--- Site: KABQ --- Reference: ['nm and west tx today. a recent satellite blended tpw shows 0.31" '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308192018-KABQ-FXUS65-AFDABQ Reference: ['it for this afternoon in the weather grids. hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310220816-KABQ-FXUS65-AFDABQ * In 2023, KABQ had 2 references out of 2322 total AFDs. --- Site: KABR --- Reference: ['northeast sunday, latest rap/hrrr smoke model shows smoke aloft '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306100739-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke model shows minor amounts of smoke aloft through the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306110803-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['by the hrrr smoke forecast. didn't adjust the sky cover forecast for '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306111942-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['the time, did run the hrrrsmoke/haze tool in the non-precipitation '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306130809-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['smokey skies to continue through the short term period. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306131910-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['the area, the 12z run of the hrrr smoke modeling does show most of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307151924-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['northeast sd (although the surface smoke is reduced now, hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307160705-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['lift. over the next 24 hours, the hrrr-smoke output suggests the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308091837-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['quite showing up on the hrrr smoke model yet, flow looks to bring '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308160812-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke also shows canadian wildfire smoke moving in with the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308191952-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model is showing a significant amount of near surface '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308282011-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke output and will stay over the area through the day '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308290840-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke model output shows the smoke layer aloft will '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309051920-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['some lingering near surface smoke. the hrrr smoke indicates this'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309072314-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR-AAA Reference: ['the hrrrsmoke model does advect another slug of both near surface ', 'surface obs in conjunction with hrrrsmoke output supports the idea '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309151807-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['increased sky cover based on the hrrr smoke to account for the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309152322-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR-AAA Reference: ['east today, will see winds become more southerly, and the hrrrsmoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309170808-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR Reference: ['hrrrsmoke model appears to identify the formation/advection of more '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309181839-KABR-FXUS63-AFDABR * In 2023, KABR had 18 references out of 2835 total AFDs. --- Site: KAKQ --- Reference: ['likely persist as the hrrr smoke forecast continues to advect '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071933-KAKQ-FXUS61-AFDAKQ Reference: ['smoky haze will likely persist as the hrrr smoke forecast '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306080735-KAKQ-FXUS61-AFDAKQ Reference: ['wording. a smoky haze will likely persist as the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306081106-KAKQ-FXUS61-AFDAKQ Reference: ['northern va, and the hrrr smoke projections have been consistent'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306081409-KAKQ-FXUS61-AFDAKQ Reference: ['the hrrr smoke forecast does indicate that some haze could ', 'hrrr smoke forecast indicate that some haze could linger '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306091903-KAKQ-FXUS61-AFDAKQ * In 2023, KAKQ had 5 references out of 3436 total AFDs. --- Site: KALY --- Reference: ['southeast on tuesday per the latest hrrr-smoke model output.', 'coast, per the latest runs of the hrrr-smoke model. have'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305291955-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['evening into tuesday night, per the latest hrrr-smoke model output. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305292342-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['activity in southern nova scotia. the hrrr smoke model depicts '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300538-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['output from the 06z hrrr-smoke model run which reduces the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305301450-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['12z hrrr-smoke model run. observations from se new england are '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305301725-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['also continue to affect the region. the hrrr-smoke model has ', 'overnight tonight. latest hrrr-smoke output suggests much of the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305301945-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['stay south of the region for tonight. 3km hrrr-smoke model does'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305311941-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['th 3km hrrr-smoke model does show some increase in the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306010233-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['the latest hrrr-smoke guidance suggests that much of the newly'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306081821-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['small hail. hrrr-smoke output suggests the majority of low-level '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306081950-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY Reference: ['the latest hrrr-smoke guidance suggests that much of the newly '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306090210-KALY-FXUS61-AFDALY * In 2023, KALY had 11 references out of 3970 total AFDs. --- Site: KAMA --- * In 2023, KAMA had 0 references out of 2280 total AFDs. --- Site: KAPX --- Reference: ['but for starters, using hrrr smoke guidance, have added haze (and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306031242-KAPX-FXUS63-AFDAPX Reference: ['hrrr smoke/haze progs suggest that the somewhat narrow plume of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306222020-KAPX-FXUS63-AFDAPX Reference: ['that has been plaguing the region. latest hrrr smoke guidance shows '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280615-KAPX-FXUS63-AFDAPX Reference: ['into this evening. latest hrrr smoke guidance suggests this will'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307160738-KAPX-FXUS63-AFDAPX * In 2023, KAPX had 4 references out of 2973 total AFDs. --- Site: KARX --- Reference: ['values are greater than 200% of normal, 0.5-0.6" (noaa-20, gps). ', 'polar orbiting satellite derived total precipitable water (pw) '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202302142038-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['being more excited than the hrrr. have gone with hrrr smoke/haze '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306040848-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['and hrrr smoke models indicate a strong presence of elevated smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306130855-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['down of smoke to the surface. rap and hrrr smoke models increase the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306140858-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['visibilities of 3 to 5 miles. the hrrr smoke model shows some of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306261907-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['thursday, with the hrrr smoke model showing some improvement in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280813-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX-AAD Reference: ['the hrrr smoke forecast gradually sags the smoke aloft band over '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307111200-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['observations and hrrr-smoke model suggests at least some clearing'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307160248-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX Reference: ['2.5 densities expected north and east of la crosse per hrrr smoke as'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307231938-KARX-FXUS63-AFDARX * In 2023, KARX had 9 references out of 2244 total AFDs. --- Site: KBGM --- Reference: ['overnight hrrr smoke data was missing but is not available so'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305301213-KBGM-FXUS61-AFDBGM Reference: ['afternoon. hrrr smoke guidance has slightly backed off the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305301647-KBGM-FXUS61-AFDBGM Reference: ['low 70s across the area. ran the latest hrrr smoke guidance and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306010143-KBGM-FXUS61-AFDBGM Reference: ['wednesday morning. however the latest hrrr smoke guidance brings'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306070247-KBGM-FXUS61-AFDBGM Reference: ['from the hrrr smoke model and based on the overall flow pattern'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306080211-KBGM-FXUS61-AFDBGM Reference: ['hrrr smoke shows the lower level smoke clearing out as the showers '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306090738-KBGM-FXUS61-AFDBGM Reference: ['managed to climb up to mvfr. based on hrrr smoke products,'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306301807-KBGM-FXUS61-AFDBGM Reference: ['used the 12z hrrr smoke model to put in some haze for these areas; '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310011827-KBGM-FXUS61-AFDBGM * In 2023, KBGM had 8 references out of 4071 total AFDs. --- Site: KBIS --- Reference: ['smoke aloft over the local area, and hrrr-smoke forecast guidance '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306101952-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['low, hrrr smoke guidance brings in some smoke aloft tonight '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306120838-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['except for a few high clouds. latest hrrr smoke runs still bring '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306121445-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['hrrr smoke forecast is hinting at perhaps some increased smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306121952-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['lately, with a hazy sunset this evening. the latest hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306130248-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['keep temperatures a few degrees cooler. the rap and hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306131935-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['morning's 0929z npp viirs near constant contrast product showed a'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306141149-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model does have a slight increase in near surface '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306270912-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['of note and note yet discussed, hrrr smoke does attempt to bring '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307031145-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['to near 90 in the far southwest. hrrr smoke modeling shows that '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307100921-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['forecast area. the hrrr smoke model shows increasing smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307140830-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['cooler and generally in the 70s. hrrr smoke showing wildfire smoke', 'miles or slightly less at times. hrrr smoke still improves'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307141956-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['we utilized the hrrr smoke model output for today, tonight, and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307150839-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['time yesterday. the expectation from the hrrr smoke model and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307160851-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['jrv this evening. nucaps sounding from the southern jrv around '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307252257-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['forecast. the latest hrrr smoke model runs are not capturing the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308062336-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['hrrr smoke model still hasn't picked up well on this trend, so not'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308070325-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke guidance reduces this smoke signal with the morning'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308071119-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['recent hrrr smoke guidance brings thicker smoke aloft over all of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308181725-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['70s northwest to near 90 southeast. hrrr smoke modeling brings '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308182044-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['southwest flow aloft by wednesday morning. the hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308290841-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['wildfires pushes in. according to the hrrr-smoke model, these '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308291134-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['across much of the cwa. latest hrrr smoke model shows this'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308291450-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['the day wednesday still remains low. hrrr smoke also continues to'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308292001-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['and east through tomorrow morning. added the latest hrrr smoke ', 'across the area. latest hrrr smoke models show this smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308301746-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['central and easter areas tonight, although the hrrr smoke does '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308302008-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['as another side note, the hrrr-smoke model suggests that we should'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308310754-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['the hrrr-smoke model shows the strongest signal in the vertically'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309010810-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['reductions to northern half of the state. hrrr smoke model has '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309012054-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke model output signals that near-surface smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309020305-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['day. while the hrrr-smoke model keeps the densest smoke generally'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309030841-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['gradually moving into the north central. the hrrr-smoke model ', 'miles. as smoke moves south, the hrrr-smoke model does suggest '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309031133-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['further to the south and east. as mentioned before, hrrr-smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309031347-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['although the hrrr smoke model is hinting for areas of smoke for ', 'skies. as mentioned hrrr smoke model hints smoke may linger'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309050855-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['through the evening hours. although the hrrr smoke model, at least'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309152356-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['some, expect smoke to linger through the night. latest hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309160315-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['state today. the hrrr smoke model has smoke pushing off by 18z, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309160934-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['the james river valley by the afternoon hours. the 12z hrrr-smoke', 'trends seem to match up well with the most recent hrrr-smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309161932-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['unfortunately, the hrrr-smoke model does suggest we may see some'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309171914-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['hrrr smoke models both bring some increasing surface smoke into'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309180926-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['hrrr smoke models both bring some increasing surface smoke into '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309181355-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['finally, the hrrr-smoke model suggests a return of near surface '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309182053-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS Reference: ['mainly been aloft. the hrrr-smoke model does suggest that near'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309192341-KBIS-FXUS63-AFDBIS * In 2023, KBIS had 43 references out of 3033 total AFDs. --- Site: KBMX --- * In 2023, KBMX had 0 references out of 2531 total AFDs. --- Site: KBOI --- Reference: [' oregon. guidance from the hrrr smoke model suggests some uptick'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307222039-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['central and eastern or, and the hrrr smoke model is not'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308301610-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI Reference: ['in south-central idaho wednesday evening. hrrr smoke model puts '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309180928-KBOI-FXUS65-AFDBOI * In 2023, KBOI had 3 references out of 1495 total AFDs. --- Site: KBOU --- Reference: ['hrrr smoke forecasts do show a brief, slight increase in near'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308202346-KBOU-FXUS65-AFDBOU * In 2023, KBOU had 1 references out of 2531 total AFDs. --- Site: KBOX --- Reference: ['on hrrr smoke guidance which indicates enough smoke to filter '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300730-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX Reference: ['miles. per the 12z hrrr-smoke near-sfc smoke model output from'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306070031-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX Reference: ['across bdl per latest hrrr smoke. visibilities anywhere from 3-5', 'smoke linger across the south coast per hrrr smoke, but'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071755-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke. visibilities anywhere from 3-5 miles. winds'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071936-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX Reference: ['new england. previous hrrr smoke forecasts performed poorly during ', 'given the hrrr smoke performed so poorly for monday, and satellite '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310021928-KBOX-FXUS61-AFDBOX * In 2023, KBOX had 5 references out of 3010 total AFDs. --- Site: KBRO --- Reference: ['across the cwa. the blended tpw product depicts pwats around 2 '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307221930-KBRO-FXUS64-AFDBRO * In 2023, KBRO had 1 references out of 2245 total AFDs. --- Site: KBTV --- Reference: ['hrrr-smoke. at this time, air quality according to the aqi '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306050901-KBTV-FXUS61-AFDBTV Reference: ['according to the hrrr smoke guidance, we bid adios to the quebec'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306070735-KBTV-FXUS61-AFDBTV Reference: ['upside of the dreary weather is that according to the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071345-KBTV-FXUS61-AFDBTV * In 2023, KBTV had 3 references out of 3365 total AFDs. --- Site: KBUF --- Reference: ['and perhaps into the western finger lakes. rap/hrrr smoke models'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300035-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke models (which have differed at times this season) '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300233-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke model. lows tonight generally in the 50s.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300716-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF Reference: ['dwindle this afternoon as hrrr smoke fields indicate at least a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306060632-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF Reference: ['satellite imagery and latest hrrr smoke products showing a general '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306061845-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF Reference: ['has been shown by rap/hrrr smoke models for a couple days to move'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306070652-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF Reference: ['that has been shown by rap/hrrr smoke models for a couple days is '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306070851-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF Reference: ['moving into kjhw however the hrrr smoke forecast has this '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306292343-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF Reference: ['moving into kjhw however the hrrr smoke forecast has this window '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306300534-KBUF-FXUS61-AFDBUF * In 2023, KBUF had 9 references out of 3368 total AFDs. --- Site: KBYZ --- * In 2023, KBYZ had 0 references out of 1192 total AFDs. --- Site: KCAE --- Reference: ['visibilities towards sunrise. hrrr smoke shows little'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307010017-KCAE-FXUS62-AFDCAE Reference: ['hazy skies and may impact insolation but latest hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307170833-KCAE-FXUS62-AFDCAE Reference: ['of our taf sites. latest hrrr smoke model indicates the lower '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307172325-KCAE-FXUS62-AFDCAE Reference: ['into dnl/ags, per latest hrrr smoke model. the hrrr/rap smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307190232-KCAE-FXUS62-AFDCAE Reference: ['dry air mass in place. the hrrr smoke model does show the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310031829-KCAE-FXUS62-AFDCAE Reference: ['in place. the hrrr smoke model does show the periodic smoke to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310032341-KCAE-FXUS62-AFDCAE * In 2023, KCAE had 6 references out of 2221 total AFDs. --- Site: KCAR --- Reference: ['continue to monitor rap/hrrr smoke model output and am not'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305301012-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR Reference: ['as northern quebec fires continue to burn, rap/hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306211939-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR Reference: ['matter observations indicate smoke is at the surface. hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308061958-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke has this band elongating and moving ne through'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308091929-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke has this band elongating and moving ne through '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308100430-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR Reference: ['mid 70s today. rap and hrrr smoke models continue to advertise'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309010718-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR Reference: ['inversion and hrrr smoke forecast, decided to include patchy '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309051916-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR Reference: ['little surface smoke, as hrrr smoke model brings the smoke down'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309261858-KCAR-FXUS61-AFDCAR * In 2023, KCAR had 8 references out of 3021 total AFDs. --- Site: KCHS --- Reference: ['geocolor imagery. the hrrr smoke diagrams keep the bulk of'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071414-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['new england. the hrrr smoke diagrams keep the bulk of thicker '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306072006-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['northern new england. the hrrr smoke diagrams keep the bulk of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306080030-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['satellite images and guidance provided by the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306081411-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['across se ga. hrrr smoke guidance does indicate that higher '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307190813-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['lowcountry to the upper 90s across se ga. hrrr smoke guidance '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307191122-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['while the hrrr smoke products imply there still could be some'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307200226-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['morning. the hrrr smoke forecast shows that even if some of it'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308191925-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['the hrrr smoke products show a modest amount of elevated smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311090834-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS Reference: ['the nation. this includes the immediate vicinity. the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311091706-KCHS-FXUS62-AFDCHS * In 2023, KCHS had 10 references out of 3183 total AFDs. --- Site: KCLE --- Reference: ['trends in surface obs/hrrr smoke forecast guidance and the onset'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306052311-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE Reference: ['hrrr smoke/haze output brings it back into play after 16z today, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306070742-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE Reference: ['visibilities of 1-2 miles. latest 12z hrrr-smoke forecast shows'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306281359-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE Reference: ['alpw 700-500 mb layer, advects east into northern oh. a fairly'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307051322-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE Reference: ['nucaps satellite pass. the spc mesoanalysis draws this'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308111950-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE Reference: ['across the upper midwest this morning with the latest alpw'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310190801-KCLE-FXUS61-AFDCLE * In 2023, KCLE had 6 references out of 2985 total AFDs. --- Site: KCRP --- * In 2023, KCRP had 0 references out of 2323 total AFDs. --- Site: KCTP --- Reference: ['canadian maritimes. model rh fields and the latest hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306180041-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['model rh fields and the latest hrrr smoke model support a mix '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306180855-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['canadian wildfires. the latest hrrr smoke model suggests high'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280322-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['smoke from canadian wildfires. the latest hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280917-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['the latest hrrr smoke model appears to be lagging behind the se'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306281552-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['although vsbys may improve a bit overnight, hrrr smoke panels ', 'the latest hrrr smoke model wants to push an area of thicker'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306281944-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['the hrrr-smoke model suggests there could be just enough near '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307010241-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['hrrr-smoke model suggests there could be just enough near '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307010729-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['hrrr-smoke model suggests there could be just enough smoke in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307010946-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['plain mosty-sunny forecast. hrrr smoke forecast puts the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307170642-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke models show plume aloft concentrated over the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308010754-KCTP-FXUS61-AFDCTP * In 2023, KCTP had 11 references out of 3913 total AFDs. --- Site: KCYS --- Reference: ['evidently on geocolor imagery. the latest hrrr-smoke model continues '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309052101-KCYS-FXUS65-AFDCYS * In 2023, KCYS had 1 references out of 2268 total AFDs. --- Site: KDDC --- Reference: ['around 6 to 8 miles at times, but hrrr smoke modeling suggests'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308302208-KDDC-FXUS63-AFDDDC Reference: ['hrrr smoke graphics did a decent job with this smoke spreading '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309062303-KDDC-FXUS63-AFDDDC * In 2023, KDDC had 2 references out of 2598 total AFDs. --- Site: KDLH --- Reference: ['as depicted on both the alpw satellite imagery and the ivt data. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202303152121-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['picture tomorrow following a cold frontal passage. the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305152053-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['afternoon. the hrrr smoke model continues to handle this event '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305162051-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['smoke is remaining aloft early this morning, the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306120908-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['today through at least wednesday. rap and hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306130927-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['rap and hrrr smoke models have increased concentrations of near-sfc '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307232048-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['portions of nw wi. the hrrr smoke model also suggests some near '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307310847-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['of the region today. by the afternoon hours the hrrr smoke models '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307310924-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['wednesday morning, with hrrr smoke guidance indicating near-'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308082054-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['the rap and hrrr smoke models suggest that wildfire smoke from '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308160923-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['will remain dry. the rap and hrrr smoke models do show strong'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308170905-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH Reference: ['alpw is still showing some modest returns of moisture in the low and '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309122005-KDLH-FXUS63-AFDDLH * In 2023, KDLH had 12 references out of 2440 total AFDs. --- Site: KDMX --- Reference: ['now, the latest rap and hrrr smoke guidance shows a modest plume '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306260028-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['next 12 hours. hrrr smoke output modeling movement well with '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280427-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['based on current visibility observations and latest hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306281356-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke would have this pushing nearly out of the forecast '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306281933-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX Reference: ['forecast through wednesday. the hrrr smoke model keeps the area '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308290750-KDMX-FXUS63-AFDDMX * In 2023, KDMX had 5 references out of 2206 total AFDs. --- Site: KDTX --- Reference: ['flow eveident in sfc-850mb alpw satellite imagery. even further '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202303141931-KDTX-FXUS63-AFDDTX Reference: ['huron tend to support hrrr smoke model concentrations more in the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306032002-KDTX-FXUS63-AFDDTX Reference: ['the hrrr smoke and rap smoke models indicate an area of lesser '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306040804-KDTX-FXUS63-AFDDTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke output suggests another day of hazy skies, however, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306091122-KDTX-FXUS63-AFDDTX Reference: ['firmly into mvfr in haze during the morning. hrrr smoke model then '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306291053-KDTX-FXUS63-AFDDTX Reference: ['forecasted temperatures into the upper 80s. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306300742-KDTX-FXUS63-AFDDTX * In 2023, KDTX had 6 references out of 2315 total AFDs. --- Site: KDVN --- Reference: ['canadian wildfires into our region. both the rap and hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306050801-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN Reference: ['border. rap/hrrr smoke products have this haze where values of'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306140721-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN Reference: ['haze/smoke as of 2 pm. however, the latest run of the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306291945-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke model output has a swath of smoke moving into the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307150808-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke model keeps near sfc smoke across the area through'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307160816-KDVN-FXUS63-AFDDVN * In 2023, KDVN had 5 references out of 2333 total AFDs. --- Site: KEAX --- Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke models indicate that a bit of this smoke could be '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308290707-KEAX-FXUS63-AFDEAX Reference: ['agreement with the hrrr smoke model showing highest smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309071925-KEAX-FXUS63-AFDEAX Reference: ['of the hrrr smoke products. as surface winds relax a touch through '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309170704-KEAX-FXUS63-AFDEAX * In 2023, KEAX had 3 references out of 2198 total AFDs. --- Site: KEKA --- Reference: ['have continued to populate hrrr smoke guidance to account for'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307192200-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['area. have continued to populate hrrr smoke guidance to account '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307202135-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['continued to populate hrrr smoke guidance to account for visibility '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307212154-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['the hrrr smoke models has one more day today of smoke moving south ', 'monday, the hrrr smoke shows the vast majority of smoke staying '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307231023-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['fly-in-the-ointment, the hrrr smoke dispersion model indicates '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307311218-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['hrrr smoke dispersion model indicates more waves of smoke from '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308011238-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['people. keep outdoor activities light and short. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308021226-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA-CCA Reference: ['current satellite and the hrrr smoke model indicate smoke aloft '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308192215-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['in the afternoon. the hrrr smoke model shows the transport winds '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308291143-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA Reference: ['hrrr smoke dispersion model indicates more brown and haze filled '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309121145-KEKA-FXUS66-AFDEKA * In 2023, KEKA had 10 references out of 761 total AFDs. --- Site: KEPZ --- * In 2023, KEPZ had 0 references out of 2178 total AFDs. --- Site: KEWX --- * In 2023, KEWX had 0 references out of 2395 total AFDs. --- Site: KFFC --- Reference: ['cleared, though hrrr smoke model still indicates some smoke in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306091857-KFFC-FXUS62-AFDFFC Reference: ['mean more hazy and smokey skies as hrrr smoke models runs are '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307210831-KFFC-FXUS62-AFDFFC * In 2023, KFFC had 2 references out of 2603 total AFDs. --- Site: KFGF --- Reference: ['from both goes abi and jpss viirs provide a strong signal of crusted '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202301311015-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['to be noticed via alpw products within the southern and central'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202304122000-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['water vapor imagery from geostationary and polar orbiting'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305292022-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['tonight into wednesday rap/hrrr smoke forecasts indicate a thicker'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306130904-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['track to overspread our cwa this evening and rap/hrrr smoke fields'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306132356-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['international border. hrrr smoke brings this thicker layer into'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307210006-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['rap and hrrr smoke products show both surface and upper level'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307230737-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF Reference: ['today and into tomorrow. rap and hrrr smoke analysis has highest '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309062002-KFGF-FXUS63-AFDFGF * In 2023, KFGF had 8 references out of 3050 total AFDs. --- Site: KFGZ --- Reference: ['utilize the hrrr smoke model to track areas of smoke from several '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310201622-KFGZ-FXUS65-AFDFGZ * In 2023, KFGZ had 1 references out of 1791 total AFDs. --- Site: KFSD --- Reference: ['toward or into the 80s. flow trajectory and rap/hrrr smoke models '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305201927-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD Reference: ['achieved throughout the day, both the rap and hrrr smoke continue to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307151140-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD Reference: ['continue to do so through sunday night. the rap and hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307151947-KFSD-FXUS63-AFDFSD * In 2023, KFSD had 3 references out of 2212 total AFDs. --- Site: KFWD --- * In 2023, KFWD had 0 references out of 2308 total AFDs. --- Site: KGGW --- Reference: ['of the international border much. ended up using hrrr smoke', 'kolf this evening. hrrr smoke model concentrations were used to'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306152019-KGGW-FXUS65-AFDGGW Reference: ['checked on the hrrr smoke model and sure enough, near surface'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307031503-KGGW-FXUS65-AFDGGW Reference: ['looking at boundary layer winds and rap/hrrr smoke models. a'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307162050-KGGW-FXUS65-AFDGGW Reference: ['hrrr smoke maintains hazy skies and reduced visibility until'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309030926-KGGW-FXUS65-AFDGGW * In 2023, KGGW had 4 references out of 1104 total AFDs. --- Site: KGID --- Reference: ['the hrrr smoke output shows a band of near-surface smoke impacting'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202304080920-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID Reference: ['to around 1 mile at times. the hrrr-smoke model does not '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305180906-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID Reference: ['northwesterly saturday and both the rap smoke and hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307142344-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID Reference: ['a touch. hrrr smoke forecast showing near-surface and overall '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307180855-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID Reference: ['will persist through today and into tomorrow. the hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308300931-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID Reference: ['in the night continue to exit the region. latest run of hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309080919-KGID-FXUS63-AFDGID * In 2023, KGID had 6 references out of 2304 total AFDs. --- Site: KGJT --- Reference: ['transporting pacific moisture in per the alpw imagery. there is'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202304140931-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['pacific moisture in per the alpw imagery. there is likely weak '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202304141759-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['of california is heading northward. the goes alpw imagery is '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307180849-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['more impressive is the alpw imagery showing pseudo monsoonal'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309202036-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT Reference: ['this to the forecast the next couple days based on the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310181950-KGJT-FXUS65-AFDGJT * In 2023, KGJT had 5 references out of 2332 total AFDs. --- Site: KGLD --- * In 2023, KGLD had 0 references out of 3099 total AFDs. --- Site: KGRB --- Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke forecasts continue to show the smoke expanding'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306040233-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['morning. with the rap/hrrr smoke models in decent agreement with the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306040938-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['of our forecast area. hrrr smoke model initializing well enough to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306050834-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke forecast has the area improving during the day', 'dakota and then southeast into iowa at the end the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306231957-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['smoke. hrrr smoke models verified the potential for near-surface', 'regarding smoke impacts later in the day, but the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306261153-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['both the rap and hrrr smoke models indicate near surface smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307150910-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['diminish. both the rap and hrrr smoke models indicate near '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307151143-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke forecasts show the thicker smoke continuing to push', 'band. rap/hrrr smoke forecasts have the thicker smoke east/north '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307252122-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['in the late morning/afternoon. the hrrr smoke model indicates'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308010823-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['under 10 kts. rap/hrrr smoke forecasts show the smoke currently '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308172338-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB Reference: ['generally under 10 kts. rap/hrrr smoke forecasts show the wildfire smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308181105-KGRB-FXUS63-AFDGRB * In 2023, KGRB had 11 references out of 2251 total AFDs. --- Site: KGRR --- Reference: ['the hrrr-smoke has captured the origination of this smoke and seems '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306031506-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['could bring in additional smoke later today based on the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306040736-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model zoomed into the chicago-detroit zone shows'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306080751-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model shows very much the same story as the last'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306090745-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['by the hrrr-smoke model to occur. this same guidance suggests a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306171843-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['huron. latest hrrr smoke forecast suggests some rather thick smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306220100-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['reduced in hz based on the hrrr smoke model right on into the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306270536-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['reduced visibilities in haze due to the smoke. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306270714-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['hrrr-smoke model continues to indicate high concentrations of'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306271150-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model is showing elevated values of near surface '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306271802-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['based on upstream obs over nrn lower and the up and the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306271928-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['afternoon, it may be slow to occur. the hrrr smoke model does show'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280539-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['to both the hrrr smoke model as well as environment canada's'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280727-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['based on the webcams and hrrr smoke forecast, we extended the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306290002-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['tonight into friday per the hrrr smoke model. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306290754-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['though the hrrr smoke model suggests improvement late tonight and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306291422-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['a look at the hrrr smoke model shows this should be mainly aloft'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307241446-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR Reference: ['sunset. hrrr smoke progs indicate a period of near sfc smoke is '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308201751-KGRR-FXUS63-AFDGRR * In 2023, KGRR had 18 references out of 2761 total AFDs. --- Site: KGSP --- Reference: ['look at nucaps, mixing may even be slightly outpacing the rap'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305021422-KGSP-FXUS62-AFDGSP Reference: ['excellent radiative cooling to overcome. the hrrr smoke fields'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306180959-KGSP-FXUS62-AFDGSP Reference: ['although the hrrr-smoke near-sfc concentrations suggest visibly'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307181442-KGSP-FXUS62-AFDGSP * In 2023, KGSP had 3 references out of 3176 total AFDs. --- Site: KGYX --- Reference: ['behind the sea breeze front. so using the hrrr smoke model i'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300729-KGYX-FXUS61-AFDGYX Reference: ['the other concern today will be wildfire smoke. hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305310719-KGYX-FXUS61-AFDGYX Reference: ['measurable precip. in addition...the hrrr smoke model continues'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309301352-KGYX-FXUS61-AFDGYX-AAA * In 2023, KGYX had 3 references out of 2498 total AFDs. --- Site: KHGX --- Reference: ['blended total precipitable water imagery, drier air will continue to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309182100-KHGX-FXUS64-AFDHGX Reference: ['region with latest obs and blended tpw satellite imagery showing pw '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309192103-KHGX-FXUS64-AFDHGX * In 2023, KHGX had 2 references out of 2175 total AFDs. --- Site: KHNX --- * In 2023, KHNX had 0 references out of 834 total AFDs. --- Site: KHUN --- * In 2023, KHUN had 0 references out of 2925 total AFDs. --- Site: KICT --- Reference: ['advisory. current alpw satellite data/surface observations shows a'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202301152022-KICT-FXUS63-AFDICT Reference: ['current satellite and polar orbiting satellite precipitable water'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305150719-KICT-FXUS63-AFDICT Reference: ['period. meanwhile current polar satellite data shows a plume of 850-'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309292037-KICT-FXUS63-AFDICT * In 2023, KICT had 3 references out of 2217 total AFDs. --- Site: KILM --- * In 2023, KILM had 0 references out of 2976 total AFDs. --- Site: KILN --- Reference: ['satellite trends and hrrr smoke products.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071448-KILN-FXUS61-AFDILN Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model continues to show some additional smoke ', 'will be mostly clear. the hrrr smoke model indicates that '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306090736-KILN-FXUS61-AFDILN Reference: ['from hrrr-smoke model that this will improve from west to east'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306290820-KILN-FXUS61-AFDILN Reference: ['alerts. it does appear from hrrr-smoke model that this will '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306291347-KILN-FXUS61-AFDILN Reference: ['some haze and/or smoke from canadian wildfires. rap/hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307150717-KILN-FXUS61-AFDILN * In 2023, KILN had 5 references out of 2983 total AFDs. --- Site: KILX --- Reference: ['index, computed from noaa-20 satellite data, has steadily '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300046-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['hrrr smoke forecast is tracking well thus far, with the worst air '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306041506-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['nice by june standards. additionally, the most recent hrrr-smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306052009-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['i-55. one other forecast item of note, the latest hrrr-smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306220753-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['of the hrrr smoke shows it moving out of central illinois by late'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280824-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['smoke at the surface. hrrr smoke guidance suggests kspi may see'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306282307-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model shows little progress eastward past midnight,'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306290042-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX Reference: ['across the area through tonight. latest rap/hrrr smoke forecast'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307171049-KILX-FXUS63-AFDILX * In 2023, KILX had 8 references out of 2938 total AFDs. --- Site: KIND --- Reference: ['latest low-layer cira alpw. a renewed meridional surge of moisture'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202303241227-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND-AAA Reference: ['alpw moisture product.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202303271757-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['per hrrr smoke model, and eventually cirrus will move in on the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305161705-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['satellite products and hrrr smoke model, but as it appears now a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306031212-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['indiana. some of the lower layer depictions in the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306041717-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['moisture has wrapped around the back side and per cira alpw layered '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306140630-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['deeper layer, hrrr smoke model shows deformed flow helping '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306272358-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND-AAA Reference: ['slightly based on upstream observations, but hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306282056-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['per hrrr smoke model, trajectories once again become favorable for '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307160452-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['color rgb imagery before sunset last evening. hrrr smoke model has '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307160648-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['especially near/north of i-70 per hrrr smoke model trajectories.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307170504-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['confined to klaf per hrrr smoke model. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307171026-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND Reference: ['hrrr smoke model, and so some minor visibility reductions may occur '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309070020-KIND-FXUS63-AFDIND-AAA * In 2023, KIND had 13 references out of 3092 total AFDs. --- Site: KIWX --- Reference: ['hrrr smoke products but some haze is possible through the evening and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306270700-KIWX-FXUS63-AFDIWX Reference: ['forecasts more pessimistic in this regard. hrrr smoke plumes shunt'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306272256-KIWX-FXUS63-AFDIWX Reference: ['commute. hrrr smoke products suggest some minor improvement today '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280803-KIWX-FXUS63-AFDIWX Reference: ['indiana per latest hrrr smoke analysis. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307152311-KIWX-FXUS63-AFDIWX * In 2023, KIWX had 4 references out of 2338 total AFDs. --- Site: KJAN --- Reference: ['based on latest hrrr smoke concentration fields. /nf/'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071544-KJAN-FXUS64-AFDJAN-AAB Reference: ['the goes blended tpw indicates this as well. the general result is '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308240850-KJAN-FXUS64-AFDJAN * In 2023, KJAN had 2 references out of 2892 total AFDs. --- Site: KJAX --- * In 2023, KJAX had 0 references out of 2854 total AFDs. --- Site: KJKL --- Reference: ['times, however, rap and hrrr smoke parameters indicate a thinning '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306090913-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL Reference: ['additionally, with the latest hrrr-smoke runs indicating'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306092339-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL Reference: ['early in the afternoon. rap13/hrrr smoke guidance all show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306152025-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL Reference: ['afternoon. the hrrr-smoke model continues to suggest a 1 to 3 hour'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306160750-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL Reference: ['smoke through the night based on the hrrr smoke product. the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306281905-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL Reference: ['smoke to the grids using the hrrr-smoke model. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306282330-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL Reference: ['this should clear up some through the day based on the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307171417-KJKL-FXUS63-AFDJKL * In 2023, KJKL had 7 references out of 3758 total AFDs. --- Site: KKEY --- Reference: ['the havana coastline. cira's lpw and goes tpw products depict a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306040308-KKEY-FXUS62-AFDKEY Reference: ['problem, however, cira lpw 850-700 mb products suggest moisture is'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071449-KKEY-FXUS62-AFDKEY Reference: ['satellite derived moisture products (mimic tpw and cira lpw'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306221453-KKEY-FXUS62-AFDKEY Reference: ['tpw, cira lpw) paint a broad swath of deep tropical moisture '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306221856-KKEY-FXUS62-AFDKEY Reference: ['which is corroborated by cira's 925-850 mb lpw products. the next'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307191503-KKEY-FXUS62-AFDKEY * In 2023, KKEY had 5 references out of 1469 total AFDs. --- Site: KLBF --- * In 2023, KLBF had 0 references out of 2285 total AFDs. --- Site: KLCH --- Reference: ['northeast flow. looking at gridded nucaps, at 700 and 500 mb, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202304240808-KLCH-FXUS64-AFDLCH Reference: ['upstream areas, as seen in the gridded nucaps rh. this dry air will '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310200837-KLCH-FXUS64-AFDLCH * In 2023, KLCH had 2 references out of 2579 total AFDs. --- Site: KLIX --- * In 2023, KLIX had 0 references out of 2222 total AFDs. --- Site: KLKN --- * In 2023, KLKN had 0 references out of 907 total AFDs. --- Site: KLMK --- Reference: ['previously advertised haze/smoke on friday as the hrrr-smoke has '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306080727-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke guidance suggests some higher concentrations '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306150722-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK Reference: ['will filter in from the canadian wildfires today. rap/hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306160713-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK Reference: ['ruled out. latest hrrr-smoke guidance depicts enough lingering '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306180718-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK Reference: ['southward into il/in, and the hrrr-smoke vertically integrated smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306271501-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK Reference: ['only other thing worth noting is hrrr smoke suggesting increased '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308180713-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK Reference: ['into the area from the north at around 0000z. hrrr smoke is '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308181712-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK Reference: ['the night. hrrr smoke guidance indicates some higher values of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308181913-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK Reference: ['across the region this hour, west of i-65. polar orbiting layered '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202312161601-KLMK-FXUS63-AFDLMK * In 2023, KLMK had 9 references out of 2949 total AFDs. --- Site: KLOT --- Reference: ['hrrr-smoke output differ a bit on the exact spatiotemporal evolution '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306050809-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['experimental rap/hrrr smoke output continues to advertise upper-'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306082318-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['canadian wildfires, as indicated by rap/hrrr smoke forecasts. in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306132016-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['river valley in northern il, though latest hrrr smoke runs'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306160118-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['experimental hrrr-smoke output suggests 5-6sm visibility / haze'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306231106-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['will be introduced at 21z when hrrr smoke near-surface smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306270535-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['hrrr-smoke output, 1-2sm visibility should hold steady through ', 'ord/mdw/gyy, again between 18-22z. hrrr-smoke shows a slow climb ', 'breeze will push through toward noon, after which hrrr-smoke shows'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306271113-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['michigan, a bit farther upstream than where the hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306271828-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['in other news, the latest hrrr-smoke and rap-smoke output remain in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307162031-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['change to going forecast. rap and hrrr smoke density forecasts '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307250850-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT Reference: ['hrrr smoke guidance as another weak plume of smoke move toward '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307261142-KLOT-FXUS63-AFDLOT * In 2023, KLOT had 11 references out of 2895 total AFDs. --- Site: KLOX --- * In 2023, KLOX had 0 references out of 3120 total AFDs. --- Site: KLSX --- Reference: ['great lakes and northern illinois and indiana. rap and hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306041919-KLSX-FXUS63-AFDLSX Reference: ['this is also supported by hrrr smoke model output as well. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306051935-KLSX-FXUS63-AFDLSX Reference: ['aloft tonight into thursday based on the rap/hrrr smoke forecast. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309061934-KLSX-FXUS63-AFDLSX * In 2023, KLSX had 3 references out of 2295 total AFDs. --- Site: KLUB --- * In 2023, KLUB had 0 references out of 2260 total AFDs. --- Site: KLWX --- Reference: ['reports of snow, merged sfr showing more returns, and high '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202302130230-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX-AAA Reference: ['growth. gridded nucaps data also shows that the best instability', 'continued chances of showers. however, modified 1724z nucaps '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305031854-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['rap and hrrr smoke models continue to show thicker smoke to our'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306080136-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['suggested by the hrrr smoke model. all zones within our area '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306290129-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['this phenomenon is low. rap/hrrr smoke forecasts indicate'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307171902-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['this phenomenon is low. rap/hrrr smoke forecasts indicate '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307180103-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['especially west of the blue ridge per the latest hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308020110-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['nucaps data from an 1730z noaa-20 pass showed a narrow ribbon of'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309131823-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['heavener mountain fire) on both goes and viirs imagery earlier'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311120900-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['the hrrr-smoke model depicts the northward expansion through '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311160201-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['the hrrr smoke output shows smoke diminishing by late evening.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311161900-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX Reference: ['inches of snow accumulation still likely. a recent metop-b pass'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202312190238-KLWX-FXUS61-AFDLWX-AAA * In 2023, KLWX had 12 references out of 1533 total AFDs. --- Site: KLZK --- * In 2023, KLZK had 0 references out of 2157 total AFDs. --- Site: KMAF --- * In 2023, KMAF had 0 references out of 2258 total AFDs. --- Site: KMEG --- * In 2023, KMEG had 0 references out of 2804 total AFDs. --- Site: KMFL --- * In 2023, KMFL had 0 references out of 2487 total AFDs. --- Site: KMFR --- Reference: ['carolinas. polar orbiting satellites show the auroral oval'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202304241005-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['carolinas. polar orbiting satellites show the auroral oval '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202304241741-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['hrrr smoke is predicting smoke concentrations in excess of 100 '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307202147-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['terrain and marine stratus returning this evening. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307312141-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['the hrrr smoke is doing well with picking up the smoke aloft from '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308142155-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['especially at klamath falls this morning. the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308161158-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['northern california. the hrrr smoke model drops visibilities down to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308191320-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['burning just south of the or/ca in del norte county. the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308221121-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['portion of the 18z hrrr smoke forecast, extending into monday'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308270356-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['readings of polar orbiting satellites. the warmer weather and '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309030957-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['complex. the hrrr smoke model is still picking up on heat'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309041029-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['using the hrrr smoke model should also anticipate under forecasting'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309081545-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR Reference: ['based on the hrrr smoke model, southern josephine county could '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309181701-KMFR-FXUS66-AFDMFR * In 2023, KMFR had 13 references out of 1955 total AFDs. --- Site: KMHX --- Reference: ['instability so any storms that develop will be weak. hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306082046-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX Reference: ['instability so any storms that develop will be weak. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306082315-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX Reference: ['vfr conditions will prevail saturday. hrrr smoke models'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306091534-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX Reference: ['light winds and vfr conditions will prevail saturday. hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306092034-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX Reference: ['evening. hrrr smoke models continues to show smoke/haze '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306100538-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX Reference: ['more serly by the evening. hrrr smoke models continues to show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306101112-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX Reference: ['haze to the forecast where hrrr smoke showing greater'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306181836-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX Reference: ['reductions at times. added haze to the forecast where hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306182300-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX Reference: ['sites across enc early this evening but hrrr smoke guidance'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307190049-KMHX-FXUS62-AFDMHX * In 2023, KMHX had 9 references out of 2620 total AFDs. --- Site: KMKX --- * In 2023, KMKX had 0 references out of 1490 total AFDs. --- Site: KMLB --- * In 2023, KMLB had 0 references out of 1499 total AFDs. --- Site: KMOB --- * In 2023, KMOB had 0 references out of 2323 total AFDs. --- Site: KMPX --- Reference: ['wildfires. hrrr smoke fields indicate a fair amount of upper level '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306090957-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX Reference: ['return of upper level smoke from canadian wildfires. hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306100928-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX Reference: ['at this point but will monitor how the hrrr smoke model handles its'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306131134-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX Reference: ['will monitor how the hrrr smoke model handles its arrival and make '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306131730-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX-AAA Reference: ['thursday as smoke from southern canada is advected in. hrrr-smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306131937-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX Reference: ['the 18z hrrr smoke forecast does show potential for some of the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306140022-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX Reference: ['western wi farther east, helping to improve air quality. hrrrsmoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306291935-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX Reference: ['region friday into friday night. hrrr smoke modeling indicates a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307130816-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX Reference: ['expiring midday sunday. hrrrsmoke and rap13 smoke models suggest at'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307150758-KMPX-FXUS63-AFDMPX * In 2023, KMPX had 9 references out of 2256 total AFDs. --- Site: KMQT --- Reference: ['day. the hrrr smoke does show some canada wildfire haze passing over '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308190857-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT Reference: ['previous day. the rap and hrrr smoke guidance does show some canada '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308191945-KMQT-FXUS63-AFDMQT * In 2023, KMQT had 2 references out of 3082 total AFDs. --- Site: KMRX --- Reference: ['haze is expected once again today, though the hrrr smoke runs ', 'wildfires in canada over the weekend. based on hrrr smoke guidance '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306080710-KMRX-FXUS64-AFDMRX Reference: ['then temperatures near seasonal normals on saturday. the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306081900-KMRX-FXUS64-AFDMRX Reference: ['forecast as the hrrr smoke density product indicates at least some'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306090208-KMRX-FXUS64-AFDMRX Reference: ['be improving tonight according to hrrr smoke products. vis'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306171925-KMRX-FXUS64-AFDMRX * In 2023, KMRX had 4 references out of 2915 total AFDs. --- Site: KMSO --- * In 2023, KMSO had 0 references out of 810 total AFDs. --- Site: KMTR --- Reference: ['across socal. the blended total precipitable water (pw) product '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308210936-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['hrrr smoke guidance continues to bring some the region. check '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308300422-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['hrrr smoke model forecasts more wildfire smoke and haze continues to', 'latest hrrr smoke model forecast indicates little if any '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309200435-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['conditions to keep it there. additionally, the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309200631-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['will likely stay moderate to poor today as the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309201528-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['persist. hrrr smoke model shows that another push of higher'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309211653-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR Reference: ['normal, today's modis, nesdis, goes, poes sea surface temp '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311140527-KMTR-FXUS66-AFDMTR * In 2023, KMTR had 7 references out of 2774 total AFDs. --- Site: KOAX --- Reference: ['into wednesday as well, if the hrrr smoke fields verify. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306261955-KOAX-FXUS63-AFDOAX Reference: ['wednesday. the rap and hrrr smoke model runs do indicate that the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308282043-KOAX-FXUS63-AFDOAX Reference: ['beginning today into wednesday. both the rap and hrrr smoke models'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308290816-KOAX-FXUS63-AFDOAX Reference: ['to the west northwest of the region with the hrrr smoke model, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309060441-KOAX-FXUS63-AFDOAX * In 2023, KOAX had 4 references out of 2223 total AFDs. --- Site: KOHX --- Reference: ['into wednesday. hrrr smoke and haze plume info continues to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306060748-KOHX-FXUS64-AFDOHX * In 2023, KOHX had 1 references out of 2715 total AFDs. --- Site: KOKX --- Reference: ['additionally, the rap and hrrr smoke model fields once again'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306051005-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['patchy smoke near the surface, as indicated by the hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306051950-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['by the hrrr smoke model fields.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306060024-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['indicated by the hrrr smoke model fields.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306060353-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['hrrr smoke fields indicate potential for some smoke to make it to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071954-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['latest/00z hrrr smoke run does continue to show low level smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306170808-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['latest/12z hrrr smoke showing the narrow corridor of smoke from'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306171453-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['latest/00z hrrr smoke run shows low level smoke that caused some ', '00z hrrr smoke is again depicting another plume of smoke aloft '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306180813-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['based on obs and hrrr smoke forecast, have left in a mention of haze '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306290802-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke forecasts for daytime sat appear more '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307010230-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke forecasts for daytime saturday appear more '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307010535-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke forecasts continue to show the potential for some '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307010837-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['latest hrrr smoke forecasts continue to show the potential for '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307011141-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['hrrr smoke fields showing most if not all of the forecast area '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310011920-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX Reference: ['conditions and lack of cloud cover, though hrrr smoke forecast'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310020838-KOKX-FXUS61-AFDOKX * In 2023, KOKX had 15 references out of 3932 total AFDs. --- Site: KOTX --- Reference: ['forecast since the hrrr smoke model is struggling to forecast the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305172259-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['columbia, the 00z run of the hrrr smoke is showing more haze and '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308160241-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['levels. the hrrr smoke models also suggests some of this lower '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308160458-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['period depending on smoke levels. the hrrr smoke models also '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308161129-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['region. the hrrr smoke model was used as guidance for how smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308190456-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke model was used as guidance for how smoke will behave. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308191201-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['north idaho through eastern washington. the hrrr smoke model was '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308191740-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['washington. the hrrr smoke model was used as guidance for how '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308192236-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke models has been used heavily and uw wrf wind model for'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308201208-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['speaking of smoke, updated the forecast from the latest hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308210350-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke model projections. meanwhile the remnants of now'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308210506-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['the latest hrrr smoke model and given the east-southeast winds. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308211149-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['clear out per the latest hrrr smoke model and given the east-'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308211747-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['from easterly to southwesterly, and the hrrr smoke model nudges'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308220528-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke model, additional near surface smoke will filter back'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308221010-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['return of smoke from the hrrr smoke model will filter in from the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308221210-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['from the hrrr smoke model will filter in from the southwest '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308221813-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke model will filter in from the southwest wednesday with '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308230433-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['hrrr smoke model run has winds more westerly than previous runs, '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308231141-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['impacts around taf sites as hrrr smoke guidance does not change '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308261750-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['sites as hrrr smoke guidance does not change concentrations '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308262157-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX Reference: ['cascades begins to send smoke east. the hrrr smoke models shows'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309170925-KOTX-FXUS66-AFDOTX * In 2023, KOTX had 22 references out of 2100 total AFDs. --- Site: KOUN --- Reference: ['oklahoma and northward into south dakota. the hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309061446-KOUN-FXUS64-AFDOUN * In 2023, KOUN had 1 references out of 2272 total AFDs. --- Site: KPAH --- Reference: ['moisture in the air this morning, but cira alpw and downstream '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202301240912-KPAH-FXUS63-AFDPAH Reference: ['in the air this morning, but cira alpw and downstream soundings '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202301241114-KPAH-FXUS63-AFDPAH-AAA Reference: ['hrrr smoke products continue to show a smokey/hazy sky across the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306060830-KPAH-FXUS63-AFDPAH Reference: ['be hot) while northwest flow lingers aloft. hrrr smoke products also '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307142006-KPAH-FXUS63-AFDPAH Reference: ['cold front. hrrr smoke products continue bring smoke southeastward'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307150749-KPAH-FXUS63-AFDPAH * In 2023, KPAH had 5 references out of 2039 total AFDs. --- Site: KPBZ --- Reference: ['850mb. blended tpw data depicts precipitable water(pwat) of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202301030714-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['a milky-white, hazy sky. latest runs of the rap/hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306051822-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['in place. latest runs of the rap/hrrr smoke models indicate '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306052327-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ-AAA Reference: ['both hrrr-smoke and visible satellite. low relative humidities '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306061520-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['perhaps an elevated cu field at best. hrrr-smoke indicates '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306061635-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['quebec wildfires. current hrrr-smoke guidance indicates that '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306081647-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['determined using the hrrr smoke model. after 13z, haze will'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306280032-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['the early evening hours. hrrr smoke fields show sufficient'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306281200-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['rap/hrrr smoke models do bring rather thick smoke into forecast'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307151924-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['mvfr levels. used the hrrr smoke forecast to bring haze from'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307161821-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['with the latest hrrr-smoke model, hazy conditions may linger'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307171746-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['but upstream observations and hrrr-smoke do not indicate any '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307312321-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ Reference: ['continue to venture east based on the hrrr-smoke model guidance.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308200445-KPBZ-FXUS61-AFDPBZ * In 2023, KPBZ had 13 references out of 2989 total AFDs. --- Site: KPDT --- Reference: ['tonight into tomorrow. added in the hrrr smoke model haze to help', 'morning from canadian wildfires to the north. hrrr smoke model'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306151550-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['both the hrrr-smoke model and other guidance indicates it likely '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306160250-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['the hrrr-smoke model and other guidance indicates it likely '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306160521-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['on latest satellite imagery and hrrr smoke guidance. today will '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306161604-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['back in over the region as well as local wildfires. hrrr smoke is '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307040309-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['hrrr smoke model is showing most of this smoke remaining aloft, but '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307040410-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT-AAA Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model shows some surface smoke even as far north '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307242058-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['did make a few sky cover changes overnight to match the hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307260353-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['sky cover changes overnight to match the hrrr smoke model forecasts. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307260353-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT-RRA Reference: ['hrrr smoke model forecasts. winds are dropping off this evening '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307260353-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT-RRB Reference: ['southward, as seen on hrrr smoke products. however, elevated smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307261621-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['but latest hrrr smoke shows improving conditions on sunday. '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307300520-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT-AAA Reference: ['to 6sm at krdm and kbdn at times. the hrrr smoke model shows smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307301202-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT-AAA Reference: ['grids here as well as utilized the hrrr smoke model to address the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308280313-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['counties. the hrrr smoke model is indicating vertically integrated '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308281038-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT-AAA Reference: ['otherwise the hrrr smoke indicates the winds should help to clear'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308292334-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT Reference: ['fire is shown by the hrrr smoke model to bring hazy conditions'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309160941-KPDT-FXUS66-AFDPDT * In 2023, KPDT had 17 references out of 2590 total AFDs. --- Site: KPHI --- Reference: ['the hrrr-smoke which seemed to have a good handle on conditions.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300145-KPHI-FXUS61-AFDPHI Reference: ['tomorrow. opted to use the hrrr-smoke which seemed to have a '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305300525-KPHI-FXUS61-AFDPHI Reference: ['continue to monitor rap/hrrr smoke products into tomorrow.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306072011-KPHI-FXUS61-AFDPHI Reference: ['westerly. will continue to monitor rap/hrrr smoke products into '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306072234-KPHI-FXUS61-AFDPHI Reference: ['haze may continue to be an issue, though the rap and hrrr smoke', 'wait for later runs of the rap/hrrr smoke products to get a better '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306082011-KPHI-FXUS61-AFDPHI Reference: ['canadian wildfire smoke. the hrrrsmoke suggests that the highest'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306090753-KPHI-FXUS61-AFDPHI * In 2023, KPHI had 6 references out of 2934 total AFDs. --- Site: KPIH --- Reference: ['showers and thunderstorms each day. rap and hrrr smoke models show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305200900-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['wednesday. the hrrr smoke model also maintains light smoke ', 'expected for wednesday. the hrrr smoke model also maintains light '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307042000-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['evening and linger into thursday morning. the 12z hrrr smoke model '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308162006-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH Reference: ['east out of our area later today with both the rap and hrrr smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308300855-KPIH-FXUS65-AFDPIH * In 2023, KPIH had 4 references out of 854 total AFDs. --- Site: KPQR --- Reference: ['impacts temperatures. the latest hrrr smoke forecast keeps smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307202042-KPQR-FXUS66-AFDPQR-AAA Reference: ['satellite during the night but hrrr smoke forecast has the smoke'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307241028-KPQR-FXUS66-AFDPQR Reference: ['smoke on satellite during the night but hrrr smoke forecast has the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307241358-KPQR-FXUS66-AFDPQR-AAA Reference: ['to southwest. at this time, the hrrr smoke model suggests all of', 'degrade air quality. at this time, the hrrr smoke model suggests at'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308182107-KPQR-FXUS66-AFDPQR Reference: ['day friday. cira's advected layer precipitable water (alpw) product'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202312011117-KPQR-FXUS66-AFDPQR * In 2023, KPQR had 5 references out of 1638 total AFDs. --- Site: KPSR --- Reference: ['precipitable water values with blended tpw imagery showing pwat '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202302111000-KPSR-FXUS65-AFDPSR * In 2023, KPSR had 1 references out of 2241 total AFDs. --- Site: KPUB --- * In 2023, KPUB had 0 references out of 1748 total AFDs. --- Site: KRAH --- Reference: ['goes derived blended total precipitable water(tpw)shows an '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202302170809-KRAH-FXUS62-AFDRAH Reference: ['va and portions of the oh valley. the latest hrrr smoke model brings '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306091318-KRAH-FXUS62-AFDRAH Reference: ['including int/gso, for much of the day. output from the hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307172340-KRAH-FXUS62-AFDRAH Reference: ['the sandhills and coastal plain. the latest hrrr smoke shows this '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307190124-KRAH-FXUS62-AFDRAH Reference: ['the hrrr smoke shows this remaining along the nc coast through '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310021330-KRAH-FXUS62-AFDRAH * In 2023, KRAH had 5 references out of 3882 total AFDs. --- Site: KREV --- Reference: [' yosemite, per latest hrrr smoke simulations. this assumes active', 'nw of yosemite, per latest hrrr smoke model, affecting mainly '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307052021-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' modis-viirs satellite fire detection products. haze is possible'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307060920-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: [' in oregon. all of this is aloft, per hrrr smoke modeling and'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308042043-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV Reference: ['hrrr-smoke trajectory model shows this smoke dispersing during '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309270955-KREV-FXUS65-AFDREV * In 2023, KREV had 4 references out of 794 total AFDs. --- Site: KRIW --- * In 2023, KRIW had 0 references out of 2170 total AFDs. --- Site: KRLX --- Reference: ['longer range runs of the hrrr-smoke have shown significant near-'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306071842-KRLX-FXUS61-AFDRLX Reference: ['quality readings, and the latest hrrr smoke forecasts would'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306300649-KRLX-FXUS61-AFDRLX * In 2023, KRLX had 2 references out of 3527 total AFDs. --- Site: KRNK --- Reference: ['for this afternoon/evening hrrr smoke models showing the plume'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311161727-KRNK-FXUS61-AFDRNK Reference: ['the 09z/4am hrrr smoke model keeps the smoke from the matts '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311171138-KRNK-FXUS61-AFDRNK Reference: ['the 13z/8am hrrr smoke model keeps the smoke from the matts '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311171516-KRNK-FXUS61-AFDRNK Reference: ['the 16z/11m hrrr smoke model keeps the smoke from the matts '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311171741-KRNK-FXUS61-AFDRNK Reference: ['the 03z hrrr smoke model keeps the smoke from the matts creek '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311180542-KRNK-FXUS61-AFDRNK Reference: ['the 06z hrrr smoke model keeps the smoke from the matts creek '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311181019-KRNK-FXUS61-AFDRNK Reference: ['the latest hrrr smoke model keeps the smoke from the matts '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311181500-KRNK-FXUS61-AFDRNK * In 2023, KRNK had 7 references out of 2704 total AFDs. --- Site: KSEW --- Reference: ['morning based on the latest hrrr smoke guidance which now includes'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307051550-KSEW-FXUS66-AFDSEW Reference: ['hrrr smoke model does suggest the potential for smoke to be directed '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307052033-KSEW-FXUS66-AFDSEW Reference: ['evening, as the hrrr smoke model still indicates some smoke from '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307061011-KSEW-FXUS66-AFDSEW * In 2023, KSEW had 3 references out of 1525 total AFDs. --- Site: KSGF --- * In 2023, KSGF had 0 references out of 2243 total AFDs. --- Site: KSGX --- Reference: ['hrrr smoke model shows most of the related smoke staying south of '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307030430-KSGX-FXUS66-AFDSGX Reference: ['the hrrr smoke model, the latest 48-hour run of which goes '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309211206-KSGX-FXUS66-AFDSGX * In 2023, KSGX had 2 references out of 1483 total AFDs. --- Site: KSHV --- * In 2023, KSHV had 0 references out of 2879 total AFDs. --- Site: KSJT --- * In 2023, KSJT had 0 references out of 2823 total AFDs. --- Site: KSLC --- * In 2023, KSLC had 0 references out of 763 total AFDs. --- Site: KSTO --- Reference: ['across the valley. hrrr smoke suggest some possible wildfire '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308291001-KSTO-FXUS66-AFDSTO Reference: ['redding to red bluff areas. hrrr smoke shows chances for heaviest'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308291929-KSTO-FXUS66-AFDSTO Reference: ['and the rdd-sac is 2.6 mbs). latest hrrr smoke continues to show '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308301014-KSTO-FXUS66-AFDSTO Reference: ['out of our area. this is supported with the latest hrrr smoke runs'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309222011-KSTO-FXUS66-AFDSTO * In 2023, KSTO had 4 references out of 769 total AFDs. --- Site: KTAE --- Reference: ['afternoon, the hrrr smoke model shows the smoke chances'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307181028-KTAE-FXUS62-AFDTAE Reference: ['cycle. the hrrr smoke model keeps hz lingering into tmrw (except '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307181749-KTAE-FXUS62-AFDTAE Reference: ['hrrr smoke model.'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307181914-KTAE-FXUS62-AFDTAE Reference: ['ga. the hrrr smoke favors this, solution and keeps a elevated '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307190743-KTAE-FXUS62-AFDTAE Reference: ['sultry mid-70s. the hrrr smoke vertically integrated smoke suggests '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307192010-KTAE-FXUS62-AFDTAE Reference: ['direction. the hrrr smoke products also support this with '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310031434-KTAE-FXUS62-AFDTAE * In 2023, KTAE had 6 references out of 2905 total AFDs. --- Site: KTBW --- * In 2023, KTBW had 0 references out of 1972 total AFDs. --- Site: KTFX --- Reference: ['forecast period and the latest hrrr-smoke forecast supports for '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202306111948-KTFX-FXUS65-AFDTFX * In 2023, KTFX had 1 references out of 2932 total AFDs. --- Site: KTOP --- * In 2023, KTOP had 0 references out of 2217 total AFDs. --- Site: KTSA --- * In 2023, KTSA had 0 references out of 2928 total AFDs. --- Site: KTWC --- Reference: ['last poes satellite derived data. latest hrrr and uofa wrf runs'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308062145-KTWC-FXUS65-AFDTWC Reference: ['nucaps and tpw satellite imagery would suggest that the pw across the', 'west of cochise and graham counties. nucaps (10z) would suggest cape'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308171604-KTWC-FXUS65-AFDTWC Reference: ['the elevated pw that the nucaps and tpw satellite data indicated '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308172214-KTWC-FXUS65-AFDTWC Reference: ['(currently depicted rounding the trough base by the alpw product)'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310010925-KTWC-FXUS65-AFDTWC * In 2023, KTWC had 4 references out of 818 total AFDs. --- Site: KUNR --- Reference: ['tuesday. rap/hrrr smoke models then hint at more haze/smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307171929-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR Reference: ['the past few hours. water vapor and blended tpw product also show'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308040806-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR Reference: ['into the region later monday into tuesday. current rap/hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308280903-KUNR-FXUS63-AFDUNR * In 2023, KUNR had 3 references out of 2313 total AFDs. --- Site: KVEF --- Reference: ['was producing lots of smoke, which the hrrr smoke model expects to '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307312058-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['of haze and smoke for inyo county in the grids based off hrrr smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308060830-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF Reference: ['into mohave county. hrrr smoke output suggests this veil of smoke '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202310061924-KVEF-FXUS65-AFDVEF * In 2023, KVEF had 3 references out of 1202 total AFDs. --- Site: PAFC --- * In 2023, PAFC had 0 references out of 747 total AFDs. --- Site: PAFG --- Reference: ['polar orbiting imagery shows that the typical low stratus has '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202308062157-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['translates into the interior. viirs imagery shows light snowfall '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311170015-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['current viirs sfr data and available cameras show on-going snowfall '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311230011-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG Reference: ['latest viirs/poes data shows snowfall rates decreasing across the '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311291310-PAFG-FXAK69-AFDAFG * In 2023, PAFG had 4 references out of 788 total AFDs. --- Site: PAJK --- Reference: ['overnight viirs and goes satellite imagery is already showing the'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202302061448-PAJK-FXAK67-AFDAJK Reference: ['.marine.../tonight into next week/...polar satellite passes and '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311110008-PAJK-FXAK67-AFDAJK * In 2023, PAJK had 2 references out of 865 total AFDs. --- Site: PGUM --- Reference: ['gridded nucaps data show a significant drop in mid- and upper-level'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202302090808-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['of upper-level support for dynamic forcing. while, gridded nucaps '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202303160747-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['thunderstorm activity, in eastern micronesia, with gridded nucaps '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202303170731-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['value of only 1.13 inches. gridded nucaps shows this dry air mass'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202303180734-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['pwat, compared to mimic tpw's 1.25 inches and a near-guam nucaps ', 'shows a marked increase in moisture, to around 2 inches, but nucaps '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305040949-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['raob and surrounding nucaps profiles, the shallow low-level'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305110834-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM Reference: ['thunderstorms into early sunday as nucaps profiles over the shear', 'after today's surface analysis and assessment of nucaps profiles '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202312300826-PGUM-FXPQ50-AFDGUM * In 2023, PGUM had 7 references out of 776 total AFDs. --- Site: PHFO --- Reference: ['viirs satellite pass on the adaptive day/night band shows'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202301111340-PHFO-FXHW60-AFDHFO Reference: ['about 25 mph. overnight jpss polar orbiter satellite overpasses'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202302162026-PHFO-FXHW60-AFDHFO Reference: ['pair of nighttime visible (viirs) images did "shed some light" on '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202309051322-PHFO-FXHW60-AFDHFO * In 2023, PHFO had 3 references out of 1550 total AFDs. --- Site: TJSJ --- Reference: ['rainfall accumulations. both goes-r and nucaps derived vertical '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202303272054-TJSJ-FXCA62-AFDSJU Reference: ['evidenced by the tjsj 29/12z and 29/17z nucaps soundings with an '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202305292047-TJSJ-FXCA62-AFDSJU Reference: ['typical values. the blended total precipitable water satellite'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307082125-TJSJ-FXCA62-AFDSJU Reference: ['blended tpw product shows that there is a small slot of drier air in '] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202307122023-TJSJ-FXCA62-AFDSJU * In 2023, TJSJ had 4 references out of 1514 total AFDs. --- Site: NSTU --- Reference: ['the latest altimeter data from the poes satellites show wave'] AFD: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=202311220053-NSTU-FXZS60-AFDPPG * In 2023, NSTU had 1 references out of 400 total AFDs.