

Surveyor-3 and Apollo-12
(and Apollo-12)

This page contains philatelic information on the Surveyor-series spacecraft. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Items related to the visit of the Apollo-12 Astronauts Charles "Pete" Conrad and Alan L. Bean to Surveyor-3 are highlighted in yellow in the tables below.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Surveyor Surveyor Surveyor
Surveyor (on other than Surveyor launch covers)

Below is a list of Surveyor-series spacecraft postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content

AjmanMi257A-259A+Mi261A-262A fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Embossed-perforation MS2 (like Mi262A+264A)
Imperforate MS2 (like Mi262B+264B)
AjmanBL35B fdcImperforate MS2 on FDC
Ajman StateMi2638A off-white
Mi2638B off-white
One of MS16 (Mi2637A-2652A off-white)
One of imperforate MS16 (Mi2637B-2652B off-white)
Ajman StateMi2638A cardboardOne of MS16 (Mi2637A-2652A cardboard)
Ajman StateMi2638B pinkOne of imperforate MS16 (Mi2637B-2652B pink)
Ajman StateMi2638 ds1Deluxe sheet (Mi2638)
Ajman StateMi2638 ds2Deluxe sheet (Mi2638), different colors
Ajman StateMi2638 ds3Deluxe sheet (Mi2638), different colors
Ajman StateMi2638 ds4Deluxe sheet (Mi2638), different colors
Ajman StateMi2654A off-whiteOne of MS16 (Mi2653A-2668A off-white)1972
Ajman StateMi2654A cardboardOne of MS16 (Mi2653A-2668A cardboard)
Ajman StateMi2654B pinkOne of imperforate MS16 (Mi2653B-2668B pink)
Ajman StateMi2670A
One of MS8 (Mi2669A-2676A)
One of imperforate MS8 (Mi2669B-2676B)
1973Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Ajman StateMi2670A ds
Mi2670B ds
Deluxe sheet (Mi2670A)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (Mi2670B)
Ajman StateMi2680A
One of MS16 (Mi2789A-2796A+2677A-2684A)
One of imperforate MS16 (Mi2789B-2796B+2677B-2684B)
1973Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serb Admin.)95 (Mi139)1999
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serb Admin.)95-96 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC (Serbian Admin.) Post Office cachet)
Cape Kennedy FL (USA)LocalSet A-01 (blue)1964"Surveyor"
Cape Kennedy FL (USA)Local o/pSet A-01 (blue) overprinted new value in gold1965"Surveyor"
Central African RepublicC36 (Mi116)

Central African RepublicC36 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (orange and black printed) cachet on FDC
Central African RepublicC38a (BL5, Mi116-118)On one of MS3 (C36-C38)
Central African RepublicC61 (Mi166)C36 overprinted1968"Surveyor"
Central African RepublicC58+C61 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Central African Republic1173c (Mi1877A)
i1173c (Mi1877B)
One of MS4 (1173 (a-d)) (Mi1875A-1878A)
One of imperforate MS4 (i1173 (a-d)) (Mi1875N-1878B)
1997"Surveyor-3" (but Apollo-12 visit NOT depicted)1
Central African Republic1173c dsDeluxe sheet (1173c)
Central African RepublicMi14944One of MS6 (Mi14942-14947), also detail2023(possible) Surveyor-3 (but "Apollo-11" depicted instead of Apollo-12 visit)1
Chad225Ac (Mi292A)
i225Ac (Mi292B)
One of strip of 3 (225A (b-d)) (Mi291A-293A)
One of imperforate strip of 3 (i225A (b-d)) (Mi291B-293B)
1970Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Chad225Ac+225E dsDeluxe sheet (225Ac+225E)
Chad225Ac gold (Mi324A)
i225Ac gold (Mi324B)
225Ac gold foil
i225Ac gold foil
Chad225Ab-225Ad msOn two of MS6 (2x (225Ab-225Ad))
ChadC70A (BL10)Gold embossed SS11970Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
In (upper-right) margin of SS1
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1
Chad705f (Mi1492A)
i705f (Mi1492B)
One stamp and in selvedge of MS6 (705 (a-f)) (Mi1487A-1492A)
One stamp and in selvedge of imperforate MS6 (i705 (a-f)) (Mi1487B-1492B)
1997"Surveyor-5" (in selvedge text)
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)
Unknown iss
In (left) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]
In (left) margin of imperforate SS1
2014Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Congo RepublicUnknown ss fdc
Unknown iss fdc
SS1 on FDC
Imperforate SS1 on FDC
Czechoslovakia1424-1425 fdc (Mi1653-1654 fdc)(Black printed) cachet on FDC1966
DjiboutiC155a (BL56A)
iC155a (BL56B)
In (lower-right) margin of SS1 (C155)
In (lower-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (iC155)
Ecuador758 (Mi1301)1966Surveyor-1 (based on dates in text)
Ecuador758Ef (BL33)
i758Ef (BL34)
On one of MS3 (758-758A+758E)
On one of imperforate MS3 (i758-i758A+i758E), changed background color
Equatorial GuineaBL60SS1 (perforate only, white border, with control number)1973Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Equatorial GuineaBL60 varSS1 (perforate only, white border, Canceled-To-Order, no control number)
Equatorial GuineaBLA60Imperforate SS1 (imperforate only, pink border and different value)
Equatorial GuineaBL60+BL61 proofCollective proof (BL60+BL61)
Franklin Mint (USA)None(Silver) medallion, also reverse1970s"Surveyor-1"

Mi622A overprinted in red
Mi622B overprinted in red
FujeiraMi742A-744A fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Gabon937l (Mi1445)
One of MS12 (937 (a-l)) (Mi1434-1445)
One of imperforate MS12 (i937 (a-l))
1999Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Gabon937 fdcMS12 on FDC
Ghana1030 (Mi1157)

Ghana1129 (Mi1275)1030 surcharged1989"Surveyor"
Ghana1129a (Mi1279)1129 overprinted with Halley's Comet logo
Great Britain1375a+1377a fdc (Mi1337-1340 fdc)Insert from FDC, also front (Benham cachet, and second cancel for 30th anniv. Gagarin's flight)1991"Surveyor-1 landed successfully and sent back 10,000s of pictures to Earth showing detail of the Moon's surface"
Great Britain
United States
United States
1375a+1377a fdc (Mi1337-1340 fdc)
(Pictorial) cancel and (Benham) cachet on FDC
(2nd cancel of no importance here)
(3rd cancel of no importance here)
1991"25th anniv. the 1st soft Moon landing"
Great Britain1376 fdc (Mi1339 fdc)(Pictorial) cancel on FDC
Great Britain2317_ms10 folder (Mi2341_ms10 folder)Folder front with MS10 (2317_ms10 (10x 2317 + 10 labels)), also back2009"NASA's Pioneer and Surveyor probes"
Grenada2956 (Mi4192-4197)
i2956 proof
In (lower-left) margin of MS6 (2956 (a-f))
In (lower-left) margin of imperforate MS6 (i2956 proof (a-f))
2000"Surveyor-3" (but Apollo-12 visit NOT depicted)1
Guinea Republic1257Bg (Mi1445A)
i1257Bg (Mi1445B)
From MS16 (1257B (d-s)) (Mi1442A-1457A)
From imperforate MS16 (i1257B (d-s)) (Mi1442B-1457B)
Guinea Republic1257Bl (Mi1450A)
i1257Bl (Mi1450B)
Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Guinea RepublicBL1463In (left) margin of SS1 (Mi5263)2007"Surveyor-1"
Guyana2106l (Mi2638 gold)One of MS25 (2106 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in gold1989"Surveyor-1" (in overprinted text)
Guyana2106l_specimenOne of MS25 (2106_specimen (a-y)), 280 with both gold and specimen overprints
Guyana2107l (Mi2638)One of MS25 (2107 (a-y)), 280 overprinted in silver (Mi2627-2651)
Guyana2107l specimenOne of MS25 (2107 specimen (a-y)), 280 with both silver and specimen overprints
Guyana2810c (Mi4712)One of MS6 (2810 (a-f)) (Mi4710-4715)1994Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1, "Apollo-12 journey to Surveyor"
Guyana2811b (Mi4705)One of MS6 (2811 (a-f)) (Mi4704-4709)"Surveyor-1"
Haitim1318 (Mi unlisted)

1973Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Haitim1318-m1320 proofOne of three proofs
Haitim1377 (Mi unlisted)
m1318 overprinted
im1318 overprinted
1974Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Haitim1368-m1379 fdcOne of 12 stamps on FDC
HungaryC304 (Mi2576A)
iC304 (Mi2576B)
From MS4 (C304a (4x C304))
From imperforate MS4 (iC304a (4x iC304))
1970Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Isle of Man (Great Britain)2022 (Mi2480)One of booklet pane of 8 (2022b (2015-2022)) (Mi2473-2480), or 12 of MS24 (2021-2022_ms24 (12x (2021-2022)))2019Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Isle of Man (Great Britain)2022e (Mi1528II-1529II+1531II+Mi2473-2480)MS11 (2015-2022 + 3 stamps similar to 1313-1315)
LiberiaUnknown ss fdc(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC2022Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Maldive Islands249 (Mi254)1968Surveyor (not "Mariner" as in text) (at right)
Maldive Islands253 (Mi258)
Maldive Islands254a (BL8)One of imperforate MS2 (253-254)
Mali1036d (Mi2266)
One of MS6 (1036 (a-d)) (Mi2263-2266)
One of imperforate MS6 (i1036 (a-d))
1999"Surveyor-3" (Apollo-12 visit)1

ManamaMi87A-89A+Mi91A-92A fdc
Mi87B-89B+Mi91B-92B fdc
One of five stamps on FDC
One of five imperforate stamps on FDC
Embossed-perforation MS2 (like Mi92A+94A)
Imperforate MS2 (like Mi92B+94B)
On stamp of SS1 (Mi584)
On stamp of imperforate SS1
1971Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, incorrectly attributed to Apollo-15)1
Niger968h (Mi1340A)
i968h (Mi1340B)
One of MS8 (968 (a-h + label)) (Mi1333-1340)
One of imperforate MS8 (i968)
Nigeria173a (Mi164)In (left-center) margin of MS12 (12x 173)1965
Nigeria174a (Mi165)In (left-center) margin of MS12 (12x 174)
PanamaC365e (Mi1141)One stamp and on (left and bottom) selvedges of MS6 (C365 (a-f)) (Mi1137-1142)1969Surveyor-7
Paraguay980 (Mi1620)
i980 (Mi1628)

Imperforate with changed colors
Paraguay980 muestraOverprinted "muestra"
Paraguay978-982 fdcOne of five stamps and (black printed) cachet on FDC
Paraguay983 (Mi1623)
i983 (Mi1631)

Imperforate with changed colors
Paraguay983 muestraOverprinted "muestra"
Paraguay1048 (Mi1764)1967"program to investigate possible lunar landing sites (for Apollo)" (paraphrase of Spanish text referring to Surveyor)
Paraguay1049a (BL106)On one of imperforate MS3 (1047-1049)
Paraguay1049a muestraOn one of imperforate MS3 (1047-1049), overprinted "muestra"
Paraguay1279 (Mi2064)1970Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1 (in Spanish text only)
Paraguay1276a-1276e+1277-1280 fdcOne of nine stamps on FDC
Paraguay1277-1280 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut (South Arabia)Mi117A

1967Surveyor ? and booster
Ras Al KhaimaMi3981970Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Ras Al KhaimaMiB398A
Gold foil
Imperforate gold foil
Ras Al KhaimaBL92A
SS1 (Mi398A)
Imperforate SS1 (Mi398B)
Ras Al KhaimaBL92A fdcSS1 on FDC
Ras Al KhaimaBL_B92Imperforate SS1, gold foil
Ras Al KhaimaMiB398A+B398B+BL_B92 fdcTwo stamps and SS1 on FDC
Ras Al KhaimaMi_A451A

1970Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Ras Al KhaimaBL_A95A
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of imperforate SS1
Ras Al KhaimaBL_A95A fdcSS1 on FDC
RomaniaC192 (BL102)On stamp of SS11972Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
RomaniaC192 fdcSS1 on FDC
RomaniaNone(Pictorial) cancel on postal card199325th anniv. end Surveyor program
St. Helena989 (BL50)SS12009Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
St. Vincent3829 (Mi7081-7084)
In (left) margin of MS4 (3829 (a-d))
In (left) margin of imperforate MS4 (i3829 (a-d))
St. Vincent3829 signedIn (left) margin of signed designer-proof MS4
St. Vincent3829 designerIn (left) margin of designer-proof MS4
Sierra Leone1069f (Mi1217)One of MS9 (1069 (a-i)) (Mi1212-1220)1989Surveyor-1 (not "on Mars", as depicted and in text)2
Sierra Leone1069f specimenOne of MS9 (1069 specimen (a-i)) overprinted "specimen"
Sierra Leone4874d (Mi10029)One of MS4 (MS4 (a-d)) (Mi10026-10029), or from MS6 (6x 4874d)2018Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Sierra Leone4894 (BL1514)In (right) margin of SS1
SpainNone(Orange and blue and black printed) cachet on cover1984"Surveyor" (in text only)
Togo563_1st3 (Mi513Aa)
i563_1st3 (Mi513Ba)
One of strip of 2 (564a_1st (563-564)) (Mi513Aa-514Aa), or six of MS12 (564b_1st (6x (563-564))); each is 543 overprinted in red
One of imperforate strip of 2 (i564a_1st (i563-i564)) (Mi513Ba-514Ba), or six of imperforate MS12 (i564b_1st (6x (i563-i564))); each is i543 overprinted in red
1966"Surveyor-1" (in overprinted text)
Togo563_2nd3 (Mi513Ab)
i563_2nd3 (Mi513Bb)
One of strip of 2 (564a_2nd (563-564)) (Mi513Ab-514Ab), or six of MS12 (564b_2nd (6x (563-564))); each is 543 overprinted (differently) in red
One of imperforate strip of 2 (i564a_2nd (i563-i564)) (Mi513Bb-514Bb), or six of imperforate MS12 (i564b_2nd (6x (i563-i564))); each is i543 overprinted (differently) in red
Togo564a_2nd3 fdcStrip of 2 on FDC ("1965" cancel date is incorrect)
Togo743 (Mi810)

1970Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Togo748 (Mi816)
743 overprinted
i743 overprinted
Tristan da Cunha874 (BL?)SS12009Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
UdmurtiaUnknown b (Mi?)One of MS9 (a-i)2001"Surveyor"
UdmurtiaUnknown ims fdcImperforate MS9 on FDC
Umm Al QiwainMi923A
One of MS8 (Mi922A-929A + label)
One of imperforate MS8 (Mi922B-929B + label)
1972Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Umm Al QiwainMi923 dsDeluxe sheet (Mi923)
Umm Al QiwainMi931A
One of MS8 (Mi930A-937A), or one of MS16 (Mi930A-937A+1202A-1209A)
One of imperforate MS8 (Mi930B-937B), or one of imperforate MS16 (Mi930B-937B+1202B-1209B)
Umm Al QiwainMi931B pinkOne of imperforate MS8 (Mi930B-937B pink), or one of imperforate MS16 (Mi930B-937B+1202B-1209B pink)
United Nations1343b (Mi?)MS10 (5x (1343a (1342-1343)))2024"Surveyor-1"
United States1331 fdc (Mi930 fdc)(ArtCraft) cachet (and signature) on FDC, also detail1967
United States1332b fdc1 (Mi930-931 fdc1)(ArtCraft) cachet on FDC (small-font cancel), also detail
United States1332b fdc2 (Mi930-931 fdc2)(ArtCraft) cachet on FDC (large-font cancel), also detail
United States1332b cover (Mi930-931 cover)(Nebpex-68/Orbit Covers/Conn. Philatelic Soc./Hardware City Stamp Collectors Club) cachet (and signature) on cover1968"Surveyor"
United States1246+1371 cover (Mi?+981 cover)(Nebpex-68/Orbit Covers/Conn. Philatelic Soc./Hardware City Stamp Collectors Club/Nebpex-69) cachet (and signature) on cover1969"Surveyor"
United States1529 cover1 (Mi1136 cover1)(Aripex'75 magenta) cachet on cover (1529 stamp)1975
United States1529 cover2 (Mi1136 cover2)(Aripex'75 magenta) cachet on cover (1529 perfin stamp)
United States1529 cover3 (Mi1136 cover3)(Aripex'75 red) cachet on cover (1529 perfin stamp)
United States1912 fdc (Mi1481 fdc)(PCS golden-replica) insert from FDC, also front1981"parts of the 1967 Surveyor-3 spacecraft were brought back so that scientists could learn how conditions on the Moon affected them" (refers to Apollo-12 visit)
United States1916-1917 fdc (Mi1485-1486 fdc)(Postmasters of America, commemorative issue no.11) insert from FDC, also front"Surveyors 1 and 5"
United States1916 fdc22(Elite) cachet on FDC
United States2571 fdc (Mi2186 fdc)(PCS golden-replica) insert from FDC, also insert variation (different color text) and front1991"Surveyor" (in text only)
Vatican CityNone(Purple rubber-stamp) cachet on (KimCover/Pontificate of H.H. Paul VI no.274/Historic Philatelic Documents of the Vatican City no.323) cover1969Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1; "Surveyor Rec[overy] - Nov 20 1969"
Vatican CityNone(KimCover un-numbered) cachet on cover1972Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Yemen Arab Republic229 (Mi514)217 (Mi440) overprinted, also overprint template1966"Surveyor-1" (in overprinted text)
Yemen Arab Republic229 type1217 double overprinted, Type 1
Yemen Arab Republic229 type2217 double overprinted, Type 2
Yemen Arab Republic229A (Mi515)217A (Mi441) overprinted, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic229A type1217A double overprinted, Type 1
Yemen Arab Republic229A type2217A double overprinted, Type 2
Yemen Arab Republic229B (Mi516)217B (Mi442) overprinted, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic229B type1217B double overprinted, Type 1
Yemen Arab Republic229B type2217B double overprinted, Type 2
Yemen Arab Republic229C (Mi517)217C (Mi443) overprinted, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic229C type1217C double overprinted, Type 1
Yemen Arab Republic229C type2217C double overprinted, Type 2
Yemen Arab Republic229D (Mi518)217D (Mi444) overprinted, also overprint template
Yemen Arab Republic229D type1217D double overprinted, Type 1
Yemen Arab Republic229D type2217D double overprinted, Type 2
Yemen Arab RepublicMi1132One of MS7 (Mi1129-1135 + label)1970Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
Yemen Arab RepublicMi1139One of imperforate MS7 (Mi1136-1142 + label)
Yemen Arab RepublicBL129 (Mi1143)SS1
Yemen Arab RepublicBL129 proof1Imperforate proof1 (blue) from booklet of 4 proofs, also proof2 (blue and yellow), proof3 (multi-color, without "Surveyor" in text), proof4 (multi-color, with "Surveyor" in text), and booklet front (blank/white)
Yemen Mutawakelite KingdomBL175BImperforate SS11969Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1

1The Surveyor-3 spacecraft was launched in April 1967 and was exposed on the lunar surface for 31 months before the Apollo 12 mission. In November 1969, the Apollo 12 Lunar Module landed approximately 160 m from the Surveyor-3 spacecraft. The crew retrieved several pieces of Surveyor-3, including the TV camera and associated electrical cables, the sample scoop, and two pieces of aluminum tubing. These items were returned to Earth and analyzed to determine how they were affected by exposure to the lunar environment.
2All Surveyor missions were intended for the Earth's Moon; none went to Mars.
3These stamps exist in two different printings. The second printing has brighter colors than the first. Also, in the second printing the red overprint text is shifted a little to the right compared with that of the first printing (a vertical shift may occur as well).

Below is a list of Surveyor-series spacecraft launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
1962-05-08: Surveyor Pre-Model (rocket test) [failed]
United States1962-05-08Patrick AFB, FL(C. Swanson blue and magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-1, failed when the Centaur stage exploded at 6 km altitude)
1963-11-27: Surveyor Pre-Model (rocket test)
United States1963-11-27Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1963-11-27Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet (and signature) on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1963-11-27Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1963-11-27Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1963-11-27Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson/DuBeau? purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1963-11-27Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1963-11-27
Cape Canaveral FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank velvet) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Cape Canaveral FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank pale blue and blue) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Cape Canaveral FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank pale blue and blue-purple) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Cape Canaveral FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank pale blue and silver) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Cape Canaveral FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank pale blue and purple) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Cape Canaveral FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank pale blue) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Satellite Beach FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank purple) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Satellite Beach FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank dark red) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Satellite Beach FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank purple) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1963-11-27
Satellite Beach FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Black printed) cachet on coverSurveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
Surveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
1964-06-30: Surveyor Model (payload test) [failed]
United States1964-06-30Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Black printed) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-3, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-06-30Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Black printed) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-3, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-06-30Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-3, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
1964-12-10/11: Surveyor Model (payload test) [failed]
United States1964-12-10Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-12-11Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, and insertSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-12-11Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet (and signature) on cover, and insertSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-12-11Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, and insertSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-12-11Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-12-11Cape Canaveral FL(C. Swanson blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-12-11Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Sokalsky green and black printed, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-12-11Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Sokalsky green and black printed, no logo) cachet (and signature) on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Rank velvet) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Rank pale blue and blue) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Rank pale blue and blue-purple) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Rank pale blue and silver) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Rank pale blue and purple) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Cape Canaveral FL
(Rank pale blue) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank purple) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank dark red) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Rank purple) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
United States1964-12-11
Satellite Beach FL
Satellite Beach FL
(Black printed) cachet on coverSurveyor Model launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-4, failed after the rocket reached orbit)
Surveyor Pre-Model rocket test launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-2)
1965-03-02: Surveyor-SD1 (payload test) [failed]
United States1965-03-02Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD1 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-5, failed catastrophically when the rocket exploded on the launch pad)
United States1965-03-02Cape Canaveral FL(C. Swanson blue and red rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverSurveyor-SD1 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-5, failed catastrophically when the rocket exploded on the launch pad)
1965-08-11: Surveyor-SD2 (payload test)
United States1965-08-11Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert and insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
United States1965-08-11Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet (and signature) on cover, also insert and insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
United States1965-08-11Patrick AFB, FL(SpacCraft/Swanson) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
United States1965-08-11Cape Canaveral FL(C. Swanson blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
United States1965-08-11Cape Canaveral FL(C. Swanson blue rubber-stamp and black typed) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
United States1965-08-11Cape Canaveral FL(C. Swanson cyan rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverSurveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
United States1965-08-11Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson/DuBeau? blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
United States1965-08-11Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
United States1965-08-11Cape Canaveral FL(A Celestial Cachet) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD2 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-6)
1966-04-08: Surveyor-SD3 (payload test)
Austria1966-04-08Krieglach(Black and red typed) cachet (and signatures) on cover, also backSurveyor-SD3 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-8)
United States1966-04-08Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD3 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-8)
United States1966-04-08Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD3 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-8)
United States1966-04-08Patrick AFB, FL(Swanson/DuBeau? blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD3 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-8)
United States1966-04-08
Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)
Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)
(HJM black and black typed) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD3 launch (Atlas-Centaur mission AC-8)
Surveyor (pre-launch events)
United States1966-05-20Alamagordo NM(Black rubber-stamp and hand-written and stickers) cachet on (airmail) coverSurveyor terminal descent test2
United States1966-05-20Alamagordo NM(Black rubber-stamp and hand-written and stickers) cachet (different) on (airmail) cover
United States1966-05-25Cape Canaveral FL(Black typed) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 pre-launch: unknown event
1966-05-30: Surveyor-1
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 launch (but "first US soft landing on the Moon" and "first live TV Moon photos" in cachet)
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 launch (but "first US soft landing on the Moon" and "first live TV Moon photos" in cachet)
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 launch (but "landed June 2" and "sent 144 pictures in the first hours" in cachet)
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers, no logo) cachet (different) on coverSurveyor-1 launch
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers, no logo) cachet (different) on coverSurveyor-1 launch (but "historic soft landing June 2" and "sends thousands of clear ... pictures of the Moon's surface" in cachet)
United States1966-05-30Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-1 launch
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-1 launch
United States1966-05-30Patrick AFB, FL (cancel inverted)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-1 launch
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 launch
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 launch
United States1966-05-30Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 launch
Surveyor-1 (events)
United States1966-06-02Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 "soft landing" on Moon
United States1966-06-02Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 (soft) landing on Moon (but "Surveyor impact on Moon" is misleading because it suggests a crash)
United States1966-06-02Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverSurveyor-1 (soft) landing on Moon (but "Surveyor impact on Moon" is misleading because it suggests a crash)
United States1966-06-02Port Washington NY(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 lunar landing
United States1966-06-02Pasadena CA(Rank velvet) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 lunar landing; also "1st Surveyor signals from Moon"
United States1966-06-02Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor-1 lunar landing
Surveyor-1 (anniversaries)
United States1976-06-02Kennedy Space Center FL(MoF no.40) cachet on cover10th anniv. Surveyor-1 lunar landing
United States1986-06-01Pasadena CA(Red printed) cachet on cover20th anniv. Surveyor-1 lunar landing
United States2021-06-02Monument Beach MA(Coverscape) cachet on cover55th anniv. Surveyor-1 lunar landing
1966-09-20: Surveyor-2 [mission not completed]
[KH4A-35 launched separately on same day at Vandenberg AFB, CA]
United States1966-09-20Patrick AFB, FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-2 launch (but Ranger depicted)
United States1966-09-20Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-2 launch (but mid-course correction maneuver and impact on Moon, on date in cachet)
United States1966-09-20Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor-2 launch (but impact on Moon, on date in cachet)
United States1966-09-20Kennedy Space Center FL(Astro Covers, no logo) cachet on coverSurveyor-2 launch (but impact on Moon, on date in cachet)
United States1966-09-20Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-2 launch
United States1966-09-20Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-2 launch
United States1966-09-20Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-2 launch
United States1966-09-20Cape Canaveral FL(Sokalsky green) cachet on coverSurveyor-2 launch
1966-10-26: Surveyor-SD4 (payload test)
United States1966-10-26Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD4 launch (but Lunar Orbiter depicted)
United States1966-10-26Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD4 launch (but Lunar Orbiter depicted)
United States1966-10-26Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD4 launch
United States1966-10-26Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-SD4 launch
United States1966-10-26Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-SD4 launch
United States1966-10-26Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson/DuBeau? purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD4 launch
United States1966-10-26Patrick AFB, FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-SD4 launch
1967-04-17: Surveyor-3
United States1967-04-17Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 launch
United States1967-04-17Kennedy Space Center FL(Red and blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 launch
United States1967-04-17Kennedy Space Center FL(KSC Official blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 launch
United States1967-04-17Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 launch
United States1967-04-17Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 launch
United States1967-04-17Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 launch
United States1967-04-17Cape Canaveral FL(Whitney cyan and black) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 launch (but "Surveyor-4" in text)
Surveyor-3 (events)
United States1967-04-18Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 on way to Moon, but soft landing featured (in cachet)
United States1967-04-18Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 on way to Moon
United States1967-04-19Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers?) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 landing (but a photo showing the alpha-backscattering instrument used by Surveyor-5, which landed on the Moon on 10 September 1967, in cachet)
United States1967-04-19Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-3 lunar landing
United States1967-04-19Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 lunar landing
United States1967-04-20Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 landing (on 19 April) (but a photo made by Apollo 12 astronauts (more than 2 years later) showing one of its landing pads along with part of the telescoping arm of its soil-sampling scoop, in cachet). Here is part of the original photo)
United States1967-04-20Pasadena CA(Rank velvet, pink accents) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 landing (on 19 April); and "moon photos"
United States1967-04-20Pasadena CA(Rank velvet, red accents) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 landing (on 19 April); and "moon photos"
United States1967-04-20Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 landing (on 19 April)
United States1967-04-22Cape Canaveral FL(Red printed) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 on the Moon; includes a photo sent from the Moon that shows the Surveyor-3 scoop on its extendable arm and some trenches that it dug in the lunar soil
United States1967-04-22Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-3 on the Moon; "1st lunar crust sample"
Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
United States1969-11-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue rubber-stamp) cachet on Apollo-12 launch coverSurveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, but the visit did not take place until 1969-11-20)
United States1969-11-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue rubber-stamp) cachet (and signatures) on Apollo-12 launch coverSurveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, but the visit did not take place until 1969-11-20)
United States1969-11-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue rubber-stamp) cachet on Apollo-12 launch (airmail) coverSurveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, but the visit did not take place until 1969-11-20)
United States1969-11-14Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers, no logo) cachet on Apollo-12 launch coverSurveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, but the visit did not take place until 1969-11-20)
United States1969-11-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue printed) cachet on Apollo-12 launch postcardSurveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, but the visit did not take place until 1969-11-20)
United States1969-11-14Colorado Springs CO(R.E. Nichol cyan and magenta and black and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on Apollo-12 launch coverSurveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, but incorrectly noted as "Visit Ranger-3")
United States1969-11-17Colorado Springs CO(R.E. Nichol blue and green and black and magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on Apollo-12 event cover, also backSurveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, but incorrectly noted as "Visit Ranger-3")
United States1969-11-17Colorado Springs CO(R.E. Nichol blue and cyan and black and red rubber-stamp) cachet on Apollo-12 event cover, also back
(Purple printed and black rubber-stamp) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing and splashdown/recovery cover"2nd manned Moonlanding" (except the text and first cancel have 18 Nov, but should have 19 Nov for that event); "Inspection of Surveyor-3 equipment" (in German text; that event took place on 20 Nov); Apollo-12 "Earthlanding" (except the text and second cancel have 22 Nov, but should have 24 Nov for that event)
United States1969-11-19Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing coverApollo-12 landing on Moon only 200 m from Surveyor-3
United States1969-11-19Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing cover (different)Apollo-12 landing on Moon only 200 m from Surveyor-3; while on the Moon, the astronauts reclaimed "parts of Surveyor-3 ... for return to Earth"
United States1969-11-19Cape Canaveral FL(Folio-print) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing coverApollo-12 landing on Moon only 200 m from Surveyor-3
United States1969-11-19Cape Canaveral FL(Multi-color printed) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing coverApollo-12 landing on Moon only 200 m from Surveyor-3
United States1969-11-19Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing cover"Surveyor"
United States1969-11-19Cape Canaveral FL(Blue and red and black printed) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing cover, also back"Landing 20 feet from edge of Surveyor Crater"; "Examination of Surveyor-3"; "Removal of camera from Surveyor-3"
United States1969-11-19Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing coverApollo-12 landing on Moon only 200 m from Surveyor-3
United States1969-11-19Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue and green rubber-stamp) cachet on Apollo-12 lunar landing coverApollo-12 landing on Moon only 200 m from Surveyor-3
United States1969-11-20Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on Apollo-12 event coverSurveyor-3 inspected by Apollo-12 astronauts, and some parts removed for return to Earth
United States1969-11-20Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on Apollo-12 event coverApollo-12 astronauts walk "600 feet to Surveyor-3"
Vatican City1969-11-20Vatican City(KimCover/Pontificate of H.H. Paul VI no.270/Historic Philatelic Documents of the Vatican City no.319) cachet on Apollo-12 event coverSurveyor-3 (parts) recovered by Apollo-12 astronauts
United States1969-11-24Cape Canaveral FL(Folio-print) cachet on Apollo-12 spashdown/recovery coverSome parts from Surveyor-3 arrive back on Earth with the Apollo-12 astronauts
United States1969-11-24Cape Canaveral FL(Multi-color printed) cachet on Apollo-12 spashdown/recovery coverSome parts from Surveyor-3 arrive back on Earth with the Apollo-12 astronauts
United States1969-11-24Satellite Beach FL(Lunar Voyage Cachets) cachet on Apollo-12 return to Earth cover"Landing near Surveyor[-3] 11.19.69"
Surveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit, anniversary)1
United States2019-11-19Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet on cover50th anniv. Apollo-12 astronauts' inspection of Surveyor-3 (on 20 November 1969)
United States2019-11-19Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on cover50th anniv. Apollo-12 astronauts' inspection of Surveyor-3 (on 20 November 1969)
1967-07-14: Surveyor-4 [mission not completed]
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet (significant shift in satellite position) on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(R. DuBeau blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(R. DuBeau blue rubber-stamp and red sticker) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet (and signature) on cover, also insertSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Swanson purple and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Sokalsky orange) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Sokalsky green) cachet (different) on coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-14Long Beach CA(Sticker/photo and hand-printed) cachet on (airmail) coverSurveyor-4 launch
United States1967-07-16Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 loss due to explosion.
United States1967-07-16Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-4 loss due to explosion.
1967-09-08: Surveyor-5
United States1967-09-08Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Kennedy Space Center FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Patrick AFB, FL (hand cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Patrick AFB, FL (machine cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Cape Canaveral FL(C. Swanson purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-08Cape Canaveral FL(Jim Fitzpatrick purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-5 launch
United States1967-09-11Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-5 "lands on Moon"
1967-11-07: Surveyor-6
[A (sub-orbital) Minuteman-2 rocket was launched separately on the same day at Cape Canaveral FL]
United States1967-11-06Cape Canaveral FL(Black typed) cachet on (airmail) coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Satellite Beach FL(Whitney black and red) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet (and signatures) on cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Kennedy Space Center FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert or insert variation (slightly different line lengths)Surveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(C. Swanson magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(C. Swanson magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL(Purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL(blank/no) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
United States1967-11-07Cape Canaveral FL(Fitzpatrick) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 launch
Surveyor-6 (events)
United States1967-11-09Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 lunar landing
United States1967-11-09Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 lunar landing
United States1967-11-09Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-6 lunar landing
1968-01-07: Surveyor-7
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit green and yellow) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch; also "Surveyor-I" — "Surveyor-VII"
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Orbit purple and orange) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Orbit purple and orange) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Patrick AFB, FL(C. Swanson/DuBeau? magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL(C. Swanson/DuBeau? magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Kennedy Space Center FL(NASA KSC red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Kennedy Space Center FL(Red typed and green rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Kennedy Space center FL(Red typed and green rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue and red rubber-stamp and sticker) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch (but "Project Apollo" cachet dated "22 Jan 1968" in text)
United States1968-01-07Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial-like) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial-like) cachet (different) on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07La Canada CA(JPL Spaceflight Operations Facility typed and black rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on coverSurveyor-7 launch
United States1968-01-07Kennedy Space Center FL(Jarrett? magenta and purple rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on coverSurveyor-7 launch
Surveyor-7 (events)
United States1968-01-09Cape Canaveral FL(Blue printed) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 lunar landing (but a photo sent from the Moon from Surveyor-3 (not Surveyor-7) that shows the Surveyor-3 scoop on its extendable arm and some trenches that it dug in the lunar soil)
United States1968-01-09Cape Canaveral FL(Green printed) cachet (changed color) on cover
United States1968-01-09Cape Canaveral FL(Astro Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 lunar landing
United States1968-01-09Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 lunar landing
United States1968-01-09Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverSurveyor-7 lunar landing
Surveyor-7 (anniversaries)
United States2023-01-10Monument Beach MA(Coverscape) cachet on cover, also back55th anniv. Surveyor-7 lunar landing; also "Surveyors 1, 3, 5, and 6" (in text on back)
Surveyor (on other than Surveyor launch covers)
United States1962-04-23Port Canaveral FL(Sarzin) cachet on Ranger-4 launch cover"Surveyor"
United States1965-03-21Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on Ranger-9 launch cover, also insert"Surveyor"
United States1965-03-22Patrick AFB, FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on Ranger-9 launch cover, also insert"Surveyor"
United States1967-02-08Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on Lunar Orbiter-3 event cover"Surveyor-1"
United States1967-08-01Cape Canaveral FL(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on Lunar Orbiter-5 launch cover"Surveyor"
United States1970-04-11Nixon NV(RRI Rocketpost Flight 29) cachet on Apollo-13 launch coverSurveyor-3 "view from Apollo-12"
Romania1989-11-19Botosani(AFR) cachet on Apollo-12 anniversary cover, also backSurveyor-3 (Apollo-12 visit)1
United States2014-11-18Corsicana TX(Danny Lee) cachet on Lunar Orbiter-2 anniversary cover"Surveyor"

1The Surveyor-3 spacecraft was launched in April 1967 and was exposed on the lunar surface for 31 months before the Apollo 12 mission. In November 1969, the Apollo 12 Lunar Module landed approximately 160 m from the Surveyor-3 spacecraft. The crew retrieved several pieces of Surveyor-3, including the TV camera and associated electrical cables, the sample scoop, and two pieces of aluminum tubing. These items were returned to Earth and analyzed to determine how they were affected by exposure to the lunar environment.
2The lunar descent phase of the Surveyor spacecraft was tested at the White Sands Missile Range. One such test took place on 20 May 1966. Its primary objective was to validate the guidance and control system for the descent phase of the Surveyor missions. A mock-up of the Surveyor spacecraft was used. Its weight (in terrestrial gravity) was 1/6 that of the actual spacecraft, and it was equipped with a complete engine system, RADVS (Radar Altimeter/Doppler Velocimeter System), inertial sensors and flight control electronics. It was also aerodynamically balanced to minimize the effects of Earth's atmosphere. Essentially, the design of the mock-up scaled its dynamic properties to approximate those of the real spacecraft in the lunar environment. Two photographs of the actual test vehicle in flight are found here. In the descent test, the mock-up was initially suspended beneath a balloon, its engine was started and the vehicle was released. The vehicle successfully landed following a pre-programmed descent profile.

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Updated: 2024-09-29