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Remote sensing of the
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satellite instrument | symbolic scanning |
Below is a checklist of Remote sensing of the Earth-atmosphere system from space (Instruments and symbolic scanning or imaging) on postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.). Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the items featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.
In this page, green highlighting indicates manned-mission items that refer to imaging instruments and symbolic scanning from any manned mission.
Symbolic scanning or imaging items are limited to those for the Earth, not the Moon or any other planets. The word "scanning" is used when an across-track or along-track path is depicted; "imaging" is used when a single view or snapshot is depicted, but the scanning is not.
Launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers) (farther below) |
Other postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.) (immediately below) |
Remote-sensing instruments | Remote-sensing instruments |
Symbolic scanning or imaging1 | Symbolic scanning or imaging1 |
Below is a list of Remote sensing of the Earth-atmosphere system from space (Instruments and symbolic scanning or imaging) on postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).
Country | Catalog Number | Type of Item | Year of Issue | Notes on Content |
Remote-sensing instruments | ||||
Bulgaria | 4017 (BL234) | SS1 | 1997 | Spectrometers and radiometers |
Czechoslovakia | 2306 (Mi2561) | 1980 | Multi-spectral camera MKF-614 | |
Czechoslovakia | 2303+2305-2306 fdc | One of three stamps on FDC | ||
Germany (East) | 1900 (Mi2312) | 1978 | Fourier spectrometer, Meteor; multi-spectral camera MKF-614 (in first FDC cachet) | |
Germany (East) | 1900 fdc | Stamp and (magenta and tan printed) cachet on FDC | ||
Germany (East) | 1898-1899 fdc | (Magenta and tan printed) cachet on FDC | ||
Germany (East) | 1898-1900 fdc | One of three stamps on FDC | ||
Germany (East) | 1901 (BL52) | On stamp of SS1 | Multi-spectral camera "MKF-6"14 | |
Germany (East) | 1945 (Mi2359) | 1978 | Multi-spectral camera "MKF-6M"14 | |
Germany (East) | None n | (Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft) cinderella, one of cinderella MS20 (a-t + 5 labels) | 1981 | Multi-spectral camera "MKF-6M"14 |
Germany (East) | None p | (Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft) cinderella, one of cinderella MS20 (a-t + 5 labels) | 1982 | Multi-spectral camera MKF-6M14 |
Germany (East) | 2530 (Mi3007) | From block of 4 (2531a (2528-2531)) (Mi3005-3008), or four of MS16 (2531b (4x (2528-2531))) | 1986 | Fourier spectrometer |
Germany (East) | 2531 (Mi3008) | Multi-spectral camera "MKF-6"14 | ||
Germany (East) | 2676 (Mi3171) | 1988 | Multi-channel spectrometer "MKS-M"15 | |
Germany (East) | 2676 cover (Mi3171 cover) | Stamp on cover | 1990 | Multi-channel spectrometer "MKS-M"15 |
Germany (East) | 2699 (Mi3191) | From MS4 (2699a (4x 2699)), like 2676 | 1988 | Multi-channel spectrometer "MKS-M"15 |
Pakistan | 1150 leaflet (Mi1378 leaflet) | FDC leaflet back, also front | 2011 | "Satellite Remote Sensing" (with instrumentation) |
Russia (USSR) | 4691 fdc (Mi4764 fdc) | (Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC | 1978 | Multi-spectral camera MKF-614 |
Sierra Leone | Mi13499 | One of SM4 (Mi13497-13500) | 2022 | "ultraviolet spectrometer, infrared spectrometer and radiometer [and] photopolarimeter" |
Sierra Leone | BL2214 | In (right) margin of SS1 (Mi13502) | ||
Spain | None | (Multi-color printed) cachet on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011) | 2013 | "Advanced Land Imager (ALI)" |
United States | None | (Beckman Employees Philatelic Society) cachet on cover | 1978 | "SBUV/TOMS" |
United States | None | (Beckman Employees Philatelic Society) cachet on cover (different cancel date) | ||
United States | 3239 fdc (Mi3045 fdc) | (PCS golden-replica) back of FDC, also front | 1999 | "Earth science has benefited from remote-sensing [instrumented] satellites that give insight into the complex interactions among Earth's ecological systems" |
Symbolic scanning or imaging1 | ||||
Australia | None | (Excelsior) cachet on cover | 1968 | Symbolic imaging of Earth by TIROS |
Austria | KM3101 | 25 euro (silver-niobium coin) | 2003 | Symbolic scanning of town of Hall by unknown spacecraft (possibly Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), on obverse) |
British Antarctic Territory | 84 (Mi86) | 1981 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by Landsat | |
British Antarctic Territory | 82-85 fdc | One of four stamps on FDC | ||
China (Taiwan) | 2221 (Mi1373) | 1981 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by TIROS-N-type/NOAA | |
China (Taiwan) | 2221-2222 fdc | One of two stamps on FDC | ||
China (Taiwan) | 2221-2222 folder | One of two stamps in folder, also inside and outside (front and back) | ||
China (People's Republic) | 3421_ms label1 (Mi? ms label1) | Labels from MS8 (8x 3421 + 8 labels) | 2008 | Symbolic scanning by ZY-1 |
China (People's Republic) | 3421_ms label2 (Mi? ms label2) | |||
China (People's Republic) | 3421_ms label3 (Mi? ms label3) | |||
Congo Republic | Unknown ss (BL none) | On stamp of SS1 [known illegal issue] | 2017 | symbolic scanning of Earth's atmosphere by CALIPSO |
Congo Republic | Unknown ss (BL none) | In (lower) margin of SS1 (different) [known illegal issue] | ||
Congo Republic | Unknown ss fdc | SS1 on FDC | ||
Congo Republic | Unknown ms (Mi none) | On one stamp of MS2 (a-b + 2 labels) [known illegal issue] | ||
Congo Republic | Unknown ss (BL none) | In (lower) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue] | 2018 | symbolic scanning of Earth |
Costa Rica | C780-C781 fdc1 (Mi1063-1064 fdc1) | (Blue printed) cachet on FDC (purple cancel) | 1980 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by Landsat-1/2/3 type |
Costa Rica | C780-C781 fdc2 (Mi1063-1064 fdc2) | (Black printed) cachet on FDC (blue cancel) | ||
Cuba | 2326 (Mi2475) | 1980 | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Soyuz | |
Czechoslovakia | 2414 (BL49) | In (upper-left) margin of MS2 (2x 2414a) | 1982 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by Molniya4 |
Czechoslovakia | 2306 (Mi2561) | 1980 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from a Soyuz/Salyut combination, using a multi-spectral camera MKF-614 | |
Czechoslovakia | 2303+2305-2306 fdc | One of three stamps on FDC | ||
Czechoslovakia | 2506+label (Mi2761+label) | On stamp | 1984 | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Salyut |
France | 1835 cover (Mi2335 cover) | (Lollini) cachet on cover | 1983 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by Meteosat |
France | None | In (upper-left) margin of cinderella MS9 (3x (a-c)) | 1988 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by SPOT-1/2/3 type |
France | 3358 fdc (Mi4323 fdc) | (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC | 2007 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by SPOT-1/2/3 type |
France | 6100 (Mi8049) | From MS15 (6100a (15x 6100)) | 2021 | Symbolic scanning |
France | 6100 fdc1 | Stamp on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet) | ||
France | 6100 fdc2 | Stamp on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet, different) | ||
France | 6100 card | Stamp and stamp reproduction on FDC-card | ||
French Southern and Antarctic Territories | C95 (Mi219) | From MS10 (C95a (10x C95)) | 1986 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by SPOT-1/2/3 type |
French Southern and Antarctic Territories | C95 ds | Deluxe sheet (C95) | ||
French Southern and Antarctic Territories | C95 sc1 | Souvenir card | ||
French Southern and Antarctic Territories | C95 sc2 | Souvenir card (different) | ||
French Southern and Antarctic Territories | C95 maxi | Maxicard | ||
French Southern and Antarctic Territories | C95 fdc1 | Stamp on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet) | ||
French Southern and Antarctic Territories | C95 fdc2 | Stamp on FDC (Éditions P.J. cachet) | ||
Germany (East) | 2531 (Mi3008) | One of block of 4 (2531a (2528-2531)) (Mi3005-3008), or four of MS16 (2531b (4x (2528-2531))) | 1986 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from a Soyuz/Salyut/Soyuz complex, using a multi-spectral camera "MKF-6"14 |
Germany (East) | 2676 (Mi3171) | 1988 | Symbolic scanning of Earth from a Soyuz/Salyut/Soyuz complex, using a multi-channel spectrometer "MKS-M"15 | |
Germany (East) | 2676 cover (Mi3171 cover) | Stamp on cover | 1990 | Symbolic scanning of Earth from a Soyuz/Salyut/Soyuz complex, using a multi-channel spectrometer "MKS-M"15 |
Germany (East) | 2699 (Mi3191) | From MS4 (2699a (4x 2699)), like 2676 | 1988 | Symbolic scanning of Earth from a Soyuz/Salyut/Soyuz complex, using a multi-channel spectrometer "MKS-M"15 |
Germany (West) | None | (Black printed) cachet on cover | 1974 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
Germany (West) | None | (Black printed) cachet on cover | 1975 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
Germany | 1642 fdc (Mi1526 fdc) | (FIDACOS) cachet on FDC | 1991 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by ERS |
Germany | 1642 maxi (Mi1526 maxi) | Maxicard | ||
Germany | None | (Pictorial) cancel | 1994 | Symbolic scanning of Earth from an unknown spacecraft |
Guinea Republic | 1189a (BL393) | In (right) margin of SS1 (1189) | 1992 | Symbolic imaging by SPOT (of a wide north-south swath, with changed colors, across the full-disk image) |
Hungary | C346 (BL101) | On stamp of SS1 | 1973 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
Hungary | C346 fdc | SS1 on FDC | ||
Iceland | 1152 (BL45) | In (upper-right) margin of SS1 | 2008 | Symbolic scanning by EOS-Terra |
Iceland | 1152 fdc | SS1 on FDC | ||
Iran | 2809-2810 fdc (Mi2843-2844 fdc) | (Multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamps) on FDC | 2000 | Symbolic imaging of Earth by Globalstar-1 (but it was a communications satellite that did not image Earth as depicted) |
Iran | 2874a (Mi2928) | One of strip of 4 (2874 (a-d)) | 2003 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by ALOS-1 |
Iran | 2874 fdc | One of strip of four stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC | ||
Iran | 2874a-d fdc | One of four stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet (same, design like stamp) on FDC | ||
Israel | 2281 fdc (Mi2751-2753 fdc) | (Pictorial) cancel and (Israel Post) cachet on FDC | 2021 | Symbolic imaging of Earth |
Jersey (Great Britain) | 560 (Mi540) | 1991 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by Landsat-5 | |
Jersey (Great Britain) | 561 (Mi541) | Symbolic scanning of Earth by Meteosat | ||
Jersey (Great Britain) | 559-562 pack | Presentation pack front, also inside page1 and page2 | (As above for stamps) | |
Jersey (Great Britain) | 559-562 fdc1 | Two of four stamps and (JPO) cachet on FDC | (As above for stamps); symbolic scanning of Earth by SPOT (also in cachet) | |
Jersey (Great Britain) | 559-562 fdc2 | Two of four stamps on FDC (Benham cachet) | (As above for stamps) | |
Kazakhstan | 853a (Mi1071) | One of MS2 (853 (a-b)) (BL102, Mi1071-1072) | 2018 | symbolic imaging |
Liechtenstein | 956 (Mi1012) | 1991 | Symbolic imaging of Earth by Meteosat, also imaging lines from three geostationary satellites (in cancel) | |
Liechtenstein | 956 fdc | Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (FDC Officiel cachet) | ||
Liechtenstein | 956 maxi | Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on maxicard | ||
Madagascar | Unknown ms (Mi none) | In (lower) margin of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue] | 2019 | Symbolic scanning by A-train satellites |
Madagascar | Unknown ms fdc | MS4 on FDC (Lollini cachet) | ||
Mongolia | 1170 (Mi1371) | 1981 | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Soyuz | |
Netherlands | None | (Red pictorial) meter | 1992 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by ERS-1 |
New Caledonia | C268 (Mi1022) iC268 | Imperforate | 1994 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by TOPEX/Poseidon |
New Caledonia | C268 fdc | Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC | ||
New Caledonia | C268 ds | Deluxe sheet (C268) | ||
Ras Al Khaima | Mi852A Mi852B | Imperforate | 1972 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
Ras Al Khaima | Mi852A ds Mi852B ds | Deluxe sheet (Mi852A) Imperforate deluxe sheet (Mi852B) | ||
Romania | 2528 (Mi3241) | From MS4 (2528a (4x 2528 + 4 labels)) (BL117) | 1974 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
Romania | 2528a fdc | MS4 and (blue and grey and black printed) cachet on FDC | ||
Romania | 2528b fdc (BL118 (Mi3242) fdc) | (Blue and grey and black printed) cachet on FDC | ||
Romania | 2422 cover (Mi3128 cover) | (Pictorial) cancel on cover | 1983 | Symbolic scanning by NOAA |
Russia (USSR) | 3854 (Mi3885) | 1971 | (possible) symbolic scanning of Earth from a propaganda-design spacraft | |
Russia (USSR) | 3854 cover (Mi3885 cover) | Extra stamp and (pictorial) cancel on stamped envelope | 1971 | (possible) symbolic scanning of Earth from a propaganda-design spacecraft |
Russia (USSR) | 4537 (Mi4567) | 1976 | Symbolic imaging of Earth by "RADUGA" experiment on Soyuz-22, using a multi-spectral camera MKF-614 | |
Russia (USSR) | 4663 (Mi4728) | One of pair (4664a (4663-4664)) (Mi4728-4729) | 1978 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from the Soyuz/Salyut-6 combination |
Russia (USSR) | 4691 fdc (Mi4764 fdc) | (Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC | 1978 | Symbolic imaging of Earth from the Soyuz-29/Salyut-6/Soyuz-31 complex |
Russia (USSR) | 5298 (Mi5440) | 1984 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by Meteor | |
Russia (USSR) | 5299 (BL176) | In (upper-right) margin of SS1 | ||
Russia (USSR) | 5299 fdc | SS1 on FDC | ||
Russia (USSR) | 5496 (Mi5646) | One of pair (5497a (5496-5497)) (Mi5646-5647), also detail | 1986 | Symbolic imaging of Earth by Okean |
Russia (USSR) | 5497b (BL?) | MS8 (4x (5496-5497)) | ||
Russia | None | (Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope, also detail | 2011 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by (tiny) Meteor |
Russia | 7630 sc (Mi2167 sc) | (Multi-color printed) cachet on souvenir card | 2015 | Symbolic imaging by Galileo (GIOVE-A) |
St. Thomas and Prince Islands | 1977 (BL679) | In (upper-left) margin of SS1 | 2009 | Symbolic imaging of Earth by "ResourceSat-1" |
Spain | None | (Multi-color printed) cachet on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011) | 2013 | Symbolic scanning of Earth by "SBIRS-Geo"-2 |
Tonga | 786a (Mi1184) | One of strip of 3 (786 (a-c)) (Mi1184-1186) | 1991 | Symbolic imaging of tropical cyclone by TIROS |
Tonga | 786a specimen | One of strip of 3 (786 specimen (a-c)) | ||
Tonga | 786a color-proof | Chromalin proof | ||
Tonga | 786a mono-proof | Monochrome proof (black) | ||
United Nations | 256 fdc (Mi279 fdc) | (Artmaster) cachet on FDC, also annotated | 1975 | Symbolic imaging of Earth by Nimbus |
United Arab Emirates | 1192 (BL100, Mi1248-1250) | On one stamp and in (central) margin of MS3 (1192 (a-c)) | 1973 | Symbolic imaging of Earth by KhalifaSat, also detail |
1Symbolic "scanning" is used when the view appears to be a swath of the Earth; symbolic "imaging" is used when the view appears to be a single snapshot of the Earth.
4Early (1960s) Molniya communications satellites had imaging capabilities, but images from Molniya satellites are rare.
7The Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP) on Skylab took a comprehensive and systematic image survey of the Earth from space, taking some 36,000 photos in 1973 and 1974. Imaging was done by several cameras, the main one with six spectral bands. Skylab-2 made 13 EREP passes (i.e. 13 observational periods); Skylab-3 made 48, and Skylab-4 made 49.
14MKF-6 or 6M (Mehr-Kanal Fotografie) was an East German multi-spectral camera with 6 lenses designed to photograph Earth's surface from space. It was used for the first time in 1976 on Soyuz-22. It was also used on Salyut-6, Salyut-7 and Mir.
15MKS-M (Mehr-Kanal Spektrometer) was an East German multi-channel spectrometer. It had two separate components: the biospectrometer measured solar radiation reflected by Earth's surface, and the atmospheric spectrometer measured radiation scattered by air molecules and aerosols. Prototypes were tested on Interkosmos-20 (1979 launch) and Interkosmos-21 (1981 launch). The updated version was used on Salyut-7 and Mir.
Below is a list of Remote sensing of the Earth-atmosphere system from space (Instruments and symbolic scanning or imaging) on satellite launch and event covers.
Country | Cancel Date | Cancel Location | Type of Item | Notes on Content |
Remote-sensing instruments | ||||
United States | 1960-11-23 | Port Canaveral FL | (Sarzin) cachet on TIROS-2 launch cover | "two television cameras and infra-red sensors" |
United States | 1960-11-23 | Port Canaveral FL | (Goldcraft Cachets) cachet on TIROS-2 launch cover | "TV camera" |
Austria | 1965-04-01 | Gmond, Niederosterreich 1 | (Blue printed) cachet on TIROS-1 anniversary postcard | "2 television cameras" |
United States | 1966-02-28 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Sarzin) cachet on ESSA-2 launch cover | "automatic cameras" |
United States | 1966-05-15 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on Nimbus-2 launch cover, also insert | "TV cameras" |
United States | 1967-01-26 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Sarzin) cachet on ESSA-4 launch cover | "2 (television) cameras" |
United States | 1967-11-06 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Sarzin) cachet on ATS-3 launch cover | "Spin Scan Cloud Cover Camera" |
United States | 1968-08-16 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert from ESSA-7 launch cover, also front | "contains an array of atmospheric radiation sensors to gather information for research on the Earth's heat balance" |
United States | 1969-02-26 | Kennedy Space Center FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on ESSA-9 launch cover, also insert1 or insert1 variation (slightly different line lengths) and insert2 and insert2 back | "two (television) camera system"; "Two identical 1-inch Advanced Vidicon Camera System (AVCS, incorrectly given as AVCA) cameras" and "radiometer systems" (in insert2 back text) |
United States | 1969-02-26 | Patrick AFB, FL (hand cancel) | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on ESSA-9 launch cover, also insert1 or insert1 variation (slightly different line lengths) and insert2 and insert2 back | |
United States | 1969-02-26 | Patrick AFB, FL (machine cancel) | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on ESSA-9 launch cover, also insert1 or insert1 variation (slightly different line lengths) and insert2 and insert2 back | |
United States | 1969-02-26 | Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel) | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on ESSA-9 launch cover, also insert1 or insert1 variation (slightly different line lengths) and insert2 and insert2 back | |
United States | 1969-02-26 | Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel) | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on ESSA-9 launch cover, also insert1 or insert1 variation (slightly different line lengths) and insert2 and insert2 back | |
United States | 1969-02-26 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Sarzin) cachet on ESSA-9 launch cover | "two cloud-seeing camera systems" |
United States | 1970-12-11 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Space Voyage) insert from NOAA-1 and CEP-1 launch cover, also front | "Two Advanced Videocon Camera Systems (AVCS)" and "Two Scanning Radiometers"; also, the radiometers "provide night weather observation" (on cover front) |
United States | 1970-12-11 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Solar Covers no.7) insert from NOAA-1 and CEP-1 launch cover, also front | "contains four camera systems". They include "two for global picture coverage ... [the] Advanced Vidicon Camera Systems (AVCS)" |
United States | 1971-10-21 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on ITOS-B [failed] launch cover | several instruments (in text) |
United States | 1971-10-21 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Space Voyage) insert from ITOS-B [failed] launch cover, also front | "The satellite would have carried four television cameras to photograph clouds during daylight hours, [and] two scanning radiometers providing nighttime and daylight pictures" and "a flat plate radiometer to measure the heat absorbed by the Earth and radiated back into the atmosphere" |
United States | 1971-10-21 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Solar Covers no.25) insert from ITOS-B [failed] launch cover, also front | "The instrumentation of the ITOS includes scanning radiometer systems designed to provide data in both visible and infrared channels". "The scanning radiometer also was to measure surface temperatures in cloud-free areas". |
United States | 1972-10-15 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on NOAA-2 and OSCAR-6 launch cover | "heat sensing infrared instruments" |
United States | 1972-10-15 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Polar Covers) cachet on NOAA-2 and OSCAR-6 launch cover, also back and insert and insert back | Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR), Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR), Scanning Radiometer |
United States | 1972-10-15 | Lompoc CA | (Polar Covers) cachet on NOAA-2 and OSCAR-6 launch cover, also back and insert and insert back | |
United States | 1972-10-15 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Riser/Andromeda/Cygnus Cover no.38) insert from NOAA-2 and OSCAR-6 launch (airmail) cover, also front | "scanning radiometer" and "sensor to obtain vertical temperature profile soundings" |
United States | 1972-10-15 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Solar Covers no.52) cachet on NOAA-2 and OSCAR-6 insert from launch cover, also front | "The primary sensors carried by ITOS-D are: 1. Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer; 2. Very High Resolution Radiometer; 3. Scanning Radiometer" |
Australia | 1972-12-12 | Woomera SA | (WRE) cachet on Nimbus-5 launch cover | several instruments (in text) |
United States | 1973-05-14 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Orbit Covers) cachet on Skylab-16 launch cover | "To evaluate systems and techniques for Earth resources data" (refers to the Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7) |
United States | 1973-06-22 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Orbit Covers) cachet on Skylab-26 event cover | "Earth survey photos of 31 states and 9 nations completed" (accomplished using the Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7) |
United States | 1973-07-16 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on ITOS-E [failed] launch cover | remote sensing instruments (Scanning Radiometer (SR), Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR), Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR)) |
United States | 1973-08-04 | Houston TX | (Purple printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 2" |
United States | 1973-08-05 | Houston TX | (Black printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 3 and -4" |
United States | 1973-09-02 | Houston TX | (Green printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 11" |
United States | 1973-11-06 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on NOAA-3 launch cover | remote sensing instruments (Scanning Radiometer (SR), Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR), Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR)) |
United States | 1973-11-20 | Houston TX | (MSC) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 2 vehicle vibrations felt" |
United States | 1973-11-23 | Kennedy Space Center FL | (Space Voyage) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | "Repair Earth resource antenna" (refers to the Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7) |
United States | 1973-12-04 | Houston TX | (Green printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | "S190A malfunction" (the S190A was a multispectral camera used in the EREP7 program of Earth observations) |
United States | 1973-12-06 | Houston TX | (MSC) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | "Unexpected cold spots found in Caribbean" (from EREP7 observations) |
United States | 1974-01-01 | Houston TX | (MSC) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 15" |
United States | 1974-01-04 | Houston TX | (MSC) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 17" |
United States | 1974-01-07 | Houston TX | (MSC) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | "S063 experiment" (The S063 was a camera that photographed Earth's ozone layers and the horizon airglow, in visible and UV light, in reflected sunlight and at night) |
United States | 1974-01-09 | Houston TX | (MSC) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 21" |
United States | 1974-01-13 | Houston TX | (MSC) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP scrubbed" |
United States | 1975-06-12 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on Nimbus-6 launch cover | Various remote sensing instruments |
United States | 1975-11-19 | Kennedy Space Center FL | (SCPS) cachet on Explorer-55 (AE-E) launch cover | Backscatter UltraViolet (BUV) sensor |
United States | 1976-07-29 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on NOAA-5 launch cover | remote sensing instruments (Scanning Radiometer (SR), Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR), Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR)) |
United States | 1978-04-18 | GSFC, MD | (GSFC Project Manager) cachet on Landsat-3 event cover | (possible) Landsat-3 instruments declared operational after their testing period: MultiSpectral Scanner (MSS), Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) |
United States | 1978-10-13 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (RCA) cachet on TIROS-N launch cover | several satellite instruments |
United States | 1978-10-13 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Association philatélique du CNES) cachet on TIROS-N launch cover, also back | several satellite instruments (on back) |
United States | 1981-05-22 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Space Voyage) cachet on GOES-5 launch cover | "Visible Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometric Atmospheric Sounder" (VISSR/VAS) |
United States | 1981-05-22 | Greenbelt MD | (Space Voyage) cachet on GOES-5 launch cover | |
United States | 1981-05-22 | Kennedy Space Center FL | (Space Voyage) cachet on GOES-5 launch cover | |
United States | 1993-04-08 | Titusville FL | (Titusville-Moonport Stamp Club) insert from STS-56 and SPARTAN-201-F1 deployment cover, also cover front | "Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra Violet (SSBOV) experiment" (mis-spelled from "SSBUV") |
United States | 1993-04-09 | Nassau Bay Branch, Houston TX | (Multi-color printed) cachet on STS-56 and SPARTAN-201-F1 deployment cover | "Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra Violet" (SSBUV) "experiment" |
United States | 1997-08-01 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Black printed) cachet on SeaWiFS/SeaStar / OrbView-2 launch cover | Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) |
United States | 1999-12-18 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on EOS-Terra launch cover | Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection (ASTER), Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT), Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) |
United States | 1999-12-18 | Pasadena CA | (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on EOS-Terra launch cover | |
United States | 2004-07-15 | Pasadena CA | (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on EOS-Aura launch cover | Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer (TES), Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) |
United States | 2006-04-28 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Multi-color printed) cachet on CloudSat and CALIPSO launch cover | "imaging infrared radiometer" and "cloud profiling radar" and "lidar" |
United States | 2007-09-18 | Colorado Springs CO, Peterson AFB | (Multi-color printed) cachet on ZY-1-02B launch cover | "three primary imaging cameras" |
United States | 2009-06-27 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Mission 57) back of GOES-14 launch cover, also front | "GOES Imager"; "GOES Sounder" |
United States | 2011-10-28 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Mission 57) back of S-NPP launch cover, also front | various instruments including microwave sounders, radiometers, an IR sounder and an ozone profiler |
United States | 2013-02-11 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Mission 57) back of Landsat-8 launch cover, also front | "The Operational Land Imager was built ...[to capture] images of the global landmass at a spatial resolution of 15 m in full color and 30 m in the visible, near infrared and short wave infrared spectra"; also "The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) was built ... to measure land surface temperatures". |
United States | 2018-10-26 | GSFC, Greenbelt MD | (Red Eagle) cachet on EOS-Aqua event cover | "the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, or MODIS" |
Symbolic scanning or imaging1 | ||||
United States | 1961-01-31 | Lompoc CA | (Black printed) cachet on SAMOS-2 launch cover | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1962-06-19 | Patrick AFB, FL | (SpaceCraft) insert from TIROS-5 launch cover, also front | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1962-06-19 | Patrick AFB, FL | (SpaceCraft) insert from TIROS-5 launch cover, also front (with signature) | |
United States | 1962-09-18 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Zaso printed) cachet on TIROS-6 launch cover | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1965-01-22 | Cape Canaveral FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert or corrected insert (text updated from original) or corrected insert (updated, with slightly different line lengths) from TIROS-9 launch cover, also front | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1965-01-22 | Cape Canaveral FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert or corrected insert (text updated from original) or corrected insert (slightly different line lengths from TIROS-9 launch cover, also front | |
United States | 1965-01-22 | Cape Canaveral FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert or corrected insert (text updated from original) or corrected insert (slightly different line lengths from TIROS-9 launch cover, also front (missing '9' error) | |
United States | 1965-01-22 | Cape Canaveral FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert or corrected insert (text updated from original) or corrected insert (slightly different line lengths from TIROS-9 launch cover, also front | |
United States | 1965-07-02 | Cape Canaveral FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on TIROS-10 launch cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths) | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1965-07-02 | Cape Canaveral FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet (and signature) on TIROS-10 launch cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths) | |
United States | 1965-07-02 | Patrick AFB, FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on TIROS-10 launch cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths) | |
United States | 1966-02-03 | Cape Canaveral FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths) from ESSA-1 launch cover, also front | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1966-02-03 | Patrick AFB, FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths) from ESSA-1 launch cover, also front | |
United States | 1966-05-15 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Astro Covers, no logo) cachet on Nimbus-2 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1967-11-10 | Lompoc CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on ESSA-6 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1968-08-10 | Patrick AFB, FL (hand cancel) | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert and insert variation (slightly different line lengths) from ATS-4 launch cover, also front | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1968-08-10 | Patrick AFB, FL (machine cancel) | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert and insert variation (slightly different line lengths) from ATS-4 launch cover, also front | |
United States | 1968-08-10 | Patrick AFB, FL (machine cancel) | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert and insert variation (slightly different line lengths) from ATS-4 launch cover, also front (with signature) | |
United States | 1968-08-11 | Cape Canaveral FL | (SpaceCraft/Swanson) insert and insert variation (slightly different line lengths) from ATS-4 launch cover, also front | |
United States | 1969-02-26 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Orbit Covers) cachet on ESSA-9 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1969-04-14 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on Nimbus-3 and SECOR-13 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1970-01-23 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Riser/Andromeda Cover no.2) cachet on TIROS-M launch (airmail) cover, also back, also insert | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1970-04-08 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on Nimbus-4 and Topo-1 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1970-09-01 | Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel) | (Orbit Covers) cachet on Canyon-3 launch cover | "scanning device", symbolic scanning |
United States | 1970-09-01 | Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel) | (Orbit Covers) cachet on Canyon-3 launch cover | |
United States | 1970-11-06 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Riser/Andromeda Cover no.19) cachet on DSP-1 launch (airmail) cover | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1970-11-06 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Riser/Andromeda Cover no.19) cachet (and signature) on DSP-1 launch (airmail) cover | |
United States | 1972-07-23 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Riser/Andromeda/Cygnus Cover no.27) cachet on Landsat-1 launch (airmail) cover, also insert | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1972-10-15 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Riser/Andromeda/Cygnus Cover no.38) cachet on NOAA-2 and OSCAR-6 launch (airmail) cover, also insert | symbolic scanning (in cachet and insert) |
United States | 1972-10-15 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Space Voyage) insert from NOAA-2 and OSCAR-6 launch cover, also front | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1972-10-15 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (InterSpace Cover) insert from NOAA-2 and OSCAR-6 launch cover, also front | |
United States | 1973-05-14 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Blue printed) cachet on Skylab-16 launch cover | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-05-15 | Boulder CO | (NOAA-SEL blue rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on Skylab-16 launch cover | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-06-02 | WSMR, NM | (Szostek green printed/WSMR Cover no.11) cachet on (sub-orbital) rocket launch cover, also back | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-06-10 | Houston TX | (MSC? green printed) cachet on Skylab-26 event cover | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-07-16 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on ITOS-E [failed] launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1973-07-16 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Space Voyage) cachet on ITOS-E [failed] launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1973-07-28 | Kennedy Space Center FL | (Space Voyage) insert from Skylab-36 event cover, also cover front | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-08-03 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, "Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP) 1"7 |
United States | 1973-08-11 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 7 and 8" |
United States | 1973-08-30 | WSMR, NM | (Szostek/WSMR Cover no.23) cachet on (sub-orbital) rocket launch cover | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 (the text "Skylab's ... weather observation system" may refer to the EREP or to Skylab's [space] weather observation system, the ATM4) |
United States | 1973-08-30 | Houston TX | (MSC? yellow-orange printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-08-31 | Houston TX | (MSC? yellow-orange printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-09-03 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 13" |
United States | 1973-09-06 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 16" |
United States | 1973-09-13 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 27 and 28" |
United States | 1973-09-18 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 37" |
United States | 1973-09-19 | Houston TX | (MSC? yellow-orange printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 38 and 39" |
United States | 1973-09-20 | Houston TX | (MSC? yellow-orange printed) cachet on Skylab-36 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 40" |
United States | 1973-09-25 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Orbit Covers) cachet on Skylab-36 landing cover | gathered "16,800 Earth photos" (as part of the Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7) |
United States | 1973-11-06 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on NOAA-3 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1973-11-16 | USPS | (NOAA-SEL blue rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on Skylab-46 launch cover | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-11-16 | USPS | (NOAA-SEL blue rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on Skylab-46 launch (airmail) cover | |
United States | 1973-11-26 | Houston TX | (Astro Documenta no.M31) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1973-11-29 | Houston TX | (MSC? black printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "First EREP pass made over Latin America" |
United States | 1973-12-02 | Houston TX | (MSC? green printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP pass and afternoon off" |
United States | 1974-01-03 | Houston TX | (MSC? red-brown printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 16 over Iran" |
United States | 1974-01-08 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 20" |
United States | 1974-01-11 | Houston TX | (MSC? cyan printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 23" |
United States | 1974-01-12 | Houston TX | (MSC? cyan printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 24" |
United States | 1974-01-27 | Houston TX | (MSC? cyan printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 33 and 34" |
United States | 1974-01-28 | Houston TX | (MSC? green printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 35" |
United States | 1974-01-29 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "EREP 36" |
United States | 1974-01-31 | Houston TX | (MSC? brown printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic scanning of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7; "Day off, EREP 38" |
Germany (West) | 1974-02-03 | Berlin | (Black printed) cachet on Skylab-46 event cover | Symbolic imaging of Earth from Skylab, Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP)7 |
United States | 1975-01-22 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Space Voyage) cachet on Landsat-2 launch cover | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1975-07-22 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Whitney orange circular) cachet on ASTP event cover | Symbolic imaging; "To study Earth's surface features" and "observe Gobi Desert dune formation" |
United States | 1976-07-29 | Vandenberg AFB, CA | (Orbit Covers) cachet on NOAA-5 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
Spain | 1978-03-05 | Madrid | (Purple rubber-stamp) cachet on Landsat-3 and OSCAR-8 and PIX-1 launch cover | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1978-06-16 | Cape Canaveral FL | (Centennial) cachet on GOES-3 launch cover | symbolic imaging |
French Guiana | 1986-02-21 | Kourou | (C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on (Swedish) Viking launch cover | symbolic imaging |
Romania | 1990-04-01 | Botosani | (Pictorial) cancel and (blue and brown printed) cachet on TIROS-1 anniversary cover | symbolic imaging |
Romania | 1990-04-01 | Botosani | (Pictorial) cancel and (blue and brown and black printed) cachet on TIROS-1 anniversary cover | |
French Guiana | 1992-07-09 | Kourou | (C.E. SEP Section Philatelie) cachet on Insat-2A launch cover | symbolic imaging |
United States | 1993-04-09 | Nassau Bay Branch, Houston TX | (Multi-color printed) cachet on STS-56 and SPARTAN-201-F1 deployment cover | symbolic scanning by Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) experiment |
French Guiana | 1993-05-11 | Kourou | (C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on Astra-1C and OSCAR-24 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1999-04-15 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (Mission patch) cachet on Landsat-7 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1999-12-18 | Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB | (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on EOS-Terra launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 1999-12-18 | Pasadena CA | (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on EOS-Terra launch cover | |
United States | 2004-07-15 | Pasadena CA | (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on EOS-Aura launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 2004-07-15 | Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc CA | (Multi-color printed) cachet on EOS-Aura launch cover | symbolic scanning |
China (People's Republic) | 2004-10-19 | ? | (Multi-color printed) cachet on FY-2C launch cover | symbolic scanning |
China (People's Republic) | 2007-09-19 | ? | (Multi-color printed) cachet on ZY-1-02B launch cover | symbolic imaging |
China (People's Republic) | 2008-12-23 | ? | (Multi-color printed) cachet on FY-2E launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 2016-01-17 | Hawthorne CA | (Multi-color printed) cachet on Jason-3 launch cover | symbolic scanning |
United States | 2024-05-28 | Vandenberg SFB, CA | (Galactic Space Covers) cachet on EarthCARE launch cover, also back | symbolic scanning |
1Symbolic "scanning" is used when the view appears to be a swath of the Earth; symbolic "imaging" is used when the view appears to be a single snapshot of the Earth.
4The Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) was a solar observatory aboard the Skylab space station that was a product of the late 1960s Apollo Applications Program (hence "Apollo" in the name). It was manually operated by the Skylab astronauts. There were 8 major solar-observing instruments on the mount which together could observe the Sun in wavelengths from 2 to 7000 Å (angstroms), corresponding to soft X-ray, ultraviolet, and visible light wavelengths. Those instruments were two X-ray telescopes, two hydrogen alpha telescopes, an extreme UV spectroheliograph, a UV spectroheliometer, a UV spectrograph and a visible light coronagraph.
6The numbered Skylab missions are identified on the Skylab-mission Earth imagery page.
7The Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP) on Skylab took a comprehensive and systematic image survey of the Earth from space, taking some 36,000 photos in 1973 and 1974. Imaging was done by several cameras, the main one with six spectral bands. Skylab-2 made 13 EREP passes (i.e. 13 observational periods); Skylab-3 made 48, and Skylab-4 made 49.
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