


This page contains philatelic information on the French D-series satellites. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

SIGNE-3, the Solar Interplanetary Gamma-Neutron Experiment 3, a D-2B type spacecraft, is also included here.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Reference images
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
D-series (on other than D-series launch covers)

Below is a list of D-series satellite postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
D-series (France)

AjmanMi257A-259A+Mi261A-262A fdcOne of five stamps on FDC
Central African RepublicC41 (Mi119)

1966"D-1"; also Diamant launch rocket
Central African RepublicC41 proofSigned-proof (purple)
Central African RepublicC41 fdc1Stamp on FDC (Éditions J.F. cachet)
Central African RepublicC41 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
Central African Republic597 (Mi954)

ChadUnknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
Imperforate SS1
2010D-2B / "Aura"1
ChadUnknown ss fdc
Unknown iss fdc
SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate SS1 on FDC
Comoro IslandsC17 (Mi74)
1966"D-1"A / Diapason
Comoro IslandsC17 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
Comoro IslandsC17 fdc2Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDC
Congo RepublicC37 (Mi93)

Congo RepublicC37 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
Congo (People's Republic)643 (Mi871)

1982D-1 (with last stage attached); (see also Mali 337 and (brown and black printed) cachet on France 1934 fdc)
Cuba776 cover (Mi836 cover)(Brown and orange printed) cachet on cover1967"D-1"
Cuba2584 (Mi2733)1983"D-1"
Cuba3019 (Mi3175)1988D-2B / "SIGNE-3"
Cuba3019-3022 fdcOne of four stamps on FDC (grey printed cachet)
DjiboutiUnknown h (Mi none)
Unknown ih
One of MS9 (a-i) [known illegal issue]
One of imperforate MS9 (a-i)
2010"D-2B" / "Aura"1
DjiboutiUnknown ms proofSigned-proof MS9
DjiboutiUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS9 on FDC
Imperforate MS9 on FDC
Dominica2238d (Mi2899)One of MS6 (2238 (a-f)) (Mi2896-2901)2000"Diadème" / D-1C/1D type
Ecuador756 (Mi1283)Only on (upper) selvedge in black1966D-1; also Diamant launch rocket (on stamp)
Ecuador756A (Mi1284)On stamp and on (right) selvedge in blackD-1
Ecuador756A pairTête-bêche pair
Ecuador756B (Mi1285)On stamp and on (upper) selvedge in red
Ecuador756B pairTête-bêche pair
Ecuador756Bc (BL29)
i756Bc (BL30)
MS3 (756-756B)
Imperforate MS3 (i756-i756B), changed colors
Ecuador757 (Mi1292)
757A (Mi1293)
757B (Mi1294)
Only on (left) selvedge in black1967D-1
1137-1138+1148 ims3
MS3 (1137-1138+1148)
Imperforate MS3 (i1137-i1138+i1148)
1966"D-1"; also Diamant launch rocket
France1148 (Mi1539)
1966"D-1"A / Diapason; (see also cachet on Tunisia 653 fdc)
France1148 dsDeluxe sheet (1148)
France1148 proofTrial-color proof
France1148 maxi1Maxicard
France1148 maxi2Maxicard (different)
France1148 maxi3Maxicard (different)
France1148 maxi4Maxicard (different)
France1148 maxi5Maxicard (Éditions P.A.C.), also back
France1148 maxi6Maxicard (Éditions Bourgogne), also back
France1148 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.J. orange) cachet on FDC
France1148 fdc2Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.J. green) cachet on FDC
France1148 fdc3Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.J. blue) cachet on FDC
France1148 fdc4Stamp and (text) cancel and (black printed) cachet on FDC
France1148 fdc5Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp 1148); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
France1148 cardStamp and (Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDOI card"D-1", "D-1B", and "D-1C" (in text only); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
FranceNoneFolder1975"Castor", "Pollux", "D-2B" (in text only)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard back, also front1977D-2 / SIGNE-3 type (but neither was launched by the depicted Ariane launch rocket)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard back (different)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel on postcard back (different)
FranceNone(Pictorial) cancel and (Association philatélique du CNES) cachet on cover1977D-1, D-2 / SIGNE-3 type, and Diamant launch rocket
France1835 fdc1 (Mi2335 fdc1)(Multi-color printed) cachet on FDC1982D-2 / SIGNE-3 type
France1835 fdc2 (Mi2335 fdc2)(Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDCD-1
France1835 cover (Mi2335 cover)(Aéro Club de Bourgogne) cachet on cover1983D-1
France1934 fdc (Mi2450 fdc)(Brown and black printed) cachet on FDC1984D-1 (with last stage attached); (see also CongoPR 643 and Mali 337)
FranceNone(CNEP-2000) cinderella2000D-2 / SIGNE-3 type
French PolynesiaC42 (Mi54)
1966"D-1"A / Diapason
French PolynesiaC42 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
French PolynesiaC42 fdc2Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C42); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
French PolynesiaC42 fdc3Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDCD-1
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC11 (Mi35)
1966"D-1"A / Diapason
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC11 dsDeluxe sheet (C11)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC11 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC11 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C11); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC49 (Mi144)

1980D-2 / SIGNE-3 type (on stamp and cachet), "D-2B" (in text on maxicard back), D-5A / Pollux (on stamp)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC49 dsDeluxe sheet (C49)
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC49 fdcStamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC49 maxiMaxicard, also back
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC52 (Mi120)

1978D-2 / SIGNE-3 type, D-5A / Pollux
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC52 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC52 fdc2Stamp and (black printed) cachet on FDC
French Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesC52-C53 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC (TAAF Official cachet)
GabonUnknown c (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2018"Castor & Pollux" (D-5B & D-5A), launched by "Diamant-BP4" rocket on "17 mai 1975"
GabonUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
GabonUnknown ims fdcImperforate MS4 on FDC
Ghana307a (BL26)In (lower-right) margin of imperforate MS3 (305-307)1967D-1
Ivory CoastUnknown b (Mi none)From MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2012"D-1C" / "Diadème-1"
Ivory CoastUnknown c (Mi?)D-5B, "Castor"
Ivory CoastUnknown d (Mi?)D-5A, "Pollux"
Ivory CoastUnknown b proof
Unknown ib proof
From proof MS4 (a-d)
From imperforate proof MS4 (a-d)
"D-1C" / "Diadème-1"
Ivory CoastUnknown c proof
Unknown ic proof
D-5B, "Castor"
Ivory CoastUnknown d proof
Unknown id proof
D-5A, "Pollux"
Ivory CoastUnknown proof fdc
Unknown imp proof fdc
MS4 proof on FDC
Imperforate MS4 proof on FDC
(As above for proof)
Ivory CoastUnknown a-d proof fdcStamps a-d proof on FDC
MalawiUnknown c (Mi?)
Unknown ic
One of MS4 (a-d)
One of imperforate MS4 (a-d)
2012"D-2A" / "Tournesol"
MalawiUnknown ic proofOne of imperforate proof MS4 (a-d)
MalawiUnknown ms proofSigned-proof MS4 (a-d)
MalawiUnknown fdc
Unknown ifdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MalawiUnknown a-d fdcOne of four stamps on FDC
Maldive Islands247 (Mi252)1968"D-1"
Maldive Islands252 (Mi257)
MaliC44 (Mi143)

MaliC44 proofSigned proof (purple)
MaliC44 dsDeluxe sheet (C44)
MaliC42-C44 fdcOne of three stamps and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C44)
Mali337 (Mi708)
From MS10 (10x 337 + 5 labels)
1979D-1 (with last stage attached); (see also CongoPR 643 and (brown and black printed) cachet on France 1934 fdc)
MaliUnknown d (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-b) [known illegal issue]2018"Tournesol D-2" launched by "Diamant-B" (and launch date)
MaliUnknown ims fdcImperforate MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MaliUnknown c (Mi none)One of MS4 (a-d) [known illegal issue]2018D-5A / "Pollux" and D-5B / "Castor"
MaliUnknown ms fdc
Unknown ims fdc
MS4 on FDC
Imperforate MS4 and (multi-color printed) cachet (design like stamp) on FDC

ManamaMi87A-89A+Mi91A-92A fdc
Mi87B-89B+Mi91B-92B fdc
One of five stamps on FDC
One of five imperforate stamps on FDC
One of strip of 5 (Mi1205A-1209A), or one of MS50 (Mi1195A-1219A + Ajman Mi2493A-2517A)
One of imperforate strip of 5 (Mi1205B-1209B), or one of imperforate MS50 (Mi1195B-1219B + Ajman Mi2493B-2517B)
MS5 (Mi1205A-1209A)
Imperforate MS5 (Mi1205B-1209B)
MauritaniaC52 (Mi277)

1966"D-1"; also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
MauritaniaC52 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
MauritaniaC52 fdc2Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.J.) cachet on FDC
MauritaniaC52 fdc3Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
MozambiqueUnknown ss (BL?)
Unknown iss
In (upper) margin of SS1
In (upper) margin of imperforate SS1
2007D-2B / "Aura"1
MozambiqueUnknown ss fdc
Unknown iss fdc
SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
Imperforate SS1 and (multi-color printed) cachet on FDC
MozambiqueUnknown ss var
Unknown iss var
In (upper) margin of SS1, variety
In (upper) marging of imperforate SS1, variety
Nagaland (India)Local_dOne of local post MS6 (a-f)1979D-1
New CaledoniaC46 (Mi421)
1966"D-1"A / Diapason
New CaledoniaC46 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C46); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
Nicaragua1155 (Mi2264)1982D-2 / SIGNE-3 type
NigerC61 (Mi127)

NigerC61 fdcStamp and (black printed) cachet on FDC
Panama474E (Mi948A)
i474E (Mi948B)
i474E var (Mi954)

Imperforate with changed colors
Panama474Eg (BL63)
SS1 (474E)
Imperforate SS1 (i474E), changed colors
Panama474Eg fdcSS1 on FDC
Panama474+474B+474E fdc
i474+i474B+i474E var fdc
One of three stamps on FDC
One of three imperforate stamps with changed colors on FDC
PanamaC365a (Mi1137)One stamp and on (left and upper) selvedge of MS6 (C365 (a-f)) (Mi1137-1142)1969"Diadème" / D-1C/1D type
ParaguayC348 (BL194)SS11972"D-2A"
In (upper-right) margin of SS1
In (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1
PhilippinesBLIIA snvIn (upper-right) margin of SS1, BLII overprinted "SNV"
PhilippinesBLIIB airIn (upper-right) margin of imperforate SS1, BLII inscribed "airmail"
Ras Al KhaimaC30 (Mi319A)
iC30 (Mi319B)

Ras Al KhaimaC30 dsDeluxe sheet (C30)
Romania2484 (Mi3190)One of pair (2484a (2483-2484)), or five of MS10 (2484b (5x (2483-2484)))1974D-2 / SIGNE-3 type
Russia (USSR)5061 (Mi5192)From MS8 (5061a (8x 5061))1982D-2 / SIGNE-3 type (and Prognoz and Venera-9/14 type)
St. Pierre and MiquelonC32 (Mi415)
1966"D-1"A / Diapason
St. Pierre and MiquelonC32 proofSigned proof (black)
St. Pierre and MiquelonC32 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C32); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
St. Pierre and MiquelonC32 fdc2Stamp and (text) cancel and (brown printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C32)
St. Pierre and MiquelonC32 fdc3Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C32); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
SenegalC46 (Mi335)

SenegalC46 proof1Signed proof (blue)
SenegalC46 proof2Signed proof (black)
SenegalC46 proof3Signed proof (red)
SenegalC46 proof4Signed proof (green)
SenegalC46 fdcStamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
Somali CoastC49 (Mi381)
1966"D-1"A / Diapason
Somali CoastC49 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C49); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
Somali CoastC49 fdc2Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C49)
SpainNone(Orange and blue and black printed) cachet on cover1984"D5" (in text only)
SpainNone(Multi-color printed) cachet (reproduction of Djibouti MS9) on (un-canceled) (Spanish Post) stamped envelope (from 2011)2013"D-2B" / "Aura"1 (on stamp 'h' in cachet)
Staffa (Scotland)Local_ssIn (left) margin of imperforate silver local post SS11978D-2 / SIGNE-3 type
Staffa (Scotland)Local_ssIn (left) margin of imperforate gold local post SS1
Staffa (Scotland)Local_msIn (upper-left) margin of perforated and imperforate silver local post MS2
Staffa (Scotland)Local_msIn (upper-left) margin of perforated and imperforate gold local post MS2
Tartari RepublicLocal (part of 350 value and part of 500 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 45203 (Mi4497), from strip of 5, also overprint template199?D-2 / SIGNE-3 type
Tartari RepublicLocal (1000 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 45203 (Mi4497), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (part of 350 value and part of 500 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 57243 (Mi5895), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (1000 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 57243 (Mi5895), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (part of 350 value and part of 500 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 57283 (Mi5899), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (1000 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 57283 (Mi5899), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (part of 350 value and part of 500 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 57333 (Mi5904), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (1000 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 57333 (Mi5904), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (part of 350 value and part of 500 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 5984 (Mi6177), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (1000 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 5984 (Mi6177), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (part of 350 value and part of 500 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 6067 (Mi251), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (1000 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 6067 (Mi251), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (part of 350 value and part of 500 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 6110 (Mi314), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal (1000 value)Cuba 3019 overprinted on 4x4 Russia 6110 (Mi314), from strip of 5, also overprint template
Tartari RepublicLocal fdc1Two strips of 5 (from above) and (pictorial) cancel on local post FDC(As above for stamps); also (in cancel and in one cachet) same design as Cuba 3019 (showing D-2 / SIGNE-3 type)
Tartari RepublicLocal fdc2One strip of 5 (from above) and (pictorial) cancel and (multi-color printed) cachet on ocal post FDC
Togo596 (Mi562A)
i596 (Mi562B)

Togo596 maxiMaxicard
Togo598 (Mi564A)
i598 (Mi564B)

Togo593-598+C65-C66 fdcTwo of eight stamps on FDC (blank/no cachet)
Tunisia653 fdc (Mi860 fdc)(Amicale Philatélique Tunisienne) cachet on FDC1975Green monotone reproduction of France 1148 (with D-1A / Diapason) less cutouts for country, face value, and satellite name
Turkey2503 (Mi2922)1991D-2 / SIGNE-3 type
Turkey2502-2503 fdcOne of two stamps on FDC
Upper VoltaC38 (Mi216)

Upper VoltaC39 (Mi217)

Upper VoltaC39 proofsTrial color proofs
Upper VoltaC39 essaySigned essay
Upper VoltaC36+C39 fdcOne of two stamps and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C39)
Upper VoltaC37-C38 fdcOne of two stamps and (text) cancel and (Éditions So.Ge.Im.) cachet on FDC
Upper VoltaC69 (Mi268)C39 overprinted in red1969"D-1D"
Upper VoltaC184 (BL23)
In (upper-left) margin of SS1
In (upper-left) margin of imperforate SS1
1974D-5B / Castor; also Diamant launch rocket (in right margin)
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC24 (Mi211)
1966"D-1"A / Diapason
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC24 fdc1Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C24); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC24 fdc2Stamp and (text) cancel and (Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C24); also Diamant launch rocket (in cachet)
Wallis and Futuna IslandsC24 fdc3Stamp and (text) cancel and (green and brown printed) cachet on FDC(As above for stamp C24)
Yugoslavia1045 (Mi1409)From MS9 (1045a (9x 1045))1971D-1
Yugoslavia1045-1047 fdcOne of three stamps on FDC

1The French D-series satellite (D-2B / Aura) from 1975 should not be confused with the USA EOS-Aura from 2004, which goes by the same name.
3See here for a list of engraved/lithographed Russian definitive pairs known to exist with satellite overprints.
4The Tartari Republic overprints of Cuba 3019 span blocks of 4 Russian definitives but not necessarily the same blocks of 4 that divide the strips into 5 overprinted stamps. See an example of how the stamps are divided differently in terms of overprints (in red) vs. divided for use as stamps (in green). Since our emphasis is on the D-series satellite, in the table above we present the strips divided in terms of overprints.

Below is a list of D-series satellite launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
D-series (France)
1966-02-18: D-1A
No launch cover images available yet
1967-02-08: D-1C [partial failure]
No launch cover images available yet
1967-02-15: D-1D
No launch cover images available yet
1971-04-15: D-2A / Tournesol
French Guiana1971-04-15Kourou(Lollini green and blue) cachet on coverD-2A (Tournesol) launch
French Guiana1971-04-15Kourou(Lollini magenta and brown) cachet on coverD-2A (Tournesol) launch
French Guiana1971-04-15Kourou(Éditions AAG) cachet on coverD-2A (Tournesol) launch
French Guiana1971-04-15Kourou(Black typed) cachet on coverD-2A (Tournesol) launch
1971-12-06: D-2A / Polaire [failed]
French Guiana1971-12-06Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverD-2A (Polaire) launch [failed]
French Guiana1971-12-06Kourou(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverD-2A (Polaire) launch [failed]
1975-09-27: D-2B / Aura1
French Guiana1975-09-27Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverD-2B launch
French Guiana1975-09-27Kourou(Lollini silk) cachet on coverD-2B launch
French Guiana1975-09-27Kourou(CPK) cachet on coverD-2B launch
1973-05-21: D-5A / Pollux and D-5B / Castor [failed]
French Guiana1973-05-21Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverD-5A+5B launch [failed]
French Guiana1973-05-21Kourou(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverD-5A+5B launch [failed]
1975-05-17: D-5A / Pollux and D-5B / Castor
French Guiana1975-05-17Kourou(Lollini) cachet on coverD-5A+5B launch
French Guiana1975-05-17Kourou(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverD-5A+5B launch
French Guiana1975-05-17Kourou(CNES) cachet on coverD-5A+5B launch
French Guiana1975-05-17Kourou(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverD-5A+5B launch
French Guiana1975-05-17Kourou(CPK) cachet on coverD-5A+5B launch (also Super-ARCAS rocket launch in support of the satellite launch)
1977-06-17: SIGNE-32
No launch cover images available yet
D-series (on other than D-series launch covers)
French Guiana1975-05-28Kourou(Lollini) cachet on (sub-orbital) rocket launch cover"D-5A" and "D-5B"; also "detection and first measurements of atmospheric drag [acting on the satellites]" (in French text)
French Guiana1975-05-28Kourou(Lollini) cachet (slightly different) on (sub-orbital) rocket launch cover
French Guiana1975-05-28Kourou(Lollini silk) cachet on (sub-orbital) rocket launch cover"Castor" and "Pollux"
French Guiana2008-07-07Kourou(Association Philatélique du C.E. SPS) cachet on Arabsat-4AR and Intelsat-25 launch coverD-1

1The French D-series satellite (D-2B / Aura) from 1975 should not be confused with the USA EOS-Aura from 2004, which goes by the same name.
2SIGNE-1 and SIGNE-2 were payloads on Prognoz-2 and (possible) Prognoz-6 spacecraft, respectively.

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2024-08-09