
Azur, Aeros, and


This page contains philatelic information on the Azur, Aeros, and Dial-Wika/Mika satellites. Catalog numbers, years of issue, and notes on the satellites featured are given when available. If readers know of additional information or images, please contact the authors using the e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.

Azur, also known as German Research Satellite (GRS), should not be confused with the USAF Geophysical Research Satellite (GRS) from 1963, which goes by the same acronym.

Launch information
(found elsewhere)
Launch covers
(including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers)
(farther below)
Other postal items
(stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.)
(immediately below)
Azur / GRS
(West Germany)
Azur / GRS
(West Germany)
Azur / GRS
(West Germany)
(West Germany)
(West Germany)
(West Germany)

Below is a list of Azur / GRS, Aeros, and Dial-Wika/Mika postal items (stamps, souvenir sheets, aerogrammes, postal cards, etc.).

CountryCatalog NumberType of ItemYear of IssueNotes on Content
Azur / GRS (West Germany)
French GuianaNone(At upper-left of) (Verein für Weltraum-Philatelie e.V. München) cachet on cover1979"Azur"
Germany (West)None(At upper-left of) cachet on cover1966(early-design) Azur, project name "625-A1"
Germany (West)None(At upper-left of) cachet (same) on cover (different)1966(early-design) Azur, project name "625-A1"
Germany (West)None(At upper-right of blue) cachet on stamped envelope1968"Azur"
Germany (West)None(At upper-right of orange) cachet on cover1968"Azur"
Germany (West)None(MBB) cachet on cover1972"Azur" (in cachet text)
Aeros (West Germany)
Czechoslovakia2026 (Mi2280)1975Aeros (the two Aeros satellites were joint missions of the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft and NASA; the Soviet Union and India were not involved, despite the text in the stamp)
French GuianaNone(At middle-right of) (Verein für Weltraum-Philatelie e.V. München) cachet on cover1979"Aeros"
Germany (West)None(Black and green printed) cachet on cover1974"Aeros-B"
Germany (West)None(DFVLR mission patch) cachet on (un-stamped and un-canceled) cover~1975"Aeros-B"
Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika (France-Germany)
France1270 (Mi1705)

1970Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch (based on cachet in fdc1 and text in the card), but small satellite in stamp resembles Vanguard-21 (not Dial-Wika)2; (The Diamant-B launch rocket is depicted in this cancel, which is found in several of the FDCs. The cachets in all the FDCs as well as the maxicards also show it. Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika were the first satellites launched by the Diamant-B rocket)
France1270 fdc1Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet on FDC
France1270 fdc2Stamp and (Éditions J.F.) cachet (different) on FDC
France1270 fdc3Stamp and (Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDC (machine cancel)
France1270 fdc4Stamp and (Éditions P.A.C.) cachet on FDC (hand cancel)
France1270 fdc5Stamp and (Éditions P.J. no.715) cachet on FDC (hand cancel)
France1270 fdc6Stamp and (Éditions P.J. no.715) cachet on FDC (machine cancel)
France1270 fdc7Stamp on FDC (multi-color printed cachet)
France1270 cardStamp and (Éditions CEF) cachet on FDOI card
France1270 maxiMaxicard, also back
France1270 maxi2Maxicard (different)
France1270 maxi3Maxicard (Éditions CEF), also back
France1270 maxi4Maxicard (Éditions J.F.)
Germany (West)None(MBB) cachet on cover1972"Dial" (in cachet text)
Ossetia RepublicLocal (200 value)Ras Al Khaima Mi450 on Russia 45204, from strip of 5, also overprint template1994Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch; Diamant-B launch rocket
Ossetia RepublicLocal (200 value)Ras Al Khaima Mi450 on Russia 57324, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ossetia RepublicLocal (200 value)Ras Al Khaima Mi450 on Russia 57334, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ossetia RepublicLocal (200 value)Ras Al Khaima Mi450 on Russia 59844, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ossetia RepublicLocal (1050 value)Ras Al Khaima Mi450 on Russia 45204, from strip of 5, also overprint template1994Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch; Diamant-B launch rocket
Ossetia RepublicLocal (1050 value)Ras Al Khaima Mi450 on Russia 57324, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ossetia RepublicLocal (1050 value)Ras Al Khaima Mi450 on Russia 57334, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ossetia RepublicLocal (1050 value)Ras Al Khaima Mi450 on Russia 59844, from strip of 5, also overprint template
Ras Al KhaimaMi438A
From strip of 3 (Mi438A+444A+450A)
From imperforate strip of 3 (Mi438B+444B+450B)
1970Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch; Diamant-B launch rocket
Ras Al KhaimaMi444A
Ras Al KhaimaMi450A
Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch; Diamant-B launch rocket
Ras Al KhaimaMi438A+444A+450A_strip3+C78 fdcStrip of 3 on FDC(As above for stamps)
Ras Al KhaimaMi438 ds1Deluxe sheet (Mi438) (blue-grey)Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch; Diamant-B launch rocket
Ras Al KhaimaMi438 ds2Deluxe sheet (Mi438) (white)
Ras Al KhaimaMi444 ds1Deluxe sheet (Mi444) (grey/green)"Dial-Wika"
Ras Al KhaimaMi444 ds2Deluxe sheet (Mi444) (white)
Ras Al KhaimaMi450 ds1Deluxe sheet (Mi450) (grey/green)Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch; Diamant-B launch rocket
Ras Al KhaimaMi450 ds2Deluxe sheet (Mi450) (white)
Ras Al KhaimaMi438_ds1+444_ds1+450_ds1 fdc3 deluxe sheets (grey/green) on FDC(As above for stamps)
Ras Al KhaimaMi438_ds2+444_ds2+450_ds2 fdc3 deluxe sheets (white) on FDC
Ras Al KhaimaMi_I451A
Mi444A silver foil
Mi444B silver foil
Ras Al KhaimaBL_I95Imperforate deluxe sheet, silver foil
Ras Al KhaimaMi_J451A
Mi444A gold foil
Mi444B gold foil
Ras Al KhaimaBL_J95Imperforate deluxe sheet, gold foil
Ras Al KhaimaMi_I451A+Mi_I451B+BL_I95 fdcSilver and imperforate silver and silver deluxe sheet on FDC
Ras Al KhaimaMi_J451A+Mi_J451B+BL_J95 fdcGold and imperforate gold and gold deluxe sheet on FDC

1"like-Vanguard-2" items have the appearance of Vanguard-2, but the images of the satellite are quite small.
2Not Dial-Wika as intended, based on FDC.
4See here for a list of engraved/lithographed Russian definitive pairs known to exist with satellite overprints.

Below is a list of Azur / GRS, Aeros, and Dial-Wika/Mika launch covers (including anniversary-of-launch covers, and launch-related event covers).

CountryCancel DateCancel LocationType of ItemNotes on Content
1969-11-07: Azur / GRS (West Germany)
United States1969-11-07Vandenberg AFB, CA(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Vandenberg AFB, CA(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert1 and insert2 front and insert2 backAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet on cover, also insert1 and insert2 front and insert2 backAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(SpaceCraft/Swanson) cachet (and signature) on cover, also insert1 and insert2 front and insert2 backAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Vandenberg AFB, CA(Vandy?/DuBeau? blue satellite-launch and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Vandenberg AFB, CA(Vandy?/DuBeau? blue satellite-launch and red rubber-stamp) cachet (different arrangement) on coverAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(Vandy?/DuBeau? blue satellite-launch and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(Vandy?/DuBeau? blue satellite-launch and red rubber-stamp) cachet on (airmail) coverAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(Centennial) cachet on coverAzur launch
United States1969-11-07Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(Centennial) cachet (and signature) on coverAzur launch
Aeros (West Germany)
1972-12-16: Aeros-1
Germany (West)1972-12-16Wessling Oberbay(Pictorial) cancel on postal cardAeros-1 launch
Germany (West)1972-12-16Wessling Oberbay(Pictorial) cancel and (black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAeros-1 launch
Germany (West)1972-12-16Wessling Oberbay(Pictorial) cancel and (black rubber-stamp and black printed) cachet on postal cardAeros-1 launch
United States1972-12-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(Space Voyage) cachet on cover, also insertAeros-1 launch
United States1972-12-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(Swanson/DuBeau? blue rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAeros-1 launch
United States1972-12-16Greenbelt MD(GSFC Stamp Club) cachet on coverAeros-1 launch
United States1972-12-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(Centennial) cachet on coverAeros-1 launch
United States1972-12-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(Riser/Andromeda/Cygnus Cover no.42) cachet on (airmail) cover, also insert1 and insert2Aeros-1 launch
1974-07-16: Aeros-2
Germany (West)1974-07-16Wessling-Oberbay(DFVLR rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(Space Voyage) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Greenbelt MD(GSFC Stamp Club) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(Centennial) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(DuBeau? black and red rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(DuBeau? black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(DuBeau? black rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Greenbelt MD; USPS, MD(GSFC violet rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(Orbit Covers) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch (but Explorer-51/54/55 depicted)
United States1974-07-16Vandenberg AFB, CA(Quadracolor?) cachet on (airmail) coverAeros-2 launch (futuristic depiction)
United States1974-07-16Rosman NC(Purple rubber-stamp) cachet on coverAeros-2 launch
United States1974-07-16Lompoc CA, Vandenberg AFB(Polar Covers) cachet on coverAeros-2 (Aeros-B) launch; (also "Aeros-A" in text)
1970-03-10: Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika (France-Germany)
French Guiana1970-03-10Kourou(Le Burin d'Or) cachet on coverDial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch
French Guiana1970-03-10Kourou (magenta pictorial cancel)(Lollini brown) cachet on coverDial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch
French Guiana1970-03-10Kourou (black pictorial cancel)(Lollini brown) cachet on cover (cancel different color)Dial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch
French Guiana1970-03-10Kourou (text cancel)(Lollini) cachet on coverDial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch
French Guiana1970-03-10Kourou(Lollini) cachet (different) on coverDial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch
French Guiana1970-03-10Kourou(Magenta rubber-stamp) cachet on card, also backDial-Wika and Dial-Mika launch

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This Website created and maintained by Don Hillger and Garry Toth.
Updated: 2025-02-02