Long Duration
Exposure Facility
(LDEF) satellite

LDEF (patch)
LDEFLDEF (patch)

This page contains philatelic information on the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) satellite. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)

Below is a list of LDEF satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF)
Grenada Carriacou2126e (Mi2972)One of MS6 (2126 (a-f)) (Mi2968-2973)1999
Marshall Islands392 (Mi350)One of block of 4 (394a (391-394)) (Mi349-352)1991"orbital release of LDEF" (by Space Shuttle); (see also 1141s 2016)
Marshall Islands392 fdcStamp on FDC
Marshall Islands394a fdcMS4 on FDC
Marshall Islands1141s (Mi3718)One of MS20 (1141 (a-t)) (Mi3700-3719)2016See also 392
Surinam589 (Mi968)1982LDEF deployed (by Space Shuttle)
Surinam589 pair589 gutter-pair
United States1914-1915 fdc(Official Postmasters of America commemorative issue) cachet on FDC, also (Postmasters of America, commemorative issue no.10) insert1981LDEF (just above Space Shuttle cargo bay)

Below is a list of LDEF satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF)
1984-04-07: LDEF (deployed and SMM repair by STS-13 (41C))
Ascension Island1984-04-06Ascension(Space Voyage) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Blue and black printed) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Brown printed and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Las Cruces NM(White Sands STDN Facility) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-41C launch (but TDRS depicted)
United States1984-04-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Zaso silk/IASP no.74) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06Greenbelt MD(GSFC Stamp Club) cachet (and signatures) on coverSTS-41C launch
United States1984-04-06
Kennedy Space Center FL
Edwards AFB, CA
(Mission patch) cachet on coverSTS-41C launch
STS-41C landing
United States1984-04-06
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
(Mission patch) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-41C launch
STS-41C return to Kennedy Space Center FL
United States1984-04-06
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
(Purple and brown rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) cover, also backSTS-41C launch
STS-51G launch; Morelos-1 deployed
United States1984-04-07Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on coverLDEF deployed
United States1984-04-07Houston TX(Space Voyage) cachet on coverLDEF deployed
United States1984-04-08Houston TX(Zaso silk/IASP no.75) cachet on coverSMM failed capture (even though the cachet refers to the LDEF)
United States1984-04-08Houston TX(Space Voyage) cachet on coverSMM failed capture
United States1984-04-08Kennedy Space Center FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSMM failed capture
United States1984-04-08Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet on coverSMM failed capture
United States1984-04-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet on coverApproaching SMM in preparation for the second capture attempt
United States1984-04-10Houston TX(SCCS) cachet on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-10Houston TX(Zaso silk/IASP no.76) cachet on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-10Cape Canaveral FL(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-10Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-10Kennedy Space Center FL(Quadracolor?) cachet (different) on coverSMM captured
United States1984-04-12Houston TX(SCCS) cachet on coverSMM re-deployed
United States1984-04-13Edwards AFB, CA(Zaso silk/IASP no.77) cachet on coverSTS-41C landing
United States1984-04-13Edwards AFB, CA(Centennial) cachet on coverSTS-41C landing
United States1984-04-18
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
(Mission patch) cachet (and signature) on coverSTS-41C return to Kennedy Space Center FL
STS-41C launch
1990-01-09: LDEF (recovered and Leasat-F5 deployed by STS-32R)
United States1990-01-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Titusville-Moonport Stamp Club/mission patch) cachet on cover, and insertSTS-32R launch
United States1990-01-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Mission patch) cachet on cover, also insertSTS-32R launch
United States1990-01-09Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-32R launch
United States1990-01-09Houston TX(NASA crew photo) cachet on coverSTS-32R launch
United States1990-01-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Mission patch black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverSTS-32R launch
United States1990-01-09
Kennedy Space Center FL (machine cancel)
Kennedy Space Center FL (hand cancel)
(Mission-patch sticker) cachet on coverSTS-32R launch
STS-32R transported back to KSC
United States1990-01-10Kennedy Space Center FL(Titusville-Moonport Stamp Club) cachet on coverLeasat-F5 (Syncom-4-5) deployed
United States1990-01-10Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on coverLeasat-F5 (Syncom-4-5) deployed
United States1990-01-10Houston TX, Nassau Bay Branch(Black printed) cachet on coverLeasat-F5 (Syncom-4-5) deployed
United States1990-01-10Houston TX(Brown and red printed) cachet on coverLeasat-F5 (Syncom-4-5) deployed
United States1990-01-12Houston TX, Nassau Bay Branch(Photo/sticker) cachet on coverLDEF recovered
United States1990-01-12Houston TX(Colorano silk) cachet on coverLDEF recovered
United States1990-01-12Houston TX(Photo/sticker and black typed) cachet on coverLDEF recovered
United States1990-01-20Edwards AFB, CA(Colorano silk) cachet on coverSTS-32R landing
United States1990-01-26Titusville FL, Astronaut Trail Station(Titusville-Moonport Stamp Club) cachet on coverSTS-32R transport back to Florida

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Copyright © 2010-2024, Colorado State University. All rights reserved.
This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-12-03