
ESA-GEOS (patch)

This page contains philatelic information on the European Space Agency (ESA) Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite (GEOS) series. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

This list includes the ESA-GEOS series from 1977-1978 only, not to be confused with USA GEOS series from 1965-1975.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
ESA-GEOS (on other than ESA-GEOS launch covers)

Below is a list of ESA-GEOS-series postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite (GEOS) (ESA)
Australia869 fdc (Mi836 fdc)(Benham) cachet on FDC1983ESA-GEOS; (same design as in Equatorial Guinea Mi1266A and Congo Republic Unknown ms 2015)
Chad708d (Mi1508A)
i708d (Mi1508B)
One stamp and in selvedge of MS6 (708 (a-f)) (Mi1505A-1510A)
One stamp and in selvedge of imperforate MS6 (i708 (a-f)) (Mi1505B-1510B)
1997"SMS-GEOS" (with E-before-O, mis-spelled in selvedge text, and SMS/GOES-1/2/3 type depicted)
Congo (Republic)Unknown ms (Mi none)
Unknown ims
In (upper and lower) margins of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
In (upper and lower) margins of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2015"GEOS-1" and reproduction of EquatorialGuinea BL277; (same design as in Australia 869 fdc and Equatorial Guinea Mi1266A)
Congo (Republic)Unknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
Congo (Republic)Unknown ms proofMS4 proof
Equatorial GuineaMi1266A

1976-1978ESA-GEOS; (same design as in Australia 869 fdc and Congo Republic Unknown ms 2015)
Equatorial GuineaMi1266A fdcStamp on (airmail) FDC
Equatorial GuineaBL277Imperforate SS1
Equatorial GuineaBL277 2ndImperforate SS, second printing1
Equatorial GuineaBL277 muestraImperforate SS1, overprinted "muestra"
Equatorial GuineaBL277 fdcImperforate SS1 on (airmail) FDC
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p1Imperforate SS1 (BL277) 1st overprint
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p1 muestraImperforate SS1 (BL277) 1st overprint, overprinted "muestra"
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p1 fdcImperforate SS1 (BL277) 1st overprint, on (airmail) FDC
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p2Imperforate SS1 (BL277) 2nd overprint
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p2 muestraImperforate SS1 (BL277) 2nd overprint, overprinted "muestra"
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p2 invertedImperforate SS1 (BL277) 2nd overprint inverted
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p3Imperforate SS1 (BL277) 3rd overprint
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p3 muestraImperforate SS1 (BL277) 3rd overprint, overprinted "muestra"
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p3 invertedImperforate SS1 (BL277) 3rd overprint inverted
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p4Imperforate SS1 (BL277) 4th overprint
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p4 muestraImperforate SS1 (BL277) 4th overprint, overprinted "muestra"
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p4 invertedImperforate SS1 (BL277) 4th overprint inverted
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p5Imperforate SS1 (BL277) 5th overprint
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p5 muestra1Imperforate SS1 (BL277) 5th overprint, overprinted "muestra"
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p5 muestra2Imperforate SS1 (BL277) 5th overprint, double-overprint "muestra"
Equatorial GuineaBL277 o/p5 fdcImperforate SS1 (BL277) 5th overprint (airmail) FDC
Equatorial GuineaBL277 coverImperforate SS1 and (octagonal sticker) cachet on (airmail) cover1977ESA-GEOS; (same design as in Australia 869 fdc and Congo Republic Unknown ms 2015)
GabonUnknown c (Mi none)
Unknown ic
One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
GabonUnknown proofSigned-proof MS4(As above for stamp)
GabonUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 on FDC
GabonUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
MozambiqueUnknown (Mi?)Also detail2008"Geos No.2" (in text only)
MozambiqueUnknown fdcStamp and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
On stamp of SS1, also detail
On stamp of imperforate SS1
MozambiqueUnknown ss fdc
Unknown ss fdc
SS1 and (multi-oolor printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Oman StateUnlisted (Mi none)
Unlisted imperf
One of pair (2x 10b) overprinted in black
One of imperforate pair (2x 10b) overprinted in black
Oman StateUnlisted (Mi none)
Unlisted imperf
One of pair (2x 10b) overprinted in red
One of imperforate pair (2x 10b) overprinted in red
Oman StateUnlisted (Mi none)
Unlisted imperf
One of pair (2x 18b) overprinted in black
One of imperforate pair (2x 18b) overprinted in black
Oman StateUnlisted (Mi none)
Unlisted imperf
One of pair (2x 18b) overprinted in red
One of imperforate pair (2x 18b) overprinted in red
Oman StateUnlisted (Mi none)
Unlisted imperf
One of pair (2x 20b) overprinted in black
One of imperforate pair (2x 20b) overprinted in black
Oman StateUnlisted (Mi none)
Unlisted imperf
One of pair (2x 20b) overprinted in red
One of imperforate pair (2x 20b) overprinted in red
Oman StateUnlisted ss (BL none)SS1 overprinted in gold
Oman StateUnlisted ss (BL none)Imperforate SS1 overprinted in silver
ParaguayC407 (Mi2673)1975"GEOS Premier" (ESA-GEOS-1)
ParaguayC407 muestraOverprinted "muestra"
Paraguay1975 (BL356)In (lower) margin of SS11980ESA-GEOS (not "Intasat", as in text)
Paraguay1975 muestraIn (lower) margin of SS1, overprinted "muestra"
SpainNone(Orange and blue and black printed) cachet on cover1984ESA-"GEOS" (in text only); (or possibly Explorer-29/36 "GEOS")

1Equatorial Guinea BL277 was produced in 2 printings, if not more: The first printing is blue and the second is blue-violet (as seen in the non-overprinted sheets). A third printing that is magenta has been found overprinted only, and possibly a fourth printing with more green has been found on FDCs only). None of the overprints appear to be found on more than one printing.

Below is a list of ESA-GEOS-series launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite (GEOS) (ESA)
1977-04-20: ESA-GEOS-1
Belgium1977-04-20no cancel(Club philatélique ESA and red rubber-stamp) cachets on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch
Germany (West)1977-04-20Darmstadt(Club philatélique ESA) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch
United States1977-04-20Kennedy Space Center FL(Space Voyage) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch
United States1977-04-20Cape Canaveral FL(Space Voyage) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch
United States1977-04-20Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch ("ESRO-GEOS" in text)
United States1977-04-20Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch ("ESRO-GEOS" in text)
United States1977-04-20Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch (SMS/GOES-1/2/3 type depicted)
United States1977-04-20Cape Canaveral FL(ESTEC Philatelic Club) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch
United States1977-04-20Kennedy Space Center FL(SCPS) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch
United States1977-04-20Orlando FL, Kennedy Space Center Branch(Lollini silk) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch
United States1977-04-20Kennedy Space Center FL(Havekotte blue and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch ("ESRO-GEOS" in text) (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1977-04-20Kennedy Space Center FL(Havekotte blue and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverESA-GEOS-1 launch ("ESRO-GEOS" in text) (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1977-04-20Cape Canaveral FL(Whitney purple and black) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch ("Geodynamic Experimental Ocean Satellite - A" in text)
United States1977-04-20Greenbelt MD(GSFC Stamp Club) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch ("ESRO-GEOS" in text)
United States1977-04-20
Greenbelt MD
Prince Georges MD
(GSFC STDN blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-1 launch ("ESRO-GEOS" in text)
ESA-GEOS-1 (events)
Germany (West)1977-04-27Michelstadt(Club Philatélique ESA) cachet on coverReached initial operational position
1978-07-14: ESA-GEOS-2
Germany (West)1978-07-14Darmstadt(Lollini) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
Italy1978-07-14Florence (Firenze)(G. Oliveti) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Space Voyage) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Space Voyage) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch (SMS/GOES-1/2/3 type depicted)
United States1978-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Havekotte blue and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1978-07-14Orlando FL, Kennedy Space Center Branch(Havekotte blue and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet (and signature) on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1978-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Havekotte blue and red comsat and rocket rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverESA-GEOS-2 launch (but Westar-1/2/3 type or similar depicted with a rocket1)
United States1978-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(ESTEC Philatelic Club) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Orlando FL, Kennedy Space Center Branch(Lollini silk) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Centennial) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(Centennial-like) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(SCPS) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Kennedy Space Center FL(SCPS) cachet (and signature) on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
United States1978-07-14Cape Canaveral FL(Whitney blue and black) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch
France1978-07-17Paris(Lollini) cachet on coverESA-GEOS-2 launch (canceled 17 July, since PO was closed 14-16 July)
ESA-GEOS-2 (events)
Germany (West)1978-07-26Michelstadt(Lollini) cachet on coverReached initial operational position
ESA-GEOS (on other than ESA-GEOS launch covers)
United States1975-10-16Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on GOES-1 launch cover"GEOS-1" (but SMS/GOES-1/2/3 type depicted)
United States1977-06-16Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on GOES-2 launch cover"GEOS-2" (but SMS/GOES-1/2/3 type depicted)
United States1978-06-16Cape Canaveral FL(Orbit Covers) cachet on GOES-3 launch cover"GEOS-3" (but SMS/GOES-1/2/3 type depicted)

1The rocket in this cachet is based on a Whitney-design cachet as found on covers such as this GOES-1_cover; the comsat design is similar to that of the Westar-1/2/3 type or Palapa-A1/A2 type or Anik-A1/A2 type satellites, all of which are essentially identical.

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-10-20