WRESAT and Equator-S
(and other non-USA
scientific/research/technology satellites)

WRESAT (Australia)Equator-S (Germany)

This page contains philatelic information on the WRESAT (Weapon Research Establishment SATellite) and Equator-S (and other non-USA scientific/research/technology satellites). Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
(West Germany-USA)
(West Germany-USA)
(West Germany-USA)
QSS (on other than QSS launch covers)
Other non-USA
Other non-USA

Below is a list of WRESAT and Equator-S (and other non-USA scientific/research/technology satellite) postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
WRESAT (Weapon Research Establishment SATellite) (Australia)
Australia1260a fdc1 (BL14 fdc1)(Australia Post) cachet on FDC (Coogee NSW cancel), also back1992"WRESAT" launch by a Redstone rocket
Australia1260a fdc2 (BL14 fdc2)(Australia Post) cachet on FDC (Coonabarabran NSW cancel), also back
Australia4678 (Mi4786)From MS10 (4678a (10x 4678))2017"WRESAT"
Australia4678 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (red and yellow and black printed) cachet on FDC (Woomera SA cancel), also back
Australia4678 fdc2Stamp and (red and yellow and black and grey printed) cachet on FDC (Rosebud cancel)
Australia4678 maxiMaxicard
Australia4678 folderFolder
Australia4678-4679 fdcTwo stamps and (red and yellow and black and grey printed) cachet on FDC (Rosebud cancel)
Australia4679 (Mi4787)From booklet of 16 (4679a (16x 4679)) (MH738)
Australia4679 fdcStamp and (red and yellow and black and grey printed) cachet on FDC (Rosebud cancel)
Firewheel (West Germany-USA)
FranceC51 cover (Mi2157 cover)(ESA) cachet on cover1982"Fireweel" (Firewheel)
SpainNone(Orange and blue and black printed) cachet on cover1984"Firewheel" (in text only)
Equator-S (Germany)
GermanyNone(Pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on postcal card1997"Equator-S"
GermanyNone(Pictorial) cancel and (?) cachet on postcal card1997"Equator-S"
Guinea RepublicMi4537A

2006"Sonde E.Q.S."
Guinea RepublicBL1115A
On one of MS2 (Mi4537A-4538A)
On one of imperforate MS2 (Mi4537B-4538B)
Guinea RepublicBL1115A-1116A fdc
BL1115B-1116B fdc
On one of two MS2 on FDC
On one of two imperforate MS2 on FDC
GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) (ESA)
No (non-launch cover) postal items found
Swarm-A/B/C (ESA)
GabonUnknown c (Mi?)
Unknown ic
One of MS4 (a-d)
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2017"Swarm"-A/B/C type (and launch date "22 Nov 2013")
GabonUnknown ms proofSigned-proof MS4
GabonUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)2013"Swarm"
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)
LISA-Pathfinder (ESA-NASA)
Congo RepublicUnknown ms (Mi none)MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2016"LISA-Pathfinder"
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 [known illegal issue]
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 (different) [known illegal issue]
Israel1771+tab (Mi2048+tab)Stamp and tab2009"Laser Interferometer Space Antenna" (LISA-Pathfinder)
QSS (Quantum Science Satellite) (China/PRC)
China (People's Republic)4481 (Mi4936)2017QSS
China (People's Republic)4481 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel on FDC (blank/no cachet)
China (People's Republic)4481 fdc2Stamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
China (People's Republic)3750+4008+4300 booklet1 p0 (Mi4071+4946+4703 booklet1 p0)page0/front (blue) of booklet, also annotated, and p17/back2018?QSS
China (People's Republic)3750+4008+4300 booklet2 p0 (Mi4071+4946+4703 booklet2 p0)page0/front (white) of booklet, also annotated
China (People's Republic)3750+4008+4300 booklet p13-16p13-16 of bookletp16: QSS (in the label, and probably one of its solar arrays is just below the flag stamp)
China (People's Republic)None(Multi-color) meter2023QSS
Other non-USA
Korea (South)2642 (Mi?)From MS15 (2642a (15x 2642))2022Nuri launch (with PVSat, and others)
Korea (South)2642 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (South Korea Post) cachet on FDC
Korea (South)2642 maxi1Maxicard
Korea (South)2642 maxi2Maxicard (different)
Korea (South)2642 maxi3Maxicard (different)
Korea (South)2642 maxi4Maxicard (different)
Korea (South)2642 maxi5Maxicard (different)
Korea (South)2642 maxi6Maxicard (different)

Below is a list of WRESAT and Equator-S (and other non-USA scientific/research/technology satellite) launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
1967-11-29: WRESAT (Weapon Research Establishment SATellite) (Australia)
Australia1967-11-29Woomera SA(Pictorial) cancel and (blue printed) cachet on coverWRESAT launch
Australia1967-11-29Woomera SA(Pictorial) cancel and (magenta rubber-stamp and hand-printed) cachet on coverWRESAT launch
Australia1967-11-29Woomera SA(Pictorial) cancel and (purple rubber-stamp and red typed) cachet on coverWRESAT launch
Australia1967-11-29Woomera SA(Pictorial) cancel and (blue rubber-stamp and red typed) cachet on coverWRESAT launch
Australia1967-11-29Woomera SA(Pictorial) cancel and (red rubber-stamp and red typed) cachet on coverWRESAT launch
Australia1967-11-29Woomera SA(Pictorial) cancel and (Arthur Bergen) cachet on coverWRESAT launch
Australia1967-11-29Woomera SA(Pictorial) cancel and (purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverWRESAT launch
1980-05-23: Firewheel (and CAT-2 and Amsat-P3A) [failed]
France1980-05-23Paris(Lollini/Club Philatélique ESA) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
French Guiana1980-05-23Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
French Guiana1980-05-23Kourou(MBB) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
French Guiana1980-05-23Kourou(Space Voyage/silk) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
French Guiana1980-05-23Kourou(Association Philatélique du CNES) cachet on cover, also backFirewheel launch [failed]
Germany (West)1980-05-23Garching(Association Philatélique du CNES) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
Germany (West)1980-05-23Darmstadt(Lollini/Club Philatélique ESA) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
United States1980-05-23Washington DC(Lollini/Club Philatélique ESA) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
United States1980-05-23Greenbelt MD(Space Voyage/silk) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
United States1980-05-23Greenbelt MD(NASCOM Network) cachet on coverFirewheel launch [failed]
1997-12-02: Equator-S (and JCSat-5)
French Guiana1997-12-02Kourou(C.E. SEP Section Philatélie) cachet on coverEquator-S launch (but A-1 launch depicted)
French Guiana1997-12-02Kourou(MPE) cachet on coverEquator-S launch
French Guiana1997-12-02Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverEquator-S launch
Gabon1997-12-02Libreville(Lollini) cachet on coverEquator-S launch
Germany1997-12-02Essen(MPE) cachet (different) on coverEquator-S launch
2009-03-17: GOCE / Earth Explorer-1 (ESA)
France2009-03-16La Poste 249234(ESA?) cachet on coverGOCE launch
Italy2009-03-17Thales Alenia Space (Ufficio Corrispondenza)(AS.IT.AF.) cachet on coverGOCE launch
Russia2009-03-17Moscow(ESA?) cachet on coverGOCE launch
Russia2009-03-17Moscow(ESA?) cachet on coverGOCE launch
Russia2009-03-17Moscow(?) cachet on coverGOCE launch
Russia2009-03-17Moscow(ThalesAlenia) cachet on coverGOCE launch
Russia2009-03-17Moscow(?) cachet on coverGOCE launch
2013-11-22: Swarm-A/B/C / Earth Explorer-5A/5B/5C (ESA)
No launch cover images available yet
2015-12-03: LISA-Pathfinder (ESA-NASA)
French Guiana2015-12-03Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverLISA-Pathfinder launch
French Guiana2015-12-03Kourou(Association Philatélique du C.E. Safran Héraklès) cachet on coverLISA-Pathfinder launch
Gabon2015-12-03Libreville(Lollini) cachet on coverLISA-Pathfinder launch
2016-08-15: QSS (Quantum Science Satellite) (China/PRC) (and others)
No launch cover images available yet
QSS (on other than QSS launch covers)
China (People's Republic)2023-08-08?(Multi-color printed) cachet on HJ-2F launch coverQSS

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-02-04