Deep Space-1 / NMP


EO-1 / NMP
Deep Space-1 / NMPEO-1 / NMP

Below is a list of New Millennium Program (NMP) series spacecraft, including launch dates and links to information on the spacecraft. If readers know of additional information, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Since all NMP-series spacecraft have other names as well, launch covers and other postal items for these spacecraft are found under those other names. Unlike other NASA series, NMP missions are not numbered. The NMP program was canceled in 2008.

spacecraftLaunch DateOther NameMission or PurposeType/Discipline
New Millennium Program (NMP)
Deep Space-1 / NMP1998-10-24Deep Space-1comet encountercometary-exploration
MPL (Mars Polar Lander) / Deep Space-2 / NMP [lost]1999-01-03MPL / DS-2 [lost]Mars lander / probesplanetary-exploration
Deep Space-3 / ST-3 / Starlight / NMPCanceledDeep Space-3stellar interferometercometary-exploration
Deep Space-4 / ST-4 / Champollion / NMPCanceledDeep Space-4comet encountercometary-exploration
EO-1 / NMP2000-11-21EO-1hyper-spectral imagingenvironmental-observing
EO-2 / NMPCanceledEO-2lidar windsenvironmental-observing
EO-3 / GIFTS-IOMI / NMPCanceledEO-3hyper-spectral imagingenvironmental-observing
ST-5a/5b/5c / NCT-1/2/3 / NMP2006-03-22ST-5a/5b/5csmart nano-satellitesscientific/research/technology
ST-6 / NMP (2 separate projects, on EO-1 and TacSat-2)2006-12-16ST-6unknownscientific/research/technology
ST-7 / LISA-Pathfinder (NASA-ESA) / NMP2015-12-03LISA-Pathfindergravity wave observatoryscientific/research/technology
ST-8 / NMPCanceledST-8advanced technologiesscientific/research/technology
ST-9 / NMPCanceledST-9solar sailscientific/research/technology

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Updated: 2025-01-25