OSCAR-75 (ELaNa-4 group)

(Selected NASA)
cubesat groups

Below is a list of (Selected) ELaNa (Educational LAunch of NAnosatellites) cubesat groups, including launch dates and links to information on the satellites. If readers know of additional information, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Since all ELaNa cubesat groups include other satellite names, launch covers and other postal items for these satellites are found under those other names.

Cubesat groupsLaunch DateELaNa satellite(s)Non-ELaNa satellite(s)
ELaNa cubesat groups
Items in this table are arranged by cubesat group number, rather than chronologically
ELaNa-1 [failed]2011-03-043 cubesat missions (Explorer-1[Prime], HERMES, KySat-1)Glory
ELaNa-22013-12-064 cubesat missions (FIRBIRD-I-A/B, IPEX, CUNYSAT, M-Cubed-2/COVE)NROL-39 / Topaz-3, AeroCube-5A/5B, and others
ELaNa-32011-10-285 cubesat missions (Explorer-1[Prime], M-Cubed/COVE, DICE, Rax-2, AubieSat-1/OSCAR-71)S-NPP, and others
ELaNa-412013-11-2011 cubesat missions (KySat-2, COPPER, Trailblazer, TJ3Sat, CAPE-2/OSCAR-75, Ho`oponopono-2 (H-2), DragonSat-1, SwampSat, ChargerSat-1, Vermont-Lunar, PhoneSat-2.4)ORS-3, STPSat-3, and others
ELaNa-62012-09-134 cubesat missions (CSSWE, CINEMA, CP-5, CXBN)NROL-36
ELaNa-7 [failed]2015-11-042 cubesat missions (Argus, PrintSat)ORS-4
ELaNa-102015-01-314 cubesat missions (FIREBIRD-IIA/B, GRIFEX, EXOCUBE)SMAP
ELaNa-112015-05-201 cubesat mission (LightSail-A)X-37B_OTV-4, OSCAR-83/84, AeroCube-8A/8B, and LightSail-1 and others
ELaNa-122015-10-084 cubesat missions (BisonSat, Fox-1A/OSCAR-85, ARC-1, LMRSTSat)NROL-55 / NOSS-3-7A/7B, and AeroCube-5C/7A and others
ELaNa-13 [in Cygnus-CRS-8 group]2017-11-123 cubesat missions (ISARA, EcAMSat, TechEdSat-6)Lemur-2-50/57, and others
ELaNa-142017-11-184 cubesat missions (RadFxSat/Fox-1B/OSCAR-91, EagleSat, MiRaTA, MakerSat)JPSS-1/NOAA-20, and 1 other
ELaNa-152019-06-253 cubesat missions (ARMADILLO, LEO (CP9), StangSat)Formosat-7A/7F, Falconsat-7, OSCAR-103/104
ELaNa-202021-01-179 cubesat missions (PolarCube, MiTEE, CACTUS-1, Q-PACE, TechEdSat-7, RadFxSat-2/Fox-1E/OSCAR-109, EXOCUBE, CAPE-3, PICs)others
ELaNa-212018-12-052 cubesat missions (TechEdSat-8, UNITE)others
ELaNa-232018-05-217 cubesat missions (EQUiSat, CubeRTT, HaloSat, MemSat, RadSat-G, RainCube, TEMPEST-D)others
ELaNa-24 [in SmallSat Express group]2018-12-032 cubesat missions (IRVINE02, WeissSat-1)Flock-3s-1/2/3, FalconSat-6, SkySat-14/15, ORS-7A/7B, STPSat-5, OSCAR-95/96/97, and others
ELaNa-282018-09-153 cubesat missions (DAVE, ELFINA/B, SurfSat)ICESat-2
ELaNa-30 [in Cygnus-CRS-13 group]2020-02-151 cubesat mission (TechEdSat-10)others
ELaNa-342021-09-272 cubesat missions (CUTE, CuPID)Landsat-9
ELaNa-35 [in Transporter-1 group]2021-01-241 cubesat mission (PTD-1)
ELaNa-362021-06-031 cubesat mission (RamSat)OSCAR-112, and others
ELaNa-40 and 47 [in Transporter-7 group]2023-04-152 cubesat missions (CIRBE, LLITED)
ELaNa-432024-07-048 cubesat missions (CatSat, KUbeSat-1, MESAT-1, R5-S2-2.0, R4-S4, Serenity, SOC-I, TechEdSat-11)
ELaNa-482024-07-091 cubesat mission (CURIE)
ELaNa-52 [in Cygnus-CRS-21 group]2024-08-042 cubesat mission (CySat-1, DORA)
ELaNa-57 [in Transporter-10 group]2024-03-041 cubesat mission (M3)
ELaNa-61 and ELaNa-64 [in Transporter-13 group]202x2 cubesat missions (REAL and TRYAD)

1Regarding the "CalPoly" connection to ELaNa-4 as found in the text of this USA launch cover: There were eight Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployers (P-PODs) aboard the Minotaur-1 rocket that ferried the cubesats to space. The P-POD was designed and manufactured by the California Polytechnic State University (CalPoly) of San Luis Obispo CA, to integrate CubeSats into the launch vehicle. After the main payload deployed, the CubeSats separated from their P-PODs.

Links to ELaNa group information:

(The link below leads to information sources that are maintained by others. They are not part of this Website.)

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-01-14