Mars Polar Lander
(MPL) spacecraft

This page contains philatelic information on the Mars Polar Lander (MPL) spacecraft. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

MPL was sent to Mars with a set of two space probes, named Deep Space-2 (DS-2). However, all contact with both MPL and DS-2 was lost after landing.

Despite the similar name, the mission of the Deep Space-1 (DS-1) spacecraft was very different from that of DS-2. DS-1 had a primary asteroid-exploration mission and a secondary cometary-exploration mission.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Mars Surveyor 1998 Lander1 [canceled] Mars Surveyor 1998 Lander1
(MPL forerunner)
MPL (on other than MPL launch covers)

Below is a list of Mars Polar Lander (MPL) spacecraft postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Mars Surveyor 1998 Lander1 (MPL Forerunner)
Palau412 (BL47)SS11996Mars Surveyor 1998 Lander (became the MPL); it, together with the Mars Surveyor 1998 Orbiter (which became the MCO), formed the Mars Surveyor 1998 program1
Palau412 fdcSS1 on FDC
Mars Polar Lander (MPL)
Albania2883 (Mi3317)From MS10 (2883a (10x 2883)), also annotated2009MPL
Albania2884aOn 2883 stamp in booklet pane of 3 (2882-2884), with booklet outside (front and back), also annotated
Central African RepublicMi9176-9179_ms4MS4 (Mi9176-9179)2019"20th anniv. MPL" (in French text)
Central African RepublicBL2032SS1
Comoro Islands1009b (Mi1947)One of MS6 (1009 (a-f)) (Mi1946-1951)2008"Mars Polar" Lander
DjiboutiUnknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d)2024"25th anniv. launch Mars Polar Lander" (in French text)
DjiboutiUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
DjiboutiUnknown ss (BL?)SS1 (different)
LiberiaUnknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d)2023"25th anniv. launch Mars Polar Lander"; also the Mars Surveyor 1998 program mission patch1 (includes a depiction of MPL)
LiberiaUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
Maldive IslandsMi8590-8593_ms4MS4 (Mi8590-8593)2019"20th anniv. launch Mars Polar Lander"; also the Mars Surveyor 1998 program mission patch1 (includes a depiction of MPL) in Mi8593
Maldive IslandsBL1379SS1
Maldive IslandsMi8824-8827_ms4MS4 (Mi8824-8827)2020"20th anniv. launch Mars Polar Lander", 1999
Maldive IslandsBL1423SS1"20th anniv. launch Mars Polar Lander", 1999; also the Mars Surveyor 1998 program mission patch1 (includes a depiction of MPL)
Mali936d (Mi1940)
One of MS9 (936 (a-i)) (Mi1937-1945)
From imperforate MS9 (i936 (a-i))
1997(early-design) MPL
Niger1076d (Mi1911A)
i1076d (Mi1911B)
One of MS9 (1076 (a-i)) (Mi1908A-1916A)
One of imperforate MS9 (i1076 (a-i))
Palau501c (Mi1458)Two stamps and (upper-right) margin of MS6 (501 (a-f)) (Mi1456-1461)1999"Mars Polar Lander" (stamp 'c'); "Deep Space-2" (stamp 'd'); Mars Surveyor 1998 program mission patch1 (includes a depiction of MPL) (in upper-right margin)
Palau501d (Mi1459)
Palau504 (BL85)SS1"Mars Polar Lander"
Sierra LeoneMi11169-11172_ms4MS4 (Mi11169-11172)2019"20th anniv. launch Mars Polar Lander"; also the Mars Surveyor 1998 program mission patch1 (includes a depiction of MPL) in Mi11169
Sierra LeoneBL1734SS1
Somali RepublicUnknown d (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2005
TogoUnknown ms (Mi?)MS4 (a-d)2023"25th anniv. launch MPL" (in French text)
TogoUnknown ss (BL?)SS1
United States3242 fdc (Mi? fdc)(Mystic Stamp Company) back of FDC, also front1998MCO (launched Dec 1998) and MPL (launched Jan 1999) studied "weather changes on Mars, especially in the south polar region"

1Mars Surveyor 1998 program: see

Below is a list of Mars Polar Lander (MPL) spacecraft launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
1999-01-03: Mars Polar Lander (MPL)
United States1999-01-03Cape Canaveral FL(Blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverMPL and DS-2 launch
United States1999-01-03Titusville FL(DTR) cachet on coverMPL and DS-2 launch
United States1999-01-03Kennedy Space Center FL(DTR) cachet on coverMPL and DS-2 launch
United States1999-01-03Pasadena CA(Mission Operations Station) cancel and (JPL) cachet on coverMPL and DS-2 launch
MPL (events)
United States1999-12-03Pasadena CA(Landing Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverMPL and DS-2 contact lost
United States1999-12-03Pasadena CA(Landing Station) cancel and (JPL blue) cachet on coverMPL and DS-2 contact lost
United States1999-12-03Pasadena CA(Landing Station) cancel and (JPL Stamp Club) cachet on coverMPL and DS-2 contact lost
MPL (on other than MPL launch covers)
United States1998-12-11Pasadena CA(JPL Stamp Club) cachet on MCO launch coverMPL (depicted in the cachet, which reproduces the Mars Surveyor 1998 program mission patch1)

1Mars Surveyor 1998 program: see

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-11-17