Salyut Mir

(Selected) ISS
(and other space-station-related)
(transfer vehicles and sub-satellites)

(and Soyuz capsule)

This page contains philatelic information on the (selected) ISS (and other space-station-related) spacecraft (transfer vehicles and sub-satellites). Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. A Master List of Un-manned Satellites, or click the 'Satellite' column title below. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Unlike most of our web pages, no attempt is made to be complete in this page!

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Salyut-6 related sub-satellites (1977 — 1982) Salyut-6 related sub-satellites (1977 — 1982) Salyut-6 related sub-satellites (1977 — 1982)
Salyut-7 related sub-satellites (1982 — 1991) Salyut-7 related sub-satellites (1982 — 1991) Salyut-7 related sub-satellites (1982 — 1991)
Mir-related sub-satellites (1986 — 2001) Mir-related sub-satellites (1986 — 2001) Mir-related sub-satellites (1986 — 2001)
(Selected) ISS-related sub-satellites (1998 →) (Selected) ISS-related sub-satellites (1998 →) (Selected) ISS-related sub-satellites (1998 →)
HTV (Japan, 2009 — 2020) HTV (Japan, 2009 — 2020)
Dragon (2010 →) Dragon (2010 →)
Dragon (on other than Dragon launch covers)
Cygnus (2013 →) Cygnus (2013 →)

Below is a list of (selected) ISS (and other space-station-related) spacecraft (transfer vehicle and sub-satellite) postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Salyut-6 related sub-satellites (1977 — 1982)
Russia (USSR)4783a (Mi4889-4890)Pair of stamps (4783a (4782-4783))1979KRT-10 (radio telescope) attached to Salyut-6
Russia (USSR)4783a fdcPair of stamps on FDC
Russia (USSR)None(Multi-color printed) cachet on (airmail) stamped envelope, also back1980KRT-10 (radio telescope) attached to Salyut-6
Salyut-7 related sub-satellites (1982 — 1991)
Russia (USSR)5138a label (Mi5267-5268 label)Label from strip of 2 (5138a (5137-5138 + label))1983"the radio-amateur satellites Iskra-2 and Iskra-3 were deployed" (translation of 5th bullet text)
Mir-related sub-satellites (1986 — 2001)
GermanyNone(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on postal card1997"GFZ-1"
Guyana3502c (Mi6960)
One of MS6 (3502 (a-f)) (Mi6958-6963)
One of imperforate MS6 (i3502 (a-f))
Guyana3502 artworkOn one of imperforate artwork MS6
Russia (USSR)None(Red and black printed) cachet on cover1993"Columbus-500" (Znamya) solar sail attached to Progress-M15 (the first solar sail deployed in space, tested the deployment of a thin film sail and was used in a space illumination experiment in which the sail served as a mirror)
Russia (USSR)None(Red and black printed and purple rubber-stamp) cachet on postcard
(Selected) ISS-related sub-satellites (1998 →)
Bhutan1601 (BL594)Simulated 3-dimensional MS4 (1601 (a-d)), also alternate-view (from another angle)2018"Bhutan-1"
Bhutan1601 folderFolder, also back
Lithuania1033+label1 (Mi1170+label1)From MS16 (16x 1033 + 4 (unique) labels)2014"LituanicaSat-1" / OSCAR-78 (on stamp and labels 1, 2 and 5; also in cancel in FDCs 4 and 5 and in cachet in FDCs 1, 4 and 5), "LitSat-1" (on stamp and labels 3, 4, and 6; also in cancel in FDCs 1, 2 and 3 and in cachet in FDCs 1, 2, 3, and 4)
Lithuania1033+label2 (Mi1170+label2)
Lithuania1033+label3 (Mi1170+label3)
Lithuania1033+label4 (Mi1170+label4)
Lithuania1033+label5 (Mi1170+label5)From booklet pane of 6 (1033b (6x 1033 + 2 (unique) labels)), with booklet outside (front and back) and inside
Lithuania1033+label6 (Mi1170+label6)
Lithuania1033aTête-bêche pair
Lithuania1033 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Lithuania1033 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Lithuania1033 fdc3Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Lithuania1033 fdc4Stamp and (pictorial) cancel (different) and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Lithuania1033 fdc5Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on FDC
Mexico3158 (Mi4180)From MS15 (3158b (15x 3158))2019"AzTechSat-1"
Mexico3158a (BL110)SS1
Mexico3158a folderFDC folder with (pictorial) cancel, also outside (front and back), and inside/page2
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)2013"ArduSat-1"
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)"PicoDragon"
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)"TechEdSat-3" (but TechEdSat-1 depicted)
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)"LitSat-1" (2013-12-19 is incorrect launch date)
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)"LituanicaSat-1" / OSCAR-78 (2013-12-19 is incorrect launch date)
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)"UAPSat-1" (2013-12-19 is incorrect launch date)
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)

Below is a list of (selected) ISS (and other space-station-related) spacecraft (transfer vehicle and sub-satellite) launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Salyut-6 related sub-satellites (1977 — 1982)
1979-06-28 (launched to Salyut-6) [with Progress-7]
1979-07-18 (un-dock from Salyut-6): KRT-10
Russia1979-07-18Izhe(Blue rubber-stamp) cachet on stamped envelopeKRT-10 (Progress-7 un-dock from Salyut-6)
Salyut-7 related sub-satellites (1982 — 1991)
1982-05-14 (launched with Salyut-7)
1982-05-17 (deployed from Salyut-7): Iskra-2
No launch cover images available yet
1982-10-31 (launched to Salyut-7) [with Progress-16]
1982-11-18 (deployed from Salyut-7): Iskra-3
No launch cover images available yet
Mir-related sub-satellites (1986 — 2001)
1991-05-30 (launched to Mir) [with Progress-M8]
1991-06-17 (deployed from Mir): MAK-1 and Naduvaniy Hazovoy Ballon
No launch cover images available yet
1992-10-27 (launched to Mir) [with Progress-M15]
1992-11-20 (deployed from Mir): MAK-2 and Znamya-2
No launch cover images available yet
1995-04-09 (launched to Mir) [with Progress-M27]
1995-04-18 (deployed from Mir): GFZ-1
No launch cover images available yet
1997-10-05 (launched to Mir) [with Progress-M36]
1997-10-05 (deployed from Mir): Inspector-1 and RS-17a / Sputnik-40
No launch cover images available yet
1998-10-25 (launched to Mir) [with Progress-M40]
1998-11-10 (deployed from Mir): RS-18 / Sputnik-41 and Znamya-2.5
No launch cover images available yet
1999-04-02 (launched to Mir) [with Progress-M41]
1999-04-16 (deployed from Mir): RS-19 / Sputnik-99
No launch cover images available yet
(Selected) ISS-related sub-satellites (1998 →)
2001-11-26 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-M1-7]
2002-02-14 (deployed from ISS): RS-21 / Kolibri-2000
Russia2001-11-26Kosmodrome Baikonur(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverRS-21 (Kolibri-2000) launch (to ISS)
Russia2001-11-28Korolev(Yellow and blue and black printed) cachet on coverRS-21 (Kolibri-2000) event (Progress-M1-7, which carried the satellite, docking with the ISS)
Russia2002-02-14Korolev-1, 141071 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverRS-21 (Kolibri-2000) deployed (from ISS)
2005-02-28 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-M52]
2005-03-28 (deployed from ISS): TNS-0
No launch cover images available yet
2005-09-08 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-M54]
2006-02-03 (deployed from ISS): OSCAR-54 / SuitSat
United States2006-02-03Houston TX(International Space Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverOSCAR-54 (SuitSat) deployed (from ISS)
2011-08-03 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-M-09M]
2011-08-03 (deployed from ISS): ARISSat-1 / Kedr
Russia2011-08-03Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverARISSat-1 (Kedr) deployed (from ISS)
2011-10-30 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-M-13M]
2012-01-23 (deployed from ISS): RS-39 / Chibis-M
No launch cover images available yet
2012-08-01 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-M-16M]
2012-08-20 (deployed from ISS): Sfera-53
No launch cover images available yet
2014-02-05 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-M-22M]
2014-08-18 (deployed from ISS): Chasqui-1
No launch cover images available yet
2015-12-21 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-MS]
2016-02-03 (deployed from ISS): Fleshka
No launch cover images available yet
2016-03-31 (launched to ISS) [with Progress-MS-2]
2017-08-17 (deployed from ISS): Tomsk-TPU-120
No launch cover images available yet
H-2 Transfer Vehicle (HTV) (Japan, 2009 — 2020)
2015-08-18 (launched to ISS) [with HTV-5]
2015-? (deployed from ISS): Flock-2b-1/14 (and others)
United States2015-08-18Corsicana TX(Danny Lee) cachet on coverHTV-5 launch (with Flock-2b-1/14 and others)
2016-12-09 (launched to ISS) [with HTV-6]
2017-01-15 (deployed from ISS): OSCAR-89 and TechEdSat-5 and Lemur-2-18/21 (and others)
Finland2016-12-09Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverHTV-6 launch (with OSCAR-89 and TechEdSat-5 and Lemur-2-18/21 and others)
2018-09-22 (launched to ISS) [with HTV-7]
2018-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
Russia2018-09-27Moscow(Multi-color printed) cachet (and signatures) on coverHTV-7 docking with the ISS (with others)
United States2018-09-27Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverHTV-7 docking with the ISS (with others)
2020-05-20 (launched to ISS) [with HTV-9]
2020-? (deployed from ISS): (with 1 other)
Germany2020-05-25?(Pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverHTV-9 docking with the ISS (with 1-other)
Germany2020-05-25?(Pictorial) cancel (different) and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on coverHTV-9 docking with the ISS (with 1-other)
Dragon (2010 →)
2010-06-04: Dragon-DQU
United States2010-06-04Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-DQU launch
2010-12-08: Dragon-C1
United States2010-12-08Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-C1 launch
2012-05-22: Dragon-C2
United States2012-05-22Cape Canaveral FL(Black printed) cachet on coverDragon-C2 launch
United States2012-05-22Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-C2 launch
United States2012-05-22Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverDragon-C2 launch
Russia2012-05-25Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-C2 docking with the ISS
Russia2012-05-31Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-C2 splashdown/recovery
United States2012-05-31Long Beach CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-C2 un-docking and "splashdown"/recovery
2012-10-08 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-1]
2012-10-08 (deployed before docking with the ISS): Orbcomm-FM101 [partial failure1]
United States2012-10-07Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-1 launch (with Orbcomm-FM101)
United States2012-10-07Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-1 launch (with Orbcomm-FM101)
Russia2012-10-10Korolev, Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-1 docking with the ISS (with Orbcomm-FM101, a secondary payload deployed earlier in this mission, failed to reach its orbit)
Russia2012-10-28Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-1 un-docking from the ISS and splashdown/recovery
United States2012-10-28Long Beach CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-1 un-docking from the ISS and "splashdown"/recovery
United States2012-11-02Houston TX(International Space Station) cancel and (black and green printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-1 returned to Houston (with cover launched with ATV-3)
2013-03-01: Dragon-CRS-2
United States2013-03-01Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-2 launch
United States2013-03-01Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-2 launch
Russia2013-03-03Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-2 docking with the ISS
Russia2013-03-03Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-2 docking with the ISS
Russia2013-03-26Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-2 un-docking from the ISS
Russia2013-03-26Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-2 un-docking from the ISS and splashdown/recovery
United States2013-03-26Long Beach CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-2 un-docking from the ISS and "splashdown"/recovery
2014-04-18 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-3]
2014-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2014-04-18Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-3 launch (with others)
United States2014-04-18Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-3 launch (with others)
United States2014-04-20Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-3 docking with the IRS (with others)
United States2014-05-18Long Beach CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-3 "splashdown"/recovery
United States2014-06-18Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-3 splashdown (on 18 May); it carried covers that were eventually returned to Houston (on 18 Jun, the cancel date) (those covers had been launched to the ISS aboard ATV-4)
United States2014-06-18Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-3 splashdown (on 18 May); it carried covers that were eventually returned to Houston (on 18 Jun, the cancel date) (those covers had been launched to the ISS aboard ATV-4)
2014-09-21 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-4]
2014-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2014-09-21Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-4 launch (with others)
United States2014-09-21Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-4 launch (with others)
Russia2014-09-23Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-4 docking with the ISS (with others)
United States2014-09-23Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-4 docking with the ISS (with others)
Russia2014-10-25Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-4 un-docking from the ISS and splashdown/recovery
2015-01-10 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-5]
2015-? (deployed from ISS): Flock-1d'-1/14 (and others)
United States2015-01-10Kennedy Space Center FL(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-5 launch (with Flock-1d'-1/14 and others)
United States2015-01-10Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-5 launch (with Flock-1d'-1/14 and others)
United States2015-01-10Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-5 launch (with Flock-1d'-1/14 and others)
United States2015-02-17Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Astrium North America Inc.) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-5 splashdown (on 11 Feb); it carried covers that were then returned to Houston (on 17 Feb, the cancel date) (those covers had been launched to the ISS aboard ATV-1, ATV-2, ATV-3, ATV-4, and ATV-5)
United States2015-02-17Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (EADS Astrium) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-5 splashdown (on 11 Feb); it carried covers that were then returned to Houston (on 17 Feb, the cancel date) (those covers had been launched to the ISS aboard ATV-1, ATV-2, ATV-3, ATV-4, and ATV-5
2015-04-14 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-6]
2015-? (deployed from ISS): Flock-1e-1/14 (and others)
United States2015-04-14Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-6 launch (with Flock-1e-1/14 and others)
Russia2015-04-17Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-6 docking with the ISS (with Flock-1e-1/14 and others)
Russia2015-05-21Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-6 un-docking from the ISS
2015-06-28 [with Dragon-CRS-7]: Flock-1f-1/8 (and others) [failed]
No launch cover images available yet
2016-04-08 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-8]
2016-04-16 (attached to the ISS): BEAM
United States2016-04-08Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-8 launch (with BEAM)
United States2016-04-08Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-8 launch (with BEAM)
Russia2016-04-16Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverBEAM attached to the ISS
Russia2016-04-16Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on coverBEAM attached to the ISS
United States2016-05-11Long Beach CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-8 "splashdown"/recovery
2016-07-18 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-9]
2018-? (deployed from ISS): STP-H5 (with IDA-2)
United States2016-07-18Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-9 launch (with IDA-2)
United States2016-07-18Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-9 launch (with IDA-2)
United States2016-07-20Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-9 docking with the ISS (with IDA-2)
Russia2016-08-26Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-9 un-docking from the ISS
United States2016-08-26Long Beach CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-9 un-docking from the ISS and "splashdown"/recovery
2017-02-16 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-10]
2017-? (deployed from ISS): STP-H5 (and others)
United States2017-02-19Kennedy Space Center FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-10 launch (with others)
United States2017-02-19Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-10 launch (with others)
2017-06-03 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-11]
2017-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
Finland2017-06-03Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-11 launch (with others)
Finland2017-07-03Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-11 re-entry and "splashdown"/recovery
United States2017-07-04Kennedy Space Center FL(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-11 re-entry and "splashdown"/recovery
Dragon-CRS-12 (pre-launch events)
Finland2017-08-13Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-12 "pre-launch news conference"
2017-08-14 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-12]
2017-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
Finland2017-08-16Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-12 docking with the ISS (with others)
United States2017-09-17Hawthorne CA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-12 de-orbit and "splashdown"/recovery
2017-12-15 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-13]
2018-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2017-12-15Cape Canaveral FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-13 launch (with others)
United States2017-12-15Cape Canaveral FL(Mission patch) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-13 launch (with others)
2018-04-02 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-14]
2018-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2018-04-02Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-14 launch (with others)
2018-06-29 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-15]
2018-08-10 (deployed from ISS): Bhutan-1 (and others)
United States2018-06-29Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-15 launch (with Bhutan-1 and others)
United States2018-06-29Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-15 launch (with Bhutan-1 and others)
United States2018-06-29Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-15 launch (with Bhutan-1 and others)
United States2018-07-02Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-15 docking with the ISS (with Bhutan-1 and others)
United States2018-07-02Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-15 docking with the ISS (with Bhutan-1 and others)
United States2018-07-02Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-15 docking with the ISS (with Bhutan-1 and others)
United States2018-08-03Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-15 un-docking from the ISS and "splashdown"/recovery
United States2018-08-03Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-15 un-docking from the ISS and "splashdown"/recovery
2018-12-05 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-16]
2018-? (deployed from ISS): TechEdSat-8 (and others)
United States2018-12-05Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-16 launch (with TechEdSat-8 and others)
United States2018-12-05Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-16 "Returning booster unable to land as planned and goes into the ocean"
United States2018-12-05Cape Canaveral FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-16 "Returning booster unable to land as planned and goes into the ocean"
United States2018-12-08Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-16 docking with the ISS (with TechEdSat-8 and others)
United States2019-01-13Long Beach CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-16 "splashdown"/recovery
2019-05-04 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-17]
2019-? (attached to ISS): OCO-3 and STP-H6 (and others)
United States2019-05-04Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-17 launch (with OCO-3 and others)
United States2019-05-04Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-17 launch (with OCO-3 and others)
United States2019-05-04Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-17 launch (with OCO-3 and others)
United States2019-05-04Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-17 launch (with OCO-3 and others)
United States2019-05-04Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-17 launch (with OCO-3 and others)
United States2019-05-04Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-17 launch (with OCO-3 and others)
United States2019-05-04Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-17 launch (with OCO-3 and others)
United States2019-05-04Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-17 launch (with OCO-3 and others)
United States2019-05-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-17 docking with the ISS (with OCO-3 and others)
2019-07-25 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-18]
2019-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2019-07-25Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-18 launch (with others)
United States2019-07-25Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-18 launch (with others)
United States2019-07-25Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-18 launch (with others)
United States2019-07-25Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-18 launch (with others)
United States2019-07-25Cape Canaveral FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-18 launch (with others)
United States2019-07-27Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-18 docking with the ISS (with others)
United States2019-08-27Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-18 un-docking and "splashdown"/recovery
United States2019-08-27San Diego CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-18 un-docking and "splashdown"/recovery
Dragon-CRS-19 (pre-launch events)
United States2019-11-26Cape Canaveral FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 pre-launch: "hot fire test" (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-04Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 "launch delay" (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
2019-12-05 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-19]
2020-02-19 (deployed from ISS): AzTechSat-1 (and others)
United States2019-12-05Cape Canaveral FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 launch (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-05Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 launch (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-05Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 launch (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-05Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 launch (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-05Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-19 launch (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-05Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 launch (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-05Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-19 launch (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-06Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 in orbit and chasing the ISS (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-07Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 in orbit and moving closer to the ISS (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2019-12-08Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 docking with the ISS (with AzTechSat-1 and others)
United States2020-01-05Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 un-docking from the ISS
United States2020-01-05San Diego CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 un-docking from the ISS and "splashdown"/recovery [on 7 Jan]; "postmark date [5 Jan] was incorrectly applied"
United States2020-01-07Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-19 un-docking from the ISS and "splashdown"/recovery
2020-03-07 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-20]
2020-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2020-03-06Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-20 launch (with others)
United States2020-03-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-20 launch (with others)
United States2020-03-06Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-20 launch (with others)
United States2020-03-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-20 launch (with others)
United States2020-03-06Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-20 launch (with others)
United States2020-03-09Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-20 docking with the ISS (with others)
United States2020-04-06Houston TX(Crew Dragon in Earth orbit) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-20 un-docking from the ISS and splashdown/recovery
2020-12-06 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-21]
2021-? (deployed from ISS): (with 1 other)
United States2020-12-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-21 launch (with 1-other)
United States2020-12-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-21 launch (with 1-other)
United States2020-12-06Kennedy Space Center FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-21 launch (with 1-other)
United States2020-12-06Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-21 launch (with 1-other)
United States2021-01-13Tampa FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-21 "splashdown"/recovery
2021-06-03 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-22]
2021-06-22 (deployed from ISS): OSCAR-112 / MIR-Sat-1 (and others)
United States2021-06-03Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-22 launch (with OSCAR-112 and others)
United States2021-06-03Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-22 launch (with OSCAR-112 and others)
United States2021-06-05Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-22 docking with the ISS (with OSCAR-112 and others)
2021-08-29 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-23]
2021-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2021-08-29Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-23 launch (with others)
United States2021-08-29Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-23 launch (with others)
United States2021-08-30Kennedy Space Center FL(Ranski) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-23 docking with the ISS (with others)
Dragon-CRS-24 (pre-launch events)
United States2021-12-15Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-24 pre-launch: "Static fire test"
2021-12-21 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-24]
2021-? (deployed from ISS): STP-H7 and TEMPEST-D_copy / STP-H8 (and others)
United States2021-12-21Kennedy Space Center FL(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-24 launch (with TEMPEST-D_copy / STP-H8 and STP-H7 and others)
United States2021-12-21Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-24 docking with the ISS (with TEMPEST-D_copy / STP-H8 and STP-H7 and others)
United States2021-12-22Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-24 docking with the ISS (with TEMPEST-D_copy / STP-H8 and STP-H7 and others)
2022-07-15 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-25]
2022-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2022-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-25 launch (with others)
United States2022-07-15Cape Canaveral FL(JM) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-25 launch (with others)
United States2022-08-19Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-25 un-docking
United States2022-08-19Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-25 un-docking
United States2022-08-20Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-25 "splashdown"/recovery
2022-11-26 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-26]
2022-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2022-11-26Kennedy Space Center FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-26 launch (with others)
United States2023-01-11McDill AFB, FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-26 un-docking from the ISS
United States2023-01-11Cape Canaveral FL(JM) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-26 "splashdown"/recovery
2023-03-15 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-27]
2023-? (deployed from ISS): STP-H9 (and others)
United States2023-03-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-27 launch (with STP-H9 and others)
2023-06-06 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-28]
2023-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2023-06-05Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-28 launch (with others)
United States2023-06-05Kennedy Space Center FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-28 launch (with others)
2023-11-10 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-29]
2023-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2023-11-09Merritt Island FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-29 launch (with others)
United States2023-11-09Merritt Island FL(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-29 launch (with others)
Finland2023-11-10Helsinki(SVP) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-29 launch (with others)
United States2023-11-11Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (?) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-29 docking with the ISS (with others)
United States2023-12-22Tallahassee FL(?) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-29 "splashed down"/recovery
United States2023-12-22Tallahassee FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-29 "splashdown"/recovery
United States2023-12-22Tallahassee FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-29 splashdown/recovery
2024-03-21 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-30]
2024-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2024-03-21Cape Canaveral FL(blank/no) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-30 launch (with others)
United States2024-03-21Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-30 launch (with others)
Finland2024-04-30Helsinki(SVP) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-30 "splashdown"/recovery
United States2024-04-30McDill AFB, Tampa FL(?) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-30 "splashdown"/recovery
2024-11-05 (launched to ISS) [with Dragon-CRS-31]
2024-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2024-11-04Merritt Island FL(Mission patch) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
United States2024-11-04Merritt Island FL(Mission patch) cachet (different) on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
United States2024-11-04Merritt Island FL(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
United States2024-11-04Hawthorne CA(Lollini) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
United States2024-11-04Hawthorne CA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
United States2024-11-04Merritt Island FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
United States2024-11-04Patrick AFB, FL(JM) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
Spain2024-11-05Robledo de Chavela(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
United States2024-11-05Titusville FL(JM) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 launch (with others)
United States2024-11-05Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (JM) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 docking with the ISS (with others)
United States2024-11-05Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 docking with the ISS (with others)
United States2024-12-16Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 un-docking from the ISS
United States2024-12-17Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 "splashdown"/recovery
United States2024-12-17Panama City FL(Red Eagle) cachet on coverDragon-CRS-31 "splashdown"/recovery
Dragon (on other than Dragon launch covers)
United States'2022-05-25' (assumed)no cancel(Ranski) cachet on back of (un-stamped and un-canceled) Transporter-5 cover, also frontDragon-"CRS-23"
United States2022-07-07Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) back of Starlink-v1.5_G4-21-1/53 launch cover, also frontDragon-"CRS-21"
United States2023-08-03Cape Canaveral FL(Galactic Space Covers) back of Galaxy-37 launch cover, also frontDragon-"CRS-28"
Cygnus (2013 →)
2013-04-21 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-MS-A1]
2013-? (deployed from ISS): Dove-1 (and others)
United States2013-04-21Wallops Island VA(T. Chamberlin) cachet on coverCygnus-MS-A1 launch (with Dove-1 and others)
United States2013-04-21Wallops Island VA(Orbital ATK) cachet on (airmail) coverCygnus-MS-A1 launch (with Dove-1 and others)
2013-09-18: (launched to ISS): Cygnus-D1
United States2013-09-18Wallops Island VA(T. Chamberlain) cachet on coverCygnus-D1 launch
United States2013-09-18Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-D1 docking with the ISS
2014-01-09 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-1]
2014-? (deployed from ISS): OSCAR-78 / LituanicaSat-1 and Flock-1-1/28 (and others)
United States2014-01-09Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-1 launch (with OSCAR-78 and Flock-1-1/28 and others)
United States2014-01-09Wallops Island VA(Lollini) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-1 launch (with OSCAR-78 and Flock-1-1/28 and others)
Russia2014-01-12Korolev 141079 Moscow Oblast(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-1 docking with the ISS (with OSCAR-78 and Flock-1-1/28 and others)
2014-07-13 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-2]
2014-? (deployed from ISS): Flock-1b-1/28 and TechEdSat-4 (and others)
United States2014-07-13Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-2 launch (with Flock-1b-1/28 and others)
United States2014-07-13Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet (different) on coverCygnus-CRS-2 launch (with Flock-1b-1/28 and others)
2015-10-28 [with Cygnus-CRS-3]: Flock-1d-1/26 (and others) [failed]
No launch cover images available yet
2015-12-06 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-4]
2016-? (deployed from ISS): Flock-2e1-1/12 (and others)
United States2015-12-06Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-4 launch (with others)
2016-03-23 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-6]
2016-? (deployed from ISS): Lemur-2-5/13 and Flock-2e'-1/20 (and 1 other)
United States2016-03-22Cape Canaveral FL(Lollini) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-6 launch (with others)
United States2016-03-26Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-6 docking with the ISS (with others)
2016-10-17 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-5]
2017-? (deployed from ISS): Lemur-2-14/17
United States2016-10-17Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-5 launch (with Lemur-2-14/17)
United States2016-11-21Houston TX(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-5 un-docking from the ISS
2017-04-18 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-7]
2017-05-25 (deployed from ISS): OSCAR-90 / LilacSat-1 and Lemur-2-30/33 (and others)
United States2017-04-18Cape Canaveral FL(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-7 launch (with OSCAR-90 and others)
Finland2017-04-18Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-7 launch (with OSCAR-90 and others)
United States2017-04-18Cape Canaveral FL(Ranski) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-7 launch (with OSCAR-90 and others)
Cygnus-CRS-8 (pre-launch events)
Finland2017-11-11Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 pre-launch: "scrubbed" (with TechEdSat-6 and Lemur-2-50/57 and others)
2017-11-12 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-8]
2017-? (deployed from ISS): TechEdSat-6 and Lemur-2-50/57 and AeroCube-7B/7C (and others)
Finland2017-11-12Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 launch (with TechEdSat-6 and Lemur-2-50/57 and others)
Germany2017-11-12?(Orbital ATK) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 launch (with TechEdSat-6 and Lemur-2-50/57 and others)
United States2017-11-12Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 launch (with TechEdSat-6 and Lemur-2-50/57 and others)
Finland2017-11-14Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 docking with the ISS (with TechEdSat-6 and Lemur-2-50/57 and others)
United States2017-11-14Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 docking with the ISS (with TechEdSat-6 and Lemur-2-50/57 and others)
United States2017-11-14Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 docking with the ISS (with TechEdSat-6 and Lemur-2-50/57 and others)
United States2017-12-04Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 un-docking from the ISS
United States2017-12-06Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 release/departure
United States2017-12-18Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-8 de-orbit
2018-05-21 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-9]
2018-07-13 (deployed from ISS): TEMPEST-D and Lemur-2-78/81 and AeroCube-12A/12B (and others)
United States2018-05-21Wallops Island VA(Lollini) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-9 launch (with TEMPEST-D and Lemur-2-78/81 and others)
United States2018-05-24Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet (different) on coverCygnus-CRS-9 docking with the ISS (with TEMPEST-D and Lemur-2-78/81 and others)
2019-04-17 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-11]
2019-? (deployed from ISS): AeroCube-10A/10B (and others)
United States2019-04-17Wallops Island VA(Lollini) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-11 launch (with AeroCube-10A/10B and others)
2019-11-02 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-12]
2020-01-28 (deployed from ISS): STPSat-4 and OSCAR-107 and AeroCube-14A/14B/15A/15B (and others)
United States2019-11-02Wallops Island VA(Ranski) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-12 launch (with STPSat-4 and others)
United States2020-01-28Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverSTPSat-4 deployed from the ISS
United States2020-01-31Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-12 un-docking from the ISS and deploying 4 other sub-satellites
2020-02-15 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-13]
2020-07-13 (deployed from ISS): TechEdSat-10 and DeMi (and others)
United States2020-02-15Wallops Island VA(Multi-color printed) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-13 launch (with TechEdSat-10 and DeMi and others)
United States2020-02-15Wallops Island VA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-13 launch (with TechEdSat-10 and DeMi and others)
United States2020-02-15Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-13 launch (with TechEdSat-10 and DeMi and others)
United States2020-02-18Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Red Eagle) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-13 docking with the ISS (with TechEdSat-10 and DeMi and others)
United States2020-05-12Houston TX(Red Eagle) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-13 "begins SAFFIRE-IV"
United States2020-07-13Kennedy Space Center FL(Red Eagle) cachet on cover"microsat deployments" (including TechEdSat-10 and DeMi and others)
2020-10-03 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-14]
2020-? (deployed from ISS): Lemur-2-124/125 (and others)
United States2020-10-02Wallops Island VA(Ranski) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-14 launch (with Lemur-2-124/125 and others)
United States2020-10-02Wallops Island VA(Red Eagle) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-14 launch (with Lemur-2-124/125 and others)
Finland2020-10-03Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-14 launch (with Lemur-2-124/125 and others)
Finland2020-10-05Kerava(SVP) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-14 capture and berthing with the ISS (with Lemur-2-124/125 and others)
Finland2020-10-05Kerava(SVP) cachet (different) on coverCygnus-CRS-14 capture and berthing with the ISS (with Lemur-2-124/125 and others)
United States2020-10-05Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Lollini) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-14 docking with the ISS (with Lemur-2-124/125 and others)
United States2021-01-07GSFC, Greenbelt MD(Red Eagle) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-14 "SAFFIRE-V experiment"
2021-02-20 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-15]
2021-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2021-02-20Wallops Island VA(Ranski) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-15 launch (with others)
United States2021-02-22Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Ranski) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-15 docking with the ISS (with others)
2021-08-10 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-16]
2021-? (deployed from ISS): (with 1 other)
United States2021-08-10Wallops Island VA(Ranski) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-16 launch (with 1 other)
United States2021-08-12Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Ranski) cachet on coverCygnus-CRS-16 docking with the ISS (with 1-other)
United States2021-08-12Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Ranski) cachet (slightly different) on cover, also backCygnus-CRS-16 docking with the ISS (with 1-other)
2022-02-19 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-17]
2022-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2022-02-19Wallops Island VA(Ranski) cachet on cover, also backCygnus-CRS-17 launch (with others)
United States2022-02-21Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Ranski) cachet on cover, also backCygnus-CRS-17 docking with the ISS (with others)
2022-11-07 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-18]
2022-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2022-11-09Houston TX(ISS Mission Control Station) cancel and (Ranski) cachet on cover, also backCygnus-CRS-18 docking with the ISS (with others)
2024-08-04 (launched to ISS) [with Cygnus-CRS-21]
2024-? (deployed from ISS): (with others)
United States2024-08-04Patrick AFB, FL(Galactic Space Covers) cachet on cover, also backCygnus-CRS-21 launch (with others)

1Orbcomm-FM101, carried as a secondary payload, was planned to be deployed from the second stage of the Falcon-9 launch rocket. However, during the ascent an engine anomaly in one of its nine first-stage engines resulted in an automatic engine shutdown and a subsequent longer-than-planned first-stage burn of the remaining eight engines to attain the correct insertion orbit for the Dragon capsule (the primary payload). This was accomplished at the expense of increased propellant use (compared to the nominal mission). Because of this, the planned second-stage burn was canceled and Orbcomm-FM101 had to be released into an unusable orbit, which decayed rapidly so that between two and four days later the satellite burned up in the atmosphere. Prior to the mission, both SpaceX and Orbcomm were aware of the risk that the secondary payload satellite could remain stranded at the lower altitude of the Dragon insertion orbit. Orbcomm agreed to take the risk, given the dramatically lower cost of launch for a secondary payload.

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Copyright © 2005-2025, Colorado State University. All rights reserved.
This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-01-21