[Mercury and Gemini-deployed]

Mercury Balloon-2
Rendezvous Evaluation Pod (REP)

This page contains philatelic information on the [Mercury and Gemini-deployed] Sub-satellites. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

The intent is to focus on sub-satellites, not on the Mercury and Gemini missions that carried those sub-satellites. Regardless, a selected sample of covers without any mention of the sub-satellites are included due to the lack of covers that mention the sub-satellites on those missions.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
[Mercury and Gemini-deployed]
[Mercury and Gemini-deployed]
[Mercury and Gemini-deployed]
Sub-satellites (on other than Sub-satellite deploy covers)

Below is a list of Sub-satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Sub-satellites [Mercury and Gemini-deployed]
CamerounC61 (Mi451)1966"REP"
CamerounC61 proofDie proof (C61)
CamerounC61 fdcStamp and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
Gambia3936c (Mi8014)One of MS4 (3936 (a-d)) (Mi8012-8015)2021Rendezvous Evaluation Pod (REP)
United States1332b fdc1 (Mi930-931 fdc1)(Orbit Covers) cachet on FDC, also detail1967Rendezvous Evaluation Pod (REP)
United States1332b fdc2 (Mi930-931 fdc2)(Orbit Covers) cachet (one part same, one part different) on FDC, also detail
United StatesNone(Colorano silk) cachet on cover2013"three-orbit science mission that lasted nearly five hours" (possible reference to Mercury Balloon-1)1

Below is a list of Sub-satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Sub-satellites [Mercury and Gemini-deployed]
1962-05-24 (launched with Mercury-MA-7) [Carpenter]
1962-05-24 (deployed from Mercury-MA-7): Mercury Balloon-11
United States1962-05-24Patrick AFB, FL(Rank silkscreened) cachet on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (no mention of Mercury Balloon-1 deployment)
United States1962-05-24Port Canaveral FL(Rank velvet) cachet on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (no mention of Mercury Balloon-1 deployment)
United States1962-05-24Boulder CO(Magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (no mention of Mercury Balloon-1 deployment)
United States1962-05-24Port Canaveral FL(Sarzin?) cachet on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (no mention of Mercury Balloon-1 deployment)
United States1962-05-24Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft) cachet on cover, also insertMercury-MA-7 launch ("special multicolored balloon that was deployed on the 2nd orbit" (Mercury Balloon-1), on insert)
United States1962-05-24Port Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet (and signature) on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (no mention of Mercury Balloon-1 deployment)
United States1962-05-24Port Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Sokalsky black and red) cachet on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (tethered balloon depicted)
United States1962-05-24Port Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Sokalsky black and red) cachet on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (tethered balloon depicted)
United States1962-05-24Port Canaveral FL(AW/Boerger) cachet on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (no mention of Mercury Balloon-1 deployment)
United States1962-05-24
Port Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
(Sokalsky black and red/Ranski 2nd cancel) cachet on coverMercury-MA-7 launch (tethered balloon depicted)
Mercury Balloon-1 (anniversary)
United States1972-05-24Kennedy Space Center FL(CISCO/Fydo "Eyewitness to Space" Cover no.4) cachet on cover10th anniv. Mercury-MA-7 launch (no mention of Mercury Balloon-1 deployment)
1963-05-15 (launched with Mercury-MA-9) [Cooper]
1963-05-15 (deployed from Mercury-MA-9): Mercury Balloon-2 and Flashing Light Unit
Chile1963-05-15Antofagasta(Sokalsky blue, and black rubber-stamp and black typed) cachet on coverMercury-MA-9 launch (no mention of Flashing Light Unit or Mercury Balloon-2 deployments)
United States1963-05-15Cape Canaveral FL(Red silkscreened) cachet on coverMercury-MA-9 launch (no mention of Flashing Light Unit or Mercury Balloon-2 deployments)
United States1963-05-15
Cape Canaveral FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank velvet) cachet on coverMercury-MA-9 launch
"flashing beacon ejected" and "Cooper's Satellite" (Flashing Light Unit and Mercury Balloon-2 deployed)
United States1963-05-15
Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)
(Rank velvet) cachet on coverMercury-MA-9 launch
Mercury-MA-9 "splashdown" (no mention of Flashing Light Unit or Mercury Balloon-2 deployments)
United States1963-05-15
Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)
(Sokalsky black) cachet on coverMercury-MA-9 launch (but Telstar depicted)
Mercury-MA-9 splashdown/recovery (no mention of Flashing Light Unit or Mercury Balloon-2 deployments)
United States1963-05-16Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverMercury-MA-9 splashdown/recovery ("starts first experiment, releasing sphere with flashing light ... was with that little rascal all night")
United States1963-05-16Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverMercury-MA-9 splashdown/recovery (no mention of Flashing Light Unit or Mercury Balloon-2 deployments)
1965-08-21 (launched with Gemini-5) [Cooper and Conrad]
1965-08-21 (deployed from Gemini-5): Rendezvous Evaluation Pod
United States1965-08-21Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverGemini-5 launch ("Radar Pod" (REP))
United States1965-08-21Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverGemini-5 launch ("Rendezvous Evaluation Pod" (REP))
United States1965-08-21Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on coverGemini-5 launch ("Rendezvous with radar 'Hawkeye'" (REP))
United States1965-08-21Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet (and signatures) on coverGemini-5 launch ("Rendezvous with radar 'Hawkeye'" (REP))
United States1965-08-21Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverGemini-5 launch ("rendezvous radar capabilities")
United States1965-08-21Kennedy Space Center FL(HJM black and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverGemini-5 launch
United States1965-08-21
Cape Canaveral FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank velvet) cachet on coverGemini-5 launch
Rendezvous Evaluation Pod (REP) deployed
United States1965-08-29USS Neosho(HJM black and US Navy black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverGemini-5 splashdown/landing
United States1965-08-29USS Chipola(HJM black and US Navy purple rubber-stamp) cachet on cover, also backGemini-5 splashdown/landing
Rendezvous Evaluation Pod (anniversaries)
United States1975-08-21Cape Canaveral FL(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on local-post cover10th anniv. Gemini-5 launch (no mention of REP)
Sub-satellites (on other than Sub-satellite deploy covers)
United States1966-11-11Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Orbit Covers green-black) cachet on GATV-12 (and Gemini-12) launch cover, also detailRendezvous Evaluation Pod (REP)
United States1966-11-11Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Orbit Covers green-black) cachet on GATV-12 (and Gemini-12) launch cover, also detail
United States1966-11-11Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Orbit Covers black) cachet on GATV-12 (and Gemini-12) launch cover, also detail
United States1966-11-11Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Orbit Covers black) cachet on GATV-12 (and Gemini-12) launch cover, also detail

1The multi-colored Mercury Balloon-1 was to be cast off near perigee after the first orbital pass to float freely at the end of a 100-foot nylon line. The purposes of the balloon experiment were to study the effects of space on the reflection properties of colored surfaces through visual observation and photographic studies and to obtain aerodynamic drag measurements by use of a strain gauge. The balloon was released 100 minutes after launch. For a few seconds, the expected "confetti spray" signaled a successful deployment, but it soon became clear that it had not inflated properly. Due to a ruptured seam in its skin, it deployed to about a third of its expected diameter and only two of its five colors - day-glow orange and dull aluminum - were visible. Two small, ear-like appendages, described as "sausages," emerged on the edges of the partially-inflated sphere. Its movement was erratic and, although Carpenter succeeded in acquiring a few measurements, the tether quickly wrapped itself around Aurora 7's nose. Consequently, the aerodynamic data were of limited use. Carpenter attempted to release the balloon but it remained close to the spacecraft until burning up during re-entry.

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-05-09