MS-T5 / Sakigake

Planet-series spacecraft
(cometary: MS-T5 — Planet-A)

Planet-A / Suisei
MS-T5 / SakigakePlanet-A / Suisei

This page contains philatelic information on the (Earlier) Planet-series (cometary) spacecraft. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

While MS-T5 / Sakigake items are found on this page, MS-T1 — MS-T4 items are found on the Tansei page.

Many of the items in the list below were issued for Halley's Comet. Although a list of Halley's Comet items is not provided, a number of those items include images of Edmund Halley (1656 - 1742).

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below or elsewhere)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below or elsewhere)
(Earlier) Planet
(Japanese cometary)
(Earlier) Planet
(Japanese cometary)
(Earlier) Planet
(Japanese cometary)
Planet (on other than Planet launch covers)
(Later) Planet
(Japanese planetary)
(Later) Planet
(Japanese planetary)
(Later) Planet
(Japanese planetary)

Below is a list of (Earlier) Planet-series (cometary) spacecraft postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
(Earlier) Planet (Japanese cometary)
Aitutaki383 (Mi571)One of pair (383a (382-383))1985"Planet-A" / Suisei
Aitutaki385 (Mi573)One of pair (385a (384-385))
Belize812a (Mi873)One of strip of 3 (812 (a-c)) (Mi873-875), or three of MS9 (812d (3x (812 (a-c))))1986(poorly-depicted) "Planet-A" / Suisei
Belize812a-c+813a-c fdcOne of six stamps on FDC
BeninUnknown ms (Mi none)MS2 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2015MS-T5 / "Sakigake" (in upper-right margin); Planet-A / Suisei (in both stamps, not "Sakigake" as in the stamps' text)
BeninUnknown ss (BL none)SS1 [known illegal issue]MS-T5 / "Sakigake" (in the stamp and margin)
Bulgaria3153 (BL162)In (upper-left) margin of MS4 (3153 (a-d))1986"Planet-1" (Planet-A / Suisei depicted)
Bulgaria3153 fdcMS4 on FDC
Cambodia708 (Mi786)1986"Planet"-A / Suisei
Central African RepublicC279_stamp (Mi867A)
iC279_stamp (Mi867B)

1982Planet-A / Suisei
Central African RepublicC279 (BL201A, Mi867A)
iC279 (BL201B, Mi867B)
On stamp of SS1
On stamp of imperforate SS1
Central African Republic660 (Mi1039A)1984Planet-A / Suisei
Central African Republic660a (BL287A)On stamp of SS1 (660)
Comoro IslandsC162 (Mi776)

1986"Planet-A" / Suisei
Comoro IslandsC162a (BL none)On stamp of imperforate SS1 (iC162)
Comoro IslandsB4e (Mi858A)
iB4e (Mi858B)
One of MS8 (B4 (a-h)) (Mi854A-861A)
One of imperforate MS8 (iB4 (a-h)) (Mi854B-861B)
1988"Planet-A" / Suisei
Comoro IslandsB4e ds (BL267A)
iB4e ds (BL267B)
Deluxe sheet (B4e)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (iB4e)
Comoro IslandsB4g (Mi860A)
iB4g (Mi860B)
One of MS8 (B4 (a-h)) (Mi854A-861A)
One of imperforate MS8 (iB4 (a-h)) (Mi854B-861B)
Comoro IslandsB4g ds (BL269A)
iB4g ds (BL269B)
Deluxe sheet (B4g)
Imperforate deluxe sheet (iB4g)
Comoro Islands796S (Mi1093)C162 overprinted new value1992-1995"Planet-A" / Suisei
Comoro Islands804H (Mi1108)C162 overprinted new value (different)1992-1995"Planet-A" / Suisei
Comoro Islands816Pu (Mi1129)One of pair (816P (t-u)) (Mi1125+1129), B4e overprinted with a silver bar to remove the surtax1996"Planet-A" / Suisei
Comoro Islands816Ry (Mi1131)One of pair (816R (x-y)) (Mi1127+1131), B4g overprinted with a silver bar to remove the surtax
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (lower-left) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2016Planet-A / "Suisei"
Djibouti610a (BL120A)
i610a (BL120B)
In (lower-right) margin of SS1 (610), also annotated
In (lower-right) margin of imperforate SS1 (i610)
1986Two depictions of Planet-A / Suisei; (the design was probably meant to show Planet-A/Suisei in one and MS-T5/Sakigake in the other)
Germany (West)1456 fdc (Mi1273 fdc)Insert from FDC, also front1986Planet-A / "Suisei"
Grenada Carriacou2205a (Mi3191)One of MS6 (2205 (a-f)) (Mi3191-3196)2000Planet-A / Suisei (not "Foton", as in text)
Grenada Carriacou2205a essayOne of MS6 (2205 essay (a-f))Planet-A / Suisei (not MS-T5/"Sakigake")
Guinea RepublicB38a (BL327A, Mi1249A)In (left and lower) margin of SS1 (B38)1989Two depictions of Planet-A / Suisei; (the design was probably meant to show Planet-A/Suisei in one and MS-T5/Sakigake in the other)
Guinea-Bissau689 (BL268)In (upper-right) margin of SS11986Planet-A / "Suisei"
Hungary2974 (Mi3807A)
i2974 (Mi3807B)

1986Planet-A / "Szuiszei" (Suisei)
Hungary2974 fdcStamp on FDC
Hungary2974 maxiMaxicard
Ivory CoastC102 (Mi891)

1986Planet-A / Suisei (not "MS-T5" / Sakigake)
Ivory CoastC102 dsDeluxe sheet (C102)
Malagasy (DR)795 (Mi1061A)
i795 (Mi1061B)

1987Planet-A / Suisei (not "Planet-A1", the original name of MS-T5 / Sakigake)
Malagasy (DR)795a (BL46A)
i795a (BL46B)
On stamp of SS1 (795)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i795)
Malagasy (DR)796 (Mi1062A)
i796 (Mi1062B)

Planet-A / Suisei (originally named "Planet-A2")
Malagasy (DR)796a (BL47A)
i796a (BL47B)
On stamp of SS1 (796)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i796)
Maldive Islands1153 (Mi1166)

1986"Planet-A" / Suisei
Maldive Islands1212 (Mi1225)
1153 overprinted with silver symbol
i1153 overprinted with silver symbol
1986"Planet-A" / Suisei
Marshall Islands87+label (Mi63+label)One of strip of 5 (90a (86-90) + 5 labels) (Mi62-66), or three of MS15 (90b (3x (86-90)) + 5 labels)1985"Planet-A" / Suisei
Marshall Islands87 fdcStamp and (Colorano silk) cachet on FDC
Marshall Islands90a fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Mauritania622 (Mi892A)
i622 (Mi892B)

1986"Planet-A" / Suisei
Mauritania622a (BL none)
On stamp of SS1 (622)
On stamp of imperforate SS1 (i622)
Mauritania622b (Mi889-892)
One of MS4 (619-622)
One of imperforate MS4 (i619-i622)
NigerC365 (Mi981A)
iC365 (Mi981B)

1985"Planet-A" / Suisei
NigerC365 dsDeluxe sheet (C365)
Niuafo'ou (Tonga)366 (BL75)On stamp of SS12017MS-T5 / Sakigake
Niue507 (Mi652)
Also detail
1986"Planet-A" / Suisei
Niue509c (Mi656)
One of MS4 (509 (a-d)) (BL99, Mi654-657), also detail
One of imperforate MS4 (i509 (a-d))
ParaguayC642 label (Mi3974 label)One label and in (lower-left) margin of MS9 (C642a (5x C642 + 4 labels))1986Planet-A / Suisei
Poland2715 (Mi3015)One of pair (2715a (2714-2715))1986"Planet-A" / Suisei
Russia (USSR)5434 (BL187)In (lower) margin of SS11986"Planet-A" (in lower margin text) / Suisei
Russia (USSR)5434 fdcSS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
St. Thomas and Prince Islands789 label (Mi950-953 label)Label from MS4 (789 (a-d + 5 labels)) (Mi950-953)1986Planet-A / "Suisei"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands790 (BL164)In (right) margin of SS1
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2851 (Mi6065-6068)MS4 (2851 (a-d))201530th anniv. MS-T5 / "Sakigake" (and also of Planet-A / Suisei); "Sakigake MS-T5" launch (in stamp 'a' and depicted in stamp 'c'); Planet-A / Suisei (in stamps 'b' and 'd', not "Sakigake MS-T5" as in their text)
St. Thomas and Prince Islands2869 (BL1068)SS130th anniv. MS-T5 / "Sakigake" (and also of Planet-A / Suisei); MS-T5 / "Sakigake" (in margin); Planet-A / Suisei (in stamp, not "Sakigake MS-T5" as in the text)
SomaliaUnknown ms (Mi?)In (upper-left) margin of MS4 (a-d)2002Planet-A / Suisei (not MS-T5 / "Sakigake")
SomaliaUnknown ims (Mi?)In (upper-left) margin of imperforate MS4 (4x stamp 'b')
Togo1361 (Mi1944)1986Planet-A / "Suisei"
Togo1405 (Mi1990)1361 overprinted in silver1986Planet-A / "Suisei"
United StatesNoneInsert back from cover, also insert front and cover front1986"Planet-A" / Suisei
United States2116 cover (Mi1739C cover)(Parforex-26) cachet on cover (Parforex Station cancel)1986"Planet-A" / Suisei

Below is a list of (Earlier) Planet-series (cometary) spacecraft launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
(Earlier) Planet (Japaese cometary)
1985-01-08: MS-T5 / Sakigake
Canberra ACT
Canberra ACT
(Space Voyage purple and orange) cachet on coverMS-T5 (Sakigake) launch
United States1985-01-07Barstow CA(Space Voyage black and red) cachet on coverMS-T5 (Sakigake) launch
Japan1985-01-08Uchinoura(Space Voyage purple and orange) cachet on coverMS-T5 (Sakigake) launch
Japan1985-01-08Usuda(Space Voyage green and orange) cachet on coverMS-T5 (Sakigake) launch
Japan1985-01-08Usuda(Space Voyage green and orange) cachet (different) on coverMS-T5 (Sakigake) launch (but Planet-A / Suisei depicted)
Spain1985-01-08Madrid(Space Voyage blue and red) cachet on coverMS-T5 (Sakigake) launch
MS-T5 / Sakigake (events)
Japan1986-03-11Usuda(Colorano silk) cachet on coverMS-T5 (Sakigake) closest approach to Halley's Comet
Japan1986-03-11Usuda(Space Voyage purple and tan and orange) cachet on coverMS-T5 (Sakigake) closest approach to Halley's Comet
1985-08-18: Planet-A / Suisei
Japan1985-08-19Uchinoura(Space Voyage green and orange) cachet on coverPlanet-A (Suisei) launch
Japan1985-08-19Uchinoura(Colorano silk) cachet on coverPlanet-A (Suisei) launch
Planet-A / Suisei (events)
Japan1986-03-08Usuda(Space Voyage black and red) cachet on coverPlanet-A (Suisei) flyby of Halley's Comet
Planet (on other than Planet launch covers)
Austria1986-03-06Graz(Purple printed) cachet on Vega-1 event cover"Planet-A" / Suisei; MS-T5 / Sakigake (but "MS-15" in text)

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-09-22