Site: KILM --- * In 2024, KILM had 0 references out of 2942 total AFDs. --- Site: KILN --- Reference: ['monday through monday night. the hrrr smoke model is showing '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409081809-KILN-FXUS61-AFDILN * In 2024, KILN had 1 references out of 2971 total AFDs. --- Site: KILX --- Reference: ['potential for some smoke aloft tues pm/wed. the latest hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409020713-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['smoke. the hrrr smoke model shows small concentrations of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409081525-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['southward into southern illinois/indiana. the hrrr smoke model shows '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409081913-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX * In 2024, KILX had 3 references out of 2859 total AFDs. --- Site: KIND --- Reference: ['be minimal, if any at all. rap/hrrr smoke model runs show little '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407231401-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['additionally, satellite obs and hrrr smoke progs suggest an increase '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407232306-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['being observed. trajectories and hrrr smoke model suggest minimal if '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407261827-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['hrrr smoke model shows a residual signal from smoke that was shifted '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407271805-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['region. magnitudes in the hrrr smoke model are fairly significant, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408040656-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['threat for smaller fires will continue into today. hrrr smoke output '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409110527-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['hrrr smoke and visible satelitte output shows an elevated layer of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409111819-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND * In 2024, KIND had 7 references out of 3071 total AFDs. --- Site: KIWX --- * In 2024, KIWX had 0 references out of 2332 total AFDs. --- Site: KJAN --- Reference: ['as blended tpw showing pws of 1.25 in or less across the region'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406071430-KJAN-FXUS64-AFDJAN-AAB * In 2024, KJAN had 1 references out of 2840 total AFDs. --- Site: KJAX --- * In 2024, KJAX had 0 references out of 2747 total AFDs. --- Site: KJKL --- Reference: ['developing during the afternoon. additionally, the hrrr-smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408042315-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL Reference: ['the hrrr-smoke model depicts a substantial increase in vertically'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408042336-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL Reference: ['developing. additionally, the hrrr-smoke model does depict a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408050615-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL-AAA Reference: ['conditions to vfr through the forecast area. the hrrr-smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408051140-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL-AAA * In 2024, KJKL had 4 references out of 3830 total AFDs. --- Site: KKEY --- Reference: ['ch-10, and cira lpw) place a narrow band of sal pressing west '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408121445-KKEY-FXUS62-AFDKEY * In 2024, KKEY had 1 references out of 1477 total AFDs. --- Site: KLBF --- Reference: ['and the weaker nature of waa. hrrr smoke also suggests increased '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410082109-KLBF-FXUS63-AFDLBF * In 2024, KLBF had 1 references out of 2303 total AFDs. --- Site: KLCH --- * In 2024, KLCH had 0 references out of 2411 total AFDs. --- Site: KLIX --- Reference: ['is dry air wrapping around the eastern side of beryl. blended tpw '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407071927-KLIX-FXUS64-AFDLIX Reference: ['according to the blended tpw product, along with upper level '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409042202-KLIX-FXUS64-AFDLIX * In 2024, KLIX had 2 references out of 2093 total AFDs. --- Site: KLKN --- Reference: ['elko county this afternoon. latest hrrr smoke forecasts from '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408060904-KLKN-FXUS65-AFDLKN * In 2024, KLKN had 1 references out of 849 total AFDs. --- Site: KLMK --- Reference: ['hrrr-smoke guidance suggests the vertically integrated smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409090626-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK * In 2024, KLMK had 1 references out of 3000 total AFDs. --- Site: KLOT --- Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model has the thickest plume moving overhead '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409081900-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['the middle of the week. through tuesday, hrrr smoke output '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409090713-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['hrrr smoke output suggests there's little threat of smoke reaching'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409090726-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT-CCA Reference: ['america wildfires will vary in thickness, with the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409100819-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['western wildfires, with hrrr smoke forecast cross-sections '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409101716-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['way tomorrow morning. per the latest hrrr-smoke output, some '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410022000-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT * In 2024, KLOT had 6 references out of 2597 total AFDs. --- Site: KLOX --- Reference: ['ventura and portions of la county. the current hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407090543-KLOX-FXUS66-AFDLOX * In 2024, KLOX had 1 references out of 3019 total AFDs. --- Site: KLSX --- * In 2024, KLSX had 0 references out of 2288 total AFDs. --- Site: KLUB --- * In 2024, KLUB had 0 references out of 2245 total AFDs. --- Site: KLWX --- Reference: ['blended tpw product shows pwat values generally less than 0.4'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202401190155-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX-AAA Reference: ['in addition, the snowfall rate satellite produdct from a metop-c'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402170249-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX-AAA Reference: ['1820z noaa-20 pass to see if it can show any instability and/or ', 'appears doubtful at this time. awaiting nucaps data from an '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202403151823-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['ongoing fires on viirs day night band channel early morning '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202403220747-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['ongoing fires on viirs day night band channel this morning '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202403221427-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['fire hotspots are no longer evident on either goes or viirs fire', 'channels and no fire glow either on the viirs day night band'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202403240759-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['observed on earlier upper air data and more recent metop-c', 'nucaps data. this will contribute to a very favorable '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404151829-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['higher terrain into more stable air as shown on gridded nucaps'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404161859-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['window difference product from both goes and viirs shows the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405301842-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['into charles county as seen on early afternoon nucaps sounding.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408051922-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX-AAA * In 2024, KLWX had 10 references out of 1539 total AFDs. --- Site: KLZK --- * In 2024, KLZK had 0 references out of 2118 total AFDs. --- Site: KMAF --- * In 2024, KMAF had 0 references out of 2233 total AFDs. --- Site: KMEG --- * In 2024, KMEG had 0 references out of 2721 total AFDs. --- Site: KMFL --- * In 2024, KMFL had 0 references out of 2464 total AFDs. --- Site: KMFR --- Reference: ['expected over the next few days. the hrrr smoke model (generally '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406210946-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['new fire can be expected over the next few days. the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406211744-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['fire in eastern douglas county. the latest run of the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407192142-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['latest run of the hrrr smoke fields show the smoke being transported '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407202146-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['is worth noting that the hrrr smoke model is not seeming to'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408010330-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['eastward. the hrrr smoke model has struggled so far this season', 'which relies heavily on the hrrr smoke model seems to be'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408020319-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['cascades in the coming days with westerly flow. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408142153-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['lakeview) this morning. hrrr smoke guidance is showing the smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409041035-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['into parts of coos county. the hrrr smoke model is taking out the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409072059-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR * In 2024, KMFR had 9 references out of 2168 total AFDs. --- Site: KMHX --- * In 2024, KMHX had 0 references out of 2572 total AFDs. --- Site: KMKX --- * In 2024, KMKX had 0 references out of 1497 total AFDs. --- Site: KMLB --- * In 2024, KMLB had 0 references out of 2395 total AFDs. --- Site: KMOB --- * In 2024, KMOB had 0 references out of 2268 total AFDs. --- Site: KMPX --- * In 2024, KMPX had 0 references out of 2266 total AFDs. --- Site: KMQT --- Reference: ['very dry afternoon nucaps soundings, weak radar returns do not '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404131917-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT Reference: ['midlevels remain dry and well-mixed (per early afternoon nucaps '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404221828-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT Reference: ['airmass (see early afternoon nucaps profiles, latest model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405241848-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT Reference: ['low so far, and latest model and nucaps profiles still show some '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406021903-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT Reference: ['capping indicated in model soundings and the afternoon nucaps '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406292018-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT Reference: ['range and above. speaking of fires, the hrrr smoke model shows ', 'forecast if the 12z hrrr smoke remains consistent with this ', 'wildfire to the north of international falls, mn. the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410110719-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT Reference: ['up. drier air (apparent on water vapor imagery and nucaps soundings) '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410231909-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT * In 2024, KMQT had 7 references out of 3067 total AFDs. --- Site: KMRX --- * In 2024, KMRX had 0 references out of 2890 total AFDs. --- Site: KMSO --- Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model indicating that smoke and haze will likely ', 'the hrrr smoke model indicates that smoke and haze will likely '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410070759-KMSO-FXUS65-AFDMSO * In 2024, KMSO had 1 references out of 775 total AFDs. --- Site: KMTR --- Reference: ['area and central coast. latest nucaps soundings confirm weak '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402030004-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['the koak sounding and the last nucaps sounding reveal weak'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202403231542-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['the east. nucaps satellite sounding profiler pass from earlier '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404051646-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['vertically integrated hrrr smoke forecasts. northwest to west surface'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407061852-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['gradual decline since then. latest analysis from nucaps and kvbg'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409200211-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['a majority of the shower activity to be virga based on nucaps and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410041821-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR * In 2024, KMTR had 6 references out of 2825 total AFDs. --- Site: KOAX --- Reference: ['hrrr smoke fields do show some increase in vertically integrated '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408160742-KOAX-FXUS63-AFDOAX * In 2024, KOAX had 1 references out of 2244 total AFDs. --- Site: KOHX --- Reference: ['our way from the northwest as shown by the hrrr smoke model. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409090655-KOHX-FXUS64-AFDOHX * In 2024, KOHX had 1 references out of 2645 total AFDs. --- Site: KOKX --- Reference: ['satellite-derived blended tpw) to the east of the surface low '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407282019-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['city as per the hrrr smoke forecast, but not enough confidence '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408161448-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX * In 2024, KOKX had 2 references out of 3804 total AFDs. --- Site: KOTX --- Reference: ['but for now the hrrr smoke models are keeping most of the surface '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407181018-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke model suggests this will drift n-nw late today and '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407181155-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['chelan. the hrrr smoke model suggests this will drift n-nw late '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407181746-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['including the pioneer fire near lake chelan. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407182204-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['near the surface. the hrrr smoke model is indicating smoke to spread '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407251044-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['fires to accumulate near the surface. the hrrr smoke model is '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407251207-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['taper this evening. hrrr smoke indicates mvfr conditions possible'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407252238-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['continue to taper this evening. hrrr smoke indicates mvfr '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407260430-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['early with the hrrr smoke model keeping the most significant surface '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407261026-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['nonetheless, the hrrr smoke shows a swath of smoke from the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407262220-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['forecast, but the hrrr smoke is generating more surface level '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409020539-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['puw as the hrrr smoke model hints pushing a band of more '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409080421-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke model hints pushing a band of more concentrate smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409080457-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['panhandle, the hrrr smoke is showing a thicker layer of haze to move '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411072241-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX * In 2024, KOTX had 14 references out of 2162 total AFDs. --- Site: KOUN --- * In 2024, KOUN had 0 references out of 2237 total AFDs. --- Site: KPAH --- Reference: ['central missouri. cira alpw imagery shows a moistening layer at'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402270748-KPAH-FXUS63-AFDPAH * In 2024, KPAH had 1 references out of 1995 total AFDs. --- Site: KPBZ --- Reference: ['advect aloft according to hrrr-smoke that may keep skies '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407260500-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['return of wildfire smoke aloft as the hrrr smoke product pushes'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407260700-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['the return of wildfire smoke aloft as the hrrr smoke product '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407261443-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ * In 2024, KPBZ had 3 references out of 3090 total AFDs. --- Site: KPDT --- Reference: ['hrrr smoke forecast and href wind fields. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407251909-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['through sunday morning based primarily on hrrr smoke output. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407262159-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT * In 2024, KPDT had 2 references out of 2320 total AFDs. --- Site: KPHI --- * In 2024, KPHI had 0 references out of 3286 total AFDs. --- Site: KPIH --- Reference: ['owyhees. the hrrr smoke model keeps the bulk of this smoke aloft '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406230942-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['noted into early afternoon today. allowed hrrr smoke/haze to'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406232000-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['this point. based on hrrr smoke cross section forecasts for sun, it '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407091920-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['idaho. the latest hrrr smoke model keeps wildfire smoke in our'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407132040-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['wildfires. hrrr smoke has been persistent and robust with smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407162019-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['smoky skies. the latest hrrr-smoke model shows widespread smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407170855-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['supported by the hrrr smoke model visibility parameter. 13'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407190835-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['runs before 12z tafs are due. hrrr smoke model shows some smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407200840-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['will continue into early next week with the hrrr-smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407210900-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['continue into early next week with the hrrr-smoke model showing '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407212036-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['"moderate" air quality conditions across the region. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407232049-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['across the region from local and regional wildfires. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407240717-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['the area. however the 00z run of the hrrr smoke model shows a strong '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407250800-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['.air quality...hrrr smoke model show a large plume of smoke from ', 'for sensitive groups". the hrrr smoke model does not show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407260754-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model shows a large plume of smoke from oregon and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407262034-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model showing near surface smoke resident throughout '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407271014-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['thunderstorms by mid to late afternoon. the hrrr smoke model shows', 'at times through the weekend with the hrrr smoke and satellite '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407271950-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model shows it is representing the near-surface smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407280928-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['california, oregon, and nevada. the latest hrrr smoke model shows'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407282050-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['california, oregon, and nevada. the latest hrrr smoke model shows '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407290852-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['very light in some places, the hrrr smoke model does show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407312005-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['expected today. the latest hrrr smoke modeling shows more light to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408011948-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['the hrrr smoke models represents the ongoing smoke situation '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408100950-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['overall light winds, and mostly clear skies today. hrrr smoke ', 'thunderstorms from yesterday. the hrrr smoke model shows air ', 'evident by the latest hrrr smoke model, this system will also '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408110905-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['especially our northern areas. the hrrr smoke model shows '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408120933-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['hrrr smoke showing the highest concentrations up around custer and', 'today through thursday. for our southern areas, the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408130938-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['into thursday morning. hrrr smoke model and observations show air '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408140849-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['the latest hrrr smoke model shows the bulk of wildfire smoke in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408142010-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['.air quality...hrrr smoke forecasts show smoke from wildfires '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408160800-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['.air quality...hrrr smoke model shows improvement in air quality '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408170738-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['.air quality...the hrrr smoke model continues to show improvement'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408171933-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['perhaps a hint of broad support from the hrrr smoke model, but again '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408292003-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['restriction is noted in upstream observations. hrrr smoke fields'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409032013-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['hrrr smoke model showing hazy and smoky skies that will be dependent '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409120803-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['northern areas and fires in western idaho. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410051948-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['local fires. the hrrr smoke model continues to show moderate '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410062055-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['06z hrrr smoke forecast shows a push of smoke from western wy '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410122058-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['6z hrrr smoke model handles this solution well with increasing'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410130825-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH * In 2024, KPIH had 38 references out of 833 total AFDs. --- Site: KPQR --- Reference: ['moisture with blended total precipitable water (tpw) values of around'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405041035-KPQR-FXUS66-AFDPQR * In 2024, KPQR had 1 references out of 1577 total AFDs. --- Site: KPSR --- * In 2024, KPSR had 0 references out of 2214 total AFDs. --- Site: KPUB --- Reference: ['blended total precipitable water imagery is indicating pwats running '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406242051-KPUB-FXUS65-AFDPUB Reference: ['as of 11 am. goes blended total precipitable water vapor imagery '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407172044-KPUB-FXUS65-AFDPUB Reference: ['plains. the latest hrrr smoke does also show some more smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410090959-KPUB-FXUS65-AFDPUB * In 2024, KPUB had 3 references out of 2014 total AFDs. --- Site: KRAH --- Reference: ['blended rain rate products all support event total rainfall of under '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202401122030-KRAH-FXUS62-AFDRAH-RRA Reference: ['canadian wildfires via backward trajectories. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409090625-KRAH-FXUS62-AFDRAH * In 2024, KRAH had 2 references out of 3949 total AFDs. --- Site: KREV --- Reference: [' lot of activity again today. the 12z hrrr smoke is probably '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407072047-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' hrrr smoke, the densest smoke is near the oregon border, in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407082004-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' western nv each afternoon today-thursday. the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407240841-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' western nv each afternoon through friday. the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407241946-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' western nv each afternoon through friday. the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407250941-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' nv through friday. the hrrr smoke trajectory model keeps most of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407252050-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' northwestern nv. for today, the hrrr smoke trajectory model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407260925-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' hrrr smoke model output has picked up on this pattern, and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407270847-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' southwest. as such, the hrrr smoke model shows a majority of the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407280802-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: ['smoke is produced, which the hrrr smoke model assumes a constant '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407290844-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: ['increase in smoke/haze for areas farther south. the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407310908-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: ['through friday as per the hrrr smoke output. to reiterate, we still '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407311904-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: ['region through the afternoon per the hrrr smoke output. as the day'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408010908-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' into north central ca. hrrr smoke model guidance is showing some'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408022113-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' ca. hrrr smoke trajectory models showed less smoke coverage '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408032029-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' moderated fire activity for a few of the wildfires. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408040906-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' suppression efforts on the stockade canyon fire. latest hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408050858-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' down to 10-15%. latest hrrr smoke forecasts from existing fires'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408052022-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' hrrr smoke projections are picking up on the smoke that it put '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408060918-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' afternoon, and based on the hrrr smoke model and current flow, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408082019-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' west slopes with fire activity continuing. hrrr smoke sends '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408102019-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' reno. modis+viirs imagery showed quite a bit of heat on this'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408120905-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: ['skies and lighter afternoon breezes. latest hrrr smoke guidance '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409030926-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV * In 2024, KREV had 23 references out of 789 total AFDs. --- Site: KRIW --- Reference: ['morning. the latest hrrr smoke shows the most dense smoke occurring '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407172150-KRIW-FXUS65-AFDRIW Reference: ['smoke continues across the area. the 18z hrrr smoke shows a band of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407182307-KRIW-FXUS65-AFDRIW Reference: ['included some "6sm fu" in some of the tafs given the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409301731-KRIW-FXUS65-AFDRIW Reference: ['the elk fire in the northern bighorns. hrrr smoke forecasts indicate '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410060754-KRIW-FXUS65-AFDRIW Reference: ['backed up by hrrr smoke guidance, and could end up bringing mvfr'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410121742-KRIW-FXUS65-AFDRIW * In 2024, KRIW had 5 references out of 2212 total AFDs. --- Site: KRLX --- Reference: ['latest nucaps soundings indicate significant dry air in the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406162046-KRLX-FXUS61-AFDRLX * In 2024, KRLX had 1 references out of 3583 total AFDs. --- Site: KRNK --- * In 2024, KRNK had 0 references out of 2369 total AFDs. --- Site: KSEW --- * In 2024, KSEW had 0 references out of 1496 total AFDs. --- Site: KSGF --- Reference: ['satellite imagery, in addition to nucaps soundings, indicate '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405201946-KSGF-FXUS63-AFDSGF Reference: ['value of 0.29in. the most recent (1630z) nucaps pass over our area ', 'to nucaps satellite observations, nucaps' observed pw value of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412062143-KSGF-FXUS63-AFDSGF * In 2024, KSGF had 2 references out of 2276 total AFDs. --- Site: KSGX --- Reference: ['our area through monday, though hrrr smoke model shows at least a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406170430-KSGX-FXUS66-AFDSGX * In 2024, KSGX had 1 references out of 1478 total AFDs. --- Site: KSHV --- * In 2024, KSHV had 0 references out of 2964 total AFDs. --- Site: KSJT --- * In 2024, KSJT had 0 references out of 2869 total AFDs. --- Site: KSLC --- Reference: ['finally, the hrrr smoke does indicate a low concentration of'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405132153-KSLC-FXUS65-AFDSLC Reference: ['are ongoing in central utah. hrrr smoke modeling suggests plumes '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406142151-KSLC-FXUS65-AFDSLC Reference: ['visibility and air quality. hrrr smoke model suggests this smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408292059-KSLC-FXUS65-AFDSLC Reference: ['the day saturday. by sunday, hrrr smoke modeling at least reduces'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408310933-KSLC-FXUS65-AFDSLC Reference: ['indicated by the hrrr smoke model, as a few air quality sensors ', 'concentrations sliding largely west of i-15. hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409042115-KSLC-FXUS65-AFDSLC Reference: ['northwest flow. the hrrr smoke forecast currently has even higher '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409121118-KSLC-FXUS65-AFDSLC * In 2024, KSLC had 6 references out of 751 total AFDs. --- Site: KSTO --- * In 2024, KSTO had 0 references out of 769 total AFDs. --- Site: KTAE --- Reference: ['the carolinas. goes blended total precipitable water ranged from '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409171421-KTAE-FXUS62-AFDTAE Reference: ['characterized by goes blended total precipitable water of up to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409171853-KTAE-FXUS62-AFDTAE * In 2024, KTAE had 2 references out of 2921 total AFDs. --- Site: KTBW --- Reference: ['latest blended tpw imagery continues to show a narrow ribbon of'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407181302-KTBW-FXUS62-AFDTBW * In 2024, KTBW had 1 references out of 1839 total AFDs. --- Site: KTFX --- Reference: ['haze probabilities were expanded from the base hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407151534-KTFX-FXUS65-AFDTFX Reference: ['concentrations will be and the hrrr smoke model does not go out '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407221019-KTFX-FXUS65-AFDTFX Reference: ['the latest run of the hrrr smoke put a little more haze and smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407310206-KTFX-FXUS65-AFDTFX Reference: ['based on updated model guidance. the latest hrrr smoke was also '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408030235-KTFX-FXUS65-AFDTFX Reference: ['9%). recent hrrr-smoke modeling indicates a greater concentration'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409020250-KTFX-FXUS65-AFDTFX Reference: ['the latest hrrr smoke model points towards a wave of smoke/haze '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409081032-KTFX-FXUS65-AFDTFX Reference: ['latest run of the hrrr smoke model has produced, it is likely that'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409100938-KTFX-FXUS65-AFDTFX * In 2024, KTFX had 7 references out of 2946 total AFDs. --- Site: KTOP --- * In 2024, KTOP had 0 references out of 2224 total AFDs. --- Site: KTSA --- * In 2024, KTSA had 0 references out of 2936 total AFDs. --- Site: KTWC --- Reference: ['as indicated by the 08z nucaps pass, which should bring a threat'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408231654-KTWC-FXUS65-AFDTWC Reference: ['this afternoon. 14z nucaps soundings depicted around 500 j/kg of'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412062123-KTWC-FXUS65-AFDTWC * In 2024, KTWC had 2 references out of 850 total AFDs. --- Site: KUNR --- Reference: ['during the day tuesday per hrrr smoke guidance. temperatures will '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407221955-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model is hinting at haze returning to the area '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202408022013-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR Reference: ['region from the wildfires burning to our west. 12z hrrr smoke run '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410061917-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR Reference: ['hrrr smoke depicts smokey/hazy skies, particularly over '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410080752-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR Reference: ['the 80s. hrrr smoke models continue to show wildfire smoke from '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410082024-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR Reference: ['90f+) southeast of the black hills ahead of front. hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202410090754-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR * In 2024, KUNR had 6 references out of 2319 total AFDs. --- Site: KVEF --- Reference: ['wildfires in southern california. latest hrrr smoke output suggests '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406171702-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF-AAA Reference: ['complex of wildfires in fresno county. hrrr smoke indicates more '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406270853-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['tonight/saturday based on the latest hrrr smoke output. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407270254-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF-AAA Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke guidance suggests another batch of thick smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407271540-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['across portions of the region through sunday. the latest hrrr smoke ', '7sm at times. the latest hrrr smoke guidance does show a more '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407272120-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['will update the smoke/haze grids based on the latest 00z hrrr-smoke. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407280208-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF-AAA Reference: ['corridors. the latest hrrr smoke guidance shows the plume shifting '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407281908-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['hrrr smoke guidance. ', 'springs. hrrr smoke guidance indicates the worst part of the smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407290215-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF-AAA Reference: ['hrrr smoke forecast. otherwise, no change. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202407310227-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF-AAA Reference: ['hrrr smoke simulation through tonight shows higher concentrations of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409060810-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF-RRA Reference: ['with residents reporting ash falling from the sky. the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409110451-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['thursday night per the 12z hrrr smoke model, bringing reduced air '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409112048-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['intense and smoke plume was most robust. the hrrr smoke model shows '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409120309-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['the latest hrrr smoke forecast indicates areas of smoke will '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409120850-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF * In 2024, KVEF had 14 references out of 1287 total AFDs. --- Site: PAFC --- Reference: ['from the polar-orbiting satellites show this fog relegated to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202401241435-PAFC-FXAK68-AFDAFC Reference: ['viirs nighttime microphysics imagery shows a largely clear sky '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411091430-PAFC-FXAK68-AFDAFC Reference: ['western chain late tonight and into tomorrow. polar orbiting ascat'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412280147-PAFC-FXAK68-AFDAFC Reference: ['for anchorage and nearby regions, viirs nighttime microphysics'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412281313-PAFC-FXAK68-AFDAFC Reference: ['the ever so high-resolution (0.75km) viirs nighttime microphysics'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412301442-PAFC-FXAK68-AFDAFC Reference: ['that extends from yukon into east-central ak. viirs nighttime '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412311328-PAFC-FXAK68-AFDAFC * In 2024, PAFC had 6 references out of 747 total AFDs. --- Site: PAFG --- Reference: ['cyclonic flow was evident on viirs satellite along the arctic '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405102324-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model picks up on this pattern quite well. so, we '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406242303-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['and generally follow the hrrr-smoke model for guidance, with a few'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406261500-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['follow the hrrr-smoke model for guidance, with a few minor '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406262308-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['and at the surface, however the hrrr smoke model continuies to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406271520-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['and at the surface, however the hrrr smoke model continues to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406272255-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['term. the hrrr smoke model showing smoke persisting over the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406282113-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['through the short term. the hrrr smoke model showing smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406291917-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['along the coast this afternoon (nice viirs pass at 2036z), but '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202409282150-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG * In 2024, PAFG had 9 references out of 779 total AFDs. --- Site: PAJK --- Reference: ['polar orbiting satellites, the actual qpf totals with it are '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202403051418-PAJK-FXAK67-AFDAJK Reference: ['water (alpw) satellite product shows strong agreement with '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404011401-PAJK-FXAK67-AFDAJK Reference: ['at goes-17 and viirs nighttime microphysics products at the time '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404301219-PAJK-FXAK67-AFDAJK Reference: ['canada, moving ne. looking at nucaps soundings, areas directly ne'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406152221-PAJK-FXAK67-AFDAJK Reference: ['airmass and nucaps soundings indicating steep (~7c/km) lapse '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411162339-PAJK-FXAK67-AFDAJK Reference: ['overnight viirs satellite imagery indicates low clouds are found '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412081140-PAJK-FXAK67-AFDAJK * In 2024, PAJK had 6 references out of 845 total AFDs. --- Site: PGUM --- Reference: ['advisory remains in effect for majuro, as the latest metop-b, metop-c '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202401111915-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['half of next week. the latest metop-b, metop-c and amsr2 passes '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202401122100-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['mid and upper atmosphere remain quite dry. nucaps profiles from the ', 'afternoon metop-b/c passes show very shallow moisture in the region '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405210839-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['chuuk, and though polar satellite scatterometer data missed the area,'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411210718-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['slight chance as early morning gridded nucaps data shows minimally- '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412110133-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM-AAA Reference: ['model time heights, gridded nucaps 850-700mb pwat and current mimic '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412290708-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM * In 2024, PGUM had 6 references out of 760 total AFDs. --- Site: PHFO --- Reference: ['and upper-level low centered w of kauai. viirs day/night band and '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406191320-PHFO-FXHW60-AFDHFO * In 2024, PHFO had 1 references out of 1564 total AFDs. --- Site: TJSJ --- Reference: ['blended total precipitable water (tpw) percent of normal indicates '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404220814-TJSJ-FXCA62-AFDSJU Reference: ['850-700 mb cira lpw shows a moist slot over the usvi moving ', 'however, the 700-500 mb cira layered precipitable water (lpw) '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405240827-TJSJ-FXCA62-AFDSJU Reference: ['layered precipitable water (lpw) data indicated increased moisture '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411292050-TJSJ-FXCA62-AFDSJU Reference: ['and even higher near the showers. a sfr trough will move near the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202412130826-TJSJ-FXCA62-AFDSJU * In 2024, TJSJ had 4 references out of 983 total AFDs. --- Site: NSTU --- Reference: ['the latest poes satellite imagery and a floating buoy near the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202402200010-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG Reference: ['the latest information from poes satellites still shows seas'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404050054-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG Reference: ['the latest poes satellite data over the american samoa waters'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202404060137-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG Reference: ['the latest information from the recent poes satellite pass through'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405060115-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG Reference: ['morning from a passing poes satellite. seas of 9 to 12 feet will '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405140103-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG Reference: ['the latest altimeter data from the recent poes satellite shows'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202405210135-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG Reference: ['a recent poes satellite pass over shows seas have eased to around'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202406140113-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG Reference: ['territory. polar satellite swaths (ascat) from earlier this '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202411030054-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG * In 2024, NSTU had 8 references out of 395 total AFDs.