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(Master List of)
Below is a Master List of the Names, Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations associated with the un-manned satellites that are mentioned in this Website. Each satellite acronym and/or name is associated with a type/discipline which links to the page where the satellite (or satellites in that series) is (are) found. Individual satellites or satellite series are linked to satellite-specific pages when available.
Although not all shortened satellite names are acronyms, the term "acronym" is often used to cover all three types of compound terms.
This list includes all satellite names or acronyms found in our web pages, with the exception of some of the (usually small) sub-satellites (often with single-use names) carried aboard ISS-related transfer vehicles/systems. Those "missing" satellite names are found on the ISS-related launches page.
A few research rockets are included in this page, but the full set is found in the Atmospheric research rockets page. One launch rocket is also included here: the Diamant, which is intimately linked to several French satellites in many stamps and other philatelic items. They are all featured in the special Diamant launch rocket page.
Master List of Names, Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations (for un-manned satellites, spacecraft, and (selected) atmospheric research rockets) |
Acronyms |
Non-Acronym Names |
Satellite (or Rocket) Acronym (and Other Names) | Satellite (or Rocket) Name | Type/Discipline |
Compound-term "Acronyms" | ||
A-1 | Astérix | scientific/research/technology |
AAUSat | AAlborg University SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
ABRIXAS | A BRoadband Imaging X-Ray All-Sky Survey | astronomical/telescope |
ABS | Asia Broadcast Satellite | communications |
ACE (Explorer-71, MIDEX-(-1)) | Advanced Composition Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
ACRIMSAT | Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
ACTS [STS-51/Discovery-deployed] | Advanced Communications Test Satellite | communications |
ADEOS (Midori) | ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite | environmental-observing |
ADE (Explorer-19/24/39) | Atmospheric Dynamics Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
ADM-Aeolus / Earth Explorer-4 | Atmospheric Dynamics Mission | environmental-observing |
ADRAS-J | Active Debris Removal by Astroscale-Japan | scientific/research/technology |
AE (Explorer-17/32/51/54/55) | Atmospheric Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
AEGIS (Horyu) | Arc Event Generator and Investigation Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
AEHF | Advanced Extreme High Frequency (satellite) | communications |
AEM (Explorer-58/60) | Applications Explorer Mission | scientific/research/technology |
AERCam-Sprint [STS-87/Columbia-deployed] | Autonomous Extra-vehicular Robotic CAMera - Sprint | scientific/research/technology |
AfricaSat | AFRICA SATellite | communications |
AfriStar | AFRIca STAR | communications |
AFSPC | Air Force SPace Command [launch/mission designation] | military |
AggieSat (DRAGONSAT) [STS-127/Endeavour-deployed] | AGGIE SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
AGILE | Astro-rivelatore Gamma a Immagini LEggero | astronomical/telescope |
AGORA [canceled] | Affordable and Guaranteed Offers for Rural Areas | communications |
AIM (Explorer-90, SMEX-9) | Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere | scientific/research/technology |
AIMP (each in this series has another name) | Anchored Interplanetery Monitoring Platform | |
Al Yah | AL YAH satellite communications company | communications |
Alcomsat | ALgeria COMmunications SATellite | communications |
ALEXIS | Array of Low-Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors | astronomical/telescope |
ALMASat | ALma MAter SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
ALOS (Daichi) | Advanced Land Observing Satellite | environmental-observing |
AlSat | ALgeria SATellite | environmental-observing |
AMC / GE | AMeriCom | communications |
AMOS | Affordable Modular Optimized Satellite | communications |
AMPTE (Explorer-65) | Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorer (CCE, IRM, and UKS) | scientific/research/technology |
AMS (DMSP) | Advanced Meteorological Satellite | military |
Amsat (OSCAR) | radio AMateur SATellite corporation | amateur radio |
AMSC (M-Sat) | American Mobile Satellite Corporation | communications |
ANASIS / KMilSatCom | Army/Navy/Air Force Satellite Information System | communications |
ANDE-MAA/FCal (OSCAR-61/62) | Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment | amateur radio |
ANDE-2-AA/PA | Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment | scientific/research/technology |
ANGELS [USA] | Automated Navigation and Guidance Experiment for Local Space | navigation |
ANGELS [France] | Argos Neo on a Generic Economical and Light Satellite | communications |
ANNA | Army, Navy, NASA, and Air Force (joint satellite) | navigation |
ANS | Astronomical Netherlands Satellite | astronomical/telescope |
ANTELsat | Administración Nacional de TELecomunicaciones SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
AOSO [canceled] | Advanced Orbiting Solar Observatory | solar-observing |
APMT [canceled] | Asia Pacific Mobile Telecom | communications |
APPLE | Ariane Passenger PayLoad Experiment (geo test communications satellite) | communications |
APStar | Asia-Pacific STAR | communications |
APT [system, not a satellite] | Automatic Picture Transmission | |
Arabsat [Arabsat-1B was STS-51G/Discovery-deployed] | ARABian SATellite | communications |
ARCAD (Aureole / Oreol) | ARCtic Aurora Density | Russian |
ARCAS [research rocket] | All-purpose Rocket for Collecting Atmospheric Soundings | atmospheric research rockets |
ARD | Advanced Reentry Demonstrator | scientific/research/technology |
ArduSat | ARDuino SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
ARGOS | Advanced Research Global Observation Satellite | astronomical/telescope |
ARISSat (Kedr, RadioSkaf-2) [ISS-deployed] | Amateur Radio on the International Space Station sATellite | amateur radio |
Arsat | ARgentina SATellite | communications |
ARTEMIS [comsat] | Advanced Relay and TEchnology MISsion | communications |
Artemis-Orion [un-manned only] | un-manned spacecraft in manned programs | |
ARTEMIS-P1/P2 [lunar] (Explorer-85/89 / THEMIS-P1/P5 / MIDEX-5A/5E) | Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun | scientific/research/technology |
ASBM | Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission | communications |
ASC [ASC-1 was STS-51I/Discovery-deployed] | American Satellite Company | communications |
Ascent | military | |
AsiaSat | ASIA SATellite | communications |
AsiaStar | ASIA STAR | communications |
ASCA (Asuka / Astro-D) | Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astronomy | astronomical/telescope |
ASO-S / Kuafu | Advanced Space-based Observatory - Solar | solar-observing |
ASTERIA | Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research in Astrophysics | ISS-related |
ASTEX / FRUSA | Advanced Space Technology EXperiment | military |
ASTRO (Orbital Express) | Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operations | military |
AT&T / DirecTV | American Telephone and Telegraph | communications |
ATDA | Augmented Target Docking Adapter | scientific/research/technology |
ATHENA | Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astrophysics | astronomical/telescope |
ATLAS [STS-payload] | ATmospheric Laboratory for Application and Science | Space Shuttle and satellites |
ATN (NOAA) | Advanced TIROS-N | polar-weather |
ATS | Application Technology Satellite | geostationary-weather |
ATV | Autonomous Transfer Vehicle | ISS-related |
AubieSat (OSCAR-71) | AUBurn university SATellite | amateur radio |
Aussat (Optus) [Aussat-A1 and A2 were STS-51I/Discovery-deployed and STS-61B/Discovery-deployed, respectively] | AUStralian communications SATellite | communications |
AXAF (CXO, CXRO) [STS-93/Columbia-deployed] | Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility | astronomical/telescope |
AzerSky / formerly SPOT-7 | AZERbaijan SKY | environmental-observing |
AzerSpace | AZERbaijan SPACE | communications |
AzTechSat | AZ TECH SATellite | ISS-related |
BATSat (Teledesic-T1) | Broadband Advanced Technologies SATellite | communications |
BD [Bangladesh] | BangabanDhu | communications |
BD [China/PR] | BeiDou (navigation constellation) | navigation |
BDSat | B-? D-? SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
BE (Explorer-S66/22/27) | Beacon Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
BeeSat | Berlin Experimental and Educational SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
Belintersat | BELarus INTERnational? SATellite | communications |
BelKa (BKA) | BELarus Kosmic apparat | environmental-observing |
Bermudasat | BERMUDA SATellite | communications |
Bilsat | BILten SATellite | environmental-observing |
Biosatellite (Biosat) | BIOlogical SATELLITE | biological |
BioSentinel | BIOlogical SENTINEL | biological |
BIRD | Bispectral InfraRed Detection | scientific/research/technology |
BKA (BelKa) | Belarus Kosmic Apparat | environmental-observing |
BlackSky | BLACK SKY (environmental constellation) | environmental-observing |
BLITS | Ball Lens In The Space | Russian |
BlueBird | BLUE BIRD | communications |
BlueWalker | BLUE WALKER | communications |
BMEWS (DSP) | Ballistic Missile Early Warning Satellite | military |
Brasilsat | BRASIL (Brazil) SATellite | communications |
BremSat [STS-60/Discovery-deployed] | university of BREMen SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
BRIsat | Bank Rakyat Indonesia SATellite | communications |
BRITE (CanX) | BRIght-star Target Explorer | astronomical/telescope |
BS (BSE, Yuri) | Broadcasting Satellite | communications |
BSat | Broadcasting SATellite | communications |
BSB (MarcoPolo) | British Satellite Broadcasting | communications |
BSE (BS, Yuri) | Broadcasting Satellite Experimental | communications |
BY70-1 | Bayi Kepu Weixing-1 | communications |
CAESAR | Comet Astrobiology Exploration Sample Return | cometary-exploration |
CALIPSO (ESSP-3) | Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation | environmental-observing |
CalSphere | CALibration SPHERE | scientific/research/technology |
CAMEO | Chemically Active Material Ejected in Orbit | scientific/research/technology |
CanX (BRITE) | Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiments | scientific/research/technology |
CAPSTONE | Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment | lunar-exploration |
CartoSat (IRS) | CARTOgraphy SATellite | environmental-observing |
CAS-A (Éole) | Cooperative Applications Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
CASSIOPE | CAscade SmallSat and IOnospheric Polar Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
CAT | Capsule Ariane Technologique | scientific/research/technology |
CATCH | Chasing All Transients Constellation Hunters | astronomical/telescope |
CATSAT (STEDI-3) [canceled] | Cooperative Astrophysics and Technology SATellite | astronomy/telescope |
CBAS | Continuous Broadcast Augmenting Satcom | communications |
CBERS (ZY-1) | China/PRC Brazil Earth Resources Satellite | environmental-observing |
CBNT / Carbonite | ???? | scientific/research/technology |
CCE (AMPTE / Explorer-65) | Charge Composition Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
CDRS [canceled] | Columbus program Data Relay Satellite | communications |
CEP | Cylindrical Electrostatic Probe | scientific/research/technology |
CERES | CapacitÉ de Renseignement Électromagnétique Spatiale | military |
CERISE | Caractérisation de l'Environement Radioélectrique par un Instrument Spatial Embarqué | scientific/research/technology |
CESAR [canceled] | Cooperation ESpañola-ARgentina | environmental-observing |
CE-Sat | Canon Electric Satellite | environmental-observing |
CGRO (Compton) [STS-37/Atlantis-deployed] | Compton Gamma Ray Observatory | astronomical/telescope |
CHAMP | CHAllenging Mini-aatellite Payload | scientific/research/technology |
CHEOPS | CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite | astronomical/telescope |
ChinaSat (ZX, and some ST) | China/PRC SATellite | communications |
CHIME / Sentinel-10 | Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment | environmental-observing |
CHIPSat (Explorer-82 / UNEX-1) | Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer satellite | scientific/research/technology |
ChubuSat (Kinshachi) | CHUBU (?) university SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
CIMR / Sentinel-11 | Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer | environmental-observing |
CLIO / Nemesis-2 | ???? | military |
CloudSat (ESSP-4) | CLOUD SATellite | environmental-observing |
CLPS (Peregrine, Odysseus) | Commercial Lunar Payload Services | un-manned spacecraft in manned programs |
CNSR [canceled] | Comet Nucleus Sample Return | cometary-exploration |
COBE (Explorer-66) | COsmic Background Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
COBRAS-SAMBA (Planck) | COsmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Satellite / SAtellite for Measurement of Background Anisotropies | astronomical/telescope |
COMET (renamed METEOR) [failed] | COMmercial Experiment Transporter | scientific/research/technology |
COMETS / Kakehashi | Communication Engineering Test Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
COMS (Chollian / Cheollian / Geo-Kompsat) | Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite | geostationary weather |
Comsat-Bw | COMmunications SATellite | communications |
Comsat-NG | COMmunications SATellite | communications |
Comstar | COMmunications STAR | communications |
Contour (Discovery-6) | COmet Nucleus TOUR | cometary-exploration |
CORSA-B (Hakucho) | COsmic Radiation SAtellite | scientific/research/technology |
CORONAS (KORONAS) | Comprehensive ORbital Near-earth Observations of the Active Sun | solar-observing |
COROT | COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits | astronomical/telescope |
COS | COsmic ray Satellite | astronomical/telescope |
COSMIC (Formosat) | Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate | environmental-observing |
COSMO-SkyMed | COnstellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation | environmental-observing |
CSG | COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation | environmental-observing |
CO2M / Sentinel-7 | Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring | environmental-observing |
COSPAS (KOSPAS, SARSAT) [system, not a satellite] | COsmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov (Space System for the Search of Vessels in Distress) | |
CRAF [forerunner, canceled] | Comet Rendezvous and Asteroid Flyby | cometary-exploration asteroid-exploration |
CRISTAL / Sentinel-9 | Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter | environmental-observing |
CRL (GRS, ESRS) | Cambridge Research Lab | military |
CRISTA-SPAS [STS-deployed and recovered] | CRyogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere - Shuttle PAllet Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
CRRES | Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
CryoSat / Earth Explorer-3 | CRYOsphere SATellite | environmental-observing |
CS (Sakura) | Communications Satellite | communications |
CSO | Composante Spatiale Optique | military |
CTS (Hermes) | Communications Technology Satellite | communications |
CubeBug / El Capitán Beto / Manolito | CUBE BUG | scientific/research/technology |
CX-1 (China/PRC) | Chuang Xin (Creation) | scientific/research/technology |
CX-1 (USA) | Citizen Explorer [never launched] | scientific/research/technology |
CXO (CXRO, AXAF, Chandra) [STS-93/Columbia-deployed] | Chandra X-ray Observatory | astronomical/telescope |
CXRO (CXO, AXAF, Chandra) [STS-93/Columbia-deployed] | Chandra X-Ray Observatory | astronomical/telescope |
CYGNSS (ESSP-EVM1) | Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System | environmental-observing |
D-series | Diapason or Diadème | scientific/research/technology |
DAD (DADE) | Dual Air Density (Explorer) | scientific/research/technology |
DAMPE / Wukong | Dark Matter Particle Explorer | astronomy/telescope |
DARPASat | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency SATellite | military |
DART [see also LICIACube] | Double Asteroid Redirect Test | asteroid-exploration |
DASH | Density And Scale Height | military |
DAVINCI+ | Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging | planetary-exploration |
DE (Explorer-62/63) | Dynamics Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
DEBUT (Orizuru) | DEployable Boom and Umbrella Test | scientific/research/technology |
DEMETER | Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions | scientific/research/technology |
DEOS [canceled] | Deutsche Orbitale Servicing Mission | scientific/research/technology |
DeorbitSail | DEORBIT SAIL | scientific/research/technology |
DESPATCH (OSCAR-81) | DEep SPace Amateur Troubadour's CHallenge | amateur radio |
DFFC | Duoyongtu Feichuan Fanhui Cang | scientific/research/technology |
DFH | Dong Fang Hong (The East is Red) / Dongfanghong | communications |
DFS (Kopernikus) | Deutscher Fernmelde Satellit | communications |
DHFR | DARPA High Frequency Receiver experiment | military |
Dial (Wika and Mika) | DIamant ALlemagne | scientific/research/technology |
DirecTV / AT&T | DIRECt TV | communications |
DM | Delta ? | military |
DMC | Disaster Monitoring Constellation | environmental-observing |
DME (Explorer-31) | Direct Measurements Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
DMSP (AMS, USA) | Defense Meteorological Satellite Program | military |
DODGE | Department Of Defense Gravity Experiment | military |
Dodecapole (Porcupine) | DOCECAhedron ?? | scientific/research/technology |
DOSAAF (RS-44) | Dobrovol'noe Obshchestvo Sodeistviia Armii, Aviatsii i Flotu | amateur radio |
Dragon | (ISS transfer vehicle) | ISS-related |
DRAGONSAT (AggieSat, Bevo / PARADIGM) [STS-127/Endeavour-deployed] | Dual Rf Astrodynamic Gps Orbital Navigator SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
DRTS / Kodama | Data Relay and Tracking Satellite | communications |
DS-1 | Deep Space-1 | cometary-exploration |
DS-2 | Deep Space-2 | planetary-exploration |
DSAP / (DSAP-1 / P35) | Defense Satellite Application Program | military |
DSCOVR (Triana, "GoreSat") | Deep Space Climate ObserVatoRy | solar-observing |
DSCS [DSCS-3-B4/B5 (USA-11/12) were STS-51J/Atlantis-deployed] | Defense Satellite Communications System | communications |
DSN | Deep Space Network | |
DSP [USA] (IMEWS, BMEWS, USA) [DSP-F16 was STS-44/Atlantis-deployed] | Defense Support Program | military |
DSP [China/PRC] (TC / Doublestar) | Double Star Program | scientific/research/technology |
DSPSE (Clementine) | Deep Space Program Science Experiment | lunar-exploration |
DSLWP / Longjiang | Discovering the Sky at Longest Wavelengths Pathfinder | astronomy/telescope |
DubaiSat (KhalifaSat) | DUBAI SATellite | environmental-observing |
DWSS [canceled] | Defense Weather Satellite System | military |
E1P / HRBE | Explorer-1 Prime | scientific/research/technology |
EarthCARE / Hakuryu / Earth Explorer-6 | EARTH Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer | environmental-observing |
EchoStar | ECHO STAR | communications |
ECS (Eutelsat) | European Communications Satellite | communications |
ECS (Ayame) | Experimental Communications Satellite | communications |
EDM (Schiaparelli, ExoMars 2016) | Entry, descent and landing Demonstrator Module | planetary-exploration |
EDRS (payload on Eutelsat-9B and HYLAS-3) | European Data Relay Satellite | communications |
EduSat (Endusat?) / GSat-3 | EDUcation SATellite | communications |
EGP (EGS / Ajisai) | Experimental Geodetic Payload | scientific/research/technology |
EGRS (SECOR) | Electronic and Geodetic Ranging Satellite | navigation |
EGS (EGP / Ajisai) | Experimental Geodetic Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
EgyptSat / MisrSat | EGYPTian SATellite | environmental-observing |
EKA | Eksperimental'niy Kosmicheskiy Apparat | Russian |
ELaNa | Educational LAunch of NAnosatellites (each satellite in this cubesat group has a name) | |
ELSA-d | End-of-Life Service by Astroscale - demonstration | scientific/research/technology |
EMIT (ISS-mounted instrument) | Earth surface Mineral dust source Investigation | ISS-related |
EMM / Al-Amal / Hope | Emirates Mars Mission | planetary-exploration |
Envisat | ENVIronment SATellite | environmental-observing |
EO | Earth Observing | environmental-observing |
EOS (Aqua, Terra, Aura) | Earth Observing System | environmental-observing |
EP (TOMS-EP) | Earth Probe | environmental-observing |
EPE (Explorer-12/14/15/26) | Electrostatic Particle Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
EPOXI (Deep Impact / (Discovery-7) | Extrasolar Planet Observations / eXtended Investigation of comets | cometary-exploration |
EPS / MetOp | Eumetsat Polar System | polar-weather |
ERBS [STS-41G/Challenger-deployed] | Earth Radiation Budget Satellite | environmental-observing |
EROS | Earth Remote Observation System | environmental-observing |
ERS (ORS / TRS) [USAF] | Environmental Research Satellite | military |
ERS [ESA] | European Remote Sensing (satellite) | environmental-observing |
ERTS (Landsat) | Earth Resources Technology Satellite | environmental-observing |
ESA (-GEOS) | European Space Agency | scientific/research/technology |
EscaPADE | ESCApe and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers | planetary-exploration |
ESRO (ESA in 1973) | European Space Research Organization | scientific/research/technology |
ESRS (CRL-2) | Environmental Sciences Research Satellite | military |
ESSA | Environmental Science Services Administration | polar-weather |
ESSP (each in this series has another name) | Earth System Science Pathfinder | |
EstCube | ESTonia CUBEsat | scientific/research/technology |
ETS (Kiku) | Engineering Test Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
Eurasiasat | EURope ASIA SATellite | communications |
EURECA [STS-46/Atlantis-deployed, STS-57/Endeavour-retrieved] | EUropean REtrievable CArrier | scientific/research/technology |
EuropeStar | EUROPEan STAR | communications |
Eurobird | EUROpe BIRD | communications |
Eutelsat (ECS) | EUropean TELecommunications SATellite | communications |
EUVE (Explorer-67) | Extreme UltraViolet Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
EWS-G / formerly GOES-13 and GOES-15 | Electro-optical infrared (Eo/ir) Weather System (EWS) - Geostationary (EWS-G) | geostationary-weather |
ExoMars (TGO, EDM, rover 2022, Rosalind Franklin) | EXObiology MARS | planetary-exploration |
EXOS (Akebono, Jikiken, Kyokko, and Ohzora) | EXOspheric Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
EXOSAT | European X-ray Observatory SATellite | astronomical/telescope |
EXPRESS | EXPeriment RE-entry Space System | scientific/research/technology |
Eye-Sat | EYE SATellite | astronomical/telescope |
FACSAT | Fuerza Aérea Colombiana | environmental-observing |
Falcon Eye | FALCON EYE | military |
FalconSat | FALCON SATellite | military |
FAME (MIDEX-4) [canceled] | Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer | astronomical/telescope |
FASat | Fuerza Aéra de Chile SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
FASTRAC (OSCAR-69/70) | Formation Autonomy Spacecraft with Thrust, Relnav, Attitude and Crosslink | amateur radio |
FAST (Explorer-70 / SMEX-2) | Fast Auroral SnapshoT explorer | scientific/research/technology |
FASTSat | Fast Affordable Science and Technology SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
FGST (GLAST, Fermi) | Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
FIRE [research rocket] | Flight Investigation of Re-Entry | atmospheric research rockets |
FIRST (HSO, Herschel) | Far Infrared and Sub-millimetre Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
FLEX / Earth Explorer-8 | FLuorescence EXplorer | environmental-observing |
FltSatCom | FLeeT SATellite COMmunications system | communications |
Formosat (Rocsat / Chunghua; some also COSMIC) | FORMOsa SATellite | environmental-observing |
FORUM / Earth Explorer-9 | Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring | environmental-observing |
FR-1 (France-1) | FRance | scientific/research/technology |
FRUSA / ASTEX | Flexible Rolled-Up Solar Array | military |
FSW (JB) | Fanhui Shijan Weixing | scientific/research/technology |
FUSE (Explorer-77 / MIDEX-0) | Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
FY-1 and FY-3 FY-2 and FY-4 | Feng Yun | polar-weather geostationary-weather |
GAIA | Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics | astronomical/telescope |
GALEX (Explorer-83 / SMEX-7) | GALaxy evolution EXplorer | scientific/research/technology |
Galileo-IOV-PFM | Galileo In-Orbit Validation Proto-Flight Model (navigation constellation) | navigation |
GATV | Gemini-Agena Target Vehicle | un-manned spacecraft in manned programs |
GCOM-C (Shikisai) | Global Change Observation Mission - Carbon cycle | environmental-observing |
GCOM-W (Shizuku) | Global Change Observation Mission - Water | environmental-observing |
GE / AMC | General Electric | communications |
GEMS (SMEX-13) | Gravity and Extreme Magnetism Smex | astronomical/telescope |
GeoCarb | GEOstationary CARBon observatory | environmental-observing |
GeoEye / formerly OrbView-5 | Geo??? Eye | environmental-observing |
GEOS [ESA version] | Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
GEOS (Explorer-29/36) [USA version] | Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite (GEOS-1 and 2) Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite (GEOS-3) | scientific/research/technology |
Geosat | GEOdetic SATellite | environmental-observing |
Geotail (GTL) | GEOmagnetic TAIL lab | scientific/research/technology |
Geo-IK | navigation | |
Geo-Kompsat / GK | GEOstationary KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite | geostationary weather |
GF | GaoFen | environmental-observing |
GFO | Geosat Follow On | scientific/research/technology |
GFZ [Mir-deployed] | GeoForschungsZentrum (geodesy) | navigation |
GGSE (carried by Poppy) | Gravity Gradient Stabilization Experiment | military |
GGTS | Gravity Gradient Test Satellite | military |
GIOVE (GSTB, Galileo) | Galileo In-Orbit Validation Experiment (navigation constellation) | navigation |
GLAST (FGST, Fermi) | Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
GLIMR | Geosynchronous Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer | environmental-observing |
Globalstar | GLOBAL STAR (satellite telephone constellation) | communications |
GLOMR [STS-deployed] | Global Low Orbiting Message Relay | military |
GLONASS (Uragan) | GLObalnaya NAvigationnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (navigation constellation) | navigation |
GMS (Himawari) | Geostationary Meteorological Satellite | geostationary-weather |
GOCE / Earth Explorer-1 | Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer Global Ocean Circulation Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
GOES (SMS) | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite | geostationary-weather |
Göktürk (Gokturk) | TURKish sky | military |
GOLD / SES-14 | Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (payload on SES-14) | communications |
GOMS (Elektro) | Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite | geostationary-weather |
"GoreSat" (DSCOVR, Triana) | (Albert) GORE (Jr.) SATellite | solar-observing |
GOSAT (Ibuki) | Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite | environmental-observing |
GP | Gravity Probe | scientific/research/technology |
GPM | Global Precipitation Measurement | environmental-observing |
GPS (NAVSTAR) | Global Positioning System (navigation constellation) | navigation |
GridSphere | GRID SPHERE | military |
GSSAP / Hornet | Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program | military |
GRAB (GREB / SolRad / Explorer-30/37/44) | Galactic Radiation And Background | solar-observing |
GRACE (ESSP-2) and GRACE-FO | Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment - Follow-On | scientific/research/technology |
GRAIL-A/B (Ebb/Flow / Discovery-11) | Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory | lunar-exploration |
GRASP [canceled] | Gamma-Ray Astronomy with Spectroscopy and Positioning | astronomical/telescope |
GREB (GRAB / SolRad / Explorer-30/37/44) | Galactic Radiation Energy Background | solar-observing |
GRS (Azur) [ESA version] | German Research Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
GRS (CRL-1) [USAF version] | Geophysical Research Satellite | military |
GSTB (GIOVE, Galileo) | Galileo System Test Bed (navigation constellation) | navigation |
GSat (EduSat, HealthSat; some are also Insat) [also referred to as GramSat] | Geostationary SATellite | communications |
GStar | Gte STAR | communications |
GTL (Geotail) | Geomagnetic Tail Lab | scientific/research/technology |
GY | Gao Fen | environmental-observing |
H2Sat | Heinrich Hertz SATellite | communications |
HALCA (Haruka / VSOP / Muses-B) | Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy | astronomical/telescope |
Hakuryu / EarthCare / Earth Explorer-6 | EARTH Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer | environmental-observing |
HASP [research rocket] | High Altitude Sounding Projectile | atmospheric research rockets |
HCED / SPARTAN-203 [STS-51L/Challenger, failed] | Halley's Comet Experiment Deployable | astronomical/telescope |
HCMM (Explorer-58) | Heat Capacity Mapping Mission | scientific/research/technology |
HEAD (Hede) | HEAD Aerospace | communications |
HealthSat / GSat-4 | HEALTH SATellite | communications |
HEAO (HEAO-2 / Einstein) | High-Energy Astronomical Observatory | astronomical/telescope |
HellasSat | HELLAS (Greece) SATellite | communications |
HEOS | Highly Eccentric Orbit Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
HESSI (RHESSI, Explorer-81 / SMEX-6) | High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager | scientific/research/technology |
HETE-1 HETE-2 (Explorer-79) | High Energy Transient Explorer | astronomical/telescope scientific/research/technology |
HGS | Hughes Global Services | communications |
HILAT / P83-1 / formerlyi Transit-O16 | HIgh LATitude (research satellite) | military |
HIPPARCOS | HIgh Precision PARalax COllecting Satellite | astronomical/telescope |
Hispasat | HISPAnic SATellite | communications |
HJ | Huan Jing (environment) | environmental-observing |
HotBird (Hot Bird) | HOT BIRD | communications |
HRBE / E1P | (William A.) Hiscock Radiation Belt Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
HSO (Herschel, FIRST) | Herschel Space Observatory | astronomical/telescope |
HST (Hubble) [STS-31R/Discovery-deployed and STS-repaired] | Hubble Space Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
HTV (Kounotori) | H-2 Transfer Vehicle | ISS-related |
HX / Tianwen | Huoxing | planetary-exploration |
HXMT / Huiyan | Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
(Ocean) | Hai Yang | environmental-observing |
Hydros (ESSP-7) | HYDROsphere State | environmental-observing |
HYLAS | HIghLy Adaptable Satellite | communications |
IAE / SPARTAN-207 [STS-77/Endeavour-deployed and recovered] | Inflatable Antenna Experiment | astronomical/telescope |
IBEX (Explorer-91, SMEX-10) | Interstellar Boundary Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
IBSS-SPAS [STS-39/Discovery-deployed and recovered] | Infrared Background Signature Survey - Shuttle PAllet Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
ICE (ISEE / Explorer-59) | International Cometary Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
ICESat | Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation SATellite | environmental-observing |
ICEYE | ????? (environmental constellation) | environmental-observing |
ICO | Intermediate Circular Orbit | communications |
ICON (Explorer-96, MIDEX-9) | Ionospheric CONnection | scientific/research/technology |
IDCSP | Initial Defense Communications Satellite Program | communications |
IE (Explorer-20/25/40/52) | Ionospheric Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
IGS | Intelligence Gathering Satellite | military |
IKAROS | Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun | scientific/research/technology |
IMAGE (Explorer-78 / MIDEX-1) | Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration | scientific/research/technology |
IMEWS (DSP) | Integrated Missile Early Warning Satellite | military |
IMEX (UNEX-2) [canceled] | Inner Magnetosphere Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
IMP (each in this series has another name) | Interplanetary Monitoring Platform | |
INCUS | INvestigation of Convective UpdraftS | environmental-observing |
INDEX (Reimei) | INnovative technology Demonstration EXperiment | scientific/research/technology |
Indostar (Cakrawarta) | INDOnesia STAR | communications |
Inmarsat | INternational MARitime SATellite organization | communications |
Insat [Insat-1B was STS-8/Challenger-deployed, some are also GSat] | Indian National SATellite | geostationary-weather |
InSight (Discovery-12) | INterior exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport | planetary-exploration |
Intasat | Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial (INTA) SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
INTEGRAL | INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory | astronomical/telescope |
Intelsat (Early Bird / Blue Bird / Lani Bird / Canary Bird) [Intelsat-6-3 rocket-launched, STS-49/Endeavour-repaired and re-deployed] | INternational TELecommunications SATellite consortium | communications |
iPStar | ?????? | communications |
IRAS | InfraRed Astronomy Satellite | astronomical/telescope |
IRCB | Infra-Red Calibration Balloon | military |
IRIS (ESRO-2) [European version] | International Radiation Investigation Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
IRIS (Astro-F) [Japanese version] | InfraRed Imaging Surveyor | astronomical/telescope |
IRIS [Russian version] | Inflatable and RIgidizable Structure | Russian |
IRIS (SMEX-12 / Explorer-94) [USA version] | Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph | solar-observing |
IRM (AMPTE / Explorer-65) | Ion Release Module | scientific/research/technology |
IRNSS / NavIC / NVS | Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (navigation constellation) | navigation |
IRS | Indian Remote Sensing | environmental-observing |
ISEE (Explorer-56/59) | International Sun-Earth Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
ISARA | Integrated Solar Array and Reflectarray Antenna (with imaging payload) | scientific/research/technology |
ISES (REX) | Integrated Space Experiment System | military |
ISIS | International Satellite for Ionospheric Studies | scientific/research/technology |
ISO | Infrared Space Observatory | astronomical/telescope |
ISPM [forerunner, canceled] | International Solar Polar Mission | solar observing |
ISS (Ume) | Ionospheric Sounding Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
ISS [space station] | International Space Station | ISS-related |
Italsat | ITALian SATellite | communications |
IUE (Explorer-57) | International Untraviolet Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
ITOS (NOAA) | Improved TIROS Operational Satellite | polar-weather |
IXPE (SMEX-14) | Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer | astronomical/telescope |
JAS (Fuji / OSCAR) | Japanese Amateur Satellite | amateur radio |
JB (FSW) | Jian Bing | scientific/research/technology |
JCSat | Japanese Communications SATellite | communications |
JERS (Fuyo) | Japanese Environmental Remote Sensing (satellite) | environmental-observing |
JPSS / formerly NPOESS | Joint Polar Satellite System | polar-weather |
JUICE | JUpiter ICy moons Explorer | planetary-exploration |
JUNO (New Frontiers-2) | JUpiter Near-polar Orbiter | planetary-exploration |
JWST (formerly NGST, Webb) | James Webb Space Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
KAISTSat | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
KazEOSat | KAZakhstan Earth Observation SATellite | environmental-observing |
KazSat | KAZakhstan SATellite | communications |
KH (Discoverer, Corona, Argon, Lanyard, Gambit, Hexagon, Big Bird, Kennen, Dorian, Crystal, Ikon) | Keyhole | military |
KhalifaSat (DubaiSat-3) | KHALIFA SATellite | environmental-observing |
KMilSatCom / ANASIS | Korean MILitary SATellite COMmunications | communications |
KMS (Kwangmyongsong) | Kwang Myong Song | scientific/research/technology |
Kompsat (Arirang) | KOrean Multi-Purpose SATellite | environmental-observing |
Koreasat (Mugunghwa) | KOREA SATellite | communications |
KORONAS (CORONAS) | Comprehensive ORbital Near-earth Observations of the Active Sun | solar-observing |
KOSPAS (COSPAS, SARSAT) [system, not a satellite] | KOsmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov (Space System for the Search of Vessels in Distress) | |
KPLO / Danuri | Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter | lunar-exploration |
KRT-10 [Salyut-6 payload] | "space radio telescope" (in Russian) | Russian |
KSAT (Hayato) | Kagoshima SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
KySat | KentuckY SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
LADEE | Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer | lunar-exploration |
Landsat (ERTS) | LAND SATellite | environmental-observing |
LAGEOS [LAGEOS-2 was STS-52/Columbia-deployed] | LAser GEOdynamics Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
LaoSat | LAOs SATellite | communications |
LAPAN-A2 (OSCAR-86) | "National Institute of Aeronautics and Space" | amateur radio |
LAPAN-TUBsat / LAPAN-A1 (and A3) | "National Institute of Aeronautics and Space" - Technical University of Berlin (TUB) SATellite | environmental-observing |
LARES | LAser RElativity Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
LCROSS | Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite | lunar-exploration |
LDCM (Landsat-8) | Landsat Data Continuity Mission | environmental-observing |
LCS | Lincoln Calibration Sphere | military |
LDEF [STS-41C/Challenger-deployed, STS-32R/Columbia-retrieved] | Long Duration Exposure Facility | scientific/research/technology |
LDPE / ROOSTER | Long Duration Propulsive EELV | scientific/research/technology |
LDREX | Large-scale Deployable Reflector EXperiment | scientific/research/technology |
Leasat (Syncom-4-1 — Syncom-4-5) [all 5 were STS-deployed] | LEAsed SATellite | communications |
LES | Lincoln Experimental Satellite | military |
LICIACube [see also DART] | Light Italian Cube satellite for Imaging of Asteroids | asteroid-exploration |
LIDOS / P68-1 | Large Inclination Doppler Only Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
LightSail | LIGHT SAIL | scientific/research/technology |
LISA Pathfinder | Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Pathfinder | scientific/research/technology |
LitSat | LITuania SATellite | ISS-related |
LituanicaSat / OSCAR-78 | LITUANICA SATellite | ISS-related |
LO | Lunar Orbiter | lunar-exploration |
LOADS (Cannonball) | LOw Altitude Density Satellite | military |
LOFTI | LOw Frequency Trans Ionospheric | military |
LOFTID | Low earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator | scientific/research/technology |
LRPT [system, not a satellite] | Low Rate Picture Transmission | |
LRO | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter | lunar-exploration |
L-Sat (Olympus) | Large-SATellite | communications |
LJ (Loujia) | ?? | environmental-observing |
LSTM / Sentinel-8 | Land Surface Temperature Monitoring | environmental-observing |
LUSat (OSCAR-19) | LU [prefix for radio amateurs in Argentina] SATellite | amateur radio |
MABES (Jindai) | MAgnetic Bearing flywheel Experimental System | scientific/research/technology |
MACSAT | Multiple Access Communications SATellite | military |
Magion | MAGnetospheric and IONospheric (satellite) | Russian |
MagSat (Explorer-61) | MAGnetosphere SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
MAK (Mak?) [Mir-deployed] | "Small Apparatus for Space" (in Russian, upper atmosphere and ionosphere) | Russian |
MAP (WMAP / Explorer-80 / MIDEX-2) | Microwave Anisotropy Probe | scientific/research/technology |
MaqSat | MAQuette [model] SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
MarCO-A / Walle, MarCO-B / Eva | MARs Cube One | planetary-exploration |
Marecs | MARitime European Communications Satellite | communications |
Marisat | MARItime communications SATellite | communications |
Marots | MARitime Orbital Test Satellite | communications |
Marsnet [canceled] | MARS NETwork | planetary-exploration |
MAS (SRET) | Maliy Avtonomiy Sputnik (Russian acronym for 'Small Automatic Satellite') | scientific/research/technology |
MaSat (OSCAR-72) | MAgyar SATellite | amateur radio |
MASCOT (Hayabusa) | Mobile Asteroid Surface sCOuT | asteroid-exploration |
MAVEN | Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN | planetary-exploration |
MCO / formerly Mars Surveyor 1998 Orbiter | Mars Climate Orbiter | planetary-exploration |
MCIM [canceled] | Multi-Comet Intercept Mission | cometary-exploration |
MIR-Sat (OSCAR-112) | Mauritian Infra-Red SATellite | amateur radio |
MDS (Tsubasa) | Mission Demonstration Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
Measat | Malaysia East Asia SATellite | communications |
Megsat | MEGgiorin SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
MEPSI [STS-deployed, tethered] | Micro Electro-mechanical systems-based PicoSat Inspector | scientific/research/technology |
MER / Spirit (rover) / Opportunity (rover) | Mars Exploration Rover | planetary-exploration |
MESSENGER (Discovery-8) | MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging | planetary-exploration |
METEOR (originally COMET) [failed] | Multiple Experiment Transporter to Earth Orbit and Return | scientific/research/technology |
Meteosat | METEOrological SATellite | geostationary-weather |
MetOp / EPS | METeorological OPerational | polar-weather |
MetSat (Kalpana) | METeorological SATellite | geostationary-weather |
MEV | Mission Extension Vehicle | scientific/research/technology |
MexSat | MEXican SATellite | communications |
MGS | Mars Global Surveyor | planetary-exploration |
MICROSCOPE | Microsatellite à traînée Compensée pour l'Observation du Principe d'Equivalence | scientific/research/technology |
MIDAS | MIssile Defense Alarm System | military |
MIDEX (each in this series has another name) | Medium-class EXplorer | |
Mightysat-1 / P97-2 [STS-88/Endeavour-deployed] Mightysat-2 / P99-1 / Sindri | MIGHTY SATellite | military |
Mika (Dial) | MIni KApsel (German for capsule) | scientific/research/technology |
Milstar | MILitary Strategic and TActical Relay | military |
MINERVA (Hayabusa) | MIcro/Nano Experimental Robot Vehicle for Asteroid | asteroid-exploration |
Minisat | MINIature SATellite | astronomical/telescope |
MisrSat / EgyptSat | ???? SATellite | environmental-observing |
MITA | Mini-Satellite Italiano a Tecnologia Avanzata | scientific/research/technology |
MITEX | MIcro-satellite Technology Experiment | military |
MMS | Magnetospheric MultiScale | scientific/research/technology |
MMX | Martian Moons eXploration | planetary-exploration |
MOL (KH10, Dorian) | Manned Orbiting Laboratory | military |
MOM (Mangalyaan) | Mars Orbiter Mission | planetary-exploration |
MOP | Meteosat Operational Program | geostationary-weather |
MOS (Momo) | Marine Observation Satellite | environmental-observing |
MPE | Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische physik | scientific/research/technology |
MPEC (USA-70) [STS-39/Discovery-deployed] | Multi-Purpose rElease Canister | military |
MPL / formerly Mars Surveyor 1998 Lander | Mars Polar Lander | planetary-exploration |
mRESINS | mini REdundant Strapdown Inertial Navigation System | environmental-observing |
MRO | Mars Reconaissance Orbiter | planetary-exploration |
MSG | Meteosat Second Generation | geostationary-weather |
MSV / SkyTerra | Mobile Satellite Ventures | communications |
MS-T1-T4 (Tansei) | scientific/research/technology | |
MS-T5 (Sakigake / Planet-prototype) | cometary-exploration | |
M-Sat (AMSC) | Mobile SATellite | communications |
MSD | Multiple Satellite Dispenser | military |
MSL / Curiosity (rover) | Mars Science Laboratory | planetary-exploration |
MSX | Midcourse Space eXperiment | scientific/research/technology |
MTG-I / Sentinel-4A | Meteosat Third Generation - Imaging | geostationary-weather |
MTG-S / Sentinel-4B | Meteosat Third Generation - Sounding | geostationary-weather |
MTI | Multi-spectral Thermal Imager | environmental-observing |
MTO [canceled] | Mars Telecommunications Orbiter | planetary-exploration |
MTP | Meteosat Transition Program | geostationary-weather |
MTS (Explorer-46) | Meteoroid Technology Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
MTSat (Himawari) | Multi-functional Transport SATellite | geostationary-weather |
MUBLCOM | MUltiple path Beyond Line of sight COMmunication | communications |
MUOS | Mobile User Objective System | communications |
MVL-300 (Mikhail Lomonosov) | Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov 300 | astronomical/telescope |
M3MSat | Maritime Monitoring and Messaging Micro-SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
N-Sat | Nippon-? SATellite | communications |
N-Star | Nippon? STAR | communications |
NanoSail | NANO SAIL | scientific/research/technology |
Nanosat | NANO SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | communications |
NAVSTAR (GPS) | NAVigation System using Timing And Ranging (navigation constellation) | navigation |
NavIC / IRNSS / NVS | NAVigation with Indian Constellation (navigation constellation) | navigation |
NCT-1/2/3 / ST-5a/5b/5c | Nanosat Constellation Trailblazer | scientific/research/technology |
NEAR (Discovery-2) / Shoemaker | Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous | asteroid-exploration |
NEE / Pegaso / Krysaor | ??? | scientific/research/technology |
NegaiStar (Excelsior) | NEGAI STAR | scientific/research/technology |
NEON | Near Earth Orbit Network | polar-weather |
NEONSat | New-space Earth ObservatioM SATellite | environmental-observing |
NEOWISE (NGSS, Explorer-92, MIDEX-6) / formerly WISE | Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
NewSat (NuSat, ÑuSat, Aleph) | environmental-observing | |
NeXT (Astro-H, Hitomi) | NEw X-ray Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
NExT (Discovery-4, Stardust) | New EXploration of Tempel 1 | cometary-exploration |
NEXTSat/CSC (Orbital Express) | NEXT generation SATellite and Commodities SpaceCraft | military |
NGSS (WISE, NEOWISE, Explorer-92, MIDEX-6) | Next Generation Sky Survey | scientific/research/technology |
NGRST / WFIRST | Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
NGST (now JWST, Webb) | Next Generation Space Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
Nilesat | NILE SATellite | communications |
NigComSat | NIGerian COMmunication SATellite | communications |
NigeriaSat | NIGERIA SATellite | environmental-observing |
NISAR | NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar | environmental-observing |
NMP (each in this series has another name) | New Millennium Program | |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | polar-weather |
NOSS (Parcae, Whitecloud, Intruder) | Navy Ocean Surveillance Satellite | military |
NPOESS (became JPSS) | National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System | polar-weather |
NPP (Suomi, S-NPP) | Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership, formerly known as the NPOESS Preparatory Project | polar-weather |
NROL (Topaz, Trumpet, Orion, Intruder, Quasar) | National Reconnaissance Office Launch | military |
NSS | Netherlands New Skies | communications |
NTS / Timation | Navigation Technology Satellite | navigation |
NUSat [amateur-built, STS-51B/Challenger-deployed] | Northern Utah SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
NuSat (ÑuSat, NewSat, Aleph; ÑuSat-1 is OSCAR-87) | ?? (Argentina constellation) | environmental-observing |
NuSTAR / Explorer-93 | NUclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray | scientific/research/technology |
NVS / IRNBSS / NavIC | NaVigation Satellite series (navigation constellation) | navigation |
OAO | Orbiting Astronomical Observatory | astronomical/telescope |
OAST Flyer / SPARTAN-206 [STS-72/Endeavour-deployed and recovered] | Office of Aeronautical and Space Technology Flyer | astronomical/telescope |
OceanSat (IRS) | OCEAN SATellite | environmental-observing |
OCO (ESSP-5) | Orbiting Carbon Observatory | scientific/research/technology |
ODERACS | Orbital DEbris RAdar Calibration Sphere | scientific/research/technology |
OEX-Target [STS-61B-deployed] | Orbiter EXperiments - Target | scientific/research/technology |
OFO | Orbiting Frog Otolith | biological |
OGO (POGO) | Orbiting Geophysical Observatory | scientific/research/technology |
OICETS (Kirari) | Optical Inter-orbit Communication Engineering Test Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
OneWeb | ONE WEB (internet constellation) | communications |
OPS-SAT | OPS??? SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
OptSat-3000 | OPT??? SATellite | military |
Orbcomm | ORBital COMMunications (Inc.) (satellite telephone constellation) | communications |
ORBIS | Orbiting Radio Beacon Ionospheric Satellite | military |
Orbiscal / P68-1 | ORBItal ? CALibration | military |
OREX (Ryusei) | Orbital Re-entry Experiment Vehicle | scientific/research/technology |
OrbView | ORBital VIEW | environmental-observing |
ORFEUS-SPAS [STS-deployed and recovered] | Orbiting and REtrievable Far and extreme Uv Spectrometer - Shuttle PAllet Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
ORS (ERS / TRS) | Octahedral Research Satellite | military |
ORS [newer series] | Operationally Responsive Space | military |
OSCAR (Amsat) | Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio | amateur radio |
OSIRIS-REx (New Frontiers-3) | Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security - Regolith EXplorer | asteroid-exploration |
OSO | Orbiting Solar Observatory | solar-observing |
OSSI | Open Source Satellite Initiative | scientific/research/technology |
OSTM (Jason) | Ocean Surface Topography Mission | environmental-observing |
OT (TIROS) | Operational TIROS | polar-weather |
OTS | Orbital Test Satellite | communications |
OUFTI | Orbital Utility For Telecommunications / Technology Innovations | scientific/research/technology |
OV | Orbiting Vehicle | military |
O3b | Other three billion (internet constellation) | communications |
PACE | Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and ocean Ecosystem | environmental-observing |
PAGEOS | PAssive Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
PakSat | PAKistan SATellite) | communications |
PakTES | PAKistan Technology Evaluation Satellite | environmental-observing |
PAMS-STU [STS-77/Endeavour-deployed] | Passive Aerodynamically-stabilized Magnetically-damped Satellite - Satellite Test Unit | scientific/research/technology |
PAN / Nemesis-1 | Paladium At Night | military |
Panamsat (PAS) | PAN-AMerican SATellite | communications |
Pansat (OSCAR-34) [STS-95/Discovery-deployed] | Petite Amateur Navy SATellite | amateur radio |
PARADIGM (Bevo / DRAGONSAT [STS-127/Endeavour-deployed] | Platform for Autonomous Rendezvous And Docking with Innovative Gn&c Methods | scientific/research/technology |
PARASOL | Polarization and Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Science coupled with Observations from a Lidar | environmental-observing |
PAS (Panamsat) | Pan-American Satellite | communications |
PCSat-1 (OSCAR-44) PCSat-2 (amateur radio, but not an OSCAR; not a satellite) | Prototype Communications SATellite | amateur radio communications |
PDD | Prototype Deployment Device | scientific/research/technology |
PDP [STS-51F/Challenger-deployed] | Plasma Diagnostics Package | scientific/research/technology |
PegSat | PEGasus rocket-booster launched SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
Péole | Preliminary Éole | scientific/research/technology |
PeruSat | PERU SATellite | environmental-observing |
PFO | Polar Follow-On system | polar-weather |
PhoneSat-1 / Graham / Bell | PHONE SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
PICOSat | Polymer battery experiment / Ionospheric occultation experiment / Coherent electro magnetic radio tomography / Optical precision platform experiment SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
PIX | Plasma Interaction eXperiment | scientific/research/technology |
PLA [device, not a satellite] | Picosat Launcher Assembly | scientific/research/technology |
PML / formerly Mars Surveyor 2001 Lander | Phoenix Mars Lander | planetary-exploration |
PODSat | Payload Orbital Delivery SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
POEM [canceled] | Polar-Orbiting Earth observation Mission | environmental-monitoring |
POGO (OGO) | Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory | scientific/research/technology |
POGS & SSR (Stacksat-1) | Polar Orbiting Geomagnetic Survey & Solid State Recorder | scientific/research/technology |
PPF [canceled] | Polar PlatForm | environmental-monitoring |
PRC (China) | People's Republic of China | scientific/research/technology |
PRISMA (Sweden) | Prototype Research Instruments and Space Mission technology Advancement | scientific/research/technology |
PRISMA (Italy/ASI) | PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa | environmental-observing |
PROCYON | PRoximate Object Close flYby with Optical Navigation | asteroid-exploration |
PROBA | PRoject for On-Board Autonomy | scientific/research/technology |
PROITERES | PRoject of OIT Electric-Rocket-Engine onboard small space Ship | environmental-observing |
Protosat | PROTO SATellite | communications |
ProtoStar | PROTO STAR | communications |
PRSS | Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite | environmental-observing |
PSN-6 / Nusantara-1 | ??? | communications |
PSP (SPP) | Parker Solar Probe | solar-observing |
PSSCT [STS-deployed] | PicoSatellite Solar Cell Testbed | scientific/research/technology |
PUNCH (SMEX-15) | Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere | scientific/research/technology |
PVSat | Performance Verification SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
P&FS [Apollo-deployed] | Particles and Fields Sub-satellite | scientific/research/technology |
QSS (QUESS, Mozi, Micius) | Quantum Science Satellite (QUantum Experiments at Space Scale) | scientific/research/technology |
QuickBird | QUICK BIRD | environmental-observing |
QuikScat | QUIcK SCATterometer | environmental-observing |
QuikTOMS | QUIcK TOMS | environmental-observing |
QZS (or QZSS / Michibiki) | Quasi-Zenith Satellite (System) (navigation constellation) | navigation |
Radarsat | RADAR SATellite | environmental-observing |
Radcat-2 / P72-1 | RADar CAlibration Target | scientific/research/technology |
RadCube | RADar CUBEsat | scientific/research/technology |
Radsat (Pi-in-the-sky) / P72-1 | RADiation SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
RadioSkaf (SuitSat / OSCAR-54, ARISSat-1) [ISS-deployed] | Radio Skaf | amateur radio |
RAE (Explorer-38/49) | Radio Astronomy Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
RAFTI | Rapidly Attachable Fluid Transfer Interface | scientific/research/technology |
Rascom-QAF | Regional African Satellite COMmunication organization - ??? | communications |
RBSP (Van Allen Probes) | Radiation Belt Storm Probes | scientific/research/technology |
RCM | Radarsat Constellation Mission | environmental-observing |
RDTS | Radar Tracking Density Satellite | military |
REP | Rendezvous Evaluation Pod | scientific/research/technology |
ResourceSat (IRS) | RESOURCE SATellite | environmental-observing |
REX (ISES) | Radiation EXperiment | military |
REXS (Denpa) | Radiation EXperiments Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
RHESSI (HESSI, Explorer-81 / SMEX-6) | Ramathy High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager | scientific/research/technology |
RigidSphere | RIGID SPHERE | military |
RISAT | Radar Imaging SATellite | environmental-observing |
RM (Discoverer, Corona) | Research Module | military |
RM (RMS) | Radiation Meteroid (Satellite) | scientific/research/technology |
RM-20 / P72-2 | Radiometer | military |
ROOSTER / LDPE | Rapid On-Orbit Space Technology and Evaluation Ring | scientific/research/technology |
ROSA | Roll-Out Solar Array | ISS-related |
Rocsat (Formosat / Chunghua) | Republic Of China (Taiwan) SATellite | environmental-observing |
Rosat | ROentgen SATellite | astronomical/telescope |
ROSE-L / Sentinel-12 | Radar Observing System for Europe - L-band | environmental-observing |
RPP (NROL) | Rapid Pathfinder Program | military |
RS [some were [Mir-deployed or ISS-deployed] | Radio Sputnik (Radio Sport Federation) | amateur |
RTS | Research Test Series | military |
RXTE (XTE / Explorer-69 / MIDEX-(-2)) | Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
SABIA-Mar 1 / SAC-E | Satélites Argentino-Brasileño para Información Ambiental del Mar | environmental-observing |
SAC [SAC-A was STS-88/Endeavour-deployed] | Satellite de Aplicaciones Cientifico | environmental-observing |
SACI | SAtellite CIentífico | environmental-observing |
SAGE (Explorer-60) | Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment | scientific/research/technology |
SAMOS | Satellite and Missile Observation System | military |
SAMPEX (Explorer-68 / SMEX-1) | Solar Anomalous Magnetospheric Particle EXplorer | scientific/research/technology |
SamSat / Kontakt-Nanosputnik) | SAMara (State Aerospace University (SSAU)) SATellite | Russian |
SAOCOM | Satélite Argentino de Observación COn Microondas | environmental-observing |
SAPPHIRE (OSCAR-45) | Stanford Audio Phonic Photographic InfraRed Experiment | amateur radio |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar | scientific/research/technology |
SAR-Lupe | Synthetic Aperture Radar - "magnifier" | military |
SARA | Satellite Amateur de Radio-Astronomie, or Satellite pour Astronomie Radio Amateur | astronomical/telescope |
SARah | Synthetic Aperature Radar ?? | military |
SARAL | Satellite with ARgos and ALtika | environmental-observing |
SARSAT (COSPAS, KOSPAS) [system, not a satellite] | Search And Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking | |
SAS (Explorer-42/48/53) | Small Astronomy Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
Satcom [Satcom-Ku1 and Ku2 were STS-61C/Columbia-deployed and STS-61B/Atlantis-deployed, respectively] | SATellite COMmuications | communications |
SatMex | SATellite MEXico | communications |
SaudiGeoSat | Saudi [Arabia] GEOstationary SATellite | communications |
SBIRS | Space Based InfraRed Sensor | military |
SBS [SBS-3 and 4 were STS-5/Columbia-deployed and STS-41C/Discovery-deployed, respectively] | Satellite Business Systems | communications |
SBSS | Space-Based Space Surveillance System | military |
SCATHA / P78-2 | Spacecraft Charging AT High Altitude | scientific/research/technology |
SCATSAT | SCATerometer SATellite | environmental-observing |
SCD | Satelites de Coleta de Dados | communications |
SCE (Stacksat-3) | Selective Communications Experiment | scientific/research/technology |
SciSat | SCIence SATellite | environmental-observing |
SCORE (Chatterbox) | Signal Communication by ORbiting RElay | communications |
SDI | Stratgic Defense Initiative | military |
SDO | Solar Dynamics Observatory | solar-observing |
SDS (Quasar) [SDS-2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 were STS-28R/Columbia-deployed, STS-38/Atlantis-deployed, and STS-53/Discovery-deployed, respectively] | Satellite Data System | communications |
SDS [Japan] | Small Demonstration Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
SeaStar (OrbView-2, SeaWiFS) | SEA STAR | environmental-observing |
SeaWiFS (SeaStar / OrbView-2) | SEA-viewing WIde Field-of-view Sensor (instrument) | environmental-observing |
SeaSat | Specialized Experimental Applications SATellite | environmental-observing |
SECOR (EGRS) | SEquential COllation of Range | navigation |
SECS | Special Experimental Communication System | communications |
SELENE (Kaguya) | SELenological and ENgineering Explorer | lunar-exploration |
SEO (Bhaskara) | Satellite for Earth Observation | scientific/research/technology |
SEOSAR (Paz) | Satélite Español de Observación | environmental-observing |
SEOSat (Ingenio) | Spanish Earth Observation SATellite | environmental-observing |
SERT | Space Electric Rocket Test | scientific/research/technology |
SERVIS | Space Environment Reliability Verification Integrated System | scientific/research/technology |
SES | Société Européenne des Satellites | communications |
SESAT | Siberia - Europe SATellite | communications |
SESP | Space Experiments Support Program | military |
SEV | Scout Evaluation Vehicle | scientific/research/technology |
SFU [rocket-launched, STS-72/Endeavour-retrieved] | Space Flyer Unit | astronomical/telescope |
SGDC | Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas | communications |
SICRAL | Sistema Italiana de Communicazione Riservente ALlarmi | communications |
SIGNE (D-2) | Solar Interplanetary Gamma-Neutron Experiment | scientific/research/technology |
SIM [canceled] | Space Interferometry Mission | astronomy/telescope |
SimpleSat [STS-105/Discovery-deployed] | SIMPLE SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
Sinosat | SINO (China) SATellite | communications |
SIR [STS-payload] | Shuttle Imaging Radar | Space Shuttle and satellites |
SIRIO | Satellite Italiano Ricerca Industriale Orientata | communications |
SiriusXM (XM and SXM) | Sirius-XM | communications |
SIRTF (SST, Spitzer) | Space InfraRed Telescope Facility | astronomical/telescope |
SJ | Shi Jian | scientific/research/technology |
SkySat | SKY SATellite | environmental-observing |
SkyTerra / MSV | SKY TERRA | communications |
SLDCOM | Satellite Launch Dispenser COMmunications | military |
SLIM / Moon Sniper | Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon | lunar-exploration |
Sloshsat-FLEVO | SLOSHSAT Facility for Liquid Experimentation and Verification in Orbit | scientific/research/technology |
SMAP | Soil Moisture Active-Passive | environmental-observing |
SMART | Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology | lunar-exploration |
SME (Explorer-64) | Solar Mesosphere Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
SMEX (each in this series has another name) | SMall EXplorer | |
SMM [rocket-launched, STS-41C/Challenger-repaired and re-deployed] | Solar Maximum Mission | solar-observing |
SMOS / Earth Explorer-2 | Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity | environmental-observing |
SMS (GOES) | Synchronous Meteorological Satellite | geostationary-weather |
SNAP [nanosat] | Surrey Nanosatellite Applications Platform | scientific/research/technology |
SNAP [proposed] | SuperNova / Acceleration Probe | astronomical/telescope |
Snapshot (carrying a SNAP RTG) | (Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator) | military |
SNOE (Explorer-72 / STEDI-1) | Student Nitric Oxide Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
S-NPP (Suomi, NPP) | Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership, formerly known as the NPOESS Preparatory Project | polar-weather |
SOHO | SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory | solar-observing |
SolRad (GREB / GRAB / Explorer-30/37/44) | SOLar RADiation | solar-observing |
Solwind / P78-1 | SOlar WIND | solar-observing |
SOMP | Student's Oxygen Measurement Project | scientific/research/technology |
SORCE | SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment | solar-observing |
SpaceBEE | SPACE Basic Electronic Elements | communications |
Spacenet | SPACE NETwork | communications |
SpainSat | SPAIN SATellite | communications |
SPARTAN [STS-deployed and recovered] | Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for AstroNomy | astronomical/telescope |
SPAS [STS-deployed and recovered] | Shuttle PAllet Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
SPHINX | Space Plasma High voltage INteraction eXperiment | scientific/research/technology |
SPIDR (SMEX-8) [canceled] | Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Intergalactic medium's Diffuse Radiation | astronomical/telescope |
SPIRALE | Système Préparatoire Infra-Rouge pour l'ALErte | military |
SPOT | Satellite Probatoire de l'Observation de la Terre Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre | environmental-observing |
SPP (PSP) | Solar Probe Plus | solar-observing |
SPRINT / EXCEED / Hisaki | ?????? | astronomical/telescope |
SRATS (Taiyo) | Solar Radiation And Thermospheric Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
SRET (MAS) | Satellite de Recherches et d'Études Technologiques | scientific/research/technology |
SRL [STS-payload] | Space Radar Laboratory | Space Shuttle and satellites |
SROSS | Stretched ROhini Satellite Series | scientific/research/technology |
SRTM [STS-payload] | Shuttle Radar Topography Mission | Space Shuttle and satellites |
SS-1 / Shinsei | ShinSei | scientific/research/technology |
SSF (USA-41, and others) | ??? | military |
SSS (Explorer-45) | Small Scientific Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
SSSat | Solarsail Subpayload SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
SST (SIRTF) | Spitzer Space Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
ST (ZX / ChinaSat) [China/PRC] | Shen Tong | communications |
ST [Singapore-Taiwan] | Singapore telecommunications limited (SingTel) and Taiwan's chunghwa telecom company limited (Chunghwa) | communications |
ST (ST-5a/5b/5c: NCT-1/2/3) | Space Technology | scientific/research/technology |
Stacksat-1/2/3 (POGS & SSR / TEX / SCE) | STACKed SATellites | scientific/research/technology |
STARLET (STARLETTE) | Satellite de Taille Adaptée avec Réflecteurs Laser por les Etudes de la Terre (Satellite de Taille Adaptée avec Réflecteurs Laser por les ETudes de la TErre) | scientific/research/technology |
Starlink | STAR LINK (internet constellation) | communications |
STARS [canceled] | Seismic Telescope for Astrophysical Research from Space | astronomical/telescope |
STDN | Spacecraft Tracking and Data (Acquisition) Network | |
STARSHINE (all but STARSHINE-3) STARSHINE-3 (OSCAR-43) | Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite for Heuristic International Networking Equipment | scientific/research/technology amateur radio |
STEDI (each in this series has another name) | STudent Explorer Demonstration Initiative | |
STENTOR [failed] | Satellite de Télécommunications pour Expérimenter les Nouvelles Technologies en ORbite | communications |
STEP (military) | Space Test Experimental Program | military |
STEP [proposed] | Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle | scientific/research/technology |
STEREO | Solar-TErrestrial RElations Observatory | solar-observing |
STP-H | Space Test Program - Houston | military |
STP P78 (Solwind, SCATHA) | Space Test Program | scientific/research/technology |
STPSat | Space Technology Program SATellite (with TSI Calibration Transfer Experiment) | military |
STRaND | Surrey Training Research and Nanosatellite Demonstrator | scientific/research/technology |
StriX | X-band synthetic aperture radar | environmental-observing |
STRV | Space Technology Research Vehicle | scientific/research/technology |
STS (Space Shuttle) | Space Transportation System: Atlantis, Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Endeavour, and Enterprise (tests only) | STS-related |
STSAT | Science and Technology SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
STV | Satellite Test Vehicle | scientific/research/technology |
SuitSat (RadioSkaf-1, OSCAR-54) [ISS-deployed] | SUIT SATellite | amateur radio |
SunSat (OSCAR-35) | SUN SATellite | amateur radio |
Superbird | SUPER BIRD | communications |
SurCal | SURveillance CALibration | scientific/research/technology |
SVOM | Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor | astronomical/telescope |
SWAS (Explorer-74 / SMEX-3) | Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
SWFO-L1 | Space Weather Follow On - L1 | solar-observing |
SwissCube | Swiss CUBEsat | scientific/research/technology |
SWOT | Surface Water and Ocean Topography | environmental-observing |
SXM (Sirius-XM) | Sirius-XM | communications |
SY (TS, Tansuo) | ShiYan (Experiment) | environmental-observing |
Syncom (Syncom-4-1 — Syncom-4-5 (Leasat) [STS-deployed]) | SYNchronous COMmunications (satellite) | communications |
TACOMSAT / TACSAT (older) | TActical COMmunications SATellite / TActical Cmunications SATellite | communications |
TacRL / Odyssey | TACtically Responsive Launch | military |
TacSat (newer) | TActical Communications SATellite | communications |
TanDEM-X | ? Digital Elevation Measurement | environmental-observing |
TAOS | Technology for Autonomous Operational Satellite | military |
TARANIS | Tool for the Analysis of RAdiation from lightNIng and Sprites | scientific/research/technology |
TAVE | Thor Agena Vibration Experiment | scientific/research/technology |
TC (DoubleStar / DSP) | Tan Ce (probe) | scientific/research/technology |
TD (ESRO) | Thor Delta | scientific/research/technology |
TDF | Télédiffusion de France | communications |
TDO | ??? | scientific/research/technology |
TDRS [TDRS-1 — TDRS-7 were STS-deployed] | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite | communications |
TEAMSAT | Technology education Experiment Added to MaqSAT) | scientific/research/technology |
TechEdSat | TECHnology EDucation SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
Telecom | TELECOMmunications (satellite) | communications |
Telkom | TELeKOMmunications (satellite) | communications |
Telesat (Anik) [Telesat-6 — Telesat-9 were STS-deployed] | TELEphone SATellite | communications |
Telstar [Telstar-3C and 3D were STS-41D/Discovery-deployed and STS-51G/Discovery-deployed, respectively] | TELephone STAR | communications |
Temisat | TElespazio MIcro SATellite | environmental-observing |
TEMPEST | Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems - Demonstrator | ISS-related |
TEMPO | Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution | environmental-observing |
TerraSAR-X | Terra Synthetic Aperature Radar | environmental-observing |
TerreStar | TERRE STAR | communications |
TERRIERS (Explorer-76 / STEDI-2) | Tomographic Experiment using Radiative Recombinative Ionospheric EUV and Radio Sources | scientific/research/technology |
TESS (MIDEX-7 / Explorer-95) (space telescope) | Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
TETR | TEst and TRaining (satellite) | scientific/research/technology |
TEX (Stacksat-2) | Transceiver EXperiment | scientific/research/technology |
TGO (ExoMars 2016) | Trace Gas Orbiter | planetary-exploration |
Thaicom | THAIland COMmumications | communications |
THEMIS-P1/P5 (Explorer-85/89 / MIDEX-5A/5E / ARTEMIS-P1/P2) | Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms | scientific/research/technology |
THEOS | THailand Earth Observation System | environmental-observing |
Timation | TIMe navigATION | navigation |
TIMED | Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics and Dynamics | scientific/research/technology |
TIP (Triad) | Transit Improvement Program | navigation |
TIROS | Television and InfraRed Observation Satellite | polar-weather |
TJS / Huoyan | Tongxin Jishu Shiyan | military |
TK | TianKun | scientific/research/technology |
TNS [ISS-deployed] | Technologicesky NanoSputnik | Russian |
TOMS-EP (EP) | Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer - Earth Probe | environmental-observing |
Tomsk-TPU-120 [ISS deployed] | Tomsk Polytechnic University | Russian |
TOPEX (Poseidon) | ocean TOPography EXperiment | environmental-observing |
Topo | TOPOgraphic (satellite) | navigation |
Topsi (Explorer-20) | TOPSIde sounder | scientific/research/technology |
TOS (TIROS) | TIROS Operational System | polar-weather |
T0TL | Transport Layer Tranche 0 | military |
T0TR | Transport ? Tranche 0 | military |
TRAAC | Transit Research And A ltitude Control | navigation |
TRACE (Explorer-73 / SMEX-4) | Transition Region And Coronal Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
TRACERS (SMEX-16) | Tandem Reconnection And Cusp Electrodynamics Reconnaissance Satellites | scientific/research/technology |
Transtage | TRAN??? STAGE | scientific/research/technology |
TRMM | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission | environmental-observing |
TROPICS | Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats | environmental-observing |
TRS (ERS / ORS) | Tetrahedral Research Satellite | military |
TS (SY, ShiYan) | TanSuo | environmental-observing |
TSS [STS-deployed and recovered] | Tethered Satellite System | scientific/research/technology |
TUBsat | Technical University of Berlin (TUB) SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
Tugsat-1 (BRITE-Austria, CanX-3B) | Technology University Graz SATellite | astronomical/telescope |
TurkmenAlem | TURKMEN ALEM | communications |
Turkmenistan Memorial Capsule (Dnepr) | Turkmenistan Memorial Capsule | scientific/research/technology |
Turksat | TURKish SATellite | communications |
TV-Sat | TeleVision SATellite | communications |
UAPSat | Universidad Alas Peruanas SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
UAR [research rocket] | Upper Atmospheric Research | atmospheric research rockets |
UARS [STS-41G/Discovery-deployed] | Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite | environmental-observing |
UFO | Uhf-Follow On | communications |
UGATUSAT (RS-28) | Ufimskiy Gosudarstvenniy Aviatsionniy Tekhnicheskiy Universitet SATellite | amateur radio |
UK (Ariel) | United Kingdom | scientific/research/technology |
UKS (AMPTE / Explorer-65) | United Kingdom Sub-satellite | scientific/research/technology |
UNEX (each in this series has another name) | UNiversity-class EXplorer | |
UNITEC (Shi'nen) | UNIversity space engineering consortium TEChnology (satellite) | scientific/research/technology |
UNOSAT | UNdergraduate Orbital student SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
UoSat (OSCAR) | University of Surrey (UK) SATellite | amateur radio |
UPM-LBSat / UPMSat | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
US-K (Oko, Kosmos) | ??? | military |
USA (each in this series has another name) | United States of America | |
USSF | United States Space Force [launch/mission designation] | military |
VCL (ESSP-1) | Vegetation Canopy Lidar | environmental-observing |
VCO (Planet-C) | Venus Climate Orbiter | cometary-exploration |
Vega | VEnera GAllei | cometary-exploration |
VeneSat (Simon Bolivar) | VENEzuela SATellite | communications |
VENuS | Vegetation and Environment monitoring New Micro (u) Satellite | environmental-observing |
ViaSat | VIA SATellite | communications |
Vinasat | [Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT)] SATellite | communications |
VIPER [canceled] | Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover | lunar-exploration |
VNREDSat | Vietnam Natural Resources, Environment and Disaster monitoring SATellite | environmental-observing |
VRSS | Venezuela Remote Sensing Satellite | environmental-observing |
VSE (DM-43, Delta-180, USA-19) | Vector Sum Experiment | military |
VSOP (HALCA / Haruka / Muses-B) | Very Large Baseline Interferometry Space Observatory Programme | astronomical/telescope |
WasedaSAT | Wadesa university SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
WEFAX [system, not a satellite] | WEather Facsimile | |
Westar [Westar-6 was STS-41B/Challenger-deployed and STS-51A/Discovery-recovered] | WEstern union STAR | communications |
WFIRST / NGRST | Wide-Field InfraRed Survey Telescope | astronomical/telescope |
WFOV-T | Wide Field of View Testbed | military |
WGS | Wideband Gapfiller Satellite | communications |
Wika (Dial) | WIssenschafts-KApsel | scientific/research/technology |
WindSat (Coriolis) | WIND SATellite | environmental-observing |
WIRE (Explorer-75 / SMEX-5) | Wide-field InfraRed Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
WISE (NGSS, Explorer-92, MIDEX-6) / now NEOWISE | Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
WMAP (MAP / Explorer-80 / MIDEX-2) | Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe | scientific/research/technology |
WorldView | WORLD VIEW | environmental-observing |
WRESAT | Weapon Research Establishment SATellite | scientific/research/technology |
WSF [STS-deployed] | Wake Sheild Facility | scientific/research/technology |
X-series (Puck, Orba, Prospero, Miranda) | scientific/research/technology | |
X-37B_OTV | Orbital Test Vehicle | military |
XEUS [canceled] | X-ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy | astronomical/telescope |
XM (Sirius-XM) | Sirius-XM | communications |
XMM (Newton) | X-ray Multi-mirror Mission | astronomical/telescope |
XRISM | X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission | astronomical/telescope |
XTE (RXTE / Explorer-69, MIDEX-(-2)) | X-ray Timing Explorer | scientific/research/technology |
XY (Kaituo) | Xin Yan | scientific/research/technology |
YahSat | al YAH SATellite Communications Company | communications |
YG | Yaogan | environmental-observing |
YH | Yinghuo | planetary-exploration |
YES | Young Engineer's Satellite | scientific/research/technology |
ZX (ChinaSat) | ZhongXing | communications |
ZY-1 (CBERS) ZY-2 and ZY-3 (Resouce) | Zi Yuan Zhong Guo Zi Yuan | environmental-observing |
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