Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
(MRO) satellite

MRO (patch)
MROMRO (patch)

This page contains philatelic information on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) satellite. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
MRO (on other than MRO launch covers)

Below is a list of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)
Albania2884aOn booklet outside (front and back), also annotated, with booklet pane of 32009MRO
Bequia396 (Mi517-520)MS4 (395 (a-d))2006"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Burundi1155c (Mi2722A)
i1155c (Mi2722B)
One of MS4 (1155 (a-d)) (Mi2720A-2723A)
One of imperforate MS4 (i1155 (a-d)) (Mi2720B-2723B)
2012"Orbital reconnaissance of Mars" (in French text)
Burundi1174 (BL268A)
i1174 (BL268B)
In (right) margin of SS1
In (right) margin of imperforate SS1
2012MRO (but "Mars Global Surveyor" in text)
Central African RepublicMi12781One of MS4 (Mi12779-12782)2022"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Central African RepublicBL2627 fdc(CAR Post) cachet on FDC
Congo (Democratic Republic)Mi2191A-2193A_ms3_vert
In (right) margin of MS3 (Mi2191A-2193A) vertical
In (right) margin of imperforate MS3 (Mi2191B-2193B) vertical
Congo (Democratic Republic)Mi2191A-2193A_ms3_horiz
In (upper-right) margin of MS3 (Mi2191A-2193A) horizontal
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate MS3 (Mi2191B-2193B) horizontal
Congo RepublicUnknown ss (BL none)In (right) margin of SS1 [known illegal issue]2016"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Dominica2582 (BL518)SS12006"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Gambia3045 (Mi5703-5708)MS6 (3045 (a-f))2007"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Grenada Carriacou2636 (BL611)SS12006"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Guinea Republic2232g (Mi4063A)
i2232g (Mi4063B)
One of MS8 (2232 (a-h)) (Mi4057A-4064A)
One of imperforate MS8 (i2232 (a-h)) (Mi4057B-4064B)
2003"Mars [Reconnaissance] Orbiter"
Guinea Republic2232 fdcMS8 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi5290From MS6 (Mi5289-5294)2007"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter" (theme of MS6 is "Mars Pathfinder")
Guinea RepublicMi5293
Guinea RepublicMi5289-5294_ms6 fdcMS6 on FDC
Guinea RepublicBL1480In (upper-left) margin of SS1
Guinea RepublicBL1480 fdcSS1 on FDC
Guinea RepublicMi6512A
One stamp and in (upper-left) margin of MS6 (Mi6512A-6517A)
2009"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Guinea-BissauMi3996One of MS6 (Mi3993-3998)2008
Guinea-BissauBL739On stamp of SS12010USA reconnaissance satellite Mars [Reconnaissance] Orbiter 2005 (in Portuguese text)
Guinea-BissauBL739 fdcSS1 on FDC
Guyana4056c (Mi8144)
One of MS4 (4056 (a-d)) (Mi8142-8145)2011"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Guyana4056 proofSigned-proof MS4
Guyana4056 fdcMS4 on FDC
Guyanai4056c proof
i4056c proof+margin
One of imperforate trial-proof MS4 (i4056 (a-d))
Guyana4240d (Mi8605)One of MS4 (4240 (a-d)) (Mi8602-8605)2013"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Italy2689 (Mi3054)From MS4 (2689a (4x 2689))2005
Italy2689 fdcStamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Filagrano Sintoni) cachet on FDC
Ivory CoastUnknown b (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2012"MRO"
Liberia2438 (BL538)SS12006"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
MadagascarUnknown ms (Mi none)
Unknown ims
In (upper-right) margin of MS3 (a-c) [known illegal issue]
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate MS3 (a-c)
2017"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
MadagascarUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS3 on FDC
Imperforate MS3 on FDC
Maldive Islands3554 (Mi6170-6173)MS4 (a-d)2016"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Maldive Islands3563 (BL894)SS1
Micronesia700 (BL164)SS12006"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
NigerMi8711-8714_ms4In (upper-right) margin of MS4 (Mi8711-8714)2022
RwandaUnknown b (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2012"MRO"
RwandaUnknown a (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) (different) [known illegal issue]"MRO"
St. Kitts870a (Mi1368)From MS4 (870 (a-d)) (Mi1368-1371)2014"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
St. Kitts870b (Mi1369)MRO ("Phobos" in text refers to the Martian moon depicted in stamps 'a' and 'b')
St. Kitts871a (Mi1372)One of MS4 (871 (a-d)) (Mi1372-1375)"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
St. Thomas and Prince Islands1685a-d fdc (Mi3000-3003 fdc)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC2007
Sierra Leone2876 (BL628)
Imperforate SS1
2006"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Sierra Leone2876 error (BL628 error)SS1 with error"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter", with incorrect additional text "Impactor with Deep Impact probe" (that text is correctly found on 2875)
Sierra Leone3356d (Mi6277)One of MS4 (3356 (a-d)) (Mi6274-6277)2015"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Sierra Leone3719b (Mi7164)One of MS4 (3719 (a-d)) (Mi7163-7166)2016"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Sierra Leone3719b ctoOne of MS4 (3719 cto (a-d))
SomaliaUnknown a (Mi?)One of MS6 (a-f)2004
Tanzania2443 (Mi4385-4388)MS4 (2443 (a-d))2006"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
Togo2037 (BL481)
Imperforate SS1
2006"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"
United Nations1301 (Mi1851)On stamps of MS10 (1301a (10x 1301))2022Two types of sand dunes in the Proctor crater on Mars (from a photo taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on MRO
United StatesNone(Pasadena CA, Launch Station Mission Control) cancel2005"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter" launch station

Below is a list of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
2005-08-12: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)
United States2005-08-12Pasadena CA(Launch Station) cancel and (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on coverMRO launch
United States2005-08-12Pasadena CA(Launch Station) cancel and (NASA JPL) cachet on coverMRO launch
MRO (events)
United States2006-03-10Pasadena CA(JPL Stamp Club) cachet on coverMars orbit insertion
United States2006-03-10Pasadena CA(Mission 57) cachet on cover, also backMars orbit insertion
United States2006-03-10Pasadena CA(Mission 57) cachet (different) on cover, also backMars orbit insertion
MRO (on other than MRO launch covers)
United States1976-07-20
Cape Canaveral FL
Mountain View CA
(Doc's Local Post) cachet on Viking-1 event cover, also back; (also USA local rocket-mail cover 2005)"Mars mission launch 12 Aug 05 - landing Mar 06" (MRO implied)
USA 1556 FDC
United States1995-12-07Pasadena CAInsert from cover, also cover"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)"
United States2016-03-14GSFC, Greenbelt MD(Multi-color printed) cachet on ExoMars launch cover"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter"

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-11-17