Solar Maximum Mission
(SMM) satellite

LDEF (patch)
SMMSMM (patch)

This page contains philatelic information on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
SMM (on other than SMM launch covers)

Below is a list of SMM satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Solar Maximum Mission (SMM)
Angola1110f (Mi1449)One of MS6 (1110 (a-f)) (Mi1444-1449)1999"S.M.S. 1980 Missão Solar Máxima" (but not "SMS", as in incorrect part of text)
Austria1219 cover (Mi1715 cover)(Green printed) cachet on cover1984SMM repair (with astronaut)
Azerbaijan897b (Mi759)In (lower-left) margin of MS10 (10x 897), also annotated2009SMM
BahamasKM171$5. (silver coin)1994SMM (10th anniv. STS-41C/Challenger repaired)
Central African Republic659 (Mi1038A)
i659 (Mi1038B)

1984SMM (STS-41C/Challenger repaired)
Central African Republic659 fdcStamp on FDC
Central African Republic659a (BL286)
On stamp of SS1 (659)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i659)
Central African Republici662b (Mi1036-1041)On one of imperforate MS6 (i657-i662)
Central African Republic761a (BL347A)
i761a (BL347B)
In (right) margin of SS1 (761)
In (right) margin of imperforate SS1 (i761)
1985SMM (STS-41C/Challenger repaired)2
Egypt1802 (Mi2061)2001SMM
Fort Myers FL (USA)LocalImperforate1986SMM (STS-41C/Challenger repaired)
Gambia2269b (Mi3705)
One of MS6 (2269 (a-f)) (Mi3704-3709)
One of imperforate MS6 (i22693 (a-f))
2000"Solar Max" (SMM)
Gambia2269b essayOne of MS6 (2269 imperforate essay (a-f))
Gambiai2269 fdc3Imperkforate MS6 on FDC
Guinea-BissauBL532In (right) margin of SS12005SMM (STS-41C/Challenger repaired)
Guyana3506 (BL674)On stamp of SS12000"Solar Max" (SMM, STS-41C/Challenger repaired)
Guyana3506 proofImperforate proof
Guyana3506 proof fdcImperforate proof and (multi-color printed) cachet (same design) on FDC
IndiaNone(Tanapex pictorial) cancel on cover1996SMM
Italy2073 (Mi2427)1996SMM
Madagascar1537b (Mi2480)One of MS6 (1537 (a-f)) (Mi2479-2484)2000"Solar Max" (SMM)
Micronesia344p (Mi736)From MS20 (344 (a-t)) (Mi721-740)1999"Solar Maximum Mission" (but Explorer-59 / ISEE-3 / ICE depicted)1
Micronesia344q (Mi737)SMM repair (not Explorer-59 / ISEE-3 / "ICE", as in text)1
MoroccoY1161/2 dirham (copper-nickel coin)2002SMM
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ms (Mi?)In (lower-left) margin of MS92006"Solar Max[imum] Sun-Earth connections" with a symbolic Earth magnetotail (in lower-left margin)4
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ms fdcMS9 on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ims fdc1Imperforate MS9 on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince IslandsUnknown ims fdc2Imperforate MS9 on FDC (different)
SpainNone(Orange and blue and black printed) cachet on cover1984"SMM" (in text only)
United States1914 maxi (Mi1483 maxi)(Colorano silk) cachet on maxicard1981SMM (STS-41C/Challenger repaired)
United States1915 fdc (Mi1484 fdc)(PCS golden-replica) insert from FDC, also front"Solar Maximum Mission" (noted as depicted on the stamp (USA 1915), but Skylab depicted)
United States1919a fdc(Jim Butcher/Fleetwood) cachet on FDC card
United States1914 fdc
5073 fdc
(Colorano silk) cachet on FDC
(5073 FDC, not important here)
SMM (STS-41C/Challenger repaired)
United States3262 fdc (Mi? fdc)(Pugh Cachets Inc.) cachet on FDC1998SMM and manipulator arm
United States3410a fdc (Mi3367 fdc)(Space Voyage/First Rank) cachet on FDC2000"Solar Max" (SMM, STS-41C/Challenger repaired)
United States5603 fdc (Mi? fdc)(Alpine) cachet on FDC, also back2021"Solar Maximum Mission 1980"

1The captions on Micronesia 344p and 344q are transposed: SMM repair, and Explorer-59 / ISEE-3 / ICE.
2Two Space Shuttle missions are merged on Central Africa 761a: Palapa-B (on stamp) was retrieved by STS-51A/Discovery; SMM (in right margin) was repaired by STS-41C/Challenger.
3The Gambia imperforate i2269 (also seen in i2269 fdc) does not perfectly match the perforated version 2269, but rather is quite similar to the essay 2269 essay. The authors believe that the perforated version 2269 includes the final design of these sheets that was actually issued.
4This item, generally for solar studies, can also be considered to refer implicitly to SMM, which was launched 14 February 1980 during the period of maximum solar activity of solar cycle 21. SMM marked the beginning of systematic monitoring of the total solar irradiance from space. During its operational lifetime (February to November 1980 and April 1984 to November 1989 - the gap was due to an attitude control failure late in 1980, but the satellite was repaired in April 1984 by STS-41C/Challenger), SMM observed some 12,000 solar flares and 1200 coronal mass ejections.

Below is a list of SMM satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Solar Maximum Mission (SMM)
1980-02-14: SMM [rocket] launched
United States1980-02-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Space Voyage) cachet on coverSMM [rocket] launch
United States1980-02-14Cape Canaveral FL(Space Voyage) cachet on coverSMM [rocket] launch
United States1980-02-14Greenbelt MD(Space Voyage) cachet on coverSMM [rocket] launch
United States1980-02-14Kennedy Space Center FL(SCPS) cachet on coverSMM [rocket] launch
United States1980-02-14Greenbelt MD(GSFC Stamp Club) cachet on coverSMM [rocket] launch
United States1980-02-14Merritt Island FL(Havekotte blue and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSMM [rocket] launch (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1980-02-14Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)(Havekotte blue and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverSMM [rocket] launch (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1980-02-14Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)(Havekotte blue rubber-stamp and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverSMM [rocket] launch (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1980-02-14Cape Canaveral FL(Havekotte blue rubber-stamp and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverSMM [rocket] launch (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1980-02-14Patrick AFB, FL(Whitney red and black) cachet on (airmail) coverSMM [rocket] launch
United States1980-02-14Cape Canaveral FL (hand cancel)(Whitney red and black) cachet on coverSMM [rocket] launch
United States1980-02-14Cape Canaveral FL (machine cancel)(Whitney red and black) cachet on (airmail) coverSMM [rocket] launch
United States1980-02-14Greenbelt MD(GSFC STDN blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSMM [rocket] launch
1984-04-07: SMM repair (and LDEF by STS-13 (41C))
Ascension Island1984-04-06Ascension(Space Voyage) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue and black printed) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Brown printed and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Las Cruces NM(White Sands STDN Facility) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-41C launch (but TDRS depicted)
United States1984-04-06
Kennedy Space Center FL
Edwards AFB, CA
(Mission patch) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
STS-41C landing
United States1984-04-06
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
(Mission patch) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-41C launch
STS-41C return to Kennedy Space Center FL
United States1984-04-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Zaso silk/IASP no.74) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Greenbelt MD(GSFC Stamp Club) cachet (and signatures) on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
(Purple and brown rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) cover, also backSTS-41C launch
STS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1984-04-07Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on coverLDEF deployed
United States1984-04-07Houston TX(Space Voyage) cachet on coverLDEF deployed
United States1984-04-08Houston TX(Zaso silk/IASP no.75) cachet on coverSMM failed capture (even though the cachet refers to the LDEF)
United States1984-04-08Houston TX(Space Voyage) cachet on coverSMM failed capture
United States1984-04-08Kennedy Space Center FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSMM failed capture
United States1984-04-08Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet on coverSMM failed capture
United States1984-04-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet on coverApproaching SMM in preparation for the second capture attempt
United States1984-04-10Houston TX(SCCS) cachet on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-10Houston TX(Zaso silk/IASP no.76) cachet on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-10Cape Canaveral FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-10Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-10Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet (different) on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-12Houston TX(SCCS) cachet on coverSMM re-deployed
United States1984-04-13Edwards AFB, CA(Zaso silk/IASP no.77) cachet on coverSTS-41C landing
United States1984-04-13Edwards AFB, CA(Centennial) cachet on coverSTS-41C landing
United States1984-04-18
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
(Mission patch) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-41C return to Kennedy Space Center FL
STS-41C launch
SMM (on other than SMM launch covers)
United States1983-08-30
(Kennedy Space Center FL)
Kennedy Space Center FL
Edwards AFB, CA
STS-8/Challenger launch cover folder page6/back, with front"Solar Observing Satellite" (referring to SMM)
United States1984-02-03Downey CA(RSDSC) insert from STS-11 (41B) cover, also insert back and cover front"Solar Maximum satellite"
United States1984-02-03Houston TX(Zaso silk/IASP no.71) cachet on STS-11 (41B) cover"Rehearsal for Solar Max [SMM] repair"
United States1986-02-01Kennedy Space Center FL(Zaso silk/IASP no.130) cachet on STS-33 (51L) launch [failed] cover"Solar Max"

1The rocket in this cachet is based on a Whitney-design cachet as found on covers such as this GOES-1_cover; the comsat design is similar to that of the Westar-1/2/3 type or Palapa-A1/A2 type or Anik-A1/A2 type satellites, all of which are essentially identical.

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-07-05