Space Master no.1

(all known) covers with
"Space Master"
numbered cachets

Space Master no.11
Space Master no.1Space Master no.11

This page contains (all known) covers with "Space Master" numbered cachets produced by Robert G. Rank of Union City NJ to mark satellite launches and other space-related events. Those covers most often include this logo and this numbered logo or this numbered logo on the front, and are often numbered either on the front or the back. One cover (with "Space-Master A" on the back) has been found that pre-dates Space Master no.1.

Most of the postal items listed below are also found in other pages of the Un-manned Satellite Philately website. However, below are also a few items not found elsewhere in the website because they are not of direct interest to the authors. They are nevertheless included here to make this list of named covers more complete. Such items are highlighted in blue.

Readers who know of additional information or images are invited to contact the authors using the e-mail addresses found at the link at the bottom of this page.

Below is a list of "Space Master" cachets on launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
"Space Master" numbered cachets
United States1976-07-08Cape Canaveral FL("Space-Master A", on back) cachet on cover, also backPalapa-A1 launch
United States1976-07-20
Pasadena CA (machine cancel)
Pasadena CA (hand cancel)
(Space Master no.1) cachet on cover, also backViking-1 landing on Mars
United States1976-09-03
Pasadena CA (machine cancel)
Pasadena CA (hand cancel)
(Space Master no.2) cachet on coverViking-2 landing on Mars
United States1976-09-17
Palmdale CA (machine cancel)
Palmdale CA (red hand cancel)
(Space Master no.3) cachet on cover, also backShuttle "Enterprise rollout"
United States1976-10-27
Houston TX (black hand cancel)
Houston TX (red hand cancel)
(Space Master no.4) cachet on cover, also backGulfstream simulated Shuttle landings
United States1977-02-18Edwards CA(Space Master no.5, on back) cachet on cover, also backShuttle Enterprise first flight on Boeing 747
United States1977-06-18Edwards CA(Space Master no.6, on back) cachet on cover, also backShuttle Enterprise test flights on Boeing 747
United States1977-08-12Edwards CA(Space Master no.7) cachet on cover, also backfirst Shuttle free flight and landing (released from Boeing 747)
United States1977-08-20Cape Canaveral FL(Space Master no.8) cachet on cover, also backVoyager-2 launch
United States1977-09-05Cape Canaveral FL(Space Master no.9) cachet on cover, also backVoyager-1 launch
United States1978-05-20Cape Canaveral FL(Space Master no.10) cachet on cover, also backPioneer-12 launch
United States1978-08-08Cape Canaveral FL(Space Master no.11) cachet on cover, also backPioneer-13 launch
Space Master no.12 or greater have not been found and may not exist

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-09-15