Geostationary Satellite Loops
GOES-13 Visible with Colorado Lightning Mapping Array Flashes
- GOES-13 Visible with Colorado LMA Flashes
Realtime Observed GOES IR merging into Synthetic NSSL WRF IR
- Observed GOES-13 IR into NSSL WRF IR forecast loop
Realtime Synthetic WRF Imagery over the Great Lakes
- Synthetic WRF Water Vapor Band 9
- Synthetic WRF IR Band 13
- Synthetic WRF 10.35-3.9 Product
Realtime Synthetic WRF Imagery over the the Northeast U.S.
- Synthetic WRF Water Vapor Band 9
- Synthetic WRF IR Band 13
- Synthetic WRF 10.35-3.9 Product
Experimental fog forecast from the NSSL WRF
- 9- to 36-hour fog forecast - CONUS
- 9- to 36-hour fog forecast - California
Realtime GOES-13 Loops over Eastern and Central Canada
- Realtime Central Canada Band 2
- Realtime Central Canada Band 4
- Realtime Central Canada Visible
Realtime GOES-13 Loops over extreme Eastern Canada
- Realtime Central Canada Band 2
- Realtime Central Canada Band 4
- Realtime Central Canada Visible
Realtime GOES-15 Loops over Western and Central Canada
- Realtime Canada Band 2
- Realtime Canada Band 4 (with band 2 hotspots overlaid)
- Realtime Canada Visible (with band 2 hotspots overlaid)
- Realtime Canada Visible Floater
Realtime GOES-11 Loops over Alaska and Yukon
- Realtime Alaska Band 2
- Realtime Alaska Band 4
- Realtime Alaska Visible
Realtime GOES-15 Loops over the Western U.S.
- Realtime Western U.S. Band 2
- Realtime Western U.S. Band 4
- Realtime Western U.S. Visible
- Realtime Western U.S. Visible Floater
Realtime MTSAT Loops over Australia
- Realtime Australia 3.75
- Realtime Australia 10.7
- Realtime Australia Visible
Realtime MTSAT Loops over Northeast Asia
- Realtime Asia 3.75
- Realtime Asia 10.8
- Realtime Asia Visible
- Realtime Asia Visible - Zoomed
- Realtime Asia 10.8 - 12.0
Realtime GOES-13 Loops over the CONUS
- CONUS 10.7 IR band (Large)
- CONUS 6.5 WV band (Large)
21 May 2011 Case Study
- NSSL-WRF Simulated 6.95 band
- NSSL-WRF Simulated 10.35 band
- NSSL-WRF Simulated 10.35-12.3 Difference
- 21 May 2011 GOES-13 VIS loop - OKC
- 21 May 2011 Simulated Radar Reflectivity loop
2 March 2012 Severe Weather Outbreak
- 2 March 2012 GOES-13 Visible Loop
Other Misc. Loops
- Real-time Synthetic Fog Product - Monterrey, CA
- Kansas/Oklahoma/Texas Real-Time VIS loop
- 23 May 2011 VIS loop - OKC
- 24 May 2011 VIS loop - OKC
- 1 June 2011 VIS loop - Arizona Fires
- 1 June 2011 3.9 loop - Arizona Fires
- 1 June 2011 10.7 loop - Arizona Fires
- 2 June 2011 VIS loop - Arizona Fire PyroCb
- 2 June 2011 VIS loop - Alberta Fires PyroCb
- 2 June 2011 3.9 loop - Alberta Fires PyroCb
- 2 June 2011 10.7 loop - Alberta Fires PyroCb
- 2 June 2011 Effective Radius loop - Alberta Fires PyroCb
- 4-6 June 2011 IR loop - Cordon Caulle Eruption
- 12-14 June 2011 IR loop - Cordon Caulle Eruption
- 13 June 2011 VIS loop - Cordon Caulle Eruption
- 20 June 2011 Visible loop - South Georgia Fires
- 21 June 2011 Visible loop - South Georgia Fires
- 22 June 2011 Visible loop - South Georgia Fires
- 22 June 2011 IR loop - South Georgia Fires
- 20 June 2010 GOES-13 IR Loop
- 20 June 2010 Synthetic IR Loop
- 21 June 2010 GOES-13 WV Loop
- 21 June 2010 Synthetic WV Loop
- Hurricane Irene - 25-26 Aug. 2011, IR Comparison
- NSSL-WRF Synthetic IR Forecast, 26 Aug. 2011, Hurricane Irene
- GOES-11 SRSO over Hurricane Hilary, 23 September 2011
- GOES-13 over Hurricane Philippe, Visible, 7 October 2011
- GOES-13 over Hurricane Philippe, IR, 7 October 2011
- GOES-13 over Hurricane Philippe, WV, 7 October 2011
- NPP Predicted Track on GOES-13 Full Disk IR Image
- 6 June 2012 GOES-15 1-minute Visible Loop over Colorado
- 6 June 2012 GOES-15 1-minute IR Loop over Colorado
- 10 June 2012 GOES-13 Visible Loop over the High Park Fire
- 12 June 2012 GOES-13 Visible Loop over the High Park Fire
- 19 June 2012 GOES-15 Visible Loop over the High Park Fire
- 25 June 2012 GOES-15 Visible Loop over Eastern Colorado fires
- 26 June 2012 GOES-15 Visible Loop over Colorado Springs Fire
- 26 June 2012 GOES-15 3.9 micrometer Loop over Colorado Springs Fire
- 26 June 2012 GOES-15 10.7 micrometer Loop over Colorado Springs Fire
- 26 June 2012 GOES-15 Visible Loop over Colorado Springs Fire - large view
- MSG 10.8 micrometer Loop - July 6-7 2012, southern Russia flooding
- GOES-15 3.9 micrometer Loop - 9-10 July 2012 - Oregon Fire
- GOES-15 10.7 micrometer Loop - 9-10 July 2012 - Oregon Fire
- GOES-15 Visible Loop - 9-10 July 2012 - Oregon Fire
- GOES-15 3.9 micrometer Loop - 10-11 July 2012 - Alberta Fire
- GOES-15 10.7 micrometer Loop - 10-11 July 2012 - Alberta Fire
- GOES-15 Visible Loop - 10-11 July 2012 - Alberta Fire
- GOES-13 IR Loop - 7 July 2012 - Northeast US MCS
- Lake Baikal PyroCb - 7-8 May 2012 - MTSAT Shortwave IR Loop
- Lake Baikal PyroCb - 7-8 May 2012 - MTSAT Visible Loop
- Lake Baikal PyroCb - 7-8 May 2012 - MTSAT IR Loop
- Lake Baikal PyroCb - 7-8 May 2012 - MTSAT IR Loop, Large Scale
- GOES-13 Vis Loop - 2 Aug 2012 - Atlanta
- GOES-14 1-minute Vis Loop - 26 Aug 2012 - Hurricane Isaac
- GOES-15 Vis Loop - 26-27 Aug 2012 - Idaho Fires
- GOES-15 3.9 micrometer Loop - 26-27 Aug 2012 - Idaho Fires
- GOES-15 10.7 micrometer Loop - 26-27 Aug 2012 - Idaho Fires
- GOES-13 Visible Loop - 29-30 Aug 2012 - Nebraska PyroCb
- GOES-13 3.9 micrometer Loop - 29-30 Aug 2012 - Nebraska PyroCb
- GOES-13 10.7 micrometer Loop - 29-30 Aug 2012 - Nebraska PyroCb
- GOES-13 Visible Loop of Nicaragua Volcanic Eruption - 8 Sep 2012
- MTSAT-2 Visible Loop of Typhoon Sanba - 13 Sep 2012
- GOES-15 Visible Loop of a pyroCb near Lake Tahoe, 21-22 Sep 2012
- GOES-15 IR Loop of a pyroCb near Lake Tahoe, 21-22 Sep 2012
- Simulated 10.35-3.9 loop over San Francisco from 11 Sep 2012
- GOES-13 Visible Loop - blowing dust and smoke over Nebraska - 18 Oct 2012
- 9- to 36-hour fog forecast - CONUS - 19 Oct. 2012
- 9- to 36-hour fog forecast - CONUS - 20 Oct. 2012
- 10-11 May 2010 - GOES-13 Super Rapid Scan Visible
- 10-11 May 2010 - GOES-13 Super Rapid Scan IR
- 4 Jan 2013 - MTSAT VIS - PyroCb over Tasmania
- Real-time GOES-15 Visible Loop over Hawaii
- Real-time GOES-15 Infrared Loop (daytime) over Hawaii
- Real-time GOES-15 3.9 micrometer Loop (daytime) over Hawaii
- Experimental GOES-15 Vog Detection based on Effective Radius Retrieval
- MSG Visible Loop of Intense North Atlantic Cyclone - 26-27 Jan 2013
- GOES-12 Water Vapor Loop - 3-4 Jan 2006
- GOES-9 IR Loop of the Storm of the Century, 12-14 March 1993
- GOES-13 VIS Loop north Puerto Rico - 14 March 2013
- GOES-13 VIS Loop over Lake Ontario - 16 March 2013
- GOES-13 IR Loop over Texas - 15 April 2012
- GOES-13 VIS Loop showing blowing dust in Colorado
- GOES-13 Visible loop from 26 April 2013
- GOES-13 IR loop from 26 April 2013
- GOES-13 Effective Radius retrieval loop from 26 April 2013
- GOES to Synthetic IR from the NSSL WRF in AWIPS - example from
- GOES-15 SRSO Vis - 19 May 2013 - Oklahoma
- GOES-15 SRSO Vis - 20 May 2013 - Oklahoma
- GOES-15 Visible Loop from 23 May 2013 over Texas
- GOES-15 SRSO Vis - 30 May 2013 - Oklahoma
- GOES-13 VIS Loop over Canada PyroCb - 4-5 June 2013
- GOES-13 IR Loop over Canada PyroCb - 4-5 June 2013
- Pavlof Volcano, Alaska - GOES-15 VIS, 16-19 May 2013
- Pavlof Volcano, Alaska - GOES-15 Shortwave IR, 13-17 May 2013
- Pavlof Volcano, Alaska - GOES-15 Shortwave IR, 17-19 May 2013
- Pavlof Volcano, Alaska - GOES-15 IR, 13-17 May 2013
- Pavlof Volcano, Alaska - GOES-15 IR, 17-19 May 2013
- GOES-15 SRSO VIS Loop over Wyoming and Nebraska - 11-12 June 2013
- GOES-13 VIS Loop over the Black Forest Fire - 12 June 2013
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over Illinois - 12 June 2013, time period 1
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over Illinois - 12 June 2013, time period 2
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over Illinois - 12 June 2013, time period 3
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over Illinois - 12 June 2013, time period 4
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over IN/OH - 12 June 2013
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over VA - 13 June 2013, 1415-1539 Z
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over VA - 13 June 2013, 1540-1708 Z
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over VA - 13 June 2013, 1709-1811 Z
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over VA - 13 June 2013, 1815-1945 Z
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over VA - 13 June 2013, 2015-2140 Z
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over NC - 13 June 2013, 2141-2245 Z
- GOES-14 SRSO VIS Loop over NC - 13 June 2013, 2315-2353 Z
- GOES-13 VIS Loop central U.S. - 20-21 June 2013
- GOES-13 IR Loop central U.S. - 20-21 June 2013
- MSG High Res Visible Loop - 24-25 June 2013
- 30 June 2013 Visible Loop - 30 June 2013
- 8 July 2013 GOES-15 Visible Loop - Canada PyroCbs
- 8 July 2013 GOES-15 IR Loop - Canada PyroCbs
- 8 July 2013 GOES-15 SWIR Loop - Canada PyroCbs
- GOES-15 Visible Loop - 5-6 July 2013 - Nevada PyroCbs
- GOES-15 3.9 Loop - 5-6 July 2013 - Nevada PyroCbs
- GOES-15 IR Loop - 5-6 July 2013 - Nevada PyroCbs
- GOES-15 VIS Loop - 15-16 July 2013 - Yukon Fires
- GOES-15 3.9 Loop - 15-16 July 2013 - Yukon Fires
- GOES-15 IR Loop - 15-16 July 2013 - Yukon Fires
- Meteosat 7 VIS Loop - 26 July 2013 - Russia Fires
- GOES-14 - 13 August 2013 - 1-minute VIS - Idaho PyroCb
- GOES-14 - 13 August 2013 - 1-minute IR - Idaho PyroCb
- GOES-14 - 21 August 2013 - 1-minute VIS - Northern Wisconsin Convection
- GOES-15 Water Vapor Loop - 9-12 September 2013
- GOES-15 IR Loop - 11-12 September 2013
- GOES-15 IR Loop - 12-13 September 2013
- GOES-13 IR Loop with LMA Sources - 12 September 2013
- GOES-13 VIS Loop over eastern Ontario - 28 October 2013
- GOES-13 3.9 Loop over eastern Ontario - 28 October 2013
- GOES-13 VIS SRSO Loop over Lakes Erie and Ontario - 7 January 2013
- MTSAT Vis Loop over Australia Fires - 15 January 2014
- MTSAT 3.75 Loop over Australia Fires - 15 January 2014
- MTSAT 10.8 Loop over Australia Fires - 15 January 2014
- MTSAT Vis Loop over Australia Fires - 16 January 2014
- MTSAT 3.75 Loop over Australia Fires - 16 January 2014
- MTSAT 10.8 Loop over Australia Fires - 16 January 2014
- GOES Visible Loop over Wyoming and Montana - 17 February 2014
- GOES-14 Visible 1-minute Loop over Kansas and Missouri - 10-11 May 2014 (in .mp4 format)
- GOES-14 1-minute Visible Loop over Colorado - 20 May 2014
- GOES-14 1-minute Visible Loop over Colorado - 21 May 2014
- GOES-14 1-minute Visible Loop over New Mexico - 24 May 2014
- GOES-14 Visible 1-minute Loop over Texas - 24 May 2014 (in .mp4 format)
- GOES-15 Visible - Canada Fires - 18 June 2014
- GOES-15 3.9 - Canada Fires - 18 June 2014
- GOES-15 10.7 - Canada Fires - 18 June 2014
- GOES-15 Visible - Canada Fires - 11 July 2014
- MTSAT - Shortwave IR - Russia Fires - 16 July 2014
- Great Slave Lake PyroCb - GOES-15 VIS - 5 August 2014
- Great Slave Lake PyroCb - GOES-15 IR - 5 August 2014
- Great Slave Lake PyroCb - GOES-15 3.9 micrometer - 5 August 2014
- Great Slave Lake PyroCb - GOES-15 Long-range IR - 5 August 2014
- West Coast PyroCbs - GOES-15 VIS - 31 July 2014
- Siberia PyroCb - MTSAT VIS - 10 August 2014
- Siberia PyroCb - MTSAT IR - 10 August 2014
- Jasper Fire PyroCb - GOES-8 VIS - 26 August 2000
- Jasper Fire PyroCb - GOES-8 IR - 26 August 2000
- GOES-14 Visible 1-minute Loop over the Southeast U.S. - 18 August 2014 (in .mp4 format)
- GOES-14 VIS - TC Cristobal - 24 August 2014 - 1 v/s 5 Min
- GOES-14 Enhanced Visible 1-minute Loop of Hurricane Marie - 25 August 2014 (in .mp4 format)
- Geocolor - Northwestern Atlantic - 4 September 2014
- Simulated 10.35 - 12.3 from 20 May 2013
- Argentina Convection - GOES-13 IR - 7 January 2015
- Australia PyroCb - MTSAT VIS - 7 January 2015
- Australia PyroCb - MTSAT IR - 7 January 2015
- Australia PyroCb - MTSAT Shortwave IR - 7 January 2015
- Developing East Coast Cyclone - GOES13 VIS - 26 January 2015
- GOES-13 VIS and Colorado LMA - 15 April 2015
- KCYS Radar Reflectivity - 4 June 2015 - Berthoud Tornado
- Smoke from Canadian Fires - 5-7 June 2015 - GOES-13 Visible
- Southeast Colorado Supercell - GOES-14 1-min VIS - 11 June 2015
- Alaska PyroCb - 20-21 June 2015 - GOES-15 VIS
- Alaska PyroCb - 20-21 June 2015 - GOES-15 IR
- Alaska PyroCb - 20-21 June 2015 - GOES-15 3.9
- Lake Baikal Fires - 29 July 2015 - Himawari-8 Band 3 (VIS)
- West Pacific SST - 29 July 2015 - Himawari-8 Band 7
- Himawari True Color - 30 July 2015 - Hawaii
- Himawari True Color - 30 July 2015 - Smoke in Eastern Russia
- California PyroCb - 31 July - 1 August 2015 - GOES-15 VIS
- California PyroCb - 31 July - 1 August 2015 - GOES-15 Shortwave IR
- California PyroCb - 31 July - 1 August 2015 - GOES-15 IR
- Australia Fires - 17 Nov. 2015 - Himawari True Color
- Australia Fires - 17 Nov. 2015 - Himawari Band 7
- Australia Fires - 17 Nov. 2015 - Himawari Band 6
- GOES-14 1-min VIS over Texas showing morning waves
- GOES-14 1-min VIS - parallax-correction comparison
- GOES-14 1-min VIS - 2 Feb. 2016 - Mississippi and Alabama
- Long Himawari Band 13 loop of Cyclone Winston - 10-21 Feb. 2016
- GOES-15 Band 2 - Fires in British Columbia - 15-16 July 2014
- GOES-15 Band 4 - Fires in British Columbia - 15-16 July 2014
- GOES-15 VIS - Fires in British Columbia - 15-16 July 2014
- GOES-13 Band 2 - Fires in British Columbia - 15-16 July 2014
- GOES-13 Band 4 - Fires in British Columbia - 15-16 July 2014
- GOES-13 VIS - Fires in British Columbia - 15-16 July 2014
- Total Solar Eclipse - Himawari HAC True Color - 9 March 2016
- Total Solar Eclipse - Himawari Band 3 VIS - 9 March 2016
- Hurricane Irma - GOES-16 Band 2, 1-min imagery - 5 Sep. 2017
- Hurricane Maria - GOES-16 Band 13, 1-min imagery - 20 Sep. 2017
- Total Solar Eclipse - GOES-16 Geocolor - 21 Aug. 2017
- Rotating Supercell - 30-sec Band 2 Visible - 28 Mar. 2017