GOCE / Earth Explorer-1

Earth Explorer

SMOS / Earth Explorer-2
GOCE / Earth Explorer-1SMOS / Earth Explorer-2

Below is a list of Earth Explorer series satellites, including launch dates and links to information on the satellites. If readers know of additional information, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Since all Earth Explorer-series satellites have other names as well, launch covers and other postal items for these satellites are found under those other names.

SatelliteLaunch DateOther NameMission or DestinationType/Discipline
Earth Explorer (ESA)
Earth Explorer-12009-03-17GOCEEarth's gravity fieldscientific/research/technology
Earth Explorer-22009-11-02SMOSsoil moistureenvironmental-observing
Earth Explorer-32010-04-08CryoSat-2Earth's cryosphereenvironmental-observing
Earth Explorer-42018-08-22ADM-AeolusEarth's wind fieldsenvironmental-observing
Earth Explorer-5A/5B/5C2013-11-22Swarm-A/B/CEarth's geomagnetic fieldscientific/research/technology
Earth Explorer-62024-05-28EarthCAREclouds and aerosolsenvironmental-observing
Earth Explorer-72024-?BiomassEarth's biomassenvironmental-observing
Earth Explorer-82025-?FLEXvegetation fluorescenceenvironmental-observing
Earth Explorer-92027-?FORUMobserve Earth in the far-infraredenvironmental-observing
Earth Explorer-10A/10B2029-?Harmony-A/Bsynthetic aperture radar and multiview thermal-infraredenvironmental-observing
Earth Explorer-112031-?Awaiting final selection

Links to Earth Explorer-series satellite information:

(The link below leads to information sources that are maintained by others. They are not part of this Website.)

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Copyright © 2013-2024, Colorado State University. All rights reserved.
This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-05-28