greenhouse effect

Climate Change
(including Greenhouse Effect,
Greenhouse Gases,
and Global Warming)

greenhouse effectCO2

Below is a checklist of postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.) related to Anthropogenic (man-made) climate change. Included are items referring to the greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, and global warming, as well as climate change. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the items featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

The greenhouse effect is the retention of part of the Sun's energy in the Earth's atmosphere in the form of heat as a result of the presence of greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapour). These gases allow incoming solar shortwave energy to pass through to the Earth's surface, where it can be absorbed, but capture and trap some of the resulting outgoing longwave radiation from the Earth. The natural greenhouse effect has resulted in an atmosphere warm enough to support life, but recent increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities are hypothesized to have led to increased temperatures, in a process referred to as global warming. This anthropogenic warming of the atmosphere appears to have caused changes to the climate above and beyond those that would naturally occur. Global warming is often subsumed into the more general term climate change, to represent its consequences. This climate change can manifest itself through, among other things, increased mean temperatures at the Earth's surface, more frequent hot spells and droughts, melting glaciers and ice caps and rising sea levels. It also has effects on the biosphere and the composition of the oceans, and it may be related to more frequent extreme weather events as well.

In this page, references to greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, CFCs, freon, carbon dioxide, carbon emissions, heat-trapping gases, etc.) are highlighted in green text. This makes it easy to identify them for anyone who wishes to study them more closely.

Philatelic items for international conferences that have some relation to climate are found in the Climate-related international conferences page, where the major themes of each conference are listed. In the tables of that page items with specific mention of climate change or global warming or other related text are highlighted in yellow so that the user can easily find them as well. Philatelic items for people who contributed to climatology are found in the Climatologists and contributors to climatology page, where brief classifications of their principal climatological contributions are found. In both pages the anthropogenic climate change theme is displayed in red, so the user can easily find all the conference and climatologist items that also relate to anthropogenic climate change.

Stamps in the Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers (PPRG) page can also be considered as implicitly related to the climate-change theme, although most of them do not mention climate change specifically.

In this page, a postal items with "Act Now" as their theme are highlighted in green.

Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Anthropogenic climate change Anthropogenic climate change

Below is a list of Anthropogenic (man-made) climate change on postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Anthropogenic climate change (including greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, and global warming)
AlgeriaNone(Red printed) cachet on (airmail) cover2012Symbolic global warming and melting of glaciers
Angola1620+selvedge1 (Mi2119+selvedge1)Stamp and selvedge, from MS10 (1620a (10x 1620))2019"Climate change"; "Melting glaciers"; "Ocean acidification"; "Species at risk"; "Rising sea levels" (in Portuguese text)
Angola1621+selvedge2 (Mi2118+selvedge2)Stamp and selvedge, from MS10 (1621a (10x 1621))
Angola1622+selvedge3 (Mi2117+selvedge3)Stamp and selvedge, from MS10 (1622a (10x 1622))
Angola1623+selvedge4 (Mi2116+selvedge4)Stamp and selvedge, from MS10 (1623a (10x 1623))
Angola1699 (BL189)SS1
Argentina2274 (Mi2879-2880)Pair (2274 (a-b)), from MS20 (2274a (10x (2274 (a-b))))2004Symbolic global warming; decreasing area of Argentina's forests
Argentina2274 fdcPair of stamps on FDC
Argentina2520 (BL105, Mi3252-3253)In (left) margin of MS2 (2520 (a-b))2009"Calentamiento Global" and "Derretimiento de los Hielos" ("Global Warming" and "Melting of Ice"); also IPY and PPRG
Argentina2520 fdcMS2 on FDC
ArgentinaNoneIRC22010"UNis contre le changement climatique" (UNited against climate change)
Aruba347 (BL10, Mi443-446)MS4 (347 (a-d)), also 347a detail2009"Global warming 2009"; parched soil in drought; melting Arctic ice; industrial smokestacks and automobile exhaust contributing to acid rain damage; deforestation; recycling and clean energy; two curves on graph (in detail image): smoothed increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 (in black), and rising observed mean temperatures (in red)
Aruba347 fdcMS4 on FDC
5902-5903 folder
Dual-country folder1990"Glaciology studies provide information about environmental and climate change and thus contribute to the international debate concerning the greenhouse effect."
Australia2886 (Mi3026)From block of 4 (2889a (2886-2889)) (Mi3026-3029)2008Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2887 (Mi3027)Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2888 (Mi3028)Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2889 (Mi3029)Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2886-2889 gutterGutter block of 10, with 5 guttersLiving green set (climate-change context)
Australia2889a fdcBlock of 4 stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDCLiving green set (climate-change context); Stop CO2
Australia2889a packBlock of 4 stamps in presentation pack; also frontLiving green set (climate-change context)
Australia2890 (Mi3030)From block of 4 (2893a (2890-2893)) (Mi3030-3033)Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2891 (Mi3031)Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2892 (Mi3032)Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2893 (Mi3033)Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2890-2893 fdcFour stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDCLiving green set (climate-change context); Stop CO2
Australia2893d (MH363)Double-sided booklet of 20Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2893eHorizontal coil strip of 4 (2890-2893)Living green set (climate-change context)
Australia2890-2893 bk ofc (MH364)Prestige booklet of 20 front cover outsideLiving green
Australia2890-2893 bk ifcPrestige booklet of 20 front cover insideIncreasing global average temperature - observed and forecast
Australia2890-2893 bk p1Prestige booklet of 20 page 1Booklet index; Climate change - the big picture
Australia2890-2893 bk p2Prestige booklet of 20 page 2Climate change - the big picture; climate change and living green; greenhouse gas emissions; CO2
Australia2890-2893 bk p3Prestige booklet of 20 page 3Antarctic ice melting due to the effects of global warming
Australia2890-2893 bk p4Prestige booklet of 20 page 4Methane; greenhouse gases; burning fossil fuels; rising temperatures and sea levels; climate change (text follows from page 2)
Australia2893bBooket pane of 4 from prestige booklet of 20 page 5 (page 6 on reverse side is blank)Droughts and water restrictions
Australia2890-2893 bk p7Prestige booklet of 20 page 7Household greenhouse gas emissions
Australia2890-2893 bk p8Prestige booklet of 20 page 8Saving water; climate change and exacerbated dry conditions in Australia; carbon emissions
Australia2890aBooket pane of 2 from prestige booklet of 20 page 9 (page 10 on reverse side is blank)Saving water; rainwater tanks
Australia2890-2893 bk p11Prestige booklet of 20 page 11Save water and save up to half a kilo(gram) of greenhouse gas for every minute
Australia2890-2893 bk page 12Prestige booklet of 20 page 12Reducing waste; recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions; organic waste produces methane, a greenhouse gas significantly more potent than CO2
Australia2891aBooket pane of 2 from prestige booklet of 20 page 13 (page 14 on reverse side is blank)Recycling - closing the loop
Australia2890-2893 bk p15Prestige booklet of 20 page 15Compost worms
Australia2890-2893 bk p16Prestige booklet of 20 page 16Saving energy and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions
Australia2893aBooket pane of 2 from prestige booklet of 20 page 17 (page 18 on reverse side is blank)Solar energy generates electricity without creating greenhouse gases
Australia2890-2893 bk p19Prestige booklet of 20 page 19Using less electrical energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Australia2890-2893 bk p20Prestige booklet of 20 page 20Travel smart; transport and cars contribute to greenhouse gas emissions
Australia2892aBooket pane of 2 from prestige booklet of 20 page 21 (page 22 on reverse side is blank)Travel smart (in a climate-change context)
Australia2890-2893 bk p23Prestige booklet of 20 page 23Greenhouse gas emissions from different forms of transport
Australia2890-2893 bk p24Prestige booklet of 20 page 24Elements of living green
Australia2893c front (Mi3030-3033 front)Booklet pane of 4 from prestige booklet of 20 page 25 (part of two-sided booklet pane of 8)Living green tips; saving greenhouse gases; reference to
Australia2893c back (Mi3030-3033 back)Booklet pane of 4 (different) from prestige booklet of 20 page 26 (part of two-sided booklet pane of 8)Living green and recycling
Australia2890-2893 bk ibcPrestige booklet of 20 back cover insideAcknowledgments; Australian Dep't of Climate Change; Climate Research Unit, Univ. of East Anglia; snow melt due to warm temperatures
Australia2890-2893 bk obcPrestige booklet of 20 back cover outsideCracked ground at Wivenhoe Dam due to drought (in a changing climate)
AustraliaNone1 (Mi5089)Personalized self-adhesive, from booklet pane of 5 (Mi5089-5093), with booklet front (MH857)2020Climate change is contributing to Australian "bushfire[s]", which on average are more frequent and intense and cover larger areas than in the past.
AustraliaNone1 fdcStamp and (WCS/Wesley) cachet on FDC
AustraliaNone1-5 fdc1One of five stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
AustraliaNone1-5 fdc2One of five stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
AustraliaNone1-5 fdc3Booklet pane of 5 on FDC (WCS cachet)
Australian Antarctic TerritoryL149a fdc(Australia Post) back of FDC, also front2009"the importance of Earth's poles and glaciers and how they are threatened by global warming".
Australian Antarctic TerritoryUnknown folder (Mi5089-5093 folder)Folder back, also front and inside2018"the influence of climate change"
Austria2338 (Mi?)2011CO2 and carbon neutral
Azerbaijan1287 (BL255, Mi1584-1593)MS10 (1287 (a-j))2020"Act Now"
Azerbaijan1287a-j fdcTen stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Bangladesh730 (Mi902)2008"Protecting health from climate change"
Bangladesh730 fdcStamp on FDC
Belarus1217a (Mi1382)MS8 (8x 1217 + label)2020"Act now - climate action"
Belarus1217 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Belgium2015 (Mi3327)
From MS10 (2015a (10x 2015))
2004"Climate and CO2"; graphic in red showing long term increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration with seasonal short term
Belgium2015 fdc1Stamp and cachet on FDC (Liege cancel)
Belgium2015 fdc2Stamp and cachet (different) on FDC (Liege cancel)
Belgium2015 maxiMaxicard (Liege cancel)
Belgium2017 (Mi3329)
From MS10 (2017a (10x 2017))Earth and graphic in red showing increase in mean global temperature
Belgium2017 fdcStamp and cachet on FDC (Liege cancel)
Belgium2015-2018 fdcTwo of four stamps on FDC (Liege cancel)(As above for stamps)
Belgium2015-2018 fd-sheetTwo of four stamps on FD sheet (Brussels cancel)
Belgium2434e (Mi4065)One of strip of 5 (2434 (a-e)), or two of MS10 (2434f (2x (2434 (a-e))) (Mi4061-4065)2010Global warming
Belgium2823 (Mi4728)From strip of 2 (2824b (2823-2824)) (Mi4728-4729)2017Global warming, 1950 - 2017
Belgium2824 (Mi4729)Cool temperature anomaly of parts of the world in 1950 (-2°C), and warm anomaly of parts of the world in 2017 (+2°C)
Belgium2824aBooklet pane of 10 (5x (2823-2824)) (Mi4728-4729), also booklet front and back(As above for stamps)
BeninUnknown (Mi?)2010Global warming
Bolivia1556 (Mi?)2013Bolivian "Department of the Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Forestry Management and Development"
Brazil3218m (Mi?)One of MS24 (3218 (a-x))2012"Reducing carbon emissions" (in Portuguese text)
Brazil3218i-j+3218m-n fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Brazil3309 (Mi?)From MS30 (3309a (30x 3309))2014"Reducing CO2 emissions" (in Portuguese text)
British Antarctic TerritoryB1-B4 fdcInsert back from FDC (BAT Official cachet), also insert front and cover front1994"global warming"
British Antarctic Territory342 (Mi381-382)Pair (342 (a-b))2004Antarctic temperature trends since 1950
British Antarctic Territory342cMS20 (10x (342 (a-b)))
British Antarctic Territory344 (Mi385-386)Pair (344 (a-b))Rise in mean summer air temperatures at Faraday station
British Antarctic Territory344cMS20 (10x (344 (a-b)))
British Antarctic Territory342-344 fdcTwo of three pairs of stamps on FDC(As above for stamps)
British Antarctic Territory417 (BL17)MS4 (417 (a-d))2009 "The Effects of Climate Change" (on Antarctic ice shelves); also "climate change, increasing air temperatures, changing wind patterns, rising sea surface temperatures" (in text in left margin of MS)
British Antarctic Territory417 fdcMS4 on FDC
Bulgaria4597a (BL?)In (lower-right) margin of simulated-perforation SS12012"Global warming and Antarctic fauna"
Burundi1114 (Mi2570-2573)MS4 (a-d)2012"Réchauffement climatique"
Burundi1114 fdcMS4 and cachet on FDC
Burundi1114a ms (Mi?)MS4 (4x 1114a)
Burundi1114b ms (Mi?)MS4 (4x 1114b)
Burundi1114c ms (Mi?)MS4 (4x 1114c)
Burundi1114d ms (Mi?)MS4 (4x 1114d)
Burundi1114a ss (BL?)SS1 (1114a)
Burundi1114b ss (BL?)SS1 (1114b)
Burundi1114c ss (BL?)SS1 (1114c)
Burundi1114d ss (BL?)SS1 (1114d)
Burundi1114a ds
i1114a ds
Deluxe sheet (1114a)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (i1114a)
Burundi1114b ds
i1114b ds
Deluxe sheet (1114b)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (i1114b)
Burundi1114c ds
i1114c ds
Deluxe sheet (1114c)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (i1114c)
Burundi1114d ds
i1114d ds
Deluxe sheet (1114d)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (i1114d)
Burundi1134 (BL238)SS1
Burundi1134 fdcSS1 and cachet on FDC
Burundi1134 ms (Mi?)MS4 (4x 1134_stamp)
Burundi1134 ds
i1134 ds
Deluxe sheet (1134_stamp)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (i1134_stamp)
CambodiaUnknown1 (Mi?)2010Unite to combat climate change
CambodiaUnknown2 (Mi?)"Unite to combat climate change"; forest fire; flood; parched and cracked soil in drought
CambodiaUnknown3 (Mi?)Unite to combat climate change; "Protect forest to save climate"
CambodiaUnknown4 (Mi?)Unite to combat climate change; melting polar ice and rising sea level
CambodiaUnknown5 (Mi?)Unite to combat climate change; "Forest restores carbon dioxide"
CambodiaUnknown fdcFive stamps and cancel and cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
CambodiaUnknown folderSouvenir folder
CambodiaUnknown ss (BL?)SS1Unite to combat climate change; forest fire; flood; parched and cracked soil in drought (in part of stamp and right margin)
CambodiaUnknown ss fdcSS1 and cancel and cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
Canada2326-2327 fdc (Mi? fdc)(Lowe Marting) back of FDC, also front2009"Global warming" and "rapid increase in temperature" in Arctic; changing global weather patterns; accelerated melting of sea and land ice; effect on polar bear habitat; also PPRG
CanadaUnknown card (Mi? card)Canada and UN souvenir card (no stamp visible)2017"the fight against climate change"
Central African RepublicMi4815-4818_ms4MS4 (Mi4815-4818)2014"Le Réchauffement de la Planète"
Central African RepublicMi4815-4818_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Central African RepublicBL1176SS1
Central African RepublicBL1176 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Central African RepublicBL1671SS12017"The shrinking Arctic ice cap" (in French text in stamp); also two images showing the shrinking Arctic ice cap through satellite estimates of ice thickness (in left margin)
Central African RepublicMi7355-7358_ms4MS4 (Mi7355-7358)2017"Global warming"; "Threatened by global warming, reindeer are losing weight" (in the lower margin of the SS1); (in French text)
Central African RepublicBL1672SS1
Central African RepublicMi8364-8367_ms4MS4 (Mi8364-8367)2018"Le réchauffement climatique"
Central African RepublicBL1877SS1
Central African RepublicMi9227-9736_ms10MS10 (Mi9727-9736)2020"Act Now" (in French text)
Central African RepublicMi9227-9736 fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
ChadMi3975-3984_ms10MS10 (Mi3975-3984)2020"Act Now" ("pour faire face à la crise climatique")
ChadMi3975-3984 fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
ChadMi5184-5187_ms4MS4 (Mi5184-5187)2021climate change (in French text)
Chile1178a-b (Mi1775-1776)Two of MS4 (1178 (a-d)) (Mi1775-1778)1996Forest fires in the context of global warming due to manmade climate change
Chile1178a-b fdcTwo stamps on FDC (Correos de Chile cachet), also back
Chile1178 brochureBrochure
China (People's Republic)NoneCachet on cover1991WED3 1991 theme: "Climate Change and the need for a Global Partnership"
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back2002Symbolic global warming; Lulong Environmental Protection bureau
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back, also front2009Global warming
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back, also front2010?"You can help stop global warming"
China (People's Republic)NonePostal card back (different), also front2010?"You can help stop global warming"
China (People's Republic)None(Blue pictorial) cancel on WMD postal card2012"Reduce CO2 emissions to protect the atmosphere" (in Chinese text in blue cancel)
China (People's Republic)4281 (Mi?)From MS6 (4281a (6x 4281)), or from MS16 (4281b (16x 4281))2015"Establish a low-carbon ... lifestyle" (from text in FDC back)
China (People's Republic)4281 fdcStamp and cancel and cachet on FDC, also back
Comoro IslandsMi2728One of MS4 (Mi2727-2730)2009"Fonte des glaciers" (melting glaciers) (due to global warming)
Comoro IslandsMi2727-2730_ms4 fdcMS4 on FDC
Comoro IslandsBL581SS1
Comoro IslandsBL581 fdcSS1 on FDC
Comoro IslandsMi2737A-2740A_ms4
MS4 (Mi2737A-2740A)
Imperforate MS4 (Mi2737B-2740B)
2009"Combat contre le réchauffement de la Terre"
Comoro IslandsBL583A
SS1 (Mi2745A)
Imperforate SS1 (Mi2745B)
Comoro IslandsMi2741A-2744A_ms4
MS4 (Mi2741A-2744A)
Imperforate MS4 (Mi2741B-2744B)
2009"Les Ravages du Changement de Climat"
Comoro IslandsBL584A
SS1 (Mi2746A)
Imperforate SS1 (Mi2746B)
"Les Ravages du Changement de Climat" and "Fonte des Glaciers"
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (lower-right) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2017"Protection du Climat"; GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) Follow-On mission
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-right) margin of SS1 (different) [known illegal issue]
Congo RepublicUnknown ss fdcSS1 on FDC
Congo RepublicUnknown ms (Mi none)On both labels of MS2 (a-b + 2 labels) [known illegal issue]
CroatiaNone(Meteorological and Hydrological Service/Croatian Meteorological Society) cachet on WMD cover2002"Reducing vulnerability to weather and climate extremes"; Graphic with observed temperatures rising in global warming
CroatiaNone(Croatian Meteorological Society) cachet on WMD cover2003"Our future climate"; Graphic with observed and forecast temperatures rising in global warming
Croatia1175a (Mi1462)MS10 (10x 1175 + 10 labels)2020"Act now - the campaign against climate change" (in Croatian text)
Croatia1175+label fdcStamp and label and (pictorial) cancel and (Croatia Post) cachet on FDC
Croatia1175+label folderFolder
CroatiaUnknown (Mi1663)From MS10 (10x single)2024The fight against climate change (through tree planting)
CroatiaUnknown fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Croatia Post) cachet on FDC"Borba protiv klimatskih promjena" ("The fight against climate change") (text in the cachet and the cancel)
CyprusNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover2009"Climate change: a challenge for the IMO, too!" (International Maritime Organization)
Denmark999 (Mi1072)1994Save Earth from CO2 (and global warming)!
Denmark998-999 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Denmark1373 (Mi1460)One of MS2 (1373a (1372-1373)) (BL29)2007mapping sea ice (for climate-change studies)
Denmark1372-1373 fdcOne stamp of MS and cancel and cachet on FDC
United States
1373a fdc
4123 fdc
One of two MS and cancel on dual-country FDC2007mapping sea ice (for climate-change studies)
Djibouti1322 (Mi2032-2035)MS4 (1322 (a-d))2017"Le réchauffement climatique"
Djibouti1322 fdcMS4 and (multi-oolor printed) cachet on FDC
Djibouti1341 (BL1092)SS1
Djibouti1341 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Djibouti1595 (Mi2633-2636)MS4 (1595 (a-d))2018"Le réchauffement climatique"
Djibouti1614 (BL1248)SS1
Djibouti2231 (Mi3766-3775)MS10 (2231 (a-j))2020"Act Now"
Djibouti2231a-j fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Dominican Republic1482 (Mi2188)2010Polar protection (reference to global warming and melting ice)
Egypt2000 (Mi2336)2007Melting polar ice
Egypt1999-2000 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Egypt2018 (Mi2355)2008Atmospheric CO2
Egypt2019 (Mi2356)
Egypt2018-2019 fdcTwo stamps and cancel and cachet on FDC
Faroe Islands509a (BL24)MS2 (508-509)2009"Global Warming"; also PPRG
Faroe Islands508-509 fdcTwo stamps and cancel and cachet on FDC
Faroe Islands508-509 folderFolder
FinlandB266 (Mi?)2010(Fight climate change with) Posti Green carbon neutral stamp. 5 euro cents surcharge goes to construction of a solar power plant, which will help offset carbon emissions due to postal delivery
Finland1573 (Mi?)Self-adhesive MS3 (1573 (a-c))2018Some effects of "climate change" ("ilmastonmuutoksen" in Finnish, "klimatförändringen" in Swedish)
Finland1573 fdcMS3 on FDC, also back
Finland (and PetersPost)Unknown ms (Mi none)MS10 (a-j)2020"Act Now"
France3793 (Mi?)From booklet pane of 12 (3793a (3782-3793))2010"Fonte des glaciers" (due to global warming)
France3362a personalized (Mi?)One of ten (La Poste) personalized postage in 3362 booklet of 10 Save the Oceans postage sponsored by the Maud Fontenoy Foundation, with booklet outside (front and back)2010"Ocean acidification" (French text in stamp) caused by "excess atmospheric CO2 absorbed by global waters" (in French text in left margin)
France3362h personalized (Mi?)One of ten (La Poste) personalized postage in 3362 booklet of 10 Save the Oceans postage sponsored by the Maud Fontenoy Foundation, with booklet outside (front and back)"Global warming" (French text in stamp); sea level rise depicted in stamp; melting of ice referred to in right margin of stamp; also "climate change is affecting the oceans" and "ocean currents move heat from the tropics to cooler regions of the globe, but global warming could change the currents and therefore modify the climate" (in French text in left margin)
France3363 personalized envelope(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope (part of a group of personalized philatelic items sponsored by the Maud Fontenoy Foundation)Global warming" (in French text) and depiction of sea level rise (same design as stamp 'h' above)
FranceNone(European Parliament?) cachet on cover2010"Global warming and melting of Arctic ice" and "Strategy on climate change" (in French text); also a partial map of ice coverage in the Arctic
France3362 personalized(La Poste) personalized postage2011"Réchauffement climatique"
France3362 personalized cover(La Poste) personalized postage and cachet on private post cover
France3364 personalized(La Poste) personalized postage (different)"Global warming"
France3364 personalized cover(La Poste) personalized postage and cachet on private post cover (different)
FranceNoneCachet on cover2013Carbon neutral Post Office; net zero CO2
4798-4799 folder1
2725-2726 folder1
Dual-country folder inside, also outside2015The SARAL and Megha-Tropiques satellite missions are for "climate and environmental monitoring" that "aim to observe climatic phenomena in order to understand the mechanisms and anticipate their consequences on a planetary level (global warming, cyclones, monsoons, flooding and droughts)"
4798-4799 folder2
2725-2726 folder2
Dual-country FDC folder inside, also outside
FranceNone+label (Mi?)(Historiaphil) privatepost label (part of stamp and label combination)2019"Greta Thunberg, young climate activist from Sweden"
FranceNone(Historiaphil) privatepost label and (Historiaphil) cachet on cover2019(As above for stamp); "debate on the fight against climate change with Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate activist"
FranceNone(Lettre-verte) personalized postage, from booklet of 10 (10x single)2020"Changement climatique"
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesNoneCachet on cover1994Bright Sun and new record high temperature (25.8°C) that shattered the previous record (23.1°C) (possibly related to global warming)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesNone(Black printed) cachet on cover1996Physical chemistry of the troposphere, including CO2 measurements
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesNone(Black printed) cachet on (un-stamped) cover1999"Amsterdam - St. Paul" [measurements of atmospheric] "CO2"
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesNoneCachet on cover2000Physical chemistry of the atmosphere, including CO2 measurements (tower design in cachet is same as in FSAT 371)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesNoneCachet on cover2004RAMCES (not RAMSES as in cachet) measurement of atmospheric CO2 at Amsterdam Island (RAMCES: Réseau Atmosphérique de Mesure des Composés à Effet de Serre: Greenhouse gases measurement network); (see also FSAT 371 and FSAT Unknown ss 2022)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesNoneCachet on cover2005"Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in a Climate Change Perspective"; similar to cachet on German cover 2005
French Southern and Antarctic Territories371 (Mi601)2006Increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 shown by 25 years of observations at Amsterdam Island (RAMCES: Réseau Atmosphérique de Mesure des Composés à Effet de Serre: Greenhouse gases measurement network); (see also FSAT cover 2004, and FSAT Unknown ss 2022)
French Southern and Antarctic Territories371 proofSigned proof
French Southern and Antarctic Territories533 (BL?)SS12015"Terre Adélie - Sentinelle du Climat"
French Southern and Antarctic Territories533 cover (BL? cover)SS1 on cover2017"Terre Adélie - Sentinelle du Climat"
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesUnknown ss (BL?)SS12022Measurements of CO2 and CH4 at Pointe-Bénédicte, Amsterdam Island; (see also FSAT 371 and FSAT cover 2004)
Germany1884 fdc(ETABO) cachet on FDC1995Graphic of mean temperatures from 1920 to 1995, with an apparent increase starting in the 1980s
GermanyNone(Text) cancel on cover1996Establishment of the UNFCCC Secretariat in Bonn, Germany on 12 August 1996
GermanyNoneCachet on cover2005"Sea ice biogeochemistry in a climate change perspective"; similar to cachet on FSAT cover 2005
GermanyB966 (Mi2508)2006"Climate change concerns everyone"
GermanyB966 fdc1Stamp and (?) cachet on FDC
GermanyB966 fdc2Stamp and (Deutsche Post) cachet on FDC
GermanyB966 fdc3Stamp on FDC (? cachet)
GermanyB966 card (Mi2508 card)FDC card
GermanyNoneDHL envelope2009/2010Go Green envelope - "climate neutral" (to fight global warming)
GermanyNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover2010Climate protection through hydroelectricity
GermanyNoneCachet on cover2011"ProKlima CO2 neutral"
GermanyNone(Blue text) meter on cover2011"CO2 neutral"
GermanyNone(Blue pictorial) meter2011"Klimaschutz" ("Climate protection")
Germany2937 (Mi3265)Also MS10 (2937a (10x 2937))2016"Climate protection through electric vehicles" (in German text)
Germany2937 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Deutsche Post) cachet on FDC
Germany2937 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Germany2937 cardFDC card
Germany3237 (Mi3634)Also MS10 (3237a (10x 3237))2021"Forests protect the climate; the dangers of climate change" (in German text)
Germany3237 fdc1Stamp and (Berlin pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Germany3237 fdc2Stamp and (Bonn pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Germany3237 folderFDC folder
Ghana1165 (Mi1335)1989WED3: "bush fires" (in the context of a changing climate)
Great Britain1465 (Mi1416)1992"Greenhouse effect"
Great Britain1465 fdcStamp and (Fleetwood) cachet on FDC (Edinburgh cancel), also back
Great Britain1465 card(Royal Mail) PHQ card back, also front
Great Britain1463-1466 fdc1One of four stamps on FDC (Howletts, Canterbury cancel, Royal Mail cachet)
Great Britain1463-1466 fdc2One of four stamps on FDC (Stockport cancel, Royal Mail cachet)
Great Britain1463-1466 fdc3One of four stamps on FDC (Twickenham cancel, Royal Mail cachet)
Great Britain1463-1466 fdc4One of four stamps on FDC (Poole, Dorset cancel, Cotswold & Stuart cachet)
Great Britain1463-1466 fdc5One of four stamps on FDC (Edinburgh cancel, Fleetwood cachet), also back
Great Britain1463-1466 fdc6One of four stamps on FDC (Poole Dorset cancel, Mercury cachet), also back
Great Britain1963-1966 fdc (Mi1924-1927 fdc)(?) cachet on back of FDC, also front2001"Effect climate change might have on planting" (at Sheffield Park Garden) (in text)
Great BritainUnknown pane (Mi?)Booklet pane of 8 and label, also booklet front2011"New data released by the Catlin Arctic Survey and the WWF provide further evidence of thinning Arctic sea ice" (due to global warming)
GreeceNonePostcard back, also front2007Observed and forecast temperature anomalies with accelerating global warming in the 21st Century (in colored graphic); "Earth is heating at unprecedented historical rates...[leading to] serious climate change, extreme weather occurrences, extended periods of drought, water shortages and rises in sea levels... Join Greenpeace to take avoid dangerous climate change" (in Greek text)
Greenland572a (Mi?)SS1 (572)2010melting ice (due to global warming) 1990-2010
Guinea RepublicBL1391In (right) margin of SS12007"le réchauffement climatique terrestre"
Guinea RepublicBL1391 fdcSS1 on FDC
Guinea RepublicBL1413SS1 (Mi5114)2007"fight against global warming" and "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" (in French text); Al Gore
Guinea RepublicBL1416SS1 (Mi5120)"global warming and ice melt" (in French text)
Guinea RepublicMi5163-5168_ms6MS6 (Mi5163-5168)2007"Réchauffement climatique"; industrial smokestacks; Al Gore; Arnold Schwarzenegger
Guinea RepublicBL1435SS1 (Mi5169)"Réchauffement climatique"; Arnold Schwarzenegger; melting of ice, sea level rise and effect on flora and fauna (in French text)
Guinea RepublicBL1398In (right) margin of SS1 (Mi5084)2007"les effets du réchauffement climatique"
Guinea RepublicBL1398 fdcSS1 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi10303-10305_ms3MS3 (Mi10303-10305)2014"Effects of global warming on polar bears" (in French text)
Guinea RepublicMi10303-10305_ms3 fdcMS3 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Guinea RepublicBL2351SS1 (Mi10306)"Effects of global warming on polar bears"; also a summary of global warming and its effects in the 20th Century due to "gaz à effet de serre" (greenhouse gases) (in French text)
Guinea RepublicBL2351 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi12675-12678_ms4MS4 (Mi12675-12678)2017"Le réchauffement climatique"
Guinea RepublicBL2831SS1 (Mi12679)"Le réchauffement climatique"; "global warming"
Guinea RepublicMi14723-14732_ms10MS10 (Mi14723-14732)2020"Act Now"
Guinea RepublicMi14723-14732 fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi14672-14675_ms4MS4 (Mi14672-14675)2020"Global Warming and Climate Change" (in French text)
Guinea RepublicBL3288SS1
Guinea-BissauMi3668-3671_ms4MS4 (Mi3668-3671)2007"Luta contra o Aquecimento de Terra"; Al Gore
Imperforate SS1
"Luta contra o Aquecimento de Terra"; Al Gore
Guinea-BissauBL621A fdc
BL621B fdc
SS1 on FDC
Imperforate SS1 on FDC
Guinea-BissauMi4420-4424_ms5MS5 (Mi4420-4424)2009"Aquecimento Global e Espécies Ameaçadas" (global warming and effects on wildlife); melting ice; industrial smokestacks
Guinea-BissauMi4420_ss1SS1 (Mi4420)"Aquecimento global"
Guinea-BissauMi4421_ss1SS1 (Mi4421)
Guinea-BissauMi4422_ss1SS1 (Mi4422)
Guinea-BissauMi4423_ss1SS1 (Mi4423)
Guinea-BissauMi4424_ss1SS1 (Mi4424)
Guinea-BissauBL720SS1 (Mi4425)"Aquecimento Global e Espécies Ameaçadas" (global warming and effects on wildlife); melting ice; illustration of greenhouse effect; industrial smokestacks; sea level rise (in Portuguese text)
Guinea-BissauMi4635-4639_ms5MS5 (Mi4635-4639)2010"Aquecimento Global"; effects on wildlife; melting ice
Guinea-BissauUnknown iss (BL?)Imperforate SS12010"Melting icebergs" (and by implication, melting ice in general)
Guinea-BissauUnknown iss (BL?)Imperforate SS1 (different)"Global warming in the Arctic and Antarctic"
Guinea-BissauUnknown iss (BL?)Imperforate SS1 (different)"Melting icebergs" (and by implication, melting ice in general)
Guinea-BissauUnknown iss (BL?)Imperforate SS1 (different)"Global warming in the Arctic and Antarctic"
Guinea-BissauUnknown iss (BL?)Imperforate SS1 (different)"Melting icebergs" (and by implication, melting ice in general)
Guinea-BissauMi6037-6040 msMS4 (Mi6037-6040)2012"Aquecimento Global"
GuyanaUnlisted (Mi?)1996Greenpeace: "Save the Climate"
IndiaNoneCachet on cover1992"Indian army expedition to Antarctica for scientific research on global warming"
IndiaNoneCachet on cover (possibly different cancel month and/or day)1992"Indian army expedition to Antarctica for scientific research on global warming"
IndiaNoneCachet on cover1993"Indian army expedition to Antarctica for scientific research on global warming"
IndiaNoneCachet on cover1994"Indian army expedition to Antarctica for scientific research on global warming"
IndiaNoneCachet on cover1995"Indian army expedition to Antarctica for scientific research on global warming"
IndiaNoneCachet on cover1996"Indian army expedition to Antarctica for scientific research on global warming"
IndiaNoneCachet on cover1996"Use renewable sources of energy; save fossil fuel reserves"
India2390c (Mi2451-2452)In (lower) margin of MS20 (10x (2390b (2389-2390)))2009"temperature change per decade (°C)"; also PPRG
IndiaNone(Pictorial) cancel on cover2009Symbolic global warming; save our climate
IndiaNonePostal receipt2011"Global warming - threat to Earth"
IndiaNonePostal receipt (different)2011"Minimize the emission of CO2"
IndiaNonePostal receipt2012"Check for vehicle pollution"
IndiaNonePostal receipt (different)2012"Replenish Earth with trees"
IndiaNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover, also back2012"Save [a] girl, save [the] Earth"; "Planting of trees...on [the] birth of [a] girl...provides financial insurance for the girl and improves the environment, too"
Indonesia2102 (Mi?)Strip of 2 (a-b), from MS20 (2102c (10x (2102 (a-b)))2007"Melting Ice - A Hot Topic"
Indonesia2102 fdcStrip of 2 and cachet on FDC
Indonesia2103 (Mi?)Strip of 2 (a-b), from MS20 (2103c (10x (2103 (a-b)))2007Global warming symbolized by forest loss due to more frequent forest fires; tree roots, drawn as a snowflake, are melting and the upper part of the tree is in flames (symbolic of global warming) (in FDC cancel)
Indonesia2103 fdcStrip of 2 and cancel and cachet on FDC
Indonesia2104 (BL229)MS2 (2104 (a-b))2007"Melting Ice - A Hot Topic"
Indonesia2104 fdcMS2 and cachet on FDC
Indonesia2142a (Mi?)From MS20 (2142c (10x 2142 (a-b)))2008Carbon and the environment: "CO2 - Kick the Habit! - Towards a low carbon economy"
Indonesia2142b (Mi?)
Indonesia2142 fdcStrip of two stamps on FDC
Indonesia2143 (BL?)MS2 (2143 (a-b))
Indonesia2143 fdcMS2 on FDC
Indonesia2184d (Mi?)MS12 (4x (2184 (a-c)))2009"Pemanasan Global" [Global Warming] (in text in each stamp); "UNite to Combat Climate Change"; parched soil in drought; industrial smokestacks and their contribution to acid rain damage
Indonesia2184a-c fdcThree stamps and cachet on FDC
Indonesia2185 (BL?)SS1
Indonesia2185 fdcSS1 and cachet on FDC
Ireland2303-2304 (Mi2389-2390)Self-adhesive set of 22021"Act Now on Climate Change"; "The Future is in Your Hands"
Ireland2303-2304 fdcTwo stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Ireland Post) cachet on FDC, also back
Isle of Man (Great Britain)1833 (Mi2207)2016"zero emissions"
Israel1778b+label (Mi2064+label)One of strip of 3 (1778a-c + 3 tabs), or three of MS9 (1778d (3x 1778a-c))2009"Global warming"
Israel1778a-c fdcStrip of 3 on FDC
Israel1778d fdc1MS9 on FDC
Israel1778d fdc2MS9 on FDC (slightly different)
Italy3731a (BL89, Mi4289)SS1 (Stamp (3731) + 9 labels)2021"Act now"
Italy3731a+cancelSS1 with FDOI cancel
Italy3731 card3731 card, also back
Italy3731a folder3731a folder outside, also page1 and page 4 and page2 and page3
Italy3731 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Post Italiane) cachet on FDC
Italy3731 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Post Italiane) cachet (different) on FDC
Kenya908 (Mi?)2017"climate action" (UN goal 13)
Kiribati731 (Mi790)1998"Greenhouse effect"; Fossil fuels, CFCs and cattle (representing methane release) and their "contribution to greenhouse gases"
Kiribati731 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Kiribati732 (Mi791)"Greenhouse effect" and diagram with "Explanation of the greenhouse effect"
Kiribati732 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Kiribati733 (Mi792)"Greenhouse effect" and rising sea level
Kiribati733 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Kiribati734 (Mi793)
Kiribati734 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Kiribati735 (BL37)SS1"Greenhouse effect"
Kiribati735 specimenSS1 overprinted "specimen"
Kiribati731-734 fdcFour stamps and (pictorial) cancel and (Kiribati Post) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
Kiribati735 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Kiribati Post) cachet on FDC
Korea (South)2407a (Mi2941)From block of 4 (2407 (a-d)), or from MS8 (2x (2407 (a-d))) (Mi2939-2942), or from MS8 with control number, or from MS8 with different border2013Reducing atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases from industrial emissions through energy conservation
Korea (South)2407c (Mi2939)Polar ice in the balance: energy conservation can make a difference (through decreased emissions of greenhouse gases)
Korea (South)2407a fdcStamp on FDC(As above for stamps)
Korea (South)2407c fdcStamp on FDC
Korea (South)2407 folderFDC folder
Kyrgyz Express Post141 (Mi157)From MS3 (141a (3x 141 + 9 labels))2020"Act Now"
Kyrgyz Express Post141 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Lebanon510 (Mi1351)1994Symbolic protect Earth from global warming
LebanonNoneIRC2, also back2010?"UNis contre le changement climatique" (UNited against climate change)
Liberia3440 (Mi?)MS10 (3440 (a-j))2020"Act now ... confront the climate crisis"
Liberia3440 fdcMS10 and (Liberia Post) cachet on FDC
MadagascarUnknown ms (Mi none)MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2019"Changement climatique [observé par des] satellites ESA - NASA" (in the printed cachet of all three FDCs); "Protection du climat" (in the purple rubber-stamp cachet in all three FDCs); "Surveillance du climat" (in the margins of the MS4 and SS1)
MadagascarUnknown ms fdcMS4 and (Lollini) cachet on FDC
MadagascarUnknown a-d+ fdc(Lollini) cachet on FDC
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL none)In (upper-right) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]
MadagascarUnknown ss fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed and purple rubber-stamp) cachets on FDC
MadagascarUnknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d + label), Madagascar Unknown ms 2006 overprinted in black, also overprint template (elements)2022"climate change"
MadagascarUnknown ss (BL?)SS1, Madagascar Unknown ss 2006 overprinted in black, also overprint template (elements)
MadagascarUnknown ss fdcSS1 on FDC
Maldive Islands14441 (Mi1533)SS11990"Global warming - greenhouse effect" due to "forest burning", "fuel burning" and "methane and freon"
Maldive Islands1516 (Mi1531)1991"Global warming - melting ice could raise sea level"
Maldive Islands1517 (Mi1532)
Maldive Islands3238 (BL73, Mi5344)SS12014"climate change"
Maldive IslandsMi9205-9208_ms4MS4 (Mi9205-9208)2020"Global warming" and "Climate change" and "CO2"
Maldive IslandsBL1499SS1
Maldive IslandsUnknown ms (Mi?)MS10 (a-j)2021"Act Now"
Maldive IslandsUnknown ms fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Maldive IslandsUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
Maldive IslandsUnknown ss fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Malta1699-1701 (BL84-86)Set of 3 SS12021"Act Now"
Malta1699-1701 fdcThree SS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (Malta Post) cachet on FDC
Malta1699 fdcSS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (Malta Post) cachet on FDC
Malta1700 fdcSS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (Malta Post) cachet on FDC
Malta1701 fdcSS1 and (pictorial) cancel and (Malta Post) cachet on FDC
Mexico2620 (Mi?)2009WED3: symbolic global warming
Mexico2620 scSouvenir card
Micronesia421d (Mi?)From MS4 (421 (a-d))2001"Greenhouse effect"; industrial smokestacks; effect of acid rain; parched soil due to desertification caused by deforestation
MicronesiaNonePhone card, also back200?"climate change"
MonacoNone(Pictorial) cancel2010"changements climatiques"
Monaco2854 (Mi?)MS4 (2854 (a-d))2016Risk to fauna posed by global warming
Monaco3025a (Mi3509)One of pair (3025 (Mi3509-3510), or four of MS8 (3025c (4x 3025 (a-b)))2020UN Climate Action logo
Monaco3025 fdcPair on FDC
Mozambique1901a (Mi3462)From MS6 (1901 (a-f)) (Mi3462-3467)2009"Iceberg a derreter" (melting iceberg (due to global warming))
Mozambique1901d (Mi3465)
Mozambique1901f (Mi3467)
Mozambique1901 fdcMS6 on FDC
MozambiqueMi3644-3649_ms6MS6 (Mi3644-3649)2010"Aquecimento global"
MozambiqueMi7067-7070_ms4MS4 (Mi7067-7070)2013"Global warming" (in Portuguese text)
MozambiqueMi7630-7633_ms4MS4 (Mi7630-7633)2014"Global warming" (in Portuguese text); also drought (in SS1)
MozambiqueMi8299-8302_ms4MS4 (Mi8299-8302)2016"Global warming and polar bears" (in Portuguese text)
MozambiqueMi9629-9632_ms4MS4 (Mi9629-9632)2018"Aquecimento global" (in lower margins of SS1 and MS4 and in stamps 'a' and 'd' of MS4); "Climate change" (in stamp 'd' of MS4)
MozambiqueMi10202-10205_ms4MS4 (Mi10202-10205)2019"Global warming"; also "Climate change affects all regions of the world" (in SS1 margin), (all text is in Portuguese)
MozambiqueBL1476SS1 (Mi10206)
MozambiqueMi10998-11007_ms10MS10 (Mi10998-11007)2020"Act Now"
MozambiqueMi10998-11007 fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Netherlands1297e (Mi2556)From booklet pane of 10 (1297 (a-j))2008"CO2 compensation"; conservation and living green
Netherlands1300+1327 personalized packet (Mi2564+Mi2647 personalized packet)Back of personalized postage packet (2x (1300_personalized1 + 1300_personalized2 + 1327_personalized_label)), also front; stamps using 1300 border2009"IPY efforts to draw attention to global warming" and "imminent threat of global warming"
Netherlands Antilles1175e (Mi1621-1624)MS8 (1175e (2x (1175 (a-d)) + 2 labels))2008"Global warming"
Netherlands Antilles1175 fdcBlock of four stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (Netherlands Antilles Nieuwe Post cachet)
New Zealand2177 (Mi2489)From block of 6 (2172-2177) (Mi2484-2489)2008"Weather extremes - heat - Matarangi, 2005"; also "heat" (in text in FDC), (episodes of extreme heat are increasing due to global warming)
New Zealand2172-2177 fdc1One of six stamps on FDC, also back
New Zealand2172-2177 fdc2One of six stamps on FDC (different, available only in a special limited-edition album, below)
New Zealand2172-2177_albumLimited-edition album pages 1-3, also outside, page2, page3, certificate of authenticity; album contains MS5 (2177a (2172-2177))
New Zealand2177bOne of "Best of 2007" stamps in MS3 (2165+2171+2177)2008Weather extremes - heat - Matarangi, 2005
Niger1336 (Mi2555-2558)MS4 (a-d)2013"Le Réchauffement Climatique"
Niger1336 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Niger1359 (BL252, Mi2559)SS1
Niger1359 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
NigerMi5898-5901_ms4MS4 (Mi5898-5901)2018"Le réchauffement climatique"
NigerBL881SS1 (Mi5902)
NigerMi6498-6501_ms4MS4 (Mi6498-6501)2019"Climate warming"; "Atmospheric pollution"; "Desertification"; "Deforestation"; "Melting of the ice cap" (in French text)
NigerBL997SS1 (Mi6502)"Climate warming"; "Greenhouse effect"
Norway1570 (BL37)MS2 (1570 (a-b))2009melting glaciers and sea ice; increased evaporation; desertification; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; CO2; stamps depict a warmed-up world and melting ice; also PPRG
Pakistan1150 leaflet (Mi1378 leaflet)FDC leaflet back, also front2011"Climate change studies"
Papua New Guinea1443 (Mi1513)2010"Climate Change"; some effects of rising sea level
Papua New Guinea1444 (Mi1514)
Papua New Guinea1445 (Mi1515)
Papua New Guinea1446 (Mi1516)
Papua New Guinea1443-1446 fdcFour stamps and cancel and cachet on FDC
Papua New Guinea1447 (BL103)MS4 (a-d) (Mi1517-1520)
Papua New Guinea1447 fdcMS4 and cancel and cachet on FDC
Papua New Guinea1448 (BL104)SS1
Papua New Guinea1448 fdcSS1 and cancel and cachet on FDC
Paraguay2558 (Mi?)1997"Cambio Climático"
Paraguay2559 (Mi?)
Paraguay2560 (Mi?)
Paraguay2558-2560 fdcThree stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
PolandNonePostcard2009Global Climate Action Day
Poland4362 (BL276)MS3 (4362 (a-c)) (Mi5016-5018)2018"Saving the climate, through the eyes of young people" (in Polish text)
PortugalNoneEnvelope back, also detail2010Net "carbon zero" in the production of the envelope through forestation projects that provide CO2 offsets
RomaniaNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on postcard1995"Air pollution causes more deaths than genetic changes or climate change"
Russia (USSR)5749+label (Mi5923+label)On label1989"...irrational use of land can cause regional desertification and global climate change" (in text on label)
Russia (USSR)5749+label fdcLabel (with stamp) on FDC
Russia (USSR)5747-5749+labels fdcOne label (with stamp) on FDC
1182-1183+1183a folder
Dual-country folder1990"Glaciology studies provide information about environmental and climate change and thus contribute to the international debate concerning the greenhouse effect."
Russia (and PetersPost)Unknown ms (Mi none)MS10 (a-j)2020"Act Now"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1237-1240 booklet (Mi?)Booklet outside (front, with reproductions of stamps (1237, 1238, 1239, and 1240) and SS1 (1241))1996Greenpeace: "Climate Change Kills"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1237-1240 booklet2 (Mi?)Booklet outside (front, different, with reproductions of stamps (1237, 1238, 1239, and 1240)) and (text) cancel1996Greenpeace: "Climate Change Kills"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2109d (Mi4042)One of MS4 (2109 (a-d)) (Mi4039-4042)2009"Aquecimento global", Al Gore
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2109 fdcMS4 on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2727 (Mi5739-5742)MS4 (2727 (a-d))2014"Global Warming" (in Portuguese text); also parched and cracked soil ("solo rachado") in drought (in one stamp and SS1 and fdc cachet)
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2727 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2747 (BL1007, Mi5743)SS1
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2747 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsMi8611-8614_ms4MS4 (Mi8611-8614)2019"Greta Thunberg, climate change activist" (in Portuguese text); "School strike for the climate" (in Swedish text in stamp b); "Join the Climate Strike" (in stamp c)
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsMi8611-8614_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsBL1568SS1 (Mi8615)"Greta Thunberg, climate change activist" (in Portuguese text); "School strike for the climate" (in Swedish text)
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsBL1568 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ms (Mi9618-9627)MS10 (a-j)2020"Act Now"
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ms fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
San Marino1746 (Mi2329)2008Symbolic global warming; increased UV radiation due to thinning of the ozone layer
San Marino1746 bpBooklet pane of 4 (4x 1476)
San Marino1748 (Mi2331)Symbolic global warming, with Earth in flames
San Marino1745+1748 fdcOne of two stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC(As above for stamps)
San Marino1745-1748 fdcTwo of four stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
San Marino1746-1747 fdcOne of two stamps and (pictorial) cancel on FDC
San Marino2069 (BL94)MS10 (2069 (a-j))2020"Act now"
SenegalUnknown e (Mi?)From MS9 (a-i)2000"First Aid for the Climate: Same Performance, Half the Consumption - Greenpeace"
SenegalUnknown f (Mi?)
Serbia-Montenegro (Montenegro)397 (Mi386)2016"Reduce your carbon footprint" (in Serbian text)
Serbia-Montenegro (Montenegro)397 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Posta Crne Gore) cachet on FDC
Sierra Leone1964 (BL342, Mi2733)SS11996Drowned coastal cities due to "melting of the Earth's polar ice caps"; "City under polar ice-melt"
Sierra Leone3173a (Mi5774)One of MS3 (3173 (a-c)) (Mi5774-5776)2013"Buy local to cut back on emissions" (of greenhouse gases)
Sierra Leone3981 (Mi7788-7791)MS4 (3981 (a-d))2016"Global warming"; "CO2"
Sierra Leone3999 (BL1090, Mi7792)SS1
Sierra LeoneMi12638-12647_ms10MS10 (Mi12638-12647)2020"Act Now"
Sierra LeoneMi12638-12647 fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Sierra LeoneMi12638_ms9 thru Mi12647_ms9Set of ten MS9s (Mi12638_ms9 thru Mi12647_ms9)
Slovakia609+label (Mi?+label)2011CO2 and H2O molecules (important in the chemistry and physics of photosynthesis and of climate change)
Slovakia843a (BL55, Mi898)SS1 (843 + 9 labels)2020"Act now"
Slovakia843 fdcStamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Slovenia441 (Mi332)2000Earth in a global warming future contrasted with a sustainable future
Slovenia441 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Slovenia Post) cachet on FDC
Slovenia785 (BL43)MS2 (785 (a-b)) (Mi713-714)2009Symbolic global warming and melting of ice related to burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and cattle (representing methane release)
Slovenia785 fdcMS2 and cachet on FDC
Solomon Islands1652c (Mi2789)One of MS4 (1652 (a-d)) (Mi2787-2790)2014"Global warming"
Spain3321 (Mi?)2004Symbolic global warming
Spain3321 cardPresentation card
Spain3626 (Mi?)2009"Lucha contra el cambio climático"; (disconnect from) CO2
Spain3624-3626 folderOne of three different stamps in folder
Spain3626 fdc1 (Mi? fdc1)Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (multi-color printed cachet)"Lucha contra el cambio climático"
Spain3626 fdc2 (Mi? fdc2)Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Spanish Post/S.F.C.- 2009) cachet on FDC"Lucha contra el cambio climático"; industrial smokestacks
SpainNonePrinted stamp (design like 3626) and cachet on postal card2009"Lucha contra el cambio climático"; (disconnect from) CO2; industrial smokestacks
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on stamped envelope2013"1890s: Svante Arrhenius calculated the temperature increases from increasing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere"; this was the "first prediction of global warming"
Spain4431 (Mi5435)2020Protest "contra el cambio climático"
Spain4431 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Spanish Post/S.F.C. 2020) cachet on FDC
Spain4435a (Mi5441)MS8 (8x 4435 + 8 labels)2020"La lucha contra el cambio climático"
Switzerland1334 (Mi2097)From MS10 (1334a (10x 1334)2009Melting glacier due to +1.5°C temperature rise (1850-2008)
SwitzerlandNoneCachet on cover2009"Pro Clima"
SwitzerlandNoneCachet on cover2010"Pro Clima"
SwitzerlandNoneIRC22010"UNis contre le changement climatique" (UNited against climate change)
ThailandNonePhone card?"Stop global warming"
Thailand2362 (Mi2692)2008Global warming and WED3; CFC release from aerosol spray can; Earth on fire
Thailand2363 (Mi2695)Global warming and WED3
Thailand2364 (Mi2694)Global warming and WED3; leaves on fire
Thailand2365 (Mi2693)Global warming and WED3; symbolic ozone hole
Thailand2362-2365 cpCommemorative panel (2362-2365)Global warming and graphic of increasing positive global temperature anomalies
Thailand2362-2365 fdc1Four stamps and cancel and cachet on FDCWarming Earth (in stamps); rising flood waters (in cachet)
Thailand2362-2365 fdc2Four stamps and cancel and (two) cachets on FDCWarming Earth (in stamps); rising flood waters (in cachets)
TogoUnknown ss (BL?)In (upper-right) margin of SS12011"CO2 is one of the main atmospheric pollutants. Its principal sources are fossil fuel combustion and deforestation".
TogoMi6039-6039_ms4MS4 (Mi6039-6039)2014"Global warming" (in French text)
TogoMi6039-6039_ms4 fdcMS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
TogoBL1028SS1 (Mi6040)"Global warming"; "greenhouse effect" (in French text in SS1)
TogoBL1028 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
TogoUnknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d)2019"Climate change"; "Melting of the ice cap"; "Atmospheric pollution" (in French text)
TogoUnknown ss (BL?)SS1"Anthropogenic climate change/climate warming is the result of changes in the composition of the atmosphere caused by the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities" (in French text)
TogoUnknown ms (Mi?)MS10 (a-j)2020"Act Now"
TogoUnknown ms fdcTen stamps and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Tonga737 (Mi1121)1990"Ice caps in danger" (from greenhouse gases; ozone holes have a relatively small effect in global warming)
Tonga737 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Tonga737 mono-proofMonochrome proof (black)
Tonga737 plate-proof1Imperforate plate proof
Tonga737 plate-proof2Imperforate plate proof (different)
Tonga737 proof1Specimen and progressive proof, color 1
Tonga737 proof2Specimen and progressive proof, color 2
Tonga737 proof3Specimen and progressive proof, color 3
Tonga737 proof4Specimen and progressive proof, colors 1 and 2
Tonga737 proof5Specimen and progressive proof, final colors 1, 2 and 3
Tunisia1627k (Mi?)One of MS20 (1627 (a-t))2016Climate action logo
Turkey3122 (BL67)MS4 (3122 (a-d))2008"Küresel Isinma" (Global warming); parched soil in drought; WED3
Turkey3122a fdoiStamp and (FDOI pictorial) cancel and cachet on postcard
Turkey3122b fdoiStamp and (FDOI pictorial) cancel and cachet (different) on postcard
Turkey3122c fdoiStamp and (FDOI pictorial) cancel and cachet (different) on postcard
Turkey3122d fdoiStamp and (FDOI pictorial) cancel and cachet (different) on postcard
Turkey3122 fdcMS4 and (FDOI pictorial) cancel and cachet on FDC
Tuvalu652a (Mi670-673)In (upper) margin of MS4 (649-652)1993"Greenhouse Effect"
Tuvalu649 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Tuvalu650 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Tuvalu651 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Tuvalu652 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Tuvalu1030 (BL5)MS6 (1030 (a-f))2007"Global Warming"; Al Gore; CO2 emissions from industrial smokestacks and deforestation; "greenhouse gases"; greenhouse effect and rising global temperature
Tuvalu1031 (BL1)MS6 (1031 (a-f))"Global Warming" causes and effects: deforestation, industrial smokestacks, melting ice cap, warmer temperature, extreme weather; Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tuvalu1032 (BL2)MS6 (1032 (a-))"Global warming" effects (habitat destruction, coral reef bleaching and erratic weather patterns) and prevention
Tuvalu1033 (BL4)SS1"Global warming"; global temperatures in the 20th Century; industrial smokestacks
Tuvalu1034 (BL3)SS1"Global warming"; "Use renewable green energy" [to] "significantly reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases"
Tuvalu1035 (BL6?)SS1"Global warming"; parched soil in drought
Tuvalu1198 (Mi?)2012Climate-change awareness; "Plant a tree to help reduce greenhouse gases" (first stamp only)
Tuvalu1199 (Mi?)
Tuvalu1200 (Mi?)
Tuvalu1201 (Mi?)
Tuvalu1202 (Mi?)
Tuvalu1378 (Mi2275-2280)MS6 (1378 (a-f))2017"one of the first victims of climate change and rising sea levels"
United Nations636a (Mi656-659)Strip of 4 (633-636), from MS24 (636b (6x (633-636)))1993"Environment-Climate"; severe weather
United Nations636a fdcStrip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Environment-Climate"; severe weather; volcanic eruption; melting polar ice
United Nations636a maxiMaxicard
United Nations815a (Mi884-887)Strip of 4 (812-815), from MS24 (815b (6x (812-815)))2001"Climate change"; sustainable development with symbolic greenhouse
United Nations815a fdcStrip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Climate change"; also "UNFCCC" (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change); sustainable development with symbolic greenhouse
United Nations939a (BL?)MS10 (10x 939 + 10 labels)2007"Climate Change" (in left margin text); parched soil in drought; flood; industrial smokestacks
United Nations968 (BL29) (Mi1105-1108)MS4 (968 (a-d))2008"Climate Change"; parched soil in drought
United Nations968 fdcMS4 and FDOI cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Climate Change"; parched soil in drought (on MS4)
United Nations969 (BL30) (Mi1109-1112)MS4 (969 (a-d))"Climate Change"
United Nations969 fdcMS4 and FDOI cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Climate Change"
United Nations968-969 fdcTwo MS4 and FDOI cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
United Nations968c+969c folderFDC folder, and interior"Climate Change"
United Nations968c maxiMaxicard (with reproductions of stamps (UN 968d and 969d, UN-Geneva 492b and 493b, and UN-Vienna 434b and 435b))
United Nations970 booklet (MH13?)Prestige booklet front, also back"Climate Change"; parched soil in drought
United Nations968e (Mi1105-1108)From 970 booklet; 1st booklet pane of 4 (968 (a-d)); design like 968 but with 42c values; with FDOI cancel"Climate Change"; parched soil in drought
United Nations970u (Mi1113-1116)From 970 booklet; 2nd booklet pane of 4 (970 (a-d)); design like 969 but with 27c values; with FDOI cancel"Climate Change"
United Nations970v (Mi1117-1120)From 970 booklet; 3rd booklet pane of 4 (970 (e-h)); design like UN Geneva 493 but with 27c values; with FDOI cancel"Climate Change"
United Nations970x (Mi1125-1128)From 970 booklet; 4th booklet pane of 4 (970 (m-p)); design like UN Geneva 492 but with 42c values; with FDOI cancel"Climate Change"
United Nations970w (Mi1121-1124)From 970 booklet; 5th booklet pane of 4 (970 (i-l)); design like UN Vienna 434 but with 27c values; with FDOI cancel"Climate Change"; industrial smokestacks
United Nations970y (Mi1129-1132)From 970 booklet; 6th booklet pane of 4 (970 (q-t)); design like UN Vienna 435 but with 42c values; with FDOI cancel"Climate Change"; deforestation
United Nations1147m (Mi1577)One of MS17 (1147 (a-q + label)) (Mi1565-1581)2016Climate action logo
United Nations1224 (Mi1718)From MS20 (1224a (20x 1224))2019Climate change: "A race we can win"
United Nations1225 (Mi1719)From MS20 (1225a (20x 1225))
United Nations1226 (BL62, Mi1720)SS1 (stamp)
United Nations1237 (Mi1737-1746)MS10 (1237 (a-j + 10 labels))2020"Act now ... confront the climate crisis"
United Nations (Geneva)243a (Mi239-242)Strip of 4 (240-243), from MS24 (243b (6x (240-243)))1993"Environnement-Climat"; symbolic global warming and melting of polar ice
United Nations (Geneva)243a fdc1Strip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Environnement-Climat"; symbolic global warming; melting of polar ice; volcanic eruption
United Nations (Geneva)243a fdc2Strip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel and (PhilSwiss) cachet (different) on FDCEnvironnement-Climat"; symbolic global warming; melting of polar ice
United Nations (Geneva)243a maxiMaxicard"Environnement-Climat"; symbolic global warming; melting of polar ice
United Nations (Geneva)383a (Mi428-431)Strip of 4 (380-383), from MS24 (383b (6x (380-383)))2001"Changements climatiques"; sustainable development; controlling emissions from industrial smokestacks; symbolic greenhouse
United Nations (Geneva)383a fdcStrip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC
United Nations (Geneva)492 (BL24) (Mi607-1610)MS4 (492 (a-d))2008"Changement de Climat"
United Nations (Geneva)492 fdcMS4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Changement de Climat"
United Nations (Geneva)493 (BL25) (Mi1611-1614)MS4 (493 (a-d))"Changement de Climat"
United Nations (Geneva)493 fdcMS4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Changement de Climat"
United Nations (Geneva)494 booklet (MH13)Prestige booklet front, also booklet back"Changement de Climat"; parched soil in drought
United Nations (Geneva)494ab (Mi627-630)From 494 booklet; 1st booklet pane of 4 (494 (m-p)) design like UN New York 968 but with 0.50 f.s. values; with FDOI cancel"Climate Change"; parched soil in drought
United Nations (Geneva)494y (Mi615-618)From 494 booklet; 2nd booklet pane of 4 (494 (a-d)) design like UN New York 969 but with 0.35 f.s. values; with FDOI cancel"Changement de Climat"
United Nations (Geneva)494z (Mi619-622)From 494 booklet; 3rd booklet pane of 4 (494 (e-h)) design like 493 but with 0.35 f.s. values; with FDOI cancel"Changement de Climat"
United Nations (Geneva)494ac (Mi631-634)From 494 booklet; 4th booklet pane of 4 (494 (q-t)) design like 492 but with 0.50 f.s. values; with FDOI cancel"Changement de Climat"
United Nations (Geneva)494aa (Mi623-626)From 494 booklet; 5th booklet pane of 4 (494 (i-l)); design like UN Vienna 434 but with 0.35 f.s. values; with FDOI cancel"Changement de Climat"; industrial smokestacks
United Nations (Geneva)494ad (Mi635-638)From 494 booklet; 6th booklet pane of 4 (494 (u-x); design like UN Vienna 435 but with 0.50 f.s. values; with FDOI cancel"Changement de Climat"; deforestation
United Nations (Geneva)629m (Mi985)One of MS17 (629 (a-q + label)) (Mi973-989)2016Climate action logo
United Nations (Geneva)673 (Mi1085)From MS20 (673a (20x 673))2019Climate change: "Une course que nous pouvons gagner"
United Nations (Geneva)674 (Mi1086)From MS20 (674a (20x 674))
United Nations (Geneva)675 (BL57, Mi1087)SS1 (stamp)
United Nations (Vienna)159a (Mi156-159)Strip of 4 (156-159), from MS24 (159b (6x (156-159)))1993"Umwelt: Klima"; industrial smokestacks; parched soil in drought; volcanic eruption; deforestation
United Nations (Vienna)159a fdc1Strip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC
United Nations (Vienna)159a fdc2Strip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (UN Headquarters cachet)
United Nations (Vienna)159a maxi1Maxicard
United Nations (Vienna)159a maxi2Maxicard (different pictorial cancels)
United Nations (Vienna)300a (Mi346-349)Strip of 4 (297-300), from MS24 (300b (6x (297-300)))2001"Klimaänderung"; sustainable development; controlling emissions from industrial smokestacks and automobiles; symbolic greenhouse
United Nations (Vienna)300a fdcStrip of 4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC
United Nations (Vienna)434 (BL23) (Mi555-558)MS4 (434 (a-d))2008"Klimawandel"; industrial smokestacks
United Nations (Vienna)434 fdcMS4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Klimawandel"; industrial smokestacks; effect of acid rain on tree (on cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)435 (BL24) (Mi559-562)MS4 (435 (a-d))"Klimawandel"; deforestation
United Nations (Vienna)435 fdcMS4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC"Klimawandel"; deforestation; effect of acid rain on tree (on cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)434-435 fdcTwo MS4 and (pictorial) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC(As above for stamps)
United Nations (Vienna)436 booklet (MH13)Prestige booklet front, also booklet back"Klimawandel"; deforestation; parched soil in drought
United Nations (Vienna)436ab (Mi575-578)From 436 booklet; 1st booklet pane of 4 (436 (m-p)); design like UN New York 968 but with 0.35 € values; with FDOI cancel"Klimawandel"; parched soil in drought; effect of acid rain on tree (on cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)436y (Mi563-566)From 436 booklet; 2nd booklet pane of 4 (436 (a-d)); design like UN New York 969 but with 0.30 € values; with FDOI cancel"Klimawandel"; effect of acid rain on tree (on cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)436z (Mi567-570)From 436 booklet; 3rd booklet pane of 4 (436 (e-h)); design like UN Geneva 493 but with 0.30 € values; with FDOI cancel"Klimawandel"; effect of acid rain on tree (on cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)436ac (Mi579-582)From 436 booklet; 4th booklet pane of 4 (436 (q-t)); design like UN Geneva 492 but with 0.35 € values; with FDOI cancel"Klimawandel"; effect of acid rain on tree (on cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)436aa (Mi571-574)From 436 booklet; 5th booklet pane of 4 (436 (i-l)); design like 434 but with 0.30 € values; with FDOI cancel"Klimawandel"; industrial smokestacks; effect of acid rain on tree (on cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)436ad (Mi583-586)From 436 booklet; 6th booklet pane of 4 (436 (u-x)); design like 435 but with 0.35 € values; with FDOI cancel"Klimawandel"; deforestation; effect of acid rain on tree (on cancel)
United Nations (Vienna)585 margin (Mi917 margin)Logo in (left) margin from 585 personalized MS10 (a-j)2016Climate action logo
United Nations (Vienna)597m (Mi950)One of MS17 (597 (a-q + label)) (Mi938-954)2016Climate action logo
United Nations (Vienna)649 (Mi1067)From MS20 (649a (20x 649))2019Climate change: "Ein Rennen das wir gewinnen können"
United Nations (Vienna)650 (Mi1068)From MS20 (650a (20x 650)0
United Nations (Vienna)651 (BL56, Mi1069)SS1 (stamp)
UN (New York)
UN (Geneva)
UN (Vienna)
636a fdc1
243a fdc1
159a fdc1
Three of 4 strips and (pictorial) cancels and (PhilSwiss) cachet on FDC (636a+243a+159a)1993"Environment-Climate" with various climate-change themes
UN (New York)
UN (Geneva)
UN (Vienna)
636a fdc2
243a fdc2
159a fdc2
Three of 4 strips and (pictorial) cancels and (UNPA) cachet on FDC (636a+243a+159a)
UN (New York)
UN (Geneva)
UN (Vienna)
636a folder
243a folder
159a folder
Three of 4 strips and (pictorial) cancels on FDC folder, also folder front
UN (New York)
UN (Geneva)
UN (Vienna)
815a fdc
383a fdc
300a fdc
Three of 4 strips and (pictorial) cancels and (UNPA) cachet on FDC (815a+383a+300a)2001"Climate change"; sustainable development; controlling emissions from industrial smokestacks and automobiles; symbolic greenhouse
UN (New York)
UN (Geneva)
UN (Vienna
1224-1225 fdc
673-674 fdc
649-650 fdc
Six stamps and (UN) cancel and (Geneva) cancel and (Vienna) cancel and (UNPA) cachet on FDC2019Climate change: "A race we can win"; "Une course que nous pouvons gagner"; "Ein Rennen das wir gewinnen können"
United StatesNone(Black rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on cover1992"Geophysical Monitoring for Climatic Change"
United States2954 fdc (Mi2556 fdc)(Mystic Stamp Company) back of FDC, also front1995"In addition to conserving diminishing fossil fuel sources, the use of solar energy eliminates many of the harmful pollutants caused by burning coal, oil and natural gas. As these pollutants accumulate in the atmosphere they trap the Sun's heat, enhancing the so-called "greenhouse effect". Like the human body, the Earth maintains a constant global temperature, which in the past 10,000 years has not varied by more than 1 or 2 degrees Celsius. If the current rate of global warming continues, however, by the year 2100 the Earth's average temperature will have risen by three to five degrees. Ecosystems that would have had thousands of years to adapt would now have to change drastically within the next century. Awareness of the life-threatening consequences of the greenhouse effect has caused global warming to become a major environmental concern - one that calls for an immediate international response".
United States
4123 fdc
1373a fdc
One of two MS and cancel on dual-country FDC2007mapping sea ice (for climate-change studies)
United States4204 fdc (Mi4316 fdc)(Mission 57) back of FDC, also front2007Depiction of "projected ice loss over the next decade" in Antarctica (due to global warming)
United StatesNone(Mission 57) back of cover, also front2007Depiction of "projected ice loss over the next decade" in Antarctica (due to global warming)
United StatesNoneCinderella2009?"Fight Global Warming"
United StatesNoneCinderella (different)
United StatesNoneCinderella (different)
United StatesNoneCinderella (different)
United StatesNoneCinderella (different)
United States4387 fdc1 (Mi? fdc1)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC2009"Stop global warming"; "serious consequences for mankind and all other living organisms"
United States4387 fdc2 (Mi? fdc2)(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC2009The polar bear's "survival is threatened as global warming melts its sea ice habitat"
United States4740 fdc (Mi4927 fdc)(HNLP Supercachet) cachet on FDC2013"global warming"
United StatesNoneIRC22010"UNis contre le changement climatique" (UNited against climate change)
United States4524c fdc (Mi4683 fdc)(Fleetwood) back of FDC, also front2011"Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the 'greenhouse gases' which absorb radiation and then release it into the atmosphere. That contributes to a 'greenhouse effect' which is one cause of global warming. Reducing the number of cars with carpooling in turn reduces the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere".
United States4524k fdc (Mi4691 fdc)(Fleetwood) back of FDC, also front"Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that can be harmful in increased quantities"
United States4893 fdc (Mi5079 fdc)(Lower-right part of Romp) cachet on FDC, also back2014
United StatesNone(Coverscape) cachet on cover2014WED3 2014 theme: "Small Islands and Climate Change"
UruguayNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on cover2008"Protegiendo la salud frente al cambio climático; Estimated deaths attributed to climate change in the year 2000, by subregion"
United States5459 fdc (Mi5697 fdc)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC2020"Earth is on fire. Protect it"
Vietnam3531 (Mi3695)

2015Vietnam responding to climate change
Vietnam3531 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Vietnam3531 maxiMaxicard, also back
Vietnam3532 (Mi3696)

Vietnam3532 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Vietnam3532 maxiMaxicard, also back
Vietnam3533 (Mi3697)

Vietnam3533 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Vietnam3533 maxiMaxicard, also back
Vietnam3534 (Mi3698)

Vietnam3534 specimenOverprinted "specimen"
Vietnam3534 maxiMaxicard, also back
Vietnam3531-3534 fdcFour stamps and cancel and cachet on FDC
Wallis and Futuna Islands456 maxi (Mi661 maxi)(La Numismatique française) back of maxicard, also front1994The data provided by satellites will help understand how "the climate will change in the coming decades" (in French text)
Wallis and Futuna Islands792a (Mi1156)From strip of 4 (792 (a-d)) (Mi1156-11592017"Global warming - sea level rise, coastal erosion" (in French text)
Wallis and Futuna Islands792b (Mi1157)"Global warming - coral bleaching" (in French text)
Wallis and Futuna Islands792c (Mi1158)"Global warming - extreme tropical cyclones" (in French text)
Wallis and Futuna Islands792d (Mi1159)"Global warming - ocean acidification" (in French text)
Wallis and Futuna Islands792a fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC(As above for stamps)
Wallis and Futuna Islands792b fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Wallis and Futuna Islands792c fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC
Wallis and Futuna Islands792d fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC

1Maldives Scott 1444 appears to belong with the Scott 1516-1517 set, instead of the 1442-1443 set, according to the Michel numbers, and should probably be given a Scott 1517A number.
2An International Reply Coupon (IRC) is a coupon that can be exchanged for one or more postage stamps representing the minimum postage for an unregistered priority airmail letter of up to twenty grams sent to another Universal Postal Union (UPU) member country. IRCs are accepted by all UPU member countries.
3WED: World Environmental Day

Below is a list of Anthropogenic (man-made) climate change on launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Anthropogenic climate change (including greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, and global warming)
United States1984-10-05Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on ERBS launch coverthe Earth's energy exchange "must balance precisely or the world would gradually grow hotter or colder"
United States2003-01-25Kennedy Space Center FL(Multi-color printed) cachet on SORCE launch cover"long term climate change"
United States2003-01-12Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on Explorer-82 and ICESat launch cover"to find out whether the polar ice sheets are expanding or melting"
United States2004-07-15Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on EOS-Aura launch cover"links between climate change, air quality and ozone recovery"
Russia2005-10-08Korolev 1, Moscow Oblast(Lollini) cachet on CryoSat-1 [failed] launch cover"observation of polar ice" and "global warming" (in French text)
United States2008-06-20Vandenberg AFB, CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on Jason-2 launch cover"to make more accurate predictions of weather patterns and climate change"
United States2009-02-24Vandenberg AFB, CA(Mission 57) back of OCO-1 launch cover, also front"accurate climate change models"
Russia2010-04-09Korolev 9, Moscow Oblast(Lollini?) cachet on CryoSat-2 launch cover"observation of polar ice" and "global warming" (in French text)
United States2011-10-28Vandenberg AFB, CA(Mission 57) back of S-NPP launch cover, also frontRadiometer on S-NPP satellite to measure "the Earth's radiant energy balance, improving the understanding of climate changes"
United States2018-06-14Vandenberg AFB, CA(Red Eagle) cachet on ICESat-2 pre-launch cover"will help scientists investigate why and how much our planet's frozen and icy areas, called the cryosphere, is changing in a warming climate"
United States2020-11-17Vandenberg AFB, CA(Red Eagle) cachet on Jason-CS1 (Sentinel-6A) launch cover"Sea level measurement [by] climate change monitoring satellite"
United States2021-07-27Vandenberg SFB, CA(Lollini) cachet on Landsat-9 launch cover"assess the impact of climate change" and "mitigate the climate crisis"
United States2022-12-16Vandenberg SFB, CA(Ranski) back on SWOT launch cover, also frontdata "will allow scientists to further study the effects of climate change on our planet. This will provide a more thorough understanding of how seawater absorbs carbon and atmospheric heat, which are the causes of climate change itself and the rise of global temperatures"
United States2024-05-25Long Beach CA(Galactic Space Covers) back on PREFIRE-1 launch cover, also front"will measure the heat lost to space from Earth's polar regions in the form of IR radiation. The data will help to improve climate and ice models and provide better predictions of how the planet's sea level and weather are likely to change in the future ... will supply scientists with new data on a range of climate variables, including atmospheric temperature, surface properties, water vapor, and clouds".
United States2024-06-05Long Beach CA(Galactic Space Covers) back on PREFIRE-2 launch cover, also front"will measure the heat lost to space from Earth's polar regions in the form of IR radiation. The data will help to improve climate and ice models and provide better predictions of how the planet's sea level and weather are likely to change in the future ... will supply scientists with new data on a range of climate variables, including atmospheric temperatures, surface properties, water vapor and clouds".
United States2024-02-08Cape Canaveral FL(Galactic Space Covers) back of PACE launch cover, also frontThe "PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud and ocean Ecosystem) satellite" will "extend key systematic ocean color, aerosol and cloud data records for Earth system and climate studies"

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This Website created and maintained by Garry Toth and Don Hillger.
Updated: 2025-01-06