FR-1 satellite

FR-1 / France-1

Scout-X4 launch rocket
launch rocket

This page contains philatelic information on the French FR-1 / France-1 satellite. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

FR-1 was launched by a Scout-X4 rocket on 6 December 1965. The French Diamant rocket launched other French satellites of the era.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
FR-1 / France-1
FR-1 / France-1
FR-1 / France-1
FR-1 (on other than FR-1 launch covers)

Below is a list of FR-1 / France-1 satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
FR-1 / France-1 (France)
Andorra (French Admin.)171 (Mi197)

Andorra (French Admin.)171 dsDeluxe sheet (171)
Andorra (French Admin.)171 maxiMaxicard
Andorra (French Admin.)171 proofSigned proof
Andorra (French Admin.)171 scSouvenir card
Andorra (French Admin.)171 fdc1Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp 171); also Scout-X4 launch rocket (in fdc1 cachet)
Andorra (French Admin.)171 fdc2Stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (Edicions PUJOL) cachet on FDC
BeninUnknown b (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2012"FR-1"
Burundi587 (Mi1581A)
i587 (Mi1581B)

Burundi588a (BL117C)
i588a (BL117B)
On one of MS3 (586-588)
On one of imperforate MS3 (i586-i588)
ChecheniaLocalTogo C145 overprinted on 4x Russia 5984 (Mi6177), from strip of 5, also overprint template1996
ChecheniaLocalTogo C145 overprint inverted on 4x Russia 5984 (Mi6177)
ChecheniaLocalTogo C145 overprinted on 4x Russia 6069 (Mi253), from strip of 5, also overprint template
ChecheniaLocal booklet frontTogo C145
One of local post MS8 (a-h)
One of imperforate local post MS8 (a-h)
DhufarLocal c o/pOne of local post MS8 (a-h) overprinted "Apollo-17"1973
Ecuador756B (Mi1285)1966
Ecuador756B pairTête-bêche pair
Ecuador756Bc (BL29)
i756Bc (BL30)
MS3 (756-756B)
Imperforate MS3 (i756-i756B), changed colors
France1148 card (Mi1539 card)(Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDOI card1966"FR-1" (in text); the D-1 satellite depicted in the stamp was launched by a Diamant-A rocket (depicted in the cachet); (FR-1 was launched by a Scout-X4 rocket)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard back, also front1977FR-1 (launched by a Scout-X4 rocket, but an Ariane launch rocket is depicted)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard back (different)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard back (different)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel and (Association philatélique du CNES) cachet on cover1977FR-1 (launched by a Scout-X4 rocket, but only the Ariane, Diamant, and Dragon launch rockets are depicted)
France6100a (Mi8049)In (surrounding) margin of MS15 (15x 6100), also annotated2021FR-1 [#3]
GabonC44 (Mi245)

1966FR-1; also Scout-X4 launch rocket (on stamp and in FDC cachet)
GabonC44 fdcStamp and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
GabonC44 dsDeluxe sheet (C44)
GabonC44 proof1Signed proof (black)
GabonC44 proof2Signed proof (blue)
MauritaniaC46 (Mi268)

1966"FR-1"; also Scout-X4 launch rocket
MauritaniaC46 proofDeluxe sheet (C46)
MauritaniaC46 proof1Signed proof (blue)
MauritaniaC46 proof2Signed proof (red)
MauritaniaC46 proof3Signed proof (brown)
MauritaniaC46 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
MauritaniaC46 fdc2Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
MauritaniaC46 fdc3Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
NigerC60 (Mi126)

NigerC60 dsDeluxe sheet (C60)
NigerC60 maxiMaxicard
NigerC60 fdcStamp and (black printed) cachet on FDC
Panama474a (Mi943)In (top and bottom) selvedges of MS25 (25x 474)1966
Panama474B (Mi945A)
i474B (Mi945B)
i474B_var (Mi951)
Also on selvedge
Imperforate with changed colors
Panama474Eg fdc(Black printed) cachet on FDC
Panama474+474B+474E fdc
i474+i474B+i474E_var fdc
One of three stamps and (black printed) cachet on FDC
One of three imperforate stamps with changed colors and (black printed) cachet on FDC
Poland1470 (Mi1734)1966"FR-1"
Poland1469-1471 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC
Romania1846 (Mi2510)1966"FR-1"
Romania1846 maxiMaxicard
Romania1846+1848 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
St. Vincent3827d (Mi7076)
One of MS4 (3827 (a-d)) (Mi7073-7076)
One of imperforate MS4 (i3827 (a-d))
St. Vincent3827 proofSigned-proof MS4 (a-d)
St. Vincent3827 fdc
i3827 fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
St. Vincent3827a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
SenegalC45 (Mi326)

1966"FR-1"; also Scout-X4 launch rocket
SenegalC45 proof1Signed proof (red)
SenegalC45 proof2Signed proof (brown)
SenegalC45 proof3Signed proof (red-brown)
SenegalC45 dsDeluxe sheet (C45)
SenegalC45 maxiMaxicard
SenegalC45 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
SenegalC45 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
Staffa (Scotland)Local_ssIn (lower-left) margin of imperforate silver local post SS11978
Staffa (Scotland)Local_ssIn (lower-left) margin of imperforate gold local post SS1
Staffa (Scotland)Local_msIn (upper-right) margin of perforated and imperforate silver local post MS2
Staffa (Scotland)Local_msIn (upper-right) margin of perforated and imperforate gold local post MS2
Togo595 (Mi559A)
i595 (Mi559B)

Togo595 maxiMaxicard
TogoC66 (Mi566A)
iC66 (Mi566B)

TogoC66a (BL27)MS2 (C65-C66)(As above for stamps)
TogoC66a fdcMS2 on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Togo593-598+C65-C66 fdcTwo of eight stamps on FDC (blank/no cachet)
TogoC145 (Mi848A)
iC145 (Mi848B)

TogoC145a (BL53)On one of imperforate MS4 (769-770, C144-C145)
TogoTogo.770+C144-C145 fdc
Togo.i770+iC144-iC145 fdc
One of three stamps and (Togo Post) cachet on FDC
One of three imperforate stamps and (Togo Post) cachet on FDC
United Nations256 fdc (Mi279 fdc)(Artmaster) cachet on FDC, also annotated1975
United StatesNone(Black rubber-stamp) cachet on cover1967"FR-1"
United StatesNone(GSFC multi-satellite blue rubber-stamp) cachet on cover1979"FR-1"
Upper VoltaC29 (Mi187)

Upper VoltaC29 proofSigned proof (red)
Upper VoltaC29 maxiMaxicard
Upper VoltaC29 fdcStamp and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
Upper VoltaC37 (Mi215)

Upper VoltaC37 proofProof (blue)
Upper VoltaC37 dsDeluxe sheet (C37)
Upper VoltaC37-C38 fdcOne of two stamps and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C37)

Below is a list of FR-1 / France-1 satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
1965-12-06: FR-1 / France-1 (France)
United States1965-12-06Vandenberg AFB, CA(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insertFR-1 launch
United States1965-12-06Vandenberg AFB, CA(Rank velvet) cachet on coverFR-1 launch
United States1965-12-06Vandenberg AFB, CA(Red and black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverFR-1 launch
United States1965-12-06Vandenberg AFB, CA(Sarzin?) cachet on coverFR-1 launch (but Explorer-38/49 type depicted)
United States1965-12-06Vandenberg AFB, CA(Blue rubber-stamp and black printed) cachet on coverFR-1 launch
FR-1 / France-1 (anniversary)
Romania1965-12-06Iasi(Romania 1846) stamp and (pictorial) cancel and (RF) cachet on cover30th anniv. FR-1 launch; also Scout-X4 launch rocket (in pictorial cancel)
FR-1 (on other than FR-1 launch covers)
United States1976-03-16Auburn MA(GSFC Stamp Club blue printed) cachet on 50th anniv. first liquid fuel rocket flight/launch cover"FR-1"
United States1978-05-20GSFC, MD(GSFC multi-satellite blue rubber-stamp) cachet (same design as immediately above) on Pioneer-12 launch cover"FR-1"
United States1978-10-24GSFC, MD(GSFC multi-satellite blue rubber-stamp) cachet (same) on Nimbus-7 and CAMEO launch cover"FR-1"
United States1983-01-25Greenbelt MD(GSFC multi-satellite blue rubber-stamp) cachet (same) on IRAS and PIX-2 launch cover"FR-1"
French Guiana2008-06-12Kourou(Association Philatélique du C.E. SPS) cachet on Skynet-5C and Turksat-3A launch cover"FR-1"

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-10-20